The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 15, 1920, Image 1

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Fourteenth Yenr No. 3947
rni " snri? ,Acifcwr
a fi1 rr-iriirwriiiiii.iwj.ixii
ll 21- "iri -, I
t LAjH cotrim I
r ' PHce FiW Cento
' x
HI.HIMITD l'.l(Mi:iW
WASHINGTON, I), C, Juno 16,
(Hpeclul In Tim lleruld) Nick Sin
null u( Oregon saved llii- day for roc
Iniiialliui lit tlm Republican confer
unco mi tlm milillur rompeniatlou hill.
In night minutes of boiled down data
on (hi subject lm gave thu tiaiturn
tlllllttltira ll lllii.rnl nilllrtlllrlli rlti Mm
possibilities of irrigation in ttm wnt ' OREGON VOTERS ASK
which changed vnto nflor vote. Tim
lloiijuinln C Marsh, secretory of
tlm Farmers' Niitlonnl council
who dashed with members of
I Ik- rosoltr mi rommltt.'o of tlm
Ki.piihlltan tint lonal contention .
laiil week when lm attacked tlm
transportation net an un-Aitmr-
Icnn, ligui'il a statement horn to
iluy declaring that tho unction '
I of tlm Republican platform on
I agriculture "does not contain a
single declaration to rnaisurn !
tlni farmers of America,"
At n iiilct homo wedding nt thu' ItnU worn opened today at the
llllllll. f if tllft lirlflii'ft fi.irctila Mr fiml ............ -.. .aa aaa aaa
MfM R lv Otflu HilllirflflV nl'iinlnw'. f..l 11 5nn .. it. i .. .. I
" - v. ..,., ,,..ji, m.iiiu ut.ri-n, oi iimuer in me
mihh i-.iiiaiietn ugn was united In 'Solomon unit, cant of Kirk at thu
marrlngn to J. William Welch, by tho'rnd of tho Southern I'aclllc railway.
Hhv !:. P. U-iwroncn. Thu drills
groom In employed by tho Pelican
Hay Lumber company.
Tlm Iirlilo wui born and reared
result wan that Ihn reclamation pro
visions unlit retained In tlm bill tu It
wai adopted by thu conference am
4 lliir.. nnil ir r.n iltf til il fr.tin lli Hln...
i ' " " ""- " "-
ath county hitch ichool. 8ho U a
I , ........ .if til.inaln Iiahijih.IIIw
, ... MHniK OI.IIW.ll.
(whine friends In tlm community are
JOHNSON TO RUN I"'"" "nd al1 w wl"h ber tbc full-
- ii'it nmniiuri of happlnfi.
I'OIITI.ANI), Jiitm 16 Over 6,000 Mr Welch ahn (jniw from child-
FIvm IiIiIh wera rucelveil. Mm
Kwauna Hox company of thin city,
bHnic nmonn the bidden. Tho award
will bo made by tho department of
tlm Interior at WaihlnRton.
Kollowlnic are tho hidden and
prlci-i per theuiand: Modoc Lumber
Co, yellow, nuRar pln $4. Incenno
ceitar H, other ipcclen J1.60; K. W.
