F-r ft IMIMUAr, JLV 1, ltM THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PA0I9 TWO tf l- J CONTRALTO HAS ' GREAT FUTURE Harriet e1imluli.nl Pnsmoro, contralto, is In become a itre.il nml famous singer Stio U great now anil 'in tho cry ptlnio of youthful devel opment. Stic In nn A. II. of llta I'nt Torstty of Onllfornln. with "honors In French: " piny tho platto, hnvltig filled professional engagements In thnl capacity, she Is a pool wrote 'Dlorf Momorlalla" which, Jur father evenness ot timbre thruout nn un usual range, Accuracy ot nttiick, pur ity ot Inloiintlou, mill clarity In dic tion are excellencies showing her enrrful training, To this technical equipment she mtiln a nmiintlatlc temperament readily ndaptiMo to olthor Irrlc or drnniaUr mood. OREGON BREVITIES V "1ilVliillJiJ- a ; o ) ! KOSKIURO. July 1 With J. V Wnllncc as prisoner. ShtrllT tleorg K. Qutne returned to ttoaeburg Mint-1 day nlRht, nfter n hard trip to l ton, Washington, and return. V.ii ,lco Ir nccuicil of helng the nittnlH ant of Mrs, tll.Tonl limn tit on. who! on May 2!Uh vn attacked, beaten ed wide BtJrntlen: she has wanda "'" "" "f " """ "" """ ful histrionic ahllt. and hat takro "-"j' ". ""I principal rols In Shakespearean .in.l P." . "wn other ;..a. 1in set to mii'Ie: anil Iter pnsm on tho front n few jcars ago Iim attract- Ths-rrleotier denies the charge ntnl ' he ha? iimit hin tn Ihft . (tlcnilAlrt vl-oltillv ntnl She l b feet tall nnd In an ardent ,, t)tt , uate iinortRnomail llay-! tennis, hlkoa , i, . ..... ,.. . for miles, and while at feanta Ho hb crw( Mni ,,nm,1Uin ,, lu,r barn swin tnrea miles t6 a IT. 8. bolt .,.,,.,,... ,.i,i...i.- i.i...if.. wn-. a being the man who commlttrd the crime.- OOl.D 1111.1., July prospectors working I. Locnl oil In tho Doer makes ctcck country between (irnnts I 'ass and Waldo are Jubilant uer u d encry that has diverted their at tention entirely from oil. Thoy have uncovered an extensile deposit of anchored In tho channel, and back she In n very had cook a perfect adept at spoiling nood food. A beef steak of her cooking Is a dream u ad dresm after It Is ratont Hut In song she Is supreme! She such snncs as "Deep ntver," ".Mam y'a Sonit," "The American's Come." a precious memory that will nerci fade. An ordinary sinucn- with n lovely ore containing platinum to the alue Ice will please, for tho moment and of $126 a ton, $105 In tin nnd rnin Is forjeotten; tho tones and expres- ganeso $6.95. tea of a areat singer mako thst There Is gold nnd other minerals taper Impression that grows with In tho deroslt, which is n mountalu weeding time. They are like the ot metallic value and accessible. lefty mountain peaks which oncei Ma are never forgotten; whero out' TILLAMOOK, July 1. The body C sight they still seem to beckon of William Landls was discovered and say, "Corao bact when you will, about 3 a. m. Saturday after It had y akall be here." So to hear Harriet been In the ocean all night. He was Pernors In the full bloom of youth drowned Friday afternoon while Bah si beauty Is to become possessed of Ing off tho shoals at Kate Klwanda. tsat priceless memory which will be near Tactile City. A nostra largo Joy forever. wave washed hlme off the rocks and The program of the concert, next he was unable to get back on them. Thursday evening will appear at an, ' arty date. Tickets my be secured' ORK8IIAM, July 