paqb Tmim THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, JUI,V 9t, II s. 1 nF I nSju irnimiiniiiiijiimimu-imwtiiiiiiiiiii.ini;i:riiiH,:t,wiif.jriii:fFni'i!x.iuiJiiiit.WMiiiiKt,jraiHniJ f s VJ'A V Electric Refrigeration iuiim U ft ill WT71" '''uteai?''''''!!1,!!,' iU'i'vj) He W'" 8IffiUrSg."t'i fw if 1 15 ' .jhJiKSR(fwlJ POTPOURRI t Isko Dry Cold Protects The Family Health One of the chief advantages of Islco.thoEtectric Cold-Maker, is that its cold is dry cold. Every houiewife knowsthatdampnessand melt ing ice arc inseturablc. With Isko rcfrieration all kinds of food are kept fresh and dainty, indefinitely. Furthermore, it is easier to keep your refrigera tor sweet 4ml ckan where there arc no messy drainpipes, dampness and drip-pans. Isko fits any rcfrtaern'ot. It runs by electricity. Ileitis automatic it needs no watching or thought or attention. Sec Isko, the scientifically simple Cold-Maker, today. I'rompt installations are possible if you place your order before the hot weather rush. Isko comes in larucr size for commercial use. Scpd for our booklet, "Klcctric Refrigeration." Agents for Southern Oregon PEOPLE'S ELECTRIC STORE Phone 12212 W. Main St. A. B. Cunningham, Prop Med ford, Oregon Hy LONH, HTAH 'Twih n wintry dny in,sfmimor, Tim rnln wan snowing rant; Whun ii barefoot hoy with shoos on. Hut MumlliiK on Urn grim. ' Wlillo tlio organ pooled potatoes, I.nrd wan rendered by tlm choir, Wlillo tho Kiixton runic tlm dish-rag, Hoinooni) sut tlm cliiirch on flru. "Holy smoke" Urn preacher shouied, Anil In tho rush ho lout his hair, Now IiIh hnail resemble Honvon, For there Is no purlin thorn. Postscript Seule: HU to tho nliovo by Fred Home boauty spots ware on nor bust i.xposod to ov'r wintry gimtr A corset tightened round hor llvor Hold hor ho light sho couldn't shivor, Iter skirl a foot nliovo hor shoo Kxponod two splndlo ntinnkn to vlow, Which, clad In hnso or flimsy Inco Mft ot tier modosty no trace. Strange fatn thon caused what sho most feared All hor false beauties disappeared. Hho was a phantom no dollght I turnod and cursed her out of night. 0- AT THE THEATERS death which happonod In his. birth, At forty-odd befell; Thoy, went and told tho sexton, And tbo sexton tolled tho boll.' Indignant Ilrldogreom: " Look horn you nnver told me you bad any children," Kx-Morry Widew: "Oh. they'rcl nil iiuch llttlo one I didn't think It worth while mrntlonlng them." Thoy my tho only truo erltlcliim I that ot n wholly disinterested cri tic, who haii nothing at stake and dons not fnar to toll tho truth. If tbnt In tho case, a letter which drift' d Into the Kow York office of tho Hnalart Picture Corporation several weeks ago from a writer In Holly wood, California, contalna about the alncorest pralso for the work of little Miss Mary Miles Winter which could bo Imagined. For the writer In question bad no as to grind either with Mlaa Mlnter or the Realart company. He merely la an Interested obaerver of picture people and tbelr work In general, an Intereated by atander at picture-making, and nat ually, from hla acquaintance with the work of many atara, aomewhat of a critic. It happened that ho aaw the first run of the finished film, "A Cumber- I H feaaa jflgmflsatt BBBaamBBBtBBB?BBBBBBBnsBBBK -'-.a j I 11WB1 r IKHlKTWf ww; I (& 9P(sE)Mw(j&ifto(U&(Bffl(L)rlmi ' I I JKkmff MLi V I .. Mlclirlln Tnbm fit jaiaa 1 H I MCl FOP OiltcUl jT -Othcr tul:, do nut I R I Garage V j JIJ -, 1 1 th and Klamuth VV1- jlSlssssimams, ' St Listen to this one folka, Ha a dandy. Wo have some surgeons our aelves right here In Klamath Falls, but wo can't hold a candle to the fel lows who fixed this bird up. William Monro, aged 9G, formerly a cltlien of Cedar Itaplds, but now, land Romance," an ..adaptation from residing in cniumiius, driving a mo novel, a. Mountain r.uropa, uy grocery truck, shot himself alx times John Fox, Jr. And ho thought Monday, and ho has a good chanco of enough ot It to write tho following recovery, In a ery short time Hls(lottor to Realart, tho very name day: ulfH und tlin-i) children were all III "A Cumberland Romanco" Is In wltTi tho Flu nnd ha became despond- my opinion tho greatest picture Mary nt. Ho shot hlmsolf four timer Mile Mlnter has ovor dona and I.tlons, through tho head, nnd two times think I bavo seen hor In most of her r" this fine production. He gives the etar every possible opportunity, but be does not destroy dramatic values by lessening the scenes belonging to other characters, all of whom bare strong rolea which are convincingly played. "My opinion la that 'A Cumber land Romance' la a 'knockout.'" O. A. C GRADUATES HOLD GOOD JOBS OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, July 24. Gradu ates In soils In the 1920 class are now In responsible and remunerative post Warren Hunt Hospital A thorooghly equipped lastKutle affording unexcelled faclUtle tor ate) scientific treatment by hospital metis ods of medical, surgical and obstet rical cases. The new and modern fireproof buOoV Ins contains private rooms for he and ambulatory cases, completely equipped examination and treatment rooms. Roentgen Ray, clinical research laboratories). I through tlm heart, nnd after being photoplays. No one can accuso hoi fronted at tho Columbus hospital was of being a 'doll' In this picture She nblo to walk homo tho samo day. 1 J Hl'MMONH FOR I'UIIMCATION No. IIH.1 Kqulty In tho Circuit Court of the State f Oregon for Klamath County Fred L. Houston, Plaintiff, va Daniel L. lord on and Nallio Gordon, nusiisml and wife, C. N, Gordon and I.ucy I, Gordon, husband and wife, Itobocca Jatin Gordon-Pratt, widow, Laura Hiiirmnn-lloss, and A. II Hess wlfii and husband, Hykua Hamaker and Kthol llamakof, husband rife, Genrgo Hherman and and Sherman, husbnnd nnd wife, Leonard Hherman and Faunle Sherman, hus band and wife, heirs at law of Sarah A. Gordon, doceasod; and tho Un known Heirs at Law of Sarah A. Gordon, deceased. Defendants In the name of tho State of Oregen: To Daniel L. Oordon, Nellie Gor don, C. N. Gordon, Lucy I, Gordon, Rebecca Jane Oordon-I'ratt, Laura Sherman-Hess, A, II, Hnaa, Ooorgo Sherman and Sherman, hla wife, Leonard Sherman, and Fannin Sherman; and to the unknown heirs at law of Sarah A. Gordon, deceased You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer tbe oemplalnt filed against you In tbo above entitled ault, on or before July II, lift), that being the laat day of tho time prescribed in tbo order for vabllcatloa of thU oummoas. And If you fall to to answer or appear, for waai iBoreor, me piaintiR will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for BIG EATERS GJ KIDNEYTROUELE Tho American men and women snuat guard constantly against Kid soy trouble because wo oat too much sand all our food Is rich. Our blood la filled with urlo acid which the kid era strive to niter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the ellmlnstire tlasuea clog and tbe result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a gonorul docllne in health. When your kidnoya fool like lumps of lead; your back hurts or tbo urino la cloudy, full of sediment or you aro obliged to seek relief two or three times e night; It you suffer with sick headacha or dlxxy, nervous apells, acid stomach, or you havo rheumatism when tho weather is had, get from your pharmacist about four ouncaa of Jad Salts; tako a - tablespoonful In a glass of water be fore DroMiaat tor a few days ana ?our kldaeya will then, act fine. This amous salts' Is