FAG1? FITS THE EVENING HEKALD. KLAMATH FA1X8. OREGON v RflDAT, JULY M, JIM k2s a) HARDING'S SPEECH OF ACCEPTANCE IS A NEW KEYNOTE Republican Nominee at Noti fication Coremonles Dis cusses Problems Con fronting Nation. "HOLI HEMTACE AMERICAN UTMiAUTY UNIMPAIRED' AdvotaUe fifty Responsibility Dlttlngulahsd from Dictatorial and Autocratic Poreonal Rule In Rt ferrlng to Loagut of Nations, Says Wo do' Not Moan to Shun a Single Rtepenelblllty of Thli Btpubllc to World Cfvllliatlon favors Protte tlvo Tariff, Marchant Marina, a Small Army, Woman Suffrage and National ludgtt. Mnrlun, Ohio, (Hprrlal.) Warren (I. HnnllriK wmi officially notified hen nt lila immliwitlon lis the llepiibllnin , iiitnllilnlo (or Ihe 1'realilfiiry. Ilia si-trh of itfftn o It, In part, at fl'llllW. fhiiliniaii Lodge, members of Noll flrnlltin Committee, tiit'intxTn of Nu tmnal Coiiunlllfe, ladles unit tlenlle men Tim im-MiiKi' which )(iu have f rmiJIy come) id brings to inr a ri-nllsatlitii or rrnpoiiallilllty which la tint unilrn-ntlriMli'il It la n supreme tuak In lntrriri't Din ronunt of n great political party, tin uctlvlllea i( which art' so woven Into I Ik- hlator erf thla rrl'iiMIr, ami n very tarred nml ri'lunii umJirtttkliiK U utter the faith Mm! naplrullima of the many mllllmia who adhere to thul party, Tlm purl)' platform hna rlmrtiil tho way, yet, amiii liow. we hate roine to expert thul Inlerpntallmi which uliea the fnUh nf muiiliieea who mini alanine apeelflc tnaka. ' Orllivct In Party Government. I. t tne hv iiiiilemtiKnl rlenrly from the very lieKlntilni:. I lieliutv In purt) I'MiMrchlp In k eminent. I tellee In I'Aity government aa itlatltiKiilatieil from pcrniinal government, Imlltldiitil, 1II1 intorlal, niitormtlr or what not. No inun la tile enough to run thla irtcut repulillr. There never hna lieen emu Burh iloniliialloii m never lie temleil Tranquility, alutilllty, depend ulilllty all lire naaured In party apcu aorahlp, uml we mean to rentw ihe aaaurmnea whlrh wurn rended In the Cliturl) Ditinl war. (lur flrat roinmlttiil la the rtira . tUn of lepreaentatlvn popular Kovern mint, under the Conatltiitlon, IhroiiKl. the ngenry of Ihe llepubllrnn parly Our vlalon Inrludea more than h rhtrl riirutlvo, we believe In a rahliul it hlgheat cnparlly, tijuul to the reapon. allillttlia whlrh our aatem' content plnlea, In whoae rounrlla the vice pri a lilrnt, aeeond olflclut of Ihe repuhlle ahull te naked to purtlrlpnte. The an me Union Inrludea a cordial under atundliiK nml ro-ordltmled urtlvlllea with 11 heme of rnnxrraa, freah from the people, volrlnc Ihu ronvlrtlonr whlrh liifinlera lirlur, from direct con tint with the 1 leetorutu. and rnrdlul u operation ulong w'th thu remorril function of flenute. fit to h thu cvui eat ilclllcralhe body of thu world. Republican Benatort Comclcua of Oath It la nut dlfflrull, Cliulrmnu I.oiIbc. tc iiiuke oiirnHiH clinr 011 thu qui llui of Intemntlmuit relatlonahlp. We HipulillcuiiH of the Kenulu, coni'cliiii of our aulemu nntha mid mindful of our conalliutlnniil ublUmllrna, when we anw the Mrilrturu of u world auper government tiikttiK vlnlnnury f.rm, joined In 11 Incoming wnrnlug of our devotion to thla republic. If. the torch rf coiiatltutlonnllarn hud not been illinliH'J, tints, dwlnyed H'ace ,of thu world and thn tragedy of dlaiippolnt inent mid l.'uropu'a nilaiinderatmidlng tif Ainnrlrn enally might hnvo bii-n livolded. Tha Itepulillrana cf thu Hen to hulled Ihe barter of1 Independent American emlnenco and Influence. which It waa proposed to exchange for mi obrcure und unequal place In the uieigtd government of Ihe world. Our 'party moans to hold tlitiihurlUgn of American nationality unimpaired nnd vnsiirremlefed. - ' Tho world will not misconstrue. We, do titit mean to hold al:of, W do not , ineiin to shun, a alnqle rettponalbllity of this republic to world civilization, Theru Is no hato In Ihe Amvrlciin heart. Wo hnvo no envy,' no Himplclon, .,, ..BMln.. trim a,..., t,,,.,l,. I. ,1... III! in I'lnum iui mi i'1'i'i'iv in iitu '.....i.i ii.. i,t.i i,. ..,. .ii.iiiu i,n,i Wllllll. 