THE EVENING HEKALP. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WJCBHJWBAT, nriiT 14 II BUSINESS CARDS PROFESSIONAL CARDS ajiMWMWWMMMMMWVMVVtM l si k 4 t H H ekaBaBagaw w H K tH HCOKPTmES--. J Built to give unsurpassed i mileage and they give it 1 Next time BUY fISK 1 Charlie's Place 1 6th and Klamath 1 C ii i' M MiMAMUAftiAiAAAMAiAAMMAA PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) HEAHIGHT STANDARD OIL COMPANY ICAlirOBNIA) "MUM iiiiiiirrmniii if " Comfort n000t0lt00000000ll . ' "I l H iV :. w.a hw1im l- a. a ;-. ' ' Ivt - BRAZIL'S PRESIDENT I DENOUNCES RADICALS UK) l)B JANKIItO, June 12 (II) Mull ) President I'essnn In n me age to the National Congress tins JURl denounced alien radical ngltal or who during the pant fow month I "attempted to promote Induslilul strike for their own end and to destroy the exlitlng oclal order" I Police Investigation allowed, hn maid, that the principal ugent uf Cleanliness Reasonable Rates AMAMAWMMWWVVWWM The Central Hotel New Throughout IN THESE DAYS OF HIGH PRICES THE AVERAGE CITIZEN WILL BE GLAD TO FIND A PLACE TO LIVE THAT IS WITHIN HIS REACH AND WHICH FURNISHES EVERYTHING THAT HE COULD WISH FOR A GOOD BED, A CLEAN ROOM, PERFECT VENTILATION. THESE YOU WILL FIND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. SEV ENTY ROOMS IN THIS GREAT HOSTELRY ARE NOW READY AND THIS NUMBER IS BEING ADDED TO AS FAST AS THEY CAN BE FIN ISHED AND FURNISHED. SPECIAL RATES MADE TO PERMANENT ROOMERS. NO BETTER SPRINGS, MATTRESS OR BEDDIN.G ARE MADE THAN THOSE FOUND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. J. J. KELLER, ,v Kib S. 4V '. - I Divho strike were alien and that they coumullcd Inhuman and bar barou mean, auch a the uie of , bomb, to gain their end. The Preildent urged that congrui ahould urm the government with law of dc fentc against theno element. He recomtiiended thut the project now buforu congress regulating the en try of alien Into national territory be promt t)y pasted Into luw, also thu hill relating to anarchist crimes. A Clasained Ad will tell It. i n iiiiii .7t " iT Manager, i V , - . X 9 AWk. au QASOLINE TURNS THE EARTH MeterbeaU Are PUplacIng Oondola In Venice, and Kvan the Windmill In Holland Dliapptar, Mftfnrtiofif In Wnlri. r,ttnrlnir th (tori'Iotutt rire not tin- only tnccliiiilcul (irufiuiatlori tlirtt la corning In to dlsnp I olnt future American traveler In Kit lope, A teller from Atiiitcrdnin tell im llmt the Dutch windmill lire being reiiliieeil by rnllln oiernled by steam mill electric power, livery year nomc i of (lie old windmill nrc burned, and lliey lire not re-erected, Time may emiie when n few wlndmllU will lie Ireiisured a relic In Holland; Just a similar structure nrq mill preserved on Aitildiicck nnd Nantucket Ulnndi for their curlou Interent, nay the lloatnn Transcript. Already windmill of American conntructlon, with Mecl fan nrrmiKed In wheel, Instead of the picturesque old wooden 'firm, hnd begun to mnkc their appearance, eten In llollnnd. The metallic windmill with the revolving wheel, I more pie lurcsmie thnn the ordinary steam or unfiT tKiurr mill, hut It la not no Die- ' liireiiie na the old wooden affalra. On our western prairie and plain the tail windmill, with their big metnl wheel spinning high In the air, are Indeed a fine feature In the monot onous landscape, hut even they are In ilniiKer of yielding to the proce of pumping water hy mean of gnollne motor. The power of the wind, to he Mire, cost nothing, while that of the km oll in- motor may cost a good denl. hut there ore time when no wind Mow, nnd the householder tire of waiting