The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 08, 1920, Image 1

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F. si
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Fourteenth. Year No. 3966
Prk Fir. Cts
.', s -. , 1 1 ,
rftrrd TiTlti 7k !. rt tf iMtI'?iK rrrJrl
k aaal aaaa. bbbbL W .M. H LK. . H. H aH LH- H. ml L . . afta. H H H bbbbI
) i . 1 1 i ,i . " m r jaiBan L& 0 jH1 aaaW"--- B L.Lfe V LBp EtEbKW ' Vk ,r aflaiaiBiV .afaaHba ataaaka VVb 4IBk.H. " . .,...
!3hmwmIhwm-mI j .jbbbb" bbbj bbb" 'bbbbw' r s)Ba" r kH afaVialV, 8jV '' l PP" J" ! ZT!mHSS3ChSHBBHBHIHIK
. wr F - t - ,
Unless cllmnllo conditions nrn d
bar, Klittiiath county linit a wonder
fut fuliiro In tlio mint growing In
'dustry, says O, II, Todd, of. Kugono,
Oregon, who Introduced (ha first
mint Into tlin iUtj anil who has. boon
engaged In mint growing for more
than CO years. Iln built hU first
till In Michigan In JN07 ami U prob
ably (in well qualified to apeak on the
aubjoct of mint growing- an nuy man
In tho. United States.
Mr. Todd la horn investigating
w Klamath county mint producing pos-
b.U. .. .:; fr 0
arge mint growing Arms of Mlcbl-
tte Valley
growers. Ho will remain for several
days, it was from Mr. Todds rarm,
Bear that the root, for plant-
Ing. tho Blemens-Watklns tract at
Kasle Itldito camo and Mr Todd will
visit the tract during his
eV how the planta am doln
As n civil engineer tho visitor Is
familiar with drainage needs and
problems and ho wniud enthusiastic
whon speaking of the mint future of
Klamath county marsh lands, while
conservatively pointing out that un
til thoro has bn artual demonstra
tions hern the development nt tho
i. wi.iinr .
Industry should be gradual, In other ., u Jn uq1 wn ,.rm burouu yo B er, cloar 0Bt.
words, be advised against too "ga', , turnsh hl b4 of no nn(, line of tbolr organisation and also
Investments or the plant ng. of lrgjth) WQmM ,. ml on hnf rucoK.,many helpful suggvstlcns In tho light
acroago until small tract hnd beenl . . of their oxperlcncos of tho oaat year.
trle.outbythorrowihofoneortwoju;MlftlIe Jo
"It looks like a wonderful mint
country to mo," said Mr. Todd, "and
I see tho day romlng soon when
nctamalh " Will contf'
nlnt lirmllirlloti sn.l lie IhllT tnlnl
prlco of tbo world. Tho noil and wa
ter aro burr, and the onfy bar I can
in Is the possibility of frost while
, tho crop Is ripening. Front In July
or August, oven though-mint Is com
paratively a hardy plant, would rn
duco tliooll content and make tho
business unprofitable. I would ad
vlso growers lo go slow and tost the
thing out by nctual demonstration.
bofora Investing too heavily."
To sum up, tho conservative ox-
port sect In Klamath county comll-j
tlons for mint growing that look too
good to lo (rue, and ho will no set
an unqualified approval upon tbo
project until nctual proof Is betoro
Mr. Todd annually buys tho big
gest portion of tho Willamette Valley
crop for tho Todd Mint company, of
" Kalamaroo, Mich., of which his
L brother, A. M, Todd, la tho head.
V, This company handles nine-tenths of
v tba world's annual mint crop, ship
ping mint oil from tbo Michigan re
flnorles to all parts of the globe.
Thla company la a heavy atockholdor
In tbo Wrlgley company and supplies
all the mint Ql used by that concern
r ratvjD.-iuea tor or soo
Nuuo mk Mtom nvutt ww aisbV
KMurro4 Oil noJo VUM
r . . . . . . . . .
