AT, m M, Iff - THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAOH MI & I ft is !, i1-. HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMN: FOR SALE Real Estate FOR HALK Ten Room Houso A flno blft 10 room modern house on' corner 11th nnJ Wordcn Are., two lots 60x110. This 1 a real bur at, $5000; $2000 cash, balance easy terms. ) --3 Room House This Is a line modern bungalow, with bath and built In features, com Pletely furnished, close In on 9th St. Price 5B00; one-halt cash, balance easy terms. 3 Room House A nlco little 5 room house with bath; close In on 11th nnd Pine. Price, Including range and hot water tank, $2500; easy terms. 4 Room House A nice 4 room house on Crescent Are., with bath and sleeping porch, two large lot 30x170. Price $3500. 4 Room House A good 4 room house on 3rd and Lincoln. Price $1700. I still have for sale few good res idence lots close In. Also some of the best ranches, In Klamath county. T. 11. WAITERS REAL ESTATE 20 Main Phone 379W 39-30 FOR SALK Oil TRADE Beautiful residence lit. two blocks off Main on 6th St. Will take car In good condition aa part payment. 8mall car preferred; terms. 29-1 Portland Iota or farm in Jackson county. Ore., for Klamath Falls prop erty. W. C. Renter, St. Maries, Ida ho. 29-30 FOR SALK 18 acres good land right In hub of Roguo River valley on Pacific high way, 3 miles north ot.Ashland, Ore. All under irrigation; good 7 room house, electric water system, new barn , chicken and wood house; 13 tier oak woed: garage for two cars. Alfalfa and wheat crops growing on place, H acre truck farming, ma chinery, household goods, 10 head dairy cattle, 3 horses, 200 chickens. Also 9 acres In alfalfa and wheat on rented land. 10 acres barley, fine crop; 6 aerea corn, 13 tons hay In barn, cblcken and wood house; 8 good range for stock. Price 49000. This is a bargain worth Investigat ing. If Interested see owner at farm or address J. F. Dltsworth, Talent. Ore. Reason for selling age. 24-31 FOR SALE Lot one In block thirty five. Hillside Additien: hirgaln: terms If wanted. Address The Sil ver State, WInnemucca. Nevada 28-12 LOTS From $100 up. In all pirta of town. LOTS On pavement. $2."i0 for cor nera of fiOxitn LOTS InMdc. $200 for 5H1 in LOTS Larco. Just off paved itrwt. $100 to $2.10. Terms 10 pr cent emh. hilnnce In Installments to mi't nurrhaser. W. M 'invrELH'S The Klnmith Development Co. 1303 Main St. Phone No. 1 7-tf WILL SACRIFICE TEN LOTS Beautiful Iota on Wood River, two blocks town of Fort Klamath: lots 1 to nine Inclusive, First addition. Have ownedtbese for 10 yean. Will sell one or all. Mrs. Geo. Caprop, Dakota Hotel, Grand Forks, North Dakota. 24-6 FOR SALE Miscellaneous METROPOLITAN GARAGH Used Cars a Specialty Chandler Six, seven passenger, cord tires, extras. Bnlck Six roadster, 1920; extra tire and cover. Premier Six, real stage ear. Overland five pasenger a buy 1315.00. Ford touring, new paint and a bar gain. Overland club roadster, fine shape. Dodge tire pasenger, and a good one. Any one of these cars will help you celebrate the 4th. 29-1 NOTICE FOR SALE Team of 4 year old dapplo gray horses, sound and true, with heavy harness. Team of blacks, vonr gentle, weight 2600, sound; heavy britchen har ness. Party leaving town Monday. Mast be sold quick. Seo thom at O. X, barn. Also flno saddlo boreo with new saddle, at give away price. O. K. barn, see Nyhart. 25-tf BLOCKS FOR SALE $5 per cord delivered. Phono 483M. J. M. Outhrlo, 29-28 For Your Chickens FOR SALE Household goods. J. I), Mason, 0th nnd High. 29-30 PR 8ALB Oood team, well broko. Ed. Sutton, Miller Hilt district. 39-30 FOR SALE C Al heavy milking cow, four choice holffor calves, 1 horso, harness and wagon, 1 good saddlo horso and a lino milk route. Price U100. Phono 400W. 29-1 20 per cent oft on alt men's silk shirts at K. K. K Storo. 12-tt FOR SALE I Rule and ona 7-pai-cnger Studebakor. Imperial Unr- age. 6-tf CKDAIt FKNCK POSTS Split cedar fence posts ready tor Immediate delivery, 40 cents each at retail: $35 per hundred. Lakoslde Lumber Co. 17-lt FOR SALE One 14xlS 'slide valve engine, two 54x16 H. T. boilers. boiler-feed pump, piping, valves, etc. Suitable for saw mill. Apply Rex 301, Dorrls, California. 