The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 29, 1920, Image 1

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    gjHEuenmg Mvvalb
$ina vAvm or
official p,
Fourteenth Ycnr-No. 3959
Price Five Cento
...-In. and rtlHr MUrVr.t III. r,,r r"",,rn ',l ",eM '
ZU ln(rlkl'Ml Ul. r slid ll ,
,j,j h rff"M '' " mountain '"r .
,ih riot" w . .
HA! niANi IWO. June JJ ii i i o r t ii r n
lltillKtliMind lt..r Ir'lil (ill Ihn
llmiiiii iai national .intention a crli-i nf Irlor ! In
Hit i ii rtii i,ta iiiiiiiniiiri- whlrh
ilr.ldp., Ililm hnllr fmictil inn
lml nr n( lliran oai a ilnmnl
ul r in ffaiutnr Jam. T
Hi-mi ( Mli.oiitl, mikI riatlt
I low r- II ', rfrili-lilUll r.n
llilllf" iitriMllfilllm national
ruiiiiiillIrK in llm Oircoii ruen
wht-fn Hip latlrr nlri It II
i t'ontrnl haa nulpil for lo or M DITORIt M Hat. Frnnlwo.
Illim y r Mux iti.i in almoin In yn.
lnnn wIipi. llir Grownr W.irrliot.n
l lie and I'urldiiK nunrhllon of Hnn
Jean took over Ihn iinl of Ihn Clml-
Mill fart.irr Imrn 'I In- Chelsea
Juim 20 Tlin Democratic national
lonvent.nn got under way yesterday
wllh ii tri-iiH'inl' un demonstration for
Prralil'iii Wil'on. wh-n n great
American flat; was rolled up unnll
Mi.lDOO M,( MINI; ll.H
Hr.utTi:u 'io epfiiati:
Ilend'iuiirters for McAdoo at
tin- convention opened hern to
day Tlmy constat of three
t' uin r i' til id by frl'ind ati'l nr
to bn used solely for confer
noes Th! M'Adoo people c.itii
on I hi convention floor today
for lh first tfit.o with a work-
nil; organization. Ii.rludlng floor
lenders and representatives "n
pra'tl ally every stale delega-
linn 1 l.elr problem was to find a,
nior Joseph T Robinson, A'rkaniaa,
permanent chairman of the Demo
icrallc natlonnl contention, In hi
perch today assailed thr Republican
parly for Itn Chicago platform, for
M. .... ..... .J ... a.. .. a
jufifit n'"""" ' Timirr John , Krliiiiri,,(l ,'"" "" '"""" "'" "" ' "i, J inK n lrr- tultitlm: of llm pri-nnn nt - ilinrlomircn of laricn nutnii of monny
HMillniti'"" "''" ,r'1' "" nd lunin, ii rri h.m ,Nir J "'iiilutty lit now illMoltnl ami llm ill!ljti rotivciitloji Df-ni Into a ili-li-rliim i n o nijro i)prn( n ,,ro.conPnton contu and
. p Thu itilllt'i. 'Ii'l'i'" t ,p ,,,, ,,, irrdMiiial rriiinn nf i,r fariorr ii-at upon llm'of roantip applrfim- nml tin- ilmon- voiiic" Jim 3 - wit Pa"Hc"la"lr attaekfl Ilrputillcan Kta-
taU.n.oril -.1 "'";"" '"';,;,; .M..i.rr. ,.. ,d...,. , ,. W.r.,o.,K ,l'--"" ont...,.l Unit n hour .1,- ;' ' ' ,uld nHth"r l","r" Wh ,0U,:hl MtlflMtlon ot
dUtiM1" '" '""'l'' IUiV .. ... u , liUUirrfforfltorh'tkll At mht "ain f-yioo! ijuinnui r I , t wh hn , t
HtjlMirti f .,., ih.l II. n.."t ,,,., ,,,,., tSUflm h(t ,milJ"-"'h " '" -lllornl, Prunn ichr , . ,, ,, drleCa- "''"' ""' l'r W-i.ll.1 nomlni- ) . y ,.ry ,, wheh
IWia-H1 "' """""'" ,. . ,,.. ani, ,, ,(rPf , ,hr Apiimi (if.ri. Ir,r. riiiiiirlainieloni look up tho itan.Ur.U wblch "n hftiior it imdord !, UMwy apply. h, Md thm
i. . that "" '"' '"- dark lb. ,r,ii f ,(,. r,., r, 1,,-""n tn-inl.rr. u. all ih- d.rld.i.i.u lna,,,.d ihr-lr plnrn, on llir floor ami T ' u' u, v"m ,r"r "Bn- !!.,. ,,arty ,, a.nttlert to lc-
ltft4M",'' I """'" M" 0 ,diir, rurpi an """ l'"'',ur"K lon of fnllfor- para.Jp.1 about In eueh a dmnonatrifj l ' "' tory In tho comlnc cumpalgn and
,lu iHI' th '""' tlnii'. '"' llfr,.tl ,,ii .;. . -,,,., ,.,.l"l 'Ihn farlory'i outptit will h ,. ft ii,aly arrompanli- thu now. IcomparUon of tho Democratic aad
. ... ..I II? a inlallrr.