CVM f MOW ts BM4WrON0y,
UlOrt. NJOM- AU. KtCM.4 OOMj
io 'Oook rr tu twvo Jrrw
i'heiii: i',i,Mi:ifH
CIIIOAflO, July S.. Thti son
uto Investigating commlttou,
which lit iiroliliiK pro-convention
presidential campaign nxpendl-
lures, will move to HI Louis to-
night to tnkn up tho InveHllga-
llorj of Attornny Oiimirul I'alm-
cr'a campulgn for tho Democrat-
Ic nomination, Thin wan an-
nntinrnit hr fllialrman ttfrnvfin at
when bearing wan resumed hero
A charge ha. been entered b.foro MM., wortH of &
-t C. Thorn... United Btate. com.,"- ha pd through h. .""AtreTS!
mlsalonitr. by Walter O. West. Buper -
.winnneni oi me mamaui inuian res-
I-... n ... n... u
"""""" "lf """
K'W Mayo Gordon, for transporting
"iur Into tho Indian reservation and
r Todd will r"r living, nnrtnring and uiciinuglng
slay here to ,l w,tn Hd1"" Copperflold, nn Indian, j
lolng I Tl-o two worn hero from I'otalunw.!
..'.. ..California, ostensibly for tho nurnoso
",r """: I'artoring anil oiciinuglng
. . ... .
- w-
of buying hor.,a for cl.lck.m food.
Hut It has developed that Ihuv traded
an automobile and n few
. -.----
luarts of
,. belong -
whisky for 00 bead ot horses
Ing to tho Indians.
Tbolr hearing has been aet for next
.Tuesday nt 10 o'clock In tbo office of cour organlxotlon. Oeorge Mans-1 Tho mn,lorg aro planning vaca
n. rninniintnii.r a .,...-.,. .. I fluid, president of tlio Jackson county tinn. i- i.,i. .. i .......
- - . . . .
ubnciuvi 13 nrair
CUrcicn i). Hmlth, fluid secretary
of Ihn Kimball school of theology, cf
Halvm, Oregon, Is In tbo city In tbo
, , . ... .....
Inlcrosts of tho school. Tbo object
of the visit Is tbo recruiting of young,
men for tho ministry and socurlng
flnanclal aid for tho school. jttuul college, and C. J. Hurd. county
Tho Kimball school Is ondor.ed agent loader for western Oregon,
and nuthorlrod by tho Methodist gave suggestions as to tho details for
Kplscopal church. It Is wholly lndo- Incorporating thla typo of organlia
pondent of Willamette university In tlnn desired. An Inrarporatlon'com
administration and malutcnanco, but inlttco of farm bureau members was
Its students havo frco admission lo
courses of study offorod by tho unMchnjrinnn; T. N. Case, F. J. Bowne,
WASHINGTON, July 8. Decreas
ing production and Impaired credit.
In Sovlot 8wU will odelala'i'ero bo-
ileve, make any Increase in cokmerco
between that country and the United
State. Impossible, notwithstanding
removal by tho state department of
restrictions on Its trade.
The department's action, whlsh
was announced yesterday, waa taken
Independently but followed exceaalve
exchanges of communications be
tween the United States, Oreat Brit
ain and France.
C. Bhadwick and L, Shadwlck paid
fines of SIS each In Justice Chap-
man'a court laat evening for havlngiobered waa laened la 1918
liquor In their possession. Charges
gainst aovoral othora who wore ar-
rostod with the Shadwlcks were dis
missed for lack of evidence.
In Us 120,000,000 yoarly gum out
put. Mr. Todd says he Is prepared to
buy half a million dollars worth ot
mint in Klamath county yoarly for
tho Todd Mint company, whon pro
duction roachos that amount.
Oregon mint Is eagerly sought ot
ter, ho asorts, bocauso of its hoavy
monthol content, and brings a higher
prlco than oasturn mint. Tho oil Is
now quoted at 87.05 a pound and
production runs from 60 pounds por
aero up., Kapcclally aultablo tracts
in tho Wlllamotto Volloy produce 7G
pounds but tho larger parts ot the
farms are too dry to get maximum
production, Most ot the land devot
ed to mint In Linn, Lane and ad-
Joining counties baa to be cleared:
ot timber growth, costing 8100 to
150 aa aero for clearing. At art
eat pr(caf(mlnt grower an aettlag
800 aa aero.
A Joint ronotlon of tbo nxeeutlvoi
couitnlttoo of tho Klamath county
ifrm ,,uroatt
Ith tho community
chiilrmnn waa held yeaterday. The
forenoon aeulon wu at tho chamber
of commerce room. Owing to tho
large number prcient tb afternoon
meeting was held at the city kail.
