The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 22, 1920, Image 1

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i ' 'rtixYfti
W. H" ' ' htv-nwrMK wft-rit-wyfta-gwt
Fourteenth Year No. 3953
Price Five Cento
E3 0U?g ttgttmg.iltgtalg.-lF
Tim ordinance, providing for U min
imum $r.O a day license fee uu lant
ana traveling shows, csmlvuls and
theatrical exhibitions wan pasmd by
the city council Unt night, Council
man Cotvlll casting thn lunn upposlng
tola. Tim llcnw f 1 fixed at $50
A day for show mating GOO purson
or leas; 76 day fo'r anatlug ea-
Arllv of COO tn I 000 iiMraAn atnil
...... .. ,. ...
tuv iur Mown pwtiina more man
Councllanaa Cotvla moved that thn
t;;aOy rate bo flind al 1C, flO and
V lit day, but hU motion u lost
I for want of second' nnd tbtt ordln-
""' uc pasted a originally drafted,
Thu tunt dhow tiijw playing lu tUa
city will not Ihi anVrtod, it lit said,
until their present Hern eiplros,
which will bo In aboul two months,
Under the old ordinance1 they cur
d thico months' llcunun for 1 12
I'avlnjt ld ItorUvcJ
Warren I Iron (.'oimtructlou com
PAny, mln bidders, wjre awarded
four linpurtunt sired paving con
tracts All of thn bid worn ImiIow
thn engineer's entlnial following
U thn lump nutn (in c.irb unit, tncltid
I11K ejcnutlun, tuvlug, curbing and
Conger avmiuTv from Main
strvut to California am-
Klumiith nT.Hiuo.
II0.36I :ilk . ,,, j T
Nlulti to Klon'iitli
I'lrin uttvrt, KlKhth
7.375 39
ICInvrntti 13,720 C
Inrlni-r.Alair lUfuvl
J. K MwMn'Ju, turner nliup pro
prinlor, mtkixl permlntlon to nrtct a
ruhhluli Inelncrntor In thn alley In thn
rour of hi nhop Paroilnniou wavtl
w.-i.nn. mi. -.nuucu iimiiiiik uiui
wouiii ni4uimn n nail prrirdnat In
tbn Ulapovat uf eirbaKit
Tim city utUtn-y uh ,n.,trurtnd,,ifc.v,,ll,tl ,lrrf, t0 T L Howenan, who,,,r Ih "' acquiring n reputa-
""" inn iiuini nmTiiig oriiiii -
anro. muKing utrec ito u riinrK(. of l
u km ror inn gmuuiig ot permitit
Hch pnrinl( ' '" " "' the
mover win iium nnvo m nnnn n ungi-
mi. riueuro oi nuu.ority if que-
Leslie Itogers wa given pefaiirnlon
to lay n newer plpo to connect hi
residence with the main at Mnlrosn
and I'aclflco torrnee, tbn nxpunaea to
no bornn by Mr I'ogers'wlth tho un-
derslatidlriR that later he might be
relmburied for unnhalt thn bill bj
tbn city.
Traff" Offlc.-r NiuueJ
Cliurlm Wynn was appointed city
traffic nttlcor by thn mayor nnd tbo
notion, wa ratified by the council
The new traffic ordinanco, a blan
ket affair regulating traffic, parking,
drivers' qualifications and all traffic
details was passed to third nadlng.
This ordinaucn was Introduced a
month ago s (
1'i.r.uiU Allowed
The following p e r m, I : h wore
J. If. Carnabnn, private garage,
cornor Klghtb and Jeffejuoa; J;o
Tatak, thrra-room house, Jot 7,
block 17, lllobn addition, 1,600; B.
II. Jefferson, shed and garagp, lots 17
and 18, block 26, Hot Hprlngii addi
tion, C00.
. Itoomlng linurie poruiits Mrn. R.
Uordoti, house nu Spring stroat
known' nn "HiHihorn bulldliiK"; Kred
NihiI, "Mnrnhull Iiouho," Muln nnd
Konrth; Tony Mnlutorci, Metropolitan
hotel, Alii Muln struct
Mevlm: iwrmltH A, Stofflor,
house from 7Jfi I'liin to blork t,
Itullronil iiddltlmi; J T Ward; two
lioiiNc fiom block 12, orlKliml town
to Mock 3, Hot RprliiKH addition,
A iKiinilt to inovo tho old ChrlHt
Ian rhurrh liuilillni; from Its prusent
situ to Main Hlroot, liotwonu Klghth
and Ninth, Krunted last, week to H,
J. Murray, wiih reulnded. oil motion
of Councilman llpp, Thn council
held that tho permit as IbhuocI waa lu
contravention of tho Ore ordinanco.
