The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 11, 1920, Image 1

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Fourteenth Year No. 3044
lEd Wk latgnrng Mtmtu'-W
11,1920 Price Five Centp,.
COI.IHKt'M. Chicago, J mm II
flip IiIk three, Johnson, l.uwdoii mill
tVll().l, WOlO llll lllU'll In nomination
before llin llnpiilillnui convention f
iluy during thn first four hours of u
r.wrllurlllg mission.
Koch of Urn unmliiiitlim was tie
rtimpitnlcd with tumultous demon
Htrnlltum nn llin floor nnil In lli gal
leries, In which the usual convention
nctitm of marching, shinning, sweat-,
Ing delegates prancing about llin
hnlt nnil rtirryltiK banner llkeiifinn
if their ruvorltu cundldutn went wit
nessed. Furring the contention nltwg at
ejprem upend to imikft iii fur lima
lout In settlement (if III" trenly tmiu,
efforts were matin to holil I hem dem
onstration to n inliiliiiiiin ntul
uiiilInK spenche wero llmltril to five
All nominating
speakers got n
ready rrpnnini from thn convention i
Charles H. Wheeler or California,
who iioinlntitiMl Johnson, not roars of
rlmnrn when hi' referred to iho Wll
mm administration nn "llin ni)ol
family" ntul by Inference McAiloo as
"thn rrown prince."
"Am you prepnrod for four inr
morn of themV' (in ihontxil. nnil tlm
rrowd nimwered "No' no-'
Hut when Wheeler referred to,
Keiintor Jolinnon n linvlnr had In-1
nip(iiutn rnmimlKii fiiniln llin crowd
let go lio. cheer, and guffvws. hut
thnrn wern more rl r wl t-n he nld
Johnmn ceiild he elected surely If he
When he mild hr wan iientlnr the;
""' of hl'' l f'' ,,1"r, w'"v M'vrr!''camp to ii lii.te of old time mutheds
rrlnn of "i;ood. good."
He replied "unrotk your unpreju.
diced eiir. for just obi. moment and,
f o r -n r-l
hftf-Unni- Ity listen
. . . ... . . ..
ing w,,a, ...ii. oi... pp. ...r.
ltepre.ettlv.. Hode.lherg got the I
greatit nppla.ue when tie rmnrron
to Miwdiii. as u mi... end tin
ndmlnlntriilor of nhlllty In economic
mid flnnnclnl lines.
Tim l.owtieil procession goi imunr.
way as on ns the speech was over.
reinforced by luwn delegates. After .
half mi hour of parading It had about I
broken up but tho noise was still
vorlferotiH. The l.bwden dob gates
declined to resume their senls, even
though not moving about the halt.
After breaknlg up. tho proceislon
rv.irgnnlied. singing "We Want Low-
den." The diitnonitratlon was fin-
" "' ' f,,,r : '"
At 10:06 o'clock (he secretary bo -
gun calling the roll of states for tioin
ImitluiiH, Alabama passed, and Arl-
zona yielded In Kansas for the noni-
Inutlon of (Jeneral Wood by Uovernfir
Henry Allen. The demonstration
which follnutd Wood's nomination
lasted 40 minutes. When It iiuletod
down Horondlug speeches made by
Frank Knox of New llumpshlru ntul
Mrs. iiouglas Itobluson of New Vork.
Frank Knox got n lot of cheers,
hut not nearly iih many us Mrs. Doug
las Itnhlnsaii, sister of the lata Theo
dore Roosevelt, still in mourning for
tier brother.
In tho nominating speech (lovor
tior Allen tnado roforenco to Wlllam
4, llryan's celebrated dictum about u
fXillllon aprlnging to jirms ovomlglit
Iiu looked lit thn press box wVoro Mr.
Jlrynn wuh hHIIvk. hut the Nubrns
kail had IiIh iioro In his manuscript
nnil did not let no If he heard
thn reference.
