v vMiti rouajr ATVRDAT, WW SI, 1M0 IHE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Evening Herald . . MC It It AT Editor HiRI) SOCLE Cltj Editor Pabllihed dally, except Sunday, by Tfct Herald Publishing Company ol Klamath Falls, at IIS Fourth Street. To Our Patrons . Entered at thr roM office at Klani ata Falls, Ore., (or transmission thru1 the- malls ai second-class matter. MKMIIKU OF TI1K ASSOCUTKl) , I'llKSN J The Associated Press Is exclusively , entitled to the use for republication ot all news dispatches credited to It, , or not otherwise credited In this TBaper, and also the locnl news pub-i'J iished herein. haturday, jcly 211, no 1JOOR Fl'IILICITY July Weed. Cnl.. Editor Evening Herald: "I heard that Klamath Falls has had a terrible Ore. Please send we a copy of jour paper with tho explanation ot tho fire. Don't fall. Sincerely, Mr, This Is a 'ample of Inquiries that htivt1 been coming In from various "points during the last few days, not': all of them to the Herald. The WVst-J, oulrlp from Wroil anil nHier nnlnta In the last day or two, In knestlga-lj. tlon of a rumor that tho town has .fccen. ntore or less wiped out by flames. t " , -J-, . All of this", of fours Is traceable'? to the current falk of the last few days In regard to an Invasion ot I.jJ W. W. tlrebugs It's bad adertls-( Ing for the community, tending to, i keep nervous persons away from $ here and ctery effort should be made,' to counteract It by plain dealing with , tho situation and full publication of J facta. m , As a matter of fact never has the' ! community had less Ores than during.ljyi'-., the present summer. It might; bu, prudent to "knock on wood," us the J children say, In making this slate ,., l.j went. That there have been I. W. ,V, threats of Incendiarism Is un auestlonable. but there has been no . -. .U 1 tl nWI utviv uci uuu me .. . uviu.ij here Is apparently no more active now than it has' been for months. There are member ot the organlza-i tlon here and they are adding &ewj members as fast as poslble, without, J Beginning August lat our deliveries will be handled by the City Delivery and will be made as follews: First de livery at 8:00 a. m.; second delivery at 9:00 a. m.; third delivery at 1:45 p. m. Shippington and Pelican City deliv eries will leave at 1 :00 p. m. We will appreciate your co-operation in this. People's Market t ! COLE AERO 8 I HARDING'S v.- AMERICANISM "Ataterk dora -aot arafoae to hoM aloof ehooata bo hola Uoa aad shaaa ira datjr, bat w arroRso to oaraetvea th ktv tag of tho Aaserlcaai continent aad every concept of rr moral obligation. It Is very tracUel to make sure our own house la la perfect order before we at tempt tho miracle of old world sUblllMtloa. "Americanism really began when, robed In nationality, the American Republic biased the trail of rrpreaentatlvf popular government. llcprtventatlvo democracy waa proclaimed the safe ngvnry of tilghrat human freedom. The- Fitleaal Consti tut Ion la Uio very baa of Americanism, the ark of the covenant of American liberty, the very temple ot equal right. The Constitution tfoea ajblde and evrr will ao loag aa tho He public survives. "Let ua healut before we urrrader tho aatioavallty (which la the very aonl of highest Americanism. This Republic ha f Ailed humanity oor ontl.-uip-rwl rlWHsailoh." HARDING'S PRINTING PLANT j aaliLkHH IHHUA LLLLEaaaaT BLnLnLnLnflanLnLnLnLnLnl BUHHaK EH ; snsnkaW t-ga-a-a-p-tk. -7 m4 .aaaaaHBaaaaH LaaAaaHLlaaaiaaaaaaaaLLk flaaHHaLLaiMI B" aaaaBlaaaBliHaCl ax'BannnnnnnrH' aBannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn . " ''itaBmBmv Senator llardlng'a main hobby' Is hit newspaper, tka Martoa (Ohio) 8Ur. The photograph tbowa im uienor 01 oa nmwium ma ot tat SjtM. -" ftRhetiiyjUW t, ' ITY-rMPRrqC IQ i it i mil mi tiii iii i - alfll IIUUW f j t H4t as s pnnsi lilnnnu . Li HU WU HI VNCLE SAM'S DEBT AccortliiiR to lite report of the Treasury Depart