The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 07, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ' J5
r 1
Kurt lOiopherd him returned froth
llnnd, where lio spent a month In
dosing up Out affnlrs of his brother.
I,, K. Hhflpherd. who u drowned
when n mntor boat captlzed about
nix weeks ago.
It. A Alfoid If ft yesterday for
Medford whnra ho will visit old
friend hnd relatives for few
Mr. und Mr. J, Itoger Rnd daugh
ter, Violet, who have been visiting
with friend In this city for the put
six week left thti morning for their
hum In Hacramento.
J, O, Hamer wan a passenger on
the morning train for Ban Francisco
here h will spend a coapta of
weeks on business
"I Mr. A.
M.lil.M I. U.K. -.f-ft-
1 viFiiuiH in -la-iiu win
4 I '
1 Men Crave Music
Hut they bavn ataya wanted to help produce It. Tlu"e I nwtto
lag QUll M satisfying to a man a playing the Qulbransen 'Player
I'lano for Instance take It I'edal Touch which controll no muny
'degree of Ton Hhadlng pruducwd through those llttlit "air rnuele
fingers" Inside the Instrument.
r TkU'l'adal Touch .givra you that samo confidence of su'eessful
.performance that one getn from driving a powerful cur that unswerr
to your .every. desire.
Uulbranien ell a low a (15 per mouth and arc NutlonMly
Priced Every where and no freight added.
WHITE HOUSE MODEL. . ..$725.00
' ' "WVitf vu'iit nnnthni' vntif utfim Incilfirnr f Vinrn mrnr?
,-..'' . . , .v , .. .. ' , (California, on the morning train.
,, JuHt come in, play them and sometime it means a .' lMUl, Ut,Ttl und Ki ll0KKl -
! J Glllbran.Hen for yOU. ;' passenger on tho morning train
Earl Shepherd Co.
One BiuineM IMiuic Exclusively
507 Main Street Klamath Fall, Ore.
4 4 4
(Continued' from pg H ' -
pendent upon the Horse Fly reservoir
and Clear lake,
Modoc sub-project Total acreage
a ostlmated In an old report. 22,000
ncria, A large portion I public
land, the available water supply being
Clear lake.
Band Hollow An organised dis
trict, the major portion public land
dependent for water supply from
Upper Klamath lake under present
plana. Irrigation of this land I feas
ible from Clear lake In connection
with the Modoc project.
Langell Valley and Horse Ply dis
trictsTotal area 30,000 acres, S,000
aeraa trabllfl land. Available water
M, Thomas, who ha been .-.. -... i, i.i.k m -i-
. I.HVI.I srrma ,..., ....,.. ..,, vui
alln with her mother I .,,..,, ii..- , , n, ,,.
', : and In this city with Mr. and Mrs. W. ,, ,. ,ri ofder , br) ,, of
if. uobertson. left mi morning iorjtn ,, 0, , j,., und,f T.
her home In McCloud. gatloo It will be necessary to con-
W. H Harrison and son, of Kngle-j. ,.,.. nr. P. ,..r-i, n..
2 wood. Kansas, who have been visit-1 ,, regent .-,--, ,t wou,d
lngwIthMr.andMn..J.M OeH.left)dffetlU( ot ,Bp01ibto I0r lh.
T . uiuiuiw iui a. loar u o"uhim,.,j,. , lM . --.-i
points, stopping for a tlmo In Port-' ,,.- ;..,. ,,,. 0-..,'lh.,
I ; land and Beattlo and from there they , ch lb(J rMeror w, tb,
" will return to their bomo I .., .... . .u .....i.
... Mr and Mrs. J. I). Btott and baby., ,.... of timloniii Uod , Tle
wmu iiutv urru iiurc uii via... ;- .. . , . . . -
...... , . l-ke which may amount to from 35,-
turned to their home In Grenada, .,.. . ,.,
, - vvw iu ou.vvv acre, an oi wnicnwin
'be pnbflc and lying within the state
iOf California, lands whlcb are ofi
-i i . i T
vxi ii i ---- - i i r ar Kr u ii . -ari i ---?
Boys Wanted
Good wages to right boys to carry papers, or will
let contract to man at man's wages.
232 Main
Wvvd wbru thny will mako their
Mr and Mm. John Bparbo and
Ipitby left this morning for Weed to
uiukij their homo there.
