, i- rAaa riawr HIRALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON L wimipmki iM-iiw ana avrv .- (' I ; Announcement I X M. . . A. M. M. . j. . .. . . M. . . At A -. . .. A .. A A. A A. TTTTTvwTTTWVTtvTV You Can Help Encourage the rapid growth of Klamath Industries by buying "MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS" PRODUCTS We manufacture windows, doors, frames, screens, show-cases, mouldings, cedar chests, cabinet work and all planing mill products. MVMMWMMWMIMWMMWMMW Lakeside Lumber Co, Mill and Yards, Klamath. Ave. and Center St Phone 128 Star Theatre HIGHEST STANDARD PRODUCTIONS TEKWILLIGEH PATRICK, PROPS. TONIGHT ONLY TOM MOORE in "DUDS" An unusually good comedy "'; i '' A Special Comedy "HER BRIDAL NIGHT" Added Attraction, Neal Hart in "A WILDERNESS MAN" TOMORROW! Elsie Ferguson in "COUNTERFEIT" On Monday, June 21st, we will take over the stock of Roberts & Whitmore and same will be run on a strictly cash basis, all prices will be changed in accordance. The merchandise and prices that will be offered to the public will convince one and all that cash is the right way to buy. We are more than pleased in the way the people of JKlamath Falls have expressed themselves. in re gard to a cash store. It seems that the time is ripe for , such a store. The people are satisfied that a cash store is more able to sell for less and we are here to , show them they are right We will, at all times, be glad to figure on youi bill and show you where you can make a saving .by , paying cash. f Not only will we sell for cash but we will pay cash for all eggs and farm produce we buy. We will make the same delivery as always but on . account of the cash basis we are operating on, phone orders will be taken only C. O. D. J. E. ENDERS & CO. Successors to ROBERTS & WHITMORE t KHH F0RU.S.IN19 L NEW YORK. June 17. Cultiva tion of International frlemlihlp far the United States wilt be the pur pone of a delegation of 40 mlnlatori who have been appointed to visit 19 European countries this summer as representatives of the Federal Coun cil of Churches of Christ In America. The ministers are of several de nominations and Include the pastors of churches all Aver the country. In explaining the purpose of the Federal Council's "friendly visitors." the nev. Arthur J. Ilrown, Secre tary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mlislons, New York and chairman of the Committee on Fra ternal Relations of the Commission on Relation with Religious Hod leu In Europe, said: "We feel that such an association f our religious bodies would mater 'ally contribute to the success of the league of Nations. We deeply re gret that up to tbla time our own na tion baa not officially entered Into the League. We believe that a large majority of the American people and especially- the clergy and laity of our churchos, are In favor of the League and earnestly hope that tho United States will soon become a member of It. Meantime, wo feci that Christian men should muko all tho stronger effort to develop those moral and spiritual axsoclatlons be tween the nations, which aro, after all, the things of highest Import ance." He said that the sending of those messengers of American friendllnoss and the extensive relief work pro moted by American churches are part of Jhe same expression of tholr common unrnt(anuy in us interna tlonal application. Rev. Nebemlah Roynton, of Brooklyn, baa been chosen chairman of the American delegation to the preliminary conference at Geneva., where a plan will be perfected for holding the Ecumenical Conference Amoag those who will make the trip are: JUr, W. B. Beauchamp, Bishop Janet Ctasoo, Nashville, FOREIGN N I PERSONAL MENTION I o o Max Wolns tnt to San Francisco this morning for n short builneM trip. John Hrlnlaeilo m.ulo n liuMnci trip in Macilool today Mta I, K Wailo Ii'tl till morning for Ivan, whoto ulio will touch lli Worden sehnol fur tlio umimr month Mr Clurlolto Tower, who has boon MUiik hero, returned to hor homo In I'orttnnd Sim wan accom panied In Mlm Francos Kamarad, Mho will m.iko hor an extended visit Mr lli'rt Randolph ami daughter, l.oU. who hao boon vUltlug Karl WhMor at Merrill, loft for tholr homo In Seattle tliU morning. Mr Otto Hock and son, Laxorno, wont to Mardoot tliU morning for nn extended visit nt tho J A, Loach homo nt that plaro Mm. II V (IrlHln loft thl morning via Chicago for a throe months visit to Atlanta, (loorgla. Mr. A. A McMastors, who has been visiting hero with her sitters, Mrs. Charles Thomas and Mrs R. F. Durbln, returned to her home In Marshfletd this morning. I. D. Whitmore, of the Arm of Roberts & Whitmore, recently taken over by J. K. Knders and company, will leave with his family for south ern points as soon as business mat ters can bit settled They wilt travel tor a year chiefly for the benefit of their health. later in the season XV. C. Roberts and his family will go to Kugene. He will bo accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Roberts. The plans of the partners after their va cation are unsettled. Thelma Myers loft this morning for Chlco whore she will visit rela tives and friends, C. W. Orlfflth ami wlfo are In the city from Memphis, To nn , and are stopping at tho White Pelican hotel. They expect