tf . ,.- ',, 1.1 ft r WMMWK UH'ICIAIj Ml i MMMMB Mt omcLUi rfrmaf KLAMATH FALL frAAafAT Cim S. WWWMMWM Fourteenth Year No. 3988 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY AUGUST 3, 1920 Price MreCnli IE u pngta A .' Y - .OBJECT TO COST BILL IN SUIT ONC HE Objection lo tint cost bill filed by tlnfii1niilx. tin prevailing parly un der Hut rlrrult court decision In tin cam of J M Duiigun nxalnst Klm utli enmity. it nl . win filed last mil- Ing'ln the rlrrult court by iiltoriwy ' tor lxnn Specific ground tor' objection, directed mainly axalnst tint cliurxe of rurlt'i! mprl wit ne-, r '' out the objection Itrttl. of -l Illll The following wltnxMtPt' claim were filed many of which ' not protrstvd the time trur)ltii( from onn to three day In addition to a $2 per diem, the luw allow mileage of SO trill ii inlli j A K. tJrnlimii. $:'). S J Chap man. 9G.20; Con Murphy, lio; T. II. Waller, t 20, WlllUm llagwliteln. ICSO: J M McCoy. $::d: C W Kberleln, f 20, I. II Hague. $2 20; UolMirt Kiiiiuult. M 20, V U,. Par ker, '91 2"; T M I'unnlnxhiini. Id. CO. Cliarle It Miller, f I 20; J II Ourntl. 12 20; W F.. Arrant II 20; C. a Merrill. 18; ' T Darlny. II 20 W. H Worden. two day with " mile from Portland and ruturn. $212; Wllllum Oaiiong. court report r (half fee paid by ilefi-mUtiN). ' three ila)H. M5. L l Hague, copy Iiik record In the cle'k' offfm for tthlblt. 171.15; II. K Newell. ex port accountant. lnetlg.itlon of upeclat cuunhou fund. Jwo da' trial rilcndani. inlliUK" from Kan. 32 1G, A. F. pniM.wi.yr; onr patiov Nor i.vrrM)i: j.vs TOKIO. Aug 3 -Thitrn I no Indication that Jjp.ui will ru frnlu from carryliiK out thu mil itary arrangement lm ha made, for dnjllng with Siberia. Tim government cmo time ngo outlined tint policy ht tntnnditil to follow and It l undrntood Him uotn to Waahliuton will point out (hat thu occupation of M SHALL REMAIN sits M NOBLE Mill IS CALLED TO FINAL RESTi? I'OMHIf I'KM'K WITH KOKSHKVIKI DKI.AVKD Niiver foil n blow with greater un ;xp'!Cti!dneiii, or one that will cauxe With Couucllwm JlraudmiburK und Upp voting 'no" and (.'otindl- I...MH I....II. .!.. .I..u UA ...I- .....- .. I.!--....-...! ..H.U. Ih I.A MMM.- l. u....t.MflH .11.. I. ib it ii. .- aiii t.i''uiR uiiiih un iuu mm- iiuirrj w maniiruau luniiw in ihb vum- tlnt HaKltnlln illntrlct, If It talom t ... .. ... ,. . ' . , .. ... , pl.c.1. .Ill .,., only Itmporary. ".!!"? . "" "? h" "l d. "i D",B 1'ln pool rontnt and other plicn Charlq J. rer(fuon. attorney. ruachi-d a deadlock at lait nluht'n Outldt of her clots circle of H)iI(m Thn nuyor xplalnd that friend and rotative, there were ,he had no rol In the paiane of or- many who knew and loved her who Idl.'ianoM and could not bnak the tie. did net know she wan III, and many Immediately afterward on motion other.), knowing, did not know that of Hrandenbur the old antl-samb- hr lllnei wat aerioui. Even amooc jtlujc ardlnance, prohlbltlnc playlnic her family It was not realized that .card and dice and barrliiR all play- he waa not to recover from the all- tiun iur muKii in puuuc iiace, wa iuvui wukii rauuercu au ujimiiuu read . HrandenburK moved that the necettary In the Klamath General She aeemed I) m GOVT TALKS PEACE WITH IMIU .city attorney b Imtructed to amend hoipltal two week ago thU ordinance, which If properly en- to grow better and It wai believed 'forced, he ald, w adequate rem- that aocn the would be well again, edy, to ptuce an iddltlonal penalty if t-ait nlnht complication developed llretuo revocation upon pool roomi and thl mqrnlnic at about 7 o'clock, or other place where gambling wan one of tie falreat uplrlls that the tnlltratetl. THm mntlnn rnrrinA f'paaln. a mr AntlnurnH htiman fn-m reived today from Me.lco City Thl, Colulcman rohln ....' ,, ... b;.' kDn returd . Thl ordlnanro leaei the card, dire Him m fair and unsullied as on the and chlpn, It proponent bailn; morn He gave It. - f T their aihoracj on the ground tint to Faithful, tender, lo)al. true, gen itake away theie thing would 'de-(erou all these she waa. She had prlvo many men of the hnrmltM re-.Jiftn lnlght. and her logical facul taxation of a ocal "game." I and Judgment wero far