The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 24, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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"" m!bwkis WK-isMnrn'tii'.
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The Evening Herald
a. a. MDRRAT
CM Bettor
Pabllshad dally. iec'pt 8nnday. by
VTee Herald Publishing Company ol
Bseaeth Falls, at IIS Fourth Street.
Teetered at the poetoflce at KIsub
Ik Falls, Ora., for transmission lira
Bella u second-ciasa natter.
: i
Suit (or $5,000 damages ha beeni
tiled In the circuit court by Violet I
Turpen, wife of Alfred Turpen,
however, she playt a typical slattern
of a mountain cabin. Her character
Itatton ot the part l one of the noil
convincing features ot the produc
tion. "A. Cumberland Homnnce" was
adapted and directed by Charles aan,t a. a. Uunlap. formerly of the
Malgne from the book "A Mountain I Spot ctkth, Basket Qrocery, who al-
Eurupa." by John Fox, Jr. Other le(t(I jf,ndant has circulated re-
chtracter seen In support ot Mis. ... iBat reflect utran her renutatlon
Mlnter Include Monte lllue. John.,0 un ,,, .hat Dai ,5ll h.r ln.
Dower and Ouy Oliver. Faxon Dean, rp,ct ami association of former
Is responsible (or tne protograpny
The Associated Press, Is exclusively
entitled to the use for publication
ef all news dispatches credited to It,
er not otherwise credited In This
paper, and alsb the local news pub
lished herein.
One ot the greatest pictures ever
shown on the screen Is "Behind the
Deer," showing at the Star Theatre
for the last time tonight. A real he
nam's story and not of the Impos I
ble type and not 'of the ktll-em-all
style. Undoubtedly Hobart non
worth does the best acting ot hi
person viewing the picture last night
ras of one opinion, that It was slm-
The Injustice of
friends and neighbors, and occasion
rd her great humiliation and pain.1
Summons has not been served on
clrcumtantlal ( djfcnj.nt. who Is said to be In Call
evidence, as determined through tut-jfornls. and to have disposed ot his
plclon and "putting two and two to
gether," Is one ot the big subjects j
masterfully handled by D. V. (Irlf
flth In his latest dramatic story,
"The Mother and the Law." the first
local showing ot which wilt be
at the Mondale Theatre Sunday and
Monday. .his subject Is made evident by the
Throughout this latest of the Orlf- success of this latest of his master
flth super-pictures there Is a series pieces.
of Incident wherein circumstantial :
Interests In the grocery here. Al
fred Turpen, husband of the plaint
iff, was recently Indicted for forgery
by the grsnd Jury on a charge that
he had passed a fraudulent check on
the grocery.
evidence almost wrecks the lives oft CAR SHORTAGE IS
simple people whose Intentions and I
motives have been of the best, but I
when seen through the eye of sus
plclon and Jealousy are so twisted
and distorted to make them ap
pear of the worst poslble character
In the big climax ot the play, called
You Must Eat
Because food is the fuel that keeps the human machinery in motion. Groceries
constitute the biggest item in your living expense, and it is up to you to seek
the best prices obtainable, and procure, at the same time, the best in the
grocery line. Here are a few of Lnders i
prominent in every item.
j, ai me same urne, wie uev m ww
specials the stamp of excellence is
PORTLAND, July !4. One nun
dred and twenty-two mill In Oregon
and Washington reporting to West
Coast Lumbermen's association for
the week endlnr Julv 17th. show a
nlv arest. althouch some were of the I by many critics "a dramatic thunder-. . . . ,.rojuclon of ci.595.260 fret.
opinion. that bad read the story thatjboIt" -roua -"--band and father Is whch per cen, be,ow norrna,
Stimulated buying during the weeh
It would be very gruesome, which
was not the case as It was so splen
didly hsndled and none could but
admit that whatever was occurlng
Behind the Door, could not po.lbly
be a fate otherwise than that wTJich
was comjng to the fiend that this
officer bad proven himself to be.