ment, the public debt is: Total Horn! , 5'5SSSSS22S Treasury Certmcato...,. ....... ;;; MM-UiUmt' Ueirlng Debt 1,100.000.000 Total II4.XOO.000.000 MMNMMMM aAaA)MMMMMMsvvvwwMMMaAa ioT ' doubt. Their organization workjT must necessarily be secret but there , ., ..... .u. .. . -.i .I-: IB criuvjivc iuai (UC7 en Abllici;i at It. Weed and other California towns I V are having flrei. The evidence 1 seems to point to incendiary origin ; too strongly to leave much question ot fact. That Klamath Falls might 'Z suffer from the same source Is con-j cetvable and too evidently convelv able to die comfortable, but It allf citizens know the facts and are on i pit.! ta nnullitllf V rt trmililA tvlll ' he reduced to a minimum. It is a time when cool-beadedness and care In avoiding giving currency to Idle talk or rumors that deter tourists and workingmen from com ing here are the part of good citizen- ablp. Swashbuckling' street .talk of ' harsh treatment that will be given -the "wobblles" if they "start any- thing" does no good and It alarms ,. the timid. It a situation-arises that must be dealt with, doubtless the ' community can deal wih It. It has done so before. To be forewarned ? la forearmed and the oClcers, wjth the knowledge that they possess, will , doubtless be on the alert and if any , trobble menaces, It wJU be nipped in ',thebud. .Let's quit spreading -these The Balanced to Zero Car One to 80 miles in high gear. Power, Speed and-Durability equipment includes Power 'driven tire pump, trouble lie;ht, Motometer, shock absorbers and wire wheels with Cord TiresalJ around. We have two new ones in st'ockt Call and look them over. .a v LEXINGTON The Minute-Man Six Continental Red Seal Motor, Borg and Beck clutch, Tire pump driven from transmission, . trouble light, Cord tires and only one grease cup on the whole car. The hills just flatten out when the Lexington shows up. We have new ones in stock for your inspection. C. L McWilliams nooitS'. Holland. J ily 10. (lb Mull) Tl, fiirmur Orinon vin prf. AiiKintf Vlctor'.i, bus uml'T gonu so iniii'h dlstres during tfcr pnt two )i'ur thut slin has suffered 'for n.'crul mantliK from aggravated attacks of licart lK.ifu Itt'Ci'iitly xhv hn (h'iti li'iulliiK the II fs of un . lnrnliil THE HEALTH OFFICER AT THE THEATERS t -t On i. r,f th" MKi't di.irr foutx dVfr rM.tin',iii.i in i'tm n w irk tiiKe place In "The Shu k ' r Km uroilltr- t'on sta'rtni: linrer WaUh whtcli i time bn-n pvrnilttud to walk up or i,..n rirocnlied ni one "f tb dutlei a on tne stuirs. a speeiui nimor'of the govcrni:ient. Today tin' puiiiir Aj,,.r ln hIhkhc,, f mnrly n )rar was built for her ue iietlth service, tlm tnte and local f-0a the rren. 1'rliclll.i Uran l Tho farnlllnr with Ihn Inner life boards of health Ijhvh vur.oi po- rnaklnK n Irlumi'lmnl nttirii In "The cf the former emperor'H household ,, for the purixMe of (.n:itrlnK virrln of Mtanbnul." a llnlvnrinl. since the flight from Potsdam to pUVmlca, preventing iIIihi's and ji.,. tnhnlfr-fx.it urn uhlrh bus r. 1 1 Holland declaro that while Wllllum, promoting tho streJigth und lgor of (..vnl the lilglieL prulsn from nil f(onsollng hlniM-lf v.ith religion, has people. Phone 169 36 Main St. Ther- arv o ninny mutters tn our I'ttle city il nt iiied attentlcn In tne ny if trni.. ti n of I'tn and health, that I have thiougli tl. publl splr- Sh has hud milder .UtackH IttdnesH of lhi nvenli.K llrald spa"? j,, ffcown 91 t' f l.lbytty The. for u paragraph or t" every n. 0(re (omg,!, of things that need correcting, und r ,n , -ff f0 .,..B t9 v'ottTcr wars and uieuus thoreof. -f--t in Uumn fnrm." tin To b.gin with: lirp-ino i!i;i.s to the r'sglnr. of n To Jut U tb x-lo of the past: ,,, - wV;h "he ' l"' " '" V i,.. .!..... hr ..r " '" P ' f'"r fully the d ty." of this muliidy for ninny yearn ' ... IIn..MA ,. tl.w.n .. I..i.. ..m y.. ....' iiiibv u. .w..ti. nt.Li.i, .ui 'rounded by a staff of her on llirlin 