r WV I- ,n AT, iciiY 14, Iftt IHE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON picm POOH It 1 x The livening Herald ft. I. NCRRil Mttor rRKD ROCLK Oty Editor Fabllshed dully. exccpt'Sunday, by The Herald Publishing- Company ol Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street. ntercd at the postofnee at Klam th rail. Ore. for transmission thru malls aa second-class manor. WKDNKSDAY, JULY 14, ! r SUMMONS 'Ffr PUIIUCATION No. UBS Eqalty In the Circuit Ceurt ot tho State vt Oregon for Klamath County. ' 'Fred L. Houston. Plaintiff. vs. ftanlcl L. Oordon and Nelllo Oordon. kusband and wife. C. N. aorilon anu Icy I. Oordon. husband and wife, JUbeeca Jane Oordon-Pratt, widow, i Laura Sherman-Hess. and A. H. Hess, wife and husband, Sykes Ilamaker Md Ethel IUntr. nusoana anu i wife. George 8hennan and Merman, husband and wife, Leonard Sherman and Fannie Sherman, bus tend and wife, heirs at law of Sarah A. Gordon, deceased; and the Un known Heirs at Law of Sarah A. Oordcn, deceased. Defendants. In the name of the Stato of Oregen: To Daniel L. Oordon. Nolllo Oor don. C. N. Oordon. Lucy I. Gordon, 'vkkmi. fnna nnninn.PrnH. Laura 8hrman-Hcss. A. II. Hess. George Sherman and AMERICANS WANT CLUB. BUENOS AIRES lUJBNOS AIRES. June 25. The American Club here ot nearly 300 members I trlng to leaso or buy a homo In order to fulfil n Ions felt want for an American social center In the Argentine capital. Thero are a number of Kngllsh clubs to which some Americans belong, but there Is no place where Americans can got to gether and ''talk freely" as one of tho promoters put It. The Roaril ot Governors point out that If It Is to be a real American Club It must be "tho best." which means a good deal in tnis city or fashionable clubs, among them a luxurious German club. The organi sation has a "next egg" ot 120,000 to begin with. It Is proposed to admit women, to privileges and make the club a cen ter ot all 'American patriotic activi ties. Tho American Club at present holds a weekly luncheon at a hotel when the members listen to ad dresses by prominent visitors or Ar gentines. " TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SMMMWWMMWWNMWWVM Karl hephonl f:r Itccords. 14-16 KOIt SALK Five rebuilt pianos. Seo them. Earl Shepherd, 507 Main St. 14-16 WANTED 2 girls for clerical work. Antilv In own hand wrltlnir. ittnt Sherman. hlf lni rnfnrnnraa nnil tvlsl. ovnnrlpnrn. .......-.- .,--o - .....-.- ...... r ..-... .-.... wife. Leonard snerman. ana ranniv nax No 15t icraIll oSlca. n.n Sherman: and to the unknown heirs I at law of Sarah A. Gordon, deceased: You and each ot you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the bore entitled suit, on or before July it, 1920, that being the last day of the time prescribed In the order for publication of this summons. And It you fall as to answer or appear, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for la hla compl.ilnt on file herein, to wit: First. That the defendants and Men and all ot them b required to art forth tho nature of their respective FOR SALE 4-room strictly modern furnished home on North 9th St. Price 13500. R. E. Smith Realty Co. 14-17 FOR SALE Farm containing 100 acres, 70 acres In alfalfa, 30 In grain: 25 dairy rows. 21 belters and calves. 7 horses. 