' It THE 1VENIHO ftERALP, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MOB TW T, JOLT is, nm 1; ANTI-CIGARETTE IMgDHDgBie. rORTIiAND HAS "UVK" OIURNTAIi RKrRKRRIfTATIVK I take op the profession of aaraiat wan a fallniw. lira. Hanaen aald. and aa a BILL DROPPED i malt one Buffalo Institution waa ' I compelled to close out of Ita depart- Them will m do antl-clgarette ntvnla. mauure on me .allot in uregon next ..Hotp,ul training school, of the Mremner, says me i-oniaaa """United States hate reached a high Mian. D. E. Frost, former con- u, o effc,ncy tnd Mw hospitals ateblo of Oregon Cltr and author of d Myf aBg f0 nml w ,,. the bill, aald that he would not file , ,, homM are int ery the petltlone In the offlce of the C;WB,rBi.. Mrg. ,Bietl ,,,, ..bnt ,h, ratary of state for the reason that ncceM,ry pupl u ,0 OT The . w.. .WrU.., .. ..- countr, nW)li another Florence aatures. "I am throught with reforms." de- tared Mr. Frost. "The persona who ' ... arged me to submit this measure' Amon tne """? varletlea ot fsns fell down on the job. I did not re- ln UM mon ,na ' ne oelva any considerable support from'rade ot w,,Mlroof P"Pr wn,ch cn , charches and schools, nor from the d",Pd ,n w",or- -d crte co WMtn'i Christian Temperance n'M bT evaporation, alon. 1 did not obtain a single slg- nature from Multnomah county. I, "r "" "" was told by many of my friends that , Notice Is hereby glen that on or before shity days from the first day of . ,1-,. ... -. ..- - .1-..HS Ju,T- 190 tB County Coart of Klamath County, Oregon, will. In open the time was not np for drastic Court tCMBet au warrants In the hands of the County Clerk of said County, aseaaure, and It may hare been that)wtilch hare been Issued and not protested for a period of soven years or they were correct. The war made a more prior to the first day cf July, 130; also all warrants wilt be held vast difference. In the sentiment of 'f naught, and payment thereof stopped, w,here It appears that same have .. , . ., . . v i i I occn proiraieu lur a pvnou oi seven jrara pnur iu mo urn unj oi juij. tta people and It Is favorable to clg- 1920 and hare been duly called by the County Treasurer but not presented arettes. In some cases fully SO per for payment. tiat of the names wera atrlcken from ' The following list shows the names of payees, date, number and amount the petitions by county clerks, due ' warr'n' how,, b " to be acted upon by the County Court a 10 ine isci mai ine names am noi . first represent registered voters. This wark has cost me a lot of time and erne money, for I received very lit tle financial aid. , 'The time may come In Oregon when the people will deny the uso ot the cigarette, but I am going to 'let George do It' next time." SHANGHAI, June I, (Uy Mail). Portland,, Ore., probably It the first city In the world to tend abroad a publicity agent to advertise Ita ad vantages aa a commercial center and J. F. Duckley, who Is Orltental traf fic agent of the port of Portland, cer tainly Is the first city representative cf this kind to come to China. In Shanghai he has set In motion a cam paign of publicity to acquaint ship pers throughout China with the ex tensive port Improvements that have been and are to be carried out by the rose city. PLAN TO BM Warrants received from the County Clerk but not pretested: NURSE'S SHORTAGE GROWS ALARMING BUFFALO, July 13. Unless some remedy Is found for the acute short ago of nurses, many hospitals of the oaatry will be compelled to curtail their operations, asserts Mrs. Annie L. Hansen, superintendent of the Buffalo District Nursing association, la her annual report. A recent cam paign to Induce more young women to MAN'S BEST AGE A bm it u old M bit orfnn ; be aaa bw m rlfocro, and baahhy aat35lfbaahitto rn their fonKioda, nap vital oraw bMHby wkfa Name L. D., Burke ........ L. Kxell J. E. Wbltlatch C. A. Arnold ........ E. J. Casebeer . F. P. Corpenlng John Miller A. Kinney ......... J. It. Bitter P. E. Saxer .. Date Fund . ....aoneral ..............General ... ........Oencral .......Goneral ... ...General ..............General .. ........General ... ...... ......acneral ...........aonoral ....Gonoral Number 25194 27222 27399 38281 28428 2883V 29016 29101 29353 29265 Amount 136. 