n-Uti ' nmwwAlr, jhntVa4, is IKE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON VAOM fOCH Tfcc Evening Herald P. 9. MCXRlT Miter PRED SODLI OI7 EdJlor 'Fabliabed dally, except Sunday, by Stm Herald Publishing Company ol aath Falli, at 115 Fourth Street. (red at tbe poslofflce at Klatu eta Fall, Ore., tor transmission tbru 4btm Ball aa second-class matter. m fber'of the Arlated Prrsa. Tho Associated I'rcs la exclusively eaUUed to tbe use for, republication f all news dispatches credited to It M mot otherwlae credited In this aper, and alio local newa published All rights of republication of spt- dlspJtcbe bereln art alio re wired. THUILSIUV, JUNK U4, IPSO AT THE THEATERS, Thoro l rIwojs on clement o( In tercst Hint attaches Itsrlf to an nc tnsss pliolng it ilunl roll' Ulalne llnmmcrstoln iIuok this admirably In "Tho Shadow of Rosalie Hyrnos," showing nt the Slnr theatre, ami pro vides proof that Iter country-wide reputation as nu actress Is H de orcd. 8t-o Is twins. Leontlnc. and Lconn M.ul.lern. U-ontlne Ik the Incarna tlon of sclflshnt-M and nbaolutoly without honor. Leonn i'0" all womanly lrtues The two nro cou stuntly ciosslng each otber' path, and their tantalizing reemblhuc adds tet to their liven. Mont or the tluio I.rontlnn net the bent of her, slater In Ihelr encounter becnute nothing Is too sordid for ber to make um3 of to nttitn her end Hotter, I.eon.l come In for her.Kbaic of bap- 4kM KMKAIKMnA I UcicLUr KuUUHUcSi "' STATE CHAMBER'S AIM url , , , . i tenders Specials Expansion Movement Now Progress Will Allow Eroader Activities. pines. Tho story, tichnlcnllj. U uf a very 1O.VK riNK NKW8 , A a tlnAlt aiMft tlu ilA a AM A . ?: -""" ' ""'""""".high order. Tbe plot, something to tbe Turner springs near Bonanza. I " . . . ... n . ,,...,. Mr. Bunnell has been troubled with .... , . , . . .n . ., . ., . , , ed, and the element of upen well rbcumatlim for aorao time and la In . , , . ., . ... .n., . , ... .,.., ... sustained to n sntlsfylug climax, taopes of eett ng relict by taking thoi - baths. Tie annual, school election was held Monday at tbe schoolhouso. 'William Barks was re-elected direct- Mr. and Mr. Klger visited Klara- , )c,teraa., bu, me for , S"" Mondn3r- B , t ItlgurliiR was extended to city con J. K. Lnraan spent Sunday at tho nn. nll ,,,,, ttl . -..-.m. SCHOOL IUW8 TO AIX UK OI'K.N'KD FIUDAY Tho hlds tor contract to build a 1 new sebcol building have not yet ered on Friday. Barks' ranch. I 8&m Hnman hauled a load of grain to town for L. F. Qeertson Monday. . . .r. .ri.n ul Mu k, attractive prices so rend tbelr called ct tt-o Knraan-ranch Tuesday.' . . Knden Co. are quoting some ad. LOS ANOELKS, Ju3o 24. KhO' culltr. 14 not rulltr and a dliaarca-l Ml AH tn H. warn flh rAivirf hrnHht III late Saturday by tho Jury bearing cp,r ' Ch.rlw Johnson fell to the case of 31 railroad men tried In lijk TfnftA.I Ot.t.. Jf.,.l ... t... was mu w.vu uiaics UtiUlK I.UUIL liC(U en charges of violation of the Lerer act tbr:ugh alleged participation he switchmen's strike last April. in QUINCY, June 24. While hurry ing to a midnight vupper at tbe Engel copper mine, Charles Johnson fell to tbo bottom of a shaft In the mine and Instantly killed. He struck a bucket at the bottom of the shaft, 'almost severing bis head from the body. The accident occurred Satur 'day night. . , j That Ik Is possible to grow colored Tbe In a "thinking" life Umo of Cfty Tears a mental worker trmilil rnllart In hi. grey matter some 3.200.000.- woJ has tecn Pu-d by recent eV 000 impressions, and If his brain ' rrlment Tbe result Is brought wen, of sverage weight, just over nbout by borlBK a boIoilnia "w'nK fonr pctind.. eh gxc' gxalu ouId;treo aa,, "T'"8 " molU ot e contain 200,000. Bnu y,aiKr """ UB "" tret) absorbs tbe mixture. t HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Burt Southern And Hit Fun-makers What does Oregon 11 evil T What If It were possible to name the chief factor does It most need In order to develop with a maximum of success? The question Is Impossible to answer There Is no "chief factor." The aolu tlon lie not In one particular tired, but many. Oregon today, facing an, era of de vrlunnicnt unparalleled lit Its history niust till these needs It It expects to go ahead. Ot tbe many factors that must U employed It the state la to progrrsn Immigration and colonisation stand preeminent lu order to solve the vital