ffciaxru- sjrtomrK.i,'aMf;t.-afKA. ,)'. MTOaUY, n.T M, Ittt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOB TW L H i. I I n & I .!ViMUM MMSt1sassSssJi CROSSETT SHOES 7e Qaality Shoe for Men AT THE CHURCHES r You can't buy bet ter shoes anywhere than the Crossett Shoes for young men. They have the snap, style and wearing, qualities which every man desires. In these days you want to be sure of what you are getting, and when you Duy . Crossett Shoes you can rest assured that you are buying right THE NEW FALL STYLES ARE HERE No chaajTs will be Made la this colons ttalesa the copy It at Th KtraJag Herald office bjr 8 o'clock tXdajr erariac. Sacred Heart church, corner ot Klghth and High. Ilev. Hugh J. Mar shall. Her. J. J. WaWh. Summer schedule, June 19 to Sep- HEALTH BUREAU jMM4MMMMMMMM ? HELPS M LONDON, July 21. Nathan Straus S ot New York, told the Internationally Zionist Conference here recently thnt.J the Striu health bureau In Palm tcmber 12: Klrt man at ( a. m.,tlne had supplied a need that had second mass and benediction, 10:30 been Ignored (or hundred of yean i a. tu. No etenlng services. by a criminally Indifferent govern- men" and that It had become a The Christian Science society of ."stronghold In the life of the Holy Klamath Kails holds services In the 1-and." loer room ot the Library corner ot Third and Main Kodak Finishing Vllms developed and printed In our own plant by eiperts who know how tu bring out all the good points In your negatives. Kllius received before ( P. M. licmly the neil day at f P. M. KODAKS AND BROWNIES (lenulne Kastmnn Kllms "Kvrrythlng for the Amateur Photographer," Kodaks f.4l to VM.tl.t llmwnlr au.iM to IIW The bureau was eitagllshed , by Mr Straus In 1912. ' streetr np only prouiem wnicn loon pri h KltKK KM.AIUiKMK.NT Have 16.00 worth of sale checks f rem our Kodak Department and get un 8x10 enlargement Free. building. I every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, (cedence over the health question wtslg and every Wednesday evening at feeding of the hungry for which o'clock. The subject Truth." lesson for Sunday; CroMctt Custom Grade $15-85 P'-Tax Afustan Grade $13-60 Tax While we are not making any special sale prices, we are giving our customers-a ten per cent discount on all shoes until August 1, 1920. Bradley-Evans Shoe Co. 727 MAIN ST. The Sunday school session U froa 9:46 to 10:45 avtry Sunday morning. Ths free read lag room and fre lending library la open from 2:30 to 4: SO on Tuesdays. Thursday and Saturdays. First Baptist Church, corner Wash ington and sBgata. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. a. I'rayer service Wednesday at 8 P. M. Every second and fourth Wednesday trenlng will be devoted to missionary work. 11 V P IT Rtimtnv MVAtilnv at 7:30 p. m. A rnrilhil Invllllflnn l AYtAmlitil In all to attend these services. . First Presbyterian Church, corner Sixth and Pine streets. Iter. E. P. Lawrence, minister, 437 Third street. Phone 429 Siar Drug Co. FIFTH AND MAIM HTIIKKTS a- a UtllKl.ia MM.'AKS The baying seascn I now open In earnest and all hands are very busy '(in .at.l ha M.I nltllafi Ail n frA mtm kitchen In Jerusalem which up 'to now. has been feeding TOO to 1,000 persons dally. Members ot commit tees returning from Palestine, he said, bad told him that his soup kit-' chen was "the brightest spot In the Holy city." The health bureau. Mr.. . Straus said, was established to Im prove health conditions generally i and particularly to eradicate malar ia mil trachoma, the two dlnrases which were endemic there. It was The crop will be much better tlish Intended to servo all Inhabitants of was expected earlier In the season Palestine Irrespective of creed, race Tl. high winds that have been so or color and, since the Jews number prevalent of lute Interfere consider.