Under n ruthless curb mi eulogists,
the first ballot should bo reached by
With tho first ballot reeordud nnil
lis hulf and quarter votes tubulated
worknm for tho vnrloiiH caiittldateH
will luivo miiterlal on which to work
Wend HiipporloiH affirmed ho
ehould hIiow Htrength In excess of 300
on tho first ballot. Home placed It nt
300 nnil It rtmulroH 49:1 to nouilnato,
I.owden Buppnrtora assorted (hoy
needed only tho adherence of strong
tiaHtorn dolegntlon to the Illinois gov
ornor'a Htuudurd to put him ovor. It
was an open Bocret that they woro
flirting with tho big Now York rop-
resontatlon plodged to Nicholas Mur
ray Ilutlor nt tho outsot and with
omo known Wood strength In Its
(iO.MI'K'ltrt t IIITICI7.I-.S
(J. (I. I. I.AHOII lI.AMi
M()NTI(I:AU June 11 -The
lalior plunk adopted liy the H'J
puhllciiti nutli mil roiivoiitlou
wan rondumiii'd here today liy
Faiiiui-I (lumpers, prenlilenl of !
the American IVderotloti of ,
( l.ahor. (lolliiers unrerled the !
plank was directly contrary to
whnt lahor ilPinaniled of the
party (
Johnson supporters were vury ac
tive openly during the evening hours
lo.irrilnv iri'iillm: thn convention
In the way of bands and hunners and
, ,urb
CafornU ,,,.,, rtll , m:,ny
nutrchcrs In tho Wood deuinnstra-
Um llur(At of J(,tln,on ,
,,,-.,, fr,,my , Wool, I
nlpr0,rlated them when the
,,,, ,,,.,.,, nr()mu, thl) ,..
. ..
Dark horse activity ww very deep
,,, llrfn. Workers for tlov-
(,rnor Kpfou, ()f .linByVnnlu, for.
,,,, ,,urkMl 0f ,.m n, for
,,,,, l:vm K,, w,.n. rnport-
. ,.,,,. nni, neKOllulliiK hut:
.... ... . ... ,. - u .. ,
(hero wns no outward evldunce of'
(heir labors.
Thero was a marked iiilet among i
, ..,,, ..,, nr iiorbert
0()vur , ,,.,, ,Ioul), ,M.IIU., lo'
l)rilVa ,, ,, wouM , ,,nci., !
iniimliiadon at all but plans of his'
i .. .- . ru...iL.,i I
Delegutes wero busy today wlthj
press copies of tho platform us It was
,,,,, T,lc Krcn, ,orlty hail
caught only Its general drift when
Senator Watson, chairman of tho res
olutions committee presented tho
draft that was uproariously approved.
In spllu of tho sweltering tampor
nture Inside tho convention hall,, dele
gate began to pile Into their places
n full half hour bo fore today's session
was to begin. They all wero anxious
to have It over with mid possibility
that nomination might bo made to
day and convention ended seomod to
tukn come of tho edge off their dis
tress, from tho heat. It gave promise
of being the hottest day of the con
vention In nil rospects. During tho
wait tho dologatos still wero asking
one another who was to he nomin
ated mid tho tiKUal reply was dis
tinctly of the "daiiilflknow" char
nrtor. Tho munagers for all ciindl
dates tried to outdo onu another In n
conference over the, result. Tho
Wood people wore claiming victory
by the third or fourth ballot. The
predlctloiiH of the othors wero less
For the flrHt tlmn allien the con
vention began candidates for presi
dent wero missing from tlio floor.
Dr. Ilutlor of Now York gave his
proxy lo a woniiin who nut In u box.
Governor Sproul dropped In for n few
minutes hut announced 'ho would re
turn to his hotel whon tho balloting
started. Tho frlomlB of Senator
Johnson mild they did not expect
their candidate lo show himself In
tho Coliseum.
