m I m i -ST) , ;;,. AJi Nil! MwrsAVt Jtnvr tit, mi. THE. , JJOULDrXLAMATB FALL3, OftlOON ' ,j.i .V. -" 7m IPT" "DUXBAK m "RAMP-IT" Outing Wear for Men and Women I! 'V Now is the time you'll heed proper clothing for your outing, camping and auto trips and we have just the styles you'll want, in America's most popular ' -OUTING WEAR 41 V ii'iJ .;i- Duxbak" and "Kamp-it" Makes; Khaki, Wool and Corduroy. Outfit Here-Exclusive Agency WWMWWMWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMW guj. uxnjyjijxnrnrirririrnri"i"i""r'jTJJ' KKK STORE LEADING CLOTHIERS and HATTERS Sid Evans, who ha been In Chlco, California, on a visit, returned to hit home here last night. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Keller and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schallock lett this morning for Diamond lake for a ten I PERSONALMENTION o o The Welti Fargo Express company moTed yesterday to their new loca tion on South Fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. John Enderi and days' tour of that section, friends spent yesterday at the Lake Glen Deals, who has been attend 'o-the-Woods picnicking ling the Elks conrentlon for the last Kos. Llndacy. of Alberta. William ! 'w lr. n returned home and re Gibson, of Salem, and W. D. Ross. an.Prt Ane time, employee of the Southern Pacific, B. H. Nelson and wife were at who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Point for the week-end. K. J. Mayer, accompanied Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cofer and Mrs. Mayer to the picnic giren byiramu? were -victor yesterday at the Christian church yesterday .on rtocky Point. - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MMiWWMSWWWSMMSMJWWWAWMASWWt speat yesterday la Keno fishing, They returned with many fish. Mr nnit Ifra P. flimAt nf Sjiftt. I. .n.i r,-,.. .i4.ni. mi.,.!!, TOK SALE flood house on Ninth 8L tie. and former residents of KUmalh wth nr blK room, am, talh on raus, arove in ior a visu wun .iir first floor and three'smalt rooms ud and Mrs. W. H.. McPherrea and oth- stairs; on big corner tot, with gar er friends and left Saturday for Tla .? ,ecl' r,ca . .f J?' !,.., ii.,i n'y 11200 cash .and balance Ilka jusna. Mexico. ,., This Is Just about the beat rea Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Groesbeck wlll(ldcnce lot In the city and bos Una leave In the morning for a ten daysilawn and shade trees. Look It orar vacation trip to Fort Klamath. 0lla'' Chllcote & Smith. 633 Main J. E. Weaver returned to Suther- ZL lln, Oregon, this niornlng after bav-lpoR SALE -Modern five room pin- Ithe Crater Lake road. They also at tended the open air services of the church at the scene of the picnic last evening. lng been here since Friday on busl- tered house with plenty of cabinet I worn; aiso lawn, trees anu outuuua- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Rj,C, Crpesbeck and I family spnt Sunday witliM r. and Mrs. Ilurr Westbrook. near Merrill. W. 11. Parker has returned from Will Mason, editor of the Klamath Pec,n B,r wne he ipent Record, left thla morning for a busl- , feV dtyl Tacation. neas trip of several days to San. . J A. F. Graham, who was away most of- last week on business, returned Mr. and Mrs. George Cbastaln and Friday, family drove to Bonanza yesterday! ETnt McCollum who hM ,,. for a vlalt with friends and relatives. on a JW0 wwkg. racaon baclt at Mr.. Nate Otterbeln. Mrs. Robert hu desk ,n tne Flrit Natlonat bank. Sloin. Leta Harvey. Opal Harvey., K. s Veatch. who has been 111 for Lee