Aliendah! of Dorrli, yellow pine and
lneeno cedar $4.23. auzar Dine
,1175, red and white fir 11.75;
.in llflllPllfifin
HAititi.vt; wili, ki:i:c (
hi:at in v. h. hknatk
Wnrron O. Harding, Republican
preiiilfiiitlal ncmlneo, docn not
Intend to retlro from tho n-
alo until hi term of offlco ex-
pirn March 4. He said today
that ho Intended to nerve hln
term out but would withdraw
hi petition for nomination to
the nenate, filed a week ago at
Friends explained that for
him to retire would endancer
tho narrow) Republican ccntrol
hold by Republican! In tho
1 niKiiuiuri'ii went ncciirra III n pi'lltloil """" '" inuuiiuuu iilti; unu in with
pained tlm hiiiiin, (clrculntlng In Oregon today, uiklng "", Mvoraniy known to a largo per- Kwaunt 15ox company, yellow and
Hlntintt'i (pencil which li regnrded , Hnltod Stolen Senator Hiram Johnnon cnturo f local renldentn. Mr. andjnugar plno and Inccnne cedar 16.36,
l linn of tlm fluent nixc iimtin nf to ri'Plli lain the n Jul form mlonleil liv 1'" "eicn will make their home nllw.r n..M.. ti r.n- r it n
- " '" " " ' " ..., m. u. ..iiiii;! ui
tewo nrgiimentatlon heard here dur.;lbo Itepubllciin national convention ,lt,ru- Portland, ellow and nugar pine and
lug tho pri'ient nenalon of rongrenn nd annoiui'i' hliunelf nn an Indie " Incenno cedar 15.07. other n..rl
tMiiiilenl rundldiiti. for prenldent. or-' r')lllir.H.IAItltlS. Nl'ITIALH Jir.i;. J It. Shaw nf Pnrflanrt vol.
'T)inrn la nn IiivIhIiiI Ihn 1m ll.Hl llirillllir Ifi n l.ilm.pi. m .... ,. ..!.. ,' II..... ...I ... ..i . ..
14'IIH II fnltflUKM
" ......."n ., . ...- W 111 L-nii.i-iii. i "
"Thero In no legislation, Mr. l.'halr- lording to a toli-grum nuiit today t''
limn, that Imi been befnr the Iiihiimi Hi'iialor Jobiinoii tiy V. . Ailam.. n
lor yean that In more dufomlbln Ibnii Portlnml ittorney ,
tho land prinlnloni of thin soldier '
bill. It li ilpfeuilhle both from an '..s IM - niMI'A.NV '
'conomlc, sentlmeiiiul and patriotic. .MtH i:s INTO M.W OITX'I.
slnnitpoliit. V Hill Hunter li.i inoted tlm of-
"Krom an ecot ilc standpoint It "" "I ln Hawmlll, Knglneerlng ft
In dufeiinllilii beiauno It will Inrreano ( onntructlim (ompiiny from the
crop production and ndd to t tut , Klaiuntli Development company
wealth of the
from tlm seiitlm
((midpoint hunin.. the lioyn who'rlllr depot, uheie lm lun urerted a
rougiit arronn tin. waters to defend IiiiIIiIIiik
their home land are Juntly vntllled tn
mi npporliinlty to ecure u plen. of
tlmt very hoino land they no bravely;
"No li'flnlalltiu befom rongrenn fori
yearn bun been u mlsrepreneuted an
thin land Ir-glMntiou It has btcti
Miierml at. Iinrked at. unit ntlgma
tiled un a western arid diinnrt land
Mb t' us u southern swamp land
scheme. Tliostt who sllgmatliii
Jumen W 1'orbi'i of
employed In the plant of the Modoc
Lumber company, and Mrs. Jennie
llurrl.vm of Klimath Kills, were alio
iniirli'd by the Itev i: P. Lawrence.
low and siicar nine IT. EC. mptnu
Clilloquln. 'ci-dar 14, other (Iieclel 12.
i and ndd to Urn Klamath Development company
notion. Defeiulbl.. building to the rorimr of Spring nnd
neiilnl ami jutrlotlr "k ntreots, nenr (lie Soiitbern Pa-
FORT DO DOE, June 15. Senator
Kcnyon, homo for a rest, declared
It must be clearly understood that
there Is no money available now for
purely speculative or noe-eisentlml
ontorprlies, ohn 8. Drum, preildoat
of tbo 8avlng's Union Bank and Traat
company of San Francisco totd dele
gates to tbe convention of the Cali
fornia Banker' association of which
he la first rice president, at the
Taboo convention last, week.
"Banker must tura." he said, "tn
the ordcrly'deflatlon of the credit eg-
pansfbn which could net be avoidant.