Nativo rubber gathorers' In the
Congo got GO conts n wook and pay
their own oxponeos.
i? at rwfejv v!1hHP
wtfttm lhb. l .w. ih l. i ,1
On Monday evening. June 14, at
A 15 o'cl cli p. m., in I ho lodge room
of the i:ikn turn plu In this city, the
lot-ill Kills Mill nhaervu "Flag Day" In
ii Ik fitting manner.
A very attractive program hus heen
nn it need, with an abundance of good
music ninl speaking. Judge P. II.
D'Arcy of Salem, Oregon, has nccept
vd tlm Invitation to make tho prin
cipal patriotic address, ami will he
hero for this occasion unless prevent
ed through Illness.
Fred A. linker will deliver tho tri
bute to tho flag, mid l-vti lllclin will
read the history Of the flag.
The public Is cordially Invited to
attend this patriotic service A full
program will ! published later
II. II. Worthlnglon. "the best
newspaperman Klamath county has
ever had," In In the city. Ho arrived
hero last opening and Is stopping at
tho White I'ellcan. Over a quarter
of a century ago "Dave" Worthlng
lon owned und edited a wookly paper
In this city, and thoso who lived hero
at that (lino and who are still resi
dents of tho county always refer to
him as the ablest newspaperman
thnt has graced this section before
or slnco. And they are right, for
Mr. Worthlugton has duplicated his
work at llelolt, Wisconsin, whom ho
owns The Nowu, recognized as tho
lender among tho dallies of the mid
dle west. People arc often prone to
measure greatness, ability and suc
cess by tho dollar mark, and even
with (his yardstick Mr. Worthlugton
upholds tho reputation given him by
his friends of earlier days, bolng
uhlo to reckon his annual Income by
six figures and hU worldly posses
sions by seven,
It Is now about a decade slnco Mr,
Worthlugton dropped in to see his
old friends und In that time great
changes huvo taken place in this
city, so great, In fact, that ho would
have felt 111(0 n stranger In n strnngo
laud, If It wero not for tho old time
welcome extended by Captain Sie
mens, Jildgu I.euvltt, John llonston,
Captain l.en and tho others who has
tened to greet him.
In tho days when Mr. Worthing
ton was "running" his paper It took
courage and ho had plenty mid to
spare. With tho mime enthusiasm as
ho .would roast a foe or support n
friend, ho would light with him or
for him and often whon discussing
tho'stlrrlug tlnu8"thut always mark
ed tho political campaigns of early
days will you hour how So and So
started In to trim Davo Worthlugton,
with the usual result tho trimmer
got trimmed.
Mr. Worthlugton Is returning
form a vacation trip to tho Orient.
Ho expects to start east Sunday.
COI.ISCI'M, lilr(iRii.
(ljllel) X
noiiilinitiiiii lirt hill-1
Ted SiDder. tho logger who had n
miraculous escape from death when
n the ton truck ran over him In a
logging camp accident near Odessa
two weeks ago, was nblo to leave his
bod ut tho Warren Hunt hospital for
the first time today. In addition to
serious Internal Injuries, Snyder re
colved.a fractured skull nnd n brok
en shoulder.
Narrow escapes from death are no
new experience for Snyder, hut tho
truck Incident camo ns near to fin
ishing lilt earthly career as any of
them. Ileforo coming to Klamath
Falls ho served with tho 20th Engin
eers oeren and wns twlco gassed.
During his war scrtlce he was part
of thn crew of a submarine which
wits rammed and sunk. Ho clung to
n spar In thn water for .17 hours bo
foro ho was Anally tescued. Despite
his experlenro with the Gcrmnns,
Snyder I certain would rath
er tako chances on escaping tho ef
fective annlhllatory methods of the
Huns than with Klamath Falls log
ging trucks.
l.nkovlow. Ore., June 11. (Special
to tho Herald.) Humors thnt have
boon current hero for some time that
n box factory will bo built this sum
mer wore given added Impetus yes
torduy with tho presence In town of
M. S. West and Durge W. Mason, of
tho Dig Lakes box companies of
Klamath Falls, and of the well
known Susanvlllo operator, Chas.
