tf JVNKtt, ItM THE KVfflHG HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON t PAdRmairr VVVvvVvvvvvVVvV . TUP rirv ctadf'c m nrun c.r ! yTTTTTTVTTT' . I t (' j F v I Kim mt'Lf lyyBmPiBmmmmmV9i LLvLvLvLvLvsvLvffLLvLvLvLvLvLvHLviSV x flsmmml smmmmi inc aiir oiuivlo diu axmuval mix Is a Real Clothing and Shoe Sale FOR EVERY MAN'S AND YOUNG MAN'S SUIT AND EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THE STORE IS INCLUDED IN THIS OFFERING SUCH FAMED MAKES AS "KUPPENHEIMER" CLOTHES "NETTLETON" SHOES-'KNOX" HATS-AND A DOZEN OTHER KNOWN MAKES OF MEN'S FINE WEARING APPAREL ALL MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS ONE-FIFTH OFF All $35.00 Suits $28.00 All $40.00 Suit. $32.00 AH $50.00 Suit. $40.00 15 PER CENT OFF ON ALL SHOES 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL HATS 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL SILK SHIRTS JO PER CENT OFF ON ALL KHAKI PANTS JO PER CENT OFF on all RIDING BREECHES 25c 95 MEN'S WORK SOX, 25c QUALITY TWO PAIRS FOR 20 PER CENT OFF LEATHER VESTS All $60.00 Suits $48.00 All $70.00 Suits $56.00 AU $75.00 Suits $60.00 MEN'S EXTRA SPECIAL ON SUMMER UNION SUTS, Athletic Style, the Suit . SHOE SALE-SPECIAL OFFERING LOT 1. Work and dress shoes, styles that cost at regular prices up to $15. Q QC Sale price sPO.CKJ LOT 2. Work and dress styles that cost regular up to $9.00. a op Removal sale prices: . . .. vOO LOT 3. Men's Fine English Dress Shoes, Tan color. Regular $12.00 d Q Ofi shoos. Removal nilco . . m)00J SENSATIONAL PRICE MAKING ON MEN'S FINE ALL WOOL SUMMER SUITS 75 Fine Summer Suits in light patterns new nifty models all the accepted 1920 fcOC Art patterns, suits worth regular to $50,00, will be sold while they last for PDUU No alterations made at Sale Prices Sale Prices for Cash only Sale will continue until further notice KKK STORE LEADING CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS Y X T m3hC"Sh"Sm; VTVIIKXT AT IKUtT.MOlTH rested on a Ronton bound train, ad- KILLED IN QirAKKEL mltted tee (hooting. Ho said tio had " HANOVER, New liampbUre, June been drinking and that ho fired In t6, Henry E. Maroney, of West self-defense. Wcitord, Massachusetts, senior In .Dartmouth college, was shot and The the recent longjhore- Cllled during a quarrel In bis roonn men', strike at New York were. tn a fraternity hue early today by wagea and salaries $12,000,000. RoDvrt T. Meads; of LaOramk' lllln- damage to steamship Interests J 35,- vis, a Junior. Meads, after being nr- 000,000. i BPngftM, wgxrriniu ? .. K.,,""U ,,M. '!? ,0,n, t,helf.U,h tlectl aml "" mawA hU """' H,, WKB nilllTIKflH ....'.... ... ... H I1tlAit '... I . .i i j vr, niii.-ii inw I'wiMia. .ii r.iuuii it'll ,((l4aU III 110111 Miss fiertrude Parker. a teacher I "" arJen Valley to Install two at the Itlverslde school for the past"V hollers at a mill located thore ear. I.011M l.avaronl left this morning L. . j tMiKi4iU23&CiISl! i(l 1 -7 i m v- Be0 m. j I JLSilosiQrg AuK I left for her homo In f! runts Pass to spend her vacation. Sho was "" normern points. n.nninl,l l.v hnr mother. Mm. Mrs. Will filmmcreau. who T UXITE HOSIERY enbediss :hs spirit of luxury yet ft is ctrava&r.r.t. Shopely, shimmering and closely v.-ovon' the product of beautiful materials, pure dyes and specialized methods. Lon& wear and elegance combined'ir. icopar oble union. If that interests you, como to this store; we will gladly show you-any style you prefer. . Popular Prices. I M r Ceorgo Parker, who came hero a few days ago and alKO by her sister, Mrs. K. S. Veatch and children, who will also spend the summer nt Ornnts Pass. W. K. Scohorn went to Susanvllle this morning for a business trip. He will probably be gono a week. J. M. Bedford, of Chlloquln Is In town on business and Is stopping at the White Pelican hotel. II. H. Pooley, a representative of a hardware firm, and N, II, Orcer, a representative of the Trublu Iliscult company, are In the city today and tiro at present at the Whlto Pollcan, Mrs. W. A. Ifolloway left for Med- ford this morning for an Inrieflnlto visit with relatives and friends. Maud K. naldwln left on a bust' ne.u trip to Portland this morning. Sho expects to bo back Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ferris, who have been here on a short visit, re turned to I.os Angeles on the morn ing train. Mrs. Ooan