There Is no occasion for hysteria or
gloomy forebodings but It Is tine
for recognizing conditions as ther
The world's circulation of currener
Is estimated, be said, at $66,000,009,
000, an Increase of I49.000.000.0to
slnc tho summer of 1814. Of thla
today that he was dlsaonnlnte.! .hm ,nCo lh summer o
tho nenuhllenn.,l f nnmi-. lncreMe ''""y 1.000.000,000 hM
a progressive for president, but said becn "dded "lnce the 'Bnln " tlm
bo wa ulllincr in ,v h. ...m- , 'armistice, ho said.
Ham Hnrrlson (Jack Donuuey)
bo was willing to take the stump to
help Insure a Republican victory.
Prior to tho convention Ken von cam
paigned for Johnson.
I "Tho most disappointing part of
the Republican convention was to
,8oe thu delegates unable to act until
thoy received word from the sick boss
.In Philadelphia," ho said.
"Thqre will bo a strange parallel
the merits of the provision, and kill
The directors
lomint-ire will mr
... . , . , - - , is' "i" strange parallel
worlds heavyweight champion, was ,n Snn rrand,co whBn th(J delegates
i in nun i
of the chamber of '""on noi Kiiiny tin a selective drnrt -iii ..i, i , ,... ...
Dill Mil. !... .l . . .. p. .. CVa-lOll lllitlctiniillt 111 u llirr In 11,..' .'"-""'" "J.'S ?. IB
" " -' i'iuiiiiii, .11 u i". i ' - '-' "-1 wasnington.
i .,, 1,1,1,1 nun mi'n in inir iiiur in touiy itir n snort executive lev ...i uimrivi cuuii nere to-
(nml in the ntiuiMphoru of tho states- slnu and the monthly mei-tlng of tlmua- T'"' J,lf' wai out ten minutes,
tiimi uhn unlit- .f.fii.t..l..ii. tuiti i... 1..1.1 ... c l- ! Jllitifi tWiiiMtii-'tf lint.ii.ilnM. mAn
limn who said: i chamber will be held nt S 11. in. this
I '" 'Let the ridge of the Rocky evening.
1 mountain., be tlm western boundary I The work thst ban been In hand
of our republic and lit the statue of for some Hum by tbo civic better
thu fubled god Turmlnus bit erected 'men I prgnnlxntlon will be continued
'upon the highest summit ncter to be by the proHr burenus of the chnni-
. .. ..i.i. li lunii iii.iiii ill iiinrn mil mliiitii ririAr in.. m.nMin.
.n,, i, I,, i lunii eiiiier outer -.-... , ..... ..v.iv-iu. .,i,tii,,fcM.
renil tlm tentliuouv before Dm mihllr boundary of our republic.' itlon completes its work; slnco the
committee or ilmv uiiifniiv '"This In not a western Irrigation standing c.iinmltlec. or bureaus
scheme alone It It were It would be of the chamber are to have
absolutely defensible and Justifiable In hand nil possible
this legislation hate either
lands rommltlee or they willfully
Ignore tlin hearings In order to mall-
rlously misrepresent the bill I took
testimony for seerul weeks upi-n this " "wo"l'l '"' "" '"'"I lneitment tbo looking to the welfare of tho
legislation, reported a bill from tho Kineruiiient could make, for the rec-'elty and county, nnd the members of
public lauds committee containing ,a"atl" service with an expenditure the commlttles have been selected
tbo sumo. iof l'n than 1120.000,000 produced with great care nn to the qunllllc.i-
11.. . (.. ,... AAA A.... n'.l... l .1...I- ......1 I.'. .!...!.. .
Is not ll western scheme, li la mil n
southern scheme, it cowrs every
state In I In I'nlon. Director Davis of
Ihn reclamation service said thu pruf
eriibln projects were in tlm eastern
Mutes, tlmt they wen cheaper, could
be Hindu biililtnblo sooner than thu
western Irrigation projects, He said '
"This bill that I numrted has been1"' yw n""rly ,90'000'00u of lions of t,,or members. No doubt n
made tho (....In of thin legl.littlon. nj"0. . , num,,,,r "' l'"nani q, r.uon will
l .ii ii nun ii'iih tin tiiui ntiL unu . m.j ui. mi i iiiiniui-iMviuu lib uu
boy lii one thousand would take up a' meeting tonight
home on oim of these projects Hu'
Is nbrolutely refuted by what Is go-! TWO KILLED, 50
lug on toduy. A few menths ago 1 HURT IN WRECK
got through I tut housu and tho con- .
