The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 14, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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r- - Hm " B' ' 1 P
lour wIm' vV isssP "vi" o
MONTREAL, June 14. It In "pltl
i.i" ituii ihn lli.ttml Mates ban noil
ratified the league of nwllonn. Bainuel
(liimpi-ra, pn-nlilfiit uf the American
IVdniMtiuii of Labor, declared here
today In un addria before llw feder-1
Mloir rtnwntlim
If the Iwiriii- rownant were nub-
mtttiil to the Amvrlian people
tut any otlnr entangling ijuestlona
II would I. iirhelmlugly arcepnd,,gon Power company, are In hls city
he snld rr,,,n hun rrantlsco on business mntl
nirr rU',',,0K nt U"" ss'Mt" f'-l"''"1
i n.nnniui wacjrtrkj I I Mr" ',"n,'ro)r' ho ,)",, ,'',,,n "'
I rtfOUHrU. !' v
O u
Mrs W A Wlest left yesterday
morning for Albany and from there
ho will go with her mother, Mrs
James llelmlck nf Albun), to Port
land wheie the Utter will undergo
an o ration this week
Marry llolvln who bn been at
lending the Santa Clara university
at Han 'Francisco, has n turned to
lend bis arullnn with his parents
In this city He was accompanied ny
Milton lluol will win iiiour nun i
. , .... I
eitemleO Mi
Kdtia Manns w.nt to Wied this
i-- ... ....... i I ..r alula r who 1 ,
coming here from Colorado to make
iiiiiriinin. " mm "
i... i . ti, .ifi in return
11(11 tl'll ' 1 " "
Tuesday et nlng
J. W, Hrlmens went
,nVrnlnr to attend the banker.
niton Mr Helinnia will return
this m'
lu four or five days.
Mr. i v Tiirnin. who has been
, . u vi.ii lih her Parents, re-
turned to her home In Portland this
. ...
W. J Khelhnrdt, a representation
nf ihn llou.e of Kuppenhletni r
spent the week end In this illy and
returned to
southern i)lnts mis
Miss Augusta Parker, principal nf
Urn Central school. Hit this morning
for Portland when, she will make n
Hiieclul study of music Miss Purker
expects to be gone nt least n year
i:. J. Mayer went on a business
. . .I.,.. ...khImu ft... I
trip to Dunsmulr this morning nnd
expects to be gone about two d1)
M. II. Rulck, who intjdH a short
Mslt here with hla friend. N, L. S"''Unrysby James Oliver Cnrwood nnd1,,rn,ln, frlindshlp of both these great
llvuti. of the White Pelltnn force, fe'i.iilhuted ,, First Nnt'onnl, which evader. Hu hod the honor to present
turned lo tii n l-'rnnclsfO this motif I N ,,i,0WK t tu. flnr Thwtro to- ,0 the svnate und to secure the enact
ing. Mr Rulck may return about ' iMt mont uf the legislation providing f:r
t lit) 20th ot this month,' -
I). P Worthlngtoii, who,hna been
here for a few dayavlsltlng his old
friends, left this morning fqr Vrekn.
'Krom Yrekn he will 'return lo his
home In Reloll, WlsconslmJiV way of
Miss VeU Illbbert wiuija passen
ger on the morning. irliln'W A'w'
where she, wlU,fkXn.hoTfj6nw.
i. t! Curtis. 'an.jkttemWnt- from
-thirtnto-liol'ltl nwimliiokto
Hint city thli morning otonnled
man brought hero from I.nXetlew by
Sheriff Humphrey.
Mr. nnd Mrs Henry Hall left this
morning for their home In Onnlnskn.
Washington. Tli;y Jmvo been vlhlt
lug In Lnngell valley with their sons
who oporato tlin Hnmnker wiwmlll
on Timber mmintoln.
John Mlhllls went to Mncdoel IhU
ninrnliiK whom ho linn nccoplud u
position In tho saw mill tliero.
MrH. Iru RohertH loR this morn
ing for n n Indefinite visit to Corning,
' J. Wilson nnd children left on tho
morning train to mnko their homo in
Mr. nnd Mrs. I). C. Powell arc In
tho city from.tholr home In Portlnnd
vlHltlng at the homo of their daugh
ter. Mrs. K. D. Lamb. Mr. Powell Is
qulto cnthuslnstlc over tho fishing
nnd outing to bo enjoyod in Klamath
Hr, Lnmb hai moved to the home
on 131 High street recently pur
chased from James Drltcolt.
