-h I Mem mm THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 'wrateMDAY, ftttne m, a CiOWNH AND IU)'KH fi'iithcr mill funij In fact ovory thing ii woman wcuri inn ho kept In rirnt iIiikn rniiilltliMi liy lnivliut tin dry rlonn Him Kiirmutil or rodttimo iiri-os-Niiry oiumlonally Our dry rliiinliiK keeps things nw mid makes old thing" now okiiIii It doesn't liijuro thi) most iliillcati) rubric or riilnr. Itn rol In trifling when coiiiiurt'd Willi Urn rout (if in1 npparol EASY TO DARKEN your emr w YOU CAN Illtl.Vfl HACK (-(M.OII ami i.tMiti: miii s.)i: ti:a AM) Nl'l.t'llt'lt When ynu darken your hair wllh Hnr,n Tm and Hnlilinr, no ono can tell, lipriii.mi Ii'k done o naturally, so evenly Preparing thin mliliire, IIiiiiirIi, nt homo Ii uiumiy nml trouble some, For 60 rnitii ynu rr.it liuy nt ny rdiig stor tint rrady.to.ti-o prct arollon. Improved by Hie addition ol other liicrrdlcnti, called Wycth's HnKi mid Sulphur Compound " You Jim dampen n -ponce or f 'jnnh win It and draw thin through your hair Inking ono mull strand ut n tlmo. II) n timing all Kray Imlr dltappears, and, after another application or two, yout Imlr heroines beautifully darkened glossy mid luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, tlionieti no dl Itruca, I a sign of old into, and ax w II ileilre a youthful and attractive appear nee, get tuny at nnco with Wyeth'a Hacn and Kulphur Compound and look year younger. Comfort n The ill :: I , : : . ? i , i , i WEATHER RECORD - lleronftur tint hurulu will publish tlio iiionn mid maximum iMiipum turiii and precipitation refold hh ink on by tlio II H Hoflniiiuiioti tho Wntton, I'lilild iiiinn will uiviir tin day previous to me imperii ln-nnt, III to G o'clock of Hint day Pre Mai. Mlh. clpllutloii Junn 1 74 38 Juno 2 7H .in Juno .1 X.'I 47 J I 4 ... . 7i Ml - Juno fi .. 74 !tfi Junn i! .... VI Vj - Juno 7 112 2fi Juno H 70 2T, Junn 'J .. Vi 21! Junn HI ... 70 .17 Juno II ... 71 47 Juiii) 12 ... (!7 r,o Juno l.'l ... fir, 4K Juno II .. no 4R .in Juno 1.1 64 4(1 .17 Juno Id 73 3H Juno 17 .. OH M . Juno IH .. 79 38 Juno 10 .. 80 48 Juno 20 . 01 C8 Juno 21 00 67 Juno 22 . KG 49 CIII.VA'K POIIPHJ.V TltAIU. MAKING GKIUT l'H(Nilli:SM SHANGHAI. Mny 21. (Ily Mull ) - (Irowth of Chlna'n foreign tmdo Ii shown In n report Jut stird glv1 lug rimloiiiH re veil lien of I lie 4S ports In 'III tin In which dulled Mure ml leileil Tin- total collerllunn tor tho )e.ir iiliiouuted to 4ti-.nil9.ir.il Halk wan T.ielH, mi liicreuno oer the rev enileH collected III 1 111 h of 9.G04.I16 Ilk. Tli Tint llulkwan tnel, unit of ruMtouiH value In Chlnn. range In Viiluo from II 36 to J I Co gold lllllMMIlllLLLLlA PEARL OIL , (KEROSENE) C00KST0YES (TAROARO OIL OOMrANY lOAlirOhMIAl Cleanliness Reasonable Rates Central Hotel fvj0n0mni0n00 New Throughout IN THESE DAYS OF HIGH PRICES THE AVERAGE CITIZEN WILL BE GLAD TO FIND A PLACE TO LIVE THAT IS WITHIN HIS REACH AND WHICH FURNISHES EVERYTHING THAT HE COULD WISH FOR A GOOD BED, A CLEAN ROOM, PERFECT VENTILATION. THESE YOU WILL FIND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. SEV ENTY ROOMS IN THIS GREAT HOSTELRY ARE NOW READY AND THIS NUMBER IS BEING ADDED TO AS FAST AS THEY CAN BE FIN ISHED AND FURNISHED. SPECIAL RATES MADE TO PERMANENT ROOMERS. NO- BETTER SPRINGS, MATTRESS OR BEDDING ARE MADE THAN THOSE FOUND AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL. J. J. KELLER, 'YmHv' ' m t BEG K OH