1,1. llwill It, .M, ,r,...n .... mean to defend, nyo, we mean to huh. lulu Ihu rights of this nation und our ' citizens nlllie, everywhere under the i shining sun. Vet there Is thu concord of (unity mid Nympiithy nnd fraternity In every resolution. There is n genu liiu iisplrutloii in evvry American breiiHt for n truniiill friendship with nil tho world. One muy readily srnso the c.9usc. wco of our Aincrlcn. I urn sure I un derstand tho purpose of tho dominant tfroiip of the Senate, Wo were not Mieklug to defeat u world usplrutlnn, wo wore resolved to safeguard Ameri ca. Wo were, resolved then, even us we nro today nnd will be tomorrow, to preserve thla freo and Independent Tfiubllc. ' (Continued tomorrow) In big ceremonies In FIJI a, polish--ad whale'a tooth la preaonted to an important gUMt upon whom It la do lrod to conf-Mr apoclaj honor. O, I ! PERSONAL MENTION .o Mm. K, V Utilise; Jr. nml two Ison ii ro In Out city en 11111(11 to their liniiiti In Hun Fruiirlauo, They linvu wen vlaltltiK In fort Kliimiitli with I Mm. Jlaiiao'ii iwiIIht, Mm, H, II. King, for tlm Inst seven week. Mr. M, A. Simpson, of I'ortlunil, n'H"iii wnu una mien viniiiHK reiu - Uvea III Hhlppliiglon alnt'u April, left on thn morning train for ICiiKene, I Piitilrk gulnn, of tlm Aliiakii Cn-I 'glnrerliig commission, who hn been hiMii on 11 brief business trip, wits n pnimengor on tint mornliiK train for Hun Krnnclaco. Mm. John Hpurkii, who tin been vlaltlng In this city with her mother, Mra, M. H. Nelson,, her brother, John Nelaon, nnd alater, Mm, Krrd lions ton, left I hla niornlnn for her homi' In Wnlla Wnllu, Washington. Mm, lil llmlaun, who has l-jn vlaltlnx relatives In Fort Klarnntfi for tint pint month, left this mom In: for her home In Itoaeburg. I)r uml Mra, W. H. Jnhnaon, of lloniinin, Oregon, with piiaaengem on tin- morning train for McMnvlll, Oregon, where thry lire going for the benefit of thn itortoi'a health, Mian B, Hlooia left for Yrekn, f.'nl- Ifornln, this morning, where "he will spend until Hiimliiy visiting relullve nml frlemla, Hen llunil left thla morning for n all weekn' hualnesa vlalt In Kittt Francisco, Mlaa V. A. A lilt Mia, Mlaa Agnes I'llnlli-y anil Mlaa Helen K. Wnrner,' nf New Vork City, hnv been on a lour of the northwest, vlaltlng nil the J polnta of Inlereat. They mine ilown I frnm) (Vnter l.nke yertenlny where they aprnt two ilaya, uml left on the 4l0rl,g train for the Yoaemltu N" tlonnl Turk. Mra. Julia Anderaon nml children, who hnvo men vlaltlng Mra. Antler on'a fttther, Dun Hurt, of Klninnth Agency for two nioiitha, left thla morning for their homo In Mlfuulii, Montana. Mm. W. J Wolfe mid dnnghter, Kiiinii, were pnaaenRem on tlm morning truln for Ouklitnd, Oregon, where they will vlnlt Mm. Wolfc'a j parents for about h iifnlh I (! Htnnaley went to Weed thla'1 morning" where he will mke hla home, I Mlia Avla DiuiRhj-rty, who wua re-j cently tllarhitrReil from the Klanitth 1 (letniral hoapltal waa n mariiRvr on j ithn mornlnR truln for Denver. Colo-J railo, where he will vlalt her broth er Hhi) will return uguln In Heptem-' ber to reatime her poult Ion aa teach-, ' er of homo economlca nt the high ichool. Mra. I.. Wurner, who hna been via King In thla city with her brother, J. II. Chumbera, for the puat two month", returned to Per home In I'hrervllle, California, on the morn ing train. Mra T Wllunn uml Mica M. I.'ndy, who have I n lit fritter