1. As tho result at Shepherd's Piano Depot, and at ot all tho outlying school districts, Use Klamith Falls Music House, and except Victory, voting not to join atay be exchanged for reserved seats thoio alresdy enjoying the advant at the offlco of the opera house be- ages ot the Union High school at ginning with Tuesday, Juno 29. Oresham, It is estimated that SO or Following are a few ot Harriet CO school children finishing the Passaore'a press netices: tgrado school sthis sammer will be Jeanne Redman In Los Angelei unable to complete their educations. TUsjea": Miss Paamore has a very , beautiful contralto, and one which It SALEM, Jul yl. Mrs. Rosa C. weaU'be a jleaaure to listen to of- Martin, 79 years of age, died Satur aa. She possesses a very large day at her home, 1560 Lee street alee, with breadth and depth, and Mrs. Martin baa resided In Salem for the true contralto quality. It boa a 18 years and la survived by one son taaclousnesa and color decidedly un- and three daughters. Um Angeles "Tribune": Miss ' HOOD RIVKR. July 1. Colonel Harriet Pasmore made an unusually J. B. Fithlan, pioneer Portland newu ae Impression In the Patriotic Com- paper man and printer and at one snualty Pageant produced recently at time associated with Sidney Dell In Exposition Park. 1 Issuing the Portland Democrat, I Ray Brown In San Francisco "Kx-1 critically 111 at the Cottage hospital amlner": Miss Pasmore has a eon- here. Colonel Fithlan. whoae title tralto voice" of remarkable beauty comes from his serving on the staff and richness, flexible utterance and of Governor Orover, came here last ii u 8 :: n t K II FOUNTAIN PENS TICJtroiXT WATKltM.l.VH (ONHI.IN'8 Wo Iiim ii point to fit jour hand 52.75 lo $6.25 BsssKfflssaffiru STAR DRUG CO k, i:. in wi.i:sk i. H. I'OI'li FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED All the Reed llntti tti your iuKutiHg nro IikuikIii out win'ii develop mill print your fl'r Work rni;iMu lii'fi'ii f P M r"ii"lv the net iluy ut t 1' M Mail itduts ciM'ti uircfiil iitinutli'ii corona i: TYPEWRITER J; O Tim pcrsnniil writing niuulilnn J; I'old It up Tnktt It with yon - J J lypowritu niiyvMur rrico in r'tiiltiiit ni'ryiiig ' $50.00 ti&Sma8M8mi3X& FOR THE TEETH i ..si Arlivodeut Toolh Panto. Chlino.1 T nth Pat . . .. .PelMT.O Tooth I'linte . Ovcilvno Tdoth l'st . . . ColFiM a Tooth P.ISU' Furbun's Tooth I'ssto . . 1. lh'i Tooth I'mip 1 eiu'tol Toolh Pntt Senn'c- Tooth l't .. . Kuihrmol Tooth Paste Soimlent Tooth Paste . MnrHiIt , t Tooth V-lt' l.juii h tiintal Crtnm , S S Whiles Tooth Pistil 1'yorrlioeiile Tooth Powdiir Its.nr s To tli Powder, l. on's Tooth J'ouder Revi'J.itlim Tooth Powder... :We Puroln Tooth Powder noc ReJiill Aiillteptltf Powder - USo Pearl Tooth Powder mi ll rave's. Tooth Powder . title Sanlt I Tooth Powder two Rtinltol Toolh Pnsto ..o t'alox Tooth Powder :t,v Ruhifonm tt.io Perodlxo Tooth Paste. .. ... ilcte Klcmo Tooth Paste. . . ... l!.1r Klenio Antiseptic Liquid .. r,Vv and a.v Hexull Tooth Pnsto ... :t(e Pepsodont Tocth Paste.., ,VJe .-.Of Illlr u,' 5le :nc !l(lc ittlo IK ...a;ie ami ui !M)e I I 5 VACUUM BOTTLES ' Krrp llnultli hot SI houn. Keep UiuliU mid -1H liourn Pint size $2.50 to $4.00 Quart size $4.50 to $6.00 VI' pint size $2.75 to $3.50 Fillei-s, pint $2.25 . Fillers, quart.. $3.25 WEEK END SALE The following prices for Fritlrty nnd Saturday only! GOc Harmony Liquid Shampoo. Contains cmulrifiod cocoanut oil. JMakos the hair soft and ylosy. Week end price .'