lyilj I ll"?' " -" ,IMMI
,u , In- i-HM-a " '- k.,,, ,mr ,. ,lp ,hn ,,. '
M1i, aa ra ' r Ihr- Uhfll ,,,,1 ,,;, !.,.,, W4,w,,!
1141.1 tor ''' '" ,,upe rt ,,, ,eMii lr ,, til I
. .... .... ,. t.nn ITi mi Iff
lUitil !- iuitt'0 l ift, , up that a rrltalll
J f Mltirr
anionr lhfn 1 0.000
f.iriHir pfraldpnt of
Him rptr4 riirHiratlon Ukra
fin i ii eh i lock in thn rt'orranltailon
H,.n4 o f-i of .0ltlrtB-r , , tnllrt, ,,.,, BKh I1" ""- " "' ' " " ,,"" a wbllMIM- Ml- ",,,. UIBI, ,. t to ,...,. I,' '"-""" ' ' '" "il W K
( riarrp .,., . rrUI ,, .,, MTLirr aim hv .mall InlPf.-.l
,3,, lo ii. thr on l.ut ihi.ttl.1 , hB Utii mltrmtrA ,nl .,,. ,,, .M.nlne a dlfrrlor.hlp aplrm and
M, ! f.lf fr.rnur tnhwlij... a.rpt thn .hall . .ay "1 rU,n ",t,r l''" " ""'
H.iltc ikr .t,.irt ef thr Ptc (ieJ nf ,,,..,. ,1,,,,,'wr irnl iHH.fckrrr-r.
hi ..!. lo llic tlln. ., ,. ... . ,.. lof ll l.wal plant Tl.r.r. ihr.-. men
lM.klll'-iUlol. ' '-,. Jr tfll.1 Mm r.-r ra.l upon "'" ',,,rf' '""'""""" "" r"lln
Ult tlUBtt " "" "'ll',l,.. .... . . ..... , .. k. M 'r "" PUrpoi- ll'Hr riprrl
ctj illeffl'J " .nttrurlr.i in mw
kpMMr, la blfh ll frr lll pint.
Mr p IS rlallr fr all lrln(
ptnrtiott MallB( .00. ami ISO for
Tt(4UI via warm to thn poln
aa thta oHl
tlmlll.l Idol
Ihr (air (iHin at fh rnnrirll SVlrh.
nif II moor rio hUi riual . . !rnr m thr Ikh ihooV rn-tnu fjirltirln k
H. Coanruman ihln. M. , , ,p h,Wr , ,,P ,OUnr,i.n. or "nP 'n"kr" ',h"n "'lu",,I" '" ""
ntKfMlhr -ad tb. ,, fcl, rtrfi WM fr nr ,r,
MI,.oi4lan(.a.kilM Ib , . Mr . . ..I Diil.ldP of Ihrlr tn.rr.rt boMr.r.
I all of thn minority atorkholdrra iwxr
tppn hourhl out and Ihn plant ki-.
, lurk, atork nnd lnrrHI. Into nrw
Ii a Mil a
ijourninptii and rontinun.i in hip r
1 rl.tnra. wbrn thn rnillii'll flnall Kn
null for lb
Htrnaoa; ai umn
iktpTMtef hot altat
tM et Ik flnor to lobby for the bill
Hltltood lad la irnrral a trod lltna
Inatlon of thn iiirmanful camtlilito.
