SATURDAY, JULY 10, II . l 1 1I THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON a&saBidiBQES fij" i jaJaESSLsra & i s The Ideal American independent home is the home of thrift and pro gress. Every member of the family is encouraged to save and have a Bank Account. An account with the First State & Savings Bank affords a splendid incentive. 4 INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS RrstSivte & Sayings Bank Klamath Falls. Oregon E2SEE3 ?tryy;-;yiKF?57 ?&2 ,-uv MM CRIME NT (IE IMllllllH I'KIIHONAI Ivsllted his family nt Klamath Fall lait week Charles Otrjr was In Korrls Hundny from Klamath Kail. Uooncf W. Otey In vlittlnK thin wwk with hla daughter, Ml Jim llratton. Nt Klamath Kails. Mr llissel, constabh at .Mardoel, mnitu an official trip tu Klamuth Full on Junn S3, stopping at DurrU on hi way up K. KUrnitahl, superintendent of the Associated Dot rotnpany at Dorrls, Mr, Mary Heed In hero thin week 'from Klamnth Kails visiting her daughter, Mrs J N Mathrw. I.onnlo Jumps went to Klamath Falls last week ripectlng to work In! thn tiny fields near there. K O lllssell and O K Snider rondo a motor trip to Klamath Full on Wednesday of last week. Siskiyou News. IIMKMN, Juno 7, (lly Mall). Thn wav of rrltnlnnllty In Germany shows no sign of abating. Jalla urn filled to capacity with the thieving fraternity, from those guilty of grand larceny down to tho sneak thieve of the bite city streets. Very often now arrivals have to ha temporarily re leased from custody owing to lack of room In the penitentiaries. Here are some of the principal theft and rob linrte reported In the last few day. Ilurglars broke Into tho Ilerlln stock eichango and forced a safe open from which they took 3, COO marks and five typewriter. At Kreliau, the mausoleum of Field Marshal Von Moltke was brok en open and the silver wreath and rroiues stolen from the sarcophagus. Thn fluid marshal's aword was found broken. A hand of armed robber' forced their way Into the burgomaster' h u no at I'aaren near Nauen, appro priated GO, 000 marks belonging to the village treasury and left tho burg omaster tied to a chair. At Kullursluben rtcar Ilrunswlck the author of a theft from a scaled freight cur was traced and several rarloads of stolen goods wore discov ered hidden. Thu thelf wa a candi date for it town tounclllorshlp. At Kpandau, a mortuary chapol was stripped of Its leuded window punes. Another mortuary chapel at Sunk en was stripped of It zinc roof. In u popular Ilerlln suburb, a woman v. ho was shopping left her buby In a perambulator outside the store for a few minutes. The peram bulator disappeared and the baby wuk found half nuked In u doorway BURIED UNDER MINE TAILINGS BUSINESS CARDS City of Douthst, In Oklahoma, Ovsr. whilmsd Whn Spout Dslugtd It With Crushed Flint. In Hie rlnc mining district of Ok lahoma, practically unknown even by I lie residents of the stute In which It lies, I the burled city of Douthnt. Surrounding It I one of the richest mining camp In the world. The Mon tr en I probably one of the most famous rlnc mines. I In the city, a are also the properties of several of the lend ing rlne ilnlng companie of the Uni ted Hint. The city wa not hurled by a sud den don of molten lava, were the cities of I'otnpell, but by the "tailing" of the mine of the camp, because. It I said, of difference between owner of the mine, and merchant and land owner of the town. One day the tolling spout of one of the great mine wa turned on the town, delug ing It with crushed flint. The people moed their home and business place In a mud rush to escape the downpour of dust and rock particle. Store. iil Inge, barn and tent hod to be tinned, and now where once stood the thriving city I an Immense pile of -chttt" containing thousand of car loads. One street and a few dozen home only were spnred, and here the thriving business of the little town I carried on, the once proierou busi ness district being now burled under fin Immense mountain of crushed rock. IIIIKNTWOOn. Jaly 9. A flro slatting In an unoccupied dwelling here, Saturday night, destroyed prop erty valued at $40,000, and was brought under control only after C00 volunteer fighter had battled for mere than seven hoar In on effort to check thu flames. A llrrulil Want At! will aril It mm iM4MiiiinitmnMiniimmnMtimm VI Comfort CleanlinessReasonable Rates The Central Hotel i ----------------------- -iiiy.