The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 16, 1920, Image 1

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    n 1 J- lit iiSMMVr
... ' n . uNifmim m-iai
mv lEuimmg l&ralil
Fourteenth Year No. 3948
Price Five Cento
HOI'ltltO.V I'ltdlll'H WIII.T
kvivim run uuv, tux.
WAHHINOTON. Jtinn 16 -I'rolilliiliiin
iiiltociitc. will imk
Hid Demoeriitle n ut Ion it I con
vention to adopt a plank diictar.
1 111: for (tut rlclil enforromoiit
of (tin eighteenth nmeuilineit
mill Mill "prcH.-iit a solid front
HKiiltint llowirnor Cox of Ohio1'
Wiiynii II Wheeler. Kiiimrnl '
surplus goods i'tiiles'ioins;
MONTItl.At., Juno 16 Tho .
American Federation of Labor '
convention hir! today called
upon the. congress of tho united
Slates to cancel tho "gentle-
men's agreement" with Japan,
unil absolutely exclude all Jap-
- mmm i
' 'A ntinan nn.r IL... I I A
Tentative. p.-rmlisl.m to use tho Anotlinr rooming houso was added Z ., """ "" "",rt"c """" w
expansion movement 01 v. . ... .. .. .... now court houso hi i ik on Main ttm riti- .iii..i.i nr ....hiin " '"" w""1"' w
Oregon Mate chamber of coin- T ."" "' "r .." . An ,"n,')"U 7 street, now In litigation. a a .torn nine,, w .t,. ,.., n,.i ,.,, Tbn "elusion of "plcturo
orro lN.ff.ii I.. Klamath Fall tl.U ' ,'' ',,'"" ,,,,m "' " "Jr" 7 for dl.po.lng of surplus army cloth- night granted a permit to Mr.. Ora? Mn" !" a10 domandc'
orulng. when lh.i oxerutlv.. eonn1 ' ' "' Inn. hwiUluirii ml iiuwiIIm, ha bu M Young to conduct a room Inn t Dee,arln thal a hanA ""
Ittno of tho Mai., for thin' "" '.obtained liy Henry ll.TK.-r from i. .)., i.n.iiv i.. .. .n responsible agitators was at-
BROWN HELLION work, connected with thn
district hild a special meeting In thu
director.' room of tho Klamath Mate,
hank, with two of tho fMil men from '
tbn Portland headquarter of tint IiIk
K, T l.udden, chairman of lh.
local coinnilltiio called together hi
associate, rormlntllix of 'A M, Col,
llnr, O. I, llurk.t. II. N Mo., and C F '
Htonn at II o'clock, and writ Into
mo ileum, ui inn loiai cuiiiiiuikii wiin ....,,.. ... ..... ii.. .,, . - . n
Jam... (I Htafford and Hamu-I C 1 ""l" " L.. .".;. "Z" F "''rotors, canned food. frozen beef.
II.lKht. mprr..i.iln lli Mat- chain- Z,v '"" " . , 4 '"' ' '""' ,n"""'" "f " al ,,rlc-', wl,lc"
.r. Arranrrmrnt. wrr., nrfitcinl ". t"L"ntly- ,""1 nn -niln.. . rm, wm ,. hU)w tne r(Ia
LhiiiltoUrtNi 'r: ,",f"r" ,,,r: v rurut Uft""" - 0 nr M m t.
thrm-ycar lmd.M fund for tl. ... " ."" ' '" 'l1, T ""' "" """r""n "ln""u,n lh"u(:"1
..i.. M.v,rn ,v ..i i. ! .r"' K,wnU Jl,r ,""I"r ,-01'0 '. " I'- i It. for thr.. or,
. "...- ........ .., trotialtt.
tno umenn laio cuamixir cr corn-
county court. It U mport.i.1 Mr. tuo of hlock So. Klamath addition, t0,"l"'"f to discredit tho reco
iht.t in irnm nun rranciiro arid m rtior.' familiarly known a "The
ainiy ntipiillt-tl with credential Tule."
howliiK h. U a MMclal arnnt of Ihii! Th petition went through with a
United Htli)Hnuartertiiaatrr stored, hudget of othur permlti, without
nml apparently In a reponnllile poil- quoxtlon or comment. In fact tho
,llon to enrry out ueh urrangemenliiiitiioibn.Mi of Iti iiamage would Indl-
a. ik. niaKe. cal0 lhat thli ,,rogrjm hBj been ar.
ill limn in linn in .iim.ii.. . . .