Xrar IlKl.t
III thn Ni- Vork dnli'itatlon aonifl
tlilnc upproarhlnr. n foil Hr.hl ac-
I AROR MFN1 PARTY impunnran rcrorna ana coniraai oi
nrrFQFI II I AFFAIR I0"1"""1 rollcl. nnd party kadrihlp
lr' urd wpipi tmlllirr of llmm
lit.nichi to lirfln ipru.iitc thai llmm i
l donor ron, coutirllnirn I
I Th wurdy ballln aptrad ad
,rm to thr, polnU- ,,,, ,-n(
k ll.frylW- IjW 1-
... , ... i ...,.. . .- , ln.n,-
I'art nf Ihn ntrnlnc'a builnrn rnn
'alatpd of Ihn paaaica of the city tfal-
a dlrrit of tha lilts
aB.VM..,l ii ... ..... Wn. Uw a1 pfMaut rlBC lr ordn.
Nr M..IB l.-illnamr. anrm and liimn ail.lftlon marln by
THlfll.Illr lulrr a Ibp tiomn ,, rBlinr, t ,ril Inral nilclanrn
MHit efijiuaii r An .it.l nanrn on T,, oldinanrn a ilmlRnr.t In mrnt
lU.ucn. kiNlnianVlii ,tIf, iU4ii ami Judjlnic by
IKlUfti Ii had lr l.a.k OK of ,,,, r,..ull fill iir nrr.l Toun
l rphotie lrlrK,adi ami trir ,,1,, L'P 'rl Kalnt Ita paraaKn
MSflllri In. trlcd tKlllatlon. )K.r,WM, ,, nol nilliirli H
rM4 lo l ml fradln( Utl nliclit. ,,M1M
Willi flOB hoUM ino.ei' nptxtaltlun , tijttU en I'lflh ttrrrt. In Ihn flit
lllllltd tnluitlcr of thn fnrtnor broH ,nB tlly ,uil ,or. It n .In
KllD' It a a aoil of llllol- cff 1npJ. afo i In thn trrr'l.
tea child in-d o irrrlyrd 'whleh hat N'nn In dlaitiMi Thn
n pro.ldra Hut lb
Tho cnntral labor council'- home ,"rnn ',ar,' w" " Mrnn tfom P0"'
rmnpjnlrd llm dnmonalratloii. hmi 'warmlni: p.rty lait nlnht prowl a . '" uoln cne oi r.mBrni ana mai
Kranklln l Hoournlt look up ihcicmat mcctw. from rarly o.nlni:.;co,I,pI'',n con,ro' of h" Borernmant
Knw ork Mamlard lo Join ih'n deiu- until mldnlRhl. lalnr for all thla "' ,(" t10' ,n ,hn Oornocratlc
party in me fioinmonr Pircuon, m
camq that party has earned thn pub
lic contldnncn " Senator Roblnaon
aid In part
"Tho Republican platform adopted
at Chicago li an amazing Jnmbla of
amblnultlci, Inconslitendea, eraaloaa,
mlircprcinntatloni and straddle. It
la deliberately unfair In cbarflna;
upon tho Democratic admlnlstratloa
all responsibility for military unpro
parcdncsa. Kreryono knowa that th
Republican party controlled tha
mot-nment for a Ions period prior to
thn Inauguration of President Wil
ton When the Democratic party
Ihu u lhr flrl bin facility. Likiitinruliourjbljore llm ilrliBaii-s would Iwcnt Into power March 4. 1913. both
I ... .ii . l...l,, .. ". .. .. ... .i . fllll.H. ;
er by thn i:i.iw.r ,ind ron.i.l to -luLt down and Imar the evidence that a !hf army and navy were far balpw tha
limy Mllmate that Ita w.ll .n , ,k ,.,S pray.r ..... ! .our " ",,aMy ha l(PO ha , ,p ,,, ,,,
Tlirlr rtrt rflrT
onitrailoti H.-xiral other Now VorHl.rrilH' knowa, a crowd was comlnr;
d. praie xiucht to pmvnnt hliu butjatnl Rolnr. partaking of union hospl
IttxiMtxIt trluinplmd without auyjt.illty
damnit.' ! n r iIdiiij to anybody, ilol A buffet luncheon was served,
marched off bvarlnc thn New York with a Uri;n Virginia baked hnm at
aUiiiUn! into demonstration tho piece do resistance Dickens or
Pnllm mi.ji llnllln jlr.lus might describo thn luscious
Hurrah for Wilai.ii and cheer, for , nUarnra. of that ham. and tho va
tbo pr...dn,.t drowned ....t the band ' " " con.Ml.l.lM that flanked It.