When Mary Miles Mlnter Is seen
at the Liberty Theatre In "A Cum
berland Romance" today, .local film
lovers will tee a bona fide case of ex
treme content.
For such Is Martha Mtttox, the
mountain mother of the picture.
"Don't you ever regret that you've
given your whole stage and screen
life to character parts?" she war
asked.' - -
"Xot a bit of It," she replied. "I
enjoy Interpreting a difficult, even an
nattractive, role Just as .nxach as
ether people' like to take the star
pert. It Is a real source of pride to
aae when I hear people In the theatre
ay. 'Mr. alnT she terrible! For
ras not really terrible at all I And
If I make people think so. Isn't that
Miss Mattox usually plays old
elds of sour and angular disposi
tion. In "A Cumberland Romance."
at the very threshold ot an untimely
and unwarrented end merely K,.m ., i ,,i,.,i' ..,
through a chain of circumstance 0Y.irMrcw, ghlpnient, u.,thln a fcw
er which he ha no control. He Is pont$ of each ,,,,. The ,,, nw
saved from paying the extreme pen- bu,,Beii ,,urlnK tne wepk w 59.
altyoftbelawforacrlmehedldnot.64;(5C0 f, ToU, h,pnu.ntl, for
com mi i soieiy inrougn me love ana
faith of a heroic woman and the
triumph ot truth and fact oxer circumstance.
Again In
the week amounted to CI. 712, 124
, feet. The shipping total was mater
ially Increased by cargo movement.
' Car shortage continues acute: dur
The Mother and tbe'ng the week under review, only 1.-
Full size package seeded raisins 22c
Royal Club Coffee, per pound ; ,60c
Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, only a few 7
left, per pound 60c
Corn Meal, per ten pound wick .'. 70c
Hire's Root Beer, per bottle , 20c
Van Camp's Catsup..... 30c
Hand-picked Bayo Beansi per pound ; 12c
Hand-picked Red Beans, per pound .-. 8 l-3c
18 oz. Bagley Apple Butter. ....20c
Big Lunch Assorted Cookies, by
the box, per pound , ; : 28c
Milk,.all brands, large '. .' j ......16c
Milk, all brands, small , ,.t..8c
Folger's Japan Tea, per pound ;.;...; !..40c
Hills' Bros, or Tree Tea, English
Breakfast or Oolong, perlb 60c
FOR RKNT Rest location for home
restaurant; 2 to 4 rooms, very rea
sonable. Investigate. Phone &3CJ.
Law" a lovable little mother, robbed 330 cars were loaded out to trans
of her own precious baby through I continental points. Thl Is approxl
the activity of so-called charity mately 1.000 cars under normal,
workers. Is peeping through the cur-; The unshipped balance In the
tallied windows of a barne where a transcontinental trade I C.77-1 ears: , Ever since the Stono Ago, man, In
........ -. ... lila iiiilnlnn hfli Iwmn ti n m .' ..... . ....
baby li tne light ana life of the fam- In the domi-stlc carzo trade S9.5t5.. '.. ".?".. .."'"" ""'.' VA.NTKI riislllnn a
,. , . . , . woman mo
FOR BALK A roadster, In good
shapo. Also an old car, can lie re
built for light delhery or bug. Dia
mond Tire & Vulc. Co., Sixth St. 2
FOR SALK Twin Indian motorry-
elf. I '4 h. p. gas engine. Four
cylinder Paige hug. II. D. Peterson,
caru Dunhsm Auto Co, 21-31
tx-r 206
Lot srroml
Pine street
WANTKD- Woman to do washing
for li fqw hoys, Apply chef, Whltn
Pelican hotel. 24.20
slnWA Vnn tvnman w tin
lly. As she stands peering, an otn- 643 feet: In the export trsde :i4,773.- know. Is this man's conceit, and does
cer of the low sees her and Inimedl- lSg feet. 'the physically weaker actually rule
ately surmises that she Is a thief m ithe stronger by n subtle power or
prowling In the night. And Just be-i Foreign manufacturer, exporting 'Tr"i0"? ','!!
