The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 07, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    mtONKBDAY, war. 7, imw
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
Wo dnot M-ll rutrvht; w soil --crlre Tliat ound mid
doesn't It?
Well, mippoc llio wood denier wild venire lnlp.ttl of wood, lie
would Irml 10 j our fin time ami your raiw, tnkt tinny the ashen
mul clean (he flues. Von would buy kii uiiirh bent.
Now Jim bur o iiturli light, although you pay according to the
cwnrnt Jfu consume. Itill ilio service N performed fur ytiu by till
company At the sulMutlon and porter plant.
Tlmt Ik what wc want to glio you efficient ki-hIip, It I ho
hit of till company to li.iie none lilt vitNfled rutmei-i. Nit
mntlrr what It l, If ytm har n Krlciame, or are tlUa(lflcd about
your Mil or do not undcr-taml our rales, p!cn.e come In ami seo
a or writ u about It.
If you lime any MiRce-tlon to make, up will gladly avail our
wive of them a our aim I eotntantly u Improve our mviIw to
you a fat as Hie development of wlcnce and human ability- termit.
California-Oregon Power
nniiiiiiiiiiiiiiim hk
0 yoo know what "Sxt&e" meant when it enmn to
selecting a ttartinf battery for your car ?
It meant you are getting a tecialized product backed up by
ever a generation of specialized experience- It mean ou are
getting the besf that the largest maker of storage batteries in
the world can produce. It means you arc getting the start
ing batterv riht in everv detail; construction, performance,
Kaow the fart---nme in and examine the "Xxtof!" for
jrtMM car
JUDD IXJW. Proprietor
nmnairst 1111 STAEYinC MATTERTJCa
?s '2 .
.. ldlea- neat iwob -
: . . .. ..
' M Mann MracC KJaaaata raiia, ura.
iV 1
Largest dance floor between Portland and
San Francisco . "
COME! Everyone Invited COME!
Among the wild Tauregs of the! round their little Angers the Taureg
Tripoli deiert woman's iway" Ih libso-j ladles can only be raid to have them
late. She does not rule by inslduoue'weU ',er thlr heel- Among the
-aii. i.... i... .....,. - , Taurega descent la traced entirely
wmeedllng, but by outright command ,u.h ,,. . ,-. ,, . .
.through the feminine line, and what
aad though the women of other jtuie teaching I given to the young
' " ay aaw bmm fcwtatwi gIVU I !UfJ WUIUCXI
Oeeument.lry Evidence Concerning
Declaration of Indcptndcnee and
Llncdln'i Gettysburg Speech,
Ttip IVclnriitlim of Imlopi'iulcnra
-iin't ntittul nn July 4. I77H. ,brn
limn l.ltieoln didn't -ilioli nIT liN fnniiUH
(!;ltlitirK nddresi on tin old envel
ope utt lie rode on the train In (!ett,x
liurg. .l"'t likely, (lonruo Wnnhlitj;
ton neer cliOicd down the cherry
tn-e. The tnnmiM'rlitt dUNIon of tin'
llbriiry of conureii ln't tuirc iihout
Hie cherry trtv eplnode, beenne
fJrorgv didn't write n letter iiIkhii It,
hut It liohN documentary tldciite tv.
cnrtllni: (lie other two HIiHimx of our
M'hcot dny.H, mi the hUlry hook that
we studied o trliMfiilly wen1 wiona.
The timtiuscrlit illllou hn the two
orlKlnnl drafts of the ;etiiniri:
peili. one eniefully writlen mi olll
rial White hiiiie .itntlnuery, (nirlly in
peiiell, mid the oilier In Ink, both tll
iIiiIiik l.!ncoln' nall-kuown hand
wrilltiR. The tlrt draft and the re-
1 1ied copy differ ullehtly fioin the ml-
imi un ii nnn iinniiy oemenii.
A for the l-ehimtliwi of Imlerv"'
iletirv. the oflU'lnl Jouninl of the Con
tltnMilnl ciuicrt'" for July -I. 177(1
how "i that on that day eonttre adopt
wl the deelamtlon by vote, but tho
liming, which we make ro much of
ii defernil as unimportant. Moal
of the memhern ulitned the ilorumeni
a month Inter, while In 17S1. flvp yenr
Inter, nosie other eoncre'Kiiieti ""who
were not In nrtlco In 177rt nlo milled
their Rlcnnlurei, thereby (.lining Immortality.
Thursday at the Liberty
Metropolis of the Ancient Phoenicians
Kntw Domination of Three World
Ruling Race.
Rldon. the metrnHilta of the ancient
I'lKK'tilcldiiK. was dominated first by
the Egyptian, but the yoke of the
rtm-'nohi was thrown off, after which
the Ayrlan ruled ulth heavy hand.
Later I'hoenlcla became a lloinnn
protlnre. (triple eiilture hail n hnp
Inc InHuenre. an that the story of SI
don I In Inrce decree the story of the
anclenta throuch a period when clas
sic history was shaping.
