The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 24, 1920, Image 1

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f K t
ferali. ISO
. : ' ' ''
Fourteenth Year No. 3980
Price Five Cent
pastor sirs
in:cii)iN(i n,ri: to
hi: ihw mo.ndav
21 Tho fifth International
ynclit raco, upon which hanga
tlio fata of America's rup today
wiih declared off by Did regatta
commltteo. Thii reason given
'heavy wunther Ah tlio
hooskvkir hands iiih;.vatio.v to wilson
mm buleq
Franklin D. Roosevelt. Demo-
rtl v4 Bj..l.uKilkl .... i a.
. -r ..,.., IKU f COIUtJIIilUI IJUJUI W
nee, today formally presented
Appeal to the state supreme court hit relgnatlon a assistant ec-
flALKM, July 24 -Dr. J. II. Roi
. I'tlllUrK. Of PrltlOVlllo. WUII elected from Ihn l.,rllnn nf In rim llatnlllnn ' .V ,.,. .1 ...,..
I . " """ -- -.... K.iuii w inn iit m i-rumrieni
Not table ami chair, but dlco and
rd, are tho Imuit In thtt anti-gam-tiling
ordinance Introducnd at tho
city council two week ago and ills
cussed aicaln Inst Monday night and
passed to Ihn final reading, say thn
tier. F. 0, Trimble. Aa tun ordi
nance touch upon condition that
havo awakened much public discus-
Ion. and aa 11 will iin,lr.i.l,i..,iiv ii
up for final consideration nnxt Mon-' ?!th .
i i . . ... . .. . . .... . . . - - i
.preaumni oi inn Mam kikk' aoc a- of Kosnhtirr. In thn till nf J. M 'A wn.nn . i ....... ...
I,, .,.... . . I --- -- - ....nuM, n UVVUUIU UUCtltfQ AU
nf flnsnlittrir. In tha
acbta started back to ahultor, lien: George T. Colllna of Medford.'fm.i-.n. n. . .nj i. . ..... o T
tlio committee signalled thai Iflrnt vlcn nrnildnnt: Torn Ilarvov nf ,ilui.i...n., ..!.. lm...i. .'.-.. 1 . . . .
. ,, . " I "" -"- -- -'-"'Jl-'-r-r-r-w-w-w-w-VWWWWW
I ., raco wom" " no"1 Mrnriolil. swend vice president; (and othors, In the action involving
.mu7. i-rank t. wnahtman of Salem, I
ilay nlRht. tlm atatxiiifnt of Mr1:.1"".
Trim tilt) la Illltllllhi'd. aa Imlnr Hi.. I
lalauifint of a wltn of nwnta In
both prtivloua council amnion and
Thn flrat hint of thn poat
ponomont caino when tho aloopa
wnro noticed rtrturnlna from thn
Ambroan channttl tlahlalilp In
Ihn direction of Randy Hook
2S knot anutbwMtnr
Ohaorvnra aihorn In'
third 'the nueatlon lot which court houan
tico prnaianno uoruon uaKtr or mc- ahall be the county capltol, waa tiled
Mlnnvllle, aecrotary, and C. Auatln today In the circuit 'court by C. r.
I lay dun of Klamath Kalla, treaaurcr.'Ktone. one of counael for (be Dlalntlff.
In hla decision Judge Hamilton
inrrmi inn aklppnr did not cam
lo laku a clianru of ItnlnR ill.
maatnd or wrnckiul In thn heavy
tbn opinion of a cltlmn. II.. aay T """ or ",,u"l,)r "low
yhnn I bnard thn antl-namblliiK
ordinance read. Imforx It win amimd
d, I became convinced that tbn atc
tlona that referral to tabln and
chair had b-u placvd thm to
make tbn ordliiuncn oliiioxloii to all
ntlntiM)n who vlalt poolrooma Or
talnly that ordinance wn not drawn
to bn paaand, but to b kllli"!
Councilman Colirln, who Intnxluc
d the rnaolullon niklna; that an antl
card and dlcn orillnancn bn drawn,
moved to umniul by atrlkltiR out tbn
octlona that rufnrnd to table and
chair. Tbn ordlnancn aa H now
atand. I an ordlnnurn to prohibit
thn un of card and dlcu In pool
held that tho contract entered Into
by Dounan for building a courthouse
on Main street was Illegal and void.