- n... .. i ... -V".i.. '" '" m'. ruagfii neior.9 nana. Tn anul ca-
,,,.. ,. . WT'fViiiy alock of all mini, reclaimed tlon for tho permit readi a, follow.-!
with Inhiiil to rnniiiill imirilnr m ihVY ..... ," iur mo i. ruin reaui a ronowR. i
" " aiifH-ii. iirinri&,.i r bilih nin- ...i. I
-jt "., ...-.n, .,,. M ,
' lviatnain kaiii (irn
Juno 14, 1920.
To the honorable mayor and com
mon council of tho city of Klam
ath Fallt.Oregon.
I, tho underlgued, being tho
owner of Iota ono ( 1 ) and two (2)
In block Ninety (90), of Klamath
nixed organization of railway
employees" the federation un-
anlmouxly condemned the "ae-
ceaalonlxt movement" which re-
iiulted In the recent railroad
four month a.t and does not In.. '... '.-...' V....V ".' C 1" ".l
Kb yd Drown was mciiiiuIpiI liijhetend to rtiitt iiiiI.him it Is Indicated1 Kails. Klamath County. Oregon.
A permit was granted to the
Kwauna Uox company ut last nights'
merco Manufactory progruis wan iiijiieml to rtiitt unless it Is Indicated1 Kails. Klamath County. Oregon. councll meeting to erect an apart-
mado at the iirellmlnarv meeting A ) lb.. shutKuii ihnrge ,. x that he can sell at least $30,000 j h'Te-uy petition your bonorablo ,ment hous on the northwest corner
is anil ii ui iitii aiiirii iiiiiimni imrii wiirin vniiiiu i - tr h
second inrjutug at which a number of ..,,......:..'".,'' v"w ." . ." . ." "J
., , . . , - '"iMI ' " " n-r.ireriiig r i ai n in.'1'iing in u- iniior council i
tho Important bus I mm uteres of ,.,, , .. , ... ,, ....! . . . . . . .....
., ., .... , . .. Tin bond i ilbonisii of Toy llrOwn ball Monday etwing he outlined his
iiiit nri.t.(iii iii hit iiiiiicauiiii'.j will ..
j mayor and common council to
rrant me a permit to maintain.
run and operate a rooming bouso
In the tuo story frame building lo-
in., imitiinti taw l iu ..iaiii.hii..i ------
:..... ...i. ...... -Wa pi,,,,.,) , ,nr $10,000 flituroou Plan to about 100 persons and r. I (ated on said premises
l ri-in either tonlRIU or Thursday w1,, llf w-,pr Wri. ii.liilti. li'U promises of support Homvj )''' r;..ect fully submitted
loiRiirui pirs. j, i. louniii
More tlisn 80 colimiiiiillles cities A - ....
em in hid iviumntn r.ervutlou. m),o opposition aira uueiopeil. amoiiK
llllll llinilB IIIIIMIKIIIIUI .I'EIIII HUTU ,., ,. . .i . . ...... .. .. ...A...I.nBU ... .1... !!..
nllgned themselves In this splendid
state-wide, movement.
said be thought public uelfare di- members of the labor organltatlon
'innmlel that Itrncn I... 1...1.1 .... ,.r..U '.Vhonr CmnlOVIllelit ami Ililnir A.
rommlttees ....n ,....iM..i .... .. iwtnii mmn dm .!-. i.-.-.i.. i.A M.
., ... en I....-IIIR.IIIHII ui un iircaui- -' ."'I-' " - in-
Imllar to lb., on,, represimtlng Mam- ,,., ,.,.,.,, wlh , ., 'ral merchants and who felt that the
ath halls having uiluii leered their WUK M1. mit) , , ,.rrr Mor woll,,, ,akp DVrny DU,,.
nrrTicuH in inikiunK iu a nuci .'mm.
tnnrliialfiti I lis lil i iiiit Aim n tir f hi
... I Archlu ChlPli and Prank llooror)
nmixtious pronrnm or slat., develop- wa,(.(, ,,, nnt. ,.,. ,1lll,laM. not meeting with nny cordial sup.
ineiu suggest.-.! ror the .late chain )(.ri.m. Jury Mlm m a ,,.l.ort from the Ituslness Men
Tli In prorCnim of orlc b mat
till lliritlltvtt Iftnril vrniiH imuillhiia nt
" "'" ' , " n , " ' """ "' Hoover's bond at 260
inuau iiiiiiiiiiiiik nun me iirenuo
state ilinmluT of romtuerco as con-
Two OiIkm- Held jIIom rrniti the local merchnnt
Archlo ChlPli and Prank HoororJ U u understood that Mr. Herger
is asso-
. Itroduflngll.iuor Into tho reservation. r1,,'1"" "f 0""'r ,ocnl "w'MtluuS.