SALTS Flush oiir kldne) ixxnslimly If you nil incut regularly No mini or woman who oats meat regularly run miiko a mldtuko hy duelling tlio kidneys ornidlouly, says it well liliowu authority. Meat fornw uric ncid whlih clogs tlio kid liny pon h ho tlmy KliiftKinlily llltor oi nil uln only part of tho waste and polHouu from I Int. blood, then you tel dl l .Nearly nil rheumatism, iieiidatheN , llvor trouble, nervous ness, lonxtlpatlon, dlrzines-i, sleep Icskm-ks, hladdor disorders como (loin sluggish kidneys. Tint moment you feci n dull nrho In tho klduityN or your hark hurtH, or If tho urlno Ik cloudy, offctuilvi), full of reilliininl, Irreculer of pttitn iRD or utleiided by n herniation of (cntdltiK. cct about fou- ouncon oi Juil Hnltii from any reliublo plinr- iiiney unil take a tublenpoonrul In a kIiikh of water before breukfant for a fitw diiyn anil your kidney will then net line, Thin farnoUB Haiti) la mndii from the ncid of k raped and leinim Juice, combined with lit li la and hn been ned for Kcnnratlona to lliidb cloRRed kldnityn and dtlmu Inti) thorn to activity, h!ho to nou trnllio tho ncldx In urlno do It no loner canned Irritation, thud end Iiik bladder dldorilnra. Jad Suits In lueiiiendlvo and can not Injure: m nk I'd n dollithtful ofTer vedcent lllhla-wiiter drink which all recular ment eaterd dhould take now Mini then to keep tho klilneyd clean .mil thii blood pure, thereby avoid Iiik dorloux kidney cotnpllcntlond. JWrTICi: OI' FI.VAI AfiXiVST NOTICi: IH 1IKIIKIIY OIVKN that (in undernlKiD'd hud filed In the County Court of Ktumath County, Oregon, tho final account of hid ad mlnldtratlon of tho K-tate of Ioulo II Dlion. deceased, nnd tho dald Court hail fixed July 10, 1920, at tho liunr of 10 o'clock In tho forvnoon of Raid day, and tho Court Itoom of tho County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, In Klamath Kalla, Oregon, n the date, tlmo and place for tho bearing of objections acnlnst ca'd flnul actount, If any thoru bo, und ''or the M'ttlement thereof. IIKNSON DIXON, Admlnlxtrutor of tho Katnln of Ixiulo II. Dixon, dcccMcd. Juno 2'91C'2330 Tllli I'HK OK thu column will ! make money for you. Manager. m ran SUGGESTS EDS. WAHIIINUTON, June 22 Ilovl Hlou of the prcdcnt method of rnnk Ink appropriation and redldtrlbutlou Of tho work of tho varlctiM exnnillvo ilopirtnicnta tiro recommended by Amlaltirit Hecretary Itotidevell In n letter to IteprcKontiitlvo Ireland, Ho publican. IlllnolH, which wan mado public today at tho navy department. Mr KotiHcvelt wrote in reply to un Inquiry from Mr Inland un to wheth er any roorKarilriitloriM, rnforinx or coriKrlldalloiid could lo mado In tho nuvy department Tho uMdldtunl mte rotary did not confine hlrnKc.lt to that department, lie recommended Unit cenKrcim: "Create n true budCLt ayittnm, not tho dinall beKlnnlnK ulready at tempted, "Con-olldate tho nppropriatlann In ono Kenerul committee, with dub- tomrnltteed to deal with depurutu dul JcctM. "I'ut Into law the Kcnernl prin ciple 'recommended by tho reclamii. firutlon (ommltteo't) report, tCRethor with tlio authorization of adequate oularlen to Rovernmcnt cmployvii. "Invito u conference with tho ex- ecutho branih of tho govurnment, looklnR to u rerl;iddficutlon and re dldtrlbutlon of tbo work of tho de partment!). "(live by lav. greater authority to the heudd of tbo exccutlvo depart ment In conducting their executive hudlncdd, ut tlio