riwawOTtwawrMMMaaraWMMftfi t r .mj ' ate 3 muux Mtmlft fUM4SUMMMkMWMtn M"mnffVVWMMMMMMI omoiAii i'Ai'Kii or KLAMATH VAUM WVWWWMNAMMMAMAMAM Fourteenth Year No. 3981 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 26, 1920 vij.'-yirrpnrT3r?r rwmm ornciAL papm'ov f . ioAttini COOITCT v . V, k. 1" LIGHT PEMALTY ENCOURAGES BOOTLEGGERS OTTAWA. July 28 A loni a profit from bootlegging aro what they aro, and tho only deterrent I a Una of 1200 or so thorn will lo big money In the bootlegging game and It wll be rory difficult (or thn au thorities on either aide of the Inter national linn to damp out thn trffc. That U thn summary of opinion expressed by Ottawa official a to thn altuatlon regarding smuggling ot liquor from Canada to Ilia United tttates. Further, hi nh official of thn royal Canadian mounted poltrn ... l.ll.. ! ... .InlHM Mil In i. I I h w I f ii n. f "ou"'?n n,, c Hhutter, charged their power to chncK infraction ik w( .(,a,,1( n car fmm Jolm g the federal law i In tin re.pect. it i HhMWr)f( ,. of ,,, Warrcn really for the American nutnoruin ,..,.- eom,,any, In till city o m that IKiuor iloe not reaen tne Jum 2 Ut 8rrrr umphrfly ii ioM II I ",ullnrjrtwa, nccompanled by Hherlff Hubert line 3,000 in le long .(( j)oclut(, county, who U on hl Tho altuatlon apparently mat wfljr (j o An((lIoi( af,ur fl ma from three provlncm in particular ,,,, , .,, , ft ani there I n largo trade In bootlglug Mnn nct vola,,m cnarK,.,, q urn iriiiivii " '""; ""' "" iarln. Ounliic and llrltlih Columbia At tho iiaiilii time a repertabln (juatl- - - tlty ot fiery Hnuld It finding It way rro from the Maritime province. ond from Manitoba At Wlmlior and In tho aurround Ing district) the mounted police aro carrying on a constant campaign --'- "- - and many have linen hauled Into court and rond-mned l pay fines from 1200 up. One parched Detroit piiimbi nn s sssr ii iiiiniir innniiia. man. nowor, is saiu to nave paneu with 1500 for throe case of Scotch' whisky, which reached him via the . underground route" a ehorl tlmn trade ar known to be enormous. Inforiuallon from Windsor and dis trict Intimates to the authorities ... ii.ui .nni farmers In bat vlcln-i "- ' - Jty hate found It moro profitable to simuggle lUtuor across the border than to farm, and havo let their farms run to weed, while they pur- sue the elusive dollar via tho boot-jon legging route. Queber, It It taled. Is the mecca r thirsty thousands of Americans ory week-end. and automobiles for passing back nnd forth carry lhulr, loads of human and other freight,, kn..n.i t.., ii.. K.iinn nrrn.i thni bound for the Sahara across thn tiorder. Under thine condition, Canadian pollc authorities admit that It I practically Impossible to force the stringent liquor laws at .present In force. Th chief reason for the difficulty at enforcement, according to an otfl cUl ot the royal Canadian mounted aUc, who have under th.lr Juris ellettoa thn carrying out ot til fdJ ural laws, la the fact that many peo ple am aot In aympatby with thn .lltquor legislation, and 'the ancurlag ot contraband liquor I regarded la atuu y. .qtarter. a 'm( achlevmat rather thaa a dltgracn, '" Hownvtr, If. the 'carrying ot llqaor 'WCKIESAYS HWi Otie IH xMMAl la wrnti fta fMfjucaroaM ia viAaAtv a44 AiAvkftS ftiAtasasa 4 we ''J w WsP f'SBaslkqtV eargMV ' It H T MUMfJti O0Mt ilffj LJsttks9 IsaA sfkA afJaaM MtLAaaJkA tflLft U aVtaMA ttafJb J aAsjaAtfaskj J Y lWWW PW VI11 ,tMrB MIV. tU' HO( A OamiXH JtTWA TH' W4Mtt Mtf qVKMft t' ccMrattiMii T HtK I ir mwaNT it MMtacwt tJWOWl (HUNTS I'AHH MIHr.Hj MAItrtlirir.l.tl (MINN t WABHINUTON, July 2. Figure given out by thn run- uii bureau today place tlm pop- ulatloti of Grant I'niti, Orrgon. at 3,101, n decrimrfH of 728 ! hiCo 1010, or 18.7 par" cent, 0 Marsnfleld, Ore, I credited with a population of 4,034, an e Increase ot approximately 1,000 person over the 1910 consul. Sheriff George