The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 30, 1920, Image 1

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    -r 2&rr
v IBu imtttg
official pjjraa
Fourteenth Year No. 3960
Price Fire Casts
' v
cunts is
Mi-AIMHI lli:i'IMTi:i.Y nomination
Duflnlln unil flnnl Instruction
cam ii from tin east today that
McAdoo' iiuiiiii wii nut form
ally Id lin placed before Ilia
Democratic national convention
llurrU Jenkins of Kitusa City,
who wan prepared to moke thu
speech iinmliintlng McAiluo re
vised hid plan unit decided not
to offer t titi speech
Ni:V YOHK. Juno 30
"Till net Ion wun tnken with my
entire niiroiil." .McAiImi said
today when told thnl ! f I 1 1
nml flnnl instructions" had been
received nl Hun Frutirlsco Hint
hi tut run Han not formally (o bo
placed before thu convention
I In would mnko no further com
mnnt HAN FRANCISCO Juno 30 Can
didate for presidential honor went
holng placed In nomination nt today'
session of thu Democratic national
(onventlun While committeemen
Struggled liehlllil Cloned l or, at
tempting to ilruft it platform accept
ulile to nil eteuieutii of the pirt)', thtt
contention under a ruin ufipromd
yvnturdny. saved time l- having tioiu.
Inatlnc speeches mndu In advance
Beginning liefore noon, oratory held
forth nml win eipected to coDtlnuu
throughout the day
Then" speeche were en Hut pro
gram of nnlullintltiK nildrrme: WII
'llam (I. McAdoi), Attorney Oonerat
Valtnnr. Hoveriior Co of Ohio, Chair
man Homer CuiiiiiiIiikii of thu Demo
rrittlc national committee, (lovrrnnr
Kdwards of New Jersey. Henntor
llltchrcck of Nebraska, James W
llerard, former amiinssudnr to llnrlln,
Senator Owen of Oklahoma, Jame
W. )uvl, ambaisador to Oroat llrl
tain. Ilallitllnjc Tomorrow
With all Hut candidate formally
In nomination the convention will
await the report of the platform com
mittee, before proceeding- to pick thu
nominee llullotlng may not begin
until latu Thursdny or Friday
A ureal crowd cauiti to the conven
tion hall today prepared fur a day of
excitement Cumpalxn manager,
nil delegation! actively supporting
thn candidate, were well prepared
(or the day. Alt aorU of device (or
arousing thu enthusiasm of tho crowd
and (or nolle making purposes were
brought In and concealed until tint
opportunity arrived (or bringing
them out.
Futvlng McAdoo Out
Doth tho Cox and Palmar force
viewed with ovldent natlifactlon tho
scrimmage within tho McAdoo forco
which w threatening to bring Mc
Adoo to tho front at once nnd make
the nomination a throe-cornered con
teat (rom tho beginning. They have
Insisted all along that they would not
permit tho McAdoo movement to on
Joy tho advantage of a rennrved goat
la tho rear to wait a phychologlcal
moment when tho convention, unublo
to throw a two-third vols for either
Cox or KdwardH, would turn to somo
ono ulio.
I'almer In Confident
l'ulmcr hcailiuartorit annotincud In
a formal Htntnmont that tho attorney
goiiunil'H poHltlon wan "rttroiiRor than
it ovor hn boon before." I'almer
announced that Ii la force wuro Intact
nud claimed vote.i In tho convontlou
which would not ho down on thu firm
ballot bocatiHu they would ha cast for
favorite boiih nnd como to tho I'almor
column Inter, Cox forces profouaod
to bo undlaturbod by tho wot and dry
argument which ha rangod around
It candlduto, and thooutsldo Ismoi
which have boon Injocted into hla
campaign, und wore tightening up
tbolrjlno and were, ready to start the
Maay Ebony Bleed
. Deiptte the proulie thatthe cW
yentlon w.opld,haTe a b,Ig tjree, al'the
k outlet, dark ; ho'rie. .tajk,. ' w'aa ''kejre'r
gtore'perilitent'tbaa at taia'ao'eat,
cui:i:l will i-omnii
VI' IIOI'ltllON I'liATrOltM
HAN FRANCISCO, .luuii 30
(leorgo Creel, who wiu diulr
m ii ri of I'niHlilent Wilson' com
mitten on public inforiiiiitlijii
during tliM wnr, ha Joined Hid
coniiiiltti'i) of n hi') which In
dniwliu: din Democratic plat
form nml ll wun understood ho
would work with Hut nuIi-coiii-tiiltten
In ilniftliiK thu doou
inent. Klit part In Hid drafting
I of the platform, It wigt said,
would lin to look lifter ltd liter-
nry qualltlo In somewhat Hut
Ha m it rummer Hint Colone)
(ienrgo lliirvoy polished up thu
Republican pint form ut tint
Chicago convention
Coroner Knrl Whlllock returned
jentenlay from Keitersou' mill,
where ho conducted nil InvitHtlgalluti
of the death of Uriah I rounrml,
ngod 33 eam, who wa killed nt
1,'entemon'n IorkIiik lamp No 2.