. 39c .$2.00 Symbol Fountain Syringe. 2 quart, seamless bag. Guaranteed oije year. Week end price $1.57 $1.25 Dlaek Bristle Hair Hrush. Solid back. Good stiff bristle. Week end price 83c 76e Whisk Broom, strongly mae of goodrfine broom corn. Week end price :..55c 25c Renee Borated Talcum pleas ing odors. Rose or violet. Best quality talcum with boric acid. Week end price 17c 40c Vanilla Extract. Symond's Inn Brand. Made extra strong from vanilla beans. Week-end price 29c GOc Opeko Coffee 45c GOc Opeko Breakfast Tea 50c 40c Symond's Inn Cocoa 29c t , I RUBBER GLOVES to protect the hands' and finger nails when doing housework. Hercules Gloves, pair. 75c Extra Heavy Gloves $1.00 I'ltlCKH DO NOT INCl.tDK HKVKNUK TAX I WWWWWWWWfJ? The IWXOsCU Store Mail Orders Filled Promptly PURE DRUGS Arnnmt'e rflnP'jru. A Ot H.lr ( .impliorati'd oil, a ot :iv Cnt..r o I, 3 os i!V T'MWivm Cistor Oil. 3 m.. .. :." t'o ikiiiiiI Oi(, a m " 8i' mi i'Nmphoi,a 3 os , ""' Oil Kumlyjitun, 8 OS :LT- P vidertil Altl n. 8 0s. , ... Mr ('urn l.tllh-r. 8 ill "llr limn Arl.l. os '-"I- Umax. pinnd -,'' t'iniiirtt IlHrk. 3 o '-"" t'riMittt Tartar. 3 ox an- I'lixxeed. X iu .. ttV (liminit KIhxskimI. k ut .... av Kpsoul Haiti. Ill lit ,... !!V Ptirutest l!iom Krtlls. Ill m tr I'owdiired Clmrro.il, 3 ot I." Ulitvk l.ear "10", 1 o U Huhark Insni't I'.wdcr. I in., . mi- ('niiiiiumt l.k-orU'e Powdor, i iu U'- lticlielli H.ills, 3 ut.., .,,... aV Pilllnra l.iith, 2 m -.. i)i Wlleh lliuvl. 1(1 ot :.. .".(! DoiiiitiirKil Alcohol, 1(1 ox... il.lr l.linu Water, 1(1 n I.V llljii'rln. .1 ot a".e Bwiel Oil, I ot nv (Ioiimi Oil, 2 ot ,-0i Heiitm l.i'4is,3 ox s Tiirpi'iitliiw, 4 ex yvc Itotit Water mid Ulyrerlne, i ot. Mr Salt Petru, 4 ot ,..-.j l!V Olhii Oil. S ot T.tc Agar Agar, cut, i or 7f Tincture Iodine, 1 ox. ac DEPILATORIES For lleinovlng nupr.tflou liilr Nirt .... .fIJMI nnd iVk- PiiiiiIu Depilatory M: Vetvrtlnu Depllutory VI.IMI I Mm I rue I n, . aj mid "Or I'lieluctlni- .... as IX) llatln's Depilatory . noc KODAKS AND FILMS "Ktrr (himl Time I KoiLik Tlinr" Koiink !.4 tn a.njt llrownlns . .fU.IMi to p I U.O.I ;: kSrArSr ri ! sHwrsrawwHis year to live at the Dee homestead place of Albert Tosler. He is a na tive of Virginia. For a number of years be resided at Oregon City. So far as known, Colonel Klthlaa has no living relatives. not going to misplace any. Iteckon "They tell you not to worry about I'll sweep along." tho state election law, they'll hold "No offense," hastily npnlo- a city election this fall that will gized, regretting our over-vagnrnriM stick. They told you last spring that to display our literary knowledge., tho Mills addition sower bond Issue flAINlKR. July 1. The Menetee "Cast a few pearls our way and we'll endeavor to appreciate them." "Hpeaklng of pearls," said the vis- Grocery Stock, For Sale in Large or Small Quantities a I NOTICE OF SALE OJF MORTGAGED CHATTELS Pursuant to the terms of a certain mortgage executed by P. C. Knight and Ora M. Knight to the Medford Grocery Company, tho said Company will, on Friday, July 2nd, 1920, beginning at 10 o'clock A. M. on said day and continuing thereafter till nil of the following described stock of merchandlso and flxturos are sold, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In