2 colts, 9 sheep. .10 hogs, 100 chickens and all needed machinery- for operation. For price and particulars see ,M. Dclfittl, 74 claims to the hereinafter descrlhedmIlci trom Klamath Fnlls on the &.... a. at, I mtt anil fill nf Ihlfi a . . . property and each and all of their aid claims, It any they have, and that all adveno claims of the defen dants, and each ot them, be deter mined by a decree of this Court. MUland road. -A. 14-17 USED BY ANCIENT PHYSICIAN Oratce-Roman Medical and- Surgical Instruments of Bronte Now In Johns Hopkins University. Wlltliiin It. ituiMor, who served on the stair of the American etnhny In London during the war. has presented to tho Arehcologlst museum of John Hopkins utilverslt.v, of wliUll he was fui mer trustee, n sot of nueleiil tlruoco Itoiiian medical nnil surgical Instru ments) found two cnrs ngu near Kulo- plum. In Asia .Minor. The collection was on exhibition In txuidon nnil was formerly In the pos MHilon of the late Alfred O. Van l.en- ncp. Pinch vice consul In Smyrna, who owned a large estate nonr Knlophon and was well acquainted with the ex onvptlons and discoveries In that vl cfnlfy. . The Instruments. 3(1 In number-, are nil of brouie. with hut one exception. They were probably the property of win- Ilomnn physlclnn living In Asia Minor In the tlrst or wcond century A. I)., and tli fact that they were nil found In one place Is doubtless ex ilnliicl, In the opinion of experts, by the nnrlont custom of burying a per Kin's worldly poosson with hllil. Ttie set Include surgical knives n'ld elevators, forceps, tennrutn (sharp hooks), n unique ilrlll bow, for use In Injuries nnil diseases of the skull, scoops, probe iiml n cautery. The ilrlll Ih)w Is. from the w!nt of Coriernlna Rtadlng. , It wns said of IMiiiund Hurke. who was n great render and a gient thinker nlso. that he rend every hook as If he were never to see It n second Unto, nnil thus innile It his own, it possession for life. With his example Imitated, much time would he saved t hit t Is spent In recalling things hnlf loinom bored, ntnl In taking up the stitches of ht IhntiulttH. , gii ntor loss Ihnn that of time would, bo nob,'il the loss of the illgulty iiuil Hiwer which are poi-M,il by him who keeps his mind Iciim'. iH'tlxe, noil Mi!i'ful, II Is xerv coiiiuion to give tie rule thus: MVhnteer Is worth reading at all .a I north remllug well." If by "well" Is Intended with the uttuoii Hretrh of illrntlon. It Is not literally true; for nere tire books which Mre for pas time nnil mmiM'inrnt, book" which rnn he run through. From "UooIin nnil Heading." by Nimli I'orlir. Star Theatre i1mi0i'l"' aMM" Tattooing Made an Art. Tattooing Is mi n r I so old that It origin Is lot to historical records having been practiced when tho cnv men went out to club their fellows In the Mariueait lulnmlsj the iiiimI dl'tant nnil i;iot uistirlniis of South -in archipelagos, tattooing reached Its liluhcst developiiiviit, nnil lltere It wa the niot beiiiitlful form of art known For ii loin In the Mnniuens to Inck the tattooed Slurs of Terror iiwin tils face, and to have n bare counte nance. wa to be n poltroon ami ile IIIOIII'MT NT.INIMIIH I'lMIIIIUTIOXS Ti:itVII,l.l(li:it I'AlltlC'K, I'HOI'H. TONIGHT Dorothy Dalton in "HIS WIFE'S FRIEND" Mack Sennett'e Latest Comedy "THE GINGHAM GIRL" THURSDAY Cha. Ray in "THE CLODHOPPER" ATTORNEY SWORN IN MYSTERIOUS PAINS BY BUDDHIST FAITH ! AND ACHES lll'KNOS AIRES. June 12. (Ilyi Jluko Mfv Hani to llivtr lor M-tny Klnnutlli Falls U'oiorn. .. ,oe nrcn,-. mocim. per ,aps n. , ,ise. by tl.e lr.be. KrciercK inirMi Mali. 1- IVrmlssfon to iHvir by llml.' - - - told u Ml'bv