FAOH THRKI THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUKHDAY, AVCVHTn, If il It's dollars to doughnuts- POTATOES in u. s. HI I i ..i w i ffl Our carload of Potatoes arrives Tuesday. They will be the Red Seal Burbanks, the finest Pota to there is to keep. t , V Our. Price : BY THE SACK SCTS. ft ; LESS THAN SACK 6 CTS..Ib i :: Buy the Potato that keeps the best. mfwmm ----!-"H".--.H......., OREGON BREVITIES o- N E T WAHIIINOTON, Aug 2 Pour of tint II V" flurmnn wnrshlpi nllorntoil lo tli (i t'tiltod Htstui fur iixiiorlinontul purpimi) Hiiro In tlio thick of the IlKlitliiK nt tlio buttle of .Jutland, iir cording to tin vn I Intelligence record luiro. Tlio M'uhkU iiro iliio (it Now Vork from Brest, Kruno, thin week mill iinilnr a clnuso of tho ponre treaty, they must ho d'!Strood with in ti i) year after tholr nrrlvnl. Tim light crulmtr Prankfort, now a wrock In machinery anil holng toed to tho United Slate by the transport Hancock, wan tho first ship In tho Herman battlellno when It collided with tho British grand fleet, while tlio 22,000-ton ilronilnniiKht Ostrles land wan tint ninth ship lu tho lino, Immuillatnly In tho roar of tho flag hip of tlio (liirinnn comjimndor-lu chief, Admiral Bcheor. Of lliu tliri'D destroyers, nil of 'which are being towed ovr as a ro- milt, or tlH'ir stimnnrsion wan win, 'Onrtnnn licet at Hcapa Flow, tho (1- 102 and the V-t3 wcro In tho fore 'front of tho fighting throUKhout tho Jutland engugeinoiit. . landing a division of four scout rrulHorn that bore tlm brunt of tho British lire nt the opening of tho en gagement, the Krankfurt. flagship of four time, hut with n hiiiuII cullliro nhell In "ch Instance and Htnyed In tin fight to t'n finish The third rulcr lichlnil her win mink nt the opening of t''' engagement. The Trnnkfiirt. whlrti li.i u speed of 2 knots. I believed lo have participat ed also In litltln on the British coast Although she wan well up In line and her 1 2-Inch gun worked iliinuclu.ul contact with tho British fli-ot. the drenlnatight Oitfrlesland, '.' t'ngslilp of Vire Admiral Schmidt, ' ...,, mi. iinif li.iiile miundron No. 1, ..HI.""..'.."" ' enraped without n major blow, no far ai naval record hero disclose was tiamascd later by hitting a Wl TURKISH Cf DOME3TKI BLEND no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to cither kind smoked straight 1 - Camels mellow-mildness will certainly ! appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and that smoothness! It's a delight! Go the limit with Camels! They will not tire your taste. And, they. leave no unpleas ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga retty odor! Just compare .Camels with any crfa- rette in the world at any prtcel p.ciif.1 of 30 tifntf far 20 ctnlt; or mi pct 4. (100 clfrtfi In it fin pap.r-car.ratf Mfan. IV. ttnmgly reommnd IhiB ctrton far ham or altlcm - r whtti j (r.r.L ft. J. BEYMOLD1 TOBACCO CO, Wln.taa-S.lmi, N. & F K.1 H IT "1 r m m u -m -o hut I'M lr inrnl. nlvi liiLc uIj of SiiIIk iM-fure iviiIiik lircnkfiKl. t'rlr ucld In meat cxclt-i tho kid ejr, they heroniu oerorked; Kct IukrIkIi, ache, and feel Ilko lump of lead. The urlno liecomci cloudy; MAIt8IIKIi:t.l). AtlKiut 3 M Durrmii. a joiitiK man who wan em plo)eil at l'owcrn In tearliiK down a,Ml;, ,uriK the withdrawal to Wll railroail ircntlc, la dead an a rcult i1(.iii.iaven of a fall from the trestle to the 0 . two ,ietroyorii. tho O-102 urounil. ndlnlanre of 30 feet Noth- WM wll, t)l0 cnmlnR force. doi LtrMt of San FrancRC0 0Il an art.llmb in i Known in um lamny. u m , jM opcnlliK of tlio llallio. nno hoped mime tram of bin relative ()oJ ,,art tn ,icstroer attack on cnry .MnrHjlp may no learne.i uirougii inn nonce. ,,. ttritlali battle cruiser UJVMiona T,10 men b(.came trleatU ,iroKl, of hi death. ! at 4:30 p m.. nnd later In tho Kon-ia common afmctlon. tho lo.is of tho i oral cnRaKemcnt with Ilrltlnh do- .inrn' . ... n..Ai. llm l.ntttii " """ ' iroyer eui uui iu - ! NEW WHALING COSll'ANV IMICItlTS WiNHtCV Li:i; 'left letj. Marsh was better fixed fl- l.l.S.f'V COMIM IIA.VDV nanclally than Phelfs and was ablo i to buy an expensive artificial leg. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3. What SAN KItANC'I.SCO, Auk- 3. James j" useJ t0 lend It to Phelps occas- bunting oft the Golden Gate tad V. I'helpn ha dUpoitd of hla .lonallr and finally promised that It other parts of tho coast of coatrtA crutches and I walklne about the he died tlrtt 1'belps should have the California will soon bo underUkam llclal let? left to him by hi old friend On bis sudden death recently 'by, a, whaling company recently or tho leg was turned over to Phelps. A ton of sandalwood yields an av erage of 100 pounds of oil. ganlzed, it was announced here. plant tor beaching the catch and re fining the product Is being built tt Drake's bay, Maria county. OltCGON CITV. Aiir. 3.. may lm obliged to seek relief two.ir j,,,,,, ,3I, of urr). iiuhln.ky. Port- .,,ck o( tll0 ilKht and wa Inrl three time durlnit the night Wlwn , , . . "' . " ' .'" ,'.,..., .., tlm bladder U Irritated, nnd you Miioro. bo conf.ed to tho murdr .ru.