The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 19, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Saving Ii a
jND yet mi- iIiim'i know of uti) thing Mlildi irnitil- wi
nut ti profit. Hlioulil rondlllomi rrliim to iiiirmnl,
iwdi Mill Ih I hi lnuU of ruli'iitutliin not iim-Ii- thing
nr Miirtlilrwi liittwtinrtits,
llmiv growing HANK .U'tm'N'T lien nl the Flint
NmIIimihI Mill Ihi k Iremrndnus advantage l II owmv.
She fiRST National Bank
A V l
Take Hull to flush Kidneys If lUik
hurts or Madder
grapes and lomon Juice, combined
with lllhla, and has been used for
generations to fluih and stimulate
sluggish kidneys. Alio to neutralize
tho acid la urine, no It no longer
Irritates, thus cmllnic bladder weak
ness, Jul Rait I Inexpensive; cannot
Injure, und make a delightful or
fervescent llthla-wator drink.
It you muit Imvn your nirat over)
day, vat It, but lluab your kidneys
with ialU occasionally, su) a noted
Authority who tulU us that meat
forum uric ncld which alinont parul
Holiiiaii Vtiy, tliu noted author,
created noiiii) roiiiiirkalili) clinruitur
for IiIm gripping story of the Mnluu
woods, "KIiik Hprucn," the Dial Film
Company plcturlzutlon of which slur
ling Mitchell I a! win Ih announced by
W, V. HoilkliiNon for presentation
tit llm Liberty Theatro, Hutiduy,
Itenlriim affording Iho Htur a role
In which he easily sustains bin repu
tittlon iin the screen's premier actor
of rugged types, "King Hpruco" ex
acts muiiiu splendid churacterlzatloiiH
from a number of screen fuvorltos,
who not only made a thorotiKh study
of the types In tlio Dolman Day
story before the first scene of the
screen version wus enacted but as
Minted Director Hoy Clements In
clothing the characters to make life
llku the Inhabitants of the I'itiu Tree
Tommy Kyu, as portrayed by Joe
Kay, Is typlral of the carefree son
of toll one sees working In the great
Northwt'st lumber belt. Described as
it toumstor "tcstotully agin prohibi
tion," Tommy never trcuds .any but
the straight und narrow path even
when unscrupulous backwoodsmen
ply him with liquor In order to fur
tlmr their diabolical schemes. A
character peculiar to "the Main tim
ber lands Is Prophet Kll, played by
Frederic llerxog. Looked up to as a
ih)slcun, weutht'r forecaster and
general adjuster of dllltcultles aris
ing In the camps by the lumber folk
beruime of his stiperlol book learn
ing, Prophet Kll Is nulu- a personage
No Moo of the Maine forests
would be complete without a lire
lookout In "King Spruce" ho Is
Ladder l.anr. played by Gus Hovllle,
who contributes one of the outstand
ing performances. Strangely enough
florlllu Is u product of -Northern
Maine und Director Clements scored'
u ten-strike In selecting him for the
I pin I.
Corluue (Irllllth Is said to be the
Dim Htur who Is not afraid of com
parison A demonstration of this Is
glen In Vltagruph's l.itit picture.
yies the kidneys In tholr o!Torts to .Ti, nimbers." In which the young-,
suffer with a dull misery In the kid- witching beauty Miss (Srlltlth Is do-, As A I'MIHTI-ll
riey region, sharp pains In thn hack'clared tit suffer not ut nil by the un-l ,
,,.r . "I?.k .I,,"',"'!IJ,' ,1!"L,!,:"',.'',"T conscious romparlHon Into which she ,....,.., ,,,, ,,,,. of ,lminy U.,
stomach sours, tongue Is coated and
when the weather l bud you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine gets
cloudy, full of sediment, thn chan
nels often get enro and Irritated,
obliging )ou to seek relief two or
three times during the night.
