'1. srW, i, J rc THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON itimntBDAi; luiri 'at, tUtf L i yv II fSpjgSSSSI M Features Yon Get Exdisircly in Mack Trucks PISTONS AND CYLINDERS Pistons and Cylinders of MACK truck are annealed. If they were not annealed, which in practically all other engines they are not, a par tial annealing process would take place after being put into service, due to the heat of com hustion while running. By the MACK system of annealing distortion is prevented. H.E TELLS NEED OF L N n MACK cylinders are cast in pairs. The mate rial is a special gray iron with graphitic carbon so proportioned as to form an ideal bearing sur face between piston and cylinder when the en gine is in operation. The cylinders are water tested to insure that there are no blow holes or other imperfections. MACK pistons are of unusual length, min imizing side pressure. Each set of pistons is bal anced separately and then, assembled with their rods, they are balanced again. Concentric rings are used instead of the common eccentric rings. The concentric ring fills the groove instead of leaving a gap, and in addition it exert uniform pressure on the cylinder throughout its circum ference. J. H. Garrett & Son MACK - INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION Dr. J. II. Sears, at tho deportment of education of the Leland Stanford University of I'ttlto Alto, Cul dellv ercd an Instru-tlve addn.Hn Friday evening at Miller Hill scbool on the consolidation of schools, California, especially tbe southern part of tbe state, bun proved that conlldatlon of rural districts works advuntsgeously. All over the nation the movement for consolidating s boots and bettering the service la gaining headway. Klamatb li one of the firm Oregon count) to attack the problem. High ffcfaool Coarse If the advocate of tbe comollda. lion of Miller Hill, Summer and Mid land dlitrlcti carry tbelr plan through, which depends upon the re sult of a Joint election bo mo time nast year, central school building will he erected. It will contain four elementary class rosins, nad If a two year high school course Is added, two rooms for the high school grades, nnd doubtless an assembly room that can be used ns a civic center or public auditorium. Ninety pupils now at tend the three schools, under tbe di rection cf four teachers. Automo bile transportation will Iki provided to bring teachers and pupils to tbo central school, I-rjr (Ynwil llrnr Hr urn There ws n large audience to hear the California edu-ntnr, whose repu tation Is statvwlde In California, and even extends beyond the bounds of tho state. Ilesldes residents of Miller Hill, Summers and Midland, tho three dlttrlcts directly Interested, patrons of tho Spring Lsko and Henley schools Were In attendance. It was an enthusiastic meeting end Ing with lively discussion from all Interested In the question I Dr. Sears said In part: t "America was Indeed In danger 'during the present Kuropeuu war from a military standpoint but the greatest danger and the gravest nnd the moat tremendous we fare after the nr the real crisis In tbo mat ters of labor, political affairs, govern mental and educational From tho., prissure of war, many of our Instltu- WOMAN DRIVES CAR lrlvlng tl.o entire distance. Stops i "onH nr "nattered. rortM PUtPArrt ucdp'""'" ,na,l1 hntrin " nlftbt and' "Fcrmerly. our education, conslst mUIVl LHItAUU Ht.Kfc..,ni, rp WIU) t,lwMU ,.,., ,n.ng In the problems of food, shelter 'Mis i: O lleanlslry of Chlcnro'cro;",lnK ,,ln where n little,6"'1 Oottilug a secured In the and her mother. Mrs. Anna Park of l",,, ' B encountered. After. "'". The boys learned to cultivate Portland. Ore , are In Klamath I'alla "' W,',(H vl"11 ln 'orttand with relB-.'he soil, to harvest tho crops, to build on their way to Portland. They r.i "V"H nml ,rlr"lU M" "eardslcy ex- " ue. to raise sheep, to shear, and visiting J 'O lleardsley. father-In- l"'cU' '" ,lr,ye ,,uck ,0 Chicago by, In fact everything essential for the l,.w ..r Mr. 1? n ii...,i.iv ,, wuy 01 Yuliuwsione p.iric. :i-uui urceisiuvs ui me. iuo mri '-" " " W - T.....r-. , husband, Klmer lle.irdley, was for- I M learned to sew, cook, knit, spin, weave, etc. School consisted of the three r'a which was all that was nee emnry Government was a simple thing and there was no great need for , ISjggaESaSSE merly manager of the Klamath Iron Works here They left today ami Under the name of Alpha Delta were accompanied as far us Salem I.'l'sllim, the first woman's legal fro br J. O. Ileanlsley. tOrnlty In the world has been organ The trip here from Chicago was lied by oung women graduates f jlm,lvI,lunU ,0 thoroughly familiar made In 11 Marmlon car, over the tho Arkansas Law School and regu- ,,n ,nu details of It, Lincoln highway. Mrs. Iloudsl.iy lurly Incorporated In that stute. w,l'" "' ' "men n mncnine was myenivu which took tho place of physical labor and mnn was given more time to plan anil think, Then another anil an- 'other and nt present we find tbnt the das