;ress it omi giving soiuiers a preror- i.AJl'NTA. Colo.. June 16. Two
enco right to enter tho government lwnont weT, Kllloil and 50 Injured
projects existed In itluiost every slate ,rn,:auo" r-'c"t projects. This l0,ny nrar t,no Colorado, when th
"Now. whut tin yuii think of men ",,'rl"K ,,"'ro "" "n 0wnll,f ,,,,,l,,r eantbound Santa Fo "California Llm.
who stand up on tbo floor of thl H,,0,'u""0 nml Nor, VMi l,r- Hod" wos wrecked. A relief train
bouse, whoso solo stock In trade Is to I ' '" "" "nml a lu,u'r, currying doctors nnd nurses has been tbo deserts of the west-sayi"" , .:"" l ' " "-"ro' r"--that
wo want in ..... ih h 8 ,l"1' ,,ul" rommander. American
that wo wont to put tho boys amid
tbo ractuf of iheso deserts?
"Tho gentleman from Indiana (Mr.
Wood) says there Is dynamite In this
land provision. Thero Is no dynamlto
In It, but bo Is trying to Inject "Wood
Alcohol" Into tho bill to blind you to
Uglou of Wyoming, In which ho
" 'Tho recent opening of 10,000
acres of land under tho Shoshono and
North Platte projects should dlsnol
forever any Idea (list ex-service men
do not doslro to aecuro farina. Three
thousand sovon hundred and nlnoty-
eight farmers' sons, mechanics, bank
fvSH MUCf 1W AA WVX tNfc
M(M COMsXNf h HOU.tmHlr
f V 00KNOMfctfft1fNW
J NVVOOtMV U1R uawcrra. os.m ruin
Btu, o nmuh SOU
WW MOUU, ftfts.TW NOvlU
WOM CQ1&o. g
i fiLn. ) iLiLia
111 1 -slslsli
- , -" M,
clerks, engineers, doctors and law
yors, and In fact ex-servico men from
every walk In life made application
for these farm units, consisting of
three to 120 acres ouch of Irrigated
land, onch man sincere In his efforts
to socuro a piece of land to call bis
own and start n farm homo. They
Hought no charity or uiHlstanco, un
derstanding fully Unit It was not n
dispatched to tho scone. A broken
crank , on tho engine caused tho
wreck, according to Information
reaching here. Four coaches left
tho track..
Four now cltltcns were made In
tho circuit court yesterday In a natu-
Judge Uoollng's Instructions occu
pled 20 minutes. Folowing the ver
dict Demjuey, bin parents and at
torneys wore stormed by friends of
fering congratulations. Iloth sides
submitted" 'the cae without argu-'
The Indictments against Dcmpsey
were returned February 27 follow-
IllK" itntelliellta Iliad tu tilt feili-fal
grand Jury by Maxlna Wayno Domn-
Hey, dhorced wife of the pugilist, that
ho zought
tho depend
avoid military service, and had given
such testimony against her will.
Tho Dempseys were married In
Salt I-ake City. I'tah. Following the
divorce Mrs. Dcmpsey was employed
In n tlnnco hall In Wells, Nevada, and
inndo her charges from that place.
Dempsey w-as charged with having,
falsely sworn that his father, moth
er, widowed sister and her two child
ren were dependent upon hlra and
that ho hnd contributed 120 a month
each to their support during 1917
and that ho had lived with his wife
for 18 months before being called up
beforo the draft board.
Tn nnni nnmi
mm m
Within the next week or ten days
J. K. Enders & Co. will take posses
sion of the store at Sixth and Main
streets now occupied by Roberts &
her sworn testimony as to! " nltmorc an'' w1" conduct a strict
Jence on him In order to 1' eash Ktocery therein. Mr. Enders
. . . 1 hn niirAllntfA.i ik. nnVn. r. 11.1.1.
moro stock.