A penult to I. W. Oodda'rd for
Moving hi restaurant on wheels
from Its former location on Main
Htreet to a location, next dooi to'Hec
I tor's, store was revoked4, on the
crowd that after the restaurant w
NMTed to the now ibcitlM." Mr'iWv
m a44itiowM built MtV'lJt. fleUt-'
M tke terns ( tha poralt.
I'lnnn for financing tint wool
growers until I tin market for
wimiI Ik rit-estnlillshnil Irnvti bmm
worked out at conference ho
twoon growers and thn federal
reserve board, It wan announced
hem today by K. It, Mamhall, of
Halt toko, secretary of thn Na
tional Wool Urowtrn' ainocla
tlou '
Klamath eotaty'i wool In
duntry, ono of thn bit factora In
rounty production, I on hard
bit, or bardnr, than wool pro
rtortlon In othor
I .
lnC nrrnituv
! i0"' growers
hope the plan ot salvation In
fmulble n Minn wool produc-
lux stairs, Texas for Imttanett.
r. condlHon- nro n.orn f.,orl
ahlf Tttero U llttto winter
fnndlng and wool can lx pro-
dueod morn cheaply, although It
cannot b produrnd anywirn,
nronira maintain, at a profit
uiidr prmtcnl condltlonit
K...I wutn ciiilliiura to char.,
bandn wl th gn,.l rapidity and p.0-
,...- -.. r.... ....... ,.,.n-.r.u .r uuTii.-n
Ml n. .lilt l.a..l ....-... ..- I
U...I j -
....... u C.....J,....,
nlono havn Im-h. thn medium through
which ri prupcrty ! wrro madn
tbuip.vat wok
)nn ot thu largur nfn wa thn
IS-room houait, owned by Mr Hay
Telford at 707 Waablogton atrotit, to
H. Vance llutchlua. Auotlivr wan
tha rVpnk Hrhmltt bungalow In Mill
addition to Uhnrlri Jacob, Mr.
ii'jttColi came here
rorr-utly from
Crnfi;, California, .
I! J Winter,, (.:,) inn liumo on.
ri,i.iM .,.,. M...-.III iijiiii... u-..v
nM purrllUl(.(, tt bonsn
froln Jobn Thron in Mills addition
Tun K fompany ,,, a loi 0
8,,r,n(t tlrt.t , lM 4od c Q
(;haln, Jo, T w , .. . . ,
Ward sold lot 3.
bluck 89, Nicbnl addition, to George
1). CbauiburUln.-
At litanl 250 nnrtMin, member ot
tbn county boy' and girls' club,
tbulr parent nnd friend, nttunded
tho club picnic at the ranch of K. W
-Sexton, county club leader, Sunday.
Atplculc dinner wa a big fnaturn of
thn day,
U. J Allnn of the Oregon Agricul
tural colleen, "Into llventoc.c club
liiador, nnd A, K. lnwson of Hpokuno.
representative of the Northwest
Hhortborn Dreaders' association, were
present and both mad addroasoa
nloug the linn ot their work.
Other npekaers wore K. O. Hall,
pntsideut of tbmeounty chamber of
commerce, who told of the connty
dovutopntuot pluMi of the chamber;
B. II, Thomas, county agricultural
agent; It. B. Wilcox nnd W. It
Two hundred nnd fifty tlionnnnd
feet of Iokh owned by tho Illi; I.nkfis
i!ox compnti)- wnro (U'Htroycd by firo
yoHterdiiy, ut tho Itound I.nko saw
ItupurtH aro that tho fire caujtkt
from NliiuhltiKH tlmt vtero burnliiK
iinnr by.
There w.m u rumiir nlinut town yen
tordny that the CrlHty-Mct'olliim mill
and ynnls ut Itound I.ako woro burn
ing, but tbo rumor was denied by
tbo owners, who said the lumbor nnd
camp were at no tlmo in danger.