Humphrey return nd taut night from llend with 0car In tliu arreM of llouiton and hi .. -. . .. ... .. .. . p.irtuer me nnicer oeueve mey nuve .... ,Ij,r of n rlne of or ,,,,, BUlolmlU0 n,leo operat- 1) J( einim 0r.gon. but complete , eldetiee to prove the theory l o far aekln Tb car taken from thl cy (rokl) lJow m ua). ,0 iin, nnd WJ (owd ,, lat ctJ. ,,y a . . Houston and miutipr iieniiiu a car w))kl ,ho offlco kn0K. wa, hMtn (n ,,enieton uton claims to have urci1.,d ..' car from a man named ia,ksQr. ,nJ -howed a bill of rale AUTO THIEVERIf IS ORGANIZED Hearing of th charges agalnsl'club leader, worn other speakers.! iol)1(on ,nd Shutter ha bran el Mis Head spoke of tho relation of by ju,tce Chapman for Wednesday, proper food to tho development of K,tTMK.VT CAf.KD Tl 4'IIKCK HIIK ON lUHIMIK. . r ire, nupi'llll-ll in limn iiith mm- uchiiu ui'ui ......... I .f.- WI. .1.-- ... III. U--A ,d ,. a lCarlVaal- flung cigarette.1 Mr Sexton, who wss chairman of ,he ., ! sn7 u n caBlI ,he nro department at 3 tho mooting, closed the speaking pro- a ,lxeai l V'."' . ' .i l u .clnck .M).rd1,y morning to tho gram with an argument for a per- ' "j0 ,0 r',?,lhe bfnd lhpoh Unk rh(,r ,irll,Kl, TnB noornR w mancnt fnr ground site and a plea ,ho Influence of hi. uncle, whom he ,,r nl)0Ut ,day of the struc-'for tote for the one-mlll tax to l'r0'.p . ,". n stock-raiser at Iur, ii wa ouenched with tho vide a fund for site and building.! .'e,",.7.refon' . . chemical engine Little damage wa anfl m FATHER OF MRS. C H MMnrDUnnn tr ."ZfR'and similar gathering. He declared . Unutlv WJJU llL.L.CLr i,,i ,i. .i. i..,j ,.,, I Word was rocelved hore yesterday fund Is provided, to buy a site, con from Ashland of the death of II. c. ""'ent'r Hted. erect buildings, Chamberlain It was reported that P'nt ' '" " k8 W Mr. Chamberlain, a contractor, ho resided bore tor several years, wa killed when he attempted to crank the truclt be was driving? while It wa In gnar. -i-r He wa. the father ot Mr.. C. II. ir.i.,-i .kn, .iih Mr irnrt.r. w wwwwf ,sw na -. -. wand. I. In Ih. nut at nrsust. Mr. Chamberlain was la Klamath Palls at the time ot the accldeat, taking care ot the Underwood home daring the family's absence. She left at oaoi) tor Asalaad upoa the receipt ot the aew. of her huaeaad's death. TWO JAILED FOR HAVING UQUOR "Duck" Ooodell and Charlea PUm were arrested by Patrolmen Wynne and Harnett Saturday night on charges ot having llqaor In their possession. Hearing In both cases Is set for tomorrow. Ooodell Is said to hare had eight quarts ot whisky concealed In a barn on East Main strooi, noar the coun try club. Ho Is an old resident ot tho city, having conductod a barn on Klamath avonuo, near Payne, alley, until It recent condemnation by tho health board wheu he moved to tho now location. Plum Is a comparative stranger. He had a gallon and a halt of "moon shine" whisky in his home on Look out street, according to the police. WKATHKR REPORT Oregon Tonight and Tuesday fair; moderate northwesterly winds. into the United States from Canada la to be prevented, It Is Intimated tkat U wUI have to ba'dsne by,.aa army of cuitoaw Junctors, and po lice oa the America aide ottaa llat rather thaa lay Caadat CLLI6 PICNIC IS' CLEARING HOUSE M M UUb Co-operation of tho entire com., munlty In furthering progress and, fleam or sigura Tnor.ien Meyernor- production and solylng the problem jfer at McArthur, California, on July of tho farmer and farmer' family! 