Lake for the pnat two weeka, left on the morning truln for their home In Fan Joae, California. Mr nnd Mm II. K. Mouiyrr, who hnvo been attending the V.Uin con vention ut Hale 111, relumed home Tiie.diiy. John llerryuiuii en me In on Inat nlght'a train from Han KiumUco, nnd la aloppliig nt tho White I'ldliMii hotel. Mr. mid Mm. Orn Kngle tlrovo Into town thla morning from their home ut Kort Kliiinnth. , lliith Montgomery, of Kugone, la vlaltltiK hero for u few iln. Sho la n kuusI ut tll While IVdlrmi hotel. Juilgu uml Mm. A. I.. I.eavltt left thla morning for Hocky Point fot two or three duya IIhIiIiik. Mr. nnd Mm. John Siemens und 'chlldien. accompanied by Mra. C, C. i.ow (,(, yestordny for tlinlr summer homo ut Hocky Point, wtiere they will spend a week or ten days. Miss Kllti I'otorstolni-r Joined the Captain Waller Wunilerwoll com pany, and expects to travel with Ihem for thu next three yearn. (icorgo 0, North was n county seat visitor yesterday from Algomii. A, M. Jnmison came In yenterda; ' ufternoon from IiIh ranch on the Al- Koiiui roud. Mr. und Mrs Kugeuu Thompson Thompsiui weru In ami Miss Kloni Ivliimulli Knllri Tuesilay visltliiK with frloiitU und rulutlvim. Mm. Thomp-' son Ih deputy school siipflrlntundont of Jacksonville and Mian Thomson. Is chief deputy of thu sheriff's olllco thuro, N. A. Clirlntonc.Mii, of l.nkovlew, William C. Ilodgo, of San Frnnclsco, Mr. and Mm. door go A. Stephenson, Mr, und Mrs. I. I). Newton, of Iais Angeles, Ollvo Moore, of I.os Ange les, S. A. BtolluaKon, C. Vf, Harrl son, Chris II. Jonsen, It. F. Oity, K. C. Myera and Charles Norton, all of J'ortland, and Fred Berviss, of Sprlngflold, Oregon, are tractor men who are here for the demonstration this week. J. B, fltlles la a Klamath Falla via Itbr from San Francisco, having ar rived on last nlght'a train. I?T'WT'??'????T'?,'??????T'' TRUTHFUL THERMOMETERS 1 1 I I i Keep Posted Regarding the Patient's Temperature It is difficult' for an adult to judge as to the degree of fever he may have and still more difficult to tell whether a child's fever is seriously high. Every home, therefore, should contain a reliable Fever Thermometer because it will always indicate when a fever is of a dangerous character. In case of sickness it also enables you to watch the natient's temperature and report to the physician. Reliable Clinical or Fever Thermometers at S2.00 I i 8. II. Iluxxard la n giient at the While Pelican hotel from Sacramen to, tnduy. Mm, J. Mrl'nnh Smith uml Mra. A. Spitz ure vlaltlng here from Alluraa, California. They nro registered nt the White Pelican. Florence A. Adnma. Ilolun 11 War- ner nnd Agnes J. Klndluy are lour- lats who nrc apendlnp n few days vn - ontlon here from New York. II. J. Tlchnor was In town venter - day puchaaliiR supplies for his ranch In l.orelln. A. w Tower, a revldent of Keno. I OleKon, wua In Klamath Falls yes. j terduy morning on business. Tom Word, who was sheriff of Multnomah county for several years,! Ih here its 11 government representa tive looking nftor legal matters. Cliudo Washburn, cashier of u bank In Junction City, Oregon, Is here today on his way home 'uiter having vUltrd Crater Lake. J. K, llrntton, who has been n deputy In tho sheriff's office, for some time, severed his connection with the county to tuko up other work with thu Peoples Market. J. Falrclo spent yesterday In town from his ranch on thMerrlll road looking after business .nfTalrs. Charles lllley and liob Robinson linva returned from Sillom und the KIIih convention and report , the finest kind of a time. Kil, 11 Core und family, of Meil ford, vvoro horo ycBterduy on llieii' wny homo from Crater l.nke vvhere they hnvo beon spending a few days. (Icorgo W. Strowbrldgo was n city