The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 03, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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TtMDAT, AVhVUft , Iff
gw., . .-s ..,,.. . )W W(),(, .wiwii,,,,,,,,,,,
( - :'. ..' -
Sonora Nocturne, $100
Earl Shepherd Company
"One Butincis Music Exclusively"
507 Main Street
mhici: i I'ltnrnm evm:
V I'isJ vi. mri ui:i:n mtii si.
AM inn vr. 'in T Mli:v
ii.wr uo is rmiM 'i hi: im
ri'iii k Alios or nils voim i:
IN Willi II l I'H.i: AI'I'I.KA.
in 'ii;n anniai. ixvr.M.i.
mi:nis. Nnllri. In h.rehy KlVrn Hull thu
;omfii(in loi.w.l f tin- I'll of
Kliilimtli Full. Or-riin. lll 'y "'
illntiurn No 613 ilnt adopted mi the
2ml of Auxiint. I'JS". approved by
IIih iguynr on lite 2nd ly nl Amtu.t.
1920. iti liin- III" propi.rlloi.aie
to-mimi-ni upon earn I'M. I'" " "'
II. Alter unit (1, Price, who linvo
been here on nn mitlnK. left thla
morning for Hun Francisco. They
expert lo mill Hntiuiliiy for China.
WIIIIiiiii A. Kotltiifin, of Now York
, Oily, who hint been touririK thii West
rime thu first of .Inly, left this morn-
, Iiir for Han Francisco en route to IiIm
1 omn.
! Waller II. Only, advertising sales-
,tiiiiu for thn "Hclenllflr Amnrlnin,"
twin been here on n brief business
visit unit left Ih l morning for north-
i rn point.,
Mr. unit' Mrs. It. .1. Htortxnr, of
Hell, California, who havn been hnro
on it short pleasure I rip, Iftft thin
ni'tmlriK for Hhiisla Sprlntc", en route,
to their homu.
Mr nnil Mrn. I,. Foster, who havo'
In en hire on a combined business '
i unci pleasure trip, returned to their'
.home In fiaernmcnlo thin mnrnlriK. j
i: I'. Ilrmly left thin mornlnK'
tfor Oakland where ho wn culled bj J
'the serious Illness of his wlfo who I
'in hospital there. I
1 Mr. Mnhil AndcTnnn and ilaURh
ter, Clair.', who have In en visiting,,
Mr Nllil Mrs Leslie HogcM for tint
pant two weeks, returned to their
home in Oakland this morning.
: i J. f, contractor, nnd
Nenti: to l'IIOI'i:ilIV OWWilll Harrison Allen, his (ittorney, were
O.N l OM.CH AVIAI i: THAT piissenicer on the mornlnK train for
JO liAVS I'ltmi 1ST I'oniiu,,!. They arrived hero Sunday
nnil yesiirilay serwd nn Injunction
iiirv iiavi:
I't'lll.H Alios oi
lilnik n;l r",f,,,1",r,,,";L,,,r, ' ,,,","" """ "' tl'-"l f linpro.
1., I.mi-fn-.l i..l lu.l.I.. tor a I;"'';'-1 ,MK VltuK,.r Avol,. ,,, rt...,..ry
tic "' ' .'''' "'l rr 'jii..- oi ..Mm hi in .miiurnift Ax
Inn IM.. Sir..- V,m.l,:"S.,,iin " if- luclliiR int. r.-ct on. The
mis '.oik u
l IV llll II 'III lll.l' l(llll'.
'IIOSs 'III I'lV AssI'.hsmi s'lS is" " '"' rniitv court rmtrnlnlnK them
'IIS ASNI'AI. ISslAI.I.Mr.NTS. fiom resuming op.-rntlonii on the
" lint HpritiKi ronrthnim"
(leorne V. Hoot Uu! W. K. Iliuh
nell. who hut ii been here for eeral
(tm'H on biKlnenn teft tli Ik mornlnK
fur thilr homen In 1'ortlnnil.