21, In making a return Journey to wa tho keynote of apeeehe by' Klamath Kail, wa badly ,"m,",.' head of rarlou activities connected wltli community progrex at thn terday. farm bureau and boy and girl clubj K. C. Mnuton, a French ace, wa picnic at tho Stambart grore near piloting thn machine, accompanied Merrill yesterday, by hi mechanic, W. D. Raadall and Despite thn busy season many j I. C. Hunt, one of the owner ot the farmer working yesterday In the plane, when 4he, accident happened, hay field a largo crowd wag pres- Partly doe to the fact that there waa ent, A bountiful dinner wa servcd.no flag up to give the direction of by the ladle, ipread upon the grassy, cirpft of the grove, and every one and a tire blew out. earning the ahlp ',,, 10 tnpa) ,,,, jUBtl-0. , turn ,n ,.r)t ,0merult. and K. II. Thoma. county agricultural , light uplde down, agent, told of the accompllhmrnti All three men were thrown out of of ,ho farm j)UrcaU ulnrn II organl-lthe ship, but none of them ustalned ration laU fall, and outlined the any Injurlc. ,Tho propeller of thn plan for tho coming year, urging .hip wa broken and one wing badly UKjn ,,! ,.Hrr, tno necelty of co- damaged br tho craah. The report 0,,pron fr(im n ,no farmer of'gay that It la expected that repair ,ho rommunlty He aald that women will be made within two or three In other counties were taking active . . . . -.. . .... pari in ueteiopmeni oi ine inrm our and nlnrateil the iamn nctlvllv by tho women of Klamath county. tntc flying from tho top of It be T. I.. Stanley, now .ccretary of tho ,,,Ml1 ln the landing field a a wind Klimath county chamber of com- Kulde In order that tho landing here merce. made hi llrt nddro to n' made afo. Kamuth county gathering and out- ,, j, h0han. director of tho ,1(11 ,ho lan ,or maknC lho or-'Ca,hoc Bcdeniy campaign, thla . i . t . m . ganitution an nemo racior in com- munty development. W. II Mason. Judgo C. ;. llrowcr, .Mist Twla Hold, county aunerln- '.tendent. and Trank Sexton, county .the growing child, also of the prpvvj I .... i. 1 1 limn lillIPAn nf annnl ma kml1 among children ot achool age and (consequent need ot more Hinrniivfi .'....... i.i which will bo upon the ballot this! jfaII Mr. Soton aMortcd that there Was no central gathering place In tho' county for fairs, farm bureau picnic. the Intention of the fair board, If the atlon center for the entire county. Thn day's entertainment conclud- ed w,,n b me between two The went -te inning. It waa a red-hot exhibition, ne "" of wn,co T,r,ea ":5orn,n to th side froBi which the Intorma- Sv 1 J """ " "' I"""' w um.iuuu E MOUNTAIN WLL The Saddle Mountain Lumber company will start sawing lumber by September 1, aald H. H. Edmonds to a Herald representative Saturday evening. Mr. Edmonds Is now at the mill on the Sprague river directing the activities ot the large force of men who are rushing work on thn construction ot buildings and log ging a big supply ot timber for the opening. Nino millwright, aro busy on the mill and machlnory. Tho, logging crew Is piling up logs at tho rato ot 50,000 feet dally. Steel Is being laid on tho Strnhorn road at a rapid rate, Mr. Edmonds also reports, and It I. hoped that by the time the mill is running that the means ot transpor tation will be finished. TEN ARRESTED FOR INSURANCE FRAUD WASHINGTON. Julr 8. Tka District ot Columbia grand jury to day took ap the Investigation ot aa' alleged conspiracy, of certain em-4 atoms 'of the war risk insurance bureau to defraud dlwablad service B SAODL maa of aoaiatloa legally, dwjprtr taam. Vaai Persona Are alrta4yisBBllaaj kv sF's'wa" CiPa'1' PLANE COMING i HEBE DAMABED AT LAKEIW I The airplane which caused the , at tlm landing field In Lakevlew yes- the wind a faulty landing wa made aa and the Jonrney to Klamath .. .. .. . Kiill will be continued. Tne pilot ..k. ,1... . fi.. Mi. .ill. . .kit. morning received a wire from Mr. Hunt saying the plane will arrive here Wednesday. It will be used In I publicity work of thu campaign. ur. n prp At l VfVT ZfrZ. Z ArrwfCtir trKi MANN ACT VIOLATION j WIf ,M hed 0 -ct,on of tho federal jrrand Jury, after hear- " ! Inn; before fiert C. TbomM. this morning, on a charge of violating .',". ,..,,! of Cnlco' Cal" wno aMegcs w,,x" Brought complainant's wife here lrom """ na ,n" lnB tered at gether as r hotel here