for It to rise. ! and les we are content to attend upon force of nnture. The beautiful nail are vanishing from the sen, to be re plnced by belching smokestack. On land windmill give place to structure niM-rnted by tenm and electricity. The Miilwort oxen nre no longer Mt-n at the farmer' plow; It I gasoline that turn the earth now. Homeward the unweary motor nam hi wayi FAMOUS CHIMES RING AGAIN Bella of St ClsmtnU, In Old London, Appeal to Children, aa In the Oldtn Day. "nrancn nnd Leinontf rang out on tin. old hell of St. Clement on the lnt day of March on an evening a line a any during the llnet winter London linn ever known. The bell mm?, but fiv heard them. Drereuted by tin' ronr of the Strand traffic. It wiu the flmt time the old nursery rhttn timl lien rune out from the steeple for n very long while. Some hundred of school children, who hnd been Inxlled to attend the church, filed nit nt the close III small uroreswlon. p!lnt d ncrorti the stream of traffic by the Million policemen, r.very cnuu rnrrlnl nn orunge or a lemon, a gift which made up to them for the faint tone In which the voice of the old bell ruirhed their ear. Down the street with the historic namea running from the rilmnd to the Thame. St. Clement music wn more audible, the nund cnrrjlng over the noise nnd roar, and Into the offlces where nnbody. with n turn of mind for antiquity, hue but to throw open hi window to henr tin- sound of n bl-ll cast In tlie xenr or lie SpiiulMi nrmndn. Unnecessary to Graft Skin. When much skin I dettroyed In tiurtio. n common reort I skin grnft, npiilleil either In small Uolated patche to grow gniiUinlly over the surface, or In p!ee up to two or three Inelie iunre to cover n large portion or nil of the wound. At n recent medical Meeting. Dr. K. S. Heck of Chleugn called ill t in Ion to u proiTMt of culture by which hkln niuy be iniiile to grow without grafting, even over large sur faces. As the wound heal the grnnu lathui" nt the edge of the spreading freh skin phiee nn elevated barrier In Its wny nnd If thee gninulntlont are reiuoxed n often n every 21 hour the patient's own kln Is given a chance and tuny be wutched spreading over the tntln surface. A pmtwtUe covering of iinilUii often promotes the replacement of kln wlthciit grafting. Iron Germ. " In the same manner that coral I de rived from certain minute ceiidnsecta who nourish In the South I'uelllc. so certulii Iron ores nrefohtnlnul from pnrjKular inlcrosooplc; orgnnUms. That Is tii' latest nclentlHc discovery, which luomlses Interestlne dexelop- UH'llt. It has been proved that these genus not only aid In thu decomposition of rock and In thu formation of ehnlk mid limestone, but play nn netlvo part In the forming of Iroii-oro dvpcMt. Laboratory cultures h-ive been innihj of biuterla which deposit Iron com tiouiiiU both In surface wiitew and In mine water hundrtils of feet wider ground, tun! the hard crusts nnd flinty innHMOH-ihiit chnko up water-supply pipes hne been found to be composed of millions of theno "Iron tmeteTl.i." Nothlno Green In Otath Valley. The natural vegetation of IVnt!i val ley I scant und stunted. Time Is nor n green thing that grows there luitur.i1 ly. Tho thorny mesqult tree nre of n yellovytah-green tlngo; o, too, nre'th grenao'bushe, while the aagehniHlj l either a yellowlih gray or the color of atbaa.' A' little round gojird called the deaert apple grow In aomeof the can yon. It tnrua yellow when ripe and ha a thn meat within that la exceed inviv i.iir. The caetaa that grew beyond the valley to aOTiwanee u rnXV hovtvaa'ahart,' aha'.vatetttlaii.Bd, , Death vattey hvtrr1MrMv"'' 0000WWWWW0WWWWWWWW0W0 Klamath Falb Cycler? We handle the beit la oar line, Parts and Acceaaorlea, Ooodyear, J Penniylranla and Diamond Tire and Tube. 