7H '' $&fo jtewts j MVM9AT, JVJIB a, It THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PMITW "0"fr"H"fr iff I b H IT Pi w B SB Jh.BBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBVSaBBBnPS" r 4 ZSBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaanaBEU THE CHANCE IHEVEEESEEflEflESKKlKSKflE4ElESKflE4EflHEflEflKflE4EflESESEflEVEVH That the Business Man and the Professional Man of Klamath Falls and County should not miss Get your tract of ground for your summer home and outing place to spend your vacation for yourself and family on the beautiful "streams- Spring Creek and Williamson River. It is but a two-hour drive from Klamath Falls, and there is not a man who would spend his time more pleasantly than to have his family there for the summer months and he joining them as often during the week as he could, and always spending the week-end with them with out interference with his business. Gentlemen, your families, I feel sure, could find no pleasanter place than this one perfect spot. I cannot drive this point home one-half as strongly as I would like to, I can see it and feel it as the fact's are. and I admit the people cannot see it at this time as I do. There is but a small bit of this place and I feel that you should have it. Yoiuwill certainly realize it in the very near future arid if you do not take advantage of this offer now, it is possible that you will never again have the opportunity to be the owners and con trollers of the most desirable place that Klamath County has, and one of the most beautiful spots in the world. There is but one Spring Creek. I know if any other people in ine United Stat had a stream and country surrounding it as beautiful as this, it would be priceless, and could not be pur chased at any- price. At least I am sure they would not allow it to be controlled by outsiders to their exclusion, which is a possibility. I have fought it and have held this property intact for the past 10 years notwithstanding all offers to sell as a whole,, and at a .handsome price, were refused. These are the advantages you will have if you are the owner of your own place. When the summer' colony is sufficiently large enough to justify, we can have cheap water-power for electric lighting system. A water and irrigation system can be had and all with small cost. Every tent and every house can have these conveniences. For our mutual protection we will keep the general public off and in this way our fishing wijl be pre served and each year with the proper management and care the numbers will increase until it will afford each and every member of the colony with the finest sport on earth To do this I need your assistance and you must have mine. I think I have proven to you my sincerity in this matter without question. As my every word has been for you and you alone to buy this property. You are the only ones that 1 have offered it to. I cannot make you take it or buy it. All 1 can do is to plead your own cause for you, trying in my small way to cause you to see your own best interest. There is not a person in our county but what can purchase one of these tracts and scarcely miss the money. There are 150 of them. I now offer them to you at $150.00 each on tonus of $25.00 down and $10.00 monthly payment plan. No interest charged on deferred or monthly pay ments. These tracts are worth twice to three time3 the amount asked of you for them. They are 40x1 10 feet, all fronting on the streams. A normal valuation at least is $10.00 per foot for them. .Were this prop erty within the same distance from San Francisco or Los Angeles, Calif., or any other large city, you could not purchase for $100 a foot. Is it not worth the. price I ask of you? The response so far is encour aging from my, first offering. I would suggest that you interest your friends that you would like to'have as your adjoining neighbor to get together and go up with me or come to Spring Creek and pick out your tracts together. This can be done while you are there. I would have the surveyor go with us and stake out the tracts on the spot. I have no plat of this property as I do not intend to cut into a townsite. Its description will be de scribed by metes and bounds, etc. It is better to not have it as a townsite. After this sale is closed, if it has been a success, I will then have a plat made of the property showing the lots and the buyers thereof. This safe's proceeds will be every cent used in im proving my property adjoining you. It will be your benefit in every sense. I promise you if this sale is a success, this money is not all that will be expended upon Spring Creek. After