(.r. Tlie V-43 nlno wa In tho (, t It HtlHl4IH44l 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 i II I HI 1 1 II 1 1 1 HUM MMMM luded J Z the klilne)s cIor you mut help land rent car ilrhor. wa sentenced tM0 flotilla that launched tho des- J thorn flush off tho body's urlnoiu to life Imprisonment In tho Oregon ro)or ...tack under cover of which wnalo or you'll no n real kick person state renltentlary by JUiIro J. u dull Campbell. Moore I 19 )earn old. ltO.Si:ilt'll(. Ore,. AtiRUt 3. A deal um completed whoroby (1. V Young nml Klmer Wlmberly huo weekly publication now being lisucil public Inspection shortly tho German fleet began Its with drawal. Tho third ilostroycr In the group, the 8-122. Is believed to havo been completed at tho tcloo of the war. The warship will be opened to after their shortly. At lirst you feel n ml'cry In tlio kidney rculnn. you suffer from barknrbe, sick headache, dltslness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated nnd you feel rheumatic twinge when thn weather I had Kat loss moat, drink lots of water: also net from nnv phar macist four ounces of Jad Halts; at, Hutberlln. by J. Haynor and'ArrVal at New Vork nnd tho Navy tnko n tablespoon In n Rln of water w. movo t,e plant to Itosebiirg to Ivpartment nowjs consldorlnK plans yrkhr.0noy.a,twf.".r Uu7 SSTSX. '"" ' " " " """'" ",. then to other ports. As This famous salt I uiiide from tho Mr. oung. who I furnishing the ony ,j,h 0tfrleland Is nble to pro- neld of grapes and lemon Julco, com- capital for tho transition, will j rooij under her own power, however, blned with lthla, nnd hn been ucd iav ,tl actv,. part In tho manage-1 may te tho only one of tho group mVi and stlmulnto them to normal "'" l'-n- w,,lcl ,,B Mt activity, also to neutrality tho nclds to Mr Wlmborly. In urlna, so It no longer Is a sourco ot Irritation, thus ending bladder. uTS OV CITV LAWH Jad Baits Is Ineiponslve, cannot LOS ANOKLKS, Aug, 3. In the Injure; mokes a delightful effenres-1 year ending June 30, 1920, the Los iint llthla-water drink which erery Angolol clly council passed 1352 or- OHO SI1UUIU IHR.U I1UW autt Hi.H w- .aA 4 4 keep the kidneys clean and actlre. DrugglsU here say they sell lot of Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It la only trouble. FOR HALE Second hand Ice chest and fan. Keep cool. See 1008 Main St. Al. S-7 dlnances. In the same period Mayor M. P. Snyder vetoed only one. This Information was contained In the annual report ot the mayor, Just submitted to the council. It alio showed 05,433 convictions In the police courts, with Ones totaling 1365. 05G. jlQUALITYll Red Crown gasoline has a continuous chain of boiling points. It is an all'refinery gasoline. STANDARD OIL COMPANY i (Cufomk) Kent on an exhibition tour, ine three destroyers are scheduled to go to Norfolk In two weeks. During tho trans-Atlantic trip Captain Julius P. Holtweg, United States Navy, will be In charge of tho fleet. HKTTLEH TIME OP niRTH OP INPANTH DENVER, Colo., Aug. 3. Babies born here are born on Denver time, which Is one hour ahead ot tho reg ular mountain time, Dr. William H. Shrapley, city manager ot health and charity, has ruled. Dr. Sharplay'a ruling came as set tlement ot the question as to whether tho children could legally bo ontered ii having boon horn on tho temporary "summer time" or on tho old tlino. ICxact tlmo of n baby's birth often Is au Important mutter, It was said. T' T. J. MORTELL, Special Afsntt Standard Oil Co! Klamath Falls, Orsf oa W 16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid ney trouble laat year. Don'f allow yourself to become victim by neglecting paina and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL The wettsv Maadard remedy for Udaer. liver, Madder aad arte acid trovbUe. Koaaadt aetleaal reaMdf arace IS9S. -AS) dniatiiia, three eltee. Qoaraateed. Comfort Cleanliness Reasonable Rates sMsMMMssiaajas The Central Hotel ,1eMaewtsasasaWs New Throughout IN THESE DAYS OF HIGH PRICES THE AVERAGE CITIZEN WILL BE GLAD TO FIND A PLACE TO LIVE THAT IS WITHIN HIS REACH AND WHICH FURNISHES EVERYTHING THAT HE COULD WISH FOR A GOOD BED, A CLEAN ROOM, PERFECT VENTILATION. THESE YOU WILL FIND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. SEV ENTY ROOMS IN THIS GREAT HOSTELRY ARE NOW READY AND THIS NUMBER IS BEING ADDED TO AS FAST AS THEY CAN BE FIN ISHED AND FURNISHED. SPECIAL RATES MADE TO PERMANENT ROOMERS. NO BETTER SPRINGS, MATTRESS OR BEDDING ARE MADE THAN THOSE FOUND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. J. J. KELLER, Manager. 'f 'J NMMIMlltMIMMMMMMMSSMSIl SSSISISSIMIIS WlimM'WfW 11 j