and lived to gether as man and wife. Mrs. Rose, says her husband, left three small children behind her, but brought the youngest of her family, aa infant ln arms, with her. Mrs. Roan was allowed to accosa aanr her huabaad hsvek to- CaUfor- sjhu. ear thsr- aaderitaadiag that she- would apaaar . witness MEMBLLSCWING CLUB MUTING A aMstiaraftlM Marrtlt ataasi asnrtaK.etak.waa -kaUuat tr as at Qaewmt Wlfcam laat atardarr tJBw-erirsssaarth memaarir- attsa DatisuJkdr. rav Oasrgs .WlUoav AlasW WUaa. aad. Miss Ukudrar Toil, wara prssaat. , The- aaceats of- tho mamkara ana shevtac. Brack rlaterest la tke work aad aa tkla is the largest sawing club In the county, a spjeadld ex hibit may he expected from Merrill at our county fair thla fall. The following members were pres ent: May Tolle,. Mary Darry. Ora Offlold, Velma Ady, Olive Hill. Faye Jlnnette, Arene Taylor and Opal i a)iur. VILLA READY TO SURRENDER, REPORT EAOLE PASS, Texas., July 26. Francisco Villa la at Sabinaa today In telegraphio communication with President de ta Huerta at Mexico City to arrange hia surrender, ac cordlag to advices receved here. Sahlaaa 1 9 mites south of here. Ml WAMbbMHTSB MTfUfBDt IOM flpe.OOO MIOrORD, Julr Bad hretkar.' warekasaaa karaed early UWo saaraaagi. Tksy laos lg J00.000. M'vror- a coat- tsyftf km !- W "Vf gls.slssBamji r I,. A, OKTTI.Vr; fHKIJ- TO THKMIHAMt HIIOCKH , LOS ANGELES, July 2ft. A sharp earihuuaka abock woke l.oi Angolos at 4:12 ! o'clock thin morning. Report to tho fire department and po- , lies Indicated that It was ap- parently felt chiefly at Los An- geli-s and to a lesser degrco at , ewood and Itedondo Beachi tnefornier aboul l2 , .Dd the tUr e 2j en o hprB PENDLETON, July 2. Albert Llndgren. one ot five periona who escaped from the county Jail yeiter day, when 8herlff T. D. Taylor of Umatilla county wa killed, wa cap tured by a poite at Cayuse early thla morning. A poQ Ot about 300 member Is trailing the other four men. Includ ing .Veal Hart, a half-breed Indian who I alleged to have hot Bherlff ' . ia)lor, According to Llndgren the 'jail break wa planned for several day. Taylor wa aberlff of Umatilla county for more than IS year. Two men believed to lie Jim Ow-eni and Nell Hart, escaped Uma tilla county prisoners., aro reported surrounded In a wheat field five'! mile southwest cf Pendleton. A'l revard of $1,000 'for the men dead or alive I ottered by the city of Pendleton. . SALEM. July 26. State officer and officials today expressed regret ,r.8i.erlff Taylor'. death,U.the FeV dleton Jail break yesterday. Gov ernor Olcott said, "He wa. a man' man' and the whole state grieve, with Umatilla county In It. Irrepar able loss." YACHT RACE CALLED OFF SANDY HOOK, July 25. With the Resolute two mile. In tho lead, the yacht race was declared off at 5 o'clock became a dying wind made it impossible for the .loops to finish within the .Is hour limit. The 8b am rock took the lead at the beginning of the race aad crossed the startlag line a minute ahead ot the Resolute. The Resolute, how ever, had a time allowance ot sis mlautes and 40 seconds over tho LIptoa boat. There was a 10 mile wind blowlag. PERR1T aseliAFTAKBg MUDS AT COMYBNTiOX Perry DeLap, of DeLap 4t Harden, waa married Friday la 8aem, where be waa. attending tho Bias' coavea tloa, to Mrs. Vesta Richmond. Mr. DeLap telegraphed tkat ke would be home wltk his bride tonight. Mrs. DeLap Is a sister ot Mrs'. E. H. Jefferson to this city. Tke wed ding comes aa a surprise to the friends ot the couple. MARKKT REPOR's PORTLAND, July 26. Choice steer., 110.50 to $11; prime hogs, 117.25 to $17.75; medium hogs, $16.75 to $17.25; egg., 44 to 45. WILL ATTEMPT TO SALVAGE TREASURE LONDONDERRY, Eng June 27. (By Mall.) Effort, will be returned thl. summer to recover the 4,000, 000 of gold still lying In the wreck of the British auxiliary cruiser Leu rentlo which was sunk by a mine off the mouth