and refuand lo In, ch.-ck.-d If there '. ' P'" ald toll
had bnnn any ..Mn,a...o toward cur-1 -'T) went well-especially .he... I'ol.miue,, mixed In ''- --' A barrel of IIudwc...r was
V. .. - ii. ... ,, totally Inadmiiale lo meet the Ihrsl
Ihn Itniiaeivll eratnbe and fur. '
... ..-. . .r m,...,1v mh. r"l'lr"nient Holnforcemcnts were
tltir- ik aw . w .....-..., . . --.... .. - i ii a . .
i-.. . .if t iUrn ii ami iiiit:u tu nini
iiwr' ut ..hi.
jwero Imminent. It was
.onslaught When the scrlbn wander-
surnclent lo aupply all of lh
bers for an.eral year. Thn present
output of thn factory Is around 21.
000,000 feet of shook yrarl), or
atlnr one, elgbl hour ahlfU lly
doubling Ihn labor production could
naally bn run up to 40,000,000 feet.
I Mr Miner, who has a fruit ranch
near Cupertino, Binta Clara county,
ban bnpn a member of thn growers
auoriatlun tlnrn Its Inception flte or
t.i years ago The issoctatlun has
held thn controlling Interest In the
Chplana corporation for nearly half
libit lime
Will i:rrt Sawmill
Mr Miner Is advising the new or-
l.i-l. thu .It legates 1. 1. ally rettlud
down to hear Vlco Chairman Homer
R. Cummlugn, lemporary chairman of
the convention Cheers and yells
broko In frnjucntly aa the H".Mk-r
praised tho Democratic performances
of tho tail eight years unit beUbonM
I when thn foamy brew had not benn
I placed In thn denatured class,
'twould have been a grand occasion.
Aa It Is. all tho headaches that re
isult this morning como from over
tb republican party aa a rarty olJnRM JUKy WJJj ,. ;
-destruction and reaction. , jtKltUtT THIS .FTi:
When tho ieaguo of nations was,
mentioned another demonstration
authorized number. If criticism of
the pre-war national policy as to mili
tary preparedness is Justified, tha
censure must fall upon tha Repab
llcan party.
"Tho plank In tho Republican plat
form respecting taxation mani
festly Insincere. They promlaad to
substantiate relief from the, exacting
tax burdens necessarily Imposed dar
ing J he war. There arc Many Tex
atious taxes that should be repeated
1. ttAI... !.., .!. .........-. -I... I .... I
" '- " ,.i. inn ii...?.-, r p., mm, iim rnn.naiM la nianmnK i.. i ..... .L
riiil ... ..., - - , .i . L iginiat on to install a sawmin nx me
U If, . J ,k i . ,U"'1 ""mM '"r ,U W"rkrn' 'n "" There Is a good sl.n for a mill
l,,',tmrmTtr " " . land It I. expected that by next spring
. inn cuiung anil rrp.ilr to Im. , ,..,.., n . Jeffprson ' . . .,. i . uu u i
In. t ... .... .. .' pennon JO lic Jni iu ,H ,Jm, m, n8)r jM, t.ala,hllnhn.i
oy company Ine nin. nru. de.t i i ..... i-mii nnh Lrmpon . .
. ... ,,...,.... - ,
l.ll.rollt be-1
,i.i ill .....