when it log rolled from a trmk.
mottling him no badly Hint he died
within half nn hour after tint acci
InventiHutlon nlioued that tint lc
ttm Kill before Hut log and tried to
preterit It rolling He twin unable to
do o and the log pinned him uKnlmit
thn truck.
Thn dead man left a widow nml
child, four moiitlit old. Tint body
wit Inken to Yrek.i for burial.
Ht'o.Mt ruit'i: tutors
ugnr iillottment placed on uale to
day went quoted nt tS'i 75 n hun
dredweight, refiner price, Thin I
u drop cf 26 cent luro yitnterday,
when thu canilldntm are all to ho
placed Jn nomination Tint name of
Vice I'rvitldonl Marnball, John W
D.ivIh, amhaimadnr to Oreat Ilrltaln,
nnd Homer 8 Cummiugii, chairman
of thu Democratic commit
tee, went alwiiy heard when dark
licrnen were being dlicutKed, nnd
detegnte went Inking Into account
that each of thu big three could pre
vent tint other from getting a two
third tote. ,
Cummlng lloom drown
Tint CummlngM boom ha grown
from a tnero domorulrntlon of en
thutliiim to formidable proportion,
Marline from tho ovation ou.thu floor
which followed tho chairman' open
ing uildrf, und today ll had taken
full form with haudbilld being circu
lated among thu delegate declaring
"a great moment ha produced u
greui man,"
Democrat throughout the ccuntry
too were responding to the tentlment,
apparently, from the ' looki", of tho
chairman' doik, which waa piled
with congratulatory rneage.
OpponlUon Urow Too
Twice yeiterday Mr Cumnllng
drew a now demonstration from the
convention flrt, when ho announc
ed bo had taken tho Inltlatlvo In pro
poning tbat the convention congratu
late Ooveraor Ilobert of Tenneee
for bl action In calling a special tea
hIoii of the leglalaturo for tbo uf
frago antondmont, and again whon ho
rcHcuod the resolntlon to doublo tbo
alto of tho national commit tee', giving
tho now places to womon. Ills grow
ing boom, however, brought with It a
force of opposition from Dryun, who
sometlmo ago denounced tho national
chairman for making a speoch at a
banquet given for Governor Kdwarda,
an avowed "wet" candldato.
Thu chairman's friends, also, wora
not unmindful Hint 'hi connection as
a lawyer with largo hunluois InteroHtn
would furnish Hryiin with an oppor
tunity to uho his favorlto weapon In a
convention a blast ut big bualnosn.
Itrjnn Will Hemp
Tho decision of the platform sub
committee, last night In disregarding
a straight out "wet" plunk, calling
for tho ropeal of tho eighteenth
amendment, or tho annulment of tbo
Volstead act, reduced the Issuo to
whother there abould be a beer and
wine plank or a "bone-dry" declara
tion, as la hoped by William J. Bryan,
or Ignore tho subject entirely.
Whetber'Bryaa boms to win.' or not
be Intends 'to-fight inuho old time
fashion' whips ' hat (urnianed (Ur
workS'for aiaay a' Democratic 'ooi
veatloa. Is,,,' r" v
mil cims
Cnnimnrcfnl nnri) nurvlco for south?