Tbn ground for appeal Is that the de
cision la not In conformity with the
law In the case. In Its opinion the
court held that Ihn contractor, whim
(notified to atop work, should have
LONDON. July 34 Tho flovlet of unA m,"hl h,1,e topped ,nd ,0Bhl
IliiaM. today notified Poland ,h,llcnPnn "m wunty for
thn Hovlnt army commanders had " "T ", ...... IMB P""
'been order-d to bnKln Immediately' ,or"""i- P''ntlff hold that the con
negotiation, for an nrmUtlcn, It la an- !raCt"r " barred rrom ,uch nite
nr iiw iiiiRiiTBDi conuuion oi me
iinuncvd In a wireless from Moscow'
in l
county and' the provision of taw that
a judgmont against a county la not
valid or collectable when the, public
debt ficends $5,000. In other' words,
Itusila reply to Poland's applica
tion far UrillUllril nurnllatlnna l.rltit-i
In sight a posslb!,. .olutlon of one of ,h,t T,aln,'ff had "" recou" but t0
lb., n.n.i .nn... rri.,.. ..m,., p ,.... "oiiiplete the contract and endeavor
!ba. bad to face .Iiko thn conclusion '" "T ,0',he comWe ib-
At a mentlng of thn directors of 'of tbn armistice with Germany. In '" ,h ordln,ir'r coure ' "P
IIib Imtik hnld nt Merrill last Nocmbr. 191S, peal It might rest ip6n the supreme
night Ceorgn J Walton, who will m-1 ' 'court calendar for a year or more
tiro n dlvlalon tnaniiui.r nf Hi., i'al.1 imihu 1..1.. .. . ...... before It would be reached
hall and other public place. In all ifornla-Oresnn Pnur miMi.imv A... i j. . .. ' -..
th. . n.iT,.T.rnV.,.i " . """?n.'",,rr .c",,"""' Aug- We freni Moscow ,aya the Havas
' "- ui . a eiecieu casliler ami dlrec-
tables and chair are thn only thing ,or ,)f ,, Flnt Nnotm
l I cu ..!. Who )t lias ilAfAndei! Merrill
ugency annntincva that the Russian
bank of; army In fulllnr back on the
rim position of cashier ha orJpr of ,hc 8ovel commander.
M llulili, who I anv- '
thn use to which card and dlcn hate ,,,n ,,i i... l'
TT,nth,",, "m""0lU '" ,h" l",".r.,.Br hl' COn",,C,"m WUh ,h" Mnr'l WAH8AW. (Thur.d.y,. July
few month. rll, ,,ank t0 ,,, , MiOCltllon wlth l oUhlk, ,hruit B ,h8 J
It I thn espnrlvnce of other citing other local resld.tnta, tho American
that the use of card and dlcn and (National Hank In this city. "'
other ilntlrna with which men gam- W. ( Dalton, president of tho
bin, when permitted In public place) Merrill bank, also tnndnred his re
itiakn It harder to enforce thn atitl- Ignition and It wn nrcepted at last
Rambling law Without theio de- night' meeting. Mr Dalton I one.
vice thn poolball would "till be of tbn Incorporator of tho Atiicrl
comfottabln place, and I bellnvn ran National,
that the men who run them could, Andrew Collier, tire-presl.lent tf
arn a living.
tion of Kokolka, west of Orodno.'iiisl
carried them past the Polish bound'
ary, ant by thn council of ambas-l
aadora. Along tho railroad In, this
rnglon tho Poles are reported to bo
fighting to stem tho momentum of
tho southwesterly drho which Is
swinging tho Itcils towards Poland's
nnrore it would be reached In rou
tine but It la hoped, on account of
Its Importance, to have It advanced
on tho calendar and get a hearing
within thn next 90 daya. perhaps.
In a previous case the aupreme court
decided within 60 days after the
appeal was filed.
"V f,
rtl... .!.!.. ..- . ..!!.. ..I.I stitl.tlrilw In a'H 4 tiiTl IH1 to till f irstahliantft nf that
I lllv II1IT1 ll( 'WH," nil ill I'lli'livt au '. ... ..-. .i out !(. if iii
ire-presineni ii .rilI1,n. i , ,,. , u ..,
, the Klrst National bank of thl city. ,.,,,, comnoUei t0 w,lhdrmw
I '
. ulttlftlll nittrh ritlttnnrn In ihn .
