The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 10, 1920, Image 1

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Kit A
Fourteenth Year No. 3943
Price Five Cents
Cuimmn ilralfld
uamiku or i: ii-:ii.Aiti:i ovi:it
t.'OLIHKUM. Chlcugo. Juno
10, ( 1 1 1 4D ii m )-A te.ilalUo
agreement hnil len reached by
llin convention manager, not to
licnr nny nominating tip until
th.i tlmo Hi" platform luul been
prentnteil. Under such in ar
rangement today, proceedings
would bo devoted entirely to
. ." "filling In" speeches, hut almost
nt tlm moment thn contention
muuiiKers made tlil agreement
they rurulved word tliut tlm
platform conimltlen n about
in iigreo; thut ull danger of a
upllt luul beun averted! und Hint
u report l to Iw presented today
In fulfillment of this latter plan
TliU would brlliK on some nom
inating speeches today.
t!(I.IHKUM. ClilrnKO. June 10
While MWnllltiK the ruporl of tliu
platform rommltlee ho lleKulillrun
nutlonnl convention In-M I'flof (
nlon thU inurnlnK. then much to th
lliinppollitnient of the Kiillerle ru
reimvil until i o'clock
Tlient km connlilorallon of plan'
to r. nheml with the tiTjilnBtlon
tHtchei while uwultltiK thu platform,
report but thU wm iibunctiine.l when .
iihlectlon w volceil. Wlillo lh ron-
vuntlnn munaiter wero ilobatlnic n,fl txntJttlvo plunkn rulatlnic to tht
whiil to ilo, or.l cnnm from down- r,ttrvi011i Mexico anil Ar-
town that the pinfold. """;,,, foUew: '
tin, hnil onrofil on u report uiiil fu, .
mlnulfii later Henater .VUCormlck of, "-" WMliillun Wa approve thn
IlllnoU. one of the atibcoinmlltwi, action of ' the llepubllran vparty In
uppenreil on the (ilntform nml aii'lconurem In pakilnx rciiptutlon to
noutueil a unuiiliiinua asroment hail I r(,,,cal ,no declaration cf a Mate of
!.,, r.-ch.-l hlrh prumlted thiij 0crman, whch would hau-
union of the party nml victory next' .,.,., , A trct-M wu then a..-, " IHMiiUMel Iho pooplu
of thu liurilon or the war muaiuros
C Tlt-a'iu of nation, plunk, declared J "! con.lo.nn the president'. etn
by lender, to bo "acceptable to every."' '" r...u.
July" w. "JoPled to. M-ndalo for An
day by th re.olutlon. .uu-coramU-,''" IT.-Hltl.-nt l
day by thn renolutlomi aulfcuintnii
Ue. ..P...rently eudlnK U threat of ," "''" . .i -..
.. . i linamlntii fcr Armonln. Wo commend
. p,,.,rently eudlnK U threat of i, ii--i
..v.,r h., le.L-ue ...ueJiuamlatofcr Arinenl;
narty upllt ovur ine ivbkuu huu. ;
Tl. Plank uphold, the .cnate In
fu.lnKto ratify Iho treaty of Ver-
nallle mid declares that any fuluro
International peacv undemlanillnn
mu.t ii.ur with American tradi
tion, and omit, any affirmation of.
mr declorutlon for. tho leaicuo which
had bcon uritwl by tho mild re.erva.
OrlRlually ilrafleil three week, ago
by Kllhu Ho'ot, Ihw plank wa. ru
vlncd at an nll-nljbt aerie, of con
ference, and wn. adopted by tho .ub
comniltleo, after Senator I-o4o had
appeared In commlttoo room and de-
A.. If !.. inl.fl rajlpAllnn lirn
poial wa accepted ha would go on
the floor or tne convention ana
tight It.
Thn plank wa. aald by the ub
com.nlttee member, to be wholly ac
ceptable to former Senator Murray
Crane, Mnuachu.etta leader of the
nlld reiervatlon group. Tbo complete
platform wa. to be taken to Ue' con
jntlorf floor lato thta afternoon and
ffwa. .aid a night .onion might bo
-colled for nominating .pencho..
Other planku agreed on la.t night
by the nub-committee Included an
Indu.trlal relation, declaration from
which all ruforonco'tn nnll-atrlke log
l.latlon hud huon omitted.
