The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 14, 1920, Image 1

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    Mt t strrs TAnvrtM'T
C L aWf - sjr-.j xt3-Mtf- F
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ti4Jr iutr mill 3:ir.
KiiAMATM count
;rrrc -- V
f I I'
Fourteenth. Yuar No. 3971
Price Five Cents
m yj TtTiI
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United Htntci olHrors today mndo
formnl nrri'U of Jen Hunmikor, K,
A. (Junlf nml John Klmlln on tliu
rtinrgn of stealing Kniiollno More it at
thn United Htatoa rcclninntlon aorvlce
buildings, on thn nlRht of Juno 4th.
On that night T. J. Wheeler, an
employe of thn Unltod Htntes rocla
motlon service, who wai sleeping In
n cookwngon near Iho platform upon ,
which the nai waa stored, was awak
ened about 11:30 o'clock by someone
walking on thn platform. Ha not upi
anil wont to tho door of the wagon .
and found two men at work rolling
a barrel of gns onto a trailer, when'
two other barrel had nlrendy been
Mr. Wheeler yelled nnd two of th
Hi:vi:iu: hioiim iiiih
wamiiixuion ch,i,i:oi:
HI'OKANi:. Wash , July H.
rami biillilliiKn with iIuiuoIIhIi-
i'il, orchards uprooted, whent
washed away, novrrnl furm
minium: or i no Washington i CHICAGO. July H- Hope for tho MARION, 0 July H.
Htnlo rollcgn ut I'nllitinit wuro survival of tlm now fuiiloii party woro .Ocond day In succession
iiuniruji'u nun iiinur tinniago
For tho
w oiiu lido ns nn all night conference',.,.. . .... . wcro not bluffing.
I of tho now liody'a resolution commit. ., ' premier declared they Intended
am.ici) uitimatum
ki:hvj:i o.v i:um.xv
HI'A. July 14. Promlor
Lloyd Ocorgo rocelvcd Dr. Wnl-
ter Himonit, Ocrman foreign
minister, ot tho Intter's request
tills afternoon and told him
emphatically that tho allies
The allied
mid olhur
ilonn by n wind and ralu storm
,. ... ,..., ...w n.,v.,.. u. nuuiii- iou uraggcii aioug icuay in an enori, - " seriously to tako'mcasurcs for
eaat ..Washington early last oven- to got together on a platform accopt- speech of acceptance which no hopes. enforcement of thn i.rniion f
. .. unv. ...,.. w -w
visitors and continued writing blflf.
i lug. The storm for n 1 1 mo cut
off communication and led to
roporls of fatalllloi. No Uvea
woro lost, however.
able to Hiinntor La Follotte. Tho ex-'to complete within a few days
trumo left, which ycatorday con-1
trolled tho amalgamation and forced. iCOLUMIIUS, July. 14. Charging
Ita platform desire on the mora con- that Senator Harding, flopubllcan
survntlvo ulumont In tho convention, -nominee, had "mndo his front porch
struck a snag whon It met tho voto a listening pott," Governor Coz,
power cf thy probable presidential Democrat nomlneo, today Issued a
nomlneo of the now party. Istatoment replying to Harding's
Two planks of the platform being statement of yesterday that tho Wll
drafted by tho conference committee son administration had saddled the
I were still In dispute when word waa League of Nations upon him aa the
received that Senator La Kolletta ob- chief campaign Issue,
Tho work of excavating tho
grounds for the proposed now Saerad
the Versailles treaty unless the Heart acadenmy on tho corner ot
Germans meet the allies' modi- Jefferson and Eighth atreeta la rap-
fled terms regarding cool dellr- di, being pushed ahead, making it
erI' poalble to put In the forma for th
Experts ot the United Statea
4 government who have examined
the capacity of Germany to de-
liver the coal alloted to the al-
lies have concurred In allied ea- ! architect ot first rank.
Governor Cox tlmatca made at Spa of two mil- Tho building will be an Imposing
foundation and floors before the ra4
of the week.