Sldon tin built on nn Island, hut
the shifting Hand of the Mediterranean
flllt-il In the burlier and Joined the In
land with the mainland, so that th
site of the nnelent city If now on n
peninsula. The Sldnnlan, along with
the I'lioenlclan In general, were a sea
faring race of fishermen. The eolllus
of the sea wan directly responsible
for the rise of Uie I'hoenlclaua to a
powerful place In the nntlona. the dnm.
Initlon of the Mediterranean, the
founding of Carthage, colonlilng In
Spain and the threatening of Home It.
Aa early aa the seventh century be
fore Christ, the Sldnnlan had piloted
their tiny craft, propelled by sail and
banks of oar, around Afrit. Mntiv
of the airheoloBleal find of Hldon
have been pn-serted In the ItrllMi
snneum and In the museum of Con-atatitlnople.
sBbmHbLb1bhbkIx9'' L"Smt0Wvln lWmm aaaaHlw
sassHsHsHsVHKTrH&aatiW AbIbTI lEaTfsVlstt 'mIbM aBaaaHTj
MMHBtSBHAaff-TfludlHT I jy ''Im DHaaaam'" v '
Thursday at the Liberty
AltTIU'K IirllrUl', of Wlixki.
Vertnoat, who iWlarr he I arm
In tttf 'ptak of ewnditloa' aad e
JoTinic life) for tin- ItrM time la
many yeara sw tbr rexalt of taking
Lonotst World Tunnels,
Anion; the lonmt tunnel In the
world I the All-err tunnel under the
Alps, which Is six and thrci--(unrtcr
mile lone, the Detroit New state.
The OuntiNon tunnel In Colorado I
lx mile lone, mid the Iloosac tunnel
In MnarhUKetl la four and three-
quarter mile long. The Mont Ceul.
I No one In Klamath Fall who suf-
The Nuridua and capital lnck of fera backache, headache, or dlstresa-
the First Btate baling Hank have nic urinary ill can afford to Ignow
u , , . . . ..nn.m.n . Mi K amnth Fall man twice-told
each been IncreaKed to 1100.000. ac ory ,, collr,ei, tvntlmnor ,hM
cording to bank offlcera, The former Klamath Fall resident can doubt.
surplus fund wn IS&.QOO, while the II. H. Wilson, chief of pollen, 817
capitalization wa $50,000 ..Main 8t . Klamath Fall., sayaf "My
, , , , , exiMtrlence with Doan'a Kidney I'llla
Larger enterprises, requiring larr- prov,. ry ,,fMClory. can
er loan In their development, and recommend Dcan'a to auyiinn a they
the desire of the bank to he able tu do all Ihnt I claimed of them, I had
do ., .hare in .he genera, develop- fto y frjf M H.
ment of the community. Influenced ( Kidney Hill were rectimmended to
me su j Have uirni a iriai, r ivo ouiea
cured me of tb trouble and alnca
then 1 haven't had rhnumatle palna
or any symptom of kidney disorder."
(Statement given March 11, 11.)
On March IS, mo, Mr. Wilson
aald: "I have had no sign of kidney
complaint alnce Itoan'a Kldaof I'llla
cured me. I am alwaya ready to aay
a good word for Doan'a."
Priest 0c. at all dealer. Don't
simply ak for a kidney remedy get
Il0'?..KI,ln'' ,,,IU " " hl
Mr. WlUon had. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Mff., Huffalo, N, V.
the director to sanction the In
crease, which ha been In contempla
tion for some time.
FINKII FOR lni'.Kr:.N.rtft
"Thank to Tanlnc I am now en-
Joying II fo for the first time In
yeara," recently declared Arthur le
beau, foreman of thu Porter Screen
Co., Wlnooakl, Vermont "For five
years I wa a sick man My prlncl-,
put trouble was Indigestion. I had
Several who celebrated the Fourth'
well but not wisely appeared before
.Police Judge A, I. Iavltt yester
day and paid for their degression.
J. W. Perdue. John Uhrlne and J,
Dougherty paid IE for being drunk
! and disorderly. II. Caglll waa fined
19 and given & days In Jail aa this wa
alleged to be only one of many like
offense for him. Joe Nixon waa
given 10 day In Jail. This last sen-
fence waa suspended on condition
that be leave town at once and get to
work, thu having the city n big
board bill.
fj&vt Jaw
Tha Best Bcaust-Ub-Spoiltd-Food;
NKVADA CITY. July 7. John II.
Richard, well known citizen of this
In Jtnly und France. I eight mile 'no appetite and generally went off to place, aed away nt hi homo at thu
The Crntnn water tunnel In New
York l XI' mile lone, while the tun
nel whleh drain the Freiberg inlnt-t.