"The recovery from (he unhealthy
conditions consequent upon war mast
necessarily bo gradual," ho continued.
Pointing out that the government
contracted an Indebtedness of nearly
117.000,000,000 during the. war un
added to that $4,500,000,000 of Vic
tory notes in the pring of 191,
Drum said "It Is hopeless to exseet.
these enormous issues cf credit In
struments to be absorbed by the sav
ings of th?"reopte-Hr-98tf!'tBt
since 1913 money In circulation had
Increased 71 percent'nd bank de
posit 120 per Cent.Whni the ir-nst.
percentage of actual cash held ftfaiut
.iiro ucHni uatnuflBisrotfl 11.7
ii. u jiur cent. .. .tw- J-
In spite of clslllHion it
qu 1 rem entst ofw
i.r; : !-l
mrai vuicr . '
ralliatlon hearing before Jundgo I).
V. Kuykendal. Tbo class of candi
dates showed without exception to
good ndvuntaga In nnswerlng the
questions put to thorn by tho court.
Following nro tho four who were
admitted: Wlllam Jcnnlson, native
of England; John Coleman, natlvo
nf Irnlnn,! Iviula CIuaIia nnllvu nf
' II II ll.lil IIUl ll"i ......., .V..M.I. l.viir,, UI
ulft nf ttlfl irntiirn. until iiml Hint lti.,1. Ifiermnill'. nntl IHrl.nril ll.irtnii nn.
.. . ... ,,,... .,,,., ,,,,.. lltVII I ....--..., ...... ............ ..H..W..I ..-
own urucioiis savings wore paying for."" oi r.iiKinnu,
tno water rights. Tho only exception
In tholr favor wiih tho tlO-day nrofor-
unco right over clvllliinn.
" 'Tho Irrigated laud oponlngs In
llllllll llh UUIIIIlllHIIIUUIl llliyOIHl III CSATLltl T....A IT T.l 1. T 111!
,, . . . I . I. .'li UIIIIU w, I- llllln. .I. .UH"
vesllKo of doubt tbo land-hunger of ,or, of Albany, former member of tho
tmiu nf I lifitafitt.f n nw ....u..i... I . ..
. --" - iuiin ixiuuu), luriuur muiiiiiur oi mu
toim of thousands of ox-servlco men ,)llbi0 8ervco ' commission, will bo
who nro wllltiiir in rinntrAA ,i,..i,i.! ..... . ...
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Poolo have re
turned from a motor trip through
California. While away Mr. Poole
visited 65 moving picture theaters
for tbe purpose of securing sugges
tions and.ldea for.the modcrnliatlon
of the now Liberty theater here.
Work on tbo excavation for the
basement of the new Liberty is pro
gressing rapidly. Tbo first consign
ment of material for tho building Is
oxpocted to bo on the ground at an
early dnto. Special Bteel of tho high
est structural class will bo used in
tho building. Soma of tho equipment
which tins been ordered Is also ex
pected soon.
who nro willing to flnntrco tbum
solves, slnco congress la roluctnnt to
loan thorn tho funds, If tho land Is
made available, '
"This lottor ought absolutely to
confuto tho gentleman from Indiana
(Mr. Wood).
"I mn sorry tho limited tlmo al
lotted to discuss this subject pro-
Vent U10 from further almwlnir Ihn
merit of this legislation and tbe
overwhelming deilre of our sotdiar
boy for an opportunity to secure a
none ana a rara." i
uppolntod n mombor of tho stato
hoard of normal school regents to
succuod Harvey O. Starkweatlrfr,
whon tho lattor'a term expires tho
llrst of July, tho Governor announc
ed today.
There was, no meetlnc of tbe cltv
council last night, due to lack of a
quorum, 'An adjournment woa taken
ait toBijai.