General plans for the building
were drawn by A. T. Helde, well
known on the Pacific Coast aa aa
joctod to certain planks In tho tenia- said his campaign will be dedicated ! Hon tona delivery a month by
tiro draft. Inclusion of tho Plumb to the task of "bringing peace with) Germany. '
I SALKM, Ore,, July H. J K (lor- ,,,nn nntl n declaration for govern- honor and readjusting the affairs of
e man, of Portland, present linldor of """" ownership of mines wero said to clvllixnllen: of creating new day out
follows ran. but a third was unable the title, und Karl Ilolrd. of Seattle. " ,,,e )oln, "' 'PUto. "' wnlcn we w,u ""J0 ,ne De" ol lao
to get under way and Wheeler contender, are to baltlu for tho Pa-, lessons of the past'
caught him and discovered Plodln.'clfle coast fcatlierueleht champion- CHICAGO, III., July H, Senator '
llunsaker JumMd Info n truck and ship In tho main event of 34 rounds '" '""""Ho lo- "ot "deem himself LAST PRISONERS OF
drove off without his companion, of biixlm; to be singed by the Snlem available ns 11 cnndldite" for tho new PR AIMPP PFI PAQPn
who later was found to bo Qualf .lodKe of KIU nt the stiitn fair grounds I'arty'presldentlal nominee Ho sent "lAl.g, ItE.LE.AOE.Li
Klndln Impllcnted his companion lm- nudltorlum on the nljht of July 23, 'd ,0 "'o convention today that
mediately upon being raught. the second day of the third annual "" '""" l wnnt Ul" nomination, Inv
Upon investigation government of- convention of the Orecon Klk IoiIcm wcdlntnly aftor receiving tho mrs
PAIH8, June 22. (Uy Mall ) The
Inst prisoners of war In French
flclals discovered that two barrels of They will trnvul over the 10-round ,an "' chairman announced I.nfol- hands bolna romnanta of tho Russian
gns wero gnno nnd Hint othera had route. I lello'a decision. Lester Harlow, lead- expeditionary force that landed at
been drained with a siphon, 300 gnl-i Huch la tho announcement of thn ,r of th" Wor,'l Wn" veterans, de- Marseilles, acclaimed by cnthuslns'tlc
ions, in an, Having iieen taken.
Thn three turn whom K (' Mans
ileputy United States Marshnl, plareil
tn custody todny. are nlo suspected roum preliminary bout, all of tlm ""crct Intriguing cllquo" nnd that Its n0w
of having tnknn several .iundnd rontrncta for the four houts to bo M'I''" urrc concealing La Kollrtto'a A,,out Ciooo of them remained In
gallons of aits from the Hlnudard Oil la,.0li havo boon alaned and tho lino- P'ulforin for fear tho convention terncd after nil other prisoners, In-
company, tiurinn me anonnga nore. un ,,rcjunts one of the moat Imposing woul" n,,0'H " 'eluding tho Germans, had been sent
inn oiucora nuege.
Warren Ruff waa bound over to
the grand Jury on J 1.000 ball, after
a prellmlnaryjiearlng beforaVustln
structure of Salem tile with preasad
brick trimmings. An Inviting ap
pearance la added to the exterior by
a graceful arch overlooking the aula
entrance with large oak and plat
glaaa doors and designed lamps oa
either aide, of art glass and orna
mental steel. The Interior ot the
building la Impressive with Ita de
lightful simplicity. Large, high
windows admit a plentiful supply ot
light. Tho woodwork throughout
will be of Eastern oak and Oregon
pine, with walnscoatlng of Llncrusta
The kitchen, dining rooms, two
spcrts committee of the convention """"led Ln Pallctta bo drafted de- throngs. In 191", aro being oxpatriat-K' Flegleyesterdajr afternoon, in Jhpi largo recreation rooms, gymnasium.
urgnnlratlon mndo public todny ',l "Is wishes. Ilnrlow charged cd ns fast as tho slow progress of no- "Ico J tl1" Cj Thoraaa, 'United, and Jaundrr take up the first floor.
