THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IMOK MX ft IVHNIMt't 4V1.V IS, 1M0 HtRAiD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMN IC 10 FOR SALE Real Eatate MtfMWWMMMAAMWMMWMMMI FOR BALE 4-room strictly modern furnished liouso nn North Mil Ht. 1'rlco $3500. R. E. Smith Renlty Co. 14-17 FOR BALE Almost now Ford lour ing cnr. Inquire (1. M, DoMorrltt. Unit Hotel. 14-1G FOR SA1.K 1 llulck and ana 7-pns-l cngor stndobakcr. imporlnl Gar RO. C-tf CHANDLER 5 (X Famous For Its Marvcloi4S Motor 2S-tt FOR SALE Fnrm contnJnliiK lOOiFOR SALE 24 ton truck. Al con acres. 70 ncres In nlfnlfn. 30 In dltlon. O. K. Illarksnilth shop, grain; 26 dairy .cows, 24 heifers nnd,8,xln hl' cnlves, 7 horses, 3 colts, 9 snoop, 50 hogs. 100 chickens nml nil needed mnchlnory for oporntlon. For price and particulars seo M. Dclfattl, 7V hiIIps from Kliimath Falls on the Midland ronil. 14-17 MISCELLANEOUS Printing, Stationery mid office supplies. Pioneer Printing nnd Sta tionery company 126 Main St. 9-tl wood. is: 8 room homo and R big lots for PHONE I'KYTON for ran-, t-ouw, fsvv mongngo run inr i v 3 years, hnlnnco cash. 133 Grant St. F0R RENT 0R LEASE VOll SALE -Six room modern house on comer lot nnd pavement. Largo rou SALE Household furniture, lot Bit inbl- for two houses; Reed! "v" Washington 14-17' lawn Phone 247.M. 11-1 GARAGE FOR RENT 203 5th St. South lUjtf WANTED LOTSrrom $100 up, In nil parts of' town. LOTS On pavement, $550 for cor- lien of COil in. !. ?S3 Jnldo. $200 for 50x140. I HEM' WANTED Circular snwer. 7nT rrtK-J paVC ',rcc,'i "otter for hand set works, trim ?iuo to x.fio. ... . merman, deck settlor and dry grader Tc""? 'p "V ecut " balance In for whlt0 ,ne ,,,, Jim ,Xartlng ln Installments to suit purchaser. I ,,uma!( county Callf AMnu ox ti, i. ' ,;, n - I . - T. Herald office, stating experience. The Klamath Development Co. u it 1303 Slain St. Phono No. 1 (WANTED 2 Rlrls for clerical work. mil 5AI ! i nm .,.. 3TJ! Apply In own hand wrltlnR. stnt- ?, ii r,..rdJ".. . A w,,hlnB references and .st experience, full basement, furnace: one G-room !... . .- ,, ... ... ' .. ... i....... i-.- .i. .. . n l mi nui iu, iierum umcu. i-i-i kiiu i.u on ruurm. inquire jua umvtimi ....,. . ..i r.nn to 1000 acres, starting at onco. Inquire 1.. Jacobs, 622 Main St. 13-17 lit 1 v fm Hr - "t- WAsaWsSBBsr w JWl - kx J v i; mi fpr fell i ' . - .-... i. ij:jiPVw ,IWcnKl . I i iniw -.--.- i , i ,i mriii. - mji i i i-n ,,ni i -- , ,, IpTur I lots with CC feet on Pine 120 on Fourth. Inaulro 305 Pine St. 14-15 FOR SALE Miscellaneous WANT CONTRACT to run a largo boarding homo for somo company 1 OCT O..I, ....... HII..I-- .. u,v .4.1- luii.aiuiuii IUU1L-S i, n tl t..n1.l m. and chlldrens clothing, lavo at """" " " g;lc. Ford Service Station and receive re-' The Ciiandler Dispatch Car Kas First Preference ward. 14i WANTKD Cook; Klamath General Hospital. 6-tf FOR SALE We have an A No. 1 nb"U KinVnrnr0' CITY QARDAOE When you want I fenders. Klaxon horn, over-slxo steer- earbaco romoved call lOK-3 I ing wheel, foot accellerator and wind- sariiago remocd can in -a. j Come and seo It at Danner shield Patty Motor Co. 1 3-1 5 WANTED Voman to do cooking. i laundry and housework. Small FURNITURE FOR SALE at Pelican family. Phone i0- "" T1 tlnnan ltkil wtiltjk fln. med In blue. Id front of Ital an pool WANTED-Mlllman Chain grader. all 10-1C hoo, dogger, hy Lamm Lumber , . icuuii'au. I UUIIU WUUUI. 1 UlUi narcalns In second hand cars. R. ill 4, 1. 8 I 1 The atKomobih1 i.ulustry lias pro duce.! no distinctive ni idol more iupu!.ir lhan the Chamlhr Dispatch, a rsflcctlnj; in it lithe lines the character of its service. 