Parker and Master Jack Reaver the palt wefk ,eft thu morn)nK fcr mftae up a party that went by car to CrJnl ,.ui whe he wlu sp4nJ , Ashland Saturday, Tbey will vftlt gnorl time-wtrh-his-fcrallTr--with Mr. Otterbeln'. brother. Jack D M Smltb ,nd uajllyand E. M. Harvey, who Is visiting In Ashlind chllcote and family were among from Santa Anni. California. Mrs. Klamath people who visited MillnJ Sloan will not return today with the yesterday. They -Dorf 'that the rest of the party, but etp-cl. to visit crop, are ceptldnallyflne there with other Ashland friend for a and tae barley.- ,, already turnlng week or two. ; (golden. With the exception of a Ollle Howard and Jlsj Edsall. ttIe ,M troubie experienced by Mr. ranchers from near Bly. were In SmIta the trip wa,.mMt successful. Klamath Falls yesterday) hi com- tbey report. blaed pleasure and buslaaaa. trip. I Mr. tai 'Mrl. R j, 8beeU aod Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Smith famy meaiti tbe community pic apent yesterday In Laaawll ""er.nc yesterday, whlcH was a big sue with Mr. and Mr.. Levi McDonald. ceM accordlnf to , nvortii SUaley L. Kidder. po.Ul Inspect- Word hM htn ncelrei trom Mr. or for this district. U In town for a,nd Mrl. Jmm B,er who ,, mak. Uw day., on busl,.... ! lag an extended Wslt la the east. Roy Foacb. a yoaag man who has Tbef ,tteBde(, th- N-,t0nal Elk " ?ta?f i V"1 enty Bd! convention In Chicago aod are now - ww m, mi flB their wr tft Nw Yoplr. and frnm there they will return home. Mr. and Mrs. John Martlar. accom panied by Mr.. Martia'a Brother, Dr. C. E. Wheeler, arrived last night from San Francisco in thalr car. They weafdown to bring Dr. Wheel er here for ala health. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorga J. Walton war visitor, la Merrill yesterday. Mr. and Mr.. W. H. McPherren and Mr. and MraWlUUaa Cherne The Johnson mower Is the mower for you. It Is durable and capable. w s-u then- Hpwle Garage. City 26-tf .Inns. House Is completely furnished, mciuuing piano, anu tna wnoie goes at the low price of ti"50 Just $1200 cash aniUthe balance on long time by tbe month, Chllcote it Smith, 611 Main St. SS-27 WILL LOWER RATE ON AIR TRAVEL FOR SALE Ry owner, a coiy foar room house on paved street, two blocks from Main, Very reasonable. N..320 11th St. 26-31 CLERICAL WORK wanted by youn man. Experience with large San rraacisco Corporation, Address no "O" Herald office, 26-S7 OPIUM GROWN IN DEFIANCE OF LAW t PLENTY OF PULP too, rail SHANGHAI. June 17. (lly Mall.) PORTLAND. Or.. July 26. Opium Is being grown oitenslvely ! Within the last 10 y!r H" forest In ports of Fuklvn province jleiplt" has brought about tho sale of 420, the law against It, according to a ' 001,000 fin-t of timber In the n.i mission worker nUtloneil at Yon- tlcmal forests of Alaska, for piling, ping He writes to thu Anti-Opium sawlogs and shingle boll. Society. 1 Tho national fori'sts of Alaska "At the city of Yungnn, the head- contain 100,000,000 cords of limber quarters of the southern forces, I suTta'tilo fur the tnamitarture of pa found they were growing opium ex per, according to ratlmatns made by tanstvety; ovfln In tho grounds of tho tht foit-.t rli. Under careful ynmen Itself the ground was white' management tlivmi forest can pro wlth poppy. 