,":' qr"?..-.-v TWK lYlWHii HPULB. .V FALLS, vOmCOW "ilW MrV R i I PERSONAL MENTION I o o Maurice L. Johmon and MIm Ag im Leo, deputy count); assessor, lutl this morning tor the Agency whoro they will pass most of tlio wcok appraising tlio Indian lands. Mrs. F. K. Manning Is hero from Medford to visit with her daughter, Miss Mario Kambo. Mrs. J. 8. Dawson visited Mr. and Mrs. h Rutherford, Sunday at their homo In tho Orlndalo district. W. A. Delicti, who has been at tending the Democratic convention at San Francisco for tho past week, rutur.ned homo yesterday. J. V. Collier wns In Saturday from his homo near Olene, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hlrvl spent yes terday In Illy attending tho last of tho rodeo there. Judgo D. V. Kuykendall and son, John, accompanied hy his father and mother. Dr. and. Mrs. W. Kuyken dall, who aro visiting hero from Eu gene, and Mrs. Mary Cool, drovo to Crater Lake Sunday and returned yostcrdsy. Dr. Kuykendall, who had not been hero since the time of the Modoc war waa pleasantly surprised with the changes which have come over Klamath county. He returned this morning with fall wife to their homo In Kegeae. J. C. Beyte and family and Oscar Brenemaa mad family made up a par ty of Klaaaath'tjeople who Journeyed 'to Crater Lake. They camped at the Agency sprWa cast finished the trip to the rlarvemday. On their way homo last Bight the party camped at Bartlett springs long enough to 'broil chickens and cook a fine sup per. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Patrick were other visitors at Crater Lake Sun day. It Is reported by people who visit ed the Crater Sunday that there were store people at the lako on that day than there has been on any one day In tho previous history of the park. Mr. and Mrs. C, It. De Lap cud family spent yesterday fishing nnr Keno. They report that the fish wore not very plentiful as they didn't get a bite. Rev. K. P. Lawrence took a num ber of little girls on a Jolly picnic to Spencer creek yesterday. Walter Fahrlg was a visitor at the Rim of Crater Lake 8unday. B. O. McOee spent the Fourth and Fifth aa a guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Hague, at their ranch home rn the Keno road Frank Griffith was in Klamath Falls orec the Fourth from his ranch ' in Poe valley. John S. Dawson, a postal carrier, ha returned from a short visit to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Stttxer and daughter, of Dorrls, spent Monday with Mr. In Roland' Stltser spent Sunday town from hi horn la Dorria. A party ot young folk chartered the "Oregon" and spent Saturday and Sunday at Rocky Point. Those in tho party wero Lcotta Noud, Lu etic Hockley, Rota Low, draco Hoag land, Jack Llnmnn, Martin Ttatnsby, Wayne Hooch, Stanley HaJIcok and Mrs. Noud, who chaperoned tho party. J. t Magulro and family and sis tor. Miss Margaret Magulro. who Is visiting hero from Uoston, wont by ear to Olcno yesterday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chor pentne. x T F. Leonard and family, who have been visiting with Mr. Icon ard's ststor, Mrs. It. 1.. 'Dawessn and family, for tho past two weeks, re turned this morning to their home In 'Junction City, Kansas. Mrs. Clcorgo A. Mil too and child ren, Kay and Roy, who have been visiting a sister In Susanvllle tor tho Vast two weeks and a brother In Medford, aro expected home tho mid dle ot tho week, Mrs. Qeorgo Chamberlain, 1211 Crescent avenue, underwent a critical operation at the Warren Hunt hos pital yesterday morning. While her condition la serious reports this mcrnlng Indicated that she was rest ing easily and her recovery is confi dently expected. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Goodhue and family of New York city aro In the city en route for Eagle Ridge, where Mr. Goodhue will try a few weeks fishing. Mrs. C. E. Lambert, 1185 East street, underwent an operation at the Warren Hunt hospital yesterday. Sho Is making good progress toward re covery. , Jack W. Dodd and son. Jack. Jr., who wero hero to attend tho celebra tion at Dly, returned to their homo in Sacramento on the morning train. F. D. Prentice, ot Chicago, III., who has been hero' visiting his broth er. Dr. C. O. Prentice, for the past two weeks, left this morning for San Francisco en route to New York. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Collier and have been visiting Mr. Collier's nephew, Andrew Collier, left on tho morning train for Kugeno whero they will make a short visit. Miss Fern McKllllgan and W. L. Craig, who have been visiting rela tives and friends here for the last four days, returned to their home In Medford this morning. W. W. Johnson and family left this morning for Portland where they will spend the summer. Mrs. 8. R. Wright left this morn ing to visit friends In SIsson. Calif. Mrs. A. Martha Walker was a paa senger on the morning train for Lake Tahoe. California, and from there sho will go to her home In Ocean Park, California. Mrs. Walker has short vacation and - I ' I'' II in II . 11 , Wf Pllsssss "" 7L L r ' -- -s-1 task . taaa .!. .Ill .afsnaV aV Baeaa, aSS sk'.. -. MlkF lid . X I Clearaway of all Coats and Wraps Many of those outdoor gar ments are of such perfect be eoiningncss that they will be worn for months to come with pleasure and pride. And the prices represent so low a cost that many of them are offered at really a third of what new wear of the same materials will be priced at in the coming season. Economies like these come seldom in a lifetime. Prices fTMi $16.50 tt $35.00 ? T ? T t r r r X X X Big Snap 40-in. Dress Voile, shown in big range, new pat- terns. Special OS7C JULY CLEARAWAY OF ALL DRESSES Clearaway of all SUITS Hero are offered suits in ultra fashionable materials and making that really could not be purchased at wholesale to day for anything like the prices at which they have been mark ed down. Only the positive policy of this store not to carry any garment over from ono season to tho next makes such drastic reductions possible. Prices fro $25.00 tt $55.00 Children's Sox With fully three months' fashionable wear ahead, these big reductions on S338 S3VSShi-ff Td New shipment of Children's ceptional attractiveness that will appeal p" ,,.." to every woman who appreciates tthe icrl"m best in style and workmanship at prices frankly far below original cost values up to $45.00 $1.00 t :: A i Special at $ 2 qso and Mrs. M. A. Callaghan. Mr. nnd,Wn hpr. on Mrs. Smith, Miss Logan and Mr....k ,, ,.,, rv-.,,, r,v Mrs. A. W. Ash and son, Itoy Ash, WJckert of Anderson, California, Wero also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cal laghan. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Roberts with their diugbter, Miss Audrey, left to day for Spring Creek where they will spend most of the summer Koscoe Dlenn and bride left Sat urday for San Francisco and other California points. They expect to re turn In a short time to make their home In Klamath Fals. Mrs. Blehn was Miss Emma Hutchinson ot Seat tle, before her marriage. went to Weed this morning to make their home. Mrs. John McKay, who has been here on a visit for the last three days, returned to her home In Weed on the morning train. John Nicholson went to Ivan, Ore gon, this morning to work in the. lumber mills there. C. K. Theyer, ot Dorrls, who spent the week end in Klamath Falls, re turned to Dorrls this morning. fttommtSiftore H. N. MOE, Proprietor '$M.$Me Ernest Dunke left thla morning for a tour ot northern points. He may doclde to make his home In Portland. D. E. Wellman left this morning tor Chleo where he will visit his els tor for about ten days. E. L. Chldster and J. W. Johnson AT THE THEATERS were passengers on the morning train for San Francisco. They have been here on a visit for the past four days. Charlea Kllngensmytb, of Port land, who baa been here on business, lly popular request tho manage ment ot tho Star Theatro will play a return engagement of the Bantell Company tonight. Tho Company will appear in an en- tiro now act. Kwert and Ewert have a veTy clever comedy, singing, danclng.talk Ing and musical act. This Is undoubtedly one of the best vaudeville show that havo played STAR THEATRE 0VWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW TONIGHT 4 ACTS VAUDEVILLE 4 ACTS THE GREAT S ANTELL CO. FAMOUS STRONG MAN MISS SADIE SHERMAN Character Singing Commedienne, will appear in an entire new act consisting of popular songs ana impersonations EWERT AND EWERT Comedy, Singing, Dancing, Talking and Musical numbers retprned to his home there this hore for some tlmo. morning. I J. Dodge left this morning' for Ivan. Oregon, where he