The special business before tho ex
ecutive committee at thla tliM, was
thu consideration of taking car of
the business aide of tba farm bureau, of August. Buoday night, July 11.
work. During the six months alBco' . Orlffltli, paator of the
tbe organization of the Urm bunm,Vr'teTU c,""ch ot lew.
... . ull1 .U I- Ah. Sift..!.!!.. k..-l.
1T,I l of buslnoaa which la nee
--.-. -. ........
earn of I. Inrriiilnr an ratiMlv tail
;r, " , " " . ' .
this phase of the work will be Incor -
Prtc4 with a I2S,000 capltallf.
Tho farm bun
Jkaoii county h
,srUI farm bureau -"bange '
tho WMl- ,n oriler u "
... ,i...i. ...., , ... .,.
' " - -.-,., . '- bringing lunch If they wish. Tho
' "ama,h, countf ,,irm 'r"au ""place will be announced later. This
jchungo. It was arranged to have pres-
tnl "iprcsentatlvea from the Jackson
A. K. mrlty, bunoM mmBMer ot
the Jackson farm bureau "change, jbble conference at Eugene July 13 to
and C. O. fate, county agent ot Jack- 2 S. He will take his vacation during
son county, wore also present Md the month of 'August, camping at
cave the details of Ihnlr nrnnlMllma . . ... .... .- .
-... ..v.s m - .w
.. -t
uian aim account! nr ihn nrnhinma
- , .-
encountered. c
lUmunltU-a Appointed
After a discussion ot the business
I . --.w
J change will be called upon to handle,
lien ins Klamath rnrm hiimH n..
Hector MaePhcrso, field agent
n marketing of tho Oregon Aurlcul-
nppolnted as follews: Harry Telford.
J. M. Kiull and C. N. Tasklns. Upon
adjournment ot tho general meeting,
this committee met with Dr. Mac
Phorson and of-'oed upon various
matters to bo Included In the artlclea
of Incorporation.
Hearing of a charge of contempt
against James-Dell, rancher of the
Illy district, growing out of his al
loged disregard ot a circuit court or
der apportioning tbo Irrigation wa
ter rights ot the south, fork ot the
8praguo River, waa begun In the cir
cuit court toftay.
The charge la another angle of
long yearn of nelghbothood dispute
over water rights, It, la aald. The or
der that Dell la alleged to have dls-
la the
cose ot the State of Oregon against 'with the proper inanclal backing by
J, O. Kdsall, Mary Dixon and others. I the legislature I feel aura we will be
Dell la successor In Interest to some 'able. to completely eradicate the pest
of the persona affected by the order 'if the atate will appropriate 8100,
In the old ault, and It la alleged that ! 000 for tho carrying into effect ot
he took more water than he waa
rightfully entitled to take.
The defendant entered'eourt with
a largo number of wltnoasea from the
neighborhood, upon whom he relies
for proof ot his innocence.
T""- , lnat through depreciation ot land
Ownor nnd offlcora are' hunting for, values, sickness, loss of labor, etc,
W. L. Valentino's Ford car, which tho mosquito at' presont Is costing
was stolon yesterday from' Fifth tho atate not less than 8800,000 a
atroot. Mr. Valentine, who works In year.
the First 8tnto & Savings bank, The Department of Agriculture, he
parked' bis car In the morning when- aald, also consldara the mosquito peat
he' went to work. When he wont to oae ot the biggest economlo prob
got It at noon it waa gone. ' lema bow before tba people ot Ball-
The license number is 61,005, The
oar Is a 1880 model, baa demount
able rlau aad la equipped wltb a self
tarter and other otrnvamleaeM, tbo
owaor having goae to coaalderable
ataeaaato add tba. oxtraa.
i . ' , ' .
At a mooting of tho Klamath Falls
Ministerial aimoclatlon nt tbo atudy
of (be Flmt Preibytorlan church yea
terday the Iter. 0. P. Trimble waa re
elected pretldent of the aiioclatlon
for 'another aU month. The Key.
K. P. Lawrence waa re-elected sec-
retary and the Rev. S. J. Chancy, vice
Union services were planned for
the Bnnday evenings of July ad part
will be at the Matbodlst church. Tho
Itov. C. F. Trlmblo will preach tho
aermon. Ob Sunday. July 2Gerv-
Icoa will be h
held In the morning aa
that the Christian
congregation will havo a bas
ket Ianch.and services In the woods
out from town a little distance. An
Inltvatlon la extended by them to tho
congregations of the other churches
;to mcct wlth them ior Teipor g(!rr.
