s ? ; nrms ir, im BttDBllllEO COLUMN FOR SALE Real EaUte WiT'i i i-irinnrnnnnn nixmnnnnrnni 1IOUMKH AMI MT8 Tho demand for tiroiiorlr of nil kind I vory Reed, but wo Mill liavo omo very Reed buys ns shown be be eow: Good tlirco room houso on Grant 81.. nonr Third, at $800. Hood six room houso and hnlt nero of ground along tho rlver'at a bar rain prlco of $3500. Just tho placo for .fruit and garden. Let u show yoa. How and modern Arc room fur nltecd homo on pavement at a spec lal prlco of 3S0O; terms. New nnd modern flvo room platter! H tiouse In excellent retldcnro sec tion only two blocks from Main St. on, pavement. Prlco Is only $4000; terms. Modern six room houso only ono block from new school site In Pair view No. 1 at a prlco of $3200, on easy terms. Hotter tee It now. Modern seven room houae only 3 tacks from Main St., on pavement and In excellent neighborhood, at Y4600; etty terms. Modern eight room house only two Mocks from Main St., 'at price of 14760; torms. Railroad Addition lot 25 ft. wide n spnr near depot at $300. Two R. R. Addition lots each 35 tt. wide, on spur at $600. Main St. lot 23x100 at $1250, on easy terms. Corner lot on pavement TGxftA ft. ne block from Main at $1600: terns. Fine corner lot on pavement four Mock from Main, In excellent real deace section at a bargain price of $1400. Big lot In Falrvlew No. 2 at $2S0; terms. Pine view lot tn tho best part of Hot Springs Addition at $450. Another good one In Hot Springs attcr.0, on terms. Railroad Addn. lot CO tt. front, near Sixths at $750. Spring St. lot SO ft. front near Dig Basin at SfiOO. Main St. lot near new postofflce, -30 ft. front at $200 a foot, on easy term. Main St. corner near now post offlce, 40x110 at $250 a foot; terms. A fine plcco of Main St. property near new postofflce.175 toot front at a bargain price. Ask ut. CIIILCOTK SMITH C33 Main ' Phone 66 1617 TOR SALE Four room house on Oregon Ave., on pavement, for $1250. ALSO Two residence lots on 6th St. above Main. MRS. NATE OT7ERHEIN. 527 Klamath Ave. Phone 461 FOR SALE Shlpplngton property -on pavement; paving assessments all. paid; 2 lots, each 50x204: hat 9 room house and 2 two-room houses. Good rent .property, or deslrealil? tomes. Wonld consider farm land In tfcirti. Phono 43GW. ' 14-!6 Wo have fbr talo a choice '- Hon of stock ranches, nlfnlfj Tanches. marsh lands, city houses and lots. It will pay v0u to see us icfora fcajlnff". A. A. Bellman & Co. 40C Main St. IMS FOR SALE 120 sere's 7 miles north of Klamath Palis; good pasture, line potato land, free from frost. Am leavint so wlfl s11 cheap. Call at once, S02 Conger or Box 323 city. 1618 LOTS From $100 up, In alt parts of townr lOTS On pavement, $250 for cor ners of 60x110. 1X)TS Intlde. $200 for 50x110. liOTS-r-Large. Just off paved street, $100 to $250. Terms 10 per cent cash, balance In uutsOJmenti to suit purchaser. W. M. MONTELJUS The Klamath Development Co. 1303 Main St. Phone No. 1 7-tf TOR SALE Farm Implements and 8 head of horses; 6 work horses with harness. Also traction engine and plows, CO h. p. Edgewood JUaeh. phone 11F11. Rahn. 4-tf FOR BALK OK TRADE ' Lots 393. 394 and 395. block 113. TtUlU Addition. Will trade for eqnlty la Fresno, Calif., Improved or unim proved. Address Jt M. Platts. 1125 T St. Fresno, Calif. 25-tf lOTS A few good lots In Hot Spings addition, a tew leit on Shipping toa pavement but going fast. Lots of lots botween the. depot and Mills addition. Prices right, terms 10 per ea easn, oni. so payments. Phone W. M. Montellus, 1303 Main tt. 1-tf FOR 'SALE Miscellaneous 20 per cent off on all men's silk a&irta at K. K. K Store. 