A plank hlnmlnK depreciation of
money values und tho Ijlgh co.t at
living, one oppoBlnu Kovorument
owner.hlp or oporutlon of rallroud.
and ono oxprn.Hlng In nonorul torniH,
without mention of u cubIi bonus, tho
gratitude of thu party to formor
nervlce u.on. ,
NHW YORK, uno 10.- nation
1ng Bttgar, an In war tlmo, will go
into effect In hotel, and restaurant.
throughout tho country Juno 21.t,
I'Armlno W. Hlloy, .pedal nmlatant
wttorney gonoral announced today,
Oregon Tonight . and Friday,
phowera; moderate .outherly wind..
Interior of Chicago Coliseum During a Convention
HHHSImZarlinw cIlIbbbI
H'BUKnI7D0BflHBl'B( VIibbbbbbbbbbbbbhpW
cjgiL'a's'L'a's'L'Pxa r--
ltw jm jwml itv- anpirnnw;nvf m (WtTwfTTMTTWBB
BT mJJSiMHry' CiTMS-- -yjf- MBBnBBeMWBBBBrTlfrlT ' '' Pn'u' governor I'rniuyl-
l' s&MWf: ;j
Thin lev ul u part of the Interior
Hon of IU1U.
CIIICAOO Juno 10. I'nriloni of
Vrtnenla We con
L'tlknti fur niklnr
''ho llepuhllcnn .enato for nturtu
" rule t empower, m
to accept a mandate, for Armenia
The acceptance of .uch mandate
would throw the United State. Into
thu very inael.ironi of Kuropean
Wo deeply ayinpatblte with tho
people of Armenia and .land ready
lo help them In all proper way. but
the Itepubllcan party will oppoae now
and hereafter the acceptance of a
mnndato for any country In Europe
or Ail. t
Mexico The Ineffective policy of
thu preaml administration In the
Mexican matter haa been largely re.
ipoo.lMe for the continued loaa of
American Uvea In that country and
upon our border; for the enormous
lo.. of American and foreign prop
erty; for the lowering of American
tandard. of morality and .octal rela
tion, with Mexican., and for the
bringing of American Ideals of justice
and national honor and political In
tegrity to contempt and ridicule in
Mexico and throughout the world,
and the policy of wordy, futile, writ
ten protests against Iho ucU of Mex
ican official., oxplulnod tho following
duy by the presldout himself u. bo
lug munnlnglos. and not Intended to
ho conHldiired Horlounly enforced has
hut oil dod In dogrco to that contompt,
mid Iiiih earned for us thu Hiioora and
Jours of Mexican bandits and added
liiHult upon Insult ngnlmn our na
tional honor mid dignity.
Wo could not recognize any Mux
lean government unloss It bo a ro
Rponslblo eovornmont willing and
nblo to glva. sufficient guorantoun
thut tho lives and rights of Amor'
iruu citlzons aro respected and pro
tocted, thut .wrongs will bo promptly
corroctod and Just compensation will
be made for Injury sustained, Tho
Itopubllcan party pledgos Itself to a
conslstont, firm and offectlve policy
toward Moxlco that shall enforce re
spect for tho, American flag and that
hall protect the right of 'American
citlxen lawfully in Mexico to secur
ity of life.
rinn niiin
Mtinn nAnum
of llio Clilciuo l.'olNeiiiii uiu tukt-u
riUC.UiO, Junn K.-Vlirn tlir
loiMPiitlun rmiinii'il nl 4 it'iltirk an
KKiMiniMit hwi iH-mllnK to ilUposf ol
I lie plnlfuriii rrjMirl nml (Ih-ii niljourn
until totnoirfm' ninniliiK with the
unilerUmlnK I lint ull nominating
.KNlii' iumI iMttllnft for prfltlrnt
Moufil In) rinlfhnl tx-foir the nmvrn
lion niljoiirneil imaln.
CIIICAOO, Juno 10. Senator
Johnson declared today that In a con
test pvf'the platform section on the
league .of nations tho "first assault
of Internationalism by iho interna
tional bankers on tho Itepubllcan
party hnd met defeat." It had been
charged by the Johnaon-llorah group
that tho Crane plntik "hud its birth
In Wall street "
There would be a "second assault"
by the same forces, Johnson asserted,
with thu object of nominating a fav
orable candidate, which hu "hoped
woulil bo met and defeated' but he
ndded that If the ruporl. on1 tho plat
form decision reaching him were cor
rect It would not .be necrisary for
film to take his league fight to the
convention floor.