Mr. Flynn and daughter, Dorothy,
and Blliabeth panderaon, were called
i' dowtf frosa' Chlloquln yeiterday by
the oerloui lllBeea of Mn. Flynn
Professor and MrK II I- Jjiwrenrn
nrr In thin city from Wnlln Walla nud
'arc rtepplni: at tlw Whin Pdlcnn.
(luorici- C'ollln, ho ilrorw otr
from Midfnrd fiunday, returned to
" C,X '' mnrnlnit
Paul i: McKer, vlre pn-nldenl and
penerul tnannKer, nml J r. TTvimp
noil. Hi) retnry, of tin CallforiilaOrH
ouly III at tbr Warren Hunt bte-
for nearly two months, .Is on
the high mail to recovery, and went
tu her home In Forth Klamath yes
terday afternoon Uft host of frlemU
will be happy to hror of her recovery
which was after a hard fight
Mrs w c llackler chlvf-of-staff
of the nurses lit the Warren Hunt
btvpltbl. reported buck for duty Run
day aftirnoon Hlio has In in spend
ing a few days' vacation at the
ti f f ,lll. .... .. !
! . j - "iim I'miriim-
Ir I. J Mill
if'i " "' a'ren Hunt rtofpitni. jiajOWII people exclusively, ei
K"" "an Franr'sco for a fWclltJ qUM0n: and In fa
tacatlon The iln-tor
spend his time visiting among his
numerous menus men
) Miss Peg Wordin came borne from'nr,. . und to be the dominant Issues,.,Top'i(a Kansas, Haturday night to
!"P"rt her u.c,,tl,,n with her parents
"'' murrlaie was stumped by.
County Clerk Ie Up today on the
!!' t the record Announcing the
llkMll..MM tt . 11. I.H.. t-sl.l.... ... I.. I.
-"- rnuj n , n
C "reenman and l.thil
(loss of
Klamath Fulls The ceremony wo,ports of each, while other leaders
ru un un miuuiu in upp munn uy -
the bridi-to-b''N relutlMs. it
An unusual nnd nunlnt form of
,,,ol-Un' 0M r tll(. ,.
Interesting features of
Marshall I
NellanV tlrst Indepondcut
tlon. -'The River's Knd," from
The Introductory scenes of tho
film I! ml John Keith, bnuiiled for
yearn by the murder of Judge Klrlt
stone, ruptured by Derwent I'ounls
ton of the Cnnndlun Mounted Pollro
A striking resemhlnnre between tho
two men in build nnd facial charact
terlstlcH loads the iitllcur, when sud
denly striken with a fnta) dUenso, to
urgn Keith to Impersnnnto him nnd
return to the, l'pstvylthnn nccountlcommon good not because Ohio nc-4
uf Keith's death,
Shun Tung, n crafty Chlntimnti at
the Post, nlonu suspects Kolth of tho
Impersonation nnd threatens to
divulge tlio secret unless Kulth In
lluences Murium Klrkstnno, tho mur
dered man's daughter, tu miirry him.
A terrltfp moli-llght follows In which
thu Chlnninnn Is killed,
A, younger sister of thu dead of
ficer nrlves tit tho Pint nnd unnwnres
of Keith's Impersonation, shows u
Rlstutly affection for him. Keith
lliinlly makes a clean hrenst of tho
nffalr, departa nnd Journon down
tho BnHkntchownn. Tho cllmnx of
tho plcturo Is summod up In tho sur
prise Hint nwnlts Keith At the
Rtvor'a Knil."
Tho roles ot both John Keith and
Derwent- Cnnnlaton nro portrayed by
I.owIh Stone, who reaches helghU
seldom nttalned In n dunl-role depic
tion, Ho la supported by such popu
lar stars na Mnrjorle Duw, J. Barney
Sherry, June Novak, Charles West
and Togo Yamnmoto, ,
' Ruth and Ray Ewert In a real
vaudeville aet, tinging, dancing and
mualc, featuring Ray Kwert, the
John 'Phillip-Sdusa'ot the accordion,
are fct the Mondala today In an en
tlrely new act.
I 1
pprnpn nF n o p.