12-tf FOR SALE Dodge touring car, nearly new; run less than 2000 Kites. New extra tire. Price $1300. weum consiaor a ord In eood run ulag.ordor as part payment. Address it. ii. L.aurusen, n. Klamath, ore. 15-17 FOR SALE Used 1920 Model 490 Chevrolet touring, $800. Central Oarbt. 12-18 FWc SALE 1 Bulck and ana 7-pat- Htudebakor. imperial Gar 6-tf For Your Chickens PP 0 FOR SALE Dresser, library table, organ, mnndolln, springs, mattress, sanitary col, injuring machine, Kdl son cabinet phonograph with over 100 records, heater, baby buggy, coaster, etc. Call at 904 Main St. 16-32 XOTICK housewives Special said on greceries: one .tack Of corn meal FREE with every $15 grocery order. Spot Catli Basket! urocery, :s Kiamatn Ave. is.tr FOIt SALE SO hoad stock cattlo In fine shape: now In pasture. Mutt tell. H. J. Tlcknor, Langcll Valley. 1218 FOR SALE Corner store paying butlnest right man, map. Seo 1008 Main street. 10-tf Olltedge Ruttor for care. 202 Main St. those who tt BLOCKS FOR SALE. $5.00 per cord delivered. Phono 483M. J. N. Guthrie. 518 FOR SALE Two fresh cows, both Durham. Wm. F. Jlnnette. Mer rill. Ore. 1623 FOR SALE 2 Alrdale puppies, 2 montt old. Registered. Call 19 Main St. 12-17 Steel tanks and bios 1023 Main St. pipe mado at 4-tf 20 per cent off orf all men's and boys' clothing at K. K. K. Store. 12-tf FOR SALE: Chevrolet In good con dltlon. 418 N. 11th. 12s FOR SALE Late model Haynes five-passenger "Six:" excellent conditien: been driven very little and had fine earo. Can hardly be told from new car. Will carry tho wholo family It not more than ten. Would consider tmalelr car In trade'. Phoje 456W. 2-tf Panama and ttraw hats at Vt price at K. K. K. Store. 12-tf FOR SALE 2 V, ton truck. Al con dition. 'O. K. Blacksmith shoo. Sixth St. 2S-tf FOK SALE TEXTS TEXTS TENTS IT. S. Government tents. Canvass leather belting, one blacksmith out fit, two spark arresters, one com plete lighting system Max W!s. Cth St., near Ewauna Box Factory. 24-tf PINE SHINGLES. $7 takealde Lumber Co. .00 per M. 7-tf -- .t-. , WANTED I WANTED Middle aeoil woman nni! daughter to cook for small camp. Box 23, Herald. 16-18 vvA.itu L.ei me uo your trantier i, ulrn, reasonable ra.tes; also block wood delivered $3 per cord. rnone :&9K or Inquire 110 Sargant Ave. 1519 WANTED to purchase a good alfalfa ranch. Address Box H, Herald .15-21 WANTED Man and wife, without children, to wotk on a ranch. Good wages. J. P. McAullffe, Ft. Klamath. 8-tf WANTED A middle aged lady to care for old lady, days only. Good wages. Frank Cros.fleld, Pelican Bay Lumber Co. 15-17 WANTED J good live newsboys at the Herald office. 2-tf WANTED Grocery salesman, erts L Whltmore. Rob-2-tf nros WANTED .... Proposals will be received up to Tuesday, June 22, for the erection of a school building, according to tho plans and specifications on die In the office of the clerk at the Klamath State Bank. All bids to be accom panied by a certified check of 5 per cent ot me amount ot tne bid. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. IDA D. MOMYER, 10-23 School Clerk. WANTED All kinds of scrap Iron. old bones, rags, rubber and all kinds of metals. Max Welts, 6th St., near Ewauna Box Factory. 24-tf WANTED Man to drive ranch. Phone 253-J. team on ll-tf FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT- Small 'bedroom for Phone 192W. 309 1617 gentlcman. So. Riverside. FOR RENT A large cabin, 1438 Fremont St.,. Hot Springs. 16-17 FOR RENT Furnished front room. 1736 Johnson .Ave. 15-19 ran nnNx Pasture for 4000 bead of sheen. Edgewood Stock Ranch. Water and feed In abundance. Head ot Swan Lake Valley. See Rahn phone 11F11 4-tf THE EVENING HERALD, MISCELLANEOUS FREE AUTO CAMP (MOUNDS Al n arrangement madefor learns, at Davo Turners Ham Home. l.nn- goll't Valley. 