A I'AOK PIVN THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON HATVIW.W, JUNK 19, II AT THE CHURCHES No llllllll' "III In IIIMlle III tills riiliinin iiiiiih Hut inpv l ill 'Hid' i:ciiiln;; llrrulil cifflic hj n n'rlmlt I'llilny I'trnlng. i I Mm red Mmrl 1iiii'Ii KirtiiT "I 'J'.lKhtli mill, High lliiv Hugh J .Miir- MONDALE THEATRE SUNDAY AND MQNDAY liobc'ilHon-Cdlc'H Greatest Star in II in LaleHt Picture Suaauo Hnyaknwn in "THE DEVIL'S CLAIM" Do You Itflifve in the IlevilV ,u- "'v J J w"'""' IP ifi .1. ' Hummer nrlioiliilM, Juno 1U lo 8i II ,VUII UIJ Sec "Tho Devil's Claim" And n Muck Scnnctt Comedy "LOVE'S FALSE FACES" A laugh fiotn bciinning to end Continuous show Sundnv 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7 and 9 TODAY Tom Mix in "A Child of Ihe Prairie" It In very Important that those who Mend Hiimliiy pchool nt tlii) Christian cliiirili nvxt Huiiilny morning bu on hnie Tin) Huiiilny school will begin pnniiplly lit Id it in mill cniicluilu nt 11 Promptly at 10 V) I lie Ctill ilteti i iluy pruglfim will In-Kin. At (lie i'iiii' IiihIiui nf IIih program llie.rn will lii it short ncrinim Comi' nt 10 f'ir f-'n'i'luy school or nt 10-30 (or ( hildit u'lt ilny program mill elm nil survlce. CluMlmi llnili'iniir Tim i hrlsl'an Kndt-nvnr l growing In mil r"l Ami uittiiliini'P. Tli (i i;n ili'itv r will wv hi 7 p in ll.i' Christian hrliinrit rlt.rlely of 1h" """i: "Tiiion at S will b Kliiimuli I'iiIIii holds services ul 113 viing-i:tlo. I'i.iiiiIi utri'ui every Hnmliiy iiiuiiiitu; ut II u'cloik mill evtiry Wednesday nniiiiuniinl Unptim. Eleventh nnil 1'vnir.K nl H. All tiro wilromn. High stunts llll.l.i pcliool, 10 n m 'I'll it talililft if ti.wstfiti ! tllltiilrt . .... ,,,.,..,... ... ..,nn,,,. .,,, ..,.,,..,, j.ri,y, r HK.dl,,,;; TlmrHllliy, H p. Ill, Women'M Hoiih' mill Foreign Mission-n-y Hiiiluly meet rim Thursday or each imiiitli. Iln Methodist, Presbyterian anil churches urn planning to li inlii r 12: First in null nt 0 n. ni., iKiii.il m.t nnil benediction, l'l So n in No uvi'ti'iii: mirvlciM, l ilh t'MlVMtui' Including Mini. Evolved liy Atomic Forco " Tim Huiiilny school sosslon I (rorn 9:45 to 10:45 uvary Bumlny morning. 'I ho free reading room una fre lend in c lllirnry In open from 2:30 to 4 .10 on Tuesday!, Thursdays und rtirlkilim Hnturilays, 2U& liold union timitidy livening services ts&Acuiuw IT'S CERTAINLY CLEAN mnl charming, and yon will well b delighted with our work on )our gown You i no wr it t; a;.y e,nl iiffulr mill your friend will tM'iK ft In new. Ami to thlllk It did lint . 'it ii Kteut mini to tiiiw iik dry il'nn It. Kia.MATII IIVi: UOItlis till .Mii.V SI. Itlmmitli I'lill". Oir. ' Pir.e llaptlst Church, corner Wash-,'" l,," ",u "lr 'luring the clontnic two tngtou and Elfltk. 'w.ihm of Junn and tin month" or Ktiiiiluy irhool nt 10 h. in. j July nml AurupI. Thvy will bo hv'Id rreactilnt at 11 a. . 'in tin open nlr pavilion ut thu corner l'rii)er pro ini Wutlnemluy nt S I. M. ... lis.,n(h ,,nii ni , . . I'very lectind mid fourth WnlnMduy "' Mmnth ttni1 '""' nt P- ". Tho venlm: will he devoted to mUilonnry "ilnlHterH will take turnii In prenchliiB ork. mid uperlul pliu.n han hten made to II Y V V fiunduy evcnliiR nt ,ne ntlmrtlvu mimic und to make ' .rt '' '" . . , . tl"i mrrtliiKH helprul to nil. An In- A lord nl Invltntlon In extended to .. i attend tlieno .ervliei. ,v Utlim Ih extended lo all to i.ttsnd lhe'j tiirl)ri; Kirt I'rephyterlnn Church, corner' " Ul1'' ""n'ni: Hundny night n Sixth mid Pine Ptreem. Ilnv. B. I. "Incliil meetmi; will be held In the l.uwrenii'. inliiUlvr, 437 Third itrcet. interept of thu pluyKround movement. ''"nVm" Clilldren-p ,lny ex,rc '' 'P l'lun- or up to date - II I... I...I.I nl ll.l. (.m.r Tlw. rhll. I1'"""""'- 1" l llnB Cltlen will he drenwillfurnl.h .pedal mu.lc with a ','n"n' iB,r'""" unl vprycnc iiurrepirii in i ii a piayerounu move ment fur thu "hlldrrn .hould bo pre. ent Tim meeting will cloe with u li. ill. Thp I'Vi'iiltiK .ervlce will -...,.. it-r' ' I... ii union meeting on the open nlr BRITAIN INTERESTED Jin vlllon. cjrner of .Seventh und Pine The open'ng part of the meeting will lie in the form or n community mng' I.ONIIO.S', June, 1!' with a l,(ifu choir nud koIon. In addition w II he Ming, mid recitation, hy he giniipr und primary and Junior IN U. S. PROGRAM -Walter llumii dl.ciu.lon of tlm playground Iahik. Hrvt lonl of the admiralty, di- nwiU of tint city. Stereoptlcun pic- clnred tod.iy In the Ihium. or com-tu-e. or the iiiopt up to diite play-,monn that the admiralty was rollow nil und. In the cities will be shown Ing clovly importnnt develoi.munin on tin .Teen. 'Ihu closing part of or tin navul i rocraiumi nf the Pnli KAI.C.M. Jine 1" "I It t'-t u O meet.ng will he a plmplo go.pul ed Slut ry," deduriil an autiinuitille to'irl-t "erilm t which overjone Is Invited ! Mr l.anp .nul the ndmlrnlty would TOURIST MAKES OWN GASOLINE here linlii) when Irtufinel t ; Le riiuld not purchhiin min'e thhii nie KkIIhii of KlMillne. Taking Irom hi. p ml a veil worn formula, the iiuiUt ponied n lb the tank, of Ills .rat II ;k'4lluf. ' kiiriueiif, nun gallon nl l3:ln and pome wood nlrohnl. II. llin d' not fall to i.nk imrlliment ror nece- Miitlioill.t i:pi.copul Church. Tenth 'nary puwi.ra ir Its menitiera thought Pa.tor. 727 l-ln" atrcot. PheiS'lTW: -'" full'" lnd their proper -uniluv - Ii.ii.I nt ji'.On A M. Mowing Worship at 11.00 A. M. I pwiirth Lenguo at G.30 p. in. naval Ntuuilanl. IIO.SKHUItO. Ore.. June !. A Prayer meeting Wednesday evch-'"l",,utlon was entered Into yester- Ing nt 7 30 p, in ' ,v i.v w n i,,...,, ,t in--., ped Into the n..l.l four moth tm .liJ.'l.T-'MXhoil.ihuM. Ih" "rt' 'P'ntlnB o erring lac Tho young people can do no better ""nit ' "iimport and Gardiner. than spend an hour with the League wheruhy thu injunction suit recently r. ii ju to i jo p. m. each bun- i,r.nii-iii i,v n... inm in .i,.i ... 1(1 commlHKion from paying out Plrst Christian church, corner &th fUL'1,, '" " ,',, llnlssed. iiixl Pine streets, C V Trlmhlf. pas- Jumped into the ilriier n .em nut ptarled northward. m Peers nie not !' mil ! tu i Ilrltlsh p.irllnmeiitar) e'.. itd' i day. A Claislfed Ad will ..'II It tr !H7 P.ne St , phonu 47fi, 374 A ClnH.lded Ad will soil It. D.W. GRIFFITH Presents Idol Dancer The LaaHalsHa. V .'sgiijBiiWBBL. i lwflilHHBIaaBirS tlsaaaK Oh! How She Can Dance! "Little White Almond Flower" mixture of French, Java and Shimmy unequal parts endowed by the Gods with a beauty so captivating that even the cocoanuts fell for her sure turned the Island into a scene of seething conquest "or her heart, her hand and Oh! How She Can Dance! It's Mr. Griffith's very latest a colorful enthralling story of far off southern seas; of a wonderful love affair and wild adven ture, with Miss Clarine Seymour as "Mary" and Richard Barlhelmess the Beachcomber. STAR THEATRE SUNDAY and MONDAY JUNE 20-21 CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY Starting at 1 :30 Prices ISc and 35c at any performance Vfon&M TmeltanMto$jmet$lmhict Mw fcJfcMdfcflhw? s P5" " QURELY. those arc reasons enoufch for making the MANDEL yoitr choice. But do not merely take our word for it. See for yourself! Hear for yourself ! Compare the quality und price of the MANDEL with any other phonograph! Then decide! Free Demonstration in Your Own Home Just to prove our confidence in tho "make-ood" qualities of the MANDEL, we will install one on fee trial right in your own home. Let the family and friends help you decide after hearing the beautiful, lifelike reproduction of this new and wonderful musical instrument. The MANDEL is equipped with a powerful, double spring motorthat operates smoothly and quietly. Has the new and improved convertible reproducer for play ing any make of record, tone modifier, indexed record compartment, and two extra shelves. The MANDEL is guaranteed by us and backed by the manufacturer. Absolute satisfaction assured. .;y-ijy'.iMi'...