The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 14, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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, ttXtn -r
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I V v
fn 14, tssw v,jf.
Itlt Evening Herald
' rilB IOVLI
CKf Bdllor
PnMlaoed dally, xeept Bunday, by
til Herald Publishing Company ol
Us rails, at 11 Fourth street.
tetarad at the noatomce at Klam
ft ralli." Ore., for tramtnlMlon thru
st SMlla aa secona-ciaas matter.
tocrlpllon terms by mall to any
In tha unitea maies:
Imv at the Associated Prwss.
Tha Associated Frwi la exclusively
HUM to tha un lor repuoiicauoa
t all news dispatches credited to It
r not otherwise credited in this
anar. and also local news published
All rights of republication of spe-
dlspatebM Herein are aiao re-
.rtd '
smc. ore.
Matt ronr
ma m
NEW rc
MONDAY, Jl'JUi 14, 1W
J. 0. Stafford and Samuei Halght,l By August 1 Klamath rails wlll(
tepresentlng the Oregon stale Cham- bov two copper wire "CUsh A'' cl-,
her of commerce, will arrive In this cults connecting with the outer
city next Tuesday, June 15, to direct world, aconlliiR to a statement to
(he Intensive canvass here In con- day by K. T. Ludden, local mannger
necttun with the state-wide expan- of the 1'aclflc Telephone and Ten
sion movement of the state chamber, graph company. Material Is on hand
The state chamber representative and work on the new line will start
will be assisted In their work here by within a eek or two
the Klamath Tails executive com- The tmo wires will be stretched on'
tnlttec. appointed by the state cliam- the same pules and will connect with
bir to co-operate with It In Its can- tbt main system at Yreka, by way
as to raise this $450,000, for Its of Weed. From here is the Cnllfor
development work. nla line the wires will bo trunr on
The Klamath Palls committee con- the telephone company's Keno line.
Mondale Theatre-- where everybody g
II) p'in'iir if i ryi nr ntr It tltltt ir t"r Itu'h ami Km Kwr-H a real tittiilcvllle t anil real ulngl",
)" iliiu i'Ml nlr foMii'leir IIhi llwrrt, (lie Jidm '"'"Mm S u of the ar.iittllan. Knllre new art today
AUiiiineof llit-nit-l litiuitlfttl p't tine ever en In Ktiunalli Fall, the great star Hrur lfa)MhaMa, In
And two inuiiil t'- fut li Attim-k.'e, tlie Aimi-Vp '( Heimw, and
lathing (llrlx
a Matk Henntll (timed), frtu.lng the
r TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY lrou KALK Hhlpplngton property Idmghter lo join
v vw u-a v vuo-jii (J pHt,nl j,vlng assessments whether a memb
us In this work.
lllber of this IciiIiih or
tttl llliltl ltl Afc(l f.n9flJ, lltlH U Htt.llllAW
...i ..., i ,',, riivii .'v.', .inn v niiuiiirii
if, horse power s.nglo icmu lioyne and 2 two-room houses. I Dues are II 00 per year
Pllllt". SSI) VOlt motor, also 4-lncll r I inl tirnirlt- nr ittolrt-nlili.
slsts of E. T. Ludden, chairman; A, From the boundary to t'reka tliey Juckson pnnip anil uliout i:f, ft tomes. Would consider farm lund
U. Cofller. vij chairman; O. U. will be stretched on Western Union '' I'lpt' Write I.. V t5ertson, Klm (U uMi,,, phone 4r.6W: H-2B
....-i.-'ll V, M .-.I l- Cns. n.,la (lnlv t.i.ill in rail., nl ,.. th FllS. H-16. - '
UUrKC, II. .. I(U -. . OiWMT. f'W.o. wh( .. v .,1 .., uun I
Endorsement of the state-wide poleswlll need to be set In the entire poll PAI.E 14 hrro power Fair-j
movement of the Oregon state cham- distance of 130 miles.
hanks.Mnrse Rii'dlltiH
ber of csmmeree now In progress, to At present the city's only telephone yearly nuw. Iluth Home
raise a budget of 1450.000, covering connection with the world Is throuph
Ad MIIeK en i( dnllon of tint
thrtre-ienr iierlod to carry on Its Ashland nut! the' Ashland circuit Is
development work, has been glvtn by not up to date. It answers well tc li p IMrley 1'nvMnen motor
Leslie Hocers, president of the Uusl- enough for short calls but when thu rcl Model 1T. elt-rtrlc e-julpped.
n... Man'. n..nrlnilnn n.l m.liUr i.f Yreku circuit Is In Mr. Liulilen tirom. new condition. Fee It toda) nt Klam
l.nilles gold watch, illamnnd set,
klso pearl brunch. Ilewnrd If return
I to Mrs. Nettle Wallen, 1GU Wall
St 14-ltt
don't play cards bring your fancy
work, ('ntiimllten on entnrtalnmeal
for Tuesday, June 18th, Mrs. K,
Whltlork, Mrs. U. 8hle, Mrs. J.