''' Cblpp'a bond avus fixed at $7150 and' l"' '" " ro''or,, on th n,ln,"f''
Thoy pro
It ! ..ll.-Ki-d that lliU,cr supplied
lde. bonds mid uront liberty. i- - y '' "'..rinouso was
... i... . - i ....
I "i tin- i mini conn io snow mil a
cranted nm Midge llur.r.ell was on
A few w celts ago Dr Murphy, act
ti g iUrgiou of tho t'ultud Stato pub
lie health service, visited Klamath
Palli. He fnvestlgated "Tho Tules."
examined the flc ur.alx Inmates and
ordered them all under quarantlnu
an carriers of venereal disease.
Since then they have scattered,
two or three have left town.
It Is understood, are still ttnd
trlbu.lng member, to the state-wlde , . ..,,, ; Ibe way to l.onan.a today and could
budget fund At these group meet- ,,,,.,' ,,.,,,, ., ' . n"t ,l0 Interviewed.
Ing. of tb local and sta.o- ," . "th , l,v!n , r . ""'' I " U "' ha'"r- hat ,'1- a'
v Id., problems will be conducted mid! 1 iTuuiera (ment for use of the courthouse
tm n itu mn it a m. building Is In tentative form. It was
IUULUIH MOB HANGS also signed by attorneys for either
1 3 NEGROES IN RIOT,1'1" of ,1, "'""house controversy.
who agreed that the use of tho build-
DL'I.UTII, Juno 16 Virtually Ing at this time for tho purposo of a
normal renditions provalled today In retail store would not bo used to the
the Doluth business streets over prejudice of either side In the lltlga
which n mob of 5.000 persons surgod.t'0"-
I last night, sweeping tho police from!
unswers In writing muilo to these
three question;
1. What mil the Oregon state
chnmher of roittiiiprfit iln fn
conditions or opportunities In our
own lino of business or profession?
2. What do you believe tbn Ore
gon statn chamber of commorco
should do In ndvanco thu Interests of
power and seizing and lynching three
'""r "' """w ' negroes. In connection with an attack
3. What In your opinion ns a'on u 17-year-ol.l white girl.
clllion Is thu thing of first Import-1
nnce for the statn chamber of com-, unite the entire statu en definite,
merco to undertake fur tho good of Masks for accomplishment.
tho stnto ns it wholuT It Is unquestionably likely that
After these questions havw been, " "f the mnjor planks In such a
answered, each district In tho state 'Program of work, stressing ns It will
will aond two dolcgatc to a mooting road development, railroad extension
of llko dolcgatc from each of tbo 80
odd communities throughout Oregon,
with tho offlcors and director of the
stato chamber, and from a digest of
tho answers to those questions, an
alysed at that convention, a program
of work will bo formulated which will
It rAVCKW.'fttWla.O, 1
atft OrAVsVt.. , )
MltftWt NlO COrAC 'K.OUNO tK
iH' OrriCt H OO U , 'CKOSe V4C
Nk o'av .
v. ns. . tv'a--i v
jWslr X V
work, Irrigation, reclamation and
gonerul agricultural development
work, statu nnd national legislation,
etc., etc., will avqulro continuous,
active and aggrosslvo work over a
period of several years. It is for
this reason that tho f iGO.OOO-three-
year-budgot fund I aimed at In thu
stato-wide campaign. The- director
of tho stato chamber know that In
six months or a year thero will ba
sonio definite accomplishments to
Just as thoro has boon sonio really
romurkablo things dona In tho last 13
months by tho statu chamber oven on
Its limited financial support. . Moro
tlmo, and moro money than Just tbo
$150,000 per year, however, wilt bo
nooded to push through to miccuas
tho work directed toward tho aiding
of road oxpniiHlon work, railroad ex
tensions u ml Irrigation nnd drainage
l'lodges nnd subscriptions will
thoroforu bo asked from nil tho busi
ness Interests of Oregon on n throe-
year basis, nnd In nmountti substan
antlno at "The Tulw," ono rmdorSST"
treatment for the aioit terrlblo of
the twin diseases that follow In the
train of social tranagrssslsn.
In granting the premises n license
to operate as a rooming bouse, mom
hers of the council today expressed
tlicmselte as having been guided by
different motives.