16.21 Ult. P, R. nODDAIll) It attending the convention of the Western Os .tcopathls AsoVlatlon at San Francis- co. no win return numi.ty, juno -, 1020. 'Jc-i" RESULTS are being obtained at Davo Tutuur'a Hath House" L.tngells Valley. 16-21 20 .per cont oft on all ihooa at K. K. Ki Store. , 12-tf Cllltcdgo Ilutter (or thoso rlio tr care. 202 Main St. Printing, Stationery and offlct supplies. Ploneor Printing and Sta tionery company. 126 Main St. 9-tf CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed call 52J. PHONE PEYTON tor wood. 181 LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Dairy and Klamath Falls, one suitcase with young girl's wearing apparel. Reward; re turn to Evening Herald. 16-20 LOST A Presto tank between Klamath Falls .and Round Lake. Reward It returned to R. H. Ma honey, 815 Pine St., phone 339W. 15.17 FOR 8ALE flood saddle or pack horse. White Pelican Hotel bar ber shop. 16-1! LOST Two 30x3 Vt Penn Vacum cup casings, tubes and rim be tween Klamath Falls and Ashland. Vniifr lio.u n.. Kijmsih v.n. Reward. 1518 M)HT , , . .... , tadloa gold watch, diamond tet; also pearl broach. Reward If return- ed to Mrs. Nettle Wallen. 1645 Wall St. 14-191 , rt "2 T" LOST On Conger avenue, largo knob from a brass bed. Reward will bo paid for Its return to the City! Tranafcr Co., 615 Main St. 3-tf , MADAME IOINA KNOW YOUR FUTURE CONSULT OHEGO.V8 REST World's greatest Clairvoyant and Pan1lln,,wII,,e?i.1.0MiIlan1 Modlum' Reads your entire life. past. pres - ent and future; advises on business speculations, lovers' quarrels; unites ino soparatca; wncn anii'..,, ..,,,, c ..,,,., . .ho. .. -m m,,-. . i , awarded to Serbia and Gre whom you will marry; bow to win). Ihn nnt vn,( Invn nnil nlan nvnrAmn" all-enemies; gives secrets how to con- trot or Influence any ono you love or meet.. Tells full names of any qno you earo to know, ner advice has saved and made thousands. Why not you? As a seer and Interpreter of hidden trcatures tho has no equal. Seo her at once, this Clod-given, gifted lady. All business confidential. Dally readings. Including Sunday. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Perma nently located I O. O. P. building, 154 Aiain St., Klamath Falls. Oro, 20-20i USE GRANDMA'S SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR RECIPE AND NO BODY WILL KNOW The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray balr to ttt nat ural color dates back to grandmoth er's flme. She used It to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and at tractive. Whenever her balr took on that dull, faded or streaked appear plied with wonderful effeot. ance, this simple mixture was ap Rut brewing at home Is musty and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of "WyetbV Sage and Sulphur Com pound," you will get tbls famous old preparation, Improved by the addl tlon of other Ingredients, which can be depended upon 'to restore natural color and beauty to tho balr. A well known downtown druggist tays It darkens tho balr so natural ly and evenly that nobody can tell R has been applied. You simply damp en a sponge or toft brush with It, and draw this through your hair, tak ing one strand at a time. By morn ing the gray balr disappears,, and af ter another application or two, It bo- comes beautifully dark and glossv. Miss B. Fjillen-Burry was the first geographer to visit so mo of tho un known parts of the Bltmark Archi pelago, Mlts Blanche Womack, who has been appointed county clerk of Iluena Vista county, Is the first wo man to hold that position In Iowa. LADIES DARKEN vdur m iii CHICK FEED. GROWING MASH, BONE FATTENING MASH, ALFALFA MEAL. WHOLE AND CRACKED CORN KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PORTDEMDED