..ww.-- w. w. w. - .
. 4
(Continued from rape 1)
mm, those In authority by u aiii-,
iicxiiini'il "irinnitato," selieil In the
side iif Miit rnpudlotlon by ita'Amer
lean people n( the Imllot box, huvo
iwdertiikeii to sign nwuy, hyp trot(i j
of the fn, tho Independence won by
tbn sword of Washington Ihn spirit
of unswerving loyalty to American
trudltlon and Institutions upheld by
every president from Washington to,
Roosevelt, Ha been stipercVded by
a vague, misty polygamous patciot-
Ism wruld scatter Its affectlona
Indiscriminately .uniong JJengalose
ii Ml Holshcvlkl and which would
prove un unsatisfactory and trouble
breeding In International as In do
mestic affairs. From thli hopeless
tangle of unparalleled Inefficiency,
unburn! of extravaganc, unconstitu
tional usurpation of power and un
American bartering away of national
ind penitence, the Democratic party.
Is linpstent to solve these problems
hediUsu It has grown and fattened on
the wry evil policies and practices
which must now be wlpi'd out for
nvrr If tho republic la to live.
"The Republican party here aa-
H-Mlii(d, with the faces of the heroic.
di ad looking down upon us and copi-
murillng us with mute lips to standi
by the principles of the party and
efuid to tho- uttermost-every Amer -
Iran Ideal, will go forth to victory on
a platform pronouncing unequivocal-j
y 0 rHVOr 0f constitutional govern-1
,, m obedience to law; In favor"
of repeal of war time legislation not .
n-e,ied in times of peace but lelied
upon by a power grasping autocratic,
(administration to perpetuat Itself ; t
In favor of liglslatlon to- promote
Industrial peare, not by protecting a has never been an hour of labor
rich man because he Is rich nor a trouble In 26 years of friendly co
poor man because he Is poor, but operation. As laborer, as employer,
rather by protecting the upright cltl-iBs editor of a great newspaper, he
zen rlth or poor, because he Is up- knows the many aided Industrial
... .....
right; In fav;r of the ratification of
only such a peace treaty as, while tlon the some quite good sense and
fully discharging our obligation lo.prlt of helpful co-operation' that
other nations, will at the Mime time
P'otect une'julvocally every American
. . . .
right unit reeni for decision by our
every Anier-t
vor of the
"'"tniilniehkn e of the principle of an
protective tariff and an
merchant marine. These
of the forthcoming campaign. Then
why not name as our candidate. Ifct I
man whose record Is the party 'plat
form, for the record of Ohio's candi
date Is the record of the Itepubllcan
party In the last decade,
Made Merchant Murine
"He fought for an American mer -
chant marine to carry our commerce
under t
he American flag to all the
t ., .mi i..j
wiTH rKepiirm or quiescent; ay ine
wn,slde of MeKlnley nnd Mark Hunna he
Ih'lped bear the heat and burden of
the day In the Mruggle for rehoblllta-
uon oi American iniiustry; tour years
aco Im. stood on this tilhtforni the
' .. : .
ciioico ot ootn William It. Tan anil .
jTheodcre Roosevelt for ehulrmnn of
llm .... ....,l..ta . n...l I. I a1h fnl ,n
iuhm-iiuuh, h,,i, ,i umj ,uii m
l"'(' 1,'nt n n meniln'r of the senate
,i1((lne enjnyeu
tho tntlmntu nnd confl-
the Roosevelt division for tervlce in
Frunze legislation which won eag
erly welcomed by n patriotic people,
but which was not utilized Ixcnuso of
executive purtlsan bigotry without n
parallel In all tho annals of war. I
thus Hpenk of his cordial relationship
with Col, Roosevelt because It shows
the capacity ot really great men to
overlook minor differences for the
claims him the succexsor of Col.
Roosevelt. Roosovelt left no suc suc
ceseor: hla mantle fell on no earthly
khoiildera; no chieftain romntns to
IkuiiI the bow ot UIj'sbcs. But hli
lofty example will nbldo. May wo
not learn from it that lesson ot broad
vision and uncompromising .Amor
Icnnlsm without which party fealty
Is un empty thing a nil a free repub
lic only it frngrunt memory. Aa n
member of tho committee on forvlgn
relations of tho U. 8. senate, Ohio"
caudldiito had prominent and honor
able part In friwnhig the reservations
to tho peuco treaty which wero adopt
ed by tho scnoto and which will he
tho battle-ground In tho forthcoming
campaign, between Amorlcunlsm and
Internationalism. Let ua nominate
thJ candidate whoso record la tho
platform. .