made from tho acid f grapes and lemon Jalco, cossMa 4 with llthla, and has bee used far geaeratloM to flush and stiasa . Mte cloggsd kidney; to nsutrettse tho acldala'tpo ttrlio so It no longer h a ooircr or -irritation; thus" oav ,iag Biaaoer.qisoroers, , v Jad Saltils tusmlTafl 'aannot 'ialaro. mak V deBgitf uf1 effelrVea. ,oat llthla-water beverage, aid ho losuji fas- OTOT-saso,-osoaiar mo- In hla complaint on file herein, to wit: First. That the defendants and each and all of them bo required to sat forth the nature of their respective claims to tho borulnaftnr described property and enrh nnd all ot tholr aaid claims, It any they havo, and that nil adverse claims of tho clef eh donta, nnd each of them, ho dotor- mined ny a tiocrco of this Court. Sucond. That by a decree ot this Court It be adjudged and determined that tho defendants and oach and alt ot them havo no right, title, Interest, or ostatn In and to tho said premises or any pan or parcel of said promises adverse to tho title of plaintiff here in, and that tho plaintiff bo decree.! to havu a good and valid title In and to said dcscrlbod real property, to wit: Lot Five (6) In Illock Thirty nine (39) ot tbo City of Klamath Falls (formerly Llnkvllle), Klam ath County, State of Oregon, ac cording to tbe duly recorded plat thereof; and that plaintiff have good and valid title In and to said premises aa against the said named and.nnnamed aorenaanta ana each and all ot them Third. That by a decree of this Court It be adjudged and determined that tb defendants and oach and all ox mens no forever enjoined and barred from la aay manner assarting any claim or elalaaa whataoamr ! r to tho aald premssea herelaahoro do- senoea, or in or to aay part or por tion thereof, adverse to the olalatiff : and for astch other sad farther rtnot aa so mis uoart may seem meet aad eqtltaMe; aad (or his coots aid dU-Bstraeaeau-htrola; ThU sussmoaa la served by publi cation laereor, in too anreaiag Herald, a dallr aawspapar, prlated. published aad of general circulation la Klamath Coaaty, Orecoa. by order of Honor able D. V. Kuykendall. Judge, of the above entitled court, made and filed Juae ttth, 1920, which said order requires that this summons bo pub lished at least once a week for alx conaecutlve weeks, beginning on the 12th day of June, 1920. C. F. 8TONB and W. A. Wleat. Attornpya for Plaintiff. Juno 12-1J. 26-3-10-17-24 Tho funeral of Miss daughter nf the Itov. Thou. Young' hlood who died lioro 40 years ngo uum livid Monduy evening on tlm ar rival of tho train from Frisco. Is a living, breathing girl who won derfully expresses tho changes Youngblood,. wrought In tbo quick-tempered, elo- mental mountain maid under the spur of her lovo for tho culturod man from tho city. Tho criticism that she Is nover allowed to i curl out of place' s scotched for all making a trip time. Sho ACTS. 8ho takes tbe A traveler was through "Kalntuck " Moonshine character and sustains It from start stills provided quantities ot strong 'to finish. In my bumble opinion whiskey for the mountaineers. As tho travelor was leaving there U not a single flaw In a very tbe -beautiful and gripping pleco ot work. Inn where ho had lunched, ho aaw a man Ding sprawled out by tne roadside. Calling to tho proprietor, he said, pointing to tho man "la ho drunk?" Taking a brief look at tho pros trate form the landlord aald: "Naw ho alnt drunk, 1 saw bis finger moo," "To Director Charles Malgno be- M. M. Alicante of Hollo, P. I., la assistant In tbo Moro branch export- , ment station, with a salary ot $125 la month. Walter Williams of Cor i vallls has been made head of the department ot agrlculturo In tho schools of Chlco, Cal.; his salary Is $2,600 a year. Douglas Ritchie of