'The hou of the two and three wheeler, Includ ing Harley-Davtdson Senrloa. O. B. BUMARK 118 H. h M. Klacaeth PaJli MAMMAMMMMWMMMWMMWWWWMVWWWM PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET 9. O. CLKOHORN Cltll Raglaeer aad) garveyev Office S17 Mala Bt Pheae: Oflee 1M, Re. 1MI O. K. FEED SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged! DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecanrsr PHO.fK SM Dr. P. M. Nod PHOIfS 4 Ore PadetwooeTa Sereata aa4 Mat bwwww0im0w000wwwwwwAwf DR. G. A. MASSEY Foarth aad Plae SU. la Warraa Haat Hoapltal Off. Phone 7 Rea. Phone IIM KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do MM Kladto of Baetec lac New Oaea Made MMJb WORK aCABANTKMO Phoaw iee-T C17 BaauUh An. ', i i j- j--iq- n.i.nrri "" - Phone 460 lee Cream 719 Mala an. Caadlea PASTIME Jack Moarow, Proa. Ctgar. Tobacco, Soft Drlahs, Peel and BUIIorda Barber Shop In Connection OUR MOTTO "Courtesy aad Service" EX-8RRV1CE MKN, ATTENTION! The regular meeting of Klamath Pott No. 8; American Legion, will be held at 8 o'clock p. m., at ih cttr Hall In Klamath FalU, on the aecond and fourth Tueadaya of each month. All Comrade are in- rtted. . ... Ml.lnr In toln the Poat 'mar aeeure application blanka from a. K van mper, vwrn hh,uv., . T. H. Carnahan, all of Klamath Fall FRED N1CH0LB0N. Secretary. WESTERN LABOR BUREAU Tho nnlv nlare where vou can get help and the only IntsM where VOU call KCI a job. 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WOHK, ROUGH DRY "Put Your Dud In Our Suds" PHONE 154 '' ma- t - ' ' -' FRED WESTERFELD DBNTIHT Phone 434W. X-Itny Laboratory Looatle Uldg.. Klamath rail DR. O. A. RAMOO Dentist L O. O. F. Balldtog PHONE 01 awjaMaiasJt PRIVATE HOSPITAL Hoar Oyea for Matenut Caaea 301 Hif h St Phone 455 Office Phone 177W Rea 177R Dr. R D. Lloyd Stewart Pkyatclaa aael Barseoa " hlta Ballding Klamath Fall Oregoa mwwwwwwwwwfw DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. 0. 0. F. Temple E. D.LAMB rnVHIClAN AND BURGEON I bones 17W 17R Rooms 1 aad I White Dalldlag DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHTBICIAN AND SUKGBOX I. O. O. F. Balldlac ' Pbom fJM Residence White Pellcaa Hotal Realdtaea Phone 6. DR. L. L. TRUAX WARRF.N HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phoae, 407 Night Phoae, B HAW MILL ENGINEERING 'construction CO. Designer and builder of mod ern uw mill, plaalag mUla aad box plant. Dredging. Pile dHviag. Phone 40-W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near 8. I. Depot I am now preparod to fnraUh 3haata Sand from the Hoey. Uaux, and and gravel pit. In any quantity that may be deatrad by contractor and bnlldera. AL F. ORARAJL - Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making -Phone 477W , ..Eleventh and Pine Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meet Friday nlgbt of each week at I O. O. F hall, Cth and Main street. Hyman WecuIer..N. O.; W. C. WelU, Secretary; W. D Gofer, Treasurer. Ewaana Bncampment No. 48, L O O. F., meeU Taeaday night ot eta week at I. O. O. F. hall. W. II. North, 0. P.; W. D. Cofer, Scrlbo; Fred Quoslng, Treasurer. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY 17 Mala ARTBITR 'R. WUON THE ARCADE HOTEL 10SaVS-MAlN ST. PHONK 477J ii Tho place wkh hoaae comfort, eteaaUaea. alaajty at frvb air aad boh CFK hMtdo room, a': i i iMAfemmv UW fat Mt VOaW ' yc gjajaajgfBgajh. .,, former mam aw yjmtm - iwhaMPiieaaar