(,.. -. a .-iw i .i.- ... i..-
vwuii ikiskiunsi wit aun uiuli Luyii.uca
-" - - " - " ..
w, tako tho pUc. or tho unIoa ercn.
,. ,or-lco.
fl , cfaan Md w
tho weck ot July 13 to 21 at Spring
creek and later will visit other spot,
L !-..,.. n v- n v. .. m
I Uc,, the' meeting 'of' tho synod and
.--.--- - .. w. .-u ,. wuu.
. snriwsr r-srweaaar sann . nr t n as w nni ai
Kev, C. F. TrlmbU wilt entico the
wily trout In any creek or lake that
promises results. Spring creek, WU-
iinmson river and Llamond lake will
no uouoi give
'expert angler .
SACRAMENTO, July 8. A oa-
qnlto eradteatia camjieJgm 1b Cali
fornia, savoring? 6-year program aad
coating ltoe.09 U planned br the
Stete Board of Health. Compute
detaila ot thav wee, reasaia to be
work8d ont DBt tBe Initial appropri
ation to flaaaea the; project' will be
aaked. for at the coming sesalna ot
Thla aameaaeemeat waa.aaaia her
by Or. Oaarat B. Bbrlght, Prealdeat,
followtag a aaaetlag ot that- aaalui
body. la Ive years Ebright fat coa
fldent that tba BUta can be practical'
lv rtA'nt aha. aiaanUn Baa
- -"- - A
"We have learaed from past ea
perieace aad surveys just, how U go
'about the-'campaign,' he aald, "aad
this five-year program I have been
promised that tho Rockefeller Foun
dation will contribute the same
Rbrlght stated that while mosqui
toes already havo been wiped out ot
many communities, othor localities
remain to be cleaned up. Ha added
that the Board ot Health estimates
Otrvi. akls
Aaotber aaBiaaasmsat afssbrigbt
wsWto abw'aVoat.ilMU tba baaad la
0 UN
Moyerhoffer, the aviator, baa been
flylnjf at I.ukovlow for tho paat two
daya and will go from thoro today or
tomorrow to Alturau and Codnrvlllo,
Cnl probably returning to Klamath
'Falls early next wcok, according to a
telephono mcsiage received' last
Moyerhoffer porformed a number
of stunts for the crowds at tho Bly
Fourth of July celebration, and It la
said that his exhibition was a rare
program of spectacular dare-deviltry.
CHICAOO, July 8. Negroes who
have voted the Republican ticket In
Oeorgla, have "disappeared" and
never been heard of egaln, Harry
Lincoln 'Johnson, negro Republican
national committeeman, told the sen
ate committee Investigating cam
paign expenditures today.
Asked if they lynched men for be
longing to tho Republican party.
Johnjon said "oh, yes, many a negro
voting tho Republican ticket has dis
appeared and no tidings have ever
been heard of hlra."
Referring to other causes of lynch
ings Johnson assorted that a great
trouble was that .white- men were- al
lowed to attack negro girls without
punishment. He cited Instances of
white soldlors attacking negro girls
during the war and aald that the
soldiers, although discovered, went
1 He said there was wild use of
tnnaaip dMriiiv Ih. hmLmsmmIIm'1
caMign:.lB'DnblIn. Oeorda. U
aflThe dian'f know-wb'etHef Wc&
supporter, "bought delegate: -"but
tiuit they "passed out plenty of
I thla to tho appropriation committee
The Oeary Investment company of j and I am hopeful that what the mem
Portland, Robert N. Kills and J. C.bers saw yesterday will bolp materi
Eltlott King, owners of the Wocusjajly In the effort I am going to mike
mnrsh on the west side ot the. Upper Jot the next session ot congress to
Lake, have petitioned tbe county .secure tor this project the money
court for permission to organize n. needed for urgent construction work,
dralnago district, comprising 5000 In this effort I am going to need and
acres, to be known as the Wocus I am sure I will receive the active
drainage district. Hearing ot pro
tests against the formation of the
district has been set for September
, 1JI0.
Mayor I. R. Struble, who received
a severe concussion of tbe brala and
general shock from a fall down a
basement stairway at hla home last
week, la still weak, according to Dr.