, With the nxwpifnn ot one six- ho coincntlon wns "boss rldon by a Kotlntlons with tho Ilolshovlkl wm Statea. commllsloner, ( ,' y foremost , among the features ot
(cards nrranaed for nnv I'nclfle nin.i . Unrlow'a nppcal started an uproar homo. Comlnr ns nllles nnd nart'lcl-
Unless the men ask for more lime cltyjn reevnt )enra. ,from 'lelegntca who demandod thepntlng In some of tho fiorco fighting
thoy will hnvo thrlr hearing this nf- , n lccm, ,0.ronm, RO j0,inn .I'lntform bo read A parade startcd)0ng tho Alsnc. tho Russians were
ternoon. before Austin K Klegel. ns- Mrorty. San Francisco claimant of nn'' lflMp,, ua,f fln hour' 'ndom- deeply Improsscd by the revolution
..liu i.nuru t.iaics nimrnoy, woo the const welterweight championship. ,mlum rein' '"' erlM ol nnn their ceuntry: discipline suffered
nnn "icra nuopi ii untn finally revolt nnd mutiny broke
inAHal ml tr ankalilnil & a a. - . . -
rno- " M...u.iivii nUu.,.,vU ggi m mo ranas, requiring severe
'Idly climbing Into thu top notch class l"0 c"!"-man refuicd to allow tho measures,
" , V. . wo const welterweight championship. """" f.'""., n.
has been here carrying on the Inves- ,mH ,, m,cho,, , mtcl A T that platform" nnd
ligation which led to the arrest. 'btl)11( t0 ,.,,, ,nil who ,, When the demonsti
Testimony- fr,om tho various wit
nesses brought out statements that
Ituff, an Indian from tho Shasta
tribe, who Is Interested In a pool
halt at Cblloqutn with his sister,
Goldlo nutf, bought threo quarta ot
"VAR1PTV STORF IN In his weight. platform to bo rood
ITC MTU ntlADTCDC Tho Idea of the conimllto"'to book J
HO INE.W UUAKItltt only first class men Is reflected In nil
.'f tho bouts nnd tho eight-round bnt-
"Th.i. Klamath Variety store," for- ,Ifl ''etwcui Puggy Morton, of Port
7erly L. K. .Martins' 6, 10, 15 and 25 land, and Kddlo Shannon, of San
cent store, which was recently pur- Francisco, In tho 135 pound clans, i
chased by J. B IIoskltiR and II, llol- n,1,1 another brilliant number to the'
vln, has been moved to tho old Tom- car,L I
pie theater building nnd la open for, l'n'r Iho terms of their contract
business In thn now location today. tt" of "' fighters aro to bo In Salem
Thu Klamnth Variety store Is tho ,0 complolo their training not later "Those who, unndvlscd or III ad-
only atoro of Us kind In tho city and "mn J,,,lp I9 nn'l Iho committee iin-,l'Cl. would gather wild species of
the second floor Is the beautiful lit
tle chatcl, accommodating 100 stud
ents. Woodwork ot whlta Ivory, tinted
walls and art glass windows art de
signed in fitting harmony witktta
. ... - !..-- . . . --
bonded whisky, at szo a quart, rrotn.jlnienr niniefppcra or simple beau
aty.jPTV2!la Klamath FalU. He.'r. The, parjor, cljisropasssUdy
aoWfna f lie, water to Archie CWpphH jmdw7sSjt1iInOBS4, eetr
and Frank. Hoover, who went to aftho remainder of the-second foorJ
danco at Beatir. In an Intoxicated! Dormitories, the infirmary and tha
condition, having drunk from one of Sisters' sleeping quarters constitute
I Tho contingent never again partlc- the bottlca. Whllo they "Wero dancing !tn third floor.
ipatcd In military operations. The somo ono stolo tho other two bottles' Another feature Is tho kitchen)
J men wero used for a tlmo in road ' from their car. A fight between Toy which Is completely equipped, Aand
repairing but tho results were un-llrown and his brother, Floyd, fol- lundry. which contntns tho latest
eatlsfactory. They aro being ex- lowed the effects suffered from the '"Worcd mechanical equipment.
changed for French soldiers taken 'stolen whisky. . I Ventilation has always been an
by tho Soviet forces on tho Archan
gel front
DONNinVILLK, July H. News of
Important consideration in the con
struction ot school buildings and
this problem has been handled n a
CALLED BY DEATH thorough manner.
j Although the building Is fireproof.