.. ... .. . .- a. .. i f..a-iii m.iIk.i u t- riti ...m i - - - --
urn council rnaiiiiwr. inai no ua.i -...... ... ..., ...... ..... vumrr ... f overwhelming numbers
gonn to tlin poolliail mnn lliren lime ronunue iu maao inn nnmo noro ami jioigjjyim troops
and asked them to put a stop to 'retain hi connection with the First
gambling In their places of business National bank.
and that thny paid no attention to Mr Walton will moe to Merrill
lilm. Something I wrong either 'after August I J C Thomas, pre-
with tho law or the pollen force or'enl secretory of tho power company,
tho city council, or thn cltlten when 1 1 to bo bis successor as division
such condition exist. Certainly manager.
All plan for tho launching of tho
American National bank aro com
plete, It Is reported, and only the ar
WASHINGTON July 24. Amer
ica's military establishment Is being
practically revolutionised under the
terms of the new army reorganiza
tion bill which became etfectlvo July
1. Army officers say tho work will
not be completed for some months
because of the broad scope of the
measure passed at the last session
of congress to place tho land forces
on a permanent peace-basis..
While the regular army will con
tain only 295,000 officers; and men
scattered oer the country and tho
Insular possessions. It will bo so ar
ranged In conjunction with the na
tlonal guard and the reserve that
rapid expansion of the nation's fight
ing forces In time of emergency will
b "pessible:
Tho national guard will have about
440,000 officers and men, but the
strength of the reserve has not yet
been worked out and wilt depend
largely on tha enlistment of eligible.
The regalar army reserve aa It Mr-
Present Indications are that the
coming exhibit of tho county boys'
of fresh. and girls' club work this fall will be
better and larger than any ever held
In this part of tho ststo. Frank Sex-
24. Poles and .ton, who Is county club leader, an-
?fmerly existed, -composed ot-forhasr
onllsted men furloughed. to the re
serve to complete their enlistment
ported ceased to exist as such on July
1. In Its place there Is established
the enlisted reserve corps and the
officers' reserve corps. The members
of the former, except veterans of the
world war, are required to enlist for
three years. Veterans of the world
war may enlist for only one year,
llolshovlkl aro fighting for the pos- "ounces that up to the present time
aome one connerted with Ihn city ad
ministration could tell u who Is to
blame for thn present violation of
law. I favor Ihn ordinance as It
. rlvaf of, the charter' to be put lato
bow stands, because I want lo make
It easier for both the police forcb and
the poolhill men to stop gambling.
I think It hardly worth while to con-,
tlnue the present poller, which
teems to be for the cblsf of police
to ask the poolhsll men not to us
cards Improperly. It (s certainly a
very mild punishment jo take cards
aad die away from them.
When the resolution was Intro
duced, asking that tha city attorney
la Instructed to draft tha ordinance.
It wss Immediately passed. Cards
ud dice war hath jaaatloasd la the
resolution. Was It bacausn aay mem
ber of the council thought that tha
matter would go no further that he
voted for the resolution T Why
should any councilman vote for the
resolution and not vote for the ordinance?
This Is not a labor fight. Thai
writer, who la pastor of the Christian
church, was at the council mooting
tha night the resolution r was Intro
duced, nnd made a talk on gambling
boforp tho resolution was Introduc
ed, nnd anothor afterwards, as did
sevoral others present. Mr. Kay was
not at tha meeting. Ho was nt tho
next mooting with a protest against
taking away tho tables and chairs
nnd otlinr coinortn
execution . The charter Is expocfed
within a. fortnight.
PITTSnURO, Kansas, July 24.
A strike of Kansas coal miners next
week la Impending. Alexander How
at, president of the Kansas miner
asserted today, In protest , against
Ones levied against the, miner for
ramming from wor mag. Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Martin will
leave tomorrow In their car (or a two
months' visit to San Francisco, San
Diego, Lake Tahoe and tha Yosemtte
national park. Before they return
here they expect to visit 8alt Lake
city, Utah.
Up until a short time ago Mr. Mar
tin was the proprietor of Martina 6,
10, 15 and 25 ront store, which was
bought by Hosklng ft Rolvon. Whon
they rot urn from tholr trip Mr. Mar
tin will take a position with tho
Klamath Pine Manufacturing com
pany, Iu which ho Is a stockholder.
nession or Qrodno. In a counter at
tack the Pole captured tho town of
Grodno first, tho southern part of
the town later being taken In hard
l,u!nwu.n, July Z4. Tho occupa
tion of Orodno la announced In an
official statement on fighting opera
tions, received by wireless from Mot
cow today.