ot men. Room
rook for
41 Arrndn
eaue of a great love and a powerful their ware to China csnnot be too
hungering for her own lost happl-, particular In regard to the deilgn
ness she barely escape arrest and and color ot the labels placed on the
imprisonment. As in the for m?r j goods. Th Clues will often re
case, clrcumslsnces would hare' con-1 f rain from buying an article because
vlcted her. they do not like the label. The col
li is oouduui wnetner any produc-'orlng of a label Is as Important as
er could handle situation of this Its design. Some colors and combl
kind with the consummate art of. nations of color are to the Chinese
Griffith. His "Mother and the Law" mind unlucky. Other colors, though
I an amazing propaganda for free-. not unlucky, are considered ai op
dora. tolerance. Justice and truth.' proprlate only to certain commodl-
That he has dealt powerfully with ties. I
the home maker? Woman today Is
playing a new part In world affairs.
Has her position changed! Htrlp
man and woman of nil socisl teneer
and behold them ln their natal state.
Is one superior to the other? See
"The Superior Sex" at the Star Thea
tre Sunday.
FOR RKNT Four room apartment.
116 S. Riverside, phone 12M
WANTKD August 2nd, office girl.
Dr. A. A. Soule 24
riNi: oppniurMTii
(load residence In Merrill, medern:
large lot, with garage, tldOO, ternss.
Splendid Klamath home on Klein
ath nwnue, Vroom cottage, bath,
CCxt20 lot ITCOO. easy terms.
Ple room house on Hernnd Rt , at
JI.10U; 1200 cash. ISO per month.
FOR RKNT Two sleeping rooms
for gentlemen. 43S Washington
Bt. 24-27
There will be a regular communl '
ration of Klamath Lodge No, 77, A.
F, & A. M., Monday evening, July
26, 1620. at 8 o'clock p. m. Work
In F C. Degree.
24-26 r.F.O. CHASTAIN, W. M.
For new and 2nd hand furniture FOR SALK Mortgage for 11090.
'call on Hob Curtis, 123 N. 6th. on 320 acre near Worden. P O,
24.30 IIox 266. 24
Alio several Cholco residence lota
snd some good bargains In ranch
127 Klamath Ave. . 24-2.
Kggs laid In covered nests, which
are srlentlnrally concealed, are us
ally pure white Kggs laid In an
open n-ts, if among green leavs.
have a giound of hltlUh-gfei n while.
Sullivan Farm tAS"
f JL
Tractors aiid Progress Travel Hand in Hand and the
. -i
Fordson is Leading the Tractor Procession.
j .
n?ULnn vt
-' . . i ,.
There are several very good reasons why the Fordson is the
tractor for either the big farmer or the small farmer. Its smaller
size, and the ease with which it can be .operated makes it superior
to bigger tractors. Some fanners are 'using two or three, thus
getting service in two or three places, where a bigger tractor, at
a bigger price, can give service in only one place.
It is equipped with a special carburetor for kerosene, and an
air washer to properly clean and moisten the air, thus permitting
fl" .
the use of cheaper fuel. Kerosene is 'always available no danger
of a shortage.
Fordson parts can be secured from Ford dealers. They are
supplied through the same system used in the distribution of Ford
auto parts. This often means time and money saved for the
The Fordson is e,asy to operate, and seldom needs adjustments
which require the services of a mechanic.
S. A. Stelwaggen, manager of the Portland Fordson pfffee, and Mr. Griffith and Mr. Harrison, of the Oliver plow works, and other experts, will assist in the
demonstration. Everybody is invited to attend. The Fordson will demonstrate its superiority, efficiency, and indispensibility, and all who are interested
' J should be at the Sullivan farm about ten or eleven o'clock Thursday or Friday morning. "'
Danner-Patty Motor Co.
123 S. Sixth Street
Klamath. F'alit r
., 41 . tX' ,' . ' '
Phone 427
j : i.
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