1 9-tf, PINE SHINOLES, $7.00 per M Lakeside Lumber Co. 7-tf FOR SALE Household furniture, 635 willow Ave., near cor. of 6th. 28-30 FOR SALE Household furniture. 238 Cedar St. Phone 207M. 28-30 FOR SALE Goott paying restaurant and confectionery business; good lo cation; terms to right party. White Lunch, 1122 Main. ss-tl FOR SALE One 1920 Chevrolet. one 1917 Hupmobtle, one 1920 Dodge Sedan. All In good condition. Central Garago. 28-tt FOR KALE TEXTS TEXTS TENTS U. S. Government tents. Canvass leather belting, one blacksmith out fit, two spark arresters, one com plete lighting system. Max Weiss, 6th St., near Ewauna Dox Factory. -,k 24-tf NOTICE HOfSEWlVErt Special sale on groceries; one sack jf corn meal FREE with every 81 R grocery order. Spot 'Cast. Basket Grocery, 822 Klamath Ave. 12-tt Read Endors' ad. ipeclals. for this week's Adv. Panama nnd straw bats at Vi prlca it K. K. K. Store. 12-tt KOR SALE 2ii ton truck. Al con dition. O. K. Dlacksmltb shop. Sixth St. 28-tt Steel tank and blow pipe made at 1023 Main St. 4-tf 20 per cent off on all men's and boys' clothing at K. K. K. Store. 12-tf UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR PRACTICAL MILLMAN I want as a partner a practical mlllman and the right party can get la on the ground floor with me. I have 30 million feet of lumber, mill ready to cut; 3 miles of narrow guago railread: teams; logging auto irucKs; everytning ready to produce lumber to capacity of mill of 50.000. I do not need the cash as much as I do the right man. When you write give full particulars, with references, financial and otherwise, and as soon as I have had time to mako Investi gations you will hear from me. This is an opportunity of a life time to tho right man, but be must ba the rigm man to get It. Address E. J. M Herald ofllco. 28-30 '. Jk t A FOR , SALE Flno range, kitchen cabinet, bedstead, good mattress nnd best springs, dlshei, kltchon utanslls, lawn mower, etc. J. II. Mason, Oth and High 29-30 KOR SALE Velvet rust, 9.x 1 2, snmo as now, nnd 1 rorUor, Mrs. VII liur Jones, SIS High. 29-1 WANTED CASHIER WANTED Club Cafe. 28-tf1 WANTED TO RENT Dy long torm tenant. 6 or 8 room house, modern. Address Hanson, care Chelsea Lbr. & uox CO. 35-tf WANTED Olrt to help with houso work for tow weeks. Phono 49G. 2S-1 WANTED At once, second hand Ford touring car. for cash. Call at John Llskey ranch, Swan Lake. 28-9 WANTED Floor cigar case, about 8 foot. S3-30 Central Hotol. WANTED Woman to do cooking, laundry and housework. Small family. Phone 402. 19-tf WANTED All kinds of scrap Iron, old bones, rags, rubber and all kinds of metals. Max Weiss. 6th St.. near Ewauna Dox Factory. 24-tf CREAM WANTED We pay highest market price for good cream. Gilt Edge Creamery Co. 202 Main St. 25-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST Saturday night between tho K. K. K. storo and the tent kIiow. one light brown bill book with em blem of the U. S. marine, corps burnt t on It and my discharge from tho U S. M. C. Finder please leave at Mur ald offlcc. $5.00 reward. A L. Smith. 29-2 FOUND In Mills Addition, gold Knight Templar watch charm. Inquire of John Flodon, Central Auto sorvlco. 28-30 LOST About Juno 1st. watch fob, black ribbon, lhren pnlr! !.' mn. nected; stono In each. Leave at Heratil nfflrn S2B rutran I. t. LOW. 26-30 LOST Pair of high lop tnn boots' tlAtwiAn rWwlva wnrmmm nml fll.tviA I rinaer piease leavo or can Dodge Garage. SS-30 MISCELLANEOUS HOT WEATH Kit- Means Oil Stoves, and oil stoves means oconomy and comfort. Incidentally Perkins can supply you with stoves and ovens at prices rou can afford to pay. Also remember If It Is furniture you want, wo hare It, (as long an you want what wo have.) It It is a trade you want, we havo It. PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE Tho furnisher of happy homes. 122-126 N. 6th St., Klamath Falls, Oregon. 