MISSOULA, Montana, July 24.
Major Theodore Sharp, superlnteaeV
ent of the Flathead Indian Agency.
was shot and killed at Ravalli todar
by N. U. Perkins, sub-agent, whom
Sharp haa dismissed, charging that
ha It In tympathy with bootlegger,
according to a report received here
by local authorities. Perkins gave
himself up later.
tho following amounts have been con'
trlbuted for prizes to be awarded to
the winning boys and girls: Chamber
of commerce, $85; Klamath State
bank, 160; First National bank. $50;
First State and Saving. $50; K.K.K.
store, $50; Golden Rule, $10.
Thl I a splendid start for the
prize and it Is expected that many
other will contribute ts the funds to
assist the. encottrafemeat of boy'
and girl' club
meat ot the amount .will be
No question exist In tha mind ot
City Attorney Carnaban aa to the
passage ot the antl-garabllag ordin
ance to its second reading at Monday
night' session! and If the council
wills It may be adopted at the next
meeting. A parliamentary wrangle
obscured the exact status at the close
of last Monday's meeting. Mayor
Struble declared the ordinance car
ried to second reading jdesplta the
refusal of Councilman Upp to vote
either way. Councilman Branden
burg voted "no" and Colvln and
Lavenlk voted "yes." The mayor
counted Upp's vote with the assent
ing side and decided that the requis
ite majority had been established and
(the ordinance was past first reading.
Councilman Upp demurred and
said tho mayor's ruling was unsound.
The city attorney was unprepared to
give an opinion, although holding oft
hand with Mr. Upp but after search
of authorities, today says the mayor's
ruling was undoubtedly right. Thore
aro numerous court, decisions In
point, cited in McQuillan on Munic
ipal Corporations, volume 2, section
504, page 1,300.
State and federal court alike -have
upheld the point that If a member of
'an (executive body la present and
refuses to vote his vote shall b
counted with those who do rote, la
the absence of any local rule to the
contrary. In the present case the)
city charter is entirely silent upon
the (ofctU
Moaptjlti aefWia the
91 Uw eontmr,
merasers present, inougn not voiiag.
may 'be' counted to constitute the
quorum. The supreme court has held
that this rule Is applicable to the na
tional house of representatives."'
In support ot this statement he
cites numerous cases in state and na
tional courts, ot which a sentence
from the supreme court ot Montana'
decision In the case ot Young against
The officers' reserve corps Is com- Yates Is as conclusive as brevity will
nosed of officers who held temporary Permit. It Is: "We are Inclined to
or resorvo commissions during theltno opinion that the proper rule la
war emergency and graduates of the, tmU thoe wno remain silent shall
Kay nor tho labor organizations Is
ft Just protest, j tho Issuo nt this time. Tho council
' No oxprossed his opinion on the
gambling Hltuntlon, Ho innilo a
Bplondld talk against gambling. Tho
wrltor mado a fowr remarks on the
eubject, and mnny othors did. Thoro
aro many pooplo In town wlo aro op
posed to tlio working man organiz
ing, and somo ot tho onomlos of tlio
ordtnnnco nro trying to mako Mr.
Kay and tho labor organizations tho
Issue, I havo manifested my willing
ness to discuss the labor organize
tlon In the past and am willing to
J-elo so In the future, but neither Mr.
Is to vote nuxt Monday night for or
ngnUist an ordinance prohibiting
cards nnd dlco In poolhalls and qthor
public placos.
Aro wo not to Judgo tlio uso to
which such devices wilt bo put In tho
futuro by tho uso to which they havo
boon put In tho past, under exactly
tho samo council, tho samo police
forco, the same poolhall men? U It
not then under the present condi
tions a voto tor or against gambling?
Pastor First Christian Church,
ALTURA8, Cat., July 24. A coun
try editor who, by his own sworn
statemont, Is worth approximately
$1,500,000, la the latest sensation In
Alturas. A. M. Armstrong, odltor ot
tho Now Era, who has been sued for
libel, Informed tho court that he
ownod a patent right which yields
him an Incomo ot $250,000 annually
and real and personal property esti
mated at $50,000.