39 .S0 8.60 75.00 3.50 38.00 4.90 1.20 1.00 .65 Tctal ... SECOND: Warrants protested by the County Treasurer and called: .1175.95 Name Hiram Bushell Chas. Patteo .... Date TIIIBD: ' Warrants In the hsnds of the County Clerk: Fund .General ....Qeneral Number 27772 28155 Amount 11.70 18.00 Name Abraham Charley J. H. Court .......... Frank Pine .......... John Pitt H. M. Daniels Stonewall Jackson Frank Plcbold ..... II. B. Manchester . John S. Moore . Lester Maxwell .. H. II. Williams Louis Dachelburg Luclasn Ball J. W. Jackson Homir Hutehlnaon ! O. W. Brady Jack Lilly ..-i COLDMEDAL ThawerldasikUrdrtBwdy forUdMy, , Madder aad nrlc acta itoudmi i'ISM; comcta dtaofdersj stismlat All dreggists. vm wamm, Date -..July 6, 1912 ...Sept. 4, 1912 .-.Sept. 4, 1912 Sept. 4, 1912 .Nov. 7, 1912 Jan. 3. 1913 Ian. 3, 1913 Jan. 3, 1913 Ian. 3. 1913 -..Feb. 6, 1913 -..Mar. 6, 1913 June 4, 1913 .May 9, 1913 May 9, 1913 -..Apr. 5, 1913 Apr. 5. 1913 pr. 5. 1913 Crater Lake Circle No. 734 Apr. E, 1913 Albert Peel Mar. . 1913 C. A. Blley Mar. 6. 1913 C. Brose . . .July 22, 1912 Fund General General General General General General General General General . General General General General General General General General General General Oeneral County Road Number 26392 26677 26771 26880 27323 27729 27737 27782 27935 29091 28529 29309 29163 29038 28888 28886 2888S 28829 28533 28532 1074 .$19.70 Amount 82.20 17.50 1.70 9.00 2.00 1.70 1.70 1.70 4.20 1.85 2.10 1.70 4.70 6.00 1.70 1.70 1.70 2.60 1.60 1.60 19.00 .187.85 Total .. State of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss: I, C. It. DeLap, County Clerk of tho above named County and State, hereby certify that the within and foregoing is a true and correct list ot County Warrants subject to cancellation aa the same appear of record In my office and in my. care and custody. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have.herunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, this 3rd day of July, 1920. C. R. DE LAP, County Clerk. By Garrett K. Van Riper, Deputy. July 6-13-20-27-3-10-17 aM m aVOBl Eaiaaa & BtBaiHai 'i wsvevOTsw9iaY!aianatwfjr MaaaaaMtaaaar Biiaoa tW II aaW I IIIaHiaMaaaaaaar mmmsssa 1 1 iarT"i .aT I IFl I aisfiHeip"VI. i i 1 1 i 1 1 .in ay ilVauaaaaaBSBf aaa' lsaM4auaaiar lliiiiir f CiaMSatMllaam t.alltl git rj.1 irifSx pJgJK-laaaaaH.laaaaaaaaaaaaV iftft F kBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBl jiataBBH OS It's pins to pianos you'll say that Camels at the most delightful cigarette you ever smoked! 4a 'VOU get to enjoy Camels so much and X you so Keenly appreciate weir new and refreshing flavor and their smooth' mellow-mild-body well, you realizm they're made to fit your taste You can start with Camels quality as one reason for their goodness. Then, to quality add Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you will quickly and surely prefer to either kind smoked straight I All that gives you the most delightful cigarette any smoker ever put a match to 1 Camels never tire your taste, no matter how liberally you smoka And, Camels are free from any unpleasant cjgaretty aftertaste or un pleasant cigaretty odorl Compare Camels with any cigarette at any price! 1 YjjggMmr jSScEf au ALaaate4arftf nACAn frf AmaMir rtj-sF SaBBB .. -rqja,aMMatajgaMajaM wwuk wgiu jr wuw a KSiS i'fikx vSjnCaV-la&laBk. .aaaVaTaavS" MaaaaaaaaaaW H aarJ H.uT fttf HA aralBlBaaaaBftaKakBBwHaTiw.TiaKa . XaVaWaa-aaSMaav . SBJ Taj wnm iVW V Jm araTaav r r CVflV J k. Bl fan? UnWt'W HK .m. mUr SaaS' .aaaaa aaaal El vvb SffibSu'aA wS Hh ffii-V fyil bffSav " H H 'BfJl MaR4aH.V w ,aiin mSB aSu R9l aB aavaaaaaaaaaal BB rx'u r'f''a I? a9al aaaaal anW haU taWl aaaaaaaaaaal . H BiLKl' HHiauiW Kl TJEH aaaaal aaaV EaTM aaaaa. waaaaaaTaTaaTI aaaaa vl a-'";"oA Cf aaaw WSBt mmt afaa aTaTaV' "WSSaW aa? R9RS ,vy(iaM,V aaaaaaav a aaa m - aaaaaaw .. -aaaaal a. nX iaViai"ItfMr'JVHaBaaaaaaaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaKaaaaaaasBBB Ea,awaw "aajffAtjf aavSwaSfl BraaaaaWaT at I anavw aaaai aaa aaaas aaati o P"9fTaate. aWBTaaVa'aUal 8 afaPTaafA MM "M laf all II BBafaBMiBV 1 ii 'aaalMllSMlaiMiiiiifliliiiMBaMaLX. i4e30jufmtfikt30iui rtm pttttf Upo SJnv ' - 'HKaaPlaaaIBllilllitiiitwWwMSSL '"-r!'