Irene Kvnr.iion nnil KlUnheth
W'llllnmi were TnnncneKrn on the
moinliiK train for f'nti'lle. Cnllfor
nlu. where they will penil two or
Ihrnt weekn on n rumpInK unil vaca
tion trip
Mr imilMrn M. TIkIU. who have
prow-r!- no nemu'i liy milil unlln- i"'cii tmnnK wn-ir uu, .muiuh. mm
unci nil thai prop'riy lynx nl'u- ik family for the. pnt two montbii,
thi lo all pari of rnlil Hlr.Ai l,... !lf( fn ,,, mornnK trnn for their
iwenn Hie iiiiurr ininiii'nMi ifnuuii
1 NmI'-o 1h lereli) Klvi'ti t tint the
Common ('n'ltirll of the Ct of
KliiiMiili Kall Pr.-ron. illil by or-iitin-
Nn M2 iluly iiilnptcil uu the
Soil of AUKUtt. '2 uppr vil by
tli" iimnr on the 2ml ilny of AiiriuI.
, i;iji i"ilar ilie proportionate
liierninent Upon earh lot, part of lot,
Mo h mil inrenKM piuperly tounil to
le bi'iiiflteil anil llubbi for a prnpor-
,oiilt in I lib Htri'i-t mcluiiinK '
lniiirtlnni! nol pavi-il Tile property
,1, iiukphimI by nan) orilln.ilire U all
ilibi urntxrlv IvIliK aillnrent to mill
Ar.' .1 .mil .tree! l-twivu the, " . "'., '"'"' '" """' . '" . """ homo In Lincoln. NVbrnnka.
above mi-ntloneil Ivrinliil nnil extenil- u -. .' l'o-V l-'nt r'l'vnH Mrn. KlUabetli Pnllnliy anil iIuUkIi
IriK lai-rl) lo tin- titer of lh re- ,. . . .. f nH . . . , 1( VBtnK
l.I.1u llllllll II II II (! IITI. ..... ...........
mum uiiitk hiij"1 " "!.. .....
ii ....i- f .1.1,1 .ir.iil far an I lie "" I'"l'" imiirov.-meni esuniiH ,,,. w....- u.r ilnuchter. Mr.
SW'iMmI i;tbeV :. .h;-; jsrirer. -a- - "'- - "
n. liii'luilliiK iiruii.l.a Hi " ijiui- ( miemefilon Involve.l In ai. inornlni! fur OroMlle. California.
l..r. of l.ifourbio.kiib.i.inil.nicnny ( .mproiement . Mooi'-r acompi-nleil them ami
IlltelnTtH.n nvolvill Itl ii!il T P1 Tlui ih., IMlf'KPT III- (MTV .. . .
!.i imiirutiimi'iit . .7-Jl, . . . wl make them an extenik'il vlnlt.
,dr"hriWKT or c-iTv v-ft;BwT2? .;::: av.e -- - - - -
I.IKNK him lH.-t..iMil. imii" l,r"v'"'; n,, ,(lo (oiioviliiR In u Iml of the inoinlnK Iraln for Sacramento where
by r'-ctto" M "' .,"" V"'1, ,... MM"1 ' "u"'" ' 'h property, by (,h will upend a couple of week on
the following Ii a I..I ol tli" nam nKi-enin'il in afore-
etui a miown ny mien itonn .. . .. ,. ,.
.Mr mo .Mm. n.
OI ownern m i'" pmi'viij. ; r",,.!,
orillliaiur. mi niM-Mi'u iir bi '--"",,,. ,i-v. i,,ff..hir ulih Hi mini
I'1 fl ....t ........... t... ....... .1.. t..l-f .. ritn ulin linli. lii'l'tl Vlp.
Ill II 11 1 P.I IIP-i-B.-.l I.KiilllPl ill,' ,ii,,- .,.,ur, . ., .... - -
. .... .. 1 .-. 1 ..U....J... M ... ..l.i. -!. .... H...i.A...