This testimony was given after
Armstrong had beon arrestod tor
falling to oboy an ordor ot tho court
to appear and mako deposition as to
his financial standing. Armstrong
charged Immoral conditions woro
pormlttod nt cortaln dances In this
county, and II, A. Mlllor, who was
conuoctod with tho danco manage
ment, brought suit. .
William. Peeasr, of Kear. who we
Beriesialr latfweslMaat .UUrtajrhra
runaway accident on tk rteieosi
reach, l atlM.lB a critical oasealUoB.'
aecerdtar to report from the)' Warren
Hnat boapitai. HI chancel of re
covery are considered aeenteven.
CLEVELAND, 0 July 24. Po
lice Chief F. W. Smith waa found
guilty ot contempt ot court and fined
$100 by Judge Levlne In Common
Pleas Court. Judge Levlne held tho
chlot guilty ot falling to observe the
Injunction ordering him to open all
police records to reporters for the
Cleveland News,
In New York city, acording to es
timate, there 'are half a million
workers who collectively .accept
$100,000 la'"tlps" every day. .
Charles McWest, formerly engl
noor at tho White Pollcan hotel, was
arrestod last night on complaint of
James Milne, resident manager ot
tho hotel, who accuses him of steal
ing a trunk nnd contents bolonglng
to Dr. T. C. Campbell, and also some
property ot tho hotel. The hearing
was set tor 2 o'clook this attornoon
boforo Justice Chapman.
The average Chinaman cen sleep
anywhere amid deafening; uproar,
on the ground or in any position.
student officers' training school.
To accomplish the reorganization
of tho national guard and the Initial
organization ot the reserve, the army
bill provides tor a general committee
to be composed of regular army gen
eral staff officers and an equal num
ber of reserve or national guard of
ficers. In addition, 62 otber com
mittee, representing each state and
territory will arrange the national
guard organization in each atate and
territory. Some of these commit
tee have not been appointed by the
governors and consequently thl
work ha not yet been put under way.
While no full plan ot organisation
haa been made public, a tentative
plan to be placed before tha commit
tee 'would divide the country Into
nine dfatrlcu wjtu an army corpa In
each. Thl corpa would consist of
one regular, one guard, aad two re
serve divisions, o organised that la
aa emergency the two reetrve divi
sions, which theoretically would be
the oaly one much below war
strength, couldJe filled up with se
lective service men. A full quota of
officer drawn from the officer' re
serve corps would be available for
these divisions at all times.
The new regular army strength
provides for approximately 17,000
commissioned officers. To provide
this number about 7,000 reserve and
temporary officer have been kept
on duty and It Is the plan to reach
the full officer strength by commis
sioning about 7,000 Ruch officer
and enllstod men In the permanent
army. Officers and men to be so
commissioned will be selected by a
board, known as tho Pershing board,
headed by General Pershing and In
cluding six other officers.
Tho bill broadens tho acopo of the
resorvo officers' training corps at the
various educational institutions over
the country, provides Instructors and
material for the school and also au
thorizes summer campa to last six
woeks for advanced training ot tha
student officers. Graduate ot the
training corpa may be commlsaloned
In the organised reserve.
be deemed to assent to the action ot
those who do vote."
Gilbert Ingersoll, accused slayer
of Henry J. 8toehsler at Dairy. Wed
nesday night, was bound over to ac
tion of tha county grand Jury after
hearing before Justice Chapman yes
terday afternoon. The hearing waa
a routine affair, producing no new
details. The defense called no wit
nesses. Ingersoll was held without
NEW YORK. July 24. The my
tery aurroaadlag the death ot tha
unidentified young woman wheee
mutilated body was found yesterday
In a trunk In an exprew company'
warehouse here, has been shifted ts
the Detroit authorities for olutlon,
the homicide bureau announced to
OREGON Tonight
and Sunday,
The reorganization measure fur
ther provides that the head of the
militia bureau of the war depart
ment, which under tbo reorganize
tlou has Jurisdiction over national
guard and reserve affairs, shall be a
national guard officer not below tha
rank ot major who will receive ,tha
pay and allowances and havo tha
rank while on duty ot a major gear
eral In the army.
The offices of second and third as
sistant secretaries ot war are abol
ished by the measure and their du
ties absorbed by the assistant secre
tary of war, who will be charged with
the procurement of all military ny
pltea and plana for tha mobilisation
of faterlal and laduetirlal MtabU,
rneat needed la tlme'ofwar. ,,
r I
, i..f
t. -' -J