Mr and Mrs. W. A, l.andls and son,
V Hlllle, arrived from Oakland, Cal
mr un rxicnura iisn wua meir
dauKhter, Mrs. lxo Houston.
Mas Weiss baa returned from Ban
Francisco, wtere be went to buy
camp suppllns for Christy and Mc
Culluiu's l.umbor company.
I Mm. Mildred A. Rivers, of Ta
'coinu, Wushlngton, is heto for an ex
tended visit with Mrs II. K. Ilaugor.
; IliTt Wltbrow left this morning
for Silver I'-iuiip, where it Is reported
proven productiveness and well able
iu u.ur m j
1 1L. I 14 -L
reasonable charge' for
Taking all of these
factor Into consideration it would
appear that the construction of Horse
Fly dam should b undertaken by the
United State., Upon-the border of
tho Upper Klamath lake which is i
government controlled reservoir, the
entire water rights being acquired by
purchase from private holders and
by cession of state tltlea to the
, United Btnte all of the water of
which I or will be nece'ssary for tho
ultimate development of the Klams'.h
project are 10,000 acre of public
land In the reclamation reserve.
About 1,000 acres of this land iias
,tbe nshlng Is of a room superior Dn memaed in-a private system of
!ori. He will stay until Sunday "Hke. There has been no announced
Iwbun he will leturn homo by way of Pl" 'or the remaining acreage ac-
Mrdroid und pick up bis daughter ccptuble to the public. In the inter-
who his Uea lsltlug frlendic'ln the ets of public economy these lands
' Uniuc rlvur alloy. should be made available for entrx
1 K. V, Roberts 'came In )cterduy and settlement as surrounding lands
front his bomo In roe valley lo at- are oeing rapiaiy reciaimeu by prl-
... .... . tend to matters of buslncis. ' vote enterprise. " J
railed upon . first .Id to under A -,,,. M(, eM , , , -UDmlttlD , ,ut,Bent of
gradustes iH-t with troul.le.rn, ,..,,, ,tt,0 ,MlorJliy afternoon conditions governing theM several
'".T". ..... I Vtitn Illy wberu they hove been for
..n... r . ,e ,.,rrC.,un ,., nim.r , Kourthi , kpt , -,,-j ,n-t , p--.Mti -re
university rnoirraaa- , K A-rtlrlo-. f ho Alaoina merllorlnun n.l that --.,-.-
lumber company. Is In town from and the state of Oregon and Call
Kirk on business. fornln are entitled to consideration
Mr und (Mrs. Hobert Low IMere- and federal assistance In placing
pont are tourists stopping nt the (host lnnds In condition for sottle-
'A T DaVlrum
ter. niUKlrol recltsls of 10 minutes
eucb have Iwen given dally in Apple
ton chnpel during the eiainlnutlim
hoiikoii Thn he lje-n held in the
CAMIIIlllKJK, Mass July 7 -fnrtiltles
of Hnrvurd unlMrnlty Institute of technology programs consisted of light clutslrul yrK,
. .. . -.., ... ... i ... ... n.... MelerllotiA. litlil tirnta.,1 tinlmlrir nllt... ti... .1 f-rw-l..l 1m m wlttlt.i- hi.rn .. ....... '
nare mam nrni.n iu ...m"i i - - .- -.-.-.-. -.. r.u, ..... . . ........ .-.- mmanou projects tnat will show re- ,f Men." which comes to the Liberty "Tho Chaatnr" I. .-.-- i
the undergruduute bogy of final .... "'Vng men who I....I s,,t up ull night frum California. He Is a turn f. ,. ln-eme-t n quIck, '' $ttotowlLt r i k " ""
.B H...I- I.....L. .....1 k..ii..,.-...i .i ..... n.i.,. i,..ii.. i.-t.. 1 iiiHini uuinuift niiu vauira uii 0f "Juclah." tho --hi ... i
The morning. Just before the flrnt of thu Whlte Pelican hotel, on their way to mnt nnj ,nB produttlon of crop
und days' eliminations was to begin The Cruter lake, from their home In 'Now Krom tD( ,tandpolnt of eroni
rirtrF DDATff?
Summery White
Canvas Shoes
Oxfords, Pumpf and
Tall White B00U ;'
Specially Priced
ALTHO THE season for white canvas footwear is
at the zenith now, we have reduced th prjee on
one whole line of Summery white shoes. in-ordeivto
sell them quickly. While our whole stock-is not in-
nltiHprl. thp flhnpa whiri hava r . j r
been reduced in price em
brace a collection of most
attractive Summer styles
new goods, bought for. this
' season's selling.