Word was received today of th.1' ZT ?
only atoro of Us kind In tho city and "- v i. ami too committee an-. ". "' ww nu species oi ,joatn of ner- Kathcr Patrlck j. - --.-.- . -
tho now ownora will do all In their """, hat most of tho men aro mushroom, for the table should re- ' l l q aru airue. , reel, are located at numerous place,
power to ca.or to tho popular do- lou. to gel hero n, scon a. qunr- memtor that they aro embarking "J" "' J" Qt the church ot Our Lady ot tha'jLa .Siu.tant
.Valley. Father Drlscoll had been -, . ... m . v ..
"pastor ot the La Grande church for! ?Z JZ? ...i" "
I reasons waa kept quiet unUl tho!'"?'tae years. He was a friend ...
i - - -
power to caior to tho popular do- " " gei ncro ni scon a qunr- memoor mai moy uro emoarxing hM . b)jen mado
mand. Mr. Hosklng Is a young man ,crH tan ho arranged for their work. "P n ndvonturo that may lead to 'itriko w made ln tne Come't ,ans
who came hero a. manager of tho Jorman and ll.lrd are especially judden and horrible death." ,.' CrQw
Standard Oil company several yeara anxious to get down to nctlvo work.'I'Ouls C. C. Krleger In a communlca-ircaioni wal k ', u... untl, tho
ago. After a short lime passed ln'u ,ncr nra roqulrod to make 130 jtlou to the National acorgraphle so
Novada ho haa returned hero and la Poinds at 3 o'clock on'tne afternoon Sl"ty.
opening up this buslnesa of his, own.,"' uo "s"'
llolvln la a pioneer plumber of
this city, who recently sold ont his GOVERNMENT SELLS
plumbing buslnesa and Is going to
try other merchandise for the future.
Oregon Tonight and Thursday,
probably showers In. north; fair In
Kast; Thursday -talc J
Uam mcjurr Of V vu auo
around fitrfiu! Koof ki nuiu I
W ajajajam) d ""'
I .sasasa X. ss
,t iW'HTrw
z " zz-jmnL
t Zlir
NEWPORT, Ore., July H. Tho
United Statea Spruce corporation haa
sold the Alsea Southern Logging rail
road termlaatln In h ni.j....
tract, the tract conuinlng about "' ' " o
To ask a person to gather his own
muphrooma for the tablo, without
prevloua Instruction that will enable
him to avoid the deadly kinds, Is
equivalent to, If not worae than, In
viting him to put his unprotected
hand Into a den of rattlesnakes, he
The names of the wild species of
certalned definitely, since there la
with ns no such legal control ot the
sale ot mushrooms as obtains In most
cities In continental Europe, Oath-
760,000 feet of timber, mostly spruce,
and the governments aawmlll at To
ledo, It la reported here.
The nurrhuara m t..
corporation Beaded by James and em" ,n th" Un,lei1 Btte either eat , tlon to rale f , Amanita caesarea, the
William 8. Kuhn of Durllngame Cal "tholr nnd ,him,,Te or ,eU them J gllla of wWek are yellow. Rales 3, 4
In which the flesh changes color when
cut or broken or where ta mouths of
the tubes are reddish, and In the case
ot other tube-bearing fungi experi
ment with caution.
(6) Fungi which have a aort of
aplder web or tlocculent ring round
the upper part ot the stalk should, la
general be avoided.
ataan Kaerptloaa ,
Professor Farlow adds taatratoa 1
1 aasLB saay tor th beginner be re
garded aa absolute, with the eseep-
former Plttaburg bankers.
li H.I.. !. .. u. . .
. .m iiu nui anown, oil is
J believed to be $2,000,000, aa that waa
oniy aum tho Unltod Stntos
promiscuously to any muihroom-huu
gry Individual who haa the temerity
or tho knowledge to venture purchas
ing. Six Hales
Genoral rules for tho guidance ot
of tho apruce corporation purchased """"""""" "usiwonay
lh nronertv frn... i. tii,.. D..,Bna orvlceablo only when formu
lated by oxporlencod botanlsta. The
Spruco corporation has over been
willing to consider. The ssles bosrd
tho property from tho Unltod States
government nt 10 cents on tho dollar.
Sorgoant P. S. Williamson, ot tho
United Statea Marino corps, Is hero
from tho station at con
aldor tho possibilities of a permanent
marine recruiting station for Klam
ath Falls. He also has a number ot
bronse and sliver victory buttons for
Klamath boys who served at marines
In the war. They can get their bat
tons by writing him and sending their
discharge papers or by calling at the
Houston hotel. k. '
The Sergeant will be aire until
aturday and will ae gtiU'to acoept
recruits. up uatli the tlaiYjtf hjg de
following six rules by tho lato Dr.