" b.i apply i.nir lo wma jtfrrF,m m, Lincoln.
itn ii f.pi -t... ,i... .,., ... . ..... ..,
.. ... -"... ..... ...... - iwrt-n run. nnu nix... ." ' ..i.,,.,, n,.. r.n
Zl',.L !H" M"'M UW '? """." - "B"'"' WHfUrtH I" gel ,,, 0 ,Mip,y
-- '.-.Hiiti. iiiini.Hii.-ia a. ii. iiif.T-
and It IS po
mill mny start In time lo sen lis com-
Whlln this mill
all thn lumber I. urine llm illncaa oil (II . . ... .. . -. ,. ....... ,. ..
i ...... ... ... neeiinn ny inn .qriiir) u winii.i rih-
...... .. , ,. .,,,, ,,,,.. nnomanng nut .erv 1in a mnlry f bn ,,.,.,.
vTrd a., . "r. "" l,","",""",""l'""-l l'l ' ll,- w" '" raw malerlnl The remainder xo..ld
4tVla.M ." ."?,,,",, """ ,,Mtv, '" "'r ,0 rf '' """U" T"",' 1-urrl.aar.l from local mills
MV.!.. ..." ' "" l,ni,"r,,'!infll .t on to.or.1 as being - PllkrniUlll P,e,,eral l.Mnager
iMa. .. "lr'",""K '" "'" "" I' '1 "' " Mlcr ' ll" "'", ''"-' f ll.e Prune A Apricot Crowers was
h..lMi ,,rovlMm", "",1 ,l,M,.r r.....i..l H. H rl..l'e ' !" KUnwIh Kails last Friday, when
.orH,U,, . ,,n. roii.lei.iiied the llhlpplligton h(, n,m ,,,.,., of , ir.msacllon
Tk. ,.."" ' AnU,i pa-i-m-iil and disposed of several . r,,pi, , 1)l0 vUm ,,..,,,,
k , Imiiiiiii tl.roes (r,r rI ,,.. mailers of similarly from nmna ownership of the Chel
Iriffie mi," '. ,,,uu,,y PI'Olnt-d !, iniporlatic. 'sea comply Into tho hands that
tin position ami illlll.-sf , wu decided that a sower bo-
''"H'inll.nn.1,,11 Tr..f Up Of ',, WatliliiKion and Jefferson.
j., "M "" i.-imi'-reii Mflrum lb.. Dunbar nnd Carter Homes T)lp lnll, , noclallnn will
Wlrs",)" l""'"r J,,r,l",,,l,,, "' l,", needed fixing 'll.e responsibility ',,,,,. (tn nM1, members with box
m .'T"' ,:w,,,,,,alJr "m sl.lfli.l biuk and forth betw.en tho alll tray shook nnd other supplies at
KHilM . " 'r" "Kc"'' r0 'r"' ","1 PrHily owners for . tinf nrxt rp nf production Indeed,
irt.t j.k " n. '" Cl,"r,,,ft w'n'. '''ft,ler of an hour Finally llm mayor wl do n Utile hotter, ns much of
rv.1.....: "";"""" iMeco.inril for llm n n,rtirted lo Ink., n nvw and .Hi: ;t, output of thn factory Is of n
iitMnai "ctloiiit llul fr l(m (lftl( r, Im would d ll ; Kri,,n below Hint demanded for do
'olorm i ""ntliiMi would flll. ,-. ,mlr- Hldetnieked by mimr , fruit liiindlliig
Itriiaai'.. ' ,"",'"",''. Iittwiivnr. ii.porl..t innll-rM u worked up Into ell
. hxe really controlled It for months.
Oiit I'rlco For Mentliers
'Mlll... fn .
iki. . iiKiiuy . ii in ntte in .'.
-' nent i lly inl r,1lm,
,,, ""I'd of rollc, Chief Wl..n
h. ..Uf" ,h', rhl,,r '""1 "Mlnr.l lo
ni,w. I ,,,t""'rlnK from various ro-
Ikt ..,. " i'..rn jiiitgi. nnu oiimrH
.... ',Dn Wan wnrblnu il... ,,.,,.. i
n ... . ""
-tinsi Ihn traffic offlrer'a nI.-Ii.
This surplus
citrus fruit cou-
Tho follottliig pernilln were IhsiiimI
KoomliiK hoiii- - Fred McCor-
IIiiii.ii muck, Welioii rooms, nl 01 Main,
lliiliilliiK- i: iiutm Hox compiiny,
hlf.p,.n.1.'"rU""" rov,,"nit Ihn imln
,w, M "'"Irnfflo officer's Hlghi
II ih! ' "ln rl,ln.f "'I'llrmi-il. Iml
iV.n,?M ,or u(n ,"" iw
' I... "'nnilonlitirK wns
IM ,K. "' ,,,n llfl of liuiulry. "How
f '"ii mm winn ant ti.n ini, .i.