Tho enso of Mrs. Ethrldeo ncnlnst
tho city of Klamath FalU hns boon
sot for trial before a Jury In tho cir
cuit next Monday, Judgo Kuykendal
presiding. In this action plaintiff is
suing for damagod tor Physical In
juries alleged to lmvo boon recolved
by n fall through a hole In a dofoc-
tlvo sidewalk. ,
Othor cases sot down for trial at
the jury seslon are llanta vs. Tomp
kins; Sutton vs. Keno Power com
pany, and Lee vs. Kerns.
Whllo the business will bo started
with only a grocery stock It Is. the In
tention of Mr. Enders to open other opposed, he held.
ucpartments aa fast as possible. The
first, from present Indications, will
bo a shoo department, which will be
added In September. Thereafter, as
fast as leases expire, now depart
ments will bo added until a complete
store Is eventually established.
From the tlmo that It starts the
motto of tbo store will be tbe best
service nt lowest prices possible, said
Mr. Enders today. Thero will be no
profiteering and all goods will be
sold at as close a margin of profit, as
Mr. Enders Intends to purchase all
stock In carload lots from wholesale
grocers, eliminating Jobbers profits
entirely, and wilt give tho public the
beneflt of tbe buying.
Mr. Enders I the son-in-law of L.
Jacob ot thl city. He ha had Ion
experience -n-the mercintlle-busl
ness, through association with his
father and brother In a denartment
(tor at Ashland, one of the largest
store In the Rogue Rlvor valley. He
has a largo acquaintance In Klamath
Falls, both among tho business men
and throughout tho community gen
erally, and launches his business
caroer hero with every prospect of
success, '
Prises as tho Iranitinrlnlliv., mi...
---"-r ..... ,iiina,
housing, "foreign tradc.-and the pre
diction, of needid commodltl-a. h
said. - - " -
"The government must adjust IU
expenditures to ,11s Income and pro
vido for Its needs 'otherwise than
credits with tho banks," he con
tinued. Excessive taxation that restrict
enterprise must be discouraged and
OREGON Tonight and Wednes
day fair, wnra westerly wind:
(WU47 wwterly wind.
Whllo tho meeting was not as
would havo been tho caso had tho
woather beon moro favorable, the
Elks Flag Day exercises nt tbo Elks
Templo last night wore Impressive
and enjoyed by nil present.
Tho speaker of tho evonlng. Judro
D'Arcy of Med ford, was unablo to bol
present on account of Illness. Hi
placo was taken by Wilson S. Wlloy.
local attorney and district deputy
grand oxalted ruler of the Elks, who
paid an eloquent tribute to the flar.
dealing with IU historical past and
with the patriotic ideal for
The remainder ot the program was
aa originally announced. W. O.
Smith acted as master of ceremonies.
Whether tho House aPDronrfaUnma
committee, which leaves Washington
wttntn a row days for, a visit amenc
tho national parks and reclamation
projects of the west, will visit Kim.
nth Falls, doe not appear to be dal-
nuety Known nere. The press dis
patches announcing the trio two
three weks ago did not Include tho
Klamath project. Later dlgniti-h.
are cauallr Indanntta.' ' Py....
Slnnott will begone of the, party and
thoy will arrive, nt The Dalles about
July 1, says a special telegram from
tho Washington correspondent of a.
Portland paper.
H. D. Newell, manarer of h
Klamath projoct, said today that he
Know no moro of tho plans of the
touring legislators than appeared In
tho publlsbod dispatches. Ho has re.
colved no notlco to prepare for their
visit to this project, although he
thinks that In visiting the various
reclamation systems tho committer
would hardly pass un a nrolect ot
tho sizo ami Importance of Klamath.
The OXOCUtlvo comn.ltlno nf thu
Klamnth Pminlv Wnnt n.An,A.. .
aociatlon, will hold a moetlng;at B.
nunia Juno-20. Consideration ot
general questions affecting the wel
tare of the" organisation. Is on the
program. . Present adverse 'marine
conditions on .wool wWalsobo dm-
wssed and i'iwiwn!miwj nt
for tnld''tfJMatfs
aotUic toe HsUm: . 4
liTJ-tiO- l
t V
A SUMTU "t -