The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 12, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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i - ,
rT'kfnu i. im
ftti jVening herald, iclamath alls, oregow
1 '
firming Herald
fpT Vi AMDHtil
OKy MMor
last Saturday ettntait ike elty
teachers Rare a banquet At th.
White Pelican hotel In honor of
Supt. bunbar who It retiring from
the profession thli year, after fifteen
yearn of efficient service In the Klam
ath Falls schools.
Mr. and Mr. Dunbar and Mr.
WelU were guests of the teachers at
Plbllshed dally, except 8unday, by
Ma Uaralit PilktUMn w (VimtunV Of
Eatered at the nostofuco at Klara-i On Tuesday afternoon Mrx It. K.
th FalU, Ore, for transmission thru Dcweosc entertained at her home on I
mo mans as seconu-uasa mar. .,h nm, Wnhlngton. The guests
V . " " ; TT. Tl.iwcre .Mctdimc llundy, Porter. Pow-.
Jnbacrlptlon term by mall to nnyl ,. , ilmlniirnoV , ,, ,.',-..
-tddrcss lu the United States: )'" DU " , ' , ., J.
One yoar jS.OO.nion Jeiter. K. ,W. Lamb, Onlden
Star Theatre
One month
Member of tlio As'ocliiletl Pre".
The Associated rrcw U ejcltisireiy
.50 Lincoln end Dr. Myra Stewart. At
riu Hundred, Mrs. Itrrdoabrcok '
won first honor and Mr Dundy i
mttttcd to the use for republication jnas ric' tbe consolation rrl.-e.
at all uews disnatche credited to U i
er not otherwise credited In this. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ward will
HW. and alio local news published' IpaVo Sunday by auto for Portland.
an i.i.m. f ,.n..i.iimtinn nf .n.- A',r attending the Shrlner
ttal dispatches herein are also re- lentiou they
i ,
'. HATflUl.IV. JCXK 12, IIWO
I Society
Friday evening Mr. Short, manag
er of the White l'cllcan hotel, enter
tained with a small dinner party at
the hotel, the guetts being Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Slater, Mr. and Mn. Chas.
Otey, Mrs. .Mqrlson and Mr. Milne.
Afterwards .Mrs, Morrison entertain-'
d at an Impromptu dance.
The Woman's Library club held
Ha last meeting for the season yes
terday afternoon In the club rooms
f the library. At the close of an In
teresting program there was held the
Manual election of officers. Mrs. J.
H. Qarrett was elected president.
Mrs.'H. E. Momyer, rice president:
Mrs. 11. R. Harrison, 2nd vice presi
dent; Mrs It. Ei V.'attenburg. scre-
tsry and Miss Racbael App!ste.
treasurer. At the close of the busi
ness meeting tea was terved.
Invitations are being tent out by
the St. Paul's Episcopal .Guild for
ae of the blgett dances of the sea
son. It Is to be siren at the White
Pelican hotel on Friday evening.
Jane 18. This Is looked forward to
with a great deal of nlterest as the
former parties given by this organi
sation have been moit delightful.
The Spring Lake Sewing club held
Ha last meeting at the school bouse
Thursday afternoon. The girls of the
dab had their year's work on dls
alay and a number of friends spent
will motor to Pontile
and other Washington point before
returning home. Miss Mol.c Stewart
i and Mrs. (iolden Lincoln will nreom-
yany thorn to Portland where Miss
Stewart expect to spend the sum-i
mer Mrs. Lincoln will go to Chica
go, Wisconsin and Iowa for the sum
mer, months.
The following from the los Ange
les Lxnmlncr will be of Interest to
The Big Artcraft, Special
A story of Mystery and Action
Two Reel Comedy
The Big One Marshall Ncijan's
siiasta vip.w .m:s
O. E. Hunt has Just finished Irri
gating hi alfalfa, using the lurge
pump recently Installed.