... .. r'T i,i (.iii-'i iini i'i . iiii.i M'triuiiir in innr linn ii I ii .iir I paiip n ii.'.'iii'n
.. ....... I ...,i.,.,h1 ir... iir,,., - . . ... -
Willi,,. ii' " ,.r. ..- .. .-.."-
nnil ii"
pliown by
tinsel her
Mil ll
tiie lii.ji
iir.tiiv Tittiiii. in .tirri iifiruii iir I i i . . .. i-..
i.rty of eii'h owner; imu reierencu i , .Uvu f r i. ,1.. .Hi il ile rlnHoti of "nu """' ' r "" ' - ' "'
hereby .....Ir to .net. docket of . 'I;V , .Vrr,.! l.lorkU par't h.l' 'cVr .Vloc)! for five .!.. loft Ihl. mornlnK for
I.IKNrt for a di lulled "V"1!'""" "J n.i.l i.rreace property po ainesivd. their home In Uad. South Dakota,
earn lot. bloc, pa.t of hi or Iock Klrlhr ,,. ,, ,, K,vcn lhn w ,, mB, who ,lag ,)ecn llCre
fcnif-:Tru.' : .,, 8-.-v .- --. - -
r..wcllu property owner po ;i ' . ......, ,. ,.,. .. imvni,l,.. papnenrcr on the mornlnK train for
.and will I- delliiMient from mid after Ashland.
.. ...,! nnil herein bulow melitloneil
I I'M piicI' '' , "" """iVnmlll mi'Mlon of 20 day from the Andrew Johnnon of Malln. Oreiton
""T' """ .."'" .'..;.."... .... .inv.ldnte ol the
inn aner ii... ' " " - ' "'; h.ollce. (find
Irom tae nine o. i ie . ;"", 0I1 ..... 3ri.
nf thin notice, (nan urn. l ""' Th.. i.romrtv owner, po iiw.ud land and Seattle.
will be on the aril nay oi ' , ,h . Imv . rui(h ,,- ,..,. nmI ., ., n ,., ,., ...,. un(i
l!!!0)" Ille with the Police JlldKU of paid city . ' .......... . t nnii ....
--- --.- . niir i.iiiri Hr. .irK. .11. J . nnil.
' " ' " " AHUfUW JIMIIIPU.I lk ."iwilll. wil'M'
d"rfVrpri,.,ub,i.,c!;,,.o0n, w'n thl. .n.l.R on a combined,
rd day f AtiRUHt 19S0) buplnesn and trip to I ort-
The property ownerp to'd
The propeny ""'""",";""" thel' application, to pay .ucb unnenn- " "' -"- ,"
iiiu.1 either pay in '"''" '' mem. In ten annual lnt..llme..t.( have been vlnltlnB In
file with "'','"r'.,Jv. .r.K..... within the 20 day. IKlnnlnat with with Mm. L. W. C
within the 20 da. beicliiiiInK with
the fflrot publlcutton of thl. noilcu!
' Amount
Name. AKaln.l I'roporty
Plrt Cbri.tlaii Church ......1766.03
Of. 3,98
6t 0
711 88
Jenw llalley
Kdna Ilradburn
It, M, HotalllnK .
It. M. HotalllnK
Loul.o K. Humphrey...,
houlio K. Humphrey....
Hchool Dint. No. 1
HchCol Dint. No. 1
Hcbool Dill. No. 1 ........ .
Eminu K. Corpo
F. T. B.rjdfrion Eiitute.
Then. A. Bkllllncton... .
Ei II. Hall and
Kutherlne Hull
Tbon. It. HkllllnBton . .
Archie a. Colnon
Ueo. Illehn...
(leo. Illulin
Uco. Illulin.. ;
II. I. Thnriia. .
MurKiin'l Abrahmm 651.82
M. H.St. 8? II. Kvnii. ii'J.i"
J. llorvl. Jr . ..- 632.00
Jiihi'iiIi H. Reed. Kntuto .