In Saxony, ,11 1 mile Ions. Tlie St,
I knew If I ate anything It
only upset me,
"My condition was so bed In fact,
Clair tunnel, eonnertlne Sarnla. Ont-V couIU neither alecp, int nor work
with Port Huron. Mich- I two mile
Ions, and thr Strawberry tunnel in the
Wasatch mountains la CO miles long
work without any breakfast becnuelco 0f 65 year after un lllnes of
AshUnd'Medford-Kkmath Falls Auto Stage
Equipped with Pneumatic Shock Absorbers
Leaves Klamath Falls daily at 8.30 a. m.
M.ake-rdservations at the Pastime Billiard Room
Phone 460
The Ark of the Covenant.
The Ark of the Onenant wa tha
sacred client which the Lord directed
Moei to inuke to contain the table
of the law which be had received on
Mount Sinai. It wa four and one
half feet long, two and one-fourth feel
I wide and two and one-fourth feet high.
It waa covered within and without
with gold and wa rarrled by staves
Inserted In rlnga nn the corner. Tills
Ark of the Covenant wa the niont
aacred p"M-lnn of the Israelite. It
wu placed, in the holy of holies In the
tabernacle nnd Inler In a similar pol
tlon In Solomon' temple. The ark wn
curried from one place to Himther and
what finally became of It I unknown.
.... i .-ii n-n-i r. uLiLiumanjiruu j..
I . - m I
j Western Moral bhop
fflHaaW BHBnBaV9BBaV bBbV
living and departed, flower
are (he logical, natural tri
bute of esteem and affection.
Belli Nature' loveliest gift
to man (except .woman), you
cannot anew your feeling la
a tenderer way than by
mean of floral gift., pfcooae
froa, our larga. a4 baatttl
fol array. Set placet ade
to ofder.
with any satisfaction und was no ncr
voua that the least thing would upset
mo. Nothing seemed to agree with
mo and I wouliMiuve severe cramp-
Ing palna In my stomach and at time
my heart would palpltu(e badly. 1
also Buffered from sbortnes of
breath, and the leaat little oxcrtlon
would make my heart thump llko un
"At last I almost decided I would
give up my Job as I got so weak and
miserable I felt I could stand It no
several months.
After thirty-two year' waiting,,
Mlsa Hurrl Smith, debarred from
the lntltuto of Chartered Account-
ant Because 01 nor sex, na neen au
rnlttcd, and become the flrst and
only woman chartered accountant In
the Riitlh empire.
! M Mi 53fc.
i . - 5
Weighing Ice at Horn.
A chin- exllmate of- the weight of
lee can be reached by tniiltlplylm; to
jrether the length, hreadili mid thick
nehs uf the block In Im he, and divid
ing thu prodtiet by .'10. Thin will br
very .clokely the wight In pound-.
Thu. If a Idoek 1 HI liy 10 by i, the
product Ik fKK' and IIiIh divided by HO
gives HO pntimN, u eonect weight. A
block 10 by 10 by 0 weigh 20 pound.
Thhi dimple method inn be easily ni-
piled, ami it may K,-rve to remove .un
just aunplciuiiv, or to detect abort
"I novor have the slightest symp-l
torn of Indigestion now and I feel
like a brand new man In every way.. You may take that ault to the tailor'
My appetite I plendld, my norve' a dozen tlmea and ask him to try and
are ateadled and I alecp aoundly at remove the apota and brighten It up a
night. The work I used to dread bit, but he cannot do It. Dry clean
now aeema easy forne and I am now ng I the only effective way. It coat
In the very 'pink of condition.' Of' little more but then you have prac
courae, 1 am only too glad to recom-'ilcnlly a new-looking ault. Itrlng it
here next tlmo.
"One nlgbt a I sat reading a pa
per I aw a etatememt about Tanlac d tng med,cnP..
which convinced me It wa just me
medicine I needed. It helped me! Tanlac I uold In Klamath Fall by
from the rery first dose and nt the the Star. Drug Co., In Lorella by thoj-
time I had finished rny third bottle, I Jumea .Merc. vo nnu in Merrill oyi
hardly knew myeelf. . 1 the Southern Oregon Drug Co. Adv. '
4M Main Ht.
Klanuttli Pall, Ore.
----. ..... ............. mm
Most Difflcultis Bravely.
It in only falnt-liearlednes that tlla
dovp and find things hard and Im
-xr-ilhie. Courage glorlet In dlfflcul
tlin liccflDse by overcoming tbeui It
gainx Ktrength.
Imitation Paarla.
Tie Jponee produce an Imitation
Mail hx.faatanJnaT aoloce at oikr.
of -pearl la the ahell of'tht pearly oys
ter aii.1 allowing It to remain Utor far
a number of jroara.
knPnnawananananana InnV nTaanV nani
! 610 Main Street
not dukes in this restaurant They are employed
to serve you and not to stand around with gioomy
faces. .We serve such good meals that we couldn't
afford to risk spoiling your enjoyment of them by
poor help. See the point?
1 The Jewel Cafe 1
tawsaownwwi '!-"