1 1 is the lirst preference among tliiise who want n four-passenger closc-coiiplctl open car. Its comfort, its beauty of line and finish, anil its dependability are typical of the established Chandler quality. The popularity of the Dispatch, which readies to every corner of the world, is based not wiliy on the ftroce of its trim design and Its beautiful Ua'nbovv IJIuelinlsh.lmt Isdiioqiilto as in. :i It to the standard Chandler ch.iss's upon which it is mounted. It seats four persons with utmost comfort. The driver's position is restful. The cushions are deep, well tilted nnd trimmed in the best of genuine hand-buffed leather. With its wonderful flexibility of power, its ease of driving nnd real comfort, characteristic of nil Chand ler models, everybody likes the Dispatch. 12-13, II. R. Garage. 9-15 FOR SALE One 7-pascnger Studo- baker. Just overhauled, l scrips Booth roadster, newly painted. Im perial earagc. 13-15; LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Modoc Point ond ' Klamath Falls, dark brown jacket. 'Finder leave at. Herald office and re I FOR SALE Launch, cheap for cxih.tcclve reward. H-19 . iivtt. Vnt Utnp A Smith. Olffnn. ,.. .- fo.- LOST NOTICE A Miller tire, tntertube. cov-j er and rim. somewhere between i Chltoqttln and Klamath Falls. Ro- turn Hall Hotel and receive reward. 14-15 I' The Most Fairly Priced Fine Car Built SIX SPLENDID IIODY TYPES .ViMcn-ruj.imj.Vr TouritiC Car. S19VS Four-Pastenccr Roadster, $1995 rour-l'itstcneur Dispatch Car, S207S Seivtt-Pjstvnwr Sedan, SU9S Four-ftatsengvr Coupe, t2S93 Limousine, tit9S ' (Ml rtlmj. a. It. CltttUnJ, Oiti) Central Garage 420 Klamath Ave. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO Warren Hunt Hospital A thoroughly 'iiilppd Institution iffnrilliiK tiniixi'olk'il fiirlllllen for ! rlontlfle trenlnn'iit by hospital moth ids of mmllcal, stirglenl and ohstot rlenl eases, I'hn now nnd modf.rn fireproof Imlld- nut ciiutnins prlvnM rooms for bod mil umbulii'tory ciises, roinplntolir j iiiiliMid lontnliiiitlou nml troittttiont rooms, RiiDiilgxn Ray, clinical ana research laliorutoiles. STAFF WARREN HUNT. M. II I. I,. TltlAN. M II I di:o a mahsi:v. M I). LOCATION niURTII AND PINE HM, KLAMATH IAM.H. OlIW r TELKPHONH li)7 AA1HIM.ANCERBKVICI3 j MINERAL BATHS Dr. Mmid IiikitsmII Hnulrjr 1 (lilriipmitlr l'h)lrln J First National llnnk llulldlng Entrance, Room I AHlliaM), OREGON ROBERT S. FRY Ocnrrnl Insiirnnrr ItivrstmrnU Tel. a7.'l-J 7117 WAHIIINGTO.V HT. Klntiinlli I'atU, Orr. ALL KINDS of tin anil nhrrt Inin Wfwk, r. tllatlnic Mid drill nlr hmtlnc done at the Hluinimn Plumbing Hluip. No. 10113 Main Ht. L. N. HAINES Phono 323 Klamath-Bend Auto Stage 'VTn0;. .Una and -OST July 7th from Crater Lake state 0f Oregon for 1917: as amend- Section 3C; North half of North dapple gray horses, sound and staRei ono ,arM tan gut case g chapVers 1S4. 142. 29. 390 1 east quarter, and West half J f: '!.. tli ...n,f- irht marked Plerrepont; one small auu-Qenerai Law8 0f the State of Oregon, In Township 39 South of Range 8 ,: "- '"".".."":".. caw stamped rw. r. r. au rewaruifor 1519 East W. M for return to or Information leading, jr. ) Section 2: North half of Northeast to recovery of this baggage, watte. Tno description of all lands In-1 quarter, and Southwest quarter of Pelican Garage. 8" eluded therein aro as follews: northeast quarter. In Township 3S South of Range 81 All qf th,i above described lands NOTICE 'EastW. M. I constitute a contiguous Ixidy of ' Section 7; Lots 3, 14, 9 and 8. and! swamp; uet and overflowed lands Wo ,r .tin maintaining our office the South half of the Southeast quar- now in process of reclamation. at Enders & Co. store for the pur- cr. and lots 1. 2. 