problem of land settlement. Irrigation, reclamation of land and drainage must be developed as another method ot bringing about tbo solutlou of tbls problem. Farm labor must In brought In. llomrseekrra who In turn become food producer, must bo en touraged and made to see the possl Lllittia that await tbcsu In the great northwest. (laod mads must be built. As tbe viut tracts of wilderness with tliejt billions ot feet of timber arc concerted into lumber, highways must be pro vided oter which commerce can be carried and the scenic bcautlta of the State viewed by the tourist Among other needs are Industry ex. paoaion. railroad extension and water power development. 1 Advertising and publicity must bo carried on if Oregon Is to be made known aa a country for the homeseek er where opportunity wcaons. us tcenlc beauties must be advertised to attract the stream of golden dollars from tourists and pleasure seekers. Other states, most of them with fewtr advantages to attract, arc realizing roll lions each year from tourists becauso they realize the value of advertising and making public what advantages tiny possess. Orccon roust develop Its water trauiportatlon, Its mineral lakes, It 1 1 jiorts and reach out for foreign tradi V and It must develop the state to pro ly duce the exports which are to go down A to the sea In shlpi. It must expand 1 ...., . . ....I ..., 1 IIS fuucauonui latimun as mi uuui . tlonul advantage to hold out to the hcuii seeker with children to ediratc. Tho llrrann Hlatr Chsmlier of Com. mercc Is the most logical agency to ? carry on this development work simply y U cause a state organization of thli IN KEEPING WITH OUR WORD WE ARE QUOTING THE FOLLOWING LOW PRICES TO ALL CASH BUYERS. THESE PRICES HOLD GOOD FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK: Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, lib, Rcg..65. CHf Special .s..' .. . ' .... Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, 2tt, Reg. . 1 flfl $1.25. Special l,uu Folger's Tea, Black or Green, Reg. A.(r 50c lb. Special. ...: wt j Best Grade Fruit Salad, large size. tt(r ? .'Special :. 0"C Cosmos' Tomatoes, 2 for 35 cU. or &A 1 Ct Per Case !- v 0 Mecco Com, 2 for 35 cts. or &A 1 Cl ' PerCnse V.1U Goody-Goody Peas, 2 for35cti. or flf 1C Per Case iPt.lU Regular 15 ct. Bulk Coffee. lKr Special ooc K. C. Baking Powder, Reg. 80 ct. can. 70r Special uc K. C. Baking Powder, Reg. 50 ct. can. An Special 01 K. C. Baking Powder, Reg. 25 ct. can. OO Special c We will nay this week 15 cents per dozen cash for all ftesh eggs. Watch Saturday's paper for next week's Specials. J. E. ENDERS & CO. Successors to ROBERTS & WHITMORE f ? t ? ? ? y y y y y v y T A ! I. OREGON PLAYGROUND rOR TOURISTS AIM OF STATE CHAMBER FRIDAY The Sparkling Comedy X . ... . . . i "W -.--..--- ------.-.....- nature can work tor tno mutual lKllttZHZZZ of all communltUa In the state jwltb- ,, out favoring any particular one." - . i 4'-M4-4'44---4 Announcement WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Blacksmiths, Boilermakers, Machinists nnd Wood Workers The largest and best equipped shop between Port land and San Francisco. We are prepared to do all kinds of heavy mill work, and make logging equip ment. Auto truck blinks, truck bodies, truck trailers built to order. I have installed Oil Furnace for Sprint; work. Usinir THE BROWN PYROMETER instruments for tempering, Auto and Truck Spring, i work is no experiment with us. You will find first I class Mechanics here, and commonsense prices. t Shop located at Gth and Willow Street, Phono 530. I L C. B. HOUSE, Prop. Switzerland ued to bo the poorezt country, per capita. In the world. Nov, It Is tbe richest. Tourist traul did It. Mclii and Colorado each re ceive (50,000,000 per year from their tourists, Florida gets (250, COO.OCO; California, hair a Di llon a year. Oregon ccts (5,000, 000. A three year's advertising cam paign by the Oickoii iitato Cham ber of Commerce may bi expect il to brlni; In at Ituil imo-lulf of what Main nnd Colorado t't. or 125,000,000, which should In crrum on a rUlntf scale. STATE CHAMBER SEEKS I TO DOUBLE POPULATION ' ON FARKS IN 3 YEARS "The End of a Perfect Day" isWMAWIVVWSVVWMWWWWVWVWVWVVMWMWWi SATURDAY " In Wrong II Oregon has wutT n tourer s to Ir rlpftti 4 flflfl 00ft nrrpH nf lnml nfiw ttn ' productive, and which would support In comfort, 200,000 new population, or ubout 