'servants, and attended almost con stantly by Countess Kellar for miiny yeurs her lady In watting 4.she has rx'vntly l"'"n so completely J lndlrpo-d that she has at times been n.iftl.l., ff. u.i.ll iiti.l linu nnl fur n ln.li . i lrT.'nty-flve fp-'t below This Is only one of msny treat stent- inn thrll- The prevention 31 disease Ua lorn; ling photodrntnn. tbeen more or lest of a Mo c, the Kla-nath Kails, hereafter must and wlilch will Liberty Theatre be on the reviewers shown nt the Sunday X 'If Van I o.iti vtrote (h story and It wns dlreried by Toil llniKn Ing. uh lirtil nt hla comiiinnd all lint vnsl ri-snurces of the I'nlversal stud ios mid th ro-operntlmi of n com former empress has suffered great hnVf. ,, u,e ln . i,,,,!,.,., Ilt t.a,t mental distress und has felt severely jjil1()0 ,r . Hl,,tratlon of the the epcratlon from her children. ,n(!B,(l ,rar,. t,s money not to be Krom the time she nrnvid ut Am- ,.,, fnr iari... ,iii nuretv mlinlnl.. Zierongen, In November, 1918, shV has tratn0 work. T I suffered contlnuully. Now and then, f:sbe wus the victim of heart attucks so severe that she was confined to her bed for severe) das at a tlmo. In the spring of IS20, when the Kapp revolution In Ikrlln wus fol lowed by an urgent demand thut the 'furious as a Hahnru slmonn. With former emperor be clos-aly guarded. m . h,,h ., , .ff-l'" ecurei through hor street the life of the exile, tccume more )(h (m n wch g co,h lnelnit and 'cajolery sh supported ed .wlth'nlmndsnt power deal then depends on the u cer condition U directly or Itidl I wilt nni tii.vt lii time to tie ..ealtb officer aflvr this year, but I I'J ""' thousand people, would like to leave the office In such ' r"f ", ' ,'"n hn" ,h" ol,, of 8"r, shape that my succe.sor ...ay be able " """'I kt girl of fliamboul. to accomplish much more than has ",l1" ?' '"' l'lon like. been done In the past. ,,(,I ,',,,n"1K "" an' t "P" ' flltlfllla fla m Unlin.M -I..... ltI.U Th.. V.....1 1 1. ..Ml.. hn nn twwp ' "" " '"" "iiiiumii "' "' "" - s " "Jnl ovr roiiuiiiuns wnicn no nui niieci. irish demand . larkin's;releXse citizen any communication with ref erence toTilm from the Arnerlcsn government should be made through the Irish Republican government and bo thought that the matter the constrained and Auguste'n ailment more pronounced. Uti. wus rinsl nnltu iisi.Ia . ".I " ;. ;;...-: .. .V ' ha'th "" whether IIRKlUiVIU UI AJr. NttVUUOi. u i.eiuu T li, . . .. 'aln pihvalf.iin Hrnn la n inj.mli., t9 flhn. . ...... rectly h menuci; to life or health, former emperor's staff and. also, a . V.llh noted Dutch specialist In heart dis eases, from Utrecht, was culled 'into consultation. He decreed that she. must lead .1 """"" """" """ "r"Km ." . ?. should be placed In the hands of the , .,i, . .i i. . rien l,,fU tn,lt '"lint net on tlieso "DUBLIN, July 12. fay Mall.) There Is a renewed agitation In Ire land for the release from prison oftHnU,er ,or 'oreKn affairs of the tcret ot Do0rn that In May and June j...... .,.MU.,.-U RUJVMH.UU.. W..UC. .(,, ,Bg ye4vr tfce t0Tmkf ttDfTetU ,Uf. jiibu -.uuutiiH ure uciiub simiiuriy. A health office receives u good many complaints which do not affect the health of human beings, such aa barking dogs, ash heaps, etc.- lie james wiraini now- serving a sen tence-in -America. Home of the new town council have taken up the mat-' ter, and are busy passing resolutions about It. , . At Mulllnger tbe Town Council de- Mr. " J,h. ,2""'"V"" " minded LarkYnV release, and M cil, said that, aa lrkln was an Irish fpred such, violent attacks that her life was despaired of, On these pera- Parla has the only exclusive wb-.aiona, the, formtir crown prince ami; , -. . .i.i"-Lrr. . i.... ... ., ... ..t .. i nen a uiuaier m lue worm. imiuii umiir 141 ine,rionenzonerns, AJrho were within easy reach, were !n China the bridged sends her W. . M. future husband his wedding dress. , -At I)oornI'l everything bus been rJ,on to avoid disturbing the former - ... - - - ., .!., 1 .A. mMMamm- -.