10 and iu of collectlne our acounU. Will aecuon a, uo j. i. a, o. .. a. j. 2S00. seund: heavy britchen har ness. Party leaving town Monday. Must be sold quick. See them at O. X. barn. Also One saddle horse with new saddle, at give away price. O. K. tarn, aee NybarL ' 25-tf FOR SALE McCormack mowing" III. The total acreage Included In said machine, all In good condition, not?; Dleae call and settle your ac- and 10. .... . Mnnds nnd to In Included In the dU- ery eld: works gooa as new. aq-i- : ,,,. our books. ' section : uots . u, 0. 1 anu aoum trlct aforesaid Is 6,000 acres all In Tery dress Jack Cheechor, R. F. D. No. 1. Box 43. 14-15 FOR SALE Ono 14x18 slide ralvo engine, two 54x16 H. T. boilers, boiler-feed pump, piping, valves, etc. Billable for saw mill. Apply Box Stl, Dorrli. California, 1 t-tf. FOR SALE Five rebuilt pianos. See them. Earl Shepherd, 507 Main St. 14-M FOR 8ALE Relied barley In car load eats: wheat for feed, oats and other feeds. Central Point ' Feed 8tore, Central Point, Ore. 14-1 FOR SALE Light team, wagoa and karness. Just the thing tor camp- tav. Write M. Brown, Klaaatn rails, Oregon. 11-1 6 FOR 8ALE One complete shlagle mill and two small Curtis carri ages for sawmill. H. L. Mill, Hllde- krand, Oregon. lZ-li FOR SALE! Rhode Island Red heas. S26 Mortimer. 9-15 BLOCKS FOR SALE $5 per cord delivered. Phone 483M. J. M. Guthrie. 29-18 FOR SALE One 1920 Chevrolet, one 1917 Hupmoblle, one 1920 Dodge Sedan. All In good condition. Central Oarage. 28-tf Read Enders' ad. for this week's pedals. Adr, NOTICE HOUSEWIVES Special sale on groceries; one sack Of corn meal FREE with every $15 grocery order. Spot CasL Basket firocery, 822 Klamath Ave. 12-tf VUUUfc OU WW va ""? - """" ik.K .U CM..kAo. ...rr ItOIIEUTH WIIITOU a.,J"Iirior South'"!,, f "of the NOTICE Just received a large shipment of brand new buggies, hacks and spring wagons. "Will tell at Tery reasonable prices. Also large shipment of gov ernment tent. Max Weiss, 6tk St. near Ewauna Box Factory. 7-tf NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETI TION TO FORM DRAINAGE DISTRICT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath. Notice la hereby given that bearing on the following petition will be held at the Court House In the City of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath. State ot Oregon, on the 6th day of September, 1920, for the purpose ot determining whether the prayer of aid petition ohall be granted. All persons owning or claiming an Interest in lands described In said petition are hereby notified to appear at said place on said date and show cause. It any there be, why the prayer. In said petition shall not be granted. C. R. DELAP, (Seal)' County Clerk. By GARRETT K. VAN RIPER. Deputy. PETITION A Herald Waat Ad will sU It. In the County Court pf the State ot Oregon for the County of Klamath. In the Matter ot the Organization of the Wocus Drainage District. To the Honorable County Court ot Klamath County, Oregen: The undersigned, your petitioners, respectfully petition and shew: I. That they desire to organize and form a drainage district to be known aa the Wocua Drainage District un der and In accordance with Chapter 340 of the General Laws of the Stato of Oregon for 1915 (page 540) filed In the office of the Secretary of State February 26, 1915; aa amended by Cbaper 414 ot General Laws of the Southwest quarter. Section 15; Northwest quarter, and Lots 3. 4, 9, 10 and 11. Section 16; all of Section. Section 17; North half. Southeast quarter. East half ot Southwest quar ter. Northwest quarter of the South west quarter. Lot 2, and Northwest quarter. Section 18; North half of North east quarter. Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter, Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, and Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8. Section 20; Northeast quarter. Northeast quarter or Northwest quar ter. North half of Southeast quarter, and Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Section 21; all of Section. Section 22: West half. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, and 2 and Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter. Also that part of Lot 1 of Section 22, and that part of Lots 2 and 5 of Section 15 which lies west of the fol lowing line, torwlt; Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 3 ot said sec tion 22, thence North 1435 feet to the center of the "Neck" thence North 38 degrees 51 minutes West 4145 feet following "Neck" to Intersection with north and south center line ot Section 15. Section 23; Southwest quarter ot Southwest quarter. Section 25; All fractional Soctlon 25 except Lots 1 and 4. Section 26; West half. Southeast quarter, West half of Northeast quar ter, Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter. Section 27; All Section. Section 28; Northeast quarter, Northeast quarter of Northwest quar ter. Lota 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Section 29; Lot 8. Section 34; North half of North east quarter, Southwest quarter ot Northeast quarter; East half ot Southeast quarter, Northwest quar ter. Section 35; West bait of Northeast quarter; Southeast quarter of North east quarter; East half of Northwest quarter; South half of Southwest quarter, and Southeast quarter. Klamath County, Oregon IV. Tlit! names of the owners of the abovit described land to be Included In said district, as shown by the rec ords of the county, and the acreage owned by each of such ownora re spectively are aa follews: (a) Geary Investment Company (a corporation) Is the owner ot one half ot the acreage described above an Included In the proposed district. (b) Robert II. Ellis is the owner or one-fourth of the acreage describ ed above as Included In the proposed district. (c) J. C. Elliott King Is the owner of one-fourth of the acreage describ ed above as Included In the proposed district. v Said district Is to be organized for tbe construction, operation and main tenance of a drainage and Irrigation system and the reclamation or sslrl lands and protection thereof from the overflow of the Upper Klamath Lake ana the natural drainage from the surrounding bills upon said land, and the proposed reclamation and protec tion aforesaid is for agricultural pur poses and will be conducive to tho public welfare and will be ot public uenent. VI. All tho lauds, above described and to be Included In said proposed dis trict are and should be properly In cluded therein, and will be benefi cially affected by the operation of me propesca district VII. Tho benefits of such proposed rec lamation and protection will exceud tho cost Incurred and any damago that may be done, and the best Inter ests ot the land aforesaid to be In eluded In the district and of tho owners of such land as a whole, and of tho public at large, will be pro moted by the formation and proposed operations of such district. VIII. The formation of a drainage dis trict under the provisions' of the act aforesaid la a proper and advanta geous method of accomplishing the protection of tli to bo Included reclamation and lands aforesaid therein. IX. Tho proposed plan of, reclamation nnd protection Is to pnivldu whom necessary, proper nnd sullnble dikes to prevent tho overflow of waters of Upper Klamath Luke, and to drain tho lands by ditches or otherwise, supplementing said works by pump ing plants or other method uffordlng dralnago; to provldu by