Ktimu tlmo holding thedo hcadd more directly redponxibla for tho Bucrendful admlnidtrutlon of thvlr work." Mr. Itoudcvelt aald that tho entire djdteni of relatlondhlp which exldts between congress and tho executive department!) la fundamentally wrong. "After duen yean) down hero In an executive podltiou," ho continued, "I cannot help tho ccncluilon that our Rovorumental metbodH ur cumber domo and wasteful. I am equally trunk In tclllriR yon that I tblnk tbo first IniprovementH mufct coma In what Ih after nil the toured of gov ernmental uctivltled, 1. e., tho legli lutlvo branch. "I hope you will not take it aw a crlllcldtn of any individual or this particular congredd when 1 call at- tenttcn to tho ery unwleldly, Inade (unty and unbudlncddilko methods under which the public and senate of the United Stutrx conduct their busi ness. For Instance, the navy depart ment has to go before the naval af fnlrs committee for Its main appro priation. It nlso Iiuh to go beforu tho appropriations committee for the money to run tho forco In Washing lob, uml I ran cite numerous In Htunrex when) tho department has fallen between thti two fires af the two committee." ior poi'ititi (Continued from I'ngo 2) with by tho authorities, whou that condition nrlees." Docs that apply to tho present "Tules," too, Prank? If tho I.ono Star wanted, to w'ux "starry" tnnlcht. ho would say that as fur ns "authorities" nro concerned ho is Bomowhnt liko the htcx who wnv n Klraffo for the tlrst tlmo. He looked nt It nnd Mid "There nlnt no hucIi animal." Hut we wont get "starry" tonight. In this column last week, tho re mark was mado that tbo pluoo t" Bottlo all questions of thin nature was at tho polls, and that was never more aptly llustrnted than it was nt that council mootltiK Monday nlKht. Where were all tho calamity howl ers unit that element who mo all tho time ralsliiK c.iln about "Tules" and tliliiKs of that description? There wasn't ono In tdght. Tho tlmo for notion w.ts when tho permit was nskoiWor. Thon tho ki bosh coild htiva'heou put on it nt!T NOT NOW. Something liko our otory of last wook nbout the follow ! that wan homo praying ror promm- tlon to carry, and the diys lost t ono vote HIS, Same thing here. Now let the folks who opose this sort of thing forovor hold their peace. Tho couucil meeting was as open to them as it was to anyone else. .The othor folks were there, whllo the reform element WERE NOT THERB. We will now ask Hrother Upp to close with prayer, and that will con clude tbe performance this evening. HI NT; i BUSINESS CARDS WWWWWddWWWWWWWWWWMWW Klamath Falls Cydery We handle the best In our line, ucb m Motorcycles, Bicycles, Parts and Accessories, Goodyear, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. The bouse of the two and tbreo wheulers, Includ ing Harley-Davldson Service. O. B. BlflMARK 115 H. Mb fit. KUmatb FalU MMVMNMVWSAMWUWVWMWWMVMWWVVMVWM1 NOTICB Wo open store every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 a. m. to 4;0o p, in. I any ore th good thlnRs wo can show A dollar saved Id a dollar earn ed. In buying good thngs cheap ns you may learn, you will never be In debt and have to skip If you buy your goods from I.UCKY DICK & CO, 201 Klamath Ave. Corner of Cth St PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET W. E. McABOY Ilnllds anything' la the cabinet liar. Doors, gcrecaa, etc Shop at 110 Eighth St. t. O. CLKOHOR.N Civil Kngtaeer aad Sarvejor Office 617 Main Bt Pboeea: Ofllce 160, Ree. 1923 O. K. FEED Jb SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock' placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wuecarrer FHONK H4 Dr. P. M. Noel FHONK 4 Over VaderwooeVe Seventh aad afata Streets J B)MM,a,a,a1a,a,a1,vv-pvpi'i'sBii.Fp DR. a A. MASSEY Fourth and Pine Sts. In Warren Hunt Hospital Oft. Phone 497 Res. Phone 86M -iruu j-iAfifiriirri .- . KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kaade of Sprtag Repair- tag New Oaea Made to Order axle BtralskteaUac aad ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phoae aw-Y 617 KlaaaaUi Ave. I rVMi,ai tfj00i Phone 4S0 Ice Creaaa 728 Main Bt Caadlee PASTIME Jack Moarow. Prop. Cigars, Tobacco. Soft Drinks, Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In Connection OCR MOTTO "CoBrteay aad Service" WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY 517 Mala ARTHUR R. WILSON Uaaager EX-SERVICH MEN, ATTENTION I Tbe regular meetings ot Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion, will be aeld at 8 o'clock p. m., at ... m mil in Klamath Falls, on the aecond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All comraaes are TbON daslring to Join the Post mar secure application blanks from Y, H. Caraaaaarall of Klamath Falla FfUBD NICHOLSON, Secretary PROFESSIONAL CARDS VVWWVMWWSMWNWAMMWm FRED WESTERFELD DRMTIHT Phone 434W. XIUjr Laboratory LoomU Uldf aUaauub Valla VWWWVMWMAAAMAArWMAMAMAMVa1Ma1 DR. C. A. RAMDO Dentist I. O. O. F. Ralldlag PHONE ai MMVWSMMtAAAMSMMMMWMMMWVMWWMM, PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity i 'km Mr.. Bona McDaaleto.' 301 High St Phone 45S WWWWWWWIWWMWAWWWW-W.W nmos Plinna 1771V Rn. 177R I Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physldaa and Hargeoa White Building Klamath Palls Oregon WWW-WWWWWWWWWWWWWC DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. 0. O. F. Temple ' E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones I7W 17R Rooms 1 aad 1 White HaUdlng DR. T. C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I. O. O. F. Ralldlag Pboaeaw Residence Wblte Pelican Hotel Residence Phone t. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAItltKN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone. 497 Night Phoae, 8 SAW MILL KNRINKRRING CONKTKUCTION CO. Dc-df-Tier nml builders cf mod ern miw mills, planlnit mills aad box plants, n.-cdglnc;. Pile driving. Phone 4041.W Offlcv Corner Spr'ng nnd Oak Near li. P. Depot I am now prepared to ftrnlab Shasta Sand from the Hoey. Cam., innd and gravel pit. In any quantity that may he desired' by contractor! ud builders AL. P. GRAHAM. Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 47.7W Eleventh and Pine Klamath Lodge No. 137 I O. O. F. Meets Piiday night ot each week at 1. O. O. P. hall, fth and Main streets, ilyman Weschler, N. G.; W. C. Wells, Sccretary: W. D. Cofer. Treasurer. Ewauna Encampment No. 48, 1. O O. P., meets' Tuesday night of each weok at I. O. O. F. hall. W. H. North. C P.; W. D. Cofer, Scribe: Fred Iluostng. Treasurer. NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Sud" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Congee Superstitious folk In bo mo ot tbe rural parts of England believe that It means death to bring Into ,tU house a single dalndll, when that flower first appears In the sprlag. .V t A HeraW Want A4 will MB M. OTi J t ' a-' 'l te