-- ' I ll arwwayall - -m. m m j - . - .......... -" ''"TTTTTTTTrttttttttfrtr News, or information thut it ItAUrr HURRY NQ TIME TO LOSE AMAZING REDUCTIONS For Instance: ' Two-piece Underwear at J5r pvr Kurinent SOc .Muslin Undt-rweur at...;. . ..2.Sc per garment 1 Lot I)r,'s fihlrts'nt, v ....flc each 1 Lot Dress Shlrls, ut 91.00 each 1 Lot Dress Shirts at ...kiJUl eali 1 Lot Fancy SuramertVeHts ut 7Bc curb Straw Huts at lOe, arte aad BOc Felt Hata at fl.OO, 2.00, 2.o und :.0J might tend to excite her, has, been Kept from nor, Htie has never been left entirely ulono. Jf sho has bin ublo to wulk In tho garden, atleud- j unts were In easy call. Prices Assassinated, Cut to Pieces Unbelievable Values for Your Money v Hammond F t S"'f 'v - t iiis.14 RUSSIAN WOMEN WORK AS WAITERS NKW YOUK. July 31. Muny cul tured .HiihhIuii women now nro uttlng ua wultresses In ConHtuiitiuoplu res tuuruntM, according to word received hero from un ugent or the American contra! committee for Itussluu relief. Theso women still wear afternoon und evening clothed which they took with them when they fled fm liol- snevisi icusBia. "There I the spirit of tho cantcori ibouj it all," read the ugent'H report, "and their compatriots and friends salute 'them In tbe usual charming manner of kissing their hands, and yeryona talks with tbem and helps tjbem 'n tbelr .serving." complaints, us he- Is the only public 1'offlcer whose scope of work s at all related to tbe subject of tbo com plaint. His powers, however, are no morrf than any other public-spirited, honvst-to-Qod citizen of Klamath Falli. What this town needs Is a health club to back up health move ments, und ,Be(i. thut the taxpayer gives the money .And sro 'that 'It-'la used to keep Klamuth Falls clean, healthy and beautiful, In these urtlcles, I urn going to point out somu of the things thut need to bn remedied. Oh, If I only had n body of fellow citizens tn or ganize and help mo, I could do sorriV thing before leaving this office. I ntu 'ready to 111I1I tho prustrgo of tho officii nml tho rJgliteouatiufiH of the cuiibo. ' , DIl. A. A. SOULK. nar nvm. ..rv.n.. ...... .. u...- ... .. a vreatt- "'"', ihiiivi. nun mi h ' jUd,mtnt' !""" nnrn v','e'' wbo.kept a ""' '"" l"" .'"inur 01 r.gypi, anir lane dny,when she carrie thereto so licit ulnui she met handsninn Amer- lcanwhd' wus In command of 11 fam ous faglonj'compnsed of the dregs of Asia, JnoWn us the lllnck Horse- Trjop. t8he heard Vusef worn th American tn bewaro of her, as her "soul was us tho filth In the streets of Htumboul." Killed with despa'r. Barf Tso)ved to purify her soul to bo-' worthyof the man she loves. Knterlng tho mysterious mosque she beheld a crime being enacted" within the sacred walls. Hut having committed the grave offense of en tering the mosque, to which no wo men nro admitted, her lips were seal ed and she dared .not, divulge, her au-cref1. (iPiinral Hcott, Whig stnn.lard hearer In lKf.2, wiih tho first to ills regard tho tradition that a cnmildatu for t)io presidency should not deliver spent hew In his own behalf This Is Ihn beginning of tho story, tho telling of which engages nn nn'nv of players, thousands of horses, cam- eix nnn nogs, gigantic settings and womlorful locutions and which was six mt'iiihs in tho making. MHH Dean's' spinmllil support Includes Wheeler Oiikimin, Wnlluco lleory, K. A. Wiirren, Kilwnrd Hums. Kugenlo Fordo, Ktliol Itltrhlu and other well known players. " Ono of the raroHt gonw In Queen Mury'H colleftlon Is 11 green diamond of marvelous beauty, It bun nevor been sot. V r -uaa-L--rL. -- .r. ,j . ' Two (. I S. ' .... .. ! Carrier Boys Wanted , , At Herald Office . 1 v & sK .U tth . ft t i 1. . ?i'ii$iM-or KUfeaTH VAtlM 1 v Twice a yiar the CblaeM carry ' n ,(... V ' ' ' I 1 ' ' i t y ilfood to tbalr 4td. "" IMWSM , t til AAAAM1Afl0W000WWWWWWWwi nrs.iBineionTi' f