- less than one-sixth of the total popu- bly with huullng the hay. latlon, Its work hai ncerued largely' Mrs. W D. Campbell dillRhlfully to the benefit of non-Jews. j entertained at luncheon on Thur- Mr. Straus reviewed the tight con- day of lust week. The guents pres ducted against malnrlu by the health ent were: Mesdnmea Alfred Keller, bureau In and around Jerusalem In Uu Keller. William Kdler, John' 1116 and 1917. which he snld "nip- Turner, Davit Turner. J. K. Turner.; ped the cholern epidemic In the Fred K. Fleet, H. K. Wlnnard and bud." Clinic were opened In nve .Miss winltred Wlnnard. 3t BsBL- VtH'U NKW Kl'IT will stand Inspection and command I iu a. in., aunuay scnoui, ueurgH, iii. f nntl.mii. 1 Mrs. Fr.wl Ft-, ,.n.1 Ml.. Wlnlf,.l ...V...- .. ...... r.l..l. ...n.ln. ..... lumini" '"I" - - " uiiiuiiuiiuii 11 uu limn ui imiur n Grizzle, superintendent. ... , , ,, rnm-. winnnr,! ,r., vi.uin. ....! .. .. ...... ....,.. . iiuiiu ijuii' w.-iv ft...... . -.- - -- -- -- -. ...... , mr you iroiu our eirimive murics in. Iwhlle school children were Inoculst- Mr. and Mrs. Wlnnard. ur uccustotnvd superior style. Wtv ed by nurses sent by the health' The Wuman'a club of Langvll val guarantee a prfrct fit always. The t. ..ram. Inin ilUtrli'li tn all 30.7rO lev ht-til 111 rpculur mnnllilv iiimIIhv u. ...... ..t .. ..... . ,.u ... 1 Methodist people for the evening ,.,, .,r.,i iir. ii.. m,. n.,. . 1...11 -n. .. . . .. ,,,.,. u n. .. ... , persons no - i-..-. - v...., v...m,mi. iuuixiu; ,(lir, 1 lr. snllsiacnnn or Ireiitig 11 a, m., sermon, "The Present Day Outlook," by the pastor. S p. ra. We will unite with the During the recent street railway If you want to buy a serviceable MtSktShl -Ma SattB .!! WMH ! X. n nVd" 'iK.S:Ar XZ:a" .. In New Orleans a number of oughly overhauled, several kinds, society women carried passengers In rvsentutlve ot Howie Garage, Majn street. 17 tf be,r automoo!Ieil aaJ aonaUd tne board of the . .'.. ...--...,... church. jl tiasamea aq win sen 11. ! . '') . om, . l ... ' I' u U"tlon. against cholera. Tyru. lymph of Philadelphia will preach the scr- n,(0 w prepor).(, BniI administered mon. tveryone Is urged to hear this' .. ,hBn ,s ,)(K. .,.,,. wor. Ft. visiting minister. He comes as rep-1 , . , .,! ir thnv wrrr at- the home mission ,,., .,h ,i,i. nn.l whirn tlm BIG JAZZ DANCE ' AT OPEN AIR PAVILION TOMORROW NIGHT Largest dance floor between Portland and San Francisco SPECIAL JAZZ MUSIC COME! Everyone Invited COME! rj.Mu.1 with malaria and whern Methcdlst Episcopal t ..... .i,iv milnlmi was As the month of August Is lvn ..,.. nf .,, Th. wal,r i ,,. jthe paster's Tacatlon.thre will be no rni ,,.,, for drinking purposes preaching services during that cxamned and a museum of hy- mon.,n' glene wis established. Ily of their brother, Orb Campbell. I Sunday school will be held as usual" , rmbaltng trachoma. Mr' Mrs. Kdna Shayhan. of Jefferson land as many as are In the city are .,,.... .',, ,t, Hvniih tmrrnu trrat- riiv m i. vi.i,in. k... ...i. n.,t imiuun nmiii - - - in t ipiiiiisv ssl-b uuiir. is lit ed 441.874 cases