W, Ii. DubyiiH 661 82
I'.ibllHhoil l.y order of the Common
Council, under authority of .ectlon
269, of tho Charter or .aid city.
her mother. Mr.. M
Amount Appvpned
AKalnnt l'roMrty
Allen Hlonn..
Heir. M II Hiukup Citato
13. U. Blllntl
Allen Kloan . . ...
K. H. Iteame and Kntatn of
Alex Martin, ducva.ed
Anlone Prarfe
Oh.. I Ilobert.
E. It. Iteame. and Estate of
Alex Martin, deceaned. ...
Hoy Telford
II. C. Telford E.tato ...
Marry Telford
Harry Telford ,
M. II. HarKui K.tato
Jnck.on Kimball
W. M Duncan
Mary Telford.... ,
J. C. Ileach KMate
J. W. Siemens
Cal -OreKon Power Co
II. A Alford . .
W V. Klnley & Nancy Klnley
W. V Klnloy & Nancy Klnley
J. II. Wultr ..
Carl AdaniH
05l!82'f'"r' Adams
j. 1 lent, r.nuut ... .
W. W. Klnley & Nancy Klnloy
Emily A Humphrey
P K llrown tk W. K, Drown
J. Hall.
Fort Klamath
Copeland, Mri.
thl. mornlnK
In Wnpato. Wain-
.... ... 1,1 11. I.-.. 1,1 1I..IUJIII .-.----.. ... ... .....-..
UU III IMIIIIIIIIIt IIIIIO, Uivi,.., lll.irnn Mll
3rd, 1920. ii ., m. .!."'' " " "t.islu,
ii...... 1'.. !'' ..f Vi... c'l.v I'ubllBhed by ordor of the Common
Pole JulKO of tho C ly p , nuihorlty cf .ecdon
of Klanint). Kulln, Oregon. 2B of ,h .,,.,. of ' ... pl(v
j-j j v
TACOMA, Wn Aug. 3. Further
development ot Mount Rainier na
tional park, neur hero, U favored by
John llurtpn Payne, secretary of tho
Intorlor. Bocretary Uarton recently
vlaltod tho park and upont a night
near mow. capped Mount nalnler.
Construction of a road completely
around the bate of the mountain Ih
particularly, favored, he said. He
declared be would like to tee a larger
goYerDBJint appropriation (or tke
park, !
Dated at Klamath
AuKUHt 3rd, 1920.
Police JudKO of the City
.of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
Aug. 3-13
for their homes
40.8.1 InKton.
eci.35i Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Huiby were
300 87 pn,gl.nKers on the morning train fof
81ms. California, where they will vis
It for about a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnson who
have been hjore on u three days' bus
iness trip, returned to their homo In
Hun Francisco this morning.
D. Ord. traveling auditor for
the Standurd Oil company, who has
been here for the past three weeks
on buslneas, returned to Sacramento
this morning.
C. II. McCutchan, traveling sales
mm for tho Standard Oil company,
Is In tho city this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Shnllock. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Earl Whltlock r.nd Mr. artd
Mr.. O. I.. Kelley nro back from n
weok'a pleasure trip to Diamond
I. nke. ,
Mrs. II. C. Mooro nnd daiiRhtor
nro shopping In town todny from
their honiin In Fort Klamath.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swunson and
sons hnvo roturncd from a month's
plensuro trip to Detroit. Thoy lot!
hero on tho Fourth of July. In De
troit thoy purchased a car and drove
buck, visiting friends and relatives
In Wisconsin, Minnesota and South
Dakota. Thoy report Bplendld trip
and a line time.
679 68,
40 S3
978 06
661 23
39 47
4 1 70
224. a
28Q 11
Pulls, Oregon,
1111.0, Island or Hawaii, T. H
July 21. (Hy Mall,) Thirteen cases
of Scotch whiskey and dry gin,
found on a wharf here recently are
going begging. The liquor was dis
covered accldintly In i the territorial
(rult and. plant warakouse ad. waa
seised by'ln'ternal revenue. oBeers,
The new Stato of Tzecho-Slovakia
Is tho only European sugar exporter
and tho second largest beet-sugar
producer In the world.