- 'juusujamssmfjuHknaam iFUingSpact vrSO Records THE DALLES TO HAVE NEW NATIONAL BANK the other hand. It was contended the Citizens' bxoK was fttt conceived two vears aro lat May. more than a TUB DAU.ES, June 19. Charter eUT ,efore le Wa.co County bank will be Issued 'to the Citizens' bank of tCQj. ,ne oejj ' the Dalles under the national bank Tn, chartering of the Citizens' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho County Conrt ot the Stat ot Oregon tcr Klamath County. In the Matter ot the Estate ot John S. Fruits, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the an- p,P,m according to authentic b, hnnk wJll Rl0 The 0alIe. fo yj-.u unolllclal assurance received today banks ,lUt ,he feidi according to theredltora of. nhd to nil persons hav- by men behind the llnanclal project national bank' examiner who canwis-i'iiK claims ugalnat, tho Bald deceased. The obtaining of a national bank ,eJ ,1,1, section. Is adequate since 1 exhibit tliera. with tho proper phnrtnr liv flu. ritlrnnu' Link l.rlnifa .. .. . . - - . I f I OU"llPri, Within six months after th charter by the Citizens bank brings tng city loasta resource comparabloj :,Mt pubcatIon ef tnlg notlce t0. to n close n bitter fight which wat t0 , of cit;es possessing 30.000 ,wt! tho 1st day of Juno, 1920, to institution inhabitants said administrator, at his otflco at the Merrill Hank, at Merrill, is Klamath County, Oregon, the same being tho place for tba transaction started when the local sought n b.ink charter, Pony business men of this city behind the Citizens' bink. When will II. Itcnnett, stato bank up-on tnp people of the city to vote examiner, reviewed the local bank.' nearly $80,000 for support of the Ing field, he refused the stato hank tnrtv ctv schools at the election Juno charter on the ground that the Cltl-'i of this umount. 59,000 is tor genu' bank wuh not needed. Headier' salnrieii. 15.000 fcr Janitor Tho backers of the state bank plan service, upkeep $9,000, nnd $3,0001 In Turkey grows a wild fiowor anpealel their cafe to tbe stato bank . ..Ii , ,JD a i,u! f, which Is the exact floral image ot a - - !f ihvi mmv 1'iiwui.oi sm mm w 1 board, but accomplished nothing. It ' n.coo Is for street navlnc In front of .Humming bird Te MAItSHFIELD. June 19. The i.Marshrield board of education calls 0f u,0 business of said estate W. F. FnUITS. . Administrator ot tho estate ot John S. Fruits, deceased. Juno 1-8-15-22-29 The breast Is green. was charged that the Citizens' bank was .. spue msi.iuiiun muncneu 10. , uulunB lg contemplated to cost fotestull the Wasco County l)ank,.jQ00 which has Jutt oened Its doors. On I the high school building. Alterations ,u" ,uru"1 c"ow- luo ucuu uu """ inmost uiacg. A Classified Ad will all It. tM4saAlitjnasaaaAastkssvatMlVapstlan spMs NiWWiWV,iM mm0AmmmmAA CLi1 it ti Til y aft iVaMLttW Hi U MM U U-4 tM tTftAls tmlit OtlJtl lltroriT. UtSit. '(& "MTft.V trji'4tiotf,t tttU oasynn ifr (ft chfa. ESTI Ia? ONION Fiifm 120 1 TKLSSs&AM IStWCOMC CntTON, aciccHT CCOKirW C ATKlN,niitTvicr.Pificti,T CUm 0BVICC UYtMCCL TtjIiKU'W fJUijrf NL !l v rvt t.rt lyntti utl 1Mb u.4 tl'tvau Oim,t V'lf'l.tflUMMUsfk! Ajyt IlUUiW AT KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, G24 MAIN STREET ;24SP XA -UCOfLECT NIGHT LETTER PORTLAND, OREGON, JUNE IS, 1920 DANNER PATTY MOTOR CO. 'KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SIX TOURING TWO ROADSTER ONE TRUCK SHIPPED ' YESTERDAY FROM FRISCO SEVEN TOURING ONE TRUCK TO BE SHIPPED TWENTY FIFTH IF WE HAVE ORDERS BEFORE TWENTY FIFTH. WE CAN HAVE THIRTEEN v TO SEVENTEEN CARS NEXT MONTH BY PLACING ORDERS IMMEDIATELY. '. p. B. PATTY X ' . ..y "- 9.9A.JTTNrc IP iphV n LTJVUJVUVVUXAlVVUVVV'tfyV'l'11"!"'" " " " ---.afcaa....Yy.r) i:l ,'"