and an attempt was inn, jt. Shayhan. afternoon, July 20. Iter. ('. W. Pogue. of llonnnza. preached at l.ortlU Sunday moinlng O. J llawkeiisen, of P rtland. wnt the weik i-nil at the 'innnrd ranch. Mr. Hawki-tiM-n Is president "f th Langell Valley J.umUr Co Mr. and Mrs W. D. Campbell spent, .Sunday at Pine Grove with the fain- hlmstlf perfectly dressed. CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main Street urged to attend. NOTICE to examine the eyes of all FARMERS Until Saturday Night, July 24, You Can Buy The Tried and True JOHNSON mo"d Methodist Episcopal Church. Tenth children who could be reached so ni We have a and High. Rev. 8. J. Chanov. .t lili-nllfv that disease which was used cars for pastor, 727 Pine street. Phon,7W.!preV11ient n Palestine. A hospital Prlf The union service of the Method- for eye diseases was opened and the' 1st, Presbyterian and Christian 'campaign ws extended Into the, churches w be held at the Methodist towns and colonies outside of Jerus cburch on Sunday evening at 8 p. m. alem. nurses being senti to various Dr. Uu Hols of Philadelphia, secre- places. Aid was also given to rifu- l.tarj- of the home mission board of tho gees when the Jewish population was .tjemouisi episcopal cnurcn will expelleil from Junn. -ir. mniui -jih t.wm,.mmtm . speak. He Is here looking over the that tho heilth bureau hnd pruveil i A ' t,.l.l 1 t...,.l . l. - .1 .. .. .i... I A It. .I.M.I II. H-.-IU iiiiu iiei(iiiiK tu pun lor uio us ciiiciency mm umi ..c ..i-. .. future of the church In view of the services would Incren'o and -ecoiii. , city's growth. Those who wish to greater In the rehnb'lltloa of in attend the services of thu Christian Holy Land, n bleslng ti tS: peopli? .church on the old Algorna road will 'lrrAncctlvo of race, color or reliR- J J have time to get back for the union Ion. J , service hero. Kveryone should hear, this distinguished visitor from tho No one enjoyed tho love and ' Just received a large shipment of w.n..i.ri..i it... ff lrnd new buggies, hacks and aprln Howie Oaraae. Main s.rMt.Pnc"- . A". '"? . " 17-tl ornmtnt tents. Mux Weiss, th St., near Kwauna Poz ractory. 7-tf MOWERS cast. Christian church, corner 9th Pine, streets, C. V. Trimble. FOR ONLY $95.00 This is a combination of mechanical excellence and price that cannot be duplicated. Now is the time to buy. Ifrlcnddshlp of the late Kinpresi Ku genie morn than did her Koildaugh- and " nn present Queen Victoria Kit .tor.iK1'"'0 of Spain. Notwithstanding the ,317 Pine street, phone nos. 371. s75Creat difference In their nges. Ihn Tho services will all be held In.lhoj0 w,ro 'r,en,,' confidantes, sym J I woods on the old Fort Klamath road patnUeM R,nco he" childhood days of J about four fulles from Klamath Palls. ,,rlnc"" Knn of Untttnberg. us she W will have cars for the Sunday vaH lmciT0 ntr w-""180 ,no UI"K or npain. The ijueoii lias stores or . school, !' church Sunday which will start from the at 9:30. All who have cars-: J'aro requested Jo take as many pas .sengtrs as can bo carrlf.i. aii ..mi 1 invitofi r will. It Is believed. Inherit ! fi. o. .n.i ..i ... ..... .iPart of her enormous fortune 10:30. After Sundnv school iiieml (will be ,the sermon, then dinner. I ' Afternoon Christian Endeavor, 3:30; sermon, 4:30; dismissal, 5:30, knick-knacks, valuable Jewels, books and gifts of all kinds from tho one time. Kinpress of the French,' and a large MONUMENTS Believe no man who stretches