1 was told thero were iluce two million cords of pulpwooj over 100 opium shop In the city II- annually for all lime, or enough to censed for one dollar per night manufacture onn-thlrd of the pulp ! marked 'places for the breaking of products now consumed In the Unit- PARIS. June 27. (By Malt.) Ear ly announcement' Is expected of the reduction of passenger rates for air travet between London and Paris and many are wondering It tbe day Is far distant when It may be cheaper to tratel by air than by land and sea.' At the beginning of the London-Par is air service last year the price for one way ticket on small fast ma chine was 20 guineas and 15 guin eas on the largor passenger ships, It Is now reported that fares will soon be reducedto 10, 10 shillings, In one' recent week's flying more than 100 passengers were carried In tbe London-Paris jijr service and It is hoped that a reduction in price will Increase the number of passen ger. There bar been an ever-Increasing number of Inquiries for the service but tbe price baa discouraged many prospectlvt passengers. FOR SALE A two burner Puritan the opium habit. N.03VTi7h: XT lW0 """26-Yif. , yh0 -'' ""' e pie to plant the drug and no matter FOR SALE Good delivery Ford for what the value of tho crop may be, sale cheap. Mallory Garage. 637 (hey are to be taxed a definite mow at. io-ij 1 amount," FOR RENT 3 room apartment. Phone 520, secured bla dUcaarge front, the Unit- ad States Marines, a4 arivesl hoase last night: Tad Markwardt. Aaaon Rndl and two friend, made a trip to. Crater Lake Saturday, retaraJag late last Bight. Mr. Nellis 'Kllae caaae In lait alght front Carmine, Califarnia. She I will Ti.it for aomo thae with Mrs lea Moors. - Star Theatre HiailEHT STANDARD PRODUCTIONS TKRWILUGER PATRICK, PROPS. TONIGHT Mrs. Charlie Chaplin in " THE INFERIOR SEX" See how the Ctuutalaa; Actress aolres the problenw of Married Life Larry Samon in 44 THE GROCERY CLERK" This Ctonsedy abaolntelr oa of the Beat Ever Show Wa-apecljiljia'fii' oty-acetelene welding. No jab if too difficult, and the break wlili be permanently weld- td too. Ask us for price. -en this work. Howie Garage. 26-tf ed States, The commercial trees of Alaska are western hemlock, Sitka spruce, Alaska cedar and western red cedar. Cottonwood, birch, lodgopolu pine and whlto fir are also found In .mall luantltles. Work In the open Is possible at alt furnished' 26-27 CHICAGO UNIVERSITY MAN GETS MEDAL !m ,J "V" "n h8 Tongas, na- tlonal forest, Alaska, but logging op- LONDON, July 6. (lly Malt.) ''ra.tlon. are not profitable In the Albert Abraham Mlchelson. profes- hrt days of winter. In 19IS 145,583 cords of hemlock FOR SALE On paved street, 2 new bungalows. One 4 -rooms; the oth er S-rooms and bath; modern; corner-lot, no sewer or pavement taxes. Phnnn 2G9J. or call 14 47 Worden Ave, 26-2S r of physics In the Unlvorslty of 'Chicago, has been awarded the Al- Pulpwood and 3B.385 cord of spruro FOR SALE: Set of tinner, tools; al- ,ort Medal of the Royal Society of w,r" consumed In Washington, Ore- so Oregon law books and Unlvcr .Ity law books, Address Postmaster. Worden, Ore. zo-31 Old Clothsc, tattered and torn, left In this. wild world to weep aod to mourn. Bring them to ua and we do tbe rest. So, So, See 713 Main St., So. So. 26-tf FOR SALE REASONABLE PRICE AND VERMS TOMORROW Bailie Baurfce In M WANTED A HUSBAND H Mask Si Hi's Oaaaady QKB WHIZ " DINING CAR MEALS TICKLag IQURDOUGHS ANCHORAgB, Alaska, July 26. veteran -soimuM' wno u.ea to pay $2.50 a It for pork and bean, without a mri and to whom ham and egg. ware a aura-enough luxury, take keen comfort )a tbe buffet car recently plaeed on one of tbe train, operating between .S ward and An chorage. Tourlita 'who have dined on Uncle Sam's rofllng kitchen talk about the menu for a