Oliver Martin Is having
drilled on tils run:h. V
mnnv in ihi .lit- n. vii.. Mnri...n. orotners are dome tiie work, i
Is a sister of H 1). Mortenson who B- Wilson and C W. Pulley are FOIt SALi:
FOIt SALE Chevrolit lu good con
dition m N. IHh 1 MS-
ii well FOIl SALE 2 Alrdate puppies. 2
orlmtier mouts old. Iteglsteled. Call 111 1
' .Main St. l'.'-t7 I
busy .cutting their winter's
resiucs ncre: i
, MIsr Margaret Mortenson, the at- ,lnco th,,lr cro''f urt ,a
tractive vounr dauchter of Mr. n.i Ada and Haiel Hunt and lleth nnd
fsed 1U20 Model 400
wood Chovrolel touring. 0. Central
Garage. 12-lb
Hoy of IT desires small room with
Mrs. Jacob Mortenson of 1H Orange Ellx" Mrkpatrlck are taking mualc prlvnto family. Address It. M. II.,
Grove avenue, has named Saturday f Mrs. Olacomlnl of Merrill. ;care Herald. 2-U
afternoon. June 26. for the time of au "Hyard. wife and daughter of , POSITION WANTED by experienced
her marriage to Ernest May Craw- Klamath Falls and Mr. Hllyard'sj stenographer Fair knowledge of
ford. mother and sister of Scvcry, Ncbras-! bookkeeping. tiling to do light
Khaki and Corduroy Outing
OUR OutiiiK Apparel risit?iKMl to with
stand the rouylHNt wear. Made of durable
Khaki, and the even strong' corduroy, in a jjroat
vaiie'v of sizes. Our stocks ais plentiful wo
are well alle to : atisfy all your vacation minds.
Women's Outing Wear ,
Khaki' Hreoches $4.50
Cordiuoy Breeched $7.00
Khaki Middies $2.50
Khaki Blouses , $3.50
Khaki Hats $1.35
Leggings $1.00 to $2.00
Men's Vacation Clothing
Whipcord Trousew . $4.50
Khaki Pants. . ..$3.00 to $4.50
Khaki Brecehe? $4.00 to $5.50
Khaki Shirts. $1.35
Heavy Canvas Legginss .. ,$2.00
Bows' Khaki Pants $2.90
The ceremonr will take nine- n, 4 ka. visited at O. B. Hunt's Wednes-!'"unul. Ia,,or l' of ,,!.. " nvSvf
'dock in the beautiful garden, ofay. rca.r,'careAYerrX,DC,,, '""zUfi IDPinC UdTCI
be Mortenson home, and the bridal The Helping Hand Ladles were en- ' Ilnltflllr Fill I r I
party will stand beneath an arbor of tcrtalned by Mrs W. Crandall Wed- LOST-A small buggy wheel between IIUnUL IIU I Lb
orange blossom. ' nesday of last week and while no postofllce nnd Lewis' store on Cth "ill I lfl
is mm
liberal reward.
Miss Mortenson has also named 'itas could be used horses and hncks Iq11''1
ncr uriuai auenuoni". wno win in- were in evidence anu ine lames pres- .- .
elude MIm Hvangelln" Orler, Miss ent wpre Mesdamet Gregory, Mc-, FOIt SALK Six joung leghorn
Florence Marsh. Ml Florenr Ark.'Cnnib. Ffeor. II. KlrknatHek. L. Klrli.l mat, also six HhodH Islam! Kcil
ermaV. Miss Margaret Scalelg-r and patrlck. Wilson Hunt. Ilramhnll. .n',; '!u,cb,!D' T3T N- 'MU
iliss Tluth Hoyt
The best man will he Mr Craw
fords's cousin. Lieut. Com. tlrawner
Miss Mortenson and her parents
divide their time between their sum-(moisture are dealing hard blows to
mer home at Oak Park. III., n suburb the dry land crops In this section nnd
Pnlley and the Misses Adn and Haiel
Hunt and a number of children
ladles will m,et with Mrs. Knox '
Wednesday. June 1C.
call mornings.