the truth See ing is believing. Our thousands of patron? are our best endorse ment. See our splendid line now on display. in Klamath Falls Marble & Granite Works GEORGE D. GRIZZLE, Prop. i Howie i and, . ra.i Esplanade and Pine Garage Klamath Falls, Oregon Emmanuel Jlaptlst, Eleventh' High streets. Illble school, 10 a rrayer meeting Thursday, 8 p. in. Women's Home and Foreign Mission ary uoclety meets first Thursday of each month. i,. Lti 1 1 iimtHiiiiiiiiinnumiM4(un I J4Mlkl SBBsllsSBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBTar ' M ELlf Cf(jk WK'i.ii in: c.hAn TO TKMj vou Just Mat It will cost to move your household effects to your new home If you will phone us to call and size up how big a van will be re quired. Youl find our charges very reasonable, our servile, prompt and efficient. Western TraWer Ce. 7 Mala Pfcosw MT Be. SMS AN INSIDE BATH MAKES YOU LOOK AND EL FRESH Ssyt a glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast keeps illness away, i Physicians tho world over recom mend tho inside bath, declaring this is of voHtly moro Importance than outsldo cleanliness, becnuso tho skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into the blood, cuusing III health, while tho pores In thu ten yurds of bowels "",. I , .M,un n"u wom?n nro urged to nun uutu uiuriiuiK, ueioro ureaK fast, a glass of hot wuter with a ttaspoonful of llmestono phosphato Do you need harvesting and other farmlnir mnrlilnrtruV rnm nn t . ....UB, . wu. ,i,iu uuq 1 lipnvn1 lln n.Af..-l... t. i ,-...... ..o .uiciiuiii, jiuwiu uar- age, Main street. i7tf m Electric Curling Irons at The Elec tric Shop, 123 S. 0th St. 19-20 "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS " Cut Flower and Plants In Dlnpl.iy Window Hot IIouho Near MI1N School HKKIGXH MADE . iqAMATH JWflAL . x?'COMPANy Phoae U7-M 1040 Mala St. KUaiatu Foto SMMMMMMMMfWMMnfWMfVWWWMVtSMS) .In It, as a harmless means of help ing to wasn irom tno stomach, liver, I kidneys and bowels tho previous Iday'a Indigestible material, poisons, ,sour bile and toxins; thus clennslng, sweetening ana punrying tl.e ullmon tary canal before eating rnoro food. Those who wake up with bad breath, coated tongue, nasty taste or hava a dull, aching bead, sallow complexion, acid stomach; others who hsvt bilious attacks or consti pation, should obtain a quarter pound Of limestone Dhoaohala 1 tha drug store. Tkls will cost very little but Is stiff icteat to show tas Talas of If the Wood Dealer Sold Service We iln doesn't It? not sell current; no m-II cervlce. That sounds (Mid Well, suppose I ho uikmI dealer sold Mrlci Inxleud of wood, ho would tend to )our,furiiuro itnd your range, tnl.e huhv Hie iikhen anil clean tho flues. You would buy no niiirli heat. .Now j ou buy mi Hindi light, olllioiigli ou pny iircnrilliijr to I ho current )ou ronsiiiiie. Hut the ervlu' In performed for you by tills company at the MibktutlotiH and poner plniitN, That Is nhat we uunt lo lvo you efficient servlm. It Is tho, nlm of tliN iouipany lo luivc nono but NUtlsfled customers. .No matter what It Is, If you Imvo a grtcwuue, or nro db-witlnncd nlmut your bill or do not uiidcrMund our rules, pletwu tome In and see us orrlto us about It. If ou have any sugKcMlons to make, we will gladly avail our wives of them us our aim Is constantly to Improve our service to you a lout hi, tho development of alienee and human ability permit. $ California-Oregon Power Company f 4 ti A V h J