"In personal character be has" the
dignity, urbanity and breadth of Vi
sion ot MeKlnley. Like that other
great Obloan, he la one ot the com
mon folks beat loved by those who
know him best. With no working
capital other than his own ability
and bia capacity for toll, be has bnilt
up a prosperous business employing
many men and in the shop where he
Henry nerger, special agent of tho
, United States army quartermaster
rvtnll stores, In In thin city from Ban
Frsnclsco Investigating condition!
relative to opening a retail atore In
Klamath Falla. He li aeeklng the co
operation of the city and county offi
cial and the public In general. The
obtaining of a unliable alte for thli
tori) la the main queatlon to he con
fronted, Mr, llarger will return to
Han Kranclsco Wedncaday and report
Ihu rnnillllnn fin thli nlacn to head-
quartern. If they are favorable a!
lore will be opened bene about the
first of July.
The government atore would offer
iurpln army auppllei of alt aorta,
hoea, blanket!, underwear, canned
goods, Ycef, and many other article
left over In the government atore
houaes when Uncle Sam closed the
military campaign.
The central labor council has ar
ranged to have Mr. Derger speak be
Ifore their meeting this evening, In
tan effort to ascertain If the estab-
Ilshment of a store here would mean,
as promised, a considerable reduction
of the living cost.
It Is understood that the 'special
4agenl - wnnts - to - ee $30,000worth"of
business In sight before a store la
opined In Klamath Falls.
OregonTonight and Tuesday, oc-
caslonal rain; moderate southerly
.works side by aide with hla men there
i. .. ....
problem and will 'bring to Ita aolu-j
have characlerlzed his business and'
professional life.
Man of nig Caliber
"William MeKlnley was a great
president because be understood the
tie w point of congress and knew how
m co-cperate with the legislative de-
oartment of the government. Wei
have bad enough of one-man govern'
ment. It la time to resume the tunc
tions of government aa aet forth by
the constitution. We do not need a
dictator, an autocrat, to give order.
The country calls, rather, for man
of courage, poise and decision, mho
'while reserving to himself the right
.to direct the general course of gov-
eminent, la not so cock-sure of his
Infallibility as to refuse to hear the '' r. J."-.. , "d elr
....... ... . f i.;. .LiiitviCalf clubs members and their par-,
'ndvlce of oiher men of large abtlityj
anu wlue experience; a inuu uciiuci-
ate In Judgment, wise In counsel.
of such caliber and exju-rietue that
these troublous times of unrest,
when the oia snip may nave io sau
trmnesinnk sens beforu she'reacbes'
. . . . .
her usual Calm course ot progress, ne
can suy to officers and crew as hu
labors nmong them 'Steady, bays,
ateJrtv.' v need not so much bril-i.
' '
llant anu nair-rauing maneuvers astj
wo tto sate anu sane.seamansnip v-
a captain who knows the way
"Ohio presents su-h
Your deliberate consldera
n stnlwart flehtine Republican, who!
relieves In the efficacy of representa
tive government under party sponsor
ship; knowing and heeding the les
sons or the past, bis face is toward
the future ho Is not a professing
progressive, but a performing pro
gressive; and he Is a vote getter. The
country needs the Republican party,
tho, Republican party needs Ohio and
unio uecus tue nomination ui uci
candidate to Insure success. Wo be
lieve we can carry Ohio this year for
the nominee of this convention who
ever he may be .nnd we pledge our
undivided effort trom now till No
vember to' bring that about, but with
our candidate nominnteu victory is
certain. The enemy carried Ohio in
1912'by 100,000 and In 191C by near
ly 90,000,. yet In between times In
1914 n great forward-looking Ohio
Republican was elected United Stntes
senator by 103,000 majority nnd ho
curried uling to victory the wholo Re
publican state ticket with me on It
and ho can carry Ohio next November
by 100,000 majority. '
"It we had carried Ohio a great
Republican president would be In)
the White House today. It we carry
it in 1920 the nominee of this con
vention will bo Inaugurated president
March 4, 1921.
