The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 07, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    rum mm
T, H
The Evening Herald
City HHor
Mtohid dally, except Sunday, by
Herald Publishing company 01
l.t. rails, Bl lia rourm oiiwi. at tba postofflce at Ktam
k rails, Ore., tor trammlsalon thru
talla aa second-class matter.
Sturges tires
Ford, Maxwells and
30x3 .
30x3 Vu.
'Vabaeriptlon trma by mall to any
Uresa In tbe United States:
.. ie An
m year ..-..-. .. .Hi
jbw montn -
Veaiber of the Associated Irriw.
T'ie Associated Press Is exclusively
antiiifxi to the um (or republication
f all newt dispatches credited to It
-r act otherwise credited in mi
r, and alio local newt puoiisnea
All right, of republication or .pe-
dlspstcne. herein ara .no re-
Not a Tire Sole' but a
Klamath Rubber &
Leather Company
Klamath Fall, Ore.
cn,ifke'n, she put lo roost In
the bathroom ot her apartment. Hha
was too t'xc,U"rt to heed the- advlou of
the Indlhu woman who sold the fowls
that ahe ahoutd buy ducks.
The result ot Investigation of
It. 8 Duncan, lulerstato Iniluitrlnl
secretary of the Y M C A , In regard
to the establishment ot n Y M. C. A
center In Klamath Full and cxten- mmt 0 u, MwrWnn ll0rilrr n ,ht.
Tho spectacle of a city ot 1,000,000
Inbnbllanla absolutely cut off from
commnnlcntlon with the world for
almost nlno da), was not Iho least
luturvalltiK pho of the evacuation
by Cnrrnnxa. Both cable aud tcln
graphic riuninuulcatlon ceased about
9 p, m oil Mny . I'lttll May IK the
cable lines weru tueK-ss. An unre
liable line was let up by the govern-
slons throuRhout the mills nnd ramps
afti-ruuon at Mny 8, hut It wan (lo
ot the county, will In) laid before the rfUd ,,,,, , ,lltry ami out
lluslntss Men's association nt a spo- w ,lU. M, No,n,,K WM r,.Celt.
clul meeting t tho White 1'ellcnn . , ,h . .,,,., u,lrlll ,.,., ,,.
ulili' lines wore restored.
Because ot numerous rolnys
hotel this ew'Ulng nt 6 30 o'clock I
Mr Duncan lias been canvassing the
situation for several weeks and has
the matter very thoroughl) In hand
other wlro troubles, those
mersiiKes from tho tupltal could not
As interstato secretary of tho In- ,linr ,hlr mi.nBW .-,,,, ,helr
uunnai . n. u. a work u. uregon ,,.... Ti,0 .., conditions
nnn ne nan seen tne practical ou,,u,,u man tr u, throughout
working out if the plan that It Is ,, ,,, of , rc,u,m,c dUnl
I proponed to work under here In ;from ,, i,ordor .uul the coast
uu...Vv. u, c.....i...i..iura rorelRn press cot respondent filed
ill.' i.tta mc qui)'Ull 111 lllliuvilliai
local lumber concerns and the pro
pects for the organisation of I) local .
Industrial Y M C A. ure brlnht. All
members tf the Business Men's ano-
storUs on the national line. trusting
to luck that part ot them might seo
print As safecutrd they left sum
maries with tho military nuthorltl
fnr nniitflili IninHliilHAlfin liv t?virn
elation are urged to be pre-ent thls'mvnt H,rell.Mi u.,, other summaries
H. Merton & Co.
(B. A. Neuman, Resident Mgr.)