W. O. Farlow, Harvard university,
will provont, If scrupulously obsorv
od, tho eating ot notoriously poison
ous species:
( 1 ) Avoid fungi whon In tho but
ton or unoxpanded stago; also those
In which the flesh haa begun to de
cay, even If only allghtly.
(2) Avoid all fungi which have
death cups, stalks with a swollen base
surrounded by a sac-like or scaly en
velop, especially If the gills are white.
(S) Avoid fungi having a mllVy
Juice, unless the milk Is reddish.
(4) Avoid fungi la which the ca i,
or plleus, is tain la proportion to tae
gills, and la which tho gills are nearly
all ot.equal length, especially It the
plleus Is aright-colored. '
() Avoid all tabe-aearlag faagij
aad have more numerous ezcepi
tlons, but these rules should be fol
lowed In all eases unless the collector
Is content to experiment firsv with
very small quantities and learn the
practical result.
Other Rules
Othor rulos that will help to pro
tect from acrloua poisoning are:
Do not collect mushrooms tn or
near wcoded areas except tor study
This rulo is very general, as It does
not protect against tho greon-gllled
Leplota, nor against on occasional
Amanita and some others; but it does
prevent the beginner from entering
the very "lair" ot the manklllera.
Do not accept mushrooms from a
self-styled expert, even It you have
to disoblige a dear, friend. Learn the
abject jourself.
That aa 'amlsaal (kaaect; squirrel,
tartleeto.) haa eateaot aataaarooaa
I aa eriterlOB at ike edibility ot that
anasaraem tar aaess. Isaast; larva
taatesraaA grasr tat am- tB.vio)eatlv
and classmate of the Rev. Hugh J.
Marshall ot thla city. The funeral
will be held at La Grande Friday
morning at 10 o'clock.
kind. When erected in the fall, the
cltlrens of Klamath may well be con
tent In the satisfaction that they
have accomplished a work aecond to
none In the West.
WINNIPEG. Man., July 14. Alr
laaev used tor advertising pur
se, will feature the election cam-
pale, ot the members of the Mani
toba government, who will seek re
election under the leadership ot Pre-
untaue method of conducting elec
tioneering is new aad Is claimed by
oOclala of the Norris government to
be the first to use it In the world.
gene, July 14. The opening sessloa
Edward Brown, Provincial Treasurer of the synod of Oregon, governing
in the present cabinet, recently took, body of the Presbyterian church ta
a flight over Winnipeg and expressed
himself aa highly delighted with the
possibility of airplanes In the cam
paign. Two machines aro already engaged
In the enterprise. They will touch at
least ono town In overy constituency.
Campaign literature will be dropped
from the alrplano as It circles over
the town. After landing, the gov
ernment aupporter In the machine
will addresa tho crowd that gathers
to meet it. Supporters of Premier
Norris are enthuslastlo over the
The machines at present engagsd
display aa appeal urging voters to
support the present government.
PORTLAND, July 14, Cattle
steady aad aacaaasjedi aoga higher,
Prima snlxad 111.60 aad. .f 17; .aheap
ana. TBitfr li
wsTsr aavaWsT wswgssssBMBjsJ
this state, which will meet on the
Oregon campus during the week end?
ing July 21st, was held last evening.
Delegatea to the synod are here from
all part ot the state. With the ex
ception ot meeting devoted to busi
ness, all sessions will be often to
students ot the summer session and
citizens of Eugene.
Among the prominent Presbyter
ians who will speak at tho synod are:
D. Carter Mllllkln, secretary of the
department ot Missionary education
of tho Presbyterian church, William
Hiram Foulkes, former Portland
pastor and general secretary otjth
New Era movement, John F. F, Mc
Dowell, national social service secre
tary ot home mlsloas, and Dr. sHU
Evans, president ot Occidental eol
lege, Los Angeles.
The morales! and after aa.
elons.ortb araed wiH ha Basel
Guild hall, aa the Uaiveralty f Of
go eampaa,. awaalac meetlaga wM
k k)M telte.sMttal eharob at