ZnuTS " , "V, '" ,,UV '!'""VV1n?",,,."",, ' mai,l of lo,l and the Holy Too many women mlrl.Kn tholr tool useil by cnriH-nter. i achieve u fnlrl) 4-iuttilele picture mi . ' .i., .,. i. - ,..,,,1,1,,. ,rniii,r -J .mrt lHly mean, many monih. of In- A",i,k' rnnU" ' ll'0 8"l'rrlor j'";n0'ln);ix,,c,"j;,;,r0or X,m "ll.inl" r"d SHEPHERD BECAME A PRINCE "'n,,, ff,rll,S ' H' expenditure ol ( " of Cordoba tfci. olhnr .lay to a knyj nr CI,'ulnK , ncil)K ,nrk, u. ..iilt BMsint rniuwt uuii ,uilhi young law student of ngnnstlc hoi of ,Uuy ,olls. headaches and Irrogtiliia, FOR SALE Relied barley In car load eats: wheat for feed, oat and ESV S by'a de-crot thu'St feed. Centra. Point , Feed Coart It be r.dJudgcd and determined that the defendants and each and all of them havo ao right, title. Interest, r estate In and to the said premises or any part or parcel of said premises adverse to thetltle of plaintiff here la, and that the plaintiff be decreed to bare a good and valid title In and to aoJd described real property, to wit: Lot Five (5) In Block Thirty mlae (29) of the City of Klamath Falts (formerly Unkvllle), Klam ath County. State ot Oregon, ac cording to the duly recorded plat thereof; Store. Central Point, Ore. 14-19 FOR SALE Household 707 Washington. FOR SALE Six room modern house on corner lot 'and pavement. Large lot suitable for two houses; good lawn. Phone 247M. 14-15 Earl hepberd f:r Records. 14-16 FOR SALE Almost new Ford tour ing car. inquire G. M Hall Hotel. Emir Felsal of Arabia Seemed an At- toaether Negligible Object In His Early Life. Emir Felsnl of Arnbla began life ns a dirty lllllo shepherd boy. Ills mot h er wa an Arabian girl of Mccrn and n comln of his father. When IVInl w-ns still n biiby Shenvf lluelu sent him Into the iletort to live wlttj a lledoulu trlb,'. been use It Is con'dered more wholrsoine for a boy to grow up In tho opon desert country limn In a city or village. In Cori'tniitlnottf Felsnl cot'tmctril consumption, wrlfi-s l-nwoll Thoinax In A'n. but since then the ilerrt luis tnk'tii It nut of him, nl though he Is still ,.r.v ililn mid bn a waist only "1 Inches In clrciiinforencr. He smoko cigarettes day and night and eats sparingly. Among the lrllx- he Is celebrated ns an unusually tine Mint and n good horseman nod rnmel rider. Felsul Is enllghteneil mid thor- ' oughly mmleni In tils views. His Ioo ple follow him. not through fenrbttt because they love hint, He Is much too kind and liberal-minded to rule as an oriental despot of the old school nnd he may lie rirpvnilcd tiixin to usher ' . Ill on entln Iv new onlor of thine for rvtt..i. '.. . . """'""I 111s H-opie. It-IO- A Clatsined Ad will sell It. when he look oath of membership In urination Kidney vmikuess bocomes tho Argentine bar. Ho sought llrst dangerous If neglected, thm n tlinn to ink. the oath "by my country nnd .""SI1 kW"7. Xl. Z .my Honor." but the court Informed morll. Head a Klnmalb Kails rosu! him that ho would bo obliged to tuko V.ri Iro Cnmlsh. 1129 Oregon a "religious oath." , Ave., siys: "My kidneys were out of The student. It Is rotated, the re order about a year bud mid I suffered n lot with dull. naKcIiie hnrltaelina. upon wont to u library nnd hegnn a My work tired 1110 and I had fmiucnt profound study of the world's rellg- dltzy headscties, My kldnoys didn't ilnn, nn l,lrl. I,., .n.,,1 ......! .In.. nCl rlglll 0111 I KIIUW UloV WOtO tllO nf d clever Ensllhli fox. Onii , ., , .. ' ..' causo of tho truuble I road of Down's ber dn. ho nvs. a nflglilmrl. . . """"" "' ""; "" """ Kidney Pills and used thorn as direct- furniture. 