.?iif -??'p"g Jtf- w rmwH" tt'flw SHHPSSHsflSHHHHSaSBBaHQMHSLhll: .araBaBtaaaaarararaaflaaaliaiaaL. -tfaStSaUtal V-aaaaaaaaaaWlTl J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JKIBBaaaaBaTBaaaHaBaa "'''I"' ' gHilBRI r-r '" 'LLIIIm lii(aaTaaBaaBaaaaKaaaavaa1aaHaB a i ka liiia im iisumsiio tBmmMmMUm SmWmmmmmm4aa I iBBrarHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaw Ww pvfivvifiis BataaaaaFsaaF "aZammmaammmtiMmmmmmmwmM auuuuuuunmV-MJi laaaaaaaaaaaaaHMaaaaaaaaaaaaHQaa.' WasMa-flalsakK 9 r:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawll aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBB I aaaVl aBBBBaaBBhJ S faVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBWaaBBBBBBBB aa""" "B"asV "V aBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBI A, , . -',. ---.,,- ,.i..h-,.i.i. ,, ir-Yp-.- .p-, . --.-,.., ( rimwmammmmMfimiTMtomiWmnrt-ri ''"-"" r JAPAN'S HOLD TSINAN, Shantung Province, China. Juno 10, (Uy Mall), While tho Shantung problem remains un solved and the Japanese occupation ot areas Germany formerly controlled continues, a means to oppose the Jap anese naa neen women out niong economic lines by C'hu Ylng-kuang, civil governor of the province. C'hu Ylng-kuang, who has rome to bo regarded by foreigners of tho far east as one of China's greatest ad ministrative figures, has launched the daring project of building within 8hantung a great system of highways to be used by an automobile truck service In connecting all Important centers. As a corollary, he plans to deepen and Improve waterways so that these roads and streams will afford to Chlncso of tho province transportation system that will place them on an equal footing with tho Japanese who now control rbannota ot communication. Under tho direction of T'and En Hand, a graduate ot Purdue univers ity, who has been mailo director ot . tho newly created burosu of roads' and waterways In Shantung, active surveying work In connection with , tho project hss been started cut of Tslnan and present plans contemplate the building of 1,600 miles of high-1 ways and tho deepening ot tho Hsiao Ch-lng river. Tho purpoie Is to J weave all Important cities of tho' province Into a unified transports-j THE JOHNSON MOWER IS JUST THE MACHINE YOU NEED TO HELP YOU HARVEST YOUR HAY CROP WITH EFFICIENCY AND FACILITY WE HAVE NOT RAISED THE PRICE ot these mowers. Ycu can buy them now at the prices which pre vailed beforo the present high prices went Into effect, and this fact, coupled with the ease with which they can be operated, and tbo efficiency with which they do .the work., Is sn inducement yon should not overlook. OTERH ARB 11UYINO TIIKM TI1SRKH A RKABON We also have on hand a (1KNKRAL LINK or KAHMINO MACHINERY OK THK LATkarT AND MOT TTPIM I aaaaff aaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaw aaavlfe?ar -.aSaaaaT aasaaaa. aj tlon system. Under oxlstlng conditions many ot these cities, as for example tho port of Chefoo, are hamstrung economic ally by tho lack of adequate trunn portatlon facilities, The Chlncso hope the plan will break the back bone of Japan's economic domination ' In Shantung. Governor C'hu's proposed motor road system touches the sea at three points, Lung K'ou, Chefoo and Hal Yang and connects with tho Tientsin and Pukow railroad at a point not yet determined. Tho whole road system Is made up of seven trunk highways connected by 10 branch highways. A scheme of financing to carry out The WADE DRAG SAW will solve the wood problem fcr you Ihls winter. Lait winter It was almost Impossible to gut wood, and this winter it will l.o the satna old story over sgaln, With a Wade Drag Saw. you can saw up your winter's supply In Jig tlmv. and at a minimum of labor and oxponie. Only a couple of these saws loft. HOWIE GARAGE Klamath Falls, Agents AMERICAN LEGION , IS NOT NEW TERM CAMP PIKE. Ark., July 13. The first "American Legion" was founded In 1793, and its existence, by that the big project by which the funds 'n"me' ""ln.ted " War de- a - J J. .JJ.il' i'l ..tl under which Julius Caesar and hU successors conquered as much of taa world as was then known. Tho American "legion" waa com manded by General Anthony Wayne ("Mad Anthony") and waa organised under his direction at Pittsburgh, Pa., In May 1793. President Wash ington Instructed General Wayne "do not sparo powder and lead, so that Tha to do the work will be supplied ,n;Pwent records show that when the part by merchants, land owner, and ! '"' "n " woriaiilied In other, in h hen.fl.l an In .,, h. " following the ItOVolUtlonary ih. nro.inri.i ,..,.,.. .,.jfn- ". H waaiflrst officially designated! the men be made marksmen.' r .