1t'?n.. FAGS riVR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON hatvrdav, tvm 5, iM V LIBERTY THEATRE Tm pick or thr nor u him ANII A IVKW ONH KVKHT DAY H. W. fOOIJA, Owner HARRY MOREL, Maalcal Director TONIGHT Magnetic Madlaine Traverse in "LOST MONEY" A story of mom-) Iih( unit heui-t found TOO LAT E TO ipLASSIFY WWWMVM)WWWWWWWWMWW O. B. H. NOTlCr! Notice In hereby given (bat fill v;at,thb ma itjsrjtosiatn i " L SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING We take great pleasure in showing Richard Harding Davis' Masterpiece, "SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE" Thin In not n wnr il(ttiri lint (he story of a dare-ileUI American iidlntT mill tiln adventure In (Vtitrul Aiiiit.cii II In chock (nil of loe, udvcuturf, hosiery. rii'iW, fcnrless riding, return Everything Unit goes to make n real picture, (UVriM'OttM SHOW HT'AKTIXfl AT ItiM I'. M. At n-ifiit'iti irli 10 unit 2.1 rent , Inching prlo'N in mill Jtt ii-nla MATINI.'i: KVKHV pay RRRRHSRHBasBSiaBiBBaaraBivaBMBaBaMaSRflSBHiiRR limtern Star members are requested ,,,.n(i to meet nt Masonic Hall, Kuoda-, lt i. Juno C, 11(20, at 2iU0 o'clock p. m .irrin The Macy-llalrd Comedian will present "The Call of the Wood" to. night and tomorrow night In tholr did water-proof Tent Theatre. an Intensely Interesting and llrMnr ttHtM.ltfiiti r9 ! ,unai1lan to attend tlin funeral of Ilrother (Jeo, k.iuZ..., . .. i. .. T lllllflwlfl ."'i .....un. m ,vt ,htw au., i, imiuwin, .,.. tw w thrilling situations and unlimited t.rrw H. ciiahtain, w. M. cpa) fonwfly throughout, together foii itrvrj .i....i.inv ,Mm nr7 wltn leclal "enery and effect, make im ' ,t'c,nK r(,on,S m It a moNt enjoyable evening' enter- ' "" lilntn,.nl T.I.W will InlnHM tif to his father. Don't miss "The Call of the Wood." On Monday and Tuesday nail, the beautiful New HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE Fariri Implements and 8 bead of herses: 6 work homes with harness. Alio traction engine una plow, CO h. p. Edgewood flancb, phone 11F11. Kabn. 4-tf WANTED A second hand soda fountain. Must he In good condl- r!.';,"'l.,nrbhn?nk "0,""n' W"r-.KngUnu play-Way VoZ East" will ren iitint nospitai, ,,, ,h -! w.ii, ihi. ,.. FOR SALE 2-room bouse and lot, corner of nth and Grant, ir.00 cash. Call at 606 Orant street. 1-C I bo the offering. Fl'RNIHIIKD IIOOM for one or two ""y' gi-ntli-im-n, 1730 Johnson Ave. Watch this space S 5 WANTED Engineer; alto turn down man for saw mill. Bee La FrcnliTi, Motel Hall, 5 PRIVATE OARAGE for High; phone 28KM. rent, 100.1 5- 0AfAmmi000tw0 The Rex Cafe Special Sunday Dinner $1.25 MKXIT Crak Fluke Cocktail KOIJP Chicken Gumbo, With Itlrn risii Itolli-il Bulninu. HollnniUUi- Sauce Htlw Olives (I'oni:ms Parlsletini') IIIXIHIIKK H I'lrkle HAI.AI Rnlsil (I Hi'iocin KNTItr.KJl Ouir-llalf Krt"1 Hprlug Chi kxn, Maryland or .Chicken h'rlcaNvv, Kkk I'umpllngs orChicken In 1'atlles, a la King VKUKTAIJI.KH New I'otatoiitjln Cream Hiring llran l.rnnsln PKHHKIITH Choice Amnrleil I'it-4 Vanllls or Straw brry Ice Cream Cufe Nolr FOR BALK 4-room modern bouse on payed street, nearly new, side walks and sewer In; prlco '2500, with $1000 cash. AI.HO 4 room huose fully furnished, two big lots, garage, chicken yard; only IZiHin: one half cash. I R. K. HMITII RBALTY CO. FOR RBNT Room for two working "" J""n plrc" lilPM lit f. I f. Ilnuintli Ala f. FOR BAIn fi-room modern house, FOR KAI.i: 1 llulck and ono 7-pas-1 J'lnnlered. full stone basement, fur enrer Htiidnhaker. Imtw.rlnl flnr. naeo heat, lot 60x187, lawn and .f niiiiuc ircvn. biiiuwoik iimj Fvncr 111, irlc $r0C0, with 11000 cash and Jefferson- .balance to bo arranged m ' age. ROOM phone TO RBNT 701 2 no J. &; AIH(I 4 7-room plastered and fully fur I have a nurchnspr for C in K nlshed, on paved street. In heart of room modern house close In. J. F business district, lot CCxl20 to alley, Magulre. 