Mctlowan, Their conference with
local men gives ground for a belief
that Immediate activity Is contom
plnted, but nothing wns doflnltoly
elicited In regard to their plans.
OF.NHVA, Switrorliuul, Juno 11.
Mrs. Cnrrlo Chupmnn Cntl was un
animously re-elected president of the
International Woman's Suffrage, nlll
nncn nt this morning's session hero.
She agreed to accept (ho offico, do
spito her speech of yestvirduy In
which kIio said that sho folt com
pelled to retire.
WASHINGTON. Juno 11. Four por
sous on board tho army transport,
Mount Vomon, committed sulcldo
nftor one of tho ship's propellers
broke, off the Virginia coast, accord
ing to a radio message received here
today. Circumstances or names
were not given. Four thousand
Czecko Stovalc troops are aboard, he
sides prisoners.
Fisiras i
r;AMiATKH kki:i
CIIICAOO, Juno 11 While '
tiumlnutliiR Kiocchc wero bo- '
trie mailo nt Hid Ccllnoum today
tlm leading cnndldatex for noni- .
Ina'tlon wero In Mcclunlon In
liotnl rooiim, hut all wero in
touch liy tolophone with tho
convention hall.
Senator Johnson wan donated
with neveral of his odvlnom at
his headnuarterx. Oeneral Wood
arrived In thn city from Fort
Sheridan hut kept till room
after u conference with men
loading hla fight on the floor.
Oorernor I.owden used tho early
hours of the day for confcrcncci
then adjourned to hi apart- 4
ments to await report.
TAJIOK, Cal , Jur.8 11. Tho -problem
of deflation of thn currency Is
tho most pressing of those confront
ing hanking Interests, delegates to
tho California Hankers association
here wero told today by Rcorge S.
Meredith of Oakland, president of)
tho convention -
"A year ego a spirit of optimism
was abroad In thn land, new enter
prises wero planned on every hand,
and a spell of hopotul confidence pre
vnded tho country," hq.sald. "And
for a time our bright hopes seemed
to bo realized, crops were good and
nature blcsiedjthe West richly. A
year ago. deflation of our currcmy
and credits wait not often discussed.
Today It Is the, tlomlnant topic. As
wo review the situation today wo
sou tbarllilfls'llonsVrirherltablc.rroni
tho moment tho United States ceased
to bo a debtor nation nnd became a
creditor nation." "
Federal renervo banks long ago
could have "applied tho brakes" to
tho Inflation movement by raising
the discount rate, said Meredith.
"I am not ono to condemn tho
Fetferal Ucscrvo Dank for allowing
expansion to reach the peak." ho I
continued, "rather. It would seem toi
bo Its duty to' finance tho Clovern-
ment even though the Oovcrnment
wern conducted on on exthavagant
nnd profligate scale. Now must come
the period of foreign readjustment.
This meets an added obstruction In
the condition of forolgn exchange.
A condition so bad thnt a debt of
1000 marks, formerly equal to about
$240, could recently be settled for
ten dollars."
Referring to International policy
Meredith said:
"The time has come for this na
tion tq declare Its dissociation with
European affairs In all that does not
concern us In respect of our political
safety and Industrial welfare. Utop
ian notions of brotherly responsibili
ty, pledged In formal compacts, have
no proper placo In this nation's per
manent policy."
A gravo danger which threatens
tho business life of America, Mere
dith said. Is the prevailing system of
taxatjon, "which eliminates tho re
sources oi mo investors upon wnom
our enterprises have been depend
ent In tho past."