A. A. Soule, attending physician. Dr.
Soule aald that the mayor waa la bo
dinger, however, and that he hoped
to have him out for aa' automobile
alriag today aad up aad about aa
usual in a few days.
PARIS. June 17. (By Malt.) Mia.
Richard Mansfield, widow ot the
American actor, aad Golla Clements,
of New York, poet and playwright,
have returned to Parts after being
held prisoners by the Turkish Na
tionalists at Urfa, Mesopotamia for
three months. They hare been doing
relief work among the Armenians for
(he paat year. They escaped to Jer
ablus, en the Euphrates, and from
there were taken to Aleppo by
friendly Arabs.
Oregon Tonight ana Friday, In
creasing cloudiness, cooler Friday.
or rino ollVe poisoning. Regarding
thla matter he aald:
"We aim to have these rules ready
before the beginning of the olive
picking season and are confident In
predicting that olives packed in ac
cordance with onr inggeatlaona will
bo rendered absolutely safe for ha-
maa consumptloa."
recent acare la tbo East from
botuUaua polaealag eaaea to bellerad
to have' eaat tba oHva growera aad
Baahtac tadaatry to California haa-
drede of thentaada tf'daUara:
The visit of the congressional com
mittee on appropriation, to the Klam-
ath project may develop Into oae ot
the most potent factors Jn the agri
cultural development of Klamath
county, If the plana of Congressmaa
llnaott are successfal. Their com
tag is the result of a well laid cam
paign of the representative from thla .
district and it Is plainly evident that
he exercises a strong influence with
the men' who control the puree
strings of the government. Tho
members of the committee were welt
posted upon the absolute needs dot
this project and only the absolute
needs will be considered and bo
gave them ocular proof "yesterday
that he was not ajklng anything bat
what should be granted. Congress
man Wood of Indiana was overheard
to remark' to another member of tho
cemmittee: "Slnnott certainly bad.
tbo thing down pat." And the re
mark contained a volume about the
work the congressman must have
done In behalf of this project while
looking after the welfare of bis dis
trict back in Washington!
In discussing wltb a representative
of The Herald the outcome of tbo
Tj.slt ot tho congressional delegation.
Mr. Slnnott said:
It la only part of the foaadaMasx
upon which It to be built the' appro
priation program of -the aexteaa.-
gress. Everyone now reeHeM that
the demand upon the goverameat tor
my la Wo great that Wllleas weal
at cover It aad the' reealt I' that
erVa8fhr 'sec-arefr.'oatWde Mm.
fixed charges of the government, eaa
be1 secured only after absolute proof
ot Its Imperative necessity and whea
It is shown thai failure -to appropri
ate will lose to the government mora
than is asked. I am trying to prove
co-operation and help of the people
here. It Is not going to be aa easy
fight, but I am going to stay with It
to the end aad hope I will succeed."
The Congreesaiad waa busy every
minute' of the time be waa here aad
had but a moment to meet and speak
with the scores of friends who called
upon him and those who called, to
personally thank him for some spec
ial service he did for them in Wash
ington, He accompaaled the mem
bers it the appropriation committee
to Crater Lake aad will remain with,
them -while they are la Oregon.
Oeorge Brattaa baa parcaaaeditba
Interest of Frank Whltemaa In tba
People's Meat Market and wilt here
after conduct the buslaees. Tba
partnership betweea Mr. Bra'ttoa
and Mr. Whiteman bad existed tor
about a year.
Mr. Whltoman's retirement Is caus
ed by ill health, nothing radically
wrong but a general wornont condi
tion from the atraln ot close atteatioa,.
to buslnoaa. He expects to loaf for a
while and take a trip to his old h'oata
In England. He does not think ha
will' be able to stay away from Klam
ath Falls permanently and Intenda to ,
be back and In business after he baa
had his vacation. During his busi
ness career here be has made many
warm friends, who will join in re
gretting his departure and hoping
that he will soon return.
EAOLE PASS. Tex., July 8. Re
ports that It trldfBrwere betas
baraed la South Moaclova. Mexlea.
gave, rise to ramorihera yesterday
that a aew revolatiea bad brakes.
at t la tbaA.Soatfeera KePabUe.
m said to bead; th.
bow mevemeaL
' I
...4V- ..-M? f-lMHUW
- t .
" f'fft "i wi- A.vt-V'"-v'i