40,000 now families. If In its three je.ir'H campulgn to put families on On-Kon'H acunt lurid I'llin r)r,-ffiri 'Itnfn r'hnmli.r nf Pmn. mcrce can bring l.dOO fan: 1 1 leu to utll t Izn ihU liind mi'l water, It will rm-Hti In expcr:dltur(M alone for such commodi ties as clothUiK. food, 'furniture. ttr or f l,00f),0C0. talculatlnrf tho expendl tiirn rnr nn fntlra fnntllv nt. onlv Effrimn .ni! i,r ,i viv nili(nf, nt fli. Atulth prndiircd by tlittc new settlers ' Land Mttl 'nt fi nno ol tho chlel Hms of the l';i;r,ii Htuto Chamber of Cummcrc." ' - --""rnin in m i ovement to aid in the dcvelojnnc nt of tho H'.aic. SUNDAY " Pardon Me " at j;- f fRICES Reserved Seats $1.00 Gcncr! Admksion 50 ; Keeenred Seau New em Sale ' preRon Iii.h 1C, COO COO ucica ot till alilo land now uni ui!UntrI ' Oiecon preduct: 1 0,100,000 Luanda I of whnat In l&l'J. I If Orcgon'o lC.OfiOOOO acnn of III)-luMe-but uucillthaled lurid were plauttil In V) hi at and tho yield wire lliu Orr gon avcrate for ten yenrv -21.D bushtlo per cert now production would bo 350,400.00 LuBlielB which, ut tho prlco today of 13 per bushel, would misn u cash value of $1,051,200,000. Trio vrcgon Htate Chamber of Com merce expects to double the number of farmers in three years. If this means double tho wheat crop, It will mean so additional yield of 20,400,000' bushels of wheat, which at tbe pr-; Tailing price would, mean a cash value la se money pf 161,100,000.""; MIMMON'H I'Oll I'Ulll.lf'ATMiV tttilly No. I Kin In tho Circuit Court cf tho Slain of lOrcKon, for tho County of Klntiinth I Klrry A llalrd, plaintiff, vit Kmmu O lloblnson. V O Foster nml L. M . l.anttley. nefendaiitK. In tho naimi of tho Slnto of Oregon To V O Poster and I. M. I.uns ley. Defendants. Vou nro beroby required to upHar and answer tho complaint filed aca'lnnt you In thu all vu ent tied suit, on or before July D. 1320 that hi-lnrj thu hint day of tho titno pre icnt.ed lu tho order tor publication ot IIiIk siitn inons. And It you fail rn in iitmwur 'or apiwiir, for wnnt lh proof, thu plaintiff will npply to tho Court for tbo relief prayed fcr In IiIn complaint on flli! heroin, to-v.lt. I That that certain mnrtfcaKo ex ecuted by thu defendant, Kiiimu 0 Itoblniton, on the 3 1st day nf March, 1114 In fnvnr nf-thii id.llntltf for Who sum nt $2,800. puynhln ono yoar, after ilnto, with Interest at ihn rutn of 8 per cent, per annum, loverlnn th followliiK dencrlliod real eutnte: All or Huctfou 36, Townnhlp 39 South, ItanKo 10, Knal or Wlllametto Meri dian, Klamnth County, Btntu ot Oro Ron, bo forecloued by decreo of this Ceurt: that thn sum of $170 ho al- I lowed as u reasonulilo attorney h icu in hald torociOHUru proceeding, to Koflior with cents or suit. That thu defendants, W C. Footer nnd U. M. LanKlcy bo barred and foreclosed of ovury rlKht, tltlo and c'lulty uf icdemptlon, or other Inter est In said mortK'iKud property, snvu thn srattitory rlcht of redemption, In salt! prtmlBen, This summon Is nerved by publi cation thereof, In thn KvenliiK Horald, a dally nowspapur, printed, piilillHhod and or KonerAI circulation In Klam-I utli County, Ori'ccn, by order of1 llonorabltt 1). V, KuyKonilall, Jtidco of tho aliovo entitled court, niado mil riled May 27th, 1U20, which H.ild order roriulres that lhl Hiiiiimorn bo published onru a week ,for hIx con tiuutlvo.unftkn. hCKlunlng on.llio 28th day or Mny, 1020. ui;u. i;hii;m and r. A, WII.'ST, Attorney for I'l.ilntlff. May 2S-1-1 1-18.25.2-0 NOTK'i: OK VISMi ACCOUNT Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads. Great Success the WINGED "O" FIVE NOTIC13 1H IIKHKIIY (J1VICN that tha underHlKiied Iiiih flted In tho County Court of Klarnth .County, Oregon, thn final account ot his ad rnlnlKtrutlon of tho KHtuto of Loulo II, Dixon, doccasod, mid tho said Court has fixed July 10, 1020, at tho hour ot 10 o'clock in tho forenoon fit iiuld day, nnd the Court Room ot the County Court of Klamath County, Oretion, In Klfimath KMlti Oregont as the date, time and place for the hearing of objections against sai final account, if any there be, and for tbo settlement thoreof. ,. DKNBON DIXON, Administrator' of the Bstato ot Louie B. Dixon, deceased. Jobs 2-9-U-23-tQ I The Harmony Hounds jgv 00? , Jugglers ' of Jazz FEATURE DANCES' be 'held at 9:00 p. m. Toniorht and Saturday night at MOOSE HALL Come and Dance to the Latest in Refined ' - JAZZ 11 " ' Will f 4' 1 V ('