urn Oregon, with Klamath Full it u
. I...... ,u .....I..., f L-..II....,
Iliuitl, in it flifj'!tl wuii.ll u, i-iiiinp
jntul N II. livmiR, of I'ortland, repro'-
(tenting thu O K Jeffrey Aitroplnm;
company, nnt hero to forward, and
already they is received nmtur
nncitH of local support A couple of
airplane of thn rompjny urn expect
ml today from (lend to give demon
stratloim hunt
I Thu Jeffrey company I thu dis
tributing agent for tho Lincoln
Htaml.ird nnd lirltlsli Avro type of
plane The former I n typo similar
to Hint now being operated hero by
,Orvar Muyerhoffer, und Hie latter Is
tint typo In which alt tint recruit for
. Ilrltlsli nvlntlnn servlco rerolved
, their war training
It I the plan of Hut promoter In
( starting n commercial service here to ii h)droplnnii und nlrplnne The
hydroplane would use Ijike llwuuni
or Cpper KI.H' ath Lake fur n land
I Ing place here nnd make Might to
Crater Lake, carrying paMengnra.
The landing there would hn tu.iilo on
, Crater ltke,
For the other plane, of course, tn
Inndlng Held would necessarily u is
'tiiblisbed. If the plan goes through,
but sentiment ha readied the point
here, It I nsserted, where plenty 'Of
isupport for n landing Held, both 0
Inanclal and moral, will hit forthcom
ing when needed
Whlln It mny not bo poislblo' o
meet other curriers' rites vxuctly,
i the difference In cost nt trnvellng by
nlr will not bo much greater than
'other means of passenger transpor
tation, uiserl the airmen. For In-
stance, It I believed, when tho aerial
Rtagrti nrn In orntritlon. tho cost ofa1'fe.fvorlng the beer and'wlne provU
single fare to I.akevluw will ho about
l$2t or $30, which I more than the
auto stage fare, hut Is offset, declare
i tho advocates of aerial Journeying.
by thn greater rapidity and comfort
of travel by air
SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 30. In a
public session of the platform com-
Imittee yeiterday a delegation hoaded
by Frank P Walsh was granted a
(tearing on the Irish recognition pro
posal, and representatives of the anti
saloon league wero among those to
appear on tho prohibition Issue.
Samuel (tampers was granted a hear
ing on the roquest of organized labor.
A commission to Investigate Indus
trial disputes la the basis of William
J. Bryan's plank on Industrial rela
tions. A detailed statement of tbo
plan was Issued yesterday by Bryan.
Presenting petitions of tho Amer
ican Federation of Labor dotnpers
said bis program was dosigned to aid
all wage earners organized or un
organized. Ho told the committee
that unless tho Democrats took a
progressiva nttitudo they could not
hopo to compete with a party Hint has
written rejection across Its bannors
"Tho Itopuhllcnn party," said Com
pere, "formulated a declaration so
I lacking In tho principles of progress
nnd safety Hint thnre might ho no
nvonuo In which Intelligent unrest
among our people, can find Its ex
pression und on'.rcomont, Already
the onomlus of labor and onomioa of
tho Domocratlo party are spreading
an insidious propaganda, Booming to
assume that we aro coming here to
hold guns at your bonds, but wo do
not come In the spirit of compulsion
but as your follow citizens asking for
a declaration of progressiva human
On "the first 'division in the plat
form committee on an agle of the
prohibition tight,' ;tho Bryan' "dry"
(orcea were forced over their, pro
testa by a rota of 17 to 15 to ijimrat
thalr case i first la the joaamitte
a k Kt Mil t kftiur !.. nn ri.l
.,., r w..,m...,, ... .,, .,.l4
i'uniutruin; jiiauorm luuny sun wan
In un embryonic stage but with pros
pects of presentation tomorrow to the
convention, when thu platform build
er reassembled today. Although
many minor plank have been vir
tually settled most of (he trouble
some major problem remained un
solved when tho sub-committee of
nine, which I preparing a tentative
draft, reconvened today.
Thu league of nations question nnd
prohibition IngmM as big harriers tot
agreement. Adjustment of the legauet
question, however, was said to he In
a fair way of realization.
Ily afternoon or night. Chairman
Carter Class said tho platform was
hoped t go finally before the full
committee, hero. Long discussion
was In prospect with a lata session
tonight, but leaders hoped to he able
to bring a completed product before
thu conentlon tomorrow. I
Heme of the sub-committee wcro'
optimistic over prospect of harmony
on tho league dispute. On prohlhl-,
Hon the uh-commltteo remain large-
ly at sea. All suggestions for a "wet"
plank which would declare for repeal
of tho eighteenth amendment or an-
nulment of the Volstead enforcement
nd were said to havo been virtually
thrown overboard by tacit consent In
tho sub-committee, but the fight for
"beer and nine" plank on one band
and some sort of prohibition declara
tion on the other was reported still
In progress.