Councilman L'pp said be acted
of Fifth street and Willow avenue,
Klamath addition. This building will
contain 10 apartments, modern In
every respect, and will bo reserved
for the factory employees only. Tho
company wishes to havo It completed
In 30 days. The cost Is estimated at
As soon as the obtaining of mate
rial and labor will permit tho com
pany will erect another apartment
house, similar to the first and of
equal cost und 22 cottages, contain
ing three and four rooms. Th mi.
i. TwoAlVjne cottaRes will be 12.000 each.
it ore. PLANS
At the chamber of commerce meet-
Forest Supervisor Hrown of tho
Fremont Forest reserve was in the
city for a few hours yesterday, and
while hero ho stated that It U pos
sible for Klamath Falls to becdme
one of tho landing places for the
aortal patrol that Is to start some
time this month and which will cov
er a route beginning at Medford,
thenco to Paisley, In Lake county, to
Alluras, Calif., and back to Medford.
Tho Jump from Alturus to Medford is
a long one, and tho sorvlco would bo
glad to so arrango Its scbedulo as to
mnko this city n landing place If a
sultnblo who wero furnished.
In addition to Its ndvnntago as a
protection against forest fires and
their control, thoro Is moro or less
rvnluo to this city from an ndvertla-
Irjf standpoint to havo this patrol
imyklng regular stops hero, and it
would bo woll within tho provlnco of
tho clmmbor of commorco to Intorest
Itsolf Willi the tnnlr nt ni-..rtiilnln-
. . . ...ii. " - "
tiai oiioubii to assuro mo uuugoi toiai from Supervisor Drown Just what Is
bolng fully Bubscrlbod. For the needed to Insuro tho patrol route
Kiamatn Mills bociiou tho apportion
mont bus boon sot nt $2,400 por yoar
for throo yoars. Thin sharo of the
atato-wlde co-oporatlve fund for Ore
gon development was nrrlvod at bV
the board of directors o tho o'regori
tato chamber of commerce on the
basis of population, bank dopoaltti
and bank resources, and Is considered
fair by tho local oxecutlvo committee
Team organisations will be sent ou(
In the next few days to call upon tksi,
buslheu InUreaU of this taction and
aeenra tha tabacrlptloM. )
passing through this city.
IIOSTON. June 1. Vlco President
Marshall today greeted bis possible
successor with a message, not of con
gratulation but of commiseration.,
1 "Please accept my sincere syas.
jMtkr," waa tha word U seat to Qo
rr OaWan Coolidg t, tlM Rasaali
fit mty aoaalM.
with bis M open. He said lhat I"'" ," " 'ne oi ,ne
Or Murphey's action deprived the orK.nn,zaUon ' woro "uaicd In detail
uim some pians wero iaia tor luturo
work, especially as to transportation,
publicity, legislation, fish and game
and highways. Mr. Tower, chairman
of tho committee on fish and game
realizes the Importanceof the work
of his committee in tho thorough
stocking of Klamath atreams and
lakes with trout and, as far as pos
sible in seeing that fish ladders are
constructed whoro neevswry and
everything be made practicable for
the free circulation of salmon and
othor food fish.
Mr. Towor'a home place near Keno
is a friendly resort for quail and
pheasant, and even tha deer, realiz
ing his friendliness to tho natlvo In
habitants, occasionally visit his
barns and fields without fear, and he
Is anxioua t introduce to our splen
did fields and woods the familiar bob
white quail of the eastern states.
The personnel of Mr. Tower's com
mittee, sonsUtlng of Charles F. Stone,
Walter O. West, Borney Chambers
and D. C. Bowman are all mon who
fully appreclato the Importance of
their bureau, a meeting of which will
bo held In a fow days at the chamber
of commorco rooms.
The chairman of tho committee on
publicity and convention, W. A. Dol
zoll; W. II. Mason, chalrmun on edu
cation and civic betterment, nnd Fred
A. Baker, from tho commlttco on
legislation and taxation, discussed
tho dotalls of tho work of tholr de
partments and as soon as practical
will hold meetings and socure as soon
as possible tho functioning of their
Tho procoodings did not terminate
without tho montlon again of the Im
portance of tho work of the commit
too on finance socurlng tho funds
noodod for tho purposos of the cham
ber and also the Importance of giving
the outside communities an oppor
tunity to bocomo members of this
organization, the purpose of which la
to boost for the entire county and in
fact ill of tha Klamath basin.
owner of the property of her ac
customed means of a llvllhood. He
thinks sho Is entitled to mako a liv
ing and If sbn wishes to conduct a
rooming house In legitimate fashion
to earn a legitimate living she should
hare tbo opportunity and he voted
for tho permit on that ground.
If tho rooming house Is not con
ducted In lawful and orderly fashion,
then that situation must be dealt
with by the authorities when It
arises, Is Upp'd opinion.
Councilman iiraadeuburg asserts
that ho did not recognise tho placo
from its description In tho applica
tion and voted for the permit unwit
tingly. However he believes that
under present conditions the need
of housing accommodations the
council la not Justified In witholdlng
rooming house permits unless good
causa Is shown by aomo protestant.