of providing every necessity In the homo have passed. Instead of the Ui s when tho legislators did the law-making, we find that tho peoplo are the 'real legislators. Moro and J I1IUIU 111V I11C Itllllli IIJ'Ull IU III'lllIU Issues, Now they must glvo more lime to tho thought of mutters per taining to legislation. They must use tbelr brains and face tho Issues of the day, for It requires brains to control the problems that confront thorn. "In th face of all these Inventions nnd Improvements It Is a fact that there have been fewer Improvements in educational lines than iu almost anything else in rural life. We actu ally find the old ox-cart methods still In existence. We find tho llttlo ono room school with tho teacher trying to loach 31 classes In dny as com pared to tho city systems with some five or six classes at most. Qcnlto men, when you farm, do you go out and weed radishes for IS minutes, then plow another IS, then milk for 10 minutes moro? Do you blumo your teachers of brains and onthusl asm for going to tho city? You Know tearhors are only human belugs after nil. They cannot bu blamed far do siring to associate with otbora whoso work Is along the fa mo linos. They cannot bo criticized for wishing for somo supervision or some lone to whom they can turn with tbelr prob lems, Oi-Cart'sPAy la Past "Tho ox-cart mettiods in education mutt give way, This is not a un solvable problem. I have every con fidence in America's ability to solve this aadaay 'tSeitBWt progress has kern la tie cities. The SKak3JSgg The Prudent Merchant Believes in Progress THE PRUDENT MERCHANT BELIEVES IN PROGRESS AND KEEPS IN CLOSE TOUCH WITH CONDI ' TIONS. HE KNOWS THAT A SUBSTANTIAL BANKING , CONNECTION IS OF VALUE. THE FIRST STATE & SAV INGS BANK OFFERS YOU .A SERVICE OF EXCEP- ' TIONAL USEFULNESS. RrstState Savings Bank Klamath Falls. Oregon city has reached out In ibe country districts and robbed It of Its brains and youth. Tbe youth have gone for they like association, the social activ ities and Uio entertainment which the rural districts have not offered, Tbe gigantic problem of America today is to see that country life survives. It cannot survive on tho old plans. You must get together, you must bare bettor machinery regardless of tbo cost. The building must be for tbe older as well as for the young. You must have a better teaching force. The question arises, does It cost more. My reply Is yes and no. The best Is always tbe choapest. Would you pay 30 cents for an article that Is unus able wbtn you can purchase a splen did article of the highest quality for SO cents? What Consolidation Means "Consolidation means a new com munity center, means more and bet ter education for the children, and a bigger, more wholesome life for all in the rural districts." Went Over Districts. Dr. Hears covered the ground of tbe three districts very thoroughly in the afternoon and gave his opinion that the consolidation was feasible from tyery point of view that of distance to be covered In transporting the pupils, In supporting such a school, etc. Ho made a rtry detailed study of the valuation of tbe dis tricts, lhe size Kf tho plant, tbe amount of bonds to be considered and tho amount of ground adequate for such a plant. High rkhool Ewtitial ' He gave his opinion as to tbo value! of Including two years of high school wcrk In a school of this kind. He believes it is absolutely essential that the beginning of blgb school work should be as near home as possible and tho naturo of the curriculum should conform to tbe needs of tbe farm life. He was particularly Im pressed with the possibilities of tho beautiful valley through which he traveled and predicted If tbo farmers carry out this 'progressive idea of education, Klamath county will In a few years have a name of which she may be Justly proud for when one community adopts consolidation others follow Inevitably. BUSINESS CARDS Klamatb Falls Cyclcry We handle the beat la oar Use, sack aa Motorcycles, Bicycles, I rani' ana Accessories, ooodyear, I rennsyiraaia ana Diamond Tires and Tabes. The house of tbe two and three wheelers, Includ ing Harley-Davldson Berries. n anfiat IIIIMthtt. - Tl raJss "i"-inivvvrviAjTjvjuTjuu PROFESSIONAL CARDS AAAAAAwwkwwwwi -aaQjQQ2BLtaaP PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET W. E. McABOY stalM Mjrtftls la Sb Mae, Peers, rtssas, ate Shop at IIS Mgktk ft. FRED WESTERFELD DKNTWr Phone 4I4W. X-Rav IsikoraSory liBQSSM magi, Oft. V. A. HAMM) Deatk L O. O. V. raoiraea PRIVATE HOSPITAL Rw VWee sfW fas si 301HiffcSL Phm45f i. C. CXEGBOiUt CM1 Bagtaeer assl Offlee S17 Mala at lav, Bes. 1SJ FORMER TEACHER MARRIED IN CAL. Announcement has Just been re ceived by friends here of the marri age In Ilerkcley, Cal., June 19. of Miss Alice I'almcr, daughter of H. J. Palmer of Mcdford, and Clayton Isaacs. The bride taught for two years In tho primary grade of tho Riverside school here, nnd ranked high in her profession. She was considered by patrons of the school as one of the best teachers tho city has ever had. She Is a graduate of tho state normal school at San Jose, Cal. She. Is a young lady of pleasing personality nnd has n host of friends In Klamath Falls. Mr. Isaac served during the great war with the 20th Engineers. He was ono of the first to leave and the last to return. Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac will reside In Berkeley. O. K. FEED el SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. , 1AAAAAmAAA0WWWWWWWWWWW OSke Pheae 177W Res 177 Dr. H. D. Lleyd Stewart rkrsMm aadl Baisjisa White BalMlag Kleaatk rails Oregea MMMMMMWMWMMfWVWMWMMW DR. F. R. GODDARp Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. 0. 0. F. Temple p000mWWWWWWWWWk DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarw PBOITB 84 Dr. P. M. Noel PBomi 4 Ovat Vi L J r Mrs. Calvin Coolldge was a village school teacher when she met nnd married the present Oovemor of Massachusetts nnd Republican can didate for vice president, ut in .rails TO THE KIDNEYS Take a tblesHtonfu of Salts Hack hurts or Illadder bothers. If Wo are a nation of meat cat rs and our blood Is IllloJ with uric acid, says a well-known nuthorlty, wLu wains us to be iMnstnuti on guard against kidney trouble. Tho kidne.ts do their utmost to free tbo blood of this Irritating acid, but become weak from tbo over work; they get sluggish: tho ollml n&tivo tissues clog and thus the wasto Is retained In the blood and poison the entire system. When your kidneys ncho nnd feel. stinging pains In ftho tmcK or tne urine Is cloudy, full nt sediment, or tho blader I trrltntnblo, obliging you to seek relict during tho night; when you linva sovoro nendaches, nervous nnd dizzy spoils, sleepless ness, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad weather, get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon In a glass of water before breakfast every morning and In a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, coniblned with llthla, and has been used for generations to nusn and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so It Is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is lnemenslv e and can not Injure; makes a delightful ef fervescent llthla-water- drink 'aad aohasr. caa , saaks ', mistake by 'tk Isfi a mtto oecwloaWto kttp the klweyi ctoae as attire. DR. G- A MASSEY Foartk aad rW Sta. la Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 497 Res. Phone SIM E.D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PboaealTW 17R Roeass 1 aad S White RaildfakS DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON L O. O. P. RsdMtac PhoacSSe Residence White Pelican Hotel Residence Paoae I. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAHRKN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone. 4B7 Night Pfaoae, SSS KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do AB Karnes of I tag New Ones Mate tOrar ALL WORK GUARANTKHD Phone aSaVT C17 KUaaath Ave. ! Phone 460 Ice Crease 7S Main St Caadies PASTIME Jack Moarow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drinks, Peel and RUUardi Barber Shop in Connection ' OUR MOTTO "Coarteaj aa4 BarrseaH WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY 517 Mala ARTHUR R. WILMR HAW MILL ENGINKERING A CONMTRUCTION CO. Dcalgaera nad balldrrs of BioeV era saw mills, pualng wills aad box plants. Dredging. Pile dVivtag. Phone 4S-W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near H. V. Depot 1 am now prepared to furnish dhasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., sand and gravel pit. In any quantity that may be desired by contractors tnd builders. At, r. GRAHAM. " Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet v Making; Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine d-C EX-BERVICB MEN, ATTENTION I Tho regular meetings of Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will be held at 8 o'clock p. of., at the City Hall In Klamath Falls, on tbe second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All Comrades are In vited. Those desiring to Join tbe Post may secure application blanks from Q. K. Van Riper, Fred Nicholson, or T. H. Carnahan, all ot Klamath Falls. FRED NICHOLSON, Secretary. WESTERN LABOR BUREAU The only place where you can get help and the only, place vfhwm you can get a job. 1034 MAIN ST. 477-J $ Klasnatk Lodge No. 137 L a O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. ball. 6th and Main itreeta. Hyman Wescblor, N. O.; W. C. Welle. Secretary; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer, waana Sncampmeat No. 48, L Q O. F., meets Tuesday algkt of eaak) week at I. O. O. F. hall. W. II. North. 0. P.; W. D. Cofer, Scribe; Fred Bueslng, Treasurer. NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In1 Our Suds" PHONE 1S4 Corner Main and Conger The government 'of Formosa is planning ihe"establishment pf ono' ot the greatest kydro-electrio plants' In the Far 'Bast, capable of supply lis l"AW:Mif"jMvfjrjMfi entire iawaa. "j 4 m I .3 A M t t " , . v.l riUT -ssst a rv tiV ' :J