Secretary of State Colby, according
to reports that are slipping out (rom
closely sealed quarters, was said to
slon. Tho report was accorded sig
nificance because of Colby's recent
conference with President Wilson.
So far as the main body of tho
platform is concerned, the sub-corn-mltteo
found little difficulty fn agree
ing. Tho Virginia platform, endorsed
by President Wilson and brought
hero by Senator aiass, was said to
havo furnished them with tho basis
for declarations readily agreed to
regarding tho general principles of
tho party.
The big dredge of the Sawmill En
gineering it Construction company
was transferred yesterday afternoon
to the Chelsea Box company, where
It ia to be employed in diking the
34-acre mlllslbe belonging- to tbat
concern. During the night the barge
sprung a leak and when the employes
returned-i to it this morning they
found it under three (eet of water.
A bulkhead will be constructed Im
mediately and the barge, and ma
chinery raised.
Father Hugh J. Marshall an
nounce that ho will celebrate Held
mass at Bly next Sunday morning
about 1 1 o'ejock, in the pavilion, now
being erected. This unusual event Is
prompted by tho large attendance of
members of his parish who contem
plate taking part In the big three
days' celebration for the Fourth of
July. Father Marshall wilt tuke oc
casion to give a ten minutes talk on
"Rollglou, tho right arm of America
In her hours of trial."
suns to KKcovni cash
Suit to recover $100, alleged to
have been advanced by plaintiff to
defendant, has been begun in tho cir
cuit court by M. L, Johnson against
B. Connelly, An attachment " has
been levied on defendant's property.
Only one Indictment was returned
by the county grand Jury, which filed
its report late yesterday. Alfred
Turpen, charged with forgery a the
result of alleged passage- o( a falsely
t&dorsed check (or 125 oa the Spot
Oaak Bjukai grocery, waa. iadlcted.
fha-Jury waa excused uatir further
0t tap oaurx. -
(1. O. I. (M.MlllMTKH
4 The Republican presidential
campaign will bo basod on nn
"appeal to restore party govern-
merit a a constitutional substl-
tuto for personal government,"
Senator Harding nnnounccd to
day nftor a conference with Cal-
yn Coolf(. h, runnn,; mllt(,(
and National Chairman Hays.
Governor Coolidge, In n for
mal statement, declared there
must be a "return to public
opinion toward self-centrol
the people and toward a great
overmastering desire to observe
tho law "
Death this morning- called Mrs. R.
A. Alford, an old and esteemed resi
dent of tho community, at tho family
536 Conger avenue. Her
death resulted from a heart ailment.
Although she has suffered with the
disease for several years, she bad not
been hcd-rldden until yesterday,
when an acute attack camo on.
she Is survived by her husband and
'two sens. A. C. and L. R. Alford of
J Fresno. Cal., two sisters. Mr. W. E.
Dean and Mrs. J. J. Murphy of Ash-
land, Ore., and three brothers, Wi
Ham Nell, of E
Douglas county. Clay-
borno Noll of Eugene, and Robert
Noll of Ashland. Mrs. Dean and Mrs.
Murphy are expected to arrive to
night and the sons from Fresno will
be here tomorrow night (or the
funeral which will be held here.
Mrs. Alford was born ia Jackson
county. October C6, 1856. She had
been a resident of Klamath county
(orvj yearn She was'aa active Mem
ber of tho Order of the Eastern Star
and Robekah chapter. In her reli
gion faith she early affiliated with
the Methodist church, and always
followed tbe precepts ot the faith
A lovable, refined, loyal and de- gtate convention over the protest ot
voted woman, her sudden death will'aeveral of Its members, who in re
bo a blow to thu entire coumunUy. newlng their tight here against they
rule question came upon a motto
MEYERHOFFER WILL Pt rules under which the ltlt
DO STUNTS AT BLY convention operated, placing all
states under the unit rule except.
Those who are going to take in the 'those in which there Is a mandatv
hlg Fourth of July celebration tbat tory statute providing for the noaU-
I to be held at Bly aro going to hnve
an opportunity tn ride In the nlr with
"Big Swede" Meyorhoffer, according
to a message from htm this morning.