To neutrnllte these Irritating
acids, lo cleanse the kidneys and
flush off thn body's urinous wast
get four ounces of Jad Halts from
any pharmacy hern; take u table
spoonful In a glass of water before
lin-akfist for n few- da and your
kldne), will then net fine This fa
mous spits Is m n do from the ncld of
Is thrown with her supporting cast jnJ( Ktllw,.Knl champion, who wus
"The Climbers." a plcturli.itloii of, ,,,,, , ,llay lll0 ,,lar ri)(. in "The
the famous stage play by Clyde ,.l( ,.Jt( IHjrn,plj that the cham
Kltch, which had n vogue for -) ,,, ,, nc)r M W0lt n tighter,
seasons about fifteen )ears ago, will nl.,,a,t.jy following Benny's sign
be shown at tlm Mondttle Theatre on n(, ( ,lo0i0ou.00 contract. Frank
Krldny and Saturday. j(J ML wh() proiluc,.tl tnt. u-onnrd
" , . ! Serial, hud Dallas M. Fitzgerald.
f)n n clear day It is not possible l-i ln,,imrk iMr,.c(ir, mke a screen
go up In an airplane anywhere ln(ii(l lf ,hu c,iaml,lon ,cnny wua
Kngland without neing uoie 10 i
the sea
On Monday, June 21st, we will take over the
stock of Roberts & Whitmore and same will be run
on a strictly cash basis, all prices will be changed in
The merchandise and prices that will be offered
to the public will convince one and all that cash is
the right way to buy.
We are more than pleased in the way the people
of Klamath Falls have expressed themselves in re
gard to a cash store. It seems that the time is ripefor
such a store. The people are satisfied that a cash
store is more able to sell for less and we are here to
show them they are right.
We will, at all times, be glad to figure on your
bill and show you where you can make a saving by
paying cash.
Not only will we sell for cash but we will pay cash
for all eggs and farm produce we buy.
We will make the same delivery as always but on
account of the cash basis we are operating on, phone
orders will be taken only C. 0. D.
Successors to
Believe no man who
stretches the truth See
ing is believing. Our
thousands of patrons
are our best endorse
ment. See our splendid
line now on display.
7ty-yyy -B
'odes heforo the camera. According
,to those who saw the test shown lnjn oporalc ,,
I private projection. Denny screens' m h w
lections. Helen Wal
Iters is the purveyor of Jazz numbers
Inml Tlnv Itrnnrinn nnt nnlv ilnnpitl
The public will soon be given , ,ml nU a number of
.chance to not only bee how wonder-! , Altoeether "Hen.
tllko a million dollars.
Klamath Falls Marble & Granite Works
: ... .. song
ruiiv iin iii'iinv iiriiiiuiti BLiL'riin
hut to seu how- excellently ho acts,
for the first episode of. "The Kvll
l.'je." titled "llelow the Dead Llne,"t
will be presented at the Liberty thea
tre Sunday,
There are many kinds and types
of "vumplres." There Is the vam
pire that Kipling has called "a rag,
a bone and a hank of hair," and
there Is the vampire or leech wlio
lives off the bounty of others, but
Sessue Hayakuwa, as Akbar Khan,
portru)s a "mental vampire" In
"Tliu Devil's Claim," a Kobcrtson
Colu plcturo to be shown (it the Mon
dale Theatro for a run of two days,
beginning Sunday.
In tlio gay, Hohemlan quarter of
New York, Akbar Khan was known
as a "mental vampire." Magnetic
mysterious and with a fascinating
personality which few could resist ho
skilfully drew from the unwary,
tnlea of romanco and adventure
which ho wove into stories and
successes. Altogether Hen
I Peeked Henry" presents a splendid
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
Wo do not sell current; mo sell service,
doesn't It?
Ttiut sounds odd
Well, supMiM the wood denier sold service Instead of Mood, ho
would lend Hi jour funiuco anil )ojir range, take ay the aide
mill clean the flue. You would buy mo much heat.
Now you buy so luurli light, although, )ou pay accordion to the
current you consume. Ilut the service Is performed for you by this
company ut the substiitlous ami MiMer plants.
That Is Mluit w Maut lo itUo jou efficient service. It Is the
aim of this company to have none hut siitUflcd custoim-rH. No
limlter Mhnt It Is, if you httvo n grlevanco, or aro Ulssatlsflel about
jour hill or do not understand our rates, please coino lu und si
us or Mrlto us about It,
If you Imvo any sugKestloiiH to make, mo will gladly avail our.
selves of them im our aim is ronsUntly to Improve, our service to
you us fust tut the development of sclenco and human ability ermlt.
