fAOH THIUOO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JVLT , it LANGELL VALLEY RESIDENTS MT T I.ANIIKMi VAI.LKY, July t'urlimiH mio of ttio InrRi'dt limit ilmitu Unit linn Iippii IrmiNiicliMl for your took iiliict) rvcimlly whmi (3 J Hln lllo, I). (I. I lorn mill Will CiiiiiiiIkiII piirvliiini'it wlint In niiiniuiiily known im "Tim llciitinciii Triirt" In I.hiikoII viillny. Thtirn aro ulmtit 2,800 ncrtif. In thin trurt, lyliiK In the liciirt or I liu vullny, mill liulm; wlint In cul'ml MWiiinii limit. Kruin till limit mi' li ymir In rut tun of wild liny. mml In fiKnlliiK Murk, Tim In tut In mitiiriilly IrrlKiiti'il by Lost rlvur. wlilrii tU; through It. Tim upper tract of iiliout 1,000 ucniN purrhiiMid by I). (1. Horn, Hon uiljaciint to hi ranch; tho central part bought hy Campbell ulo Join hU land nint contain uliout SOO acre, whllo tint 400 at run bought by O. J. HwIiikId I Inn next In hU placi). Thin roinploti tliu lirraklng up of thn nwuiiip, which vran hold for many year hy thn two uwnnri, C. II. Ilool mnn anil Mm. K. K, Italnton. Lail fall th n Italnton plant wan nolil to Ivan Kllnoro. Thin plarn conlnlni 2,5(10 acre of wild hay I a ml and farmnlK land, .TIin two ownnrs of tho recently bought land liava boon building fence around thnlr domain tho lant wook. lUin la Wrlroiunt Thn fanner, itockiimn and rancher aro all olnleil ovur tho rain Hint foil July 2 Mini 3, Tho lato cropn will ar Iiodiii nnd tho early crop noon Ik mat urn. Of course, It wan hard on tho Fourth of July picnicker, hut worth hundred of dollar to tho country. Warren Kllnoro and family loft GUSS OF SALTS HUE 1 If )nur Itark liurta nr Madder Ixillirrn )oii, Orlnk Iota if ntrr When your kidneys hurt and your bick feels tore, don't ret tare' and prnrceil to load your ntomach with a lot of ilrucn that excite tho kid ney nnd Irrltatu tho ntlm urinary .tract. Keep )oiir kldnny cloan Ilko you keep your bowel clnnn, by flush In them with a mild, harmless aalt which rcmow thn body' urlnoui wantn and itlmulatr thorn to their normal activity. Tho function of the kldnoy In to (liter tho blood. In St hour thny ntrnln from It COO grain of acid and wanta. to wo can readily undorntand tho vital Importnnro of keeping tho kidney nctlvo. Drink lot nr water you can't drink too much; alio net from any pharmnclnt about four ounces of Jnd Haiti; tako n tablotpoontul In a glass of wator boforo break fait each morn In for n fuw days and your kidney will act flnn. Thin famput aalta li madu from thn acid of grapos nnd lamon Juice, cabined, with llthla, and haa been used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kldneya; also to neutrallio the aclda In urlno so It no longer la a source of Irrita tion, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Halts la Ineipensive; cannot Injuries; makes a delightful olforvci cent llthla-water drink which every one ahould take now and then to keep tholr kldneya clean and active. Try this, also keep up the wator drinking, and no doubt you will won dor what became of your kidney trouble and backache. Hnturdny morning for Illy to tako In tliu (vlobrntlon. Thny Intend camp ing In a font, wullo tbnru. Charles Klfickuh mid fiimlly of Yniina vullny will Iju domlclliid with thum at Illy. Mm, I'nlinor'H son, who Im boon working for Mr. Wlnnnrd, loft for ytniil Hwiimp, whnnj bu uxpiictn to luilp put up liny hi iiumnmr Alf Diiiiciiii called nt Ivan KM Kotii'n Friday. Mr, Duncan wnn on liln way to Oilnina, to spiintl tho Fourth following Inank Walton, Hoi Downy, Jr , piircliuni'it u now Miilotli) crcaiii miiiarntnr lint wnuk, Mr. Duwny linn been mllkltiK about olitht cow and xuiiiIIiik cream to thn creamery. Thorn nro nuvurul Molottu nnpnratorrt used In tho valley, and thny siiuiii to Klvn very ;ood nurvlco anil satisfaction. They aro Imported Into thn United Hiatus from IIuIkIuiii. Tim Hook IlroH., who have been plowing In tho valley, returned to