County Agent Thomjaa left this
morning for the Upper Marab where
the grasshopper fight Is being car
ried on. I.. P. Rockwood, Federal
Kntomologlst, baa been up there for
the past fow daya and will remain to the community mixing and
spreading which will take place Frl
ay and 8aturdy. Every stockman
Interested In the district la urged to
give bis assistance both Friday and
Saturday In mixing and spreading
poison wherever the grasshoppers
are found. A .car of material was
hiblppcd the first of the week.
Reports received from tho Tulo
Lake district today indicate that tho
ngnt na. been successful in that
district and that the pest Is now un
der control.
UUNTINHTON, Ore.. Juno 10.
Knglnuer Robb was killed and a tl re
man baily burnod Into Inst night
whon n helper onglno overturned
near hero. Marshall Smith, call boy,
rldltitf on thu helper, wont buck and
Hugged tho oncoming freight, pre
venting a wreck.
Somobody broke into the Dun
ham garago last night and took a
rim, tiro, two Innor tubes, a Jack, air
gauge, two wrenches und other tools
and accessories belonging to Mr.
Winnek'a Studebaker car. Tho own
er hopes to catch the thief ao'oner or
later through Identification mark.
stamped on the t,ools, and when bo
doea there It going to be, a reckon
during tliv IU-ni!illoui nutlo:inl cuuve
County Clerk C. R. De Lap has re
ceived from George A. White; adju
tant, general of Oregon, a list of
Klamaih county men who died or
wiire killed In service during tho
great war. Thu list Is compiled from
the offlciul records. It Is published
In order that any omissions that
may lie discovered may be corrected.
One namo known to Mr Do Lap,
decs not appear on the Hit, that of
Louis K. Tulle, son nt Henry F Tolle
of Merrill, who died in camp. If any
reader discovers other omissions
elthlr thu county clerk's office
should bo Informed, or the Informa
tion sent directly to the adjutant
Following It the list submitted by
Mr. White:
Hoggs, James II., private infantry,
Lorella; killed In action. July 19,
Cornish. Van A'., private infantry.
Klamath. Falls, killed in action, July
18, 1918.
Gilbert. Everett, private coast ar
littery corps. KUaaath Falls, died of
pneumonia and maaales; October-31,
1918. .
Hamilton, Albert E.. private lafaa-
try, Klamath Folia, died or pneu
monia, October . 1911.
Jones. Albert: W., sergeant medlcaU
department, died of pneumonia. No
vember p, mi,
Lelnee CoaraA., private infaatrr,,
Klamath Faltor killed Inaction. Oc
tober 4. 1918.
ranagoe, Nicholas W private In
fantry. Klamath Valla, died of
wounds received In action, October
1. 1918.
I'arazoo, James E private Infan
try, Cbiloquln, died of pneumonia.
October 17, 1918.
arriiu, uee u., pritilc wagon
company, .Merrill, died of pneumonia,
October 11, 1918.
incrs. uay j., corporal aero
squadron. Klamath'' Fulls, killed In
un ulrplano accident, Septomber 15,
iceaiieid, Don Clifford, privuto
scliool training detachment, Klaniutli
Fulls, died of pnoumonla, October 25,
Towor,- Raymond I prlvato spruce
squaaron, Kiamnth Fulls, died of
pnoumonla, Octobor 26, 1918a
Tucker. Frank E prlvato Infan
try, Klumath Falls, died of wound,
recolved in action, November 25,
Turner. John L., private' Infantry;
Klamath Falls, died of pneumonia,
October 19, 1918.
Weeks,- Cecil O., private casual de
tachment spruce production, Klam
ath Falls,. died of pneussoaia, Octo
ber 26, 1118.
In hit WtUr.t Cetr Clerk De
Lap, Mr. White asylav past:
U. . hpruul, governor of I'rniuyl
vanin, Mho Is favored by Heaiator
Holm IVnrow of the num state m
miuhiI clmlcr for the IVpubUran
prenldrntla! nomination
Guvrrnor of tho Sunflower stair, who
la and out of Kaasa, ia roncrdrd to
have pcMMibllltlrH in the
This list, covering the army and
marine corps only, was made up by
this office from red casualty card,
turnl.hed the state of Oregon by the
war department.