Ilulierts, Mrs, A. Ktonn.
Ily the President 14
and cafliler of Yreku circuit Is In Mr. Ludden prom- new condition. Fee It
ak. end George ls th community long distance M ""' lJ,cU,' '
roil HALE A wicker hnby buggy,
cood condition .'OS Onk. 1 4-1 C
Last night was Children's day at tn,. j.-rt National bank
the Methodist church and the even-1 j. Walton, division manager of the communication "as Is real long dlv
last aervlce was given over to Its ob- Callfornla-Oreg:n Power company. tance." For Instance before break
Mrtance.' The crowd filled all the, n endorsing rhe work of the state fast chats with n friend In New (
otaheulldlngndChalniJrechamberandllaprcantcanvasa-toJi:an nrNw-York-w-not-on!)rte
( So !th St.
ITUMTUtK FOIt hai.i:
lift KIX llltfltCIKK (tIMlMi
KlHHlh-Fnll-l-to be-trrntrd to a-,jj?firr-An , In m ,..i ilin,. ln rfl,t i. Z...,.. i. ..u. .L.ik n-nmldl. hut h nr,llrt . I h. ,h..w .mi fufh'JT "nl'l. "huh is to lie ghen
-..... .- .w --. .. - ,.,97 ti j ,.u.. iiiiniir r . ,-..-.....-.. ,M-v - neJt ? inuir vy Mini rrii'nn wo j-qii SALi:
biv- lion, .ir. uogers saiu;l i neariny rec- uvm m uu uuui mirr lue new
Following Is the program pre- ommend the state chamber of com- line' gets to working well.
ted by the young folks; . merce as a body well organized to
1 rug I'll:, I onk dresser, 2 oak
listfl ailiilsilas ulfli aftolna l ...
IfPiles. 18 lunch stools, fall 2I
A 'K. llurghduir, stale gnme war
H.l5Titrn,1ingtiiufil thcr folloulng Ttrculnr;
rtounlng uxin the ptucttre of taking
l'l .L-. -. ..... . .
Unlli.fl rtnil.
nns ci"en similar einiiiiiinnH ni im ' ... ...i.. ,.,... . ,
and other towns TN- m", M KW w-snrt""h'" ."' .," ? "ii Tg kK' "" k',-"n" ,,l" '" "'
and fawns thnt ate nimrenlly orphaned
"A Song of Joy" Dy the beginners. ( audit In the up-bulldlng and promo- MIL AMI MUM. CHAKLKK
Tsa Olad It's Children's Day" Hob- tlon of the general welfare of Oregon. 14MIMIH MAVK A HON
rt McLane. jn recommending the stateViamber Th. .tnrb n.i.i .1.1, . ,. .
such ii sucrehs thn It l to be repeat
ed again this yenr. The one initin
enth Ht , or phone CTJ,
In pnst seniions there lius len
many lntnnce of people capturing
Oar H.pplne.."-Ard.l and M.l- 0, commerce. 1 know of the great w Hun, hospital on Saiurd.y after- JnThered In lh wf will be on hand"
Tine laoon. advantage this organltatlon can be to noon ln,i ner it..Yin ur. rrl for Cl.rlstlun has it carload of the
MA Beautiful Day" Robert McLane. (the lotal chambers of commerce sit- Ioomls a bouncing baby boy went tn ',t horen that he has In-en able to
,u (Mr
Jtatlon of
bUWarilS resldnticn. Thcl i no Ihrnnlnr Ihalr rlilsra
The endorsemtnr given by Mr. track of the stork's movement ifi.r Wh'le the date tor te ethlh'tlin
-Sun- Walton Is as foll:ws: "P.ermit me taut hut he exnecte,! i.ncw ,n ,,. his been definitely fixed for next
featur-of this evhlhltlon Is t genu ir-on BALK-15 Annira coals. In
inene... for there Is a thrill In eyrry eluding 1 Bne buck goat, cheap i:"T' " " " ' tZn ' l.C, '
minute that the show runs The A,Mre n i iulh.. ni... n.i.",m,,IK '"" m" ,M"n klng ier
grettert outlaw horses that enn be ' , ., iinln-lon from the department In hold
land rear them Two such Inntnnres
have occurred so fur this sem!i.