Mnlln, Thoy had two Kordion tract or. Whllo In tho valtoy, thoy plowed, harrowed, needed and har rowed again about 3(0 acres of rye for Ivan Kllgoro, besldos plowing and bruaklng about 100 acres of sago hrunh land, Thoy alio broke 139 acre of laud for the Turner Ilro. George Vermillion, who has Iwen working for Ivan Kllgoro, toft for hi homo at l,akovlaw, .via Illy, and helped celebrate. y Jim Jobnnon, who baa a homeitrad hero. It hero from Klamath Falls whom ho hs boon working In the logging woods. Ho ipent the Fourth with Mr. rilllind. Mm. Jamen Huntloy and Mm. Mo lina Co miner npent Wcdnenday at Mri Ivan Kllgoro' home. Thny via- Itnd thn sheep shearing shed and watched the nlinarlng of ihvap by mnrblnery Mm. Ilena Deal and Minn Noli wont to Klamath Kail Kalurday for the week end. Virgil .Dual accompanied them Frank I. Orohn and hnylng crew hatn been ijulto busy at Illmrock ranch No, 1 putting up hay thn pait vtook Merle H, KIlRcro and family left for ItoRiio river polutn, Wednesday. They went by way of Crater tako and expected to camp out along tho way. They wilt bn anient about 10 days, Friend hero weru sorry to hear of the nilifortuno that ha befallen Fred Tholupion, who rcenlty broke his leg. Mr. Thorn uon was a rcsldonl of this valley for many years, but Is now of Aihland. Mr .and Mrs. I), O, Mora and Miss lleriilce wore gueit of Mr. and' Mm. Iran Kllgoro, July Fourth. Levi McDonald and Cecil and Vir gil Deal have boon cutting and stack ing the ryo up at tho McDonald homo enmp, Tho hay was very good yielding about CO ton on a leu aero- UKO. U'onard Johnson wont to Illy to see tho airplane, bono race and sports In general. Mill Itun Tito Hhlfta , Tho Worlow .mill on Langoll val ley mountain has bran running two shifts, and cutting about 30,000 feet per day, whllo tho Langell Lumber company havo only run one shift pof day so far. Tholr capacity Is 30,000 foot per day. llunny Casey captured six young coyoto pups this spring, and has them confined In a cage at bis place. They aro very Interesting to watch and study, and even In captivity retain tholr restless spirit. Mrs. Palmer haa been cooking at the Langell Lumber company cook house, since the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Hamaker. -.bbbiibbbbbswIBbbbswtBbiI'AImIHI BBBMj I C!SBBWSXSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSWBftsW L-4) m 1 BBBbUVmSBBkSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPSBBBW t .1- ) assssssssi5 A rf4i lviV II ' Crisp. Dainty Crackers The appealing daintiness of Snow Flakes Is due to their crispness, their lightness, their dash of aaltl Pure, delicious, wholesome let the kiddies ' eat as many as they like. Don't atk for crackers ay SNOW FLAKES SOME MORB lC,U. PRODUCTS Tiffin Dlicult OanilU UMfr Zwrlbieh . riots wurrs rinunikfcarni pitmriii-ricicr joaa ursncnwiiiini riui .JvakM.BllA. tlBn4a.l)i CbMMStndwkh ium Pacific Coast Biscdit Co. i k'U lasaJ-OU aia yi1- - ' ' wVl- ' ' ' ' Jl1' J -,-"-'--' -- ' .,'SS22SS2SSSESmu!7l I HIK PalssssssssssssssssW. BstssssssssssssssssW saL Visssl d H&K'FBV',KB?7-jaB,V8vnT n aVbsssI H BTSsbwOss(JpL rwHwfasP .ssssssssssssssl H lyJljy sBC"aWVPr lAVA9sSSitBBSs9!aBBBBBBBBBBlsSSSSSSSSSSS I 1 PTK BSSsH i '.mm i P All You Gould Hope For And In Full Measure The Cleveland Six gives alL in everyday year-around performance, and gives it in full measure, that you could hope for from the car you buy. It combines so many good features, power, sturdl ness, comfort, style and economy of operation, all worthy of discriminating consideration, that it has come into a place of distinction among light can. The exclusive Cleveland motor, of the over-head valve type, quiet and powerful, gives real life to the car. It has flexibility of power and ease of driving that cannot be found in many cars. " It handles like a feather," says one owner. "It steps) out aa fast as an car ever built," is another's comment. "It fairly