14-17 Another Crcfty Fos. A ti.cler of l bo t.'oiiip.iriloii tell" ml the folbiwlng tor of ii i lover Atin-rl- ti fox to 1 1 1 1 1 1 (.-: i n fiontl puMlsbed lltloilloto Of II Vl jittllialf 1S' IIHIi III- -HIT. II lll'ILIIlllll I. . . - of his nw n (lock of durks on tho mr,)rm'" ,no learned judges ho had od. Two buns relieved um of tho opposite side of u small creels thai lfnun"" ""' ,ll' "uddhlst religion was aches and pains and put my kblnoys runs into Shlnmrok bay. ' "ul "ol and most completn" ln - 0r ' u (Jl,n(, () , While trjlng to got nuirer to tho nml """"'d IxTmlsslon to tnko oath i,nptv nak for a kidney remdy got ducks, nioaiiwhllo keeping himself will "I'on It Tfio Judges consulted musty Daati'a Kidney Pills iu sumo Hint tomes or Argentine law nnd decldi'il ;'" Minimi nan ratnr ."i.inurn thorn was nothing to ntcludo j,m , M'ra., Iluffslo, N. Y. from Inking such an onth. , hltMon and walihlng tlioiu very can tiiiusly through tho gnisN, ho was ntnnzed to o- n fox that had w nihil out about forty f.ot from slmro. Ii wns attrnctliig tho ducks by gently staving Its mil. In n few- minutes It vouid unquestionably have on it c lit n dark hud the mini not shot It. Youth's Companion. Optimism, . Old Lute Ijithers Is n groat follow to look on the bright s!ic of things -Id n gaunt Mlssoiirlnu. whom the ' Fori-casl notes. Ho was riding to n a ths't ntaintiff h.ir rood nd OR SALE 5-room house on Crea-I Wouldn't Waih. town on n load of hay the mlier dny Talld title In and to said premises as I, cent Av"- wltn Latb. toilet, sink, Chatting with Sir Ernest Shackle- I wlion the road won. so muddy thai calnst the aald named and unnamed , T,orJ: bu,It ,n buffet, writing) ton. the famous mitarrtle exploror, he "tie wheel droppiil Into n ihtnk holo. defendants and each and all of them.,dc,k' uresser and kitchen cabinet.1 told me that one of the Ik-si stories tho lay sliicl. nml l.ute rolled o(T nnd Tfctrrl That h n Anrritn nt Ihts Pantry, Screened front and rear l.u h.u !.... ........ .. ... I !.wll .... I.u l I I.. ., i n -r'.:v ".,.'.--v..:.".; Mrrh.. h,.ma. . .j .. --r- ,u,u '""'" .uio..u r- ................. ....... ... ., .,..,. ,.. -. voarx ii oe aajaagea ana acieruimea ---. -.uu.u.. ,i. aUu ucn. that the defendsnU and each and nll.A real bargain for only $2000 cash. ot tbera be forever enjoined and! rf.. ALSO , Mnim nr rtntm. urhni.or'in nrl city limits., all cleared. level nnd chaniilns Utile lumlscnpe, linllentln; . .i. ...m nH..iA. kin.snM 4i 'nil thp, rniinlv hls-hvni. wtm mIw that tluro wns n slorv lu.tilritl It. 'l W 14IC B4IU )I6UIIB UCI CUUMV.U UOw " - - - h.Bh . m . ...vvwu. " - -. scribed, or In or to any part or por-HSOO; terms. wns out In the forest." ho explained ' broke lay invSc." Yo th's ('iininiiiot tlon thereof, adverse to the plaintiff. I Al.su I "I linil all my materials wiih mo ox and for such other and further relief , run SALb One of the very as to this Court may seem meet and equitable, and for his costs and dis bursements herein. This summons Is served by publi cation thereof. In the Evening Herald. list n,M 1 "Well, sir." s.i 1.1 U. when they hint He wns showing a lady visitor over dragged lilm out, "the o V'u inn lis studio one day und product d a ' roads don't bruise ju up like n rook roan iios. ir Unit ii-d Imh n hard iirfniTil nml. It wiiiiM luivo iluitii A Claislfled Ad wilt sell It. l.oudon Is still the world's chlof emporium of I tin send trade. I ii. best cent nri enmtv oiitinN. I rum., nf.n n corners on Klamath Avenue. I.iit.t...., ,i,n, .,i.nn....i ... ..i. in.... iTt co. .:. . ! ' ....... ,..v, ...... .... """" "; .eo' ""' I muM record It . j. o.iiiif ,v i . 