It. Is possible that there may be an
addition or two because of oversight
on the part of the federal govern
ment, although, aa the records now
stand, the attached list Is a complete
one-covering Klamath county, (ex-
ceptfor losses in the nVry.)
It ls,requeated that, if there are any
omissions or If any of the data con
tained hereon is Inaccurate that the
relatives Inform this office. To this
end It Is desirable, if you wish to do
so, that the list bo given to your local
papers for publication.
I might add that it there ia any
Information which you or the rela
tives of the men who died desire
other than that contained hereon, I
will be very glad to give you a com
plete statement in the case of any
man from the records furnished us
by the federal government.
The Oldsmobilo owned by W. Tom-
pier and taken from the street In
front of his resldenco Monday night,
was ound yesterday, abandoned by
the roadside near the KlamatD
agency. The person, who took tho
car ran It until they exhausted the
gasoline supply. They tried to get
gasoline but failed and left the car
by tho roadside. Tho man frond
whom they attempted to buy gaso
line haa furnished Sheriff Humphrey
with a description and he expects to
pick up the men.
On the night the car wu stolen.
the batgthoaae wu entered and aoaie
cigars aad'oaady taktn. Best e the
cigars were foand la the machine.
M Hr1L,3gggf
g iamL jJamg'
CHICAGO, June 10. The
league of nations plank drafted
by Ellhu Root was accepted aa
a basis for compromise today by
Irreconciliables on the resolu-
tlons sub-committee. The plank.
which upholds the senate posl-
tlon and does not declare in spe-
clfic terms for the ratlclfatlon
of the treaty, was also agreeable
to representatives of the mild
reservation group on the com-
It was said by some that 'the
possibilities cf breaking upon
the treaty question on the floor
of the convention bad not en-
tlrely passed.
CHICAGO. June 10. As the plat
form makers of the Republican 'na
tional convention this
morning, they de.crlbcd . prospects,
for an agreement as "pretty bad."
Irreconciliables on the League of Na
tions Issue continued their Utreat to
leave the party if the platform af
firmed It In any way. ,
Bar. Dry; I1V
There also' was" a plank asking for
the prompt ratification of the woman
suffrage amendment, but ''the" sub
committee voted against the iaeta
lon of any direct reference' t prohi
bition i- f r
- j, .
Tho tentative, -,'forelgiil
plank under consideration
sub-committee provided in part:
"We approve the action of the Re
publican senate with respect to the
proposed treaty of peace1' with the
covenant of the League of Nations.
We declare our opposition to the)
treaty and the League of Nations as
published by the President and ap
prove the action of tho Republican,
senate In resisting ratification with
out safeguarding reservations. ,
"We favor tho ratification of the
treaty of peace with the League cf,
Nations with reservations which are
In accord with the American prloel-"
pies which protects the liberty and
Independence of the people of the?
United States and which In no cose
shsll be less 'effective in these re
spects that the reservations propos
ed and adopted by 'the Republicans
of the senate."
The conference of leaders began
this morning, long before 9 o'clock,
when the full resolution committee
was to assemble. The treaty tight
revolved around three proposals, the
Johnton-Dorah demands for a flat
declaration against the treaty: the
Crane plank .for ratification with res
ervations and Senator Smoot's pro
posed compromise approving the Ite
publlcan senators both for resisting
ratification without reservations and
for seeking ratifications with them.
The text of the 8moot plank fol
lews: "We approve the action of tho
Republican senate in resisting rati
fication without safeguarding reser
vation and in seeking ratalflcatloa
with reservations in accord with
American principles which protect
the liberty and Independence of the,,
people of tho United States."
Dr. W. O. Bell, assistant in charge
of rodent and coyote work over the
westorn stutos, with headquarters at
Washington, D. C, accompanied by
Ira N. Gabrlelson, who has charge ot
the rodent work In . Oregon, and
Stanley G. Jewltt, in charge of pred
atory animal work In this state, were
In the county yesterday and called
at the county agent's' office to confer
on tho squirrel campaign which the
farm bureau has been carrying on.
They found matters In general In
very good shape but there are a few
places which they uy must be clean
ed up at once. The mere fact that a
man has. poisoned his field does not
excuse, him. it In .numbers
ar still to be found;' Ths party left
today for Laksvlew where they will .,
meet the county agent and !sk tm& f
conditions in that county. ; ' l