Announce the entrance of the
Auburn Beauty Six
Into Klamath County. Price $2,400
Cord tire equipment and spare
MONDAY, JUNK 7. 1090
I an ntifnoMrnonl firt t1Baifl llT FAfl I nn-.A l t..b-.. u lit i. .(
,.uc ..... '",,'., ""'"," "' u"m1' "'" "a', ' DAIHY IXH'IM.K UKDIIKI)
BUENOS aikbs. way j. t uy -tress were neia con.uiuiis.B-i -i, women o. various orRnnllatlons of At the homo of I. Wotehr-nbacher
Mall). Although the Bgreement on by the supreme court. Tbe court ills-1 the city and all somen IntereMed on ... u-..i.. .... ..! i r..i.i-..n
4he part ' tne. "r''hnor"nml n'"od IP;,,'" ' 0r , "'l ',"ribV"b,Kt of un ,ndu,rl-1 Y- Incharso of IorrIok operation, atf
to pay off the $50 000.000 cwed by j, ions, a mlng at baring federal off -C. A. .)ftl K nnd E( ,, hwx
Argentina to United Statea bankers, dais enjoined from enforcing prohlbl-i Cojunbrr of CommeirtN AIo .untpd In marWe ut 6 If. o'clock I
with the cable company and still
other with travelers leaving In .nt-
- j Will Adilron Women
WASHINGTON. June ..-i.otn tne M 2 30 o'clock tomorrow aftl-r-' ,,.. , r,.nCh ,hp llor(I(.r
fnHoral nrohlbltloti amenumenLs and nnnn nt . rfitunUs nt n ...u i
the enforcement act passed by con-r0oms, Mr. Duncan will speak to.'
gress were held constitutional touay, women of various orRnnllatlons of
On display at the
Dealers in Oils, Tires and Accessories
Third and Main Streets
Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock
Mr. Duncan arltl ntttlr.. Ihn .....,ln -
.... .. .,. .UK Ijiw rence,
ot tn playgrounds advocates at the
jHiyable May IS, baa been balhd here
aa "an act of friendship." official
publicity baa not, yet been given to
tk understanding in banking circle
that the agreement was only a con
ditional part of an Ingenious nnnn-tloe Wblto renaereu a Buppiemcuiai w H Mason, secretary of the bu
clal arrangeraeni wnicn cnaoiea. opinion concurrioK. uui boihr murr rrsu oi tne cnamber of commerce
tlon In several states
Associate Justice Vandevanter ren
dered the opinion. The court's opln
Ion I
the cou
(Saturday evening by the Her K
s very short, setting forth only .chamber of commerce rooms on fifth ' OKTLAND June
court's conclusion. Chief Jus-' .ireet. This meeting Is called bv .,,,,. nn.l nn-hane-.l
TUB DALLE8. Ore., June 7 The
new Wasco county bank opened lis sons
doors for business Thursday morning i
dent of fUlftn for more than t&
years, died heno Tueidny night. Ho
was 71 years of age Mr. Illever Is
survived by thre daughters and two
SAI.r.M, Ore. June
I .rj, . , , . i . . "..-, . ....r.. u. .tjnjjr an, nn-hanRed; nogs, rirmer
prime mixed 115 anil flC.&O; sheep.llilnver. civil war veteran and n rel
Great Britain to pay her own nun- fully Into the Issues invlved Justice that has charge of social. eduM.!oual'ldanr(
urea minion oouar aeoi 10 rtrgrunua ciirjouiui, wk uui uituuu, anu nric uevviopment. lor tnj pur- '
without .stndlng t this conntry a said he confined his conclusions to p0t of bilngitig before the pjlillc voTIt'K OK FINAL SinTl.KMi:.Tl
a ncl.. cent.' Itne laci mai ll IS imixmaiuie iu mjibi. matter cf niih ih tir ,mnmur
Printing, Stationery and offlra
Mcboliu ,u,,ns riouiwr Printing and Hla
tlonery company 128 Main Bt Mf
Not only Is this $50,000,000 to be
credited by Argentina against Great
Britain's obligation, but tho remain--tag
$50,000,000 after being renewed,
la to be gradually extinguished
"through an arrangement whereby
Great Britain for a certain period
I BVaa t.-t-u ... . Ik. .. I
-h.. mn.trnr.lnn ahntlM be clren n1. ,-. -w. ,..... .. I IWUIV II Brer l i -
. v- . - ,..,.uuu. ,u. luimiru, jurc.ia ir, derslgncd administrator or tne estate
the amendment. cquplmcnt and retaining a director of LUile May Bchallock, deceased.