While. Mary Jane
pump for cbllddren,
KeguAr 13.35
High-top White
Canvas shoe, law
beel, Kegular $3.00,
Low bel Oxford.
A very charming
style, Regular f 3 SO...,
High-top shoe,
military heel
Regular $4.85..
Graceful white
pump, military
beel, Heg. $5.00
Oxfords of white
canvas, military
beel. Reg. $5.00,
High heel Pumps,
Regular $6.35.
Special ...,
High heel one-eye
ties, Reg. $6.85...,
ndpolnt of economy
there nro probably few. If any. rec-j
$2.85 ? .'
$2.55 ii'1
$2,98 ' " ,
$4.12 A
$4.25 -(2rft-J.
-e"te ffaiai TV rTft,
$4.25 Wsm'
$5.40 H
SS.82 H
. - - ' w m mmm & j t
---K y Mr aT f
WKt JkaMkP
j B--S--i
j---1n-JB t,
-- iMMMMiZ'
The tests which the studenM nf nervous, soiikIiI rest mid culm, and
the Initltutu unilerv.enl In June mov iimoiiB others who. ufter u night of
b" the. Inst of the kind at "Tech" 9. sought from
A lommlttee of faculty -members, mental stimulus for
alumni and undergraduate haw iaf uhi?ad.
been appointed to Investlnnte.tnelh- O m
oils of testing the (ollcge man' TYI'HWIIITKH 7llti:VI
knowledgu und profUleiiry In studies'
other than by the customary oxam-) iiKKLIN. June 9, (Ily
Inatlon This step follnwul unsilclxM,,-ty.four hundred
w. uie.r hooks ...... nonow-eyeu nn.i KU,.t atjlie White I'elican note.. - ,no Klamath projeu with as small,.v h.,fr !,, ,.in,... -.
Mr and Mrs. It. II. Btayne, Mr. ftn 0UtIa- of K0-Ornment pPr6pr.a.'actress ,S tb?;filrig role. In after
and Mrs. W II Swayno wnth their Th Klnmn,h -,,,,. ,SE?.. - -... t
.. - -- ,,. .- .-....-.. ... ...,-. jraivi iuuki iiiiPi tut. uinu uuu ur "
.!, music a drher. JU Sullivan aro on u .motor ffo1, ,,,, fMlbe d , ' '
the t,csts whirl, trip to Crater lko from their1 homo ,. fo ,,,, , ., a J o ghe MM
In Bun Francisco
nun r"""'"u; orMo of the I'romlse of tho Kocmment of the'nn attempt to mnVe her betray sec-
of "Judah.'the notable stage play
by Henry 'Arthur Jones.
The story of "Tho Cheater" deal
with faith healing and when It was
produced In England It created ,a
storm of discussion. The controversy
".'M-fiil iillr.tiilllu In tiiive the HtUllnlltrf !..., v.. ,.!..- ....... ..n.r I....I
,..r.,nl II... Iw.nnp -.-.-- I. ..! . ..- i... . 1BK "10 MlSKCa ,., ..... ......... -,........ inns uiilivn III nun ci.jr in I lie lnl 1 1. ..-i tl ,
A, ll.v,.r.l il,.,. I.u. I,....- nn rm ' -... n .... .. .. U.IUri.IlJ,
. ..v ......"... .. ,.. .. ,.- .... iNir. ine nuire suite iiiui iiieru uru
slderatlon.ot the proposal to do t v v Mu-ni oulllg ,,f typeurltur thieves
...,. . .i ..... .... ..... t. . . ' . ...
wiwi e.iiiuiiiuiiuiis .mi mute .i- u-.i msurunce companies which coor ho Willamette yalloy.
uiiiuh iu -p" inn uinu.... ......... typewriter risks navo mien oungeu to
rmco tney put on trie smtionis. fiio i Increase their premiums 25 fold.,.,i i.. ..,-,.... ..-. i' . . . , . . ....... . . . . ! resembled that now racine here over
. . . . !... . . .. .U....C, iriiiwuiniauu sne loteu. ana Kiueu ner oeirareri - -
(, imi.v .till, iinrn mm uiki.ii mi ...v - - .,..,..., ....