small lots or parcels at Number 119 North Fourth Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, the following described property, to-wlt: All ot that stock of merchandlso and fixtures consisting of groceries, foods and supplies, safe, scales, show cases and all fixtures, tools and paraphernalia now being in said location. Dated June 25, 1920. r The Medford Grocery Company x x a Lumber mill announces that they Itor. dropping his ruffled feathers uud will close for 30 days next Wednes- settling down comfortably again, day. The reason given Is dullness of j "They tell mo Frank Upp, tho Jowul tho lumber market, the lumber cost- cr. N aiming to bo your next mayor, log' morn than san bo realized for It. A fresli kid with n ,22 was aiming at a hell-diver up on the lake where 1 (tRKSHAM, July 1, fltoa l.und- hold out tho other day, and u funny thing, too. That kid seemed to have n mlnhty gocd nlm hut ho wasted a lot of powdor and leud nnd stirred up tho Hater around fhcro right smart. Only trouble was tho diver born, 12-jcnr-old daughter ot Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. I.undborn of the Ori ent neighborhood. Is In a critical condition us the result of an accident on tho family farm this week. BRYAN WILL FIGHT WET PLANK ON FLOOR was all right, spite of all tho expert bond lawyers from hero to Halifax,) William J. Ilrjnn. in a fighting mood speaking nt a gutimrlng ) turday expressed Ills dissatisfaction on be en And vlw of sower trenches being dug Iu ,,, ,nal ,m ,.,,,.,,,,, n ,!Kht ,n thn iiiiiih n'nnni u ail w isnaiisi with the wet and dry sltuutlc unu i naven i .nugnt any mrils-oyo for , .,,,, commute, Mills addition and Hill lUldwIn ulu't convention and "hod to gain ills- While disking a small piece of dived too fast for him. Hut tho kid ground sho attempted to alight and was aiming for lilm ull tho time, fell under the disc, almost sovcrlng Well, I hopo Frank gels It. You need a leg below the knee. THE OLD PELICAN DROPS IN ON US 1 a chango of mayom." "Why, what' tho matter with tho mayor wo havo?" wo surprlsedly juuurled 4,1 -coming at an, noiuing at uu, oald tho Old Pelican hastily, "hut Id Pelican waddled "'owly.wm, a the need for buildings you've unctum, flapped UmbrouslyBCt icf0 a glmno Q K()0( aa j WK'I.Ii UK GliAD TO TKIA VOU . Just what It will cost to move ycur household effects to your now home it you will phone us to call and size up how big a van will be re quired. You'll find our charges very reasonable, our service prompt and efficient. Western Transfer Co. 7M Mala Pboaa m- Baa. IMR Tho Oli! Into tho sanctum 1 at... itiii .tniitl MM. I .11.1 n AU iu mo run ui mu .. u.u .. curocntor'a tools iret rustv. Kculnc I teetering flip-flops back and forth os 10 ,luIck wuy n wch a un(, no come grnuuauy 10 ancnor. o),lclpcr8 0 ll0 cUy ha KnB pllt up closed a reflective eye. and deftly ex- f , a mlo your mf)(orn nn. traded a half-dead minnow from his guag0 , mj,ht Hay ,pJt ov.r.j.u pouch, proffering It with a generous plQ of ,, ,10UB0H out of ge8lure' llttlo worso than nothing, I'd say "Declined with thanks." wo mndo tliuru'cl bo no limit to thulr output If pollto rejection. "Uko McAdoo, wo t,ny hj tl0 prCpor tools, feel tho Job's tco much for us." -should sort of think thut deul "Queer taste," Hquawkcd thn old would havo l;oon had pollticti for one as ho gulped tbo finny