beyond Th debat- on the ordinance was the ordinary. Added to these a cour warm and cowred wide latitude. ai? that never wavered In defense of Councilman nrandenburg and L'pp her conviction and there was a com- wer t.irget for attack, and both , blnatlon that might have, but for made dufenihe Matcments, Upp. the greatne of her iouI. created an- j 1.03 ANOKI.K.H. Calif .Aug 3 i A proclamation pronouncing Miant the (loviynorthlp of the nnrttiern l!trlct of l-owr California wa re- I ncordltu to announcement todiy Ii. Kdiiardo I'.ul:. reprDinntithn In l.o Angelvt of the d fjcto Meslcan government MKXICAM Lower Cal . Au 3 Oneral Angul Klo-cs and S-nor Juan Pratt. repri'iientniUei of the !) I.a Iluertj protuioual government! earl today were en routj to Lo Atnele where they expected to telegraph to LONDON', Aug. 3, Negotia tion for an armlstlco between I'oland and Soviet Ilula have been delayed, according to a Moscow wireless dispatch, which says the Polish delegation left liaranovltchl for Warsaw Mon- lay to present to It government the Soviet demand that tho Pol- Ish delegate be given mandate for signing not only an armls- tlce, but also a protocol setting 4 forth the fundamental condl- tlon of peace. m CADU LABOR NCIAL IS ARRESTED ON IIROOW rl caUH.'d friend of both L'a.H.I.... M...I ...I..P,t .... ... , i i wan made In the conference to com IITJiqr, prji llil-" ll ivimi- mir, three dn)' attendance. I7S. plu 20 cent mlle-ige, llenjamlu O McDoux all, three da)' attendance ut tint trial, InveMgl.itlon of cotntrucll n und condition of both courlboute. etc., 1127 50, plu mileage and tx peine from San KruncUco and re turn, ITS 14. total I205.GS; II r'red Clnuiuien, ittpvrl urrbltect, trial at tiitiilaiire und lntetlgatlon, nine day In nil, f)75, traveling expemv from Portland nud return, 140.46, drawing for Juy lluwerinn lo Iw imed In brief 110, total 1725. 4n. Til., tdllit nf 111. Illll lf rilittlt Bllll milled b defeliilanl I II.721JU-Z . i ... . . .. ... '""" . ' . 7 '"""""' ,,,n luui on hU feet twice. HI leeonel gonlm. But her even temper In :,r"" "r """ """ "-" .attempt to peaic rained a .torm of maintaining the righteousness ol her Cuntil. cf tower Cnllfjrnla. v Kffort dUunurnvlnir rnir und lil... nn.l ,.,... u... k- .i.ja JV,.,. rail of "ilt down" hut the council- found merit in ih via. nr nth.n po.e tb difference which rauk..d man peralated and when quiet wa, ,ved her from even the shadow of innui ,o ore.K on reianon wuu me restored made hi speech. . disagreement. Never was a woman federal government. The council chamber was well fill- more universally loved. It Is not nir ruiiion-nni vta inn uri iep -j. Whll th mxlnrlit- f .nuLu'rl,... .,ir- i i 1 - "- - - ni'l HSTran viiiuu r u a b . uul inn IIiril'ML Blliai. , wuru for the ordinance doing away ment of truth, that not only did she lack a single enemy, but every one (hat knew her was a warm, admirer. There rnllld tin nn nAiilml rtn 1,1.a- hope then, will bo a peaceful tll.jdwMw were made In It, bobalr. i.l.m conception of such nobility of n"'"1- received with an amount of applause 'character. '( Um....I .- ..I. .. .l. - 1. ...! .. . iuai .uii.mi luimiuuraiiie iroiiaiiBi Eulogistic words might w strung in It favor I vainly, end to end, for pages, but tho Throat of ' recall" against tho tribute, wero It by tho most gifted councllmen opposing tbo tlm ordl-1 writer, woutd not compare In the tunco-were rained and the ability of millionth part to the heartfelt tribute tbo police forco to enforce an antl- of "men and women passing on the Hague On Hit ground that ;X-mbllng law wa questioned. Intreet today, of all walks and condl- C. K. Hrlstow of the canientr'iU'oni'' wbo stop and ask each other taken which Indicated that an armed "" "'" T "'' " " entirely with dice and cards, the ad- furl, til. mti-ritlrat Iiimh tttttitillk .. ... ' ;- vocite 01 ine leu tttringent meas- parties to'uro wero present and a,l. vk.tiii:u iti:poiiT OltKllON Tonight and Wednes lay, fair; modoratu wontorly wluds (iinuiiiU for OliJiHtlnn ' L. II Objection are filed by plaintiff tho charge for copying record, etc , regarding 'different dulms Itemlied filed, aro Iplully