"It Is the rontenous of op'nlmi
J'!!.?"!l,i,.r.,,'.,yCJi,V!'.m,.in 'hat the mother d..r know, where
r I'MViniuvuiu villi.; ( llri III IIIF J .
THeron Deerlng. Eldred Mustoe. uated In the different citle, of. Ore- Cblloquln. leaving a little girl at the S'h.??-?-. 'X 'Tl
Otorir McLane. Donald Kenvon. .nn ' t... .,. .... . V.-1" . ,n"l "TV. r,!,'u
:.,.," m I-". i.. .. ... i"-"ru.V .""" "' " no mrowng tne.rr tiers r ;,-, ; , v:; : ,; ,,''.".. her young .me, re at all times .nd
ir, toitlantl nnd Id the Souml cities, that If the fawn are unmolested tlm
kuw u. ,.II.IKH .,.... ! .,. ... .... . ...
k.. rii -u.- -. i-it. . D...L . . . . ' tln(n the errl nUre fur the e. " ' "" "' w"ui rw i mil in nun , II gwier will nnit ntltl protlile or
..D.?..?!:r;:'s,U'h "y .h?t. -P-f e aeceMlij ho.pi.Hoon Mr and Mrs. Ix-omis ."n ha's not Mir.-'lrrled and,'"'"' IlL'"! ."L'',0,,"'"L':" . . . " This w.ll convene th deer
.-...v. -..v.v-K. .,,.. ....- oiinciitiomsuitujnunreenmtu are in a ouemma. Trey promised announcement on this point wM imi ," ""'" "' "a
i tijTrr, neien iivuner; nose, being covered in tne state or-uregon. their little daughter. Flleen ih.i .v made luter 14
Helen Monroe;
Henrietta Jobea.
Forget-Me-Not, There is no doubt of the added effl- could same the new baby It it were a
.ciency that would he attalntd by the boy. It Is nnd Eileen has chosen the
.i.i.i. .,.- iuiiiiiik IMbH II, .. ... .. ...
staj. and new-comers are glad to wnK" nr" lnr l,r"l"'"Jf " " "'
i Mil a home In a wide-awake rom-i "Therefore, except In Instances
' FOIt F.LI 1 osk huffit. 1 oak ex
munlty Those of us who have
io. .w. v.i.i .. w ... ... ...... . un.uii iHuir, iiiik iiiuniw a
amis vi me ua uj me ti-( rsrious local commercial nouies nav- name wertic. The rtat of the fam- ouk comblusllon btiukcuiio and
ananci. ,Ing a central organization, thrsugb lty cannot see It thu way out uo Ing derk, 1 oak Moosier kitchen cnb-
Tle Apple Blossom Girl --Opal which to operate. This has proven not want to break their word and
Kail. 'necessary In other organizations. such Eileen is sticking up for her rights
"llw First Children's Day" Helen as fraternities and churches, and we The outcome remains to he en
Monroe. Letta Kenyon, Alfred not only endorse your existence, but,
Ta4oa. George McLane, Els Pad- fee, that you are a ne-c.ity to the WELLESLEY. Ma,.. June M ' jourlsts; Irrigation and drainage a"
ss iitv Wktuc jl flawui&iiiyu
Jmus My Helper- Thelma-Djerlng
re-, where
the mother I known to he
blnet! nilnjfJ j1urinK the quiet years have ,M,,, no ,rm, w be granted
...' a feeling that we are now rnm nr In- i .i., , . . . ,. . . .
, ni. ' " "" ""I ht "hall soon1' ,hU ri-airiiiirnl to hi eer lak-
Inst, 1 oak b,.d airt awMir T Iron "Vh-'tti "n "7 mr"n c'v ,. . "I ,!!"" ''"'.'i "V, ?, "" !""
bed and snrlncs. 1 full leuf table. 1 Tp loMtlon of Klimath Falls la which rovers I he taking of deer dur-
golden oak rocker. 1 Ill-sell carpet ?urf ' m", ""' "l'Ullng cen- K season will be enforced."
sweeper. Mrs. Wilbur Jones. 70S " for, "tt,hr""B, ;.' Z,
u,,K u r,-i iiiirraiin numner oi ,, jr -. (VICE, I IHVaO
"Utile Canaries" Nadlne O'Flarity.f
Margaret Douglat.Ellzabeth Cook. HANKS Tt) HAVK Kiit
Helen Cofe.