"A multitude of questions will jn the evening at 8 o'clock at the' nW filed In tho County Court of the
arise." he ..Id. "and 1 prefer to re- chamber of commerce room, the an- Thrtlnal .Vun of h..''-
main free when they arise.'
nual meeting of the Klamath county tlpn of said estate, and that said
Justice McKenna, In still another chamber of commercn win h. h. i.i Court ha. fixed June. 21. 1920. at
opinion .aid: "The court declares Its I This i. tho first annual meeting af 'iO o'clock P- " as the tlnsa and
pay. In London the interesf on thejconcluslcn only without giving tbe ,he reorganized chamber. Mr. bun-ipuca In thil City "of Klamath "alls
-principal part of Argentina", external reasons for tbem. 1 must at least , can will lay the results of his lntl- (Oregon, for the hearing of said final
-debt, bankers hare learned. excuse. If I cannot justify my dls-
Thus far the Argentine govern- sent."
aoent, which was unable to get a re-j Validity of the prohibition amend
aewal of the loan in the United ment and portions ot tbe enforcement
States, ha. made public only4he fact act was Involved In seven separate
that Great Britain has agreed to take proceedings before the supreme
can? of the obligation in behalf of court. Two ot these were original
Argentina and La Kpoca, the govern- suits brought by Jthode Island and
nent organ ha. praised the transac- New Jersey as sovereign states to
tlon as an evidence of Great TlrlUin'a- enjoin erfforcement In their Juris
friendship to Argentina and of. great dictions upon the grounds that both
promise for the future relation, of enactments were unconstitutional
i the two countries. The othr cases, wcre direct appeals
Banker, say there is no doubt but from tower court decrees,
that the payment by Great Britain cf Steps to Institute tho suit, were
Argentina's debt has greatly Increas- taken Immediately utter the amend
ed tbe prestige of tbe British In this ment became effective on January
country and ha. been corresponding- 16 nnd on motion of counsel their
jy detrimental to that of the United consideration was expedited.
itates but call attention to tho fact!
that the transaction Is not without Jersey BUlt. tho validity of the eigh
Its advantage
"I regret
'Argentine banker to the Associated even if the amendment were valid,
Tress correspondent, "but I fear tbe the enforcement act v,a. unconitltu
fallure of the American banker, to tlonal because It bad not been con
renew our loan and tbe fact that currcd In by New Jersey under provl
Great Britain has stepped Into the slon. of the amendment giving the
breach and paid It, mean a loss of federal and state governments con
economic good will toward tbe United current power to enforoe prohibition.
States. While the complete transac- New Jersey also contended that if
tlon Is a good business deal for Great the entire enforcement act were not
Britain, the fact stands out in public unconstitutional, the portion, ot It
opinion that the British did what the limiting tbe alcoholic content of ber
Americans wonld not. We in flnan-.erage to less than one-halt of one
clal circles understand that money is per cent and relating to tbe dispens-
badly needed for domestic purposes ing of liquors lor medicinal purposes
gallons before this meeting, also.
and (:r the
Administrator of tho Kstate ot
Llzzto May Schallock, doceased.
May la-SS-1-8-15
XOTICr: OK guaiidiayh rum
'Notice Is hreby given ll.nt In nc-ordano-
with the order of sale of the
County- Courtof Klamnth Cdunty,
Oregon, tho uuderslgned Henry It.
Janssnn as guardian of tho person
........ .. ......... ....... I-...-....
unii trnmiu in ivuiii ,wimu .niuani-,.
Insane, will on or after Saturdiy.
Juno 12, 1920, sell for rash, at pri
vate sale, all Interest of suld wi.rd
In tho allowing described real prop
erty; all blds'should be mailed to Dm
undersigned, to I1 O Box 82, Klam
ath Fulls, Oregon, or presented to
him In person at his reslilcncu In
said city.