baa taken ai Etlol Clayton's position In the Kesterson mill at that "More Deadly Than the Male," SAVINGS AND LOAN BRANCH PLANNED D. W, C Nelson, general agent ot tho Union Having & Loan associa tion ot Portland, Is In tho city fcr tho purpose of establishing a branch of the association hore. He will be hern for a week. He Is seeking to Interest local persons In tho organization ot the branch, headquarters requiring that at least 10 local Investors tako stock before the branch Is formed In any community. Mr. Nelson states that be Is inetit ing with encouragement and will picture,, oa"r Kt tho local stockholders. It i. inn association is cstabl shed a local aw,w 'vmu, ,.mh .un m.h.u, ..... a . a .... a a ifiun w 1 1 1 u rnnutn ria mwah. place, saia to nave an tno earmarks or a -" " Lewella Itboten went to Bray, Cal-)""" " " i"- uiu.o Ifornla. thla mornlnr where aha will the finale when a few rerelatloDsl probably make her home. turn u abruptly Into a delightful W. C Gould and wife, M. P. Drao- comedy drama. The central figure I ken and Miss F. B. Beal motored capable, blgh-splrlted girt in love here from San Francisco and spent wlth wealthy clubman who Is used the day on the Upper Klamath lake to Marching In queer corners ot the globe for excitement and adventure. 4 days closing out sale ot Blouses 'wben n ureB lm to settle down at Qertrude tc Co. 6-7 .to useful occupation, ne retorts tnat there aro no thrills In modern clvltl- KX-SKRVICR MAN .latlon. -whereupon sho sets out to WITHOUT KIN DKADjP nlm mwtaken. t aii sorts 01 usir-raising inc'iicnti In a mountain camp follow. Tho con- "This city's rapid growth makes It necessary, If It Is to ho a rommunlty whom cltliuns own thulr own homes, that Ihoro bo organizations of this kind to flnanco tho in. At the rato Klamath Falls Is growing thero Is room here for a dozen savings and loan associations. Thoy tako care of a class of loans, small long term loans, that tho banks are not always able, and never anxious, to handle. I have scon all ot thn local banker and havo rocelvcd much encourage ment from them regarding the en franco' of thn Union Saving Loan association Into Klamath Falls." About tt price. page. Qortrude A Seo ad on other Co. , -7 Edward A. Nearing, who has been sick here for several weeks, died Sat urday afternoon with cancer of the PICTURE PROGRAM Ethel Clayton in "MORE DEADLY THAN THE MALE, Her greatest triumph in motion pictures The Carter De Havens in "TEASING THE TEASERS" Two Reels of Comedy PricM 25 and 50 conU ., . ,. TWO COMPLETE SHOWS EACH NIGHT serratorr ban been tranii formed Into n A frlVfttn liinsvln tin fXtrhtti m fntitl stomach and was buried yesterday at I a. ., ,. ... .., , .1J in -v........ ..... n- c A w ' lduel w,th th0 'rt' UPDOSlid HUH- 10 o'clock, the Iter. E. P. Lawrence officiating. The decedont was a soldier who as far as can be learned has no living relatives. However, an effort is still being made to' lo cate klnfolk. The Red Cross is go Ing to take over debts Incurred dur ing his Illness and they also attond ed to the burial. MARKBT REPORT PORTLAND, July 0. Cattle weak, choice grass steers llO.SO-and fll.50; hogs steady, prime mixed fll.SO and $1; shwp steady, lsa.be fl9.se, aid 111; better steady, cubes extras, IS and 61 cents; eggs steady, buying price si ceaU- , , , band, a dam bursts wit1: noarly dls- Aalrntia VABIllItt Afwl flnnltv HiAra la fl discharged pfnortInff Bet,0 wah tbe nurbor pollco, at the end ot whka the hur rassed hero ia brought to. 'Informed ot the real state of affair, nnd agrees to stay cIobo to tho family fireside thereafter. Tbe story was adiptcd from a norelletto appearing In a popular Ac tion magazine recently, "Moro Deadly Than the Male" will bo tho attraction at tbe Star Thoatro tonight. Miss Miranda Steele, 14 years old, has bees, employed for 67 years In fcfce, alll l CUre4pt, J; , LIBERTY THEATRE Ten PICS Of Tan HOTUsUM AND ": W pooliB Owaier HARRr BOREL, Mnstcal Dlietoe AMi-aywMiu iViiwii-iniuLnnnnni-iiuiA-Lajwj TONIGHT Mitt Shirley Maton in "HER ELEPHANT MAN" The Best Circus Story Ever Screened Today we will also show the Fourth Episode of "THE EVIL EYE" , The great story starring Benny Leonard, Champion Lightweight of the World WEDNESDAY "MOTHERS OF ME" THURSDAY May Allium in "THE CHEATER" MATINEB KVERY DAY I i H mmmmM ' M V I