"In the name of Ohio Republicans
I present for your deliberate con-stdera.tlon-ttfe-mdn
w&o can carry
Ohio and thus lhsuiwltepjiblican trl-umph-thii;Jkodfst;
dignified, sub
stantlaf clt'UsVi,' that aggressive saof
cool-headei'pider of men, that typ
ical American, Senator Warren O.
Harding ot Olio."
Sale of Suits 1-2 Price
THIS sale includes all of our
Suits, even the most ex
clusive of the smart Spring
models. Most of them have
been tailored of fine serge and
tricbtine,. in Navy, Grey, Tan
and Seal Brown. Many have
attractive vestees of richly col
ored ribbon, others are fash
ioned more simply and trim
med with braid and buttons!
Formerly $35.00 to $120.00. specjal
fcr rest of the month at
One-Half Off
Special-Sale oi-SUks-l-3-0ff
Our entire stock of silk fabrics rich, lustrous
satins, new sports silk, everything
One-Third Off
Spring - Summer Coats Re-priced
A GROUP of Spring and Summer Coats has been
carefully selected from our stocks and repriced
for quick clearance. There is but one of a kind a
few are described below.
Short Summer style of grey tweed, leather
trimmed Reg. $22.50................
Tan.Sports Coat, blue Angora
collar'Hetf. $42.00
RoyiO-t-lu velonr; long; Inverted pleats
In back. Reg. $40.00. .v . .
Long. Tan veujur Cent; wide collar;
back pleated. Reg. $47.50... ... '.
Navy serge Coat; rich, Parisian ribbon
collar. Reg. $2.00 .. -....-
Black ratio Coat; .blue poplin collar; a
' matron's summer style. Reg. $27.50
A very enjoyable
afternoon was
frienda at the homo of
cnts nnd
Trank W. Sexton, county club lendV
er Sundnj. afternoon. About 75 vis-j21,
, . , ", ,-, .
exce,lent ,unch anil Iee crenm pro.
l.v Iia li.llns nflmr, nml
. . . . .. '.'... .
music xurnisneu me enienajnmeui.
. v., qj. .,, n rinh
mmbini. nkrenta nnd the friends
nre lnVteij 0 De pregent at a meet-'
...,. -. .l- c. h
'" u'Fi"J i cc....
J. Allen, state livestock club
er, nnd A. C l.awson, representatle
.i, vnwhn..tarn iinu,ir n.
tiohna Heu'cia,,onwin bo ,,rescnt anhi E,,ve the
lion. ""boys.nnd girls some valuable lnstruc -
il.llfin u'lin I . . . . . . w.
tlon on siock juuging. every une.wiiiun six monms iroin inu uaia ui
Interested in the boys and girls and this notice.
their work 1. invited to attend. EDMUNI) M. CHILCOTE.
Administrator of the Estate of
Wyoming has not bad n bank tall- I Henry Mason Bristol, deceased,
ure for twenty-live years.. lJun 14-J1-28-5-12
j-LrL-.-ij.-Ui.-Lrj-ixi-L-.r.-u-Li-i.r-i-i .-.
H. AV. POOLE, Owner HARRY DOREL. MuslcaJDirertor
j-u-u-u-u-Lrtj-Laftnrii-irii n-frt- -i-i- ---- ........ mvi
An interesting atory of a girl with a
dual personality
Our regular NEWS REEL
Mary McCornack, daughter of Mr.
and Mra. Frank McCornack. Robert
M. Rlggsf son of Mr. id Mrs.iJTW.
nar-,RI"st Ui Ernest J' Na"' tonttt
.i-., , i
'?.' " .cl" " graduate frot.
unnersiiy oi urriuu uuuj,
w'iJ- ,he lere of Bachelor of
lArt: i
v-.i.- i. t..Mhv .1... th.t ih.
; ""'.' "AL," """.:n
'administrator of the estate of Henry
Mason Bristol (also known as Hear
!M. Bristol and 11. M. Bristol) de-
I,nsifl hv lha Pnnnlv Pnurt of tha
fM,,l. hr Ihn Cm
lead-lstI.,e at oreeon for Klamath County.
and all persons having claims against
! sold estate are required to present
Groegbe - k Klamath! Falls. Oregon,
I .... . .. .. -. .