California-Oregon Power
claimed as tils' own,
When nurt Southern comes to the
opera house next Tuesday and Wed
nesday ho will bring with him a com
pany of players for thu engagement
of "Hen-IVckd Henry," each of
whom has been solected for his or
her special qualifications to play tho
role tho artist is cast for. Under
ordinary circumstances n star gathers
together n rust to enact tho various
parts without taking Into consider
ation tiro ability of tho actor or net
runs to not only speak tho lines prop
urly hut to look tho part. Mr. South
urn has, howevor, taken special euro
to have tho Individual assigned to
each part bo that character through
out tho furco. Whllo tho nvorago
thoator goer might call tho girls a
"chorus," In tho "Hon-Peckod' Henry"
company tho girls aro all real vauUo
vlllluns. They liavo been solected
bocnuso of tholr ability to presont
numbora enmnsso and also to offor
spoclaltlos olthor individually or oth
erwise. Tho eight Dancing Daisies
offor sovoral untquo numbors, whllo
tho threo McKozle sisters contribute
singing und Instrumental numbers;
Llnno, Laltuo and MacCrea Introduce
vocal numbors with true harmony;
June Delight offers dancing pr-x-Mllence,
tad OeorgU Ruaall Is bear
She was the most beautiful girl in
ull the group of islands, and yet no
ono thought her oven fairly attrac
tive, because tho standard was black
and fat. Half French and half Jav
anese, with a fatter father who nover
paid her a compliment, and not
enough clothes to even occupy her
attention for halt a day, she spent
most of her tlmo dancing, swimming
uud climbing tho tall trees for cocoa-
nuts. Nimble as a boy, she was
strong and growing more beautiful
ovory day.
The natlws called her a swinging
name meaning White Almond Bios-
soma but her foster father called her
Mary, and as Mary the beachcomber
knew her when he arrived with his
bottle of gin as his only asset, and as
Mary tho New Kngland celtege boy
knew her when be arrived. They
thought she was wonderful, so much
so they wished to marry her. Thus
Clarlno Seymour as Mary becomes a
very Important figure in tho story of
"Tho Idol Dancer," David Wark Grif
fith's latest First National production
now showing at tho Star theater.
o o
nO.Si:nURG,,Juno 18. John Not
son Ilust, aged CC years, n resident
of Dlllard, passod away Monduy at
his home. Tho deceased had resided
with his family ut Dlllard during the
past two years and was quite woll
known In that section.
The salespcoplo at tho Golden Rule
were all cxcltod today and wanted
to walk upon each customer at once.
Tho storo has an Instrument which
docs -away with tho measuring of
goods by band, eliminates all possi
ble mistakes of Incorrect measure
ments, and computes tho amount of
the sales Instantly tho "Measure
graph" they call it.
The piece of goods Is passed
through the Measuregraph and as
many yards as desired aro quickly
and accurately measured. A dial at
the top of the Instrument, like the
face of a watch, registers the number
of yards as the piece of cloth passes
Say you want 3 Ti yards of silk at
11.69 per yard. Quick! how much
Is that? Yon don't know unless you
stop and figure It with , paper and
pencil, but the Measuregraph shows
the answer the moment tho hands on
the dial stop at 3 Ti. Six dolars and
fltty-uve cents is the amount of the
bill, madam. I
From the customer's standpoint It
Is gratifying to know that1 when a
certain yard ago Is ordered thero la
eliminated all doubt that perhaps the
salespeople made a mistake and un
intentionally cut a quarter or an.
eighth of a yard less than was intended.
Tho Government pawnshop occu
pies ono of the finest buildings In tk
City of Mexico and is said to be the
most flourishing Institution In tk
Certain people are liable to at
tacks of asthma when brought Into
contact with cats, dogs, etc. This la
due to an emanation from the skim
or fur of the animal. ,
Prominent English artist soya
that In the perfect hand of a woman
the third finger is longer than th
first, or Index finger, while in & mast'
the perfect proportions are a longer
first finger than the third.
A Classified Ad will sell it.
ItOSKnimG, Juno 18. Aloxander
C Kldd, for many years a resident
of Roseburg, died Monday night nf
tor a protracted Illness, Mr, Kldd
was born October 1, 1847. at Peter
head, Scotland. Ho canvo to tho
United States' In 1S82 and sottlod In
South Dakota, moving to Roseburg
In 1893. ,
MARSHFIBLD. Juno 18. The
Chanslor wreck, which was expected
to bo under salvage operations be
fore this date, has not been touched,
and the hulk Ilea In Its old position,
a mile north ot Cape Blanco, In the
breakers bstweea the opt sea and
With the Big Swede
High or Low, Fast or Slow, any way you with to go
in the
150 H. P. Hispana-Sueza
TwoPasnger Carrying
Om Passenger, $10; Two Passengers, $20.00
Aviators comfe and Aviators go, but the Swede flies
on forever
.j.i . .i.-.Il-m..