29-3 CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed call 52J. UNTIL ABOUT JULY 7TH We will be able to fill orders for Royal Anne Cherries Delivered FRESH Direct from our orchard to your home by express or parcels post. AH charges prepaid. Order your CANNING CHERRIES now they are ripe and ready for delivery now. PRICE $3.50 PER BOX (Each box weighing about 23 pounds) All express or parcels post charges prepaid by us. Our cherries are known as the finest in the Rogue River Valley. Once you have tasted them you will have no other. Do not delay intending in your order DO IT.TODAY Fill out the blank below and send us same with your remittance. WEBTKIILUMI ORCHARDS, Mcrifunl, Orrjjon. Date Enclosed pleaso find for which pleaso send mo by Express (or Parcels Post) boxes of ROYAL No. of boxes ANNE CHERRIES, delivered freo Namo ... Addross (Remit by money order or chock) SEND IN YOUR ORDER EARLY. ADDRESS WESTERLUND ORCHARDS MEDFORD, OREGON. CHICK FEED, GROWING MASH, ONE FATTENING MASH ALFALFA MEAL, WHOLE AND CRACKED CORN Make rosorvntlon tor board nnd room t Davo Tumor's bath houso, Lnngoll Valley. 20-8 LINDSAY. CO. Contractors nnd builders. Houso work n specialty. Phono 220W. Es timate bIycu. 24-30 20 per cent oft on all shoos at K, K. K, Storo. 12-tf Printing, Stationery and offlcr supplltu. Pioneer Printing and Sta tlonery company. 126 Main 8t. 9-tf PHONE PEYTON for wood. 187 Any pnrtlos having Ire cream pack ers belonging to the Klamath Falls creamery will pteaso return them at onto or phone to 74 nnd they will bo called for Klamath Kails Creamery. 29-3 VOCAL LESSONS .. .Mr. Don Zumwolt announce a term of vocal Irasoam by tbs eminent toarlicr, Mr. II. II. raaatoro. For ratas aad arraagcntcaU phono or s Mr. Zumwalt. 29-1 A Classified Ad will sell It. The first statue erected In England to a woman commoner was that at Walsall to the memory of Sister Dora, the heroic nurse who fought tho scourge of smallpox which de vastated thu.lllack Country In 1867. Among the presents recolved by a recent New York brldo were a ma hogany chest of silver 'valued at $100,000, the gift of her mother, and a $100,000 string of pearls and a completely furnished homo from her father. til ROMPED WITH RILEY IN OL' SWIMMIN' HOLE Ell Ho swam with James Whltccmb Riley In tho famous "or swimming hole" when ho and' the great Hoosler poet wore boys together In Iudlana. Now ho Is a success ful lawyer and business man of Chicago, and nowly elected presi dent oftho U. S. Chamber of Com merce. ' without cost to mo. 0 nii?r' B Jg JifeiasJj a ? f'i issssssi i ii. C-J''J tt- a .asntsssl l"5 sssbbbbP UN INSIDE BATH MAKES YOU LOOK UNO FEEL FRESH ! Says a glass of hot water vtjth phosphate before breakfast keeps illness away, II I IS Physicians tho world over rocom ineml the Inside bath, declaring this Is of vatly moro Importance than outsldo cluunlluoss, bocnuso tho hUIii poros do not nbsorb Impurities Into tho blood, causing III health, while tho pores In tho ton yards of bowels do. Men and women aro urged to drink each morning, before lireak fast, a glass of hot water with n touspoontul of limestone phnsphnlti In It, as a harmless moans ot help ing to wash from tho stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's Indigestible material, poisons, sour bile aad toxins; thus demising, sweetening and purifying the nllmen tary canal before eating lyoro food. Those who wake up with bad breath, eemted tongue, nasty tasto or have a dull, aching bend, sallow complexion, acid stomach; olhors who hart) bilious attacks or consti pation, should obtain n quarter pound ot limestone phosphatn at tho drug store. This will coit very little but Is sufficient to show the vnluo of Miss Elisabeth M.trtiury, New York's famous woman play broker, who Is now giving much of her time to practical politics, Is the daughter of oae ot the orlglnul mmuliorit ot Tammany Hall. Tho Georgia lealslnturu now In aeslon will bo asked to puss n law formally admitting women In the University ot Georgia In nil Its branchos and entitling them to till degrees now conferred upon men. DULL SPLITTING, E Dr. James' Headache Powders re. lteve at once 10 oenU a package. Yon take a Dr. James' nJc)it PowJnr and In Just a fw moment your hs4 cIArs snd all nryralgU and dUtrns vanubM. It's the qulcknt and surml rlif for headache, whtthef dull, throbbing, splitting or nsrve Mcklog. Send someone to the drug tore an J get a dime package now. Quit tufferlng It's so nrwdh-M. S)D uro'ou get Dr. JmV Hrdcht Powders then there will be no dissD- polnUntnU THE ARCADE HOTEL 10.12-31 MAIN HT. PHONK 47TJ Tho plaro Mltli home