"(letting Out to Sunday School"
purolhy Fry. Dean Houston.
JVOUIdren's Day" Iia Selu, ---r
Tke Kingdom of Love" (Wtrnde It was announced toda;
..L . I .
iv.nanes bvans riugnes. in an address
at the Welleeley college commence,
ment exercises today cautioned his
hearers that In an appreciation of Klamath Falls Cyclcrj
the difficulties after war "we must St"
avoid a distorted view and sot fall
Sneedster 1C h. ti. Hnrlei-lMivld. "'" irining aim graxing
son motorcycle, electric eaulpmd. " .rj .n. m,"V "'".' '"''""V nd
practically new .See 11 Kxlay
115 Po. !
.'Smith, Helen Chaney, Ruth Cofer,
uurumra onuiincion, uertrude
.Mustoe, Doris Yadon.
"Bible Stories" Enid Hogan, Hazel
Stansble, Helen Chaney, Josle Mc
Lane, Violet Mustce, Edna Taylor.
Our Flag" Eugene Yadon, Hugh
,Wpod, Merldlth Hutchlns.
Mra. It. S. Fry -and Miss Helen
Chaney rendered a pleasing duet dur
Ing the program and at the conclu
sion of the exercises the audience
Joined in singing "America."
Beginning July 1 all the banks ofto realize that the gYeat heart of the
the city will close at noon, EsturdajsJnlos)!" has not changed in a fe.w
" , months"
Bt' new Industries of various kinds nre' The illrertors of the chamber of
(1( furnishing the pay-roll which makes 'commerce will meet at the rooms on
I Think how other cities and com- ,.., ,,., . , .. , . ,
Imunltles have Pr.wn and lhn con-' " n on' Ur "norl ,,u,l""
Vilr the future of the Klamath'"'0"' ,'1'" helng the .lite for the. rng-
or Et
An employment office that will
furnish labor of all kinds and In ell
quantities will he opened at once In
the Arcade Hotel, 1023 Main street
by Chris lilsnas. In fact Mr. Ulanns
liaa received hl-cense-from thot
state commissioner of labor and Is'
ready to accept applications from la
bor nnd employers today.
Tho locnl office will ho a branch of
tne A estern Labor Employment bur-
eau of Sacramento operated by A.I
aiiicneiJ, who also ling omployment
offices In Stockton and Frosno, Cal-
irornla, and In Penver St. I.nko and
other places. Through his connec
tion with tho Sacramento offico Mr.
Olanns Is 'confident that ho can at all
times iecuro nfiy number of men, for
big industrial plants and construe
tl6n Jobs ns well as securing compe
tent help for position requiring dif
ferent sorts of technical skill.
Tho office will supply positions for
worqen as well ns for men. Mr.
Bfanai has filed his bond with the!
atate labor bureau and has also filed
davits from ten freeholders that
la a responsible citizen and will
conduct the offices with honest deal
ing toward all parties and In accord
'aneo with the regulations of the la
ar bureau and the' liws of the atate.
A ClaaalBi a A4 wlU mU ft.
That indefinable something called charm,
for lack of a better definition what is it?
Health, personality, appearance all these
go far toward its making, but Charm is
greater than any one!
Purola Toilet Preparations are real' con
tributors toward Charm. For many years
they have been compounded from finest
ingredients. They are pure, beneficial,
and soothing, as well as beautifying.
the most favored toilet requisites is a
delightfully scented preparation to keep
the skin soft, fine and beautiful. Use it
for sunburn and chapped or irritated skin. ,
I ' I As
I M . M
i y v
I I . .
ajgal I ami
! I WX
1 iW iKmm
Hu stf. i , VvV I 'nt1 '" t nnssssAnV , !, I, H "Hit.
J5&lEM AiT-JLikJ 1 '! ...i ' F3?2ZhsX ,'i,i
nLLiaaanaB k I f LJiill
anBnanvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn m.-.gB IBW . ti'iM
W ""nnVaBf - ' Ri! ii
I a ! iifii I Hal t'lti' i1 m
CVAMANTU illii Hlilfl
atwesaj mUvjunn ak pnm tm Ulan! I&1S mSSXM
..4-1 V .- " ' ' . ' '' ' - '
ing Tuesday aft'ernoon. Jne. 15, " V", r,rrowV are vou mul'ln?' .e , J" "' '" """ "l " 3 p.m.. at the Library hall, oourni'nunmT Don'? ! 'Ck l"m,,t'"w nin '- "
for the .urpo4,of perlectlng plans ,,, Tn end then aa "l! ,(lr """"" mealing of the chamber
anent the arrival 6f iuss Lora rwuhl, ..-. ,.v ,,. .. ' ll will occur This will he ihn iH.i .