-yyy.rin-inriirrM-iruJu-.qj-. .-uLnnnJ f4 jj- r------------------'"-"--''" i i .' n.r.r lti.l'jl"l'i j"i.u-ri f 'mi sr s. '? New Throughout IN THESE DAYS OF HIGH PRICES THE AVERAGE CITIZEN WILL BE GLAD TO FIND A PLACE TO LIVE THAT IS WITVHIN HIS REACH AND WHICH FURNISHES EVERYTHING THAT HE COULD WISH FOR A GOOD BED, A CLEAN ROOM, PERFECT VENTILATION. THESE YOU WILL FIND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. SEV ENTY ROOMS IN THIS GREAT HOSTELRY ARE v NOW READY AND THIS NUMBER IS BEING ADDED TO AS FAST AS THEY CAN BE FIN ISHED AND FURNISHED. SPECIAL RATES MADE TO PERMANENT ROOMERS. NO BETTER SPRINGS, MATTRESS OR BEDDING ARE MADE THAN THOSE FOUND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. I J, J. KELLER, Manager. ii ' AND HE DIDN'T COME BACK Man Lookno for Houoo Setmlngly Hd No Desire to Mett th Mid- dltwtlght Champion. "dense me. ma'am," snld n gentle mnti. as his ring at the door was an swered hy the lady of the house, "but Is this bouse for rntt "Do jou sec any sign upT" she an swered very tartly. "No. ma'am, hut I didn't know but what It was for rent. I pass and re pass the bouse quite a number of limes, ii nil I am rather taken with It Do you rent the place yourselff "Ve. sir." "And could you tell me what It rents fort" "We pay thirty-five dollar a month," the answered. "Ahem, thirty-five dollar, eh? Why. I am willing to pny forty-five dollar. Would )ou have any objection to my going to your landlord?" "Tim hod better come In and see my husband first." "Whv should I see your husband, mn'uint" "Ik-mute he I the middleweight rhnmplon of the world, and nfter he pets through with you I don't think you would evert want to pay ten dol lars n month for the hou. ril tel! nlm to expect you this evening." The iiiiiii has nut returned yet. Be probably never will. He want to rent a houfe, but he don't want to meet a chuuiplon. 0W0w000w0w0W00W0wm0 Klamath Fall Cyclery We handle tho beat la oar line, each m Motorcycle, Bicycle, Parte and Aceeeeorfcte, Goodyear, Pennsylvania and. Diamond Tire and Tube. The house of the two and three wheeler, includ ing Harley-Davldaon Berries. 118 . Mh M. 0i0M0000vvv PHONE 3f 327 MAIN STREET J. C. CLEGHORN ClfU Office 117 Mala at : Osaee law, Rem. II O. K. FEED el SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. DENTISTS Dr. E. a Wuecarrar PHONY B84 Dt'. P. M. Nod phone 4 Over Cadarmira UwWWWWMMtMWWMMWWWVWOTMM Th Applan Way. The Applnn way Is the oldest an I tiim-l fatuous of the Itomnn military nmds. It was commenced hy Appltt? Oniiillti Cn'eetis, while cenor. In 312 II. C, and originally extended from the Porta Cupena at Home to Citpun. a distance of l'JO miles. In 30 It. Cm the Applnn wn.v was continued to Ilrum tlMiim, !U!0 miles from Home. Hy nit tiiii of 11k brunches It connected Home with till southern Italy. Dur ing the rule of Pope Plus IX (1SI0 IMS) it part of thin roiid. extending nlinut elewn miles out of Home, whs Inlil luire. It Is remarkable for It pavement, which consists of large hex ngennl blocks of hasult; hut mure espei'lull) for the ruins of the once inngtiltU'vnl tombs that line Its side. The ontritl purl of the roadway, 10 feet wide, was designed for the pas sage of Infantry, while the two side passage, emit also 1ft feet wide, were used for horsemen mid vehicles. The Hoiniin called the Applan wuy He.'lna Vlnruui (Queen of Iloads). Powsrful Magnet. It I a fur cry from lifting n tack by mcitiei of magnetism to the lifting of massive Iron plates weighing four, six nnd twelve ton hy this same force, vthlih I now dne every workday In n nmiilicr of largo steel works. Klec trnmiigiiftlsm of course. Is