1.1 While the Arcade Hotel, ! 3?
Milft street, has been retelling pat-
I A fund of $14 7 ha been appor
tioned to Klamath anil l.'ik c-untUts
') tli" Nutlonul War Wo'rk iniinrll
'of'lhe V M C A to I." used by the,
liira' cmtil tli-e III itsalstlllg ex-nerv-
.Ice liin In seruiinK tin Ir education.
me ".if.i' io iea nir iim i , ., ., ,,, .,,, ,lh. .,., .. ,. ... , ,, .
nm flrt pla moleh cows, best of '""" " '"" "" "' " " ' ,w "" "" " ""
..... -..,.....,! m.. t ii iniiv in under dlfflcultles and onl) becaaio u rsnerul srholarahln for vornllonal
(I.IC ...l.uinil, . . .. HH.., .... . .. v, ... ....
Merrill. Ore., telenbone Merrill. i nf llm n!ri of the owners to do ciiumvn iip!i nil,i.rliitf. ruillli.
f ne naru ireeze. dry winds anil no 12'IVih-ir .hare toward relieving
tbe nutoinoblle, bo.kkeepliiK uuil ac-
I . . 1 ... . ,. .. ..!..-
r i- i r-nrrttifM i. .n.n.iinr room siioriaj,r, uui ni inn im- iw' ciiunianry cuursei.
If ZV.. I, , , u. -y ,and CrP' 'n ,b" M?C,l0n anU riiie convention of the Western Os , Is flnl.hfd from top Io bottom and, Thrrr , . .mrutP ,,, , ..,
or t-nicago. and their I asadena win- it Is yet to be seen what effect they ,ropnthls Asoclatlon at San Francis- Chris Illunas. managor. bn.. that mrn .AU(, VkUJl , , n ,iK
resident. fhave on the lake land. Slnco thrt'co. He will return Sunday. Juneio. ,, ,,, 3n completfly furnUhed cou.. n,i nnVe not sufficient funds
few days of warmer weather the Jl-I19-0- l-'ly rooms to offer tin- public which furn .i ... i ..i.iui.... .. wi,,.. n,
jl AT THE THFATFPQ ifaIfa "" t3 b" ,Mli better. 'waNTI: Sawer one who can comfort and de-lrablllty aro equal y M t. a. offers, the stale gives $:6
....,w . jue uuruKe oi Fas nns nnnuiap- deep' up mill, liooil wages ce to thoie otTereil III any iitonern nos-; .,,r nionf, ,0 nny ,.x-ervlrn man
YOU WI.V OH IXISK TIIKMI.NUTi: u ,ue IBr:acr ,0 omt' extent :n.i-a rreniere, noiei nan i .telry.
i . . Uo wishw to Complete his 4-ducatlou
tra expoilenced, owing tornni uii anv r(1i-,.,, r voru.
HE KlltHT SKTH EVffl OX YOl'rul,,nK ln ,nlr c:oP" b,,t ,hnnk to ... . v .. rhnlfr ..-! Delay
That was the thought pounding ,,1 Doou'n"" " till moving on. 'tnn of stock ranches. nlMlf.1 "low freight movement, In tbe Instul-, tUBfc .nm)
through Keith's brain. H meant to "e """ ala lne ' riuers cannot rancnea. marsn lunus, cn nouses muon or tn water noaiing pinni, 71,1, (n,j i nu mj si ,v np.
tramp back to civilization bick to nave mir appctm-s satlsflod for,""" " ""' '"'.'. ' '"' "'b'it
Tirv AninvniitA .fi.rniMin Tii' ... .... . - .. .. ..nn, nt .., f...Mi..i.i i... ..... (before buying. A
..., ,..,.... ..... v1are inn cniei OI tne .ortnwest """ " luiununi uj me jariimr' jg Main St
iiu mtuiwH, near ruuucj, prei-1 jiounted Police. II
dealt Ethel Schrelner. vlce-nrosl- n..,.. t.i. ,- ...