'- l
TACOMA; Juno 32. Oregon state
troops, comprising infantry, nngln-
ers and coast artllery will arrive at
Jmj Iwls" JuUHtb tot flttaett'(Uys
orui wan saaia.Ton, ll wuuutu-'
ad at 'em'iauV. ' "1,J -
Two morn sawmills aro to be erect-
. i;d rut 11 renult ot tba Main of thn two
...III..II... .1 tlklk.1 ..
ai"1"1"""'' ruiiin-,(u, aauupnre
uilllnlNtM at
IHnMl lit rt(lt Mfta n.ail Ik -! Ifu
'nld yontorday. Thn Srat will b
Inroctod by a compiby "of local capl -
tallM. ArtlclM of Incorporation
for thin company aro In count of ,
W . .. . ,. .taa ... Ma. ...A
iDriiraratlon nnd will ha' flU'ii ui.
llb" ncr,,ar-' ' "into wltbla tw
diytt Thv nroM)Md mill wIIMm a
nlngln bund, with praiMoi madu forjK'"nvtB 'H4 alionld bear the coat
the addition of gang or another!0' cutting th wlren of tha telephone;
'a . .
T "'. T' nV: '! T "
Ity ot about 25,000,000 f(t annual-lhnt thi Cutting jihould be done by
ly. It lit np4Ttcil that contructlon"nr"1'1 ot 'h1 companle whon-
work will tart within N.iwetfkn, Ar- w,r" 'ntjrfarrd with the inorlnk.-
rAngnmuata bfn m4 for a,11 Provided nginat any Interference
Mipply of llmb-r nulllclimt to run th'wll! he'lhjea by thn moving contne
ntlll for roveral Tcunt itor a'- '" Provldod that thn con-
Thn iictlm managpinvnt
of tlm
proportion will
III ln In tb hundit n
!m wan manager for tin
IC W Uon. wh
C A Hmlth Lumber conmanr of Cool
Hay until ubout a year ago.
I Thn aucuml mill wl Iki crcclxd
umnr thn tllructlm. of V. Hill lluntir
of thn Hawmlll KiiBrnnorqg,,&, Con
utructlou, who will liaro at-
r-oclalfd with blm arlle.i who buvo
ot lieretofaru b.-n Intnrrnted lu thlnr'M,t aboT0 tho '"roU1"1. tke ho'sbt
territory Tho mill
will bn'nlmllar
t ,hu , compl.tA'd for' th
Kwauna n company aX wfev
- ,..,. ,, , ,r. nnn nnft ,
--..., . ..,,.vv . i.mi.u.1
... Work nn D.I. nlt-l .III
,Un .,, Mmtim B(11,
Orvar '.llgurd Thorntnn MeyerhotT
I on a a humnriat Al L.l fc. ft
'l ' Precedent laid down In the
'"nrtal "conlderably exaggerat
ed" reply of Mark Twain on the pre
m.iture report of hi death,
The Northern California Motor
co,npany of Vreka yeatorday In some
unaccountable manner got a tnlnpa
tblc Imprenslon that afeycrhoffer bad
tuken a fatal fall while flying hern.
They wired the White Pelkan gar
agn to ancertaln If thn report were
I Haxty Investigation fallowed and
tho aviator wan discovered 'at the
Mills addition Held In robast health
und Imperturbable spirits.
I "I'll anawer that telngram," said
the llyer whon the reason for the,
nuuru mieresi in ni uodiiy welfaro
was explained, and hn ovoWed tho
fallowing mossage:
""Iteport of my death d llei.
Only tho good die young. As por
advertising, 'Aviators come, and avi
ators go but thn big Swede fly on
foraver.' "
niHU.IN, Juno 22. An automo
bllu enrrying tho nnlntant director
Ceueraly of thn Iloyut Irish donntAli
ulary nod four iiiiiHtubleH went nt
lurked nllh revolver und lire bombs
Attlutunt Director Oenonil Key
uiiliU wan shot lu the heail but Ih ex
ported to llvu. Thn chauffeur wns
Hhot In both lecH. No arroxtn have
been mudo. " . '
I.ONDONDKRRV, June 3. After
a night ot comparative quiet, follow
ing a duy ot severe rioting,' amount
ing virtually to civil war, (.ring wu'h
rosumed'toduy in several parts ot the
Several persons were killed In yes
terday's rioting, V ',, ' ,
rr '
Tba i belief is India Ih that It' the
famous 'Koh-iBQpr fUMM akWfra
by a' n aoaMVoUWI
hl.V'Bat U,atwtM v'Nitt'lK-
7Tr 1
Mayor Htrublit lunt nlglit -iilurnoil
to 'tho tnnmhnra or thn city council
tha wlrp-cuttlBK nnd howio-niorlnr
f nrillHfltlKa v-AMunllu v..u.. .ulll..u.
bla ulRnatnro und with a written
.""uwiary of hli( objection to' thn
'auri. The city attomoy waa In-
- Tuetd to draw a now ordlnanc.