f BY BULGARIA I ' SOFIA. Bulgaria, May 25. (By MnlD Bulgaria must have n tvrrl torlal outlet on the Aegean sea, Ivan K. Gueshoff. one of Bulgaria' most brilliant statesmen and formerly prime minister, now a deputy of par liament, bat told tho AsaoclateM Press correspondent. "A more economic outlet will be of no use to br and the has categorically refused and will refuse to accept It." ho wont on. "A .lanco at the map ot the Balkan pen Insula will prove that a port on tho Aegean Is a matter of far more lm porlanco to Bulgaria than Fiumu Is to Jugo-Stavla. "Wo know," continued M. Ouos hotf. "that en the question of ethnic and territorial claims of Bulgaria, tho United States was overruled at the peace conference. We are neverthe less genuinely grateful to all thoso Americans who. In the commissions nppolntcd to study tho questions of Thrace and the northern and western frontiers of Bulgaria, gave conclu slons In our favor. We now Implore the generous help of the great Amer ican people In tho solution ot a ques tion fraught with momentous conse quences to Bulgaria and to the pvaco ,,,, L,,ia . ,-u,,,,, iniiin i ' - wbol, Balkan peninsula. (Bulgaria ceded western Thrace ' under tho peace treaty and tho peace conference awarded It to Greece. This cut Bulgaria off (rem Its formor ... .... . ... .... . I'"" ol "'-. " ta. '- Ihu allies, promised her tho league of nations would ghe ucr an outlet on the Aegean ) . . . . . . .... T1' ormer -'rlmu -----er. who was edugatcd In England and who It leader of the strong Nationalist party, then discussed what bo termed tbo allies' flagrant twtrayal of the prin ciple of nationality." "Wo were stunned," said M nucshoff, "when wq heard that Bulgaria was con demncd to lose districts tho Bui- gnrlan character of which was never contested and that while for certain 'disputed German region, tho plebls- !cle wa permitted, the prlnclplo of 'self - determination wai. refuted the. re-;i)UKarlan populations which wore CC0, "In order to explain this flagrant betrayal ot the principle of nation ality." M Gueshoff continued, "tt was alleged that tho Bulgarians Ueof jmi0, j92n nnd' approved by the served to bo punished, first, becauso mayor on the Nth day of June, 1921) they had fought against tho Entente' SalJ l,lan-1' specifications and estl and then because they bad mX-Xln ted atrocities. Tho Bulgarian people nnd In tho office of tint said engineer, were ngalntt tho war. A falthlt The prnpo... contract will be 1c: i,i., i.,. i ... i .i i, 'In ono coiuract. and 111" time In .... , ,. . . , . ,. . "Had the entente landed troopt al 8alonlkl before tho Bulgarian tuobll Mxatlon of 1916, ns I then Insisted, had Bulgaria the geographical situ nOl.1-. S-.fT MAKMm It... llnlanaliiHa Moat at I.I u..Uii ... uiwiv, nu ..u, ....ii.iii. wuuiu have dono what the Grcoks did In 1917 and Bulgaria would novor bavo gone with tho Central Empires. Al. Gueshoff concluded tho Inter view with a reference to tho alleged Bulgarian atrocities, "n president of tho Bulgarian Red Cross society," ho said, "In January, 1919, I pro posed that an International commit- ..on should inquire Int. these so called atrocities and those commit ted by the other Balkan states. But tho conference of rarls had decided . .k...i ti..i i i.l . , , to throttle Bulgaria without giving ber the opportunity of defending her self.' A Classified Ad will sell It. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayor Tablets of Aspirin" Is gon ulne Aspirin proved safo by millions and prescribed by physicians for over 20 years. Accopt'only an unbroken "Bayor package" which contains propor directions to roliovo Head ache, Toothacho, Karacho, Nouralgla, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cpnts. uruggisin aiso sen largo "uayer pack ages." Aspirin Is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Monoacotlcacldotter of Sallcyllcacld. '" j 4 Ml s NOTICE INVITING PROPOAALH TO M.tKV STREET IMPltOVKMKNT Pursuant to an ordinance and order of tho Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Orrmui, notice Is horoby given t hut proposals will bo rocolvod by said Common Council for making the Improvement designed for Klamath Avimmi front oth stroot easterly to ltth street Said Improvement to be imidu In accordance with the plans end specifications ot tho City Eugl no or nnd fur one ot tho classes of Improvement moullonod In said plans ami specifications and tho ordinance ordering said Improvement, which said ordinance Is numbcrod C07 and was adopted on tho 7th day of Juno, 1020, and approved by tho mayor on the Nth day ot June, 1920, Said Plans, specifications am) est!- mates of tho City Engineer bolng inn hi mo uiiiro ui tug I'uncn jiiiiki' and In tho office of the said engineer The proposed contract will be let In one contract, and the time In which the samo Is to bo completed Is fixed by said ordinance on or be fore October 15th, 1930, Bids must bo filed with (ho Police Judge for submission to tho council not later thaa 8 o'clock p. m. ot tho 2 1st day of June, 1120, and tho bids will bu considered by the council Immediate ly thoreatUr at tho Council Chamber in said city. Each proposal must bo accom panled by a certified check on some responsible banking Institution In an amount oqaal to 5 per cent of the aggregate amount of the proposal, tie sarao to oe torreited to tho city by the accetaful bidder upon failure to entor Into contract and bond for the faithful completion of the said Improvement In accordance with the plana and specifications therefor. Tho City of Klamath Palls reserv ing tho Tight at all times to reject any and all proposals. The award to the tuceosstul bidder It hereby made con tingent upon tho tale of tho bonds that will bo authorl-d for providing funds for making such Improvement. Tho plans, specifications and esti mates above referred to embrace and provide that tho proposed Improve ment may be mado. tiling bltulltblc or Oil Macadam and bids mm Invited for each class, In addltlcn to grading, curbing .drainage and cement side walks. A. L. I.E.WITT, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Palls, Oregon. 1021 NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO MAKE NTItKKT IMPROVEMENT Pursuant to ordinance and order of the Common Council of tliu City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, notlro Is hereby given that proposals will be received by said Common Council for making the Improvement designed for Pine street from 8th street east erly to 11th street Including Intersoc- tlons not pared to be made In Maid Improvement nrrorilnnnt with flin I plans and specifications of the City Engineer nnd fur nn nf I ho rlnmna I of Improvement mentioned In said plans and specifications and tho or- jdlnancv ordering said Improvement. which nnM ontlnanctf In ntitiUioriMl fLftfi find U'ftfl nttntiffftl fin flut ?llt .Iriv 'which tho same Is to be completed 1st ,,, ,, ,, ortinnnc on or l.ofom October 15th, 1930 Bids must bo 'I"'" w' "o Police Judge for tub- J "cY p !."", ' of ,.. 2lsT day of m . ....,. ... .... juno, issu, anil llm olds will lio eon sldnrcd by the council Immediately thereafter at 'the Council Chamber in taid city. Eath proposal must bo accom panied by a certified -Mieck on some responsible banking Institution In an amount equal to 5 por cent of the aggregate amount of tho proposal, tho samo to bo forfeited to the city by tho, successful bidder upon failure "" info contrast nnd bond for &W C1nm.Pc,c,or?.,anc),) IVule plans and spoclfloniinns therefor, Tho'Clty of Klamath FalU rosorv lnK -o.'