-. .-.-..--... J,.,... .!.. . . .... ... - to official announcement, hss recclv-'1"" -,b,u" "" " "uu ii.niur, iouni in uniy un cd widespread endorsement through-l,our ""-'"" " w"'c" " ""iieKion at .Miami iinpius in me ivsn- unucu niuica inianiry waa a pari. I iiiCKy.wnio-iniJiin ruuniry iuu The idea cf designating tbo United; 20, 1794, engaging a forco of hostile out tho province. PS Ml FOB 1 UN States army as tho legion originated with General Knox, secretary of war under Georgu Washlncton. Tho army was patterned niter tho Itoman legion, the old military organltatlon Indians. In 1796, It having been do elded that the Itoman formation waa not suitable for fighting Indians, the legion was disbanded and reorganised Into four reKlmtmtit ot Infantry. lint iHl(Mnl M K. Ci t. PA IUS, Juno 25, (lly Mull). IUr gcd, hatless and practically nhooK'i, an elderly man wus sitting In a park on tho south sldo of tho Seine u few nights slnco, muttering to himself, CO, CO, 70, tho while stacking thin little slips of paper onu upon tho other. He uttractcd tbo attention ot two gendarmes for ho hnd apparently been drinking too much wine. .lie wus taken to tho station. The desk sergeant was bewildered when tho ragged man explained that the little slips of paper he was count ing wore good bills of the Dank of Prune.) nnil that Ihn flan-pa tin rna! mumbling represented their amount. He bad 110.080 francs. "I won this money at tbo races," explained the denizen of tbo park. . It developed that tho man was ono lillllgot, a former colonial soldier, ut times street newspaper vendor, known to tho citizens of Gronelie ward ln" Paris as "Father of Luck" or "Father Cherry" (tho llttlo fruit being known In (ho parlance of tho Paris gambling circles us tho emblem of luck.) Ho had run up HO francs, tho amount of his ponslon paid to 111 in us an ex-soldlor, Into 110,080 fraiirs. Tho police rfcluasod him, aftor giving him a llttlo ndvlco about count- Miib hlii wealth In public parka whilo .llglitly undor tho Influence of rod vlno. - llllltgot Invested 80,000 francs in n lltu annuity tho noxt morning, bought a suit of clothes, shoes, et cntora, and beforo departing for Saint "liiud racetrack called on tho friend Uy pollco sergeant and gavo him a tip mi uiu rut; jur iuui aiiornoon me horse won. Tho newspaper "L 'Kclalr'1 has offered him 100 franca lr day for bis racing selections Until tho end of tljojeason, ' Ja soma of the villages of 8erba very few,o. fbe,lbablUBU eaa read or wrIU. N aiit Sally-she Tcnew llDV1ral1rihf,' WHEN I was spall. I USED to watch. AUNT SALLY.,. PUT UP fruit. AND VEGETABLES. FOR THE winter. I REMEMBER how. 8HE.PACKED It all. IN CLEAN glass Jars. t AND SEALED tho tops. WITH PARAFFIN. i TO KEEP out. ALL THE nlr and kocp. THE JUICY flavor In. it AND ALL tho winter, THANKS TO hor. ' WE HAD tbo fruits. OP SUMMER oi) our table. t urn .. . SO WHEN I happened. ON SOME cigarettes. WRAPPED NEATLY up, e IN A glasslno Jacket, . DIDNT think. ITWAS'Justforlooka. BUT RATHER that. THE EXTRA wrapper. ; KEPT AIR and dampnestv ALL OUTSIDE. AND GOODNESS In.. SO THAT'S another. i OLAME GOOD ronson why. "THEY SATISFY." QUITE right, thut neat K1asslno Jacket Iwn'tjust for looks. It protects your Chestorndds from , tho weather seals In tho flavor of ' thoHo wondorful Turkish und Do mestic tobaccos keeps them In prlmo uhnpo Jor smoking! Ham or ; shine; winter or summer. Chester fields alumyi "satisfyl" ,JW vHrfl - ""fr)il ' mL m A&II 'tijSsX Wt' M"r il.wrlnl vrH ! 1 3 1 iiamammrsmaW W' ral-vwiVIHSWKifaKallK 'PV CIOAMTT1I Jf- iMTTOJ f 04