......... .... .., . .,., , - .--.......-...
colvctur, June ltth U order of Lt
Commander hate Volmer
14 LUITH JUil.SbON, Colector,
IX)lt sali:
Come In Indnv nnd let us tell you "'r monthl) meeting of the cham-
about """"HnvMlnienla her until September, unless called In
,CM Main St " 'n'one r. TC,M '" ' "" I'resWnl. all
J si. ir business in the Interim being under
! - the management of the directors.
.Nearly new Stearns heavy duty, ATTENTION LAWKS OK II. P.O. ;. nre urged to he on hand
slide valu englni. ltx.M. und lu, , . ... , " ' n nanu
loot fly-wlueU. The e,, ,, r . ,, ,. n ,, ',ro""""' he" ''resident Hall In-
I - drum donkey, one 7x0. one 7t ,blrh was orr. nl,e l till ih.. ...?.:...-httrlnMy ,"K,n, '"'lness as soon nn
V'f. .....-. - . ... " . I" ,'"-) 1 .1... ....... .... . ...
v, en II ii l; miUUMi mi
a minute inte tin. clicuiiutanco Is un-usual
111. In ....... .....1 ul. .... I..
,',; ' ,. , 1 """'"'"ins: win mi iik room at the
ICaHf.. on ra.lio-d Kk's club, meet, every 1st and 3d
2 boilers; one t, inch by 18 ft. Tncday of aeh month from 2 30
high pressure; one largo Scotch mu-, till r. p m We not only Invite hu
r.iie: both nearly now. Will Ioj.1 on.fecl it I s tho duty of eiery wife and
cars for 112C0 euch in northernl ' ""
I Calif.
Iel me know what you need In
(good used machinery Can save you
money on anything in the machinery
1 I want your timber llstlnm. Have
lots of eastern people looking for
.both laifio nntl siuill tracts, I'leusu
glveo full description,
List your mills and mill machinery
with me If they are burgulns. Can
i K-t action Ht bnce: liuvn buyers wait
,Ing. J. T, Head, Dunsmulr, Calif.
A Clnsslfle.i Ad W ((l ti
FOR SALK 315 acre ranch In the
" heatsecUonofKlamath countyT'
4 mills from Mnlln, 1 mile from good
ncnuuii i-ruuin iiuuiv, uranvr), uuru, 4
.good well, fenced cross fenced, I
'1(10 nrrf". In cron nuw that linen with I T
pluco; 130 acres coming undor irrl
.gatlon. A big srnip ut IIS per aero.
1 . ALSO
KOH SALK 0-room houso, on tho
pavement; hath .and basement.
Only 12C00.
KOH KALI: 4-room bungalow on?
the hill; fino lawn, trees, gardcri 2
ktono foundation, etc. Price $3000. ,
FOIt SALI Now 4-room plastered
1 houso In Mills Addition, near the t
school; has hath, toilet, Blnk, built
In features; a neat little home, l'rlco 1
12000; easy terinH.
FOR SALE New 3-room plusterd
houso In Mills Addition; Btrfctly
modern, rrico i;ii'iu; terms,
J. T. WAltD &-CX).
I'hono 375 f?4 Main Rt.
Royal Anne Cherries!
Delivered PRRRH n:,.nf s, u...i 4 ''
1 .... L 1 ..vvw iiuill uill UILIIillU IU ..
I your home by express or parcels post. All charges : :
J prepaid. b -
uiuer your UAWNING CHERRIES now they ''
. wdl benneandieafly for delivery. from-June-20th-"-
uiy jsi.
We wish to expreis our sincere ap
preciation to the kind friends who
isted us during our recent be
rearcnent and for the beautiful nor.
ul .tributes.
(Each box weighing about 23 pounds)
All express or parcels post charges prepaid by us.
Our cheme&aro known as the finest in the Rogue,
haven th yU h"Ve Std them you wil1
Do not delay in sending in your order '
I'll! out the blank below and send us same with-
your remittance.
.Mitlfoi.l, Oie(on,
... , . Dato
ANNB-CIIBimiES, delivered froo without cost to me.
(IWrolt by money order or check)
lira. Manr DUbaliliSi rillMllt rillMl
John A. Short
Ilurrell Short V
P r. Qhnrl . "