unauthorized by thouinlon, ezpresned the matter thus: I"1 th' true that Louise Ferguson a follew: (law of Oregon. w W. H, Worden On the ground I II. K. Nowejl On, the, ground that that no affidavit wa filed to show 'no affidavit was filed a' proWdod Wordun' etidencu was material; ifor In Lords Orogon laws, ihowlng 'that hi tt'Btlmony was not muterlalthnt hi tetlmony was material or and calild havu been bown by the hU oral examination Important nr pleading, being only lo the effect desirable On the record entitled lice force U Inefficient or it I sot that lie was county Judge Cf Mamuthioniy to inreo days' trial attendance large enough. I bellevo It Is not "wo want a clean town In which to M" dead?" and learning that it Is in bring up our famillei," ho said. "So 'deed sad truth sigh, drop their eyes fur a I have seen tho pollcu have been unable to prevent gambling. The chief of police admits It. One of two thlug. Is true. Either the po- at the time the Hot Springs court-'at 12 pur day and mileage fr6m the house wa purtly constructed. Plain- Oregon Hue to Klamath Falls and tiffs hold that if entitled to any thing the witness Is only entitled to 'two days' attendance fees It, and 20 cents mileage. (This witness was erved with a special subpoena, re quiring his presence as an expert, .providing for double mileage,) MICKIE SAYS wmih tnmcu ooo.T'l tOW HMD TO fcOMJKUtC J tfyjiu VM6U, MO MOOT MHT tutiuMt t f UNK.7 r rzcz? 7m T" insn i raroo lo l t ("wwaosw. AM0KNiTvmu nUiWWWW SaK Wv I - gfifffV liar ' " r aHF 4sttiateyuipM.iiii .I,.' ktTvZ? fi, i j t T-T'TT' ' I ImeVt. 13. tntnl in A. F Helde On the ground that the law of Oregon does not authorize leva tor expert witnesses, it en titled to anything only to three days' attendance and two mites, mileage, 13.40. inasmuch as he waa residing In Klamath Falls throughout the trial. Benjamin McDougall On the ground that tbe claim is unauthor ized by law, a In the case of Helde. If entitled to anything for voluntary attendance at tbe trial It Is three days, f 6, and mileage from the state lino and back $3, II. F,, ClauuHon Same ground of objection a In two preceding cases. Deny authorization for either clulm for export testimony, $675; travelling expenses 940.40. or 110 for drawing, If entitled to uuythlng It Is $9 for niionuunco ami single mileage from Portland and return, 9 101, GO, mak ing a total of 9110. GO, Deny JuimI( (Ion Plaintiffs further deny Jurisdiction of tho trial court to tax costs, inas much n tho bill of costs was tiled by defendants July 31, 1920. at which time tho case was In appeal to the supreme court, the appeal hav ing been filed July 28. Three Claluu Paid The claims of W. S. Worden, ,9212; L. B. Hague, 971.15, and H. E. Newell, 9329.85, have been' allowed by the county court and warrants Issued by the, clerk. 4 . The claim of A. F.. Helde, 975.80. Ben McDougall, flOS.I?, And H. F; CUuimb, 1711,41, have 'w& kti reacted., .. M A v - ji . large enough." The licensing of the so called "Tule" was brought up. Council man Upp reiterated that the women who are said to Inhabit the place should not be deprived summarily of a living. They are entitled to a chance to make a decent living, ha said. He placed his action on the ground of Christian charity and de- fled anyone to prove any ulterior motive. Brandenburg, who voted tor the licensing of "The Tules" as a room ing bouse reiterated his statement that he did so Inadvisedly. He didn't recognize tho name of tho applicant, bo said, and thought It was .some place "ovor thore" motioning with and pass on Louise Sargent was born In Delta, Ohio. She flrt came to Klamath Falls about 1904 with her brother. rank Sargent, who died In Seattle a year ago last October. She remain ed for a year or so, teaching the Chase school. She wa a graduateaot tbe Delta. Ohio, high school and had taught In Delta before coming west. After a year she returned to Ohio but came back, la 1909 to reside per maneotly, Pr several Jreara -afce was assistant secretary to the Klam ath Development company. Leavlar that position four or five yean since she became court reporter, a position she held until a few months before her death. It