WF? C If ty v5 Liu Ai 4 MTtHDAT, VSVt SI, 1M8 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TAOU TWO Kodak Finishing ' Films developed and printed in our own plant by cxperte who know nun iu uiiiih uui mi iiiu guuu puiius in juur ucgainra. Films received before 5 P. M. Ready the nest day at 6 P. M. KODAKS AND BROWNIES Genuine Eastman Films ' ''Everything lor the Amateur Photographer" Kodak 10.4ft tit SM.8.1 Brownie S3MM to 919,09. u : i TUBERCULOSIS I SPREADS FIR' f AMD QUICKLY KBKE KN'LARGKMKXT Save 15.00 worth ot sales checks from our Kodak Department and ret an 8x10 enlargement' Free. STAR DRUG CO. FIFTH AND MAIX NTIIEKT8 i is The extent to which bone tuber culosis, ir uncontrolled, runs Us course through a herd of cattle Is shown In a recent report received by ,tbe United States Department of Ag- ricuiture from Me of Its field In spectors la Illinois. Kery animal In) a herd Ot grade Holstdns nnd Jer eys reacted to tho tuberculin test. The herd consisted of 14 cows, 2 calve and 2 bulls. Upon post-mortem examination 6 of the animals showed such extensive lesions that (he, entire carcuss was condemned and destroyed. All of the other re actors likewise showed lesions, though not as such an extensive nu- At the liberty Sunday j..j. . . . . -. , . . l'ture as to necessitate destruction or . , 'the carcass. The fac,t that every anl-l i THEY TELL US THE .trr GASOLINE SITUATION Will loosen up, and that in the latter pari of August we will have PLENTY OF GASOLINE .tAr- VvUWrW 1NsVMMMSM-MjMs-Ms Make Your Plana It's Not Too Late for That Summer Tour '. if r'i White Pelican Garage 1248 Main St Klamath Falls, Oregon nial In the herd reacted and showed lesions makes the case one of the most striking ever recorded. The danger of tuberculous cattle to swine Has further demonstrated by the sile of hogs from this farm) early In the ear. The tlrstlot of 21, g.lioijs sold showed such, cxtetlihe les- lions of tuberculosis upon post-mor- torn thnf tlm ftnfbtnir rnmtitinv r... faied to accept the remaining SO. These were subsequently sold to a local shipper and their Identity and destination nre not known, if the swlno are still alhc they are un doubtedly a menace to other stock. .The Bureau of Animal Industry cnu- jtlons swine owners against purchas-, ilng stock from farms where cither I tuberculous cattle or swine aro kept., The bureau Inspector also report-1 ed that a week after the shipment oil hoes had been made, a milk cow a . tchronlc cougher had died and the t I younger stock was allowed to davourl the carcass. Such a practlco Is re-, sponsible for a great deal ot tubercu-' losis among swlno In the United States. According to bureau officials, the facts stated should cause any! livestock farmer who finds tuborcn. losli among his hogs or whoso ship Imenta ot hogs aro refused because of extensive lesions of that disease, to have his herd of csttle tested promptly. Unless the origin of In fection Is known and removed, tu berculosis Is liable to run Its course among all the cattle and swlno on the farm. BOY SCOUTS RUN I wilhklm worries . CARS IN STRIKE! DOORN, Holland, July 11. (By f.Mall.) The former German Emper- Mall.) jor William is greatly worried about jDON'T GAMBLE ON FIRE RISK. ADVICE WASHINGTON, July 31. 8eld3m If ever, does the government advise i speculation, but the Department of Agriculture says: 'If you have got to gamble, take WARSAW, July 7. (By "n.)-!0."""" ' '' "J; " abo"M -fljer' on the stock market or play Boy Scout, acted a, conductor. re-e low exchange rate of the German t Am.t a chance tentlv durlnar a strike of munlclnal linarK. employes of Warsaw and which of-1 Recently, in hope of fected the street car system owned' quarters for some of bis staff, he has ( by the city. Men volunteered from Priced a number of houses In the technical schools and electrical in- Wclnlty of Doorn. tltutions were on the front platform I The prices have been quoted in i of the street cars as motormen. Dur-,uu,c" guiucrs but William reducing Ing the strike, wages of from J. SO to 100 percent. "volunters operated (he electric light and power plants, the water works and the gas plants, the work all be ing done by boys and men members of the Social Self aid Society formed for such an emergency. The strlWe was settled by a compromise. DAXCIXO INSTRUCTION'S Private lessons by appointment ,only. Box "O" Herald office. 