Corvallls Is assistant In the soils de partment at tho college. He receives $1,800 yearly. S. S, Gossman of I Wyndmere, N. D., Is manager of a big ranch at Lodgepole, 8. D. Merle J. Loasley ot Fort Klamath, manages a ranch near Merrill, Ore. H. II. White ot Kerby is managing Mother may I go out to awlm? No my darling daughter; You seem possessed ot too much vim. There's lea still In the water. longs a great share of the credit for) nch D" om town. Ralph STAFF WARREN HUNT, M. D. L. L. TRUAX. M. D. GEO. A. HASSET. If. a LOCATION FOURTH AND PINE 8TS.. KLAMATH 'FALLS. ORB. TELEPHONE 497 AMBULANCE SERVICE f Wllloughby of Harrlsburg is farming? near Coburg. William Ellertsoa of Clatskanle is wster superintendent ot the Warm Springs Irrigation district near Yale. MimmnmimiimmimmimiMA A lawyer, a doctor and Fred Soule sat In a back room at early dawn surrounded by poker chips, and em pty bottles. Aa they sat In alienee a rat scur rled across tho room and disappear ed In the darkness. The three men shifted uneasily In their chalra, and looked at each oth er. After a long pause Soule said: I know what you fellows are think ing. You think I saw a rat well I didn't." (Aad then the light began.) Incidentally wo Just remembered that wo promised to give yon a Up on tho AatedUavlaa. From time to time wo will give you tlpa so that you ea tgnre oat for yourself who he Is; Here's the Irs tip: Ho sells lite Insurance. "Just look at that rooster" re marked tho duck. "Since he's begun crowing he's had his statue- placed on top of the barn." A fat man enjoys one distinct ad vantage. Ho knowa exactly where the asbos ot his cigar are going to land. tMy oaa mako a aUstako hr havUc Tho Korean woman has not even namo. In childhood ahe recenvea a nlcknanw, by which she Is known In tho family and by near friends, but, when she arrives at maturity, it is employed only by her parents. To all others she Is "the sister of" or "tho daughter of" sueh a person. After her marriage her namo Is bur led; she is absolutely namoleas. If t happens that a woman has to ap pear in a law court, tbe Judge gives hor a special namo for use while the oase lasts, la order to save time and to slmolifr matters. i . , r rr . a reaiaro or Japanese weaainge is tho building of a boaflro asado of tho toys of tho bride. Makeup Sho was a phantom of delight . When first ahe burst upon my sight Out after sev'ral second looks Ye Gods! My boy! Also, Qadsooksl! "Halr-Lustr" brightened up her hair Which glistened with a brilliant glare, ' Her eyebrows foil ot Lashbrowlne Were quite the strangest ever seen. Soma belladonna by tho drop Gave her tho look ot taking hop Tho rougo upm hor chsek and lip Seemed like a chicken with the pip. Her teeth were brlghteaed with some dope' Not halt so oloaa aa alee white soap, A wkltooaaasoi on hor skia MasVd tt appear Uko potwhod tU. 4 MS" Comfort ClfsfessRcasooablc Rates The Central Hotel sstsalBssgsstsass aMnpvatVsjaaASaaitsagjsM New Throiig hout sssgtsssasjBga)assgiB IN THESE DAYS OF HIGH PRICB6 THE AVERAGE CITIZEN WILL BE GLAD TO FIND A PLACE TOLIVETHAT IS WITHIN HIS REACH AND WHICH FURNISHES EVERYTHING THAT HE COULD WISH FOR A GOOD BED, A CLEAN ROOM, PERFECT VENTILATION. THESE YOU WILL FIND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. SEV ENTY ROOMS IN THIS GREAT HOSTELRY ARE NOW READY AND THIS NUMBER IS BEING ADDED TO AS FAST AS THEY CAN BE FIN ISHED AND FURNISHED. ' SPECIAL RATES MADE TO PERMANENT ROOMERS. NO BETTER SPRINGS, MATTRESS OR BEDDING ARE MADE THAN THOSE FOUND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. J. J. KELLER, IfcMfsjr. 4 3 -. .0 A ski klteof faafcuaf aay UsM. s & AA A A A AAAA - Kvwvvtwvvn AA AAAA '; $;$ X'KM $& M A!HMt AAs fy & W -lw AJrJJsJll V if.' jm t-ff r