. Lh P0,lc,, J,,,,p' " Hioiwhl
Bid, J? nu,,l"'"tl)M of n traffic
illhi Z u"ivuy and good, ..yo
I'l'rMd man' ,l'" B r,nr waor'
- - ..mjubo iu loot away In
miners, car slats, vegotabln boxes,
elr.. and will bn marketed outside
llm association, and tho wont from
these sales will go to reduce the cost1
1 four-room huiig.iliiH on worn or supplies In members of Ihn assncl-
H2 and OS, ...Idllloii, fl.Miu nllnn,
encli or 32,4nn lolnl; II Astiup,
hnusn, lot 2. block 23. Ilol Kprlngn
iiilillllnn, 2n0,
IVrmlls Denied
Rol I'rouly iv-h denied a permit lo
nrerl n sl.oollng Rnllnry nnd "kew
plo" wheel on Main stieot, next Iho
now l.llmrly Ihenler hlln. Tim pro
posed l.tilldltiK would eonfllet with
llm lire or.llnnnces, Mr I'rout)' rix
ilnlnor onrofiilly Hint ho had n var
iety of InrKClH, consisting 'f ducks.
Npulrrolu nnd IiuIIhoipm of varied
sizes, Thn council wns nbdunitn.
Iln (hen oxplnlnnd Iho "kowplo
wheel" wlilch Is a dovlro with a
wheel nnd pointer. You pay for Iho
privilege of turning. Always ou
get something, although not n kow
plo. Thn description wns fnsrli.nt
lng hut the council refused In fall.
Mr. Ilrnndenbiirg riven went In thn
length" of chnrnrlerlzlng Ihn wheel
ns n gambling device, and said tho
council Is unutterably opposed lo
William Tlmm's application for
permission to erect a sidewalk shoo
shining stand on Soventh htroet, next,
tbo Rex cafe, was turnod down,
The rminlr nrnnil tnpv vvMph tii
broke out. .econd only to that for. )n $cason wUfc iMrM that the war Is over. The big
Wilson llorneyslnce ycMerday. will conclude 'Jker ,n thal mlnB document ia
Hinouiir.-. Chlragti Platform 'their labors toda and tile n renort tho plank In the Republican platfona
I . ...... began speaknlg In a
low tolce. deliberately, and tho audi
ence cried "loudir." He soon cot
Into full olce. howeer. and the audi
ence had no difficulty In hearing him
Applauro nnd cl.eoni punctuated his;
with the circuit court lato this afternoon.
I concerning profiteering, 'we condemn
tho Democratic administration for
failure impartially to enforce the
I'LWK IIKliD AT l..KF.VIi:V antl-proflteerlng laws enacted by the
IIV llttirill.i: IN i:Noi.K'npP-blIcan party."
Thn Meierhoffer alrrlano which1 " Who will bellevo this absurd pre-
denunclallon of thn Republican part) recently wont to Lakevlew has been,'1'110 n" Republkun congresa en-
nnd Its platform ndopled nt tho Chi- i forced to stay there mi' account of ac,Pd no nnti-profiteorlng Inws. The
engine trouble It will not return amendments to me food control act
until next week as tbo engine has to wcro susgMVsd by tho president and
be taken out nnd dismantled. Tho supported by tho Democrats In con
trip from here to Lakovlow was made "rcs' the president recommended
In 70 minute.. Father II. J. Mnr-',0Hr additional measures to prevent
men.s in w'"nK"?":'1" (shall, who went ,o l.akevlew in tho ami Penalize profiteering. All Ihese
the leadership of President Wilson, ......... ... n,,.,.,,,.. - v.h.
tho a.i.llenco went Into another dem
onstration desplto his efforts lo stop
II. Repeatedly Mr. Cummlngs slg-1
nailed to the nndlemv nut to Inter
rupt with uppliiuso and chcerx but
rngo contention
ti.ii-i-. Wnr Iterunl
When Cli.iirni.iu Cummlngs in his
roilew ul l. iiuicr.itlc accomplish
ments In winning the war rcfcired to
i.lann. rnturn.-d esierdav bv staco measures were pigeon-noied. Notn-
i ling was proposed by tho Republicans
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie llablea of King In place of them. Is tho Democratic
tho delegates persisted.