.u.-.-.- .... i.-.niti.i .women. An appropriation mado for who was seeking bar life, is the big
" -' mi.. i... vrx of Sun I'aula.iCallf..: ho "Sion 'the Klamath pro-'moment In the play.
t)iurllera,. ,.. , 1...,u ,,. i. vuit.. Jct wou''1 an example of true con-
j IliriUUI 1 W- IHHUIHtM - --
Ehthor and Alife 8ervntlon tnJ roconntruction. The I May Allison, the captivating Metro
lUhurllng r .-.' immuiuini ui mo iiniii tti too siur, in -inn neater, is announced
I Nell Campbell returned lost night, Klamath project Is n task that may 'as tho feature attraction at the Lib-
from a business nnd plcosur. trip to, u considered Impossible by prl- erty Theatre Thursday. The new
soothing charm attributed to music,
1 und Its power to stimulate sluggish
rulnils, to active thought, han'bcen
A Classified Ad will sell It.
sese-H s-"i-1
aj-unryrulftrruiJTj' "I" V -.-- -. mm mm ---.----- as -h ---.-.-.-.-. -.....-.--.
Ethel Clayton in "MOHE DEADLY THAN THE MALE,'"
Her greatest triumph in motion pictures
Tho Carter Do Havens in "TEASING THE TEASERS"
Two Reels of Comedy
. . .mo dm-. Hiioi- iruiii auTerai si.uii.-i pnoiopmy is nescriDea as one or me
points, only one of which will do con-' scn.atlons of the year, presenting
Norma Talmadge in
The greatest picture she has ever made
viKir1 Dl A IMC PARTY jaldered at, this time that Is Jfcck of
NIINU rLAWa rAK.1 I astet in prlvato control which would
FOR V. C. WEARERS Justify a bond Issue suffcllently largo
n ItV flnunre the necessary works for
LONDON. Juno 13. (Ily Mail).- ,,;8ecur;gn,a,,0n of ,h ,n,,U Under
King Oeorgo has doc.ded to enter-
inln tho holders of the Mclort c.s.J . k
llrltnln's highest war honor, at a ' '
garden party at l.uck.nB,nm !.,,. TU J ,,, pf
The i ditto is not t fixed. ipHrcent.Ke 1. under the control of tho1
Each recipient will prohnb bo department of tho United I
Incited to tnko ono or moro mombors' ' ' ""'""'I
-. ..... .....ii.. ..i.i. hi... I'hn ".i.l """ " "lfc" I""""" ' ii iuicsi
111 II1B llllllll WHil ,..... ." ,.-
will Include nil thoie nurlvln to
v,licm Victoria crossoa ure uwardad
In provious )tars.
At present thoro nro about 117
surviving who received tho cross bo-
foro tho IuhI war and pIiico August, I
1914, 680 furthor uwnrrts bavo been
mado. Only about half o' Miuse aro
now living, so It U oxpecttxl that tho
uttondanco at tlio comlni; ovont will
bu approximately 400.
Miss Allison in an Intensely dramatic
spiritualism and kindred topics.
Miss Allison's rolo ta tnat of Lily
Meany, who, under the narao of
Vashtl Dethlc, has won a reputation
for effecting cures by faith. She
know she Is a cheater ami when she
faces the prospect of trying to euro
the crippled sister of Jadah, Lord
Asgarby, she experiences a change of
heart duo to Judah's nobility and the
simple faith of his llltlo sister.
reserves and it would bo but simple
equity on the part of the United
States to allot funds sufficient to
complete tho Klamath project from
the moneys received from the salo of
timber In theso reserves.
t in
Latta Bros., ranchora nu the Mar
Till road, havo just purrh.isod two
Johnson mower from tbo Howie
garage to harvest their bin hay crop,
on which they expect to boo In work-
f lng at once, ,
4 day closing out wilo ot Blouse
at Gertrude k Co. -7
It was the girl's first appearance
ns a Blnger In the crowded cafo and
she had made a hit. So much io
that the manager wanted her to cash
In on It by going down and sitting at
the table with the patron. Timidly
the. girl looked over hor audience.
In front ot the stage a fine looking
young man gated back at her and a
theli eye met, slowly shook hi
head. The glrj refused to leave the
.That wo the beginning pf the
heroine' undoing In "The Mother
i l
Men Wanted
To work on mint farm Eagle
Ridge. Apply Western Transfer
J. L and W. E. Patterson
Phone 531-R