was through connection with these quasi-public offices that suck wide friendship was formed. She was married four years ago last month to Charles J. Ferguson, and her wifehood developed all tho W. F. Kay, secretary of tbe local labor council was taken Into custody last evening by the police, who broke through the locked door of his office at labor council headquarters, after It Is asserted a shot had been Bred, Inside the room and Kay did not an swer when C. F. Parker, president of the labor council, who was in an adjoining room asked for admittance. Parker called the police. No charge was filed against the prisoner last night. This morning a cbargo of disturb ing the peatfe'was entered and 'Kay appeared before Police 'Judge Lear Itt, pleading not guilty through his attorney, ,W. H. A. Renner. He was fined 97. Sand on payment wai re leafed. 1'' ; WltAMi sAFMff&akf Am hiV'etetftirWTljfeWalAfSVie po lice chief had peered through the transom and saw Kay lying motion less in a cbalr. The officers alleged that Kay was violent and appeared to have been drinking. It was fear ed by the police that he mjghtvhave shot himself but medical examina tion removed this possibility. Mr. Kay's statement to a Herald representative this morning was that he had worked through the night 8unday night. He had a on- day yesterday, working In a hot and stuffy office and receiving callers throughout tho day without an In termission or without stopping to eat. Ho says that he remembers being weary and walking to a wicker chair with the Intention of resting. All else Is blank, he says, until the offi cers entered the room. He says he remembers firing no shot. He kept a revolver In tbe office, he says, It having been left with blm by a union member named Erlckson. Two or three days ago. he said, a fishing party came Into the office to Invite him to go on the trip with them, they bad a flask of whiskey and took a drink all around. A couple of ounces of liquor remained In the bot tom of the bottle and be took this shortly before bis collapse, feeling the need of a stimulant, but he as serts this Is the only liquor that he took 'and that It waa not enough un der ordinary conditions to cause Intoxication. his band away from tbo site of the tendorness andloyalty of which such notorious house. I nrlou Ordinance, Debate on the gambling ordinance a groat nature was capable, Other rolatives who are left to mourn her are her mother. Mrs lasted more than two bourn. It wasJMInnlo Sargent, of Decatur, III., and noany midnight wbon tho racket of dobate on thl question tlnnlly dlod'lot 3. block 94, Klamath addition; away. The majority of tho crowd loft but tho council continued to grind away ut various matters until past two o'clock this morning. Assessment ordinances on Conger and Klamath avenues, Pine and Washington strpet, were passed. The auto traffic ordinance, a blanket affair. covering all angles of t rattle regulation passed by unani mous vote. East Main street and Washington street Improvement ordinances were passed to second' reading: Peraaita Granted'. Tbe following permits' were grant ed: " ' afoTlag W. 8. and' H. H. Hart, M old "a-Mderseav buildlai." troa MrBftf "U; 8eta' MM' Mala t J. F. Magulro. building from lot 1, block 12, to lots 5 and. 6, block. 13, original town. Building Oeorge E. Turner, dwelling, lot 7, block 79. Klamath ad dltlon. 91200; Annetta McCabe. dwelling, lot 10, block 208, Mills ad dltlon; Arthur Olson, dwelling, lot 5, block 3, Hot Springs addition, 9700; M. Mc Andrews, Ave room bouse, lot 5, block 50, Nichols addi tion, 94000; Ben Mow, six room cot tage, lot 33, block 7, Industrial addi tion; Klamata-Iron and Steel work.' oa story frame addition to plant at Bprlgg street and. Kim avenue to be used (o house shop, ate. The O. K- barber hon waa, mat' PARTM3tAkTJP DHSOLVHD The partnership between W. H. A. Renner and Oeorge Cbastala, In the legal firm of Renner ft Chastaln, bas been dissolved. Agreement to this effect was reached Saturday. m TAX LIEN SUIT A tax lien foreclosure has been filed with the clerk of the circuit court by It. S. Wilson against Estella Berry. Lot ten, block two, of Fair- view