I,''onu Anna Janssen s Interest in
.(AkMtrlatei! I'.tw)
MEXICO CITY. 'May 21. (By
Mail). Tho revolution which over
threw President Carrunzu and cut-
mlnnfpil In lilx death wan attended by
In both the Rhodo Island and Now ,n,ere,tnK 0r exciting episodes the cstatH In cntlrty with Henry It.
u ri.alla !.. .1II.IJ A tin hFiL Fna.. fa Ikr. Iflif I ai.iIh . dli.aTJhavlt.swl
rcy m. m vuiiuur "i i - hlrh rnnlil no. ho renortcd to tho ' . '". ""'""' "V."""iV
e to Great Britain also, teenth amendment was attacked, but I " ,,. . .. ,: pnll u. , ro. jen-acre iroci. siiuuico in itiainnin
. , . .. .. , , ,, ... 'outside while tho coup was in pro- county, Oregon Commencing at tho
It very much." said one tho New Jersey case also alleged that Some ot tho discoveries which northwest corner of tho southwest
hato followed the Installation of now 'luanor o ino noruiwe.i quarter oi
... .. . .L ...... i . section flvo, township 39 south,
authority In tho capital city, too, have rang(J 9 ca,t of ,ho Wlamctw Merl-
bcen' .entertaining. dlan; thence south on section lino C
Notable was that rcvealc'd by adChalns; thenco east, at right angles,
,,, i,i.i r.t ihn ir.nmir i!. " north line of tract deeded to C. C.
interim officials of tbo treasury do- Uw(h bjf c ,eon LewJj and wfo
partment who announced they bad iCj66 Chnlns; thenco north 0 chains,
found evidence of n fraud which had to south line of northwest qunrtnr of
netted somebody an amount estlmnt- northwest quarter of said sectien:
. . . . Ann .. Tkn thenco west 16.6C chains to placo of
ed at about 1.000,000 pesos. The ,K,nnlnK excepting a square rod at
papers here say that, when the Infol- northwest corner of said tract, but
ciflcables (paper money with which Including a right of way over a strip
the country was flooded, dur.njr.ho onrowide totheountyadthe
last previous revolution) were burn- identical with tbo south lines of said
cd, about one-quarter it lh amount northwest quarter of the 'northwest
officially reported to bavo been do- 'ua';t(,r.and 'otI?r aA ""n. '
. . i . . .1A..01.. .,,i right of O. A. Illlllnrd and heir, and
stroyed bad been previously extract- MllBn8 , Inn,ntaln KnteSi
ed and sold at the current rate of 10 Also tho following described tract:
centavos on tho peso. The Carranza Tho Interest of said ward holng
government had been the old --X f .nchoau, dower rigl.t a.
paper money In as n sort of suportux t(il described as follews: Beginning
on import dutlci and other tuxes, ut the southeast corner of lot 4 in
Later It wua suppescd'to bo burned ocV- 31. LInkvlllo flat, City of
itmujuiii j-mm, uiuftuu, itiiu iuiiiiiiik
thenco northerly, on tho eastern lines
r . .". - . u'h la ni .iiunriinra nrriirrp.i in I ii.
United States wr.s a
In tbe United States. Nevertheless,
Britain and America are represented
as waging a commercial contest for
were invalid.
The cases reaching the court on
nppeaU were thoso of the Kentucky
trade in. Argentina. The economic .Distilleries and Warehouse company;
effect of the transaction In favor of j Christian Felgenspen, a Newark, N.
British prestjgo Is obvious." J., brewer, the St. Louis Brewing o-
A. told In local Lanklng circles, tho sociation and George C. Dempsey, a
best terms that Finance Minister, wholesale liquor dealer of 'Boston,
Salabcrry (ould get from the Amer-,lub3" wl' lo3t Injunction proceed-
... l.n..,.An .. .,.. ... ., . .L llniia In .tin I...l'nw ...v. tY V. .. n. 1. .. h I
it.... iiniini'i. ii iimi .liii iri!iTn.nniii...a ... ...u iu.c;i lijuil. .11.! ii.ii.ti. . . .. -- -. .