When he referred to tho accomp
City. Cal , en route to Lake Odell 'administration to bo denounced for
and other 'points on a two months' , failure to enforce moasures which
camping trip, (topped hero last oven- tho Republicans refused to pass?
lng for a two da" visit with Mr. and ; "Perhaps tho most significant
I.Mrs lloguo Dale. Mrs. llablea has it omission frcm tho Republican plat-
and Inspired leadership of i;aUon ,.puWMon 8 w0,nan I
Wilson the roiiicntloi. went .. nn (j hoWer of sovpM,
bow- form Is in respect to tho excessive use
orld of monnv In fednral rWtlnn In
off into another liiiniill of fhecrln8lrccurl9 fQr j,,,,.,,,.,. , ,, R,,0rt. ! of thn genoral Indignation
J ? Klllott. local contractor, ro- aroused by the e-pendlturo of more
turned last night from a business thano onn million and one-halt dol-
o'lrip to California t lars In behalf nf Renoral Wood and
PFR90NAI MENTION I1 Mrs I'-l"1""1" Chandler, of Dorris, ' alninst a million dollars In behalf of
In which It was helped nlnug by tho,
Jack MeAullffu nnd Thomns O'Con
nor am county sent vlnltnrn from tho
Fort Klnmath district.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Ornham and
flnorgo Reed and wife, proprietors
nf thu Well on nnd Reed rooming
(('returned homo yesterday from a six governor Louden and tho nomination
weeks' U!t will, her paronts In of a dark horse n tho result, no men
'Lakeland, Florida. She was acioin- Hon of tho subject ia found In the
Untiled by Mrs. llnttlo Uigiin. who' Chicago plalf-rm. Tho No'vember
tecently sold her largo lady's fur- 'election, however, will demonstrate
i.lshli.g storo In lakeland nnd Is the fact that the presidency cannot be
Mr. and Mrs. M s. est reiurne.i ,lsw, Tho poltCal reccVd ot the
1 i iliit fits-ii-at 1 rjii-l Imiil if It tin Ihni i a - ... ...
...... ,..... ....... ............ ....., -viiahi unv innntna nones this declsrn-
family him. moie.l to their rnnrh on ,,.,. for a hwiwM location In the Ril,,0ed. It has been said
tho Upper lake near Algomn ,, partisanship ceasea-at the w,
houseH. left In their car this morning ,lllV . B,lpniHnB ,ho Shrlncr.V , of , ,l0pbcan party ,n the
for Hhnwnno. W .eon.ln. whoro they ronvt,ll(m. -pnnU( nm( n cJavenUon
expect to mend tho i; WlesseiiKniiger of tho Med
V.Ia nilnel.lnn Lift ilile Ml rti- II I II 1 ' .. a - - a I I . .. a
"T " ,";'"". , ".. .or., urocery romrniii. reiunu., .a-. .,.,.,,, of discordant and conflict
mi n imi iiiijn iitiiiuiH in., iii-.ii "'""-, nigni uom a ten nays ;u;uiuii ...
Ilu was nccompanlcd by n friend from Portland.
California. noli Robins ramp homo last night
Mr. nnd Mrs. William l'routy H.ut-.fniin Sail Francisco wlietn ho spent a
ed In their ear this morning for Call- week's vacation,
fornln points. . J, H. Kumwnlt arrived Inst night
Mr. nnd Mrs, James HaJIcok spent from llakorsllold, California, to
presents to iho world tho humiliating
IiHT nclioiis sending to discredit the
president In his efforts to maintain
tho respect and 'confidence of our
tho weok end nt Crater Inko,
0. K. l'nrkor was a visitor In Weed
yesterday on huslncis connected with
tho open air pavilion dances, which
ho Is conducting horo.
spend thn sumiuor with his son, Don
J, .uiuwult, rllyetiKlnoor.
Mr. nnd Mrs.Wl Powell have re
turned homo uftor n visit of two
weoks lu Portland.
ORKCON Tonight and j
day fair, except probable showen. ta
oxtromo east; warmer Wedneldty'lB