comforts, rlnanllncMM, plenty of frmh air and no Isuldr rooms. Kvrrytliing new from top to bottom and rntr to wet jronr pockeltMMik. HUMMONH In the Circuit Court of tho Stuto ot Oregon, for tho County ot Klamath. Irene V Alexander, Plaintiff, vs. John Thomas Alexander, Defendant. To John Thomas Aloxandor, Defend ant. la tho namo ot tho State ot Oregen: You are beroby required to appear and unswwr the complaint fllod against you In thu abovo ontltlod suit on or before tho fifth day of August, 1J20; that being tho oxplratlon ot the six wooks publication of this sum mons as prescribed by tho order for publication thereof, made by tho court, and If you fall so to answer, the plaintiff will tako a dofault and, docreo against you dissolving the bonds ot matrimony existing between the plaintiff nnd yoursolf, and also such other and further rollef, includ ing alimony, as to tho Court may seem just ami o'luitabio. This summons is published by or der of Hon. D. V. Kuykondall. Judge ot tho abovo namod court, duly made on tho 23rd day of Juno, 1920. Tno dale or ilia first publication hereof Is Juno 23, 1920. F. II. MILLS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Klamath KalU, Oro. Juno 23-0-7-1 1-21-28-4 NOTK'i: )!' FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE 18 IIEREIIY CHVEN that tho llliilursluiieil linn fllml In lift County Court of .Klumntli County, Oregon, the flnul nccoiint ot Ills ad iiiliilstratlnii of tho Estnto of Loulo II il.irdn.nil n n .1 ,l.n hrI.I ... a......... itwvuunuit, nun ii,u OUlUt Court lias fixed July 10, 1920, nt tho uour or to ociock in the forenoon of said (lnv. nnd thn Court Itontn of tho County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, In Klnniuth 1'nlta, Oregon, as the date, tlmo and plnco for tho uoanriK or oiijecuoiiH againui sawi final account. If nnv thnro hn. unit ini thu settlement theronf. IIKN80N DIXON, Administrator of thu Estate of Loulo II. Dixon, docuasod. Juno 2-9-16-23-30 SICK HEADACH Murphey Feed & Warren Hunt Hospital K thoroughly equipped Institution Affording miuieollud facilities for tbs srlimllfle trentmont by hospital moth jils ot medical, surgical nnd obstet rical rases. rtiu mm nnd modern fireproof build ing contains private rooms for bed snd ambulatory rases, completely equipped emmlnntlon and treatment rooms, Kooutgon tiny, clinical and research laboratories, STAFF WARREN HUNT. M. D. L. L. THUAX, M. D. GEO. A. MASHEY. U. D. AND PINE STU, KLAMATH FALLS. ORB. TELEPHONE 497 AMBULANCE SERVICE MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maad Ingr-raoU Hawtay Chiropractic Physictaa rirtt Nttlonal Dank Dultdlag Entrance, Room I AMIILAND, OREGON KLAMATH GENERAL HOSPITAL Is located on The Esplanade, away from the noise, sur rounded by one of the most beautiful views in the world. This Hospital is, fully equip ped to handle the most diffi cult cases and has a staff of lhysicians that insure the ligh character and effi- ciency of the institution. STAFF u A DK. E. D. JOHNSON DR. O. II. MERRYMAN DR. T. C. CAMPRELL DR. OEOnOE I. WRiailT DR. E. D. LAMD DR. II. D. LLOYD STEWART i ROBERT S. FRY General Insurance InrrstmeaU Tel. 97,'I-J 707 WAHIIINOTON HT. KUmnth Falls, Ore. ALL KINDS of tin aad sheet Iron work, vea Ulatlag aad wane) air aeaUag doae at the Hhaaana Plaasklas; Hhop. Ko, 108S Mala St. L. N. HAINES Paoaesaa Klamath-Bend Auto Stag A dally anto ata larvl ( oneratlnsr betwiuin KUmih .n. and Rend. Offices Rex cafe and lfat ropolltan Oarage, c. I. Reckard. Phone 276-W. 27.(1 " V I II K Does tho word strike torror to yonr heart, or la your proporty protected sufficiently by Insnranco In a rollable company? In this day of high coat of material, scarcity ot homes, no one should leavo tholr proporty un protected. Lot us oxplnln to you the special Insnranco system under which- wo protect your homo In the lomllriK insurance companies ot America. James II. Drlscoll, Room 4, Loom Is Ilulldlng, Phono 432. PAINTING Practlcnl Painting, Gliding, Ilronzlng, Enameling, Kalsomlnlng, Wall Paper Cloanlng and Oenoral Contracting, II. C. TCTIIILL 1)1.1 Itoso fit. . WEST END CAFE No. 72 Main St. Meals served family style Call and give us a trial Seed Store i i V tr r v 't:,jv ' 5Ct.i ihJ&WAiH,'' tm-f- vi - VJ