716 Main St. 5.8 K"l gsrogo with 160 gallon tank . and pump: will rent for 1100 per LOST 1 hav man, nen fif v.nr month ani? still retain two big rooms I! run iloil lozv S on left hmit.1er. Listed at the yvrr low prlco of two bars on right shoulder, white, T000; some terms. strip on nose. Notify A. I'ipell, Pel-1 . AI.80 Irun linv r..nl B-room modern house, fine lew 'and good location at $2400, with VANTKf 1 dozen Ialng hens and ''" rni,h anl balance monthly pay- rooster. Prefer Rhode Island menis. IteiU ('nil 21A Mnln Ht nhiiim iKKI I AUSO 5.g -room house at $1200, with $300 - ieh and balance monthly payments. Foil SAl.l-'ltnmn inn iin, I R. E. SMITH REALTY CO. It's a tnin at 14.000! half r.ih..M 517 Main St. 8 room plastered; also the most beiutlful lawn In town. The first .ATTENTION FORD OWNERS Our man to deposit $600 In the First Na-1 ..- 4,t h Rtmti on gnnday tie frnm ? In 10 a. m. and from 4 nntll tlnnnl bank to L. I), buyer. Limited to Parks. Parks days, Is L. I). 6-9 FOR SA1.K Well bred Durham Hull, eighteen months old, weight about eleven hun dred. R. E. (Iraham, P. O. P,ox 273, or;Jelehone on Ft. Klamath line. 6-9 8 p. m. No shop work done. Patty Motor Co. Dnnner 3-8 CAFK EMPLOYES ARE MARRIED WANTIJD Position to care for children or housekeeping, Call 240M. & IILOCKS FOR SALE, delherod. Phone Cuthrle. At a quiet wedding at the home of I the Her. E. P. Lawrence Thursday evening Mist Alma Brookfleld, I cashier of the Jewel cafe, became the brldu of Jack Noulton. also employed In the cafe. Doth will continue In ' the employ of the Jewel where they 483M j N "re hl,th,, eml "X th managers &.jg onu oiner employees. - - - - fc- -- ........ - ---rrB- -innrirn'inri.ruvi.rurLru'LfxrLrLAnjlJu . 1.1 Jl-it - - X L.- ciiimxjiix m:vk llowmnii Uros are ititCiik a tnrra' bakery In the rear of their store hern. Clilloitilnmaile bread urn! pattery will sonn li avulluble. J. M. Onlilthwalto. head of larg IokkIiir Interents around Clillu'iuin, returned from Portland Thurluy night uiiil went to tint ramp. The Rev. 13. P (.insronce of Klr.ni uth Falls mih n v.lsltor here Thurs day. .Jon Hull Is ercctltiR a.hillillnK for li moving picture theater. Mrs. Clirford Tnylor of lOskland, who wnit formerly Dorothy Veoks; is spendliiK a fe'(cot( with .Mr, mid Mrs. J no Hall hero ' O- -O CALIFORNIA NEWS (I o RENO. Juno 3 William Levy. for 3S ari one of the prominent business men of NuMiilu, died Tues day nftuiiionn nt the age of C2 crs fro. n iarul)sls. ' WOODLAND. June 3. C R. O' Donnell. 'farmer was Killed ami II. Wntiilnt, wullborer, fatally hurt n rutult nl tieltiK run down by u freight i I train Tuemliiy nfternoon while Wat kliii was attemtitlnK to drive his automobile over nycroslnK at Tun (creil, twent mllea west of Wood- Jiind. Some Good Dance Records i! MR. AUTOMOBILE OWNER I Tiri, I'oa Trot On liesn.a On the htit-tN of nln 4lnln".tru T 'hromntp, Kiit Trot Xylophoni' Holo i Hlop Time X) liiplionc Put lie OOC Put be o5C Star Theatre 00000000&000 llirJIIKST HTAXDARD PRODUCTIOXH TKltVlIXKiini M PATRICK, Pnoi8. TODAY AN.D SUNDAY f (The Atiieilc.in Iltviuty) Kathcrine MacDonald in "THE TURNING POINT" Wc lunc nn AutoKriiplicil Photo for the 1-iiIIch Owing to a mistake in shipment Marguerite Clark in "A WIDOW BY PROXY" did not arrive and she will be shown Monday TWO MATINKKS Sl'XIUYj l:UO :i::iO P. M. M.Vri.NKK KVBRV DAY afcata A.. AAA,l.XafcsaisasSssSasf-A------ -----"--"------- -a--a--LAJ.-a -j.j--.a -----j.-a--.