There waa no protest against this
Councilman Lavenlk's reason for
his vote waa not available today.
Councllmen Moore and Colvln wore
WICHITA. Kan.. Juno 16. Geor
ges Carpeutlor today Issued n chal
lenge to Jack Dempsey to moot him
aftor Octobor 10 at any tlmo and
Placo Dempsey names.
SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 16. Jack
Koarns, manager for Dempsoy, today
accepted tha Carpcntler challengo.
SAN FnANCISCO, Juno 16. Tho
Indictment charging Jack Dempsey
and his managor, Jack Koarns, with
conspiracy to evade the soloctlvo
draft act waa dismissed by the federal
court here today.
PORTLAND, Jum 1, Cattle,
seta, elfeaar aatt half ar, atfady and
Mrta artca ii
ORMOK Toalfht and THursday.
talr; warmer la Ut weat; Moderata
An ordinance to place a minimum
license tax of ISO a day on all travel
ing theatrical shows, exhibitions,
carnivals and cnttrtalnmcnt waa.
Introduced at tho meeting of the cltr
council last night and passed Its i
ond reading. Three councllmen
present. The ordinance contained
an emergency clause, statins; tatat
(public health and safety demaaded
Its Immediate passage. To pasa aa
emergency ordinance a four tttk
vote of the council Is necessary, sad
as only three of five councllmen wen
present It was Impossible to take R
further than the first reading last
The ordinance provides the dally
license for all tent and travelhac
shows shall be V0 for shows with sv
seating capacity of GOO or lesa; f7S
between R00 and 1000 seats aai
$100 for shows seating more thaa
Local theatrical men were out la
force to advocate the passage of tka
ordinance. Dr. K. D. Johnson waa
evidently retained as their spokes
man and made an eloquent plea tm
the patuago of the ordinance, on tka
ground that the local showmen matte
and spent their money In, this cosa-
munlty while the traveling showa
took the rconcr avay. They aro haaia
for a few weeks In the summer, he
said, but when winter comes and tka
city must shovel its snow from Ma
streets and raise money to care tar
Its Influenza cise and other emer
gencies, the traveling ahowmaa la
gono and the burden falls upon the
homr-p4lde. '
' TNdtwalk PHItlon
A petition to lay sidewalk ea
Ninth street was filed by resident.
The engineer was directed to estab
lish tho grade.
A petition was received for tka
improvement of High street froaa
Sixth to Cedar and the engineer waa
directed to secure plans and specifications.
Klghlli Street A Rain
Residents of Eighth street appear
ed to advocate a change of grade ea
that thoroughfare where tho Warrea
Construction company Is now engag
ed In grading. A lowering of tke
grado on tho lower aide of the street
and raising on the upper side waa
agreed upon after much dlscusslea
and the engineer Instructed to pre
pare a report to be filed at the next
Police Matters
It was resolved by the council that
the chief of police be Instructed te
havo signs prepared and t postesl
warning the public against expector
ation In public places.
Tbo mayor was also instructed ta
appoint a suitable traffic officer.
Permit Granted
Tho following permits were al
Goldthwalte & Van Bmon, garage.
northwest corner Klamath avenaa
and Eighth street, 125,000; Heary
Qoeller, brick residence, lot 2, block
C, original town, $6,000; Frank J.
Schmlts, two 4-room bungalows.
Mills addition, $1700 and $15t;
Peter Hawson, addition to house ha
Mills addition, $150; M. S. Jobnsoa
and W. M. Montellus, frame dwel
ling, lot 8, block 53, second Hot
Springs addition, $250; Ewauna Bog
company, apartment house, block it,
Klamath addition, $12,000.
Homoval permits: R, J. Murray,
to move frame resldonco from lot 3,
block 13, original town, to lot
block 45, Nichols addition, and move
Christian church building onto lot
3, block 13; J, O. Boardsley, to move
building from lot 6, block 83, Klam
ath addition, to Tot 9, block 83, and
build a brick structure 52x100 feet
on lot 5, cost $10,000; O. W. Smltk.
to move Summers house from Sev
enth and Pine to lot ,4, block (3,
Nichols addition.
The Cozy restaurant, refused' a
permit: to move to a new location ea
Main atreet at the last meeting, waa
granted permission to move from tke'
present alte or Main to a looatlee)
oa Klamath between Sixth aad Savr-eath.
Tke Alakaaui eapresae eoart kae-ftr
WMaaa aaraUrrr-Hia.AUtt Hlkiaa,
Dagla. .