30-2 his hands and coiled the prices pre' posterous. securing nro'" " Klve ,hI nilvlce ln "i . . . clrcufar In Its campaign against for-1 est fires. "It never pays to toko a chance, with flre.'V says the circular. "The' biggest fires In history were started by those who didn't think tho woods' would burn. He as careful of fire as you ore of powder; It's Just as dangerous." n-ifHh ' ' m m w SSSSSSSm SJSSSSSSM fSSSSSSm WjShlk BSTBWw. "V 1 LssssssssssssssssssssssT sssssssWsV sssssssssssssssssssl wsssssW Thunt'crlnp: across the desert on a stallion shod vttn nxclie virpin rode at the head of the wild Black Horse Troop to the rescue of rur. American, soUHer lover. A mighty photodrama as human as the call of the virgin's heart as rich with romance and mystery as a shuttered harem. See it now. Vs ffrv ne VIRGIN oC STAMBOUL & . Univortnl -Jewel $500,000 Production de Luxo ' DinEaEO QY TOO BROWNING ' Starrins PRISCILLA DEAN At the Liberty Sunday Duvbak and Kampit ouUer wear for men and women at K. K. K. Store. The two star wrestlers, Joe Stech er and Karl Caddock, are manager, of semi-professional baseball team. In their home town, of Dodge, Neb., and Walnut, Iu., respectively. ' HAVE YOU TRIED W. H. ROSS at 906 Main for Hardware, and Ni-nr nnd ft-conil Hand Goodn? X I bavo at this time two good ranges, cheap; camp stoves, tanm chairs, dishes, rugs, trunks, grips, etc., ut the RIGHT PRICE OF COURSE In Austria, since the war, all edu cational institutions have been open ed to women. The Fd. V. I'rice line of Fall wool. en haio nrriwd nt K. K. K. Mori-. Suit to jour exciuidtc meanure. SAEE TEA OMVDV TO IN 1 IT'S aRA.YDMOTHKIVH RIXII'K TO . IIItlXG HAC'H COLOR AXU MIH Till." TO UAIlt I'AI-ACK IS IIOSI'ITAIi 10, (By Mall). has n'ulsltloncd MIKWWWW. ,..,. LU m HI l ft i wiri.ii hi: gi,ad TO TKMi VOU Just what it will cost to move your household effects to your new home If you will phone us to call and size up how big a van will be re quired. You'll find qur charges ery reasonable, our ervlce prompt and efficient. ' " ' Western Tramsfsr Co. " 76 Ifaia' 1 SW...I ilMlT 'mi -MMm' ''1 mmi awt t mmm UMIMIIIII HI M1 You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over night If you'll get n f.O-tent bottle or "Wyeth's Soge and Sulphur Cora- pound" ut any drug i.tore. Mllllonn 'of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Beclpe, Improved by the addition 'of other Ingredients, are sold annually eav a wull known druggist here, be cause It darkens the hair so natun ally and evenly that no one can tell lJ has been applied. Those whoso hair la turning gra or becoming faded have a surprise iwaltlng them, because after one or two application the gray hair van ishes and your Jocks become luxuri antly dark and beautiful. Thla la tb age of youth. Gray- haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed -around, so gat busy with Wyetli's got and Sulphur, Coanpoond'tonlibt and you'll t deUfbttd wits your tars, tss4sosM bsir aosd your youth- fsl sMsM wltbla t few dsys. BELGIANS PLAYING EVEN WITH HUNS, Vienna. July (Tho government ANTWERP, Belgium, July 11, (By tho famous old palacu of the Arch Mall.) Antwerp Belgians who suf- duku Frederick, stundlng Just behind c.-.t imu vm, haio ,uu,ivifi;u m ,..v i:,n a,ji, uiiu Hi llju lursrHL in radical movement ngrflnst the few! Vienna. It Is to bo used for hospital scoro Germans who, since the peace pu rpows. treaty becamo effective, have man-1 aged to re-fstubllxli themselves In ' business there. The movement, known as "Heraus' les Roches" developed spontaneously with a big parade here recently anil felnce then the property of some Ger man merchants Iiuh boon attacked. I "Heraus es Boches" placards huvo been displayed In many shop win dows. The term, a combination of German and French, Is meant to ox-j lircHM tho sentiment, "Out with tho Clormuns." ! Tho Belgian foreign otllcn has1 'jitatod that only a few Germans have been permitted to" enter tho country l nnd that thny had been for many ((yenrH rosldtns of Antwerp befdro tho Tho Johnson mower Is tho mower for ou. It Is durnhlo and capable. Wo soil them. Howie Gnragv, City, 20-tf After a brief cxnorlmont with twi light baseball, the Kulumuzoo Cen tral lesvgue club Iioh reverted to the regular afternoon schvdulu. FOR SALE FOR SALE The Southeast quarter of tho southweHt quarter of aectlon sqven, Northeast quarter of north west quarter and the west half of the Northeast 'quarter of Section Eighteen In Township Thirty-seven South, Range Eleven and one-half Kast of the Willamette Meridian., There is about three million feet of pine on thla land. The price is $10,000. For further Information write owner. P. 0. Desmond. Holly wood, Calif., 1737 N. Sycamore Ayt. July 17-I4-B1-7-14-I1 n Twenty-two women hold seat In the new German national aatemsly. The Rex Cafe Special Sunday Dinner $1.25 Crab Flake Cocktail HOti' Cream of Chicken, Royalo , I-'IHH Fillet of Salmon,' a In Orly HKLIHIIKH Spiced UpoIh . Swoet ahorkhiH HALAII Cold Bluw, French Dressing KXTHKKH i Choico of ' Chicken FrlcussccRox Stylo : One-half Squab Chicken, a la Maryland V ''" Roast Milk Fed Vcul, Stuffed, Currant Jelly u, ,, , VKOi:TABLIi " . Mashed Potatoes '"Garden Peas Grape Juice Punch DE8HERTH f i A 'i Choice of , '.-".wvfir Assorted Pies; Vanilla, IeerCressa. Noir , '" i 1 A ., -3; 1