wriggler,' Franklo, but you nover can tell, "but lots of things Ih nueor. Well, Courso tho boys who sell fluffy stuff buddy, I'm Old Pelly from Pelican and smelemi sweet along thn main Pay und I dropped In to say a friend- drag ain't going to feel had uliout ly word or two, and maybe you can holding on tn no mo of their best (put It In tho paper." ' cuslomerM and Iio'h cinched the crowd 1 "I.ny on McDuU and we'll ho tlint lliluk you'vo 'got to havo thum.' damned If wo don't print tho stuff," i "Fr tho other side that 'Let him wo quoted grandly, tho satim being thut Is without sin, wo'vo druv 'em lines from u poem entitled "Tho Hur uU' ot business and now wo cun't let of Savon." written In tho humlot of " smrvo to dentil' speech lu cor Stratford by a Dano uffllcted with talnlyn great oration. Noodle thoro, molancbollu or hydrophobia, or may-.huddy, lots of noodlo.' adding any lo his bathtub stock lo ncl,m un n resor of platforms." iiiKii raro oi tuo mini, nuuiiion u.-, ..a ,nkw y om, , t0 MnK , mand this year. If you had tho In- minority report and there Is that telllgenc.) tbo Almighty gavii mud- nn muti on resolutions committee," hens you'd iw some thlngo for your- , a('d. "1 ramn hero as a delegate self wlthcut such wusto of talk. I'll friim N,runka to lake my case he think It over and If It's worlh wbllo foro , tbous.ind other delegates trying to educate you, I'll take on usuemlili'd hero and let litem answer, thu job. Kiuawk-8iuuwk" " como here to do what I can r Floundering to his feet thn 'Old tho people, not to sue what I can get Pe.llcan flapped hln wings stiffly, gave tbo people to do for me. If I can his propellor a spin or two, and sailed help this world banish alcohol and gracefully forth over tho transom, latter thai banish war If . I can do 'that no otflco or nn presidency can offer tho honors that "Cafeteria" Is n word of Kpunlsh origin. In Mexico n cafeteria Is n wholesale coffee store. trill he mine." A Classified Ad will sell it. bo with a few too many of tbo beuk- era served across tbo bar. "So you're another of 'om," said the old bird, yawning sadly, "Of which," we inquired. "One of those cultured sons-of-a- sesgull whose gears are always so far fn the high that they can't slow down for a minute to take aboard a little ordinary Intelligence In plain old- fashioned United States. I'm unlet tered bat I've read tbe scripture and know a lot.About pearls, and I'm "So you think wn can elect Frank, do you," wo liKiulrotl hopefully. "I'm no prophet," snapped the old bird, glaring scornfully from a red rimmed optic. , "Why don't you ask me whether you can hold an election at all? I'm no lawyer, either, but 1 eat lots .of fisb, and tbey say It's brain food. I'll bring along a pouch full next time I come la. You need them. And. It. wouldn't hurt if yon passed a few around among your friend on the city hall gang. MaasBaBHBsBBjsajaja'aavpvsasajBi gHDIHlaJw 9 nr!wt!.iv5CPB I-" KaflfY ' W II Quality Counts The finest white flour and purest short ening have gone into the making of Snow Flakesand (pedal processes of baking Insure crisp flaklness you'll love these fresh from the oven, slightly ally crackers Don't ask for crackers lay SNOW FLAKES SOME MORR P, C. U. I'KOL JCTS Anlmsls A.HorltdCslirs L.nreabsndwtch Chocolai liclilii Fruit utKuits urn am Crscktrs nora ilsrsbnullowSsadirlca PacificCoastD iscuitEo. )( 's &