-a---A a T lino Slur, l'u Trot Onln'.lrn ( I DiMit Dhiiiiih, 1'ov Tint N'OM-lt) Ok best nt Okeli P 1 UtF llinninlik ODC Kiiiet'hon OC PiiIiIiin, I'iix'iiiI Nmellj (ttilioMi'ii Kniinee, One Htep Nnu'llj Oriliestni A (.'mill Mini Is Himl To Kind, Fox Tint 'IjiiikIiIi'K IIIui", Fox Trot NEW ItECORDH AllllIVINO IX I.1MITKD (JUAXTIHEH Square Deal Drug Store SAFETY SERVICE SATISFACTION During this ; GASOLINE SHORTAGE . is the time to have your Storage Battery taken care of. Constant use of your Battery to start the motor using low grade oil soon absorbs its charge. Let us put your Battery in first class condition. $ Prompt Service Our Motto Batteries Called for and Delivered $ The Electric Shop CHAS.D.GARCELON 123 S. 6th St Phone 127 Philadelphia Diamond Grid Storage Battery Service Station Electric Wiring, Supplies, Motors and Appliances St Ml FOR SALE New modern four large room house. Inquire 403 Michi gan Ave. 1-C FOR HALE OR TRADE Sblpplngton property, on pave ment, 2 lots 60x204, with one nine room bouse aad two 2-room housea. Rents year round. Fine rental prop erty or will make excellent borne. Phone 45CW. 2-C ALSO 2 lots C0il20, on pavement, planted to potatoes; fine building site. Potatoes will pay price of lota this year. If you are an Investor or a home seeker It will pay jou to look this property over; terms. Phone 4GCW. 2-5 FOR HALE OR TRADE Lots 393, 391 and 39S, block 112, Mills Addition. Will trade for equity In Fresno, Calif., Improved or unim proved; Address J. M. Platts, 1125 T St., Fresno, Calif. ' 25-tf LOTS A few good lots In Hot Sptngs addition. A few left on Shipping- ton pavement but going fast. Lota of Iota between the depot and Mills addition. Prices right, terms 10 per cent cash, bal. 36 payments. Phone W. M. Montellus, 1303 Main M. 1-tf FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE One 12x14 teit, T. A G. floor, drop siding, 7-!t. wall. Oood location. Coll Bottling Works, between 8 a. m. and 5 p. ro. 4-C TEXT HOCHFJ4 I will furnlsb all material and build ypu a tent bouse 10x12 with 7-ft. walls boarded up- 4 ft., matched floor and screen door, all complete ready to occupy for 895, Any other desired size, one or two rooms at a proportionate price. Order one to day and move In tomorrow. Address Inquiries to "Carpenter" care Even ing Herald. 4-11 We have Just received a full line of Aulta typewriter and pencil car bons; different sizes and colors but only one grade the best. Also Peau de Bole SILK typewriter ribbons for the various machines; last twice as long as the ordinary kind. Pioneer Printing and Stationery Company. 126 Main St.. telephone 22W. 3-5 Steel tanks and blow pipe made at 1023 Main St. 4-tf 4 HORSES WANTED for sklddlsg logs; good wages, Cal Hall Bros. Langcll Valley. 3-S WANTED 2 good live, newsboys at the Herald office. 2-tt, WANTED Orocery salesman, erts t Whltmore, Rob-2-tt YOUNO LADY, experienced stenog rapher, desires position la Klam ath Fallx, Reference If desired. Address II. M. W. Herald oflM. WANTED Position as stationery engineer In saw mill or lumber camp. C. W. Williams. Klamath Rooming house, Cth and Klamath. 28-5' POSITION WANTED fly thorough lumberman as general superinten dent or superintendent of yard aad shipping. Am .thorough Inspector of all grades of lumber. Open for Jaly 1st. Address White Pine, Herald of fice, city. 2-10 WANTED A middle aged lady wishes a position as cook ofl a rancb. Enquire Con Curtln ranch Merrill route. 1-5 WANTED All .kinds of scrap iron, old bones? rags, rubber and all kinds of metals.. Max Weiss, 6th St.,- near Ewaunn Rex Factory. 2 4-tf WANTED Man to drive ranch. Phone 253-J. team oa 17-tf YOUR WEEKLY CHECK Llmlteif only by ability and time devoted to selling our trees. Complete linn all varieties backing you. Write for terms. Start immediately. SALEM NUR8ERY COMPAS'Y. 427 Oregon Bids;., Salem, Oregon. 3 1-7 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RHEUMATISM try the Hat Springs Mineral Baths at Daa Turner's ranch, Langcll Valley. Ml" CITY GARBAOE When you garbage removed call 6 2 J. want Printing, Stationery aad oftlea supplies. Pioneer Printing and Ma tionery coaspaay. 