14 not in tie bacioil, so I tixik out my handkerchief, slretrlied It ncross my I was doiermtmd I ,-an bo used ! Il'e'.v dallv newsnatr. urlnted. nuhllshed. LOST Suit case eontnlnlne la"d(M I'use. und painted on that." . -. -. - - . - -.. . i . .... . . -..-. ,, ......... . .. .. . me inuy ioiikiii nt me iinmiKercbler and of general circulation In Klamath' and chlldrens clothing. Leave at County, Oregon, by order of Honor- Ford Service Station and receive re- able D. V. Kuykondall. Judge of the, ward. . 14 Imiva lnllMprl rmirl mnilifnnil f ItAit I ' June 11th, 1920, which said orderlHKI.P WANTED, Circular sawyer, requires that this summons bo pub-' wtter for hand set works, trim- Uahed at least onco a wek for six (merman, deck scaler and dry grader consecutive weeks, beginning on thai for white plna mill Just-starting In 12th day of June. 1020. i Plumas county, Calif. Address Hox -C. F. STONE and ,T, Herald office, atating experience. W. A. Wlest. 14-1C Attorneys tor riainiui, Jane 12-19-26-3-10-17-24 and then turned n shorkid face to the nrtlst. "You'll nevfr he iihle to wash that pnlnt out," she riiiI. lndon Tit-nits. A Clssslned Art will Mil tt USED CARS 1918 Chevrolet, Al condition two new cord tires 1916 Ford In good order tires good LOST Between Modoc Point ond Klamath-Falls, dark brown Jacket. Finder leave at Herald nfflco nnd rn. eclve reward. 14-19 FOR SALE Launch, cheap for caah. Write Van Meter & Smith, Olene. 14-20 1917 Ford, good condition 191S Ford Sedan, Al condition all new overslzo tires, . $200 in extra o'juipment 1915 Ford Delivery, with enclosed body firat class condition, (Ires good FOR SALE McCormack mowing machine, all In good condition, not very old; works good as new. Ad dress Jack Cheechor, R. F. D. No. 1, uox 13. 14-16 FOR SALK 12 room home, with full basement, furnace; one fi-room house; 2 lots with CC feet on Pine and 120 on Fourth. Inquire 30S Pine St. 14-15 WANTED Housekeeping rooms or i'uiiiiit:iii ii, iiimur oi man. wiioi -" " - ".v-.v-.i,.. end 1'4 year old child. References. ' I'luylns In the hall to scores of radio Encourage the Owallow. if yoti want to free the neighbor hood of mosquitoes encourage hwuIIws to inuko theinselves at homo. hii)h the American Forestry ussoclation of Washington.- These birds feed almost entirely uikiii nhiioxloiis In sect m und Iliey will do much toward prolecllug orchanls and other trees from Insect pests. No better Investment ran be made, therefore, (linn some houses sot out for martins and other swnllows. Of the blue swallows the purple martin Is the largest, the mule being entirely blue above und below-, while the female Is blue above '.villi n gray breast. Swal lows are highly migratory, most of l hem spending the winter In .South America, Ruth-Pith Lns C'c.inr. Almost tiny ord'ni.M iin-iiuiu thnt . o smenr nnd even scrntdi a lens l tin- (-loaning. A! ( '"ry perfect lens elei.ner eim bo liui'tel ry using tbo iiiodiiMii or plih of sikIi I f lilanis lis snnlloiri r rn-h or older sy I ' tl.o SoVntnie AioorJ. ,i Strips of tin; dry plih mo ru nnd tl i-so nro fnm-' e'd I'll oil inlliew'vo to II tileio of . ,. !.