Capt O. C. Applegnto, secretary of
tho Klamath county chamber of com
merce, calls attention to the fact that
tho regular directors' mooting vlllbo
hold at1' 5 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, June
15, and tho monthly meeting of the
chamber at S p. m. tho samo oven-
ing, that being the third Tuesday of
tho month.
It Is hoped that In tho meantime
several of the standing committees
will bo, able to meet and tako such
action is will onablo them to report,
at least' tentatively, slnco these com
mittees, or bureaus, havo In hand
many matters of great Importance to
Klamath county. The bureaus repre
sent practically all the Interests, of
the county and the time- la ripe for
the transition from old time condl?
COLISEUM, Chicago. June It. -Following
Is a symposium of tho plat
form adopted by tho Republicans
last night:
Tho Republican party reaffirm
Its unyielding devotion to the Unlom
of the United States.
Tho Democratic administration wsjs
unprepared for war and equally ma
prepared for peace. The demonstrat
ed Incapacity of the Democratic party
has destroyed confidence In, aad
weakened the authority of the gov
ernment. The Republican party undertake
to end executive autocracy and. re
store constitutional government.-!
The Justice of collective bargain
ing as a means for promoting good
will betneen capital and labor Is rec
ognized. Thn administration Is denounced
for Its falluro to demobilize tho mili
tary forces and retrench In expendi
tures following the war.
The Republican party Is congratu
lated for the enactment of a legisla
tive budget law and tho president tac
censured for Its defeat.
The farmer. Is declared to bo the
backbone of tho nation and entitled
to adctjuato representation In the
Administration of tho farm'toaa
law so a to facilitate acquisition of.
land by men desiring to become m
crs Is demanded. I
A prcgrom of constructive legtata
tlon has been in great part nullified
by vindictive vetos of the proildeat.
A Republican congress has stopped
tho flood of public treasuro reckleaaly
poured Into tho lap of an Inept skip
ping board and laid the foundation- J, ,
fora.grcat merchant wArladff jjjjff ';,
A permanent women's"" HireaJf' 15
the department of labor was estab
lished by tho Republican con?re.
Immediate resumption cf trade re
lations with nations with which the
United States 'is at peace is de
manded. -
Liberal appropriations In co-operation
with tho states for construction
of highways Is favored.
A compromise limitation policy to
Increase national wealth und produc
tlcn Is domnnded.
The party holders In Imperlshablo
remembrance the vulor and patriot
ism of the soldiers and sailors who
fought In tho great wur for human
liberty and pledges Itself to discharge
tho nation's obligation.
The Republicans welcome, women
Into full participation In the activi
ties of the party and of tho govern
ment. Party denies tho right ct workmon
to strike against a government that
insists tho rights and Interests ot
employes must be safeguarded.
Compulsory arbitration Is not ad
vocated, but In Its place Impartial
commissions and better facilitation
for voluntary mediation and conelN.
Credit Is claimed for Increased pen-
alone In- behalf of Civil war voterana
and providing for need of aorvlco
men of the recent world war.
Sound policy demands a real reduc
tion of tax burdens nnd substitution
of almplo for complex tax laws and
Tho prime causo of tho high cost
of living' hns been n EO per cent de?
proclatlon In the purchasing power
of tho dollar, duo t the gross expan
sion of currency and credit.
Tho Republican party plodges It
self to an earnest nud consistent at
tack on living costs by rigorous
avoidance of furthor Inflation of cur
rency nnd promotion ot production.
Tho party reaffirms Its belief In
tho protective principle nnd pledges.
Itsolt to a revision ot tho tariff as
soon as conditions mako It nocossary.
Promotion and olovatlon vof stan
dards of living nnd citizenship nro
doclared to be the first duty of gov,
Recent legislation by a Republi
can congross to promote and main
tain an American merchant marine
la Indorsed. . '
The existing policy 'otjhe United
States (or the practicalexclusion ot
(Continued! mF P4
sw i t t
i ' M $