tft.A4 uLlI A I
Tho brtlinaaca aa nujutnd nrnv(lil
a tho siofor of i building. or othor
mctur tbrongh'thn atrooU of
' . : aa i a
T '7 ."..r.T!" ".I""
Irurtor nhould giro not moro than
4H ,,our'' nollce ,0 th' company when
lr,,'' n',",l ,0 be cut
Tho oriaaaee rtlrred up consider
ablti oppoiltlon among the huune-
luovlng ctintfftctorii
Mayor Btruble, umonK rcaxonn for
olijo:tliiK to the ordinance nayjt that
no iia found that the majority ot
ciblfri In Klamath Kail are not 22
provided by atato law. He huxh that
many othn tvlet'hoBO and light
wire are from' 10 to. 12 feet above
tin crorHlng and that thn ordinanco
doei not provide, for tho raining (it
tho wire and fable whon below the
required height and conclude by de
claring hi belief that it would be un
Junt to boure-movera to bear the ex
pnae of railing the wire or cables
whun thry nro beiow the specified
legal fcolgbt.
Nip lUmel, of North Yakima,
Washington, has purchnsod tho
Townrrnd Klats from James Wat-
kins, Jr., and Is taking Immediate
pooevilon. Mr. Hamel Is the fathor
of Mrs. I. C. Jackson, one ot the
owners of the Jackson Taxi 8ervire.
Ho has engaged bis daughter to a-
nl-it in the management of the apart
ment house.
Mr, Watklus is disposing ot most
ot his other Interest In order to de
vote bin entire time to tho develop
ment or the Ragle nidge mint grow
ing enterprise. In Vrhlch ho is Inter
ested with dipt: Ji W. Siemens. He
purchased the Townnenri Klats last
August from W. O. TownaendV
rWifore the sale Mr. Within bad
several experience with Herald ad
vertising which convinced him of Its
merit hut since two display Inser
tions In the paper took-the Towniiend
Klats off his hand la leas than a week
after he decided to aarket tha prop
erty, he is more than evor certain of
its efficiency. (
Robert Goetz. former superintend
ent ot schonln in North llond, will
niiccouil J. P. Well nn principal of the
Klnmath county hlch school for tuixt
year, It was announced today by MlssiWItl " Oireo votes cast ngninst It
Twyln lloail, county itchool suporln-
lendont. Mr, Wells reslKiied his po
sition to take up tho work ot city nu
perlntendnut ot school hero us suc
cessor to R. II. Dunbar, who resigned
to go Into bunlneiui. Mr. Ooetx' ap
pointment was mudo by the school
board yesterday.
Mf. UooU Is graduate ot tbe Uni
versity ot Oregon, having won his
degree of ftLL. B. in 1900. He at
tended high school la Bandon nnd
also has the degreo ot B, 8. D., Iron
Phllaaiath college
QRBOqNapht .wd,
NHW YOIIK, Juno 22. Wllllnm
(1 McAdoo today wlrnd Ilurrli) A
JiinlcliiH, KiinnnH City clorsyman nnd
publisher, requesting that his name
be not suggested for the Democratic
presidential nomination.
KANSAS CITY, Juno 22. Burris
A. Jenkins, clergyman and publisher
of the Kansas City Pent, Issued a pos
itive stntement today that the name
or W. O, McAdoo would bo placed in
nomination betoro the Democratic
convention at San Francisco whether
McAdoo consents or not.
Taking ot testimony in tho. damage
suit of Mrs., Lettle Ethridge against
the city ot Klamath Palls was started
in the circuit court this morning be
fore a jury. Judgo D. V. 'Kuykendall
la presiding. The plaintiff Is repre
sented by Attorneys Yaden nnd Mills.
City Attorney Carnanan, assisted by
W. H. Renner, appears for the de
fendant. Tha plaintiff asks damages in the
sum of 12500 for injuries aleged to
have been received In a 'fall through
a bole In the sidewalk In this city
about a year ago. She alleges that
defendant's negligence in allowing
the defect In the sidewalk to exist I
responsible for the Injury. She asks
2250 general damages and 2S0 for
sneclac damages on account ot ex
penses Incurred. Mrs. Ethridge now
lives at Dorrls, California. She was
tho first witness called this morning
after the Jury bad been Impaneled.
Tbe following are the jurers:
Prank II. Jobes, J. W. Depuy. B. M.
Laver, Bd Hair, Charles Ager. Wil
liam Ckeyne, J. W. Dolaad, L. D.
Parks, 3. R. Ratlitf, W. M. Chandler,
Loula Braanoa and L. H. Kruger.