utilized, tho form of thu inngnet being UMially rcrtnngtilnr for this wink nnd present ItT n tint kiii face in the plates lifted. Tin.1 magnet nre R'lspi tided by chains from n linos, nnd ptil: tip thn plates by simple contact. The metnl plates can he lifted hy the timgnct while still so hot tlmt II would bo Itnpusnllile for im-ti to li.uiillu them. The ratio of weight lifted varies with the innililne; lit Mime cnseti this ratio Is !t0. A mag na Is operitvd hy current froii) a dy imtno. by Kultclios mid rhc osfits. e y DR. a A. MASSEY Foeutk a4 Pfise BU. la Warrea Heat Hoepltal Off. Phone 47 Re. Phone MM uuuu Juiyuuinn'ir .-.-..- KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS WaDaAHl lac New Oaea Matlc Orer ALL WOW GVARaRTnD I l.T 417 sTIaiaea Av. I VV0 Pboae 460 7 Mala It. Ice Cream Caadaea PASTIME Jack Moarosr. Proa. Ctsar, Tobacco. Bolt Drink. Peel and nUUarde Barber Shop la CoaaeeUoa OCR MOTTO Coartear aad 8erTtee,, KX-8KRVICB MEN, ATTENTION I Bkw The regular meeting m of Ktamatk Poet No. I. B-QP American Legion, will be eEat held at 8 o'clock p. as., at the City Ball la Klamath Fall, on th. fu-ond and fourtk Tuesday oi sack month. All Comrades are In vited. Th aalrlnv to toln the POt may secure application blanka from 0, k van Hiper, rniu nicsuwuu, 1. H. Camahan, all of Klamath Fall FRED N1CHOL80N. -Secretary PROFESSIONAL CARDS v0v0kf00 FRED WESTERFELD DKNT1HT Pbone 4I4W. X-Ray Laboratorj teeaaai Bkk, Klaaaatk rati Personal Poison Factories. ' Kuiulicifc of iienple who live In poor hivlth do eo, vviltes a medical au thority, by ketpliitf a personal poison factory on their bodily pr-jiu-Iscs. They do not know It, perhaps, hut It I there all the same. This poi son factory Is usually situated In th nose, the tee,th, the tonsils, or the digestive canal, Tho dental supply Is kept up by neglected, carious teeth and stumps, a badly cared for plate, or (worst of all) pyorrhea. Septic tonsils are another common cause of toxemia,1' as It Is called. Aad there are those who. by perslsteat softest of natural fuactloae tin taetr bodies WESTERN LABOR BUREAU Th nnlv nlace where vou jean get help and the only place where you can get a job. , j 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J am DR. C. A. RAMBO Dealwt l o. o. r. PRONE 1 PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Ofwsi fee MateraJty Cast 301 High St Phot 48S 00, Office Pkone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart PkyetcUa aad) Daigeua White Balldlag Klamatk Falls Oragea WWWWWWWMWWWW(WWW)JWWWWC NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple E. D.LAMB PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Phone 17W Rooms 1 aad a 17R White BBlldlmg saaaaaawawaaeeaaaaawawasst-aawasM DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON L O. O. P. Baneaas PaoaeaM Residence White Pellcaa Hotel Reeldeace Phone (. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAUREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Pboae, 497 Night Phoae, SM HAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers nnd builders of Baod ern aaw mill, pinning mills aad box plant. Dredging. Pile d.-iriag. Phone -I08-W. t Office Corner Spring and Oak Near 8. 1. Depot - I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Uaut., and and gravel pit, la any quantity that may be desired by contractors ind builders. ALF ORAHAM. Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine &- Klamath Lodga No. 137 L O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at ; O. 0. F. ball, Gth and Main streets. Hyman Weschler, N. Q.; W. C. Wells, Secretary: W. D. Cofer, Treasurer. wMtiia UtaemmiiBiflnt No. 44. I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of eaoa week at I. u. u. . nan. vv. it, norm, C P.; W. D. Cofer, Scribe; Frod Bueslng, Treasurer. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY 517 Maia ARTHUR R WGLSOff aUaager THE ARCADE HOTEL 108S8YMAIN ST. PHONE 477-J The place wttk home cosaforts, cleaaliaeee, floaty of fret a lata to saaay eartalaat. t tt,.ii- ,