136 Mala, St. t-t PHONE PEYTON for wnaeT 1ST. FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR KENT Pasture for 4000 head of sneea. Edgewood Stock Ranch. Water and; feed in abuadaace. Head of Swan Lake Valley. See Rafaa phone llFll 1 -u FOR SALE Reed team of young mules well matched and broke. C. C. Ferris, Bonanza. 2-5 FOR SALE Lute model Ha)nc five-passenger "Six; excellent conditien: been driven very little and had fine care. Can hardly 'be told from new car. Will carry tho whole family if not more than ten. Would consider smalelr car in trade. Phone 4G6W. 2-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooas, one or two awatlemcn. 728 Sec ond St. l-' MADAME IOINA FOR SALE MoW boal on Upier lake or will trade. for auto. Ad dress's Herald office. 1-7 FOR SALE or trade, three work herses: Enquire 917 Pine St. 1-5 FOR 8ALE 24 ton truck, Al con dition. O. K. Blacksmith shop. Sixth St. JS-U FOR SALE TEXTS TEXTS-TE.NTS U. S. Government tents. Canvass leather bolting, one blacksmith out fit, two spark nrrenlorH, one rout- pleto lighting systom. Max WeUs, Cth St., near l.'wnuna Hoi Factory. 24-tf Special Sale on groceries .. and flour. Spot Cash Basket Grocery. 17 LOST AND FOUND LOST Wutch fob, black ribbon, three gold Ls connected; stone in cache. $25 reward. Leave at Her ald offlce. L. L. L. 4-9 LOST Ono brown home, four years old; branded II on left stifle, lie- ward for information. C. L. Holll- day. 4-C LOST On Conger avenue, largo knob from a brass bed. Reward will be paid for its return to tho City Trnnsfor Co., 615 Main St. 3-tf iOST About two weeks ago. be tween Main and North Twelveth. pair large spectacles. Finder please call Number 16 Loomls building. , I'lione 44. 2-s KNOW YOUR KUTIJBB CONSULT OREGOX'S BEST World's greatest Clairvoyant aad "almlBt. Phrenologist and Medium. Horn with double veil. Reads your entire life, past, pres nt and future; advises on business "peculations, lovers' quarrels; re unites tbe soparated; when aad whom 'you will niarry; how to wla the one you love and also overcome ill enemies; gives aecrets how to coa trcl or Influence any one you love or meet. Tells' full names of any one, you care to know. Her advice has saved nd made thousands. Why not you? As a seer and Interpreter of hlddon treasures she has no equal. Sco her at once, this God-given, gifted lady. All buslacss confidential. Dally readings, including Sunday. Houta 10 a. m. to S p. in. Perrau-1 nently located I. O. O. F. building,, 434 Main St., Klamath Falls. Ore. 20-10" WANTED WANTED Woman wants work aa cook on rancb, with good wages. Inquire 705 Main St. 4-5 O Q WANTED By responsible client to rent a house of 6 of 8 rooms close in; furnished or unfurnished. J. F. Magulre, 715 Main St. & 3-5 TEXAS COLLEGE HAS PRACTICAL COURSE 'AUSTIN, Texus. Jane 5. Young women students In the homo oco-nomlcs-dopurtment'nt tbe University of Texas ure leurning bow to cut thai cot of foeilluB a family. At the be- ginning tho prime thing Is to got s meal, but toward the finish of tho count 0 tho young woman has also to' turn out the tlntshud product cheap. Tho university expects its young experts to cut about half off tho cost of a lunch by switching deserts and leaving off biscuits. Hero Is a sam ple of Its betoro and after college menus: For 45 cents a pljito for four per per eons: Salmon croquettes, mashod potatoes, iced tea, tomato sulad, bU cult, strawberrlos and Ice cream. Fpr 24 cents a plate for four per sons (toward the end of tho course) creamed tuna fish on toast, French fried potatoes, apple and celery nai ad, hot tea, lemon pie. Toriy" AJax,tbe California middle weight wrestler, has been mafcl8g a', flna'ahcwlng In nla recent boats 'n the East. His win over John Kilonls at Boston-was a clever bit of gra, p'"- ! Hi . r.,4! For Your Chickens CHICK FEED, GROWING MASH BONE FATTENING MASH, ALFALFA I WHOLE AND CRACKED CORN 1' K Murphey Feed & Seed Store ". A ". 2