visitor from Chlloquln Inst, evening. (leorgo Hitter, of Yonnn Vnlloy, wiih here purchasing Buplles yester day. Tho Johnson mower Is tho mowor for you. It Is durable, and capable Wo sell thorn. Howlo Garago, City. 26-tf KANDKHH KINKD taao HKNTKNCKO TO JAIIi In n letter from tho U. S. mar Rhnl'H offlco In Portland to Bert 0. Thomas, United States commissioner, camo tho news that Oscar Bandera who waa taken there on the charge of carrying liquor to the Indiana on the, Klamath reservation, haa beetf aentenced to SO daya In Jail and a f 2S0 fine. Dreaaea ad of b'anana-aktaa ware displayed at a recent exJjlfcltlon In London."' . ., ' ' (jMcrwootfs wwimy W'v., KLAMATH FALLS OREGON to5? w I V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE ttu I pupixV I BUY THEIR DRUGS IaccupacvI j 1 n'.1 w.i. i..l,,.M.....ilW. l.WMMMMMMWWMW....M...MMMWMMMMWa Y'''www.sww,wi .i..,itMnwwv.,,,....iW..xwv-.-.-L'-.-.: vuvvvwuwuwuuW.V All Instruments Carefully Tested and See the Big Display in Our Window -O CALIFORNIA NEWS OAKDAI.K, July 29. With a depth of more thun 2250 feet bored, tho Southern Oil and fiaa company la atlll sinking the ahuft of the well m?ar Oakdale. nccordlnw to atate- jmimta n(ado yesterday by company , officials, who declare their belief ' thiit when the next strata of shale Is ' penetrated .there will be the flow of 0j l0 the degreo tley have expected. i . AA.-. - - - - Going Camping? We are now prepared to supply your Camping Time Needs. We carry a very complete line of Lunch Sets, Auto and Outing Sanitary Packages, Paper Plates, Wax Paper, Paper Napkins, Drinking Cups, Paper Towels, Wooden Knives and Forks, also Tinware and .Enamelware. We have only listed a few items from our stock, it is only through a visit to our store that you can realize the many things we have for your Camping Trip. BROOMS Bluebird pattern, 54 pc. Set, SPECIALLY priced at $13.99 per set Y We also have in stock a number of beautiful patterns of Crockery. Y money Dy procuring your urocKery neeas at, mis jfc. ,-a-Haa-Biaasiiiiiia.aaaaaiaaaaaaaassBaBaaia-aiiia jj ' More X of Popular . j X . 'FT x i KUithFm The Weather Man Will Have Nothing On You Take no one's word as to how hot it is. You can easily become an authority on the tem perature by investing in A Good Thermometer By being familiar with the temperature very often you can adapt your.daily habits so as to conserve health and promote comfort. We carry an excellent line of up-to-date thermometers in all of the approved styles and sizes. Prices 50c to $7.50 You'll need two, one for your home and one for your office SU8ANVIM.E, July 29. The Laa I 'sen Lumber and floi company baa 4' ,un,pqnl.il lta nt.allAn. mr t Vin t the big mill Is now cutting- loO.oOO feet dully with two shifts. As soon as sufficient help can be obtained the company- will operate two sawmills. Men working In mill No. 1 have been 'transferred to mill No. 2. The box factorj nas been running night und day for weeks and the company Is employing all the hands It can get In the factory. M - BROOMS EXTRA SPECIAL a aiiaaiaaaaaaaa-aaa waiisiasaaaiBaisiaaaM Brooms, regular $1,00 value, our price - v - Klamath Variety ShoP ' 5.10..5 and 25c STORE EVERYBODY'S STORE SuccMor$ to L. M. Martiai Corrected : 1 a. - 1 SUSANV1LLE, July 29. In tho aecond Ibqueat on the bady of Henry I Cf.hlllt 9 fminfl nn IDA RtlBanwlH- Schultz, found on tne Susanvllle Westwood, road about two weeks ago, a verdict of murder by partlea unknown to the Jurors was .returned. Duxbnk ami Knmpit outing; wear for men nml women at K. K. K. Storo. r A Classified Ad will anil It. BROOMS v 20 Reduction on all Summer Millinery Save siure We Serve Voo A Better X Have You More A aa OragM. X , .a'aV'afc. .. .aft..aA.A..a..a..a..A. R' I