glides over the long mountain climbs," writes a Colorado enthusiast. The sturdy Cleveland chassis is featured by low-' underslung spring construction, positive brakes, and other factors of comfort and safety. On this one standard chassis are mounted four bodies, of unusual beauty and dignity, all handsome ly finished and splendidly upholstered. Coma in and 5e the CUotlmnd, Ride in It. Ditto if YourU, Touring Car (Five Passenger) f 1415 Roadster CTfcrM Hedan if iTe rassengers) 93399 Coup (Four - , .. (Pries) W.O. . Clsvlaai!) i)f.4tf Wsn CENTRAL GARAGE v3Hsfc 'Si. t I i f I I CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, CLEVELAND! OHIO J H I --&14&5 j Thursday James Huntlejr and Clif ford Vermillion cut the six large pine trees that stood around the barn on tho Ralston place. It was reared the wind might blow them on the barn causing much damage. Both men are experienced in the falling of trees. D. O. Dreedlore and ramlly spent tho Fourth at the home of Jamea Huntlejr, Mrs. Dlrdle Durk and J. O. Hamak er were Bundajr visitors at the mill. Tho road work has been suspended for the week, owing to the rains and celebrations. Everett Malone was a Saturday vis itor at Bonanta. NOTICE Just received a large shipment of brand new buggies, backs and spring wagons. Will sell at very reasonable prices. Also large shipment of gov ernment teats. Max Weiss, 6th St, near Ewaana Box Factory. 7-tt 1 It Is not the fashion In Russia to supply bed-clothing, even In the best hotels. The traveler Is expected to bring his sheets and hla blankets with him If he requires them, and the cus tom Is also observed In private homes. No. 7 Report of the Condition of THK FIRST 8TATR SAVINGS BANK at Klamath Falls, Oregon, In tho State of Oregon, at the close of business June 30, 19J0 IIK80URCE8 'DOLIiAR8 Loans and discounts 11,633,143.68 Overdrafts, secured and unsocurod .VT.1'a Honda and warrants - 'SX'S;;' Stocks, socurlttes, Judgments, tc : 2'Sil'nn Kurnlturo and fixture . S'iiSnR Other real ostato owned ?r;;;,J Duo from banks (not-reservo banks) - .io'iJJna Puo from approved reserve banks - ,'oSS '! Chucks nnd other cash Items v j- J'5,I'i, Exchanges for cloarlng houso .J'llS ,i Cash on hand .' - 89.57J.7tf Total (To avoid discrepancies tho total should bo footcd)....$l,92,819.01 LIAHIUTIKS DOLLARS Capital stock paid In - . 5?-99?'?? Surplus fund ........ - ;u. Undivided proilts, loss expenses anu taxes paiu Ji'iSrJK Duo to banks and bankers - iS'15i Iiullvlduol deposits subject to check 1,05I,52i'2i Cashier chocks outstanding :?'S??nJ Cortlflod checks - JHJJm Time and Savings Deposits - JsrXiJ ,5 Notes nnd bills rodlscounted aSS'Xn2 Bills payablo for money borrowod 70.oqo.ou Total (To avoid discrepancies the toUl' should ba footed)....? 1,992,819.01 Stato of Oregon, County of Klamath, as. I, John Siemens, Jr.. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the host ot my knowledge, and be,,6t' - JOHN SIEMENS. Jr., Cashier. Correst Attest: Id Bloemlugcamp, J. W. Siemens. A. B. Epperson, Directors, Subscribed and sworn to before me tats 7th day of July, lite. 'RUTH M. QOWBN, Notary Public aUeosaalssloa xHre May II, 1H! Don't fail to read the Herald Clarified Ada, iSlBt rT J 4? 6iasaallaasasssMrsssM. sjs EmsTbbbbb " iTHsa rnr snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanry0 NnanBkJ j( a o BBBB BIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEv ' B C Bavfla BucKiica rr Fine Shoes art prictd fS.jo to ftf BUCKHECHT SHOES A QUIET elegance, a rich simplicity, a colorful harmony conspicuously beautiful are the a, fine points of our No. 438. Mahogany calf with invisible eyelets, and modeling that shows the latest refinements in style. And on the sole k our trade mark Buckhecht a symbol that distinguishes shoes that wear as well as they bole For Sale by BRADLEY-EVANS SHOE CO. 727 Main St BUCKINGHAM as HECHT JfcnW Sffct taawvapylM. 1 , ol',' $$ - tJ "$ u't.