-. .,.,. . t . . - run;, i in- "iii iiicj lie nrraiireii in 'ows with nmll smioom In belweoti. The Ioiih k riil.be t nenily Willi (bo novel I'leni.er ituil all marks disappear. Mexico's Fash.onab'e Drive. i The purnilu. ground of Mexico City is the Avlei.da do Hin Francisco. This tfiorl street extend from the Mexican While House to llio Al.iuiedn 'and Is only about 21 foil from curb to curb. Hen: at tho ppprom-li of twilight, every smart equipage In iln- uipltiil come. Dnwii iho one side of Hit- Aireet nml up diu other side moves n procession nt n stow walk, while iMorjbudy looks at ever body else. EFFICIENCY DURABILITY and a LOWER PRICE Should comment1 THE JOHNSON MOWER to you above all other type of mow-ra Wo nro selling Ilium at tho lower prices which prevailed beforo the present high prices wont Into effect. Surely that means something to you. Discriminating farmers nro buying them (hero's a r-uioti. also .i ;i:i:u.w, link ui-' lAit.Mi.vt; maciiinkiiy ljiU-t ttinl lt( TjpiM WOOD Wnnrnlghty scarce In.t winter. It VIII bo Just as scarro this winter, but you can elimluntu otir winter worries by buying a WADE DRAG SA and rawing your own wood now. EASY TO OPERATE HAVES TIME and Is HTRONU AND RELIABLE - , Does the work of ton mint HOWIE GARAGE i Klamath Falls, Agents ,i Scientific Triumph. i"f Studenis of the Cnrneglo Instliuic (! of 'iVchmilogy In I'litshurgh phieil o radio triini-iiiltli-r In Central bull to si ml out tbi! iiiukIc- of nil orcliustrn ! v PRICES TALK I3ox I), Herald oiitcc. 14 Klamath Falls Auto Co. 11.17 Main Kt. ,1X)ST A Miller tiro, lntortubo, cov, or and rim, somewhere between Chlloquln and Klamath Falls. Re I turn Hall llotol and receive reward. 14-15' T1"'0-- -- SCREENS Scrcm Doors ComDlete stock no 'mn.l Window Screens Made to or$Qrj,reid tv delivery -T u joiiowmg aay, , ' Buy "Mad. in Klamath FalU'' Products -.' -.rii.-A J.tUBSUSB ,II11Hb'u. P1umm12A vvTsyTvf v tTttftft44Tf tttaiaiiatal stitileiitH In tin? district listening In. Professor Itatb, hearing the music In the experiment station of the univer sity, half ii mile nvvay, succeeded by the iiKo of ii magnavox nn Instrument in lucioaso the sound from a radio reu'lver unit two strings of electric wires. In passing It on a hulf-mllo lo the Heinz house, where students limited to it. The Press Agent's Work. The old-time press ngeit Is now known as a "publicity expert" and his business has greatly developed In re cent years. Outside of the regular theatrical press agents, every Ameri can city has a small army of men who And lucrative employment la giving publicity to Snanclal and Industrial enterprise.' philanthropic and eduru tlonal Institutions, hotels and restau- ana wioe variety or otner that detjt4 for their saccetw I..-. enterp Z tlonal X rsnta, mZ Ulur IkMi T AND HERE ARE SOME THAT ARE HOLDING A REGULAR HEART TO X ncuw lAJWVbKaVllUPI WIIH YUU. UUK 3 1 UKL IS HEADOlJARTTnc; X FOR SUCH BARGAINS. Chic Food tjMI.Oircnl. Cold Dust Sp'iclnl alio pktf. l'alin Olive Special , lie bar Wild Hebo Hoap Itoso Hath Bi;ap Pop Corn Up-oclul..., ..He bur ..He bar ..17c lb. fSs rMs4sh T 4 ' ' . i . ." KolKor'ii Tee, jilncK or croon, Itoultir i0( lb Chose h B.tiJboni's Coffon, 1 lb., llogulor 'IB , hmo ft flanb rn s Ooffoo, 2 lbs,, iiegiiur'st r. .:..:. ; Bwlffa Wh!f iojp, IS burs..., , QL- Av-frrz . Mm mm 7' ' vt. : SUCCESSORS TO ROBERTS cVWHITMORE KHK ;i ThT '' - i tbjo -vt .rrJI.Oil V ....'...1,1.61,0(1 r e e i 4 I k i the patrMtsf ec Ue psMIc