-tht t all times to rojoct ny "id all proposals, Tho award lo tho Urce.sful bidder Is hereby made contingent upon the salo of I tho bonds that will ho authorized for 'providing funds for making suoh Im provement. The plans, specifications and esti mates above referred to embrace and provide that tho proposed Improve ment may be made, using bltulltblc or Oil Macudnm and bids are Invltod for each class, In udltlon to grading, aurblng, drainage and cement sldo walks. A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge of tho City of 'KJarnath Palls, Oregon. 10-21 NOTJCi: OP PINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that tho undersigned has filed In tho County Court of Klamath County, wrur.un, no iiiiiii account or his ad ministration of tho L'stutn of Lou In II. Dixon, deceased, and the said Court hna fixed July 10, 1920, at thn hour of 10 o'clock In tho formiooti of said day. nnd the Court Room of tho County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, In Klamath Palls, Oregon, as the date, time mid plane for tho hnarliig of ohJectloiiH against mml final uccount, If any theru bo, and for tho settlement thoroof. BENSON DIXON, Administrator of the Estate of Loulo B. Dixon, docoasod. Juno 2-910-23-30 f THE USE OP those columns will make monoy for you. I Murphey Feed & PAQI MX Warren Hunt Hospital A thoroughly equipped Institution sffordlug unexcelled facilities for tho cloiitlfio treatment by hospital moth oils of medical, surgical and obstet rical cases. The new nnd modern fireproof build ing contains private rooms fur bed tnil ambulatory cases, completely equipped examination and treatment rooms, Roentgen Ray, clinical and research laboratories. uaTAKF WAItltKN HUNT, M. I). L. L, TKUAX, M. D. GEO. A. MAflHEV. M. D. AND PINK HTrt., , KLAMATH FALLS. ORB. TELEPHONE 497 AMBULANCE SERVICE MINERAL BATHS Dr. Ms-td Ingrrsotl Hawltf Chiropractic PhjrsJcUti Pint National Rank Bulldlag Eatraace, Room I AHHLAND, OIUCOON KLAMATH GENERAL HOSPITAL Is located on The Esplanade, nway from the noise, sur rounded by one of the most beautiful views in the world. This Hospital is fully equip ped to handle the most diffi cult cases and has a staff of physicians that insure tho nigh character and effi ciency of the institution. STAFF dr. e. n. joii.s'bon DR. 0. II. MERRYMAN DR. T. O. CAMPBELL dr. GEenai: i. witiairr DR. n. D. LAMB 1)11. II. D. LLOYD STEWART ROBERT S. FRY General Insurance Investment Tel. 37,'I-J 707 WASHINGTON HT. Klamath Falls, Ore. ALL KINDS of fin aad ahjrt Iron work, vea tllatiag and warm air besUiag donn at the Nhaanoa Plmnblag Hliop. No. 1033 Mala Hi. L. N. HAINES Pfaoae waj Klamath-Bend Auto Stag A dally auto siaae sarvlea Is operating between Klamath ratls and Rend. Office Res tafe and Met ropolitan asrage. C. I. ReckartJ. Phono 276-W. it-tf "KIRK" Doa the word ttrlko terror to your heart, or It your proporty protected sufficiently by Insurance In a reliable company? In thlt day of high cost of material, scarcity of homos, no ono should leavo their proporty un protoctod. Lot us explain to you tho apodal Insurance system undor whlch wo protect your homo In tho leading Insurance companies of Amorlca. James II. Drltcoll, Room 4, Loomls Building. Phone 433. PAINTING Practical Painting, Gliding, Bronzing, Enameling, Kalsomlnlng, Wull Paper Cleaning und Genera Contracting. II. V. TUTIIILIi 013 Roto Ht. WEST END CAFE No. 72 Main St. Meals served family style Call and give ua a trial Seed Store Ki A y v . ,-n i fl v ?rM .www&s