Wright went on an ex tended visit to San Francisco this morning, O. I.. Edwards, of the Whitman Drug company, left this morning for a short vacation trip to Los Angeles and southern points. Mrs, If. E. Lewis and children went to Searavlllo on tho morning train for a month's vavation. Sarah Hall lart this morning for her homo In southern California. A, E. Johnson was a passenger on tho morning train for tils homo In Chlco. nay E. Smith, Mlko MacAkln and P. II. Forrester, who carao horo on business returned to their homes In Sacramento this morning. C. J, Druzai and wife left this morning for Sacramento. They wore hero on a short business and pleas ure trip. J, It. Parcell and wife and child ren left this morning (or Ivan to make their borne for the summer. Henry Berger, who has been In vestigating" conditions relative to bas IIAXK KX.VMIMMt IIKlIi: A. I.. lames. Natloiisl amlnor, M Iltc from K.ui bank t... ..l.l.lM If-.. II. ..t ltAM.l. ... I ' . .'..I. . IHIUIDLU .. "., .:":.:";' ' rr;,".;:t"k, un in . . I examined tho First National bank tin nil n if T . (,. luir. Vn.ld.ilv hm.i ,..... Ullll llllltl TtVlll Tho farmers of this neighborhood nm all wearing n broad smile on ac- ; count of tho rain. ex-, Everyone on Itoutn 1 la rnlnlrinr Mrs. J. Iand, who came up from , . i... .. .i , , ., ,, . . . . . Merrill to lnH-ct the bank there. Dorrls a few days ago on builncm. returned to her homo there this rn o rnlng. Mr. and Mrs. At Plrhe, who are on j a honeymoon trip, nro In the city to day and are guests at the White Pel ican. Henry Davis and wlfo were In from Swan Itko yesterday on busi ness. Irving E. Kcsterson, a lumborman nt Ivan, Is m this city today on mat ters of business Ho Is at present at) tho White Pelican hotel. Mr. and Mrs. It. H. McCornack left yesterday for Eugcno to attend tho ' graduation exercises at the Univor-' sltyf .Oregon at which their daugh ter, Mary, will take part. Their dausJUer, Agnes, who attends the Oregon Agricultural college, will go with them to Engcno. On tholr re turn they will visit their son who lives at Forest Orovo. Tho members of tho Altar Society of Sacred Heart church will meet to new at the homo of Mrs. N. H, Iloguo In Hot Springs addition tomorrow afternoon. Any lady Interested In tho work of the Altar Society is In- vltod to bo present. ico in see our regular mall carrier back He after n two weeks' tacutlou Mln l.urlllit Htowart vLltiil . to, couple" of dii with Mrs. Btucklu of I Merrill, COME! BIG JAZZ DANCE AT OPEN AIR PAVILION TONIGHT Largest dance floor between Portland and San Francisco SPECIAL JAZZ MUSIC Everyone Invited COME! opening a government retail store, Irallroad watches and chronometers, Tho Ladles Aid society of the M. E, church will glvo a Silver Tea at thn homo of Mrs. (loorgo Walton on Conger nvenuo tomorrow nfternoon. All are Invited to como to tho tea and requested to bring a irlond. County Clerk C. n. Do Lap, Mrs. Do Lap, tholr threo daughters, mid nleco, Miss Josophlno Fuller of Rich mond, leavo tomorrow for Laknvlow to attend tho convention of tho as sociation of Baptist churchos, which meets at Crane Creek, near Lnke vlow, for tho romalndor of the weok. AU DaDtlst churches of southern 6regon and northern California are members of tho association. George h. Metz, of Seattle, Wash ington, an expert watch maker and Jeweler specializing In high grade siMssl LIBERTY THEATRE TUB PICK OK TIIK PICTCfUM . AND A NKW OXK KVEIIV DAT wwwwwwiwww'' - , II. W. POOI.K, Owner IIAIUIY DOIIKIi, Mnslcal Diroctor ONSWWWSO.,.. -.--JVUUIAJ, TONIGHT , II.Vi: WKHTEIt.V KTOItV "THE BLUE BANDANA" IN WHICH WILLIAM DKHMO.ND IH Till! IIKItO Tim program Is erollent tonight hh tho romody "A Fly In tho Olnl iiieiit Is of mom thun orillnury 'Jtiullty unit with tho Nows Ituul "Mnograms showing Niitloiml Events them will bu itomuthlng In the unturtiiliiniuiit to xult evoryono THURSDAY ALi:..i)i:u ixjmah' oiieat htouv "The Corsican Brothers" in whlrh Duxtin Farnuiu iIii)n ii dual role I one of tbe lM't offiTliigt of tho arason Special for Sunday "KING SPRUCE" aud a great aerial story starring HKNNY liKO.VAIIIl Champion Lightweight of the World t X X t 7 t 7 T t t I MATINEE KVKBY DAT ' I returned to 8' FrsncUco this morn-1 baa aeeepted .a position with W. C. tag to report to aquariert Davenport In bto new store stt22 B,