Some geologists estimate that tke
United States, wb'lch usea twice as
much oil as the rest of the world and
only, contains about one-seventh of
ke supply, Will have exhausted ken
ollteUaJn lt'yean.
Special- wqql'fibre rugs ,. :1 $26.50
Ik JQp aStf
New Cretonnes and
The charm of medern homes
lies In tho harmonious color-'
schemes that distinguish the dec
oratlves, Arid cretonne holds a
pre-eminent position In these
present day examples of the dec
orators' art. It gives a home an
incomparable Impression of airy
brightness, of cheer and our
cretonnes and draperies were se
lected to aid the deccrator in ex
ecuting bis Ideas.
LINOLEUM-For the Kitchen, the Bathroom
In fact, tho now patterns In
linoleum aro so attractivo that
many find It to bo an Ideal,
sanitary floor-covering for
every room In the house.
to There is one tot mat is twice
as wide a. the average linoleum
12 FEET WIDE which will
cover mobt floors without
Special yd.
August House -Furnishing
yHE MONTH of August, cominp; as it does between the Summer and Fall
style-seasons, is the one month of the year suited to the consideration of
plans for re-furnishing the home. Perhaps it is the living-room that needs a new
rug; the kitchen linoleum ought to be replaced; bed-room windows would look
so much better if new cretonne hangings and draperies were artistically placed.
Stop a moment and think of what your home needs to make it more perfect
then come to us and let us help you select those things which make a home
cheerier and brighter.
Rich, New Axminster and Brussels Rugs
Our stock of fine rugs has been greatly increased by recently arrived ship
ments of Axminster and Tapestry Brussels weaves in an attractive assortment of
richly colorful patterns.
Prices range from $6.50 for 27x54 rags, up to $75.00 for the 9x12 sizes.
Window Shades Special 75c and $1.20
Window shades of heavy fibre fabric, green only, size 3 feet
wait I). 7 feet lonK, nil fittings Included, pp
strong roller. Special .. . .. . lOC
Excellent w'ndow shades of strong green curtain cloth, slzo
5x7 feet, ptrose spring roller, all fittings 4 J
Included. Special . .... .. ........ 9 1 t3
Mattresses, Bedding, Pillows -
Mattresses of all kinds, to suit every need from the thick,
.treil'ent. luxurious kind at $30.00 to the lighter, but not bss
comf;rt.iblc. sort Intended for use in the bunk house or sleep
ing porch nt lJ.
Ueddlngs sheets, pillow cases, blankets and comforters a
Klips stock prepares us to meet every conceivable demand at
lower prices than one would gxpect.
We have one sepclal type of feather pillow that Is worthy ot
particular mention. It comes In two sizes which sell for S1.75
The Famous "Easy" Vacuum
Electric Washing Machines
made Internationally famous whn they wen the grand prize
at the Panama Pacific International Exposition. These won
derful machines operate on' the vacuum or suction principle
and clean the finest garments without the least danger of
damuging them.
We will be glad to demonstrate them and. explain their
many good points. .
' $175.00
. . 9fe HOOVER '
IT BEATS as it sweeps, M it clean,-
EVEN THE clinging hairs that pets spread on rugs are instantly detached by
the thorough cleaning of the Hoover. By its gentle beating it dislodges the
destructive imbedded grit. By its suction cleaning it withdraws the loosened dirt.
These three things sweeping, beating, secution are the essentials of thorough
cleaning. Only the Hoover performs them all. And. it is the largest selling
electric cleaner in ine worm. ., t hi
We will gladly call at yow Iwmc and d mMMtratt.
5 ,"'' r
' iV.'
l ,v
I Ol.r
W.;r ,..i.f.
i ij.r . j i ,
-. fV -I I 1 .r, . I.