ot Lough Swllly la Jaau ary, 1017. white oa kar way to Now York. Tka bullion Is la ban sack of wklek la wortk 11,100. Altogetker tka Laureatlc carried bout iT,0at 006 la cold wkoa aaak. It ta eats md,tat aaeet II.0M.60I' saiiae UMATILLA CO. SHERIFF SLAIN Pric Five Ci.t -V I Mirror uniDroc '. I CONGRESS a WASHING-TON, July 2. Unteea the membership of the house'ls In creased from 435 to at least S00 to meet the Increased population shown by the 1920 census, 10 states will lose one or more representatives, ac cording to Representative 8legel, of New York, chairman of the census committee which will frame the new apportionment bill. Those states are: , , Indiana, Iowa and Missouri, which will lose two congressmen each; and Illinois. Kentucky, Maine, MaTyland. Nebraska, Vermont and Virginia, which will lose one congressman each. Mr. Sleil explains that If thn house. membership Is retained at Its present figure. It will be necessary to Increase the population basis la each congressional district beyond the 2114000 or major portion thereof now fixed. It this Is done, he say, the 10 state, named will lose one or more ot the present districts because their populations have not Increased In proportion to those ot other atatea. On the basts of the estimated population of 106,00,000 for tho whole country In 1320, an Increase of approximately 14,000,000 In 10 years, Mr. Slegel says (S or CS new ns)ti the house must be created It ,3' ... ..... lne .ail. taies are to retain meir prea- wat auaerical representation. While precedent warrant the Increase, Mr. Slegel declare, there I. strong oppo sition to It oa tbe-'paft of some ot the present representatives, while other, favor reduction to aa few aa 300 members. FwsYTtv &Mgel expects -the work at framing the new apportionment bill In accord with the new population to begin with the reconvening of con gress In December and he anticipates that the measure will be passed early in 1921. Every decade since 1790, wltk thn .Ingle exception of 1840, the hou.e membership ha. been enlarged to .keep pace with the growing popula tion. Now the house floor is crowd ed when alt member, are present; Mats nearly fill the chamber; the old Individual desks have been discarded and an Increase In membership prob ably will have to bo solved by nar- rowing the width of the seats. Ten year, ago the hou.e member- .hlp was increased from J91 to 4SS on the basis of a population of !.- 971,266 and the only exception to suck a procedure occurred la 1840 when 10 coagressmea wore kaocked out by the apportloameat. tke mssa- bershlp being fixed at SSt after kar ate keen 24S for 10 years. , Tke last apportloameat kept la tact tke aumerlcal strength of all state detegatloas desldea prorldtac for certain laereaaes, bat area tkaa. several coagrnaoioaal dUtricU fell short of tke mulmum 'basis ot'Sll. 000 popalatloa. SOVIET ASKS FOR . A CONFERENCE 'PARIS. Julyv24. The proposal or the Russian Soviat government for a conference In -tendon wltk all tka Ulles, a. reported In last night', dis patches, will M the subject ot an exchange ot views between Franca and England. It is possible that Premier. Lloyd George and Miller- and will meet during the present,, week, for a discussion ot their reply. WASHINGTON, July 26. Partlc- ' Ipatlon by the United State, in any conference of representatives of Rus sia and the allied governments', look ing to a restoration ot peace between Poland and Soviet Russia, waa re garded today by soma officials aa Improbable. They refuse to com, ment oa tke situatloa. ITALIAN DBSTKOYKR HITS MINE) SCOftS ARE DROWNMg CONSTANTINOPLE. July 16 Elghteea saHera aad oae oateor of tka bow Italia destroyer, Albert Carte Raccpta, vera drewaed wktm t-Veosel atrvsk a aaaa today aaef aak4B ta Maak aVM. aear tka t IfaJMB t tte'stssWkiWBa. 1 Mi ..V.-I ... tfjtAkx yH,t h VH" r "? i -v --v:"s' Vy. rtrfv ifv. W V h ,HI tl - -M