... .. . .. ........ vk... .......... .u .. - ..... --. ... . .. 1lIm.,ln.B H..II..A1. In lli.i . ... . . m ... .... ..... .....
. wi.iii. mi ii mil i lie i n utLiiiiGii in inn n t in.n a unii i. i i urii.i .'in
......., ... tQC lint .i .l.n nm.M. (inu .... "' M..1, . (,. RM.I, M.Wn, .MV
.w........ w. ,w ' ' -..."-.-.
auo.uuw.uuu lor live jenrs ut 7 per
,contr the, bankers asking cielhory of
tbe new bonds at 92 which would
have been equivalent to an Interest
of 9 per cent. The maturing loan
was at C per cent.
Turning to the British government
through a prominent Anglo-Argentine
bank, tbe minister wa.'ablo to
get a loan of 150,000,000 at '6 per
' cent to pay off tbo Americans. This
he was able to do, It is pointed out,
accuse of conditions which able
Great Britain to pay her own obliga
tion to Argentina, a S100,000,000
"redlt for cereals on.favorablo terms.
, i 'Tfc1 government ot tbe City of
New York costs more to maintain
tbaa does that of be whole Japanese
by the government from a decision of
Federal Judgo Gclger enjoining fed
eral officials from interfering wl,h
the Manitowoc Products company, u
Wisconsin corporation, in the manu
facture of beer containing 2.5 per
cent alcohol.
In all the cases a general attack uu
the amendment was made on ground
Uhat it was revolutionary and consti
tuted legislation in tho guise of oi
constitutional amendment designed
to regulate the private habit, of In
dividuals; that It interfered with tbe
states' police power.; that it was In
valid because adopted by two-thirds
of tbo members of congress present
when tbe vote wa. takes and not by
two-thirds of tbo membership and
that tho amendment was not ratified
,capitul during tho ovucuatlon by the feet; thenco westerly, parallel with
Carranza government and the occupu- .-ft w.tK JeL
tlon by tho liberal revolutionary 30 tbfli; lh((ntu uC.gtCrIy, parallel
forces, nor did public services cease with Main street, 80 feat thence
functioning for an instant, tho in- northerly, at right angles with Main
habitants of the capital, were victims . , 'ZTatoL "ft
both of inconveniences and profiteers
Food prices increased and chunge,
which has been the lAigbear cf every
body since silver began its sensation
al rlso months ago, sold at a 15 per
cent premium. (. .
The Indian.' who .ell produco In
the markets demanded metal cur
rency 'and got It. Many foreigners,
fearing a protracted struggle anil a
food shortage, laid In ample supplies.
One American housewife bought 30
to provisions in many state constitu
tions roHulrlng'that amendments bo
south lino of said street, 4 feet;
thenco at right angles, southerly, 00
feet; thence westerly, parallel with
said street, 66 feet; thonce northerly,
at right angles, CO fact to sold stroet;
thence westerly, along the south linn
ot said street 21 3-5 feot; thence
southerly, at right angles with said
street, 89 H feet; thence easterly,
parallel with said street, 2 feet;
thence southerly, at right angles,
ICOtt feet to north lino of Klamath
street; thence easterly, along north
lino of said street 181 feet to the of beginning.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
May 10, 1920.
Guardian of Leona Anna Janssen.
Helped Build
Our Business
Do you think it's right to save
Swift & Company's business
has been built up partly by selling
capital stock for cash and partly
by thrifty saving, putting some of"
our earnings each year back into
the business to increase facilities
for production.
That is what most all of us seek
to do save part of pur earnings for
future usefulness. '
It is the way American indus
tries have been built up. It means
the least drain on the financial
resources of the country.
For the past twenty-lour years
Swift & Company has made an
average profit from all sources of
11.3 per cent on investment (capi
tal and surplus), and 2.3 conts on
each dollar of sales a fraction of
a cent per pound. Out of this we
have paid dividends and saved
something to help us keep pace
with a growing country.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
pi re.
by tbree-fourtbs ot the state, owln
submitted lo a referendum.