long time thereafter. For an elaborate dinner of fresh mountain trout with a rasher of bacon the modest aura of $1.25 I. asked. Dolled or fried Matanuska potatoes are .old for 16 cent, an order; grape fruti orange and other fresh fruit, are .erred for 26 centa and coffee coata 10 centa a cup Meat, are naturally a trifle higher than .tbey are on the "outride," on account of the blfh cost of transpor tation, but, Alaska railroad, officiate believe, it wjl'aeesr be possible to obtain 'home grown meat in abund- "HAGUE RANCH," one mile from town. 120 acre., good Improvements About two miles of building front age. ALSO Factory alte on Railroad, in town, including Comaaaialty House altea, about fifty lots. ALSO About S acre, on river, for u in ner heme, and recreatloa'two miles from town. T. O. HAGUE, Wllllts Building, Klamath Fall. 26-17 NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION ance. Harvesting .ajaeUlBary for immedi ate deliver. A Johnson mower ia n wonderful help fiWSf harvest time. We sell theWf tynHf 0rage.-'S6-tf Notice ia hereby given that, pur suant to resolution of tbe Board of SuDervuor. calling ..me, a apeclal election by tbe land owner, of Upper Van Brimmer Drainage District will be held at tbe residence of Fred Mc Kendree in aald District and about one mile aouthea.t of Lone Pine School House, Klamath County, Ore gon, on July 31, 1920, at 2:30 o'clock d. m.. at which time and place .aid land owner will vote up on the question of approving or re jecting a certain contract proposed to be entered Into by said Drainage District and the United State, of America, it copy of which contract 1. on file with tbe secretary or .am Dis trict and may be seen at bis resi dence. ' FRED McKENDREE, Secretary Upper Van Brimmer 26-27-28 Drainage District A CUaaiaed Ad will aeU It MOTHER OF SIX CHILDREN CALLED Arts for 190. with the approval of "d California. the Duke of Conyaught, the presi dent, for optical Inventions which have rendered possible the reproduc tion of accurate metric standard and provided tbe mean, of carrying out measurements with a minute precision hitherto unobtainable. Professor Mlchelson'. contribu tion, to scientific research already have been recognised by tbe award of tbe Copley Med. I of tbe Royal 8ocletyaad of the Nobel prlte for Physic, both in 1907. The funeral of Mr. Maggie Ding ier, wife of Fred Dingier, who died Friday night at the family home eight mJlea south of Klamath FalU, wa. held yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Wblttock chapel, the Rer. E. P. Lawrence officiating. The decedent waa 26 years old and I. survived, beside tbe husband, by six children, the oldest of whom I. tea yean eld. ' FOR QUICK SALE ''Owner, going away Good gasoline engine, new cooking range, sulky plow, mower, rake,, feed grinder, 40 feet 6-lnch belting, S saddle or work horaea. aet of baraese, 1018 Chevrolet touring car, good order. Andrew Johnson, Malla, ore. ' Biaetrie Percolators and Una at LIBERTY. THEATRE TBB PICK Of THB PfOTlTBBt AWD A NEW OWE EVERT BAT M,,,,,, aMMlrilnWl)u)J) H. W. POOLE, Owner ROGER D. TORREV, Mimical Director TONIGHT Winaome Viola Dana in "DANGEROUS TO MEN" We also ahow today tlic aevrntli' chapter of "THE EVIL EYE" ,. nUrring Benny Leonard, Lightweight Cbaaiploa of" the' World TUESDAY CONWAY TEARLE and tJRACE DAVIDSON In "ATONEMENT" . ! kttMi ami "CAPTAIN KIDD'S KIDS" with Harold Ljoyd aUrrlng MATINEE BVBRT VAJC The EJeetrteei Shot, ill a. ft st "".' u ' '' ,1-!.. JAv... & - 1t? l ; t'pn fcvJ'v.i' ihi .r turn ' i