addition Is Involved In tho case. The Intensive di. 9 to raise $100,- 000 for the purpos of building and equipping a new fV ;red Heart Acad emy In this city will start Wednes day, August 4. At that time the fly ing squadrons of workers will take thefleld and solicit 3,000 families In Klamath. Falls. The outlying towns of the county will be can vassed as soon as tbe organization of workers In these territories have been completed. Tbe undertal t-g has tbe hearty endorsement ot any local buslneaa men, labor organizations and public spirited men throughout the state. A a result of the enthusiasm for the success of tbe drive, many people thronghout tb county who are an- , xlous to have tbe campaign start right have alfjady offered their sub scriptions; hlle unsolicited dona tions have been sent In to start tho ball rc-ltins ' Is this spirit showm that has made the committees la charge feel they are going to meet with generous response, and tbe orig inal quota will be collected In record time. ' y A meeting was lelc. at tne Sacred hfeart parish on Monday evenla. which was attended by the wo me volunteer workers who will take.ap tbe active canvass of the Klamath Falls" tmltoryv In '"' talk' to those present Mr. raaasasr. asHd: 'Whnvanr"un'artakrBat Mkv i. as this Is launched and the' poblle Is asked to support It. they hare a perfect right jo know If j worthy If it Is practical and whether It' will benefit humanity. This noble enter prise can qualify all these truths and, therefore, is wholly worthy to receive the substantial support ot the public. .Every citizen should give cheerfully. Obtaining subscriptions to such a constructive cause Is not begging, when you are a purveyor of the supreme privilege ot citizenship. You can, therefore, enter upon thla work with a satisfied smile, your cause Is Just. You are asking noth ing for yourself and nothing that a campaign for the Sacred Heart acad omy ot Klamath Falls Is not .entitled, to receive. It has no aim other than service for tbe public gcod and pub lic welfare." The meeting waa most enthusi astic and gives promise ot one of the most successful drives ever staged in Klamath. All the workers pres ent expressed the Intention to en deavor to lead the list with the larg est amount ot subscriptions obtained and already a friendly rivalry exlsta among tbem, , It was announced that another meeting would be held at 11 o'clock Wednesday, when final plana and la structions for workers will be glveau and territories assigned. TYPOS ORGANIZE. ' OFFICERS ELECTED brother, Thomas F Sargent, of De Kalb, III,, two aunts, Mrs. E. R. Conklln, of Decatur, and Mrs. F. R. Isabol ot Toledo, Ohio, and an uncle, Fred Kelly, who lives In Illinois. Her nearest relatives on tbe Pacific coast are Mrs. Clarice Worden, ot Oakland, Cal a first coasln, and Robert Worden, son ot Mrs. Worden. Mrs. Ferguson's Illness first be came apparent In Bend, Ore., four (weeks ago while aha was returning from a campmg trip with her bus band. She recovered soKOwhat af ter a few stars and they caaae home, kut two weeks ago she was-forced to eater the hoeeital. rvaem amacesaeata await wet 'Hm i1 a,itt'r,, to" 9Vfll W WPnWX,f J R. P. Coburn, district organiser for the International Typographical union directed the organization ot a typographical local In the city Mon day night. Nine printers, each of them affiliated with the printers' union either through active member ship or withdrawal cards, signed tho application for a charter. It will ar rlvefrom I. T. U. headquarters with in a'couplo ot weeks. Tho officers elected are W. C. Klb boe, president; George L. Drummond, vice president; A. L. Fortson, secretary-treasurer, and J. F. Webber, sergeant-at-arms. The addition of one more printer, who haa signified his intention to Join the local, will bring every' active. printer In town into tbe fold. INQUEST FOR DORINr 1 . A' coroner's Inquest will he MM this afternoon a( 3 o'clock aJaer N. J. Chapman's eeart to 'sWnsjIatj the cause of the death to J Derla, wave' see lysei resteraetVM aad died almost laataadr& O WattMak la. taar aad.Xaiae - " A v- ' - T' r. V- V & z. .nfyjyf?itiwtjy?yy- n W U-1