. . i,l.-'5 u,.tv, era .u
feat;) Dor's Lloyd, secretary. Stella rlCar oa the forehead
Sars!sr, K.te Cuechow and their abodt 'him would not' I
club leader, Donna Mack, served
Hell man & Co.,
It Is now In and there I. hot and ,,,..,, ,, ,ho i,,,,,,, of ,t KrrB,.
water In ovary room Carpi Hi,,, n(.,.t :illt mo,t ,,.w.rvin. ti
light refreshments. The club Is fin
ishing with one hundred per cent
membership this year.
The guests were: Mrs. Frank
Stewart, Mrs. Alec Cheyne, "Grand
ma" Cbeyne, Mrs. Arthur Schrelner.
Mm. K. A. Schrelner. Mrs. Charles
about 'him would
fugitive from justlco
the officer of the Royal Mounted who
lay dying before him, under the Arc
tic stars.
Soon he would stand before the
chief "whose eyes could see through
boller-plte" and before the girl
supposed to be his sister and, then.
Is uniform, his : wmwun tney hail thought of .ters navo auurii iiiv last nnisiiing n- ,,,, , , umwr w,10 apply
-Vftflh- Ke3J r .rr.'rnnfcJU1'- W J, Z'LUtl uTbu V T"" rMB,,,,M "' "
to Kpith thr ..' . .. laA-ti it 1P.1 room roinainuiR to by riitetl up Mil ...i.i.. .... . . ...... ..i...
but Connllton. hL,KU M "L ,MK''' ilhlt requires only the Installation of rulw,all, ,,,
POIt ItKN'T Comfortable bed room. ' furniture nnd carnets nnd Is a com-
A rr'ram of a missionary nature I transient or weekly llalea rei-' pnratlvcly iay tnsk
will bo given by the Sunda School sonnble. 615 Klamath. 12 .. m fl ..
Children of the
FOIt SAI.i: SO head ktocl; cattle In
of the Christian
comer .inm nnu i-ino. Sunday , ,ln Mll)t.; nnw. n ,,aMuro Must
morning at 10:30 o'clock. "Tbe pro- sell. II. J. Tlcknor. !.angell Valley.
gram is given nt this hour bccuuiiu It
Mack, Marjorie and Evelyn Chevne.hiofnm ch.n Tim. ,u r-.i. ...
Paulino Schrelner, Marie and Wily tic who had known the dead officer
Schrelner. 'Paul Stewart, Kenneth and who never forgot a face.
Stewart, ErneBt Schrelner and At the Star Theatro Sunday and
Charles Mack. Monday. .
lu lin .hll,lrn'd Iw.i. ..f ,1... , ..!-
,n ...v V.......U1, n uu.l u. im l.uilta , -0 , .... , ....
lIiU.ii, niiujuu ur riuicu .iuiii muiu.
pastor, marsh, one blun mare, branded Jit
Day," says C. F Trimble,
"This Is a cheerful, happy program on left stifle.
and will make you all live a happier
week If you come and enjoy it with
our little ones."
Notify box 404, city.
islied the hotel has hnd plenty of de
mand for Its rooms. Ileforc per
manent stalrw.iy were Installed nnd
while carpenters and painters were
Ru.r.rmlnt? nvi.r III.. liillMlrii Ihit
room- were, renting a. fast as' they'"; ,'' l? ehulrm.ns Dr. Fred
could be ntle.l ui. , """"' '" ")' w. uriw.
bbiliks to bu fillet) out by thu appli
cant. Any one wishing to take a
short con run or long rodrsu In voca
tional school or colUgu. who larks
funds should apply 10 one of the com
mltttie for Information unit appllru
blanks. The commit leu members nre:
Tim owners-, Chris lllnnns and his I
nnn brothers, Nick and Oenrge, nro proud
Where Everybody Goes
High Class Vaudeville
That Clever Team
In a High Class
A Real Treat in Music
The Big Favorite, Sessue Hayakawa,
In oni or Iilk liiti-M anil lst plcturex Hint ulll rcaili the licnit
of all Hint lilm
A u amen never knuu. bcnuty till she In ad of facu
Sec "A Ileuit In I'uivn"
And a Comedy that is a Itwil Oloom Clitifct-r
Dorothj- Tny fit the Piano uitli Siieclnl Music for above picture
Ted White nitli a bunch of new Minfc
ContinuouM show Kumlaj 1:30, fli.iu, 3:30, 7:ao, 0 o'clock
WANTED Capable cut-off
I steady work. Wrltu or wire, slat- of tlio spacious nnd comfort iblc lob
'ing previous experience, to Tomlln ,y nnd have gone to considerable
Ilo company. Medford. Ore. 12-lf anw ,, ,,. t0 mftko nn at.