OR ANTS PAHS, Ore., Juno 23.
the proposition ot bonding tho
(.runts I'nss irrlgntion district in tho
sum of $100,000 wns carried nt tho
special election Saturday, tbo pro
roods ot tho bond Issuo to bo used in
the construction ot a gravity irriga
tion project.
The district in 1917 bonded Itself
for $290,000 nnd has installed n
pumping project covering the lower
lands ot the valley, flvb pumping
units having been put into operation
during the past week.
Tha new bond issue will cover the
faaUaatea for' tha construction ot a
crate dtversioa daaa at Savage
JtaaMa, va,aala above, Oraata Paaa,
lh.!MMas to dlvartiUwrwatara
j W. G. McADOO
atHFfttT' 1
Wmm y KS r A
iiotes sour
I' .fllla' jkMlMkfti n.ilii.-iBll.i.
oaaia Waa
Lit mm
(Sinn hnn inQQ
IX)H ANOBl.ES, June 82. An
other slight 'shoe was feR here A
12:35 o'clock this afternoon.
LOS ANOELEft. Jane 22. BartW
quake shocks which atarled) at :
'dork last night aad ceatlaawi t
termltently until & o'claek Cfcla M
faag caused property da mag tal aVaar
Aagelea coaaty estlstw at titty
01, three-fourths ot which is ia aV-
glawood, 10 miles aauthweat ethotn.
Oaa death was ladlreetry w to ttm
Boat severe shock aaa several paa
sons slightly Injured) by fatting s--(
brla. Twenty-one business balhytaja
were wholly or partially destroyed at
Inglewcod, and nearly every dweltlac "
in the place was damaged to torn
LOS - ANGELES, . Jnna 22.-
Angeles railway officials annonaeast
that a slight earthquake at10:M
o'clock this morning pat Its power
plaat at Huntington 20 miles east tat
Fresno out of commission for halt am
hour. Traffic hero was tied ap fa
rthnt period.
I.OS ANOELKS, June W. A'aa.
vey early tc-rlay of the traaaaxo doaa
by an earthquake last night indicate
that Inglevipod, 10 mllea'southwaa
ot hero, suffered nuich aaora aeveraV
than at tlmt reported.
Many plate glass windows Is Vim
Angeles were shattered fey tha fhaefc
and several buildings otherwise fiir
aged. Several peraons wjre.straew,
by. falling' bricks shalwa IrsXB al
aeyn. ,- (f'- 3i ,
Ran Tedro-Long Heaeh?- flftba
Monica and Venice also report)
minor damns.
Tbe earthquake area was confined.
to .Los Angeles county, Inslewood
bearing tho brunt cf its soverltj.
Another slight shock was felt at Ba
glcwood at 5 o'clock this morning baa.
thero was no additional damage.
PORTLAND. Ore.. June 21. With
great thronga ct visitors ah-aaity 1
the city, the 46th annual' aeaalow at
the Imperial council of the Order at'
the Mystic Shrlue opened hare today
with the Daylight Shrine Parade ea-
corting the Imperial Poteatate W.
Freeland Kendrlck ot Phlladelpklav
and the Imperial Divan aad Imperial
Representatives, from the headqaat
tes to tbe public auditorium wher
the seaaloas will -be held. Past V
tentate Hofmann ot Al Kader teapls)
(Portland) will preside at the aea
The program for the tint day wlU
include an auto trip over the Colusa
bla river highway. Wlllametto rlvaa
tripe; launching ot steel ahlp at tha
Stundlfer shipyards. Vancouver.
W.lsh., for which Mrs. Ellis Lewla
OarretBou, ot Tncoma, will bo spon
sor, tribal dances by Oregon Indians,
circulating bnful concerts nil over tha
city nnd various tomplo band concerts
at grandstands erected on the prin
cipal downtown streets ot Portland
past which tho big parades will move.
Among tho big parndes will be tha
oloctrlc parade Tuesday evening,
which will be two mllos long nnd will
Include more than a score of floats,
built nt a cost ot more than $30,000.
It is predicted this parade will sur
pass In splendor anything before at
tempted In pageantry before in thlt
watering of 10,000 acres of lands ad
jacent to Grants Tass and will brlC
lato prodactloa thousaada ot acre ot
lands now la brash.
' Bds tor t ultdlnt 1 the daaa
aad tba mala eaaala.ot thacvavatr
project will ha called aW at wiay
kaordlroctors ot tha dtetri xad;M"ha.
(aactad to hav4t taWtraltH dha .
bic commit
Jta'-praaaat Mtmi:
' yi
. I
. .j
Ai -. w
v . f
ft XAfi. -t-tj-i
I 1"