Meyerhoffer Is now at kakeview,
from which point he will fly to Bly.
He will remain at Bly Saturday, Sun
day and Monday and during tbat
time he will do all the stunts known
to expert aviators, as provided la bis
contract with tbe celebration com
mittee. Those who have seen the big Mey
erhoffer machine- flying' here have
gotten used to tho "Safety First" fly
ln practiced by the Big Swede, and
have gained the Impression that he
Is not one of the trick fliers of the
country. This belief ts going to be
dispelled at Bly, for he has a reputa
tion aa one ot tho wildest birds that
ever travelled In the heavier than air
machines, and those who attend the
Rly celebration are sure ot a thrill a
second while Meyerhoffer Is in tbe
air doing his fancy stunts.
The Women's Missionary Society
of tho Christian church will meet at
2 30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at
the homo of Mrs. M. L. Miller, 2145
Wnntland Avo., Mills Addition. Mrs.
Anderson and Mrs. Melsnor will bo
assistant hostcsse. Members and
friends Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Prouty nro
tho' parenta.of a bouncing baby girl,
born last night at tbe Waren Hunt
While bunting eggs In the barn
last night, Mrs. Koenlg slipped and
felt, striking the side of her head
with such force that some ot tae in
ternal Mood Teasels ware matured.
She ia a the Warren Hunt hospital
and uptt.aeia: today, hd aat recov
ered coaaeioaaaaai. ' ' , , '"''.'
According to administration
chiefs, tho sub-committee draft
Ing the Democratic platform has
practically agreed on a prohlbl-
tlon plank which they described
as "slightly moist" and as belns;
In "suppo'rt" but with 'declara-
tlons for "personal liberty
against vexatious Interference."
The league of nations plank,
tho same administration chiefs
said had been agreed upon Just
as Woodrow Wilson wants It,
without the dotting of an I or
crossing of a T.
ual preparation of tbo Democratla
platform was delegated Monday
night to a sub-commtttee of nlno un
der administration leadership. Tka
conrentlon waited yesterday while
tho platform committee of C3 kept
tho houso to hear final suggestion
from many sources.
Tho labor, liquor nnd Irish ques
tions were up for debate at the com
mittee's public hearing. It became
apparent that the real cob test ova
the platform would come after tha
sdb-comraltteereport bad been laiA
before thes full committee. '
Bryan, omitted by the administra
tion labors from the sub-commlttaav
said probably' he 'would not presesit
his plaakstoa prohibition and tk
Leaiae of Nations (or lub-comaiR-teeaoastderatloB
at all.
iTcBHaUtee on rales .aaafi
tackled uu 'knotty question af
whether state delegations could ba
be bound by united rule.
Tbe New York delegation cama to
tho convention with Its ninety vote
I DUttUQ Uf 6UVU U 1UIC, yaaavu -ww
'nation and election of deiegatea w
congressional districts. There la
such a law In New York and dele
gates from several districts are con
tending (or the right to act insm
pendently of the delegation aa a
The committee on rules Anally
adopted a motion rejecting the unit
in states where there are laws re
quiring the election ot delegates by
districts. Tbe effect will be to split
the New York delegation it the re
port is adopted by the convention,
"WetV'Fight Hard
"Wets" appearing before the com
mittee offered every known argu
ment, some declaring that a "wet"
or "dry" plank had no right in the
platform, as it was not a political l
sue. Former representative Theo
dore A. Bell ot California, opened
the case tor the "wets."
Ho assailed Bryan's position, read
ing from various platforms on which
the Nebraskan had been a candidate.
Bryan and Bell clpshed when tho
former asked In what capacity Bell
appeared. Bell answered he repre
sented tho grape-growers ot Califor
nia. Bryan replying to Bell ns to whom
ho (Bryan) represented said, "I am
speaking for tho women nnd child
ren that your traffic would destroy."
All (ear ot nn extended potato
famine was. dispelled when the ship
ments, which local grocers had been
expecting tor the past two days, ar
rived last night.
There wasn't a potato to be had la
Klamath Falla yesterday and some at
the etoreshad been without them
since Monday. Houeewlvea who de
neaded upon the eaud tor Teaje
table course, at least .ee a day,
ware toclaalac U &. pealeky.
aa triU ai Ijaar V.tb at
rival ot th leaf auieUj ablaiaal,
-ejfrli.cfe-'fa.---rU, cx-t