20 ner cent off on nil shoes at K. tractive garnering place lor the
K. K. Store.
WVOItri, WAS lllltllll
if mixed with suLPian rr
i The old-time mixture of Sago Tea
i and Sulphur for darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair Is grand
mothers recipe, nnd folks nro again
using It to Keep their hair a good,
i evn color, which in quite sensible,
, as we nre living in an ngo when a
routhful nppearanto Is of tlio great
est advantage
Nowadays, though, wo don't have
' the troublesome task of guthcilng tlio
ago unci thu mussy mixing nt homo,
, All drug stores tell the ready-to-use
urndnct, Improved by tho addition of
other Ingredletiti, tailed "Wyeth's
' Sage nnd Sulphur Compound" for
about CO cents a bottle. It Ii vor
I popular because nobody can dlscovvi
;it has been applied Simply moisten
your cornb or a toft brush with It nnd
draw this through your hair, taklnvj
one irr.all strnud at a time: by morn
ing the gray hair disappears, bui
jvhat dellghti the ladles with Wyeth's
Safe and Sulphur Compound, Is thnt,
besides beautifully darkening tho hair
after a few applications, It also pro
duces that soft lustre and appearance
of abundance which Is so attractive
Testimony was taken )eerluy In
the case of I.' II. Henry itgnlnxl Mill'
12-tf guests of the hotel. The place Is un-inle L, Henry, n divorce action, nml
; -,dcr tho management of Mrs. fioorgo i decision Is pending In tho circuit
20 per cent off on nil mens and t,1B,i rouri
. Mnll.lni. ..I If If If Blnro ,'" ...
boys' clothing nt K. K. K.
Panama and straw hats at '4 price
at K. K. K. Storo. 12-tf
20 per rent off on all men's silk
shirts at K. 1C. K Store. 12-tf
Special sale on grocorles; ono sack
of corn meal PIIICK M'lth every $15
groenry order. Spot Cash Iinskot
(Irocury, S22 Klnmath Ave. 12-tf
FOIt SALK 1020 Hurley-Davidson
tnotoicyclo, with extrus. Must
see to appreciate. Can be seen at
Dig llasln Lbr. Co., throughout day
or ovenlngK nt llargruvo rooms. It.
WIIIaniH. 12-1C
'i'Clissltled'Ad will sell it.
Itny and KIslo Kwltt, high class
vaudoville porformers, will give a
performance tomorrow at tho Man
(hilo theatro. This Is very high class
singing, dancing and musical, and
considered by all a very good act.
Tomorrow nt tho Momtalo.
A woman Iras sued n Chicago hotel
to recover $3,000 which she gave in
tips, In 0 months. Sim says tho tips
woro all turned over to the manage
ment. Two other, women have
brought similar suits, ono for f00
and the other for f 1,000.' '
The Rex Cafe
Special Sunday Dinner
Shrimp Coclttull
Chicken dumbo Soup
risii ,"
Tenderloin of Solo, Margnrctloj
(Poinmvs Kniitu) ' . .
Pitklcd Spiced IleetH
Salad JiiKllnlero
Klpo OIIvoh
One-half Fried Spring Chicken,
Wh Corn Frlttew, (Maryland)
i linked Swift Premium Ham, Champagno Sauco
MiiHhcii Potatooa , Now Hrliie Pcus In Cream
Anorted Pies ' - 'V
Vanilla or Strawberry Ico Cream
M t.
mn m vMMim'to-itii wt