to remain hero about two months W. O. Ogle, wife and daughter arrived hero yesterday by auto from San FrancUco. C. O Sherman Is a business visitor hero from Dotrolt, Mich. Ho Is at present at the Whlto Pelican hotol. J. S. Kent, of the Gorniala Lumber company, arrived In this eltr last evening. Mr and Mrs. Jens Beckley are down from tholr ranch at Fort Klam ath. Mrs. Mollle Holding, mother of Don Holding, manager of tho West ern Union, left this morning for Ran Bernardino, California, to spend her vacation. Mrs. Holding wtia tho teacher of the second grade at tho Central school last year. B K, Smith Is In this city from Hastings, Nebraska. R. K. Ilannon mado a business trip to Dorrls today A, L. Durant, who recently camo lierc from Portland, has taken a pos ition with the Klamath Cash groc ery W. II. Brown Is a county seat vis itor from Langell Valley. F M. Rumen, Jr., Is her from San Francisco and Is stopping at the Whlto Pollcan. 8 Mahn la down from Fort Klam ath where be baa been on a Ashing and camping trip and will return to bis homo in California In a few days. E. A, Whelplcy, a former resident of this city and a well known carpen ter, Is bore aftor an absence of near ly nine years. Mrs. Skcen, who resides on Roose velt avenue, underwent a serious op eration at the Warren Hunt hospital yesterday. Her condition today Is much Improved and she Is resting nicety. At Betzel, representing the cigar and tobacco Interests of Wollman Peck company, hsa been In the city for he post four days calling on the tobacco merchants Mrs. Arthur Whitman has return ed from a two weeks visit In Ban Francisco. . Organize Oregon for Progress of Commerce. Subscribe. Thin through tho Oregon Statu Chamber week. Tonn.; Rev, Jamos I. Good, Philadel phia; Rev. Petor Alnsllo, Ilultlmorc; Rov. C. Thurston Chaso, Lynn, Mass.; Rev. Briico Taylor, Kingston, Canada; Rov, I. C. ArniHtrong, Bal timore; Bishop James Atkins and Charles J. Jurrell, Nashvlllo, Tonn.; Bishop Francis McConnoll, Denver, Colo.; Her. R. H. Miller, Kaunas City; Rt. Rov. Ethalbert Talbot, South Bethlehem, Pa.; Rev, llonry Van Dyke, Princeton, N. J.; Rev. F. W. Burnham, Cincinnati! ;" Rov, Newton M. Halt, Springfield, Mass., and Rov. Samuot II. Chester, Nash ville, Tenn. Rev. J. A, Morohoad of New York and Professor M. J. Stoles, St. Paul, Minn., have also been asked to par tlclpate In the visit to Europe aa rep resentative! of the National Luther aa Council FIRST AS USUAL 4 f! Watch Tomorrow i K.SUGARMAN i . " I AINT MAD Verb Vaario "I fly to thee, love," and with rap- turn be ttew. "I cry to thee, lovrt," nnd with pas- slon ho crow, "Oh- try mo, dear love," (a few others had trowt "tat me tell theo' sweet tove, alt them Is to bo told, low thou dwell'st In this heart" some others had dwoled), "Oh, my heart swells with lovo" (m bofurn It had swolod!) "Oh, shako not thy hear, love" hl phadlng voice shook; "Oh, wakes not thy heart? Has thy heart never wook?" But hor ihlon made him quake, so ho stood Ht III and quook! "Thy presence I fly," he cried, and he flow, Hut fell on tho step, and lay still as he lew; With chxed eyes he said, "I shall die," and he dow!" Cartoons Magazine. The Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, adequately financed, can accomplish anything within reason for Oregon. Subscribe. This week. Hitch Oregon to Its Opportunities Subscribe to tho Oregon State Cham ber of Commerce. This week. More than 100,000 women and girls In Spain earn tholr living by working in and around tho mines. LIBERTY THEATRE Til PICK OP THH PICTURES AND A NKW ONK KVERT DAY B. W. POOLE, Owner 4 HARRY DORKL, Masleal Diraciw TONIGHT The oiiilnenl ilrainatli' nilur Mr. Dustin Farnum play it iliuil iiiln in I ho Kreat play " THE CORSICAN BROTHERS " a tho uoiHlcrful htory Uy Alrvamlci Ihitiutt FRIDAY "THE DAY SHE PAID" COMING SUNDAY "KING SPRUCE" Hpeolul added fenturo on Hiimliiy Mill lw tlio first rplsoI of "THI-J EVIL EYE," a wonderful aoriul nlory Hlarrlng lU-nny Ionard, Light weight Champion of tho World. Tim nuciimmIIiik cliupters of this remarkable etefT will bo wliown racli Tuesday, tho next of which will bu on Tueaday, June USand. If you like an exciting story and wish to aeo what tlia Fighting Champion looks like, DON'T KAIL TO SEE " THE EVIL EYE " MATINEE :3 ,y v. Page 4 AT NOBODY I There are 1,000.000 Reaaons for Chamber of Commerce You aro one I of them Subscribe to the Oregon ' Stato Chamber of Commerce. Thin I week. Miss K. F, Cunningham, who en tored the biiilnemi In a smalt way sixteen years ago. Is now one of the largest anil moil successful real es tato operators and rental agents In Columbus, O.. When hotel cooks and waitresses In Wichita Falls, Texan, went on a strike, clubwomen of tho city volun teered to act as strikebreakers, and witm iifil.l frmn Itin In I7K a wenlr 'for tholr services, MONDALE THEATRE TONIGHT Vnur lat rlinnrn In the muat M-natlnnul plrliirv rter mmlo Florence Reed The Rirnlnl rmirflonal aclrraa on the nrrrrn, In "WIVES OF'MEN" anil Mnbel Normanil, Fatly Arburklr and A I Ht. John In a Krnt ftiMHly "THE HAYSEED" AND VAUDEVII.I.K Kwrrt anil Kwert In n new art Willi lota of Munlr, Hinging, Dancing anil (ViiiMxIy Talk that's a scream TWO SHOWN 7 AND O O'CIXMK EVERY DAY m 4 I".. 14 '. I '') f-.ii