ennuis, In- taxes anu neaugates anil pumps, 11 nioro systematic, economical and effi cient means of Irrigation; and to pro- vtdo protection as may bo best suited to accomplish tho purposo. Said lands In general are partially reclaim ed swamp and overflow lands. Said lands nro now protected from over flow by dikes, and an Improved sys tem of drainage and Irrigation Is In process of construction, and tho pro posed plan will Include such addi tional dikes, drainage and irrigation canals and works aw will bo deemed necessary. All ot tho undersigned petitioners have' agreed, and do hereby atree. that they will pay any and all ox ponsee Incurred and any tax or taxes that may bo levied against their lands respectively, tor the purpose of pay ing the expense of organizing or at tempting to organize the proposed district. WHEREFORE your netltlonara pray tnat the lands herein described. or such part ot them as raav ba found by tho court to bo properly Included In the proposod district aforesaid, either permanently or until further Investigation and survoys may pormlt elimination snail bo declared organ ized Into a drainage district, and tbut such nnd other und further proceed ings bo had as may bu necossury and propor. GEARY INVESTMENT COMPANY, y AONE3 M. GEARY, President. ROIIERT II. ELL1H, J. C. ELLIOTT KINO. State of Oregon, County ot Multnomah, ss. I, J. C. Elliott King, being first duly sworn, say that I am ono or tho petitioners In tho above petition; that I have roud tho Hald petition, am fam iliar with tho contents thereof und bellovo the allegations thereof to bo true. t , J. C. ELLIOTT. KINO. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 10th day of Juno, 1920. ARTHUR M. OEARY, Notary Public for Oregon. (Notarial Seal) My commission expires ADrll 22. 1924. July 8-16-22-29-5 A dally auto stage service Is now operating between Klamath rIU 'and Ilond. Offices Rex cafe and Met ropolitan Garage. C. I. Heckard. Phono 276-W. 27-lf " FIRE " Dee the word strike terror to roar heart, or Is )our property protected sufficiently by insurance In a rollablo company I In this day of high cost ot material, scarcity of homes, no ono should leave their property un protected. Let us explain to you the special Insurance system under which we protect your home in the loading insurance companlos of America. James II. Drlscoll, Room 4, Loonils llulldlng. Phone 432. PAINTING Practical Painting, Gliding, llronslng, Enameling, Kalsomlnlng. Wall Panar Cleaning and General Contracting. H. C. TUTHILL tlS Rose Ht. WEST END CAFE No. 72 Main St. Meals served family style Call and give us a trial NOTICE OF SALE OF DRAINAOJI DISTRICT BONDS SEALED PROPOSALS wMI be re celvod by the Board of Supervisors of tho Klamath Drainage District of Klamath County, Oregon, at tho of. flco of said Hoard which Is In the Court House In the City of Klamath halls, Oregon, tor tho purchase of 200,000.00 of the Bonds ot said Klamath Dralnago District, until the hour of two nVlnxk In II... ... n 'he 17th day of July, a. D. 1920. , "Ul" "nus aro 10 bo dated July 1st, 190, and are !o boar Interest from duto at the rain of .i . .... por annum, payable on tho first day of Jnuuary and tho first day of July of each yoar. h ihJrt.M0!"1 .f s.uPrvlTs reserve tho right to rejoct any and all pro possls for any reason and If not aaU Isfactory to said Board. Add ret all rnmmiinifl.ti... nil proposals to the undersigned. O. R. DB LAP, Secretary ot Klamath Drainage. Dlitrlct. Klamath Fall. n,l.!r Jon 11-July 15 THE USB OF these columns will make money for you. i Murphey Feed & Seed Store 124 So. 6th St. Phone 87 Buy your feed from A wV4 tm VMM rlllvllliv i' Cna J Vim. riiiJrat W you want them to lay.