my return from the south I will then devote my whole time and means in making Spring Creek one of the most desirable and beautiful places that money and the handiwork of man can do. Call on Mr. T. B. Walters, 020 Main St., Klamath Falls, Phone 27D-W and place your name on this list of buyers and close up your deal. Or see mo when in the Falls, write or call me over" phono, either at Spring Creek or Chiloquin, Ore. The quicker this wile is closed the bettor it will be for you. These tracts cannot last long, and to be slue that you are one of the few fortunates in on this deal I advise early action. You have all the summer be fore you to enioy upon your own plot if purchased now. You will have its complete use for yourself fi om date of purchase. Come on Klamath Falls people, make this your OWN right now. Get your tract, pay $25.00 down and $10.00 per month you have something forever for the sum of $150.00 that you will spend ifi one season on a vacation and then have nothing to show for it afterwards. This sale will clcnc July 10th. After this date no sales will be made of this property, unless for double the prcie now asked. Everyone seems interested in this property, so do not delay in placing your order and getting in first show. There.may be no moie shows if you hesitate too long. I cannot get to see everyone personally and put this before you, I have tried to reach everyone by placing it in our local paper and I would ask you to do your part by calling up, writing or coming to the office, G20 Main St., where you will be given every particular desired upon the subject. R. C. Spink, Owner POSTOFFICJE, CHILOQUIN, OREGON. T. B. WAITERS, SALES AGENT, Office 720 Main St, Klamath Falls, Oregon. MtMgMMgMg AT THE CHURCHES and High. Ror. S. pastor, 727 Pine street. No changes will be made Im this ceiaai uolem the copy U at The Ktealaz Herald office by a o'clock Friday evening. J. Chaney. Phone 87W. Sunday "Ii.icl at U'.On A M. Morning Worship at 11.00 A. M. Kpworth League at 6:30 p. ra. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 7:30 p. nt. , All are cordially Invited to nil the scrtlces at the Methodist Church. The young people can do no better Sacred Heart Churcn. corner 8th tban ,pend an nour wltn tno Leagu-J Iter. Hugh J. Mar and High ttrceta. shall, officiating, Children's mnss 8 o'clock. Adult Mass 10:30. Kvenlng service. 7 o'clock.) The Christian Bclence Society of Klamath Fall holds services at 113 -Fourth street every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday evening at 8. AH are welcome. The subject of lesson for Sunday. from b;30 to 7:30 p. in. each Sun day. First Christian Church Corner Ninth and Pine. C. F. Trimble, pastor, 917 Pine, phone 475. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Sermon, 11 a. rn. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Sermon, 8 p. m. WIN M RULE SON ler, ttio do's solo nav. pupcr, who ror mayor by n tote of "C to 28 I Taxation, It ndds, Im already says In hM paper "It Is thought Four women were elected mcmberji reiehed Its unmoitt liarahln limit tbo novelty of bu!:ir till l!rl (It) on of the city council ovrr lour men mill further burdens woul.T be tanta- 'record to be co :)"! I entirely ny 'candidate !' about the mine rein- mount to confiscation women helped thorn to c'.'curu nuch llvo vote ,a complete victory" 'Ilio idlior Emmanuel Ilantlst. Eletenth and municipality; for a ct'v ndmlnliitra- "God. the Only Caue and Creator.", IIIgn strects. niblo school, 10 a. a.1 Hon -ompod entirely of von.Pi lma The Sunday school session la from Prayer meetng Thursday, 8 p. m.!een sworn Into office ai a result of ';LW,r "Z.0 ?' r " Women'. Home and Foreign Mluloa- the election In May. Team In not a leading library Is open from 2:30 to ry society meets first Thursday of f""n Jn'Jackson's city ImII who wan, himself, a candidate, nc jcepts the results v'thout repining CHEYENNE, Wyo., June C A hul unW tl, w'"n"n surprised vui woman mayor, Mrs. Ornco Miller, themselves tim '". now rules In Jockson, the population I There was no unjs-nl ciimpalKn center of the Jackson's Hole conn- '" n" ",ccInl '" al M:,l(,)' 1Pr try which lone was famous r, met wa therq.,un .unusually heavy vote ('and fiction an the resort of outlaws. Mr8- Mllor defeated Fred Lovejoy cattlo rustlers, horse thieve? .ind other bad,men of the west thitt once was. For What is saltLto he the first BHBMBMBBSBBBSbHHBIBSSMBSSbSI time In the history, there ,1s not n man In the city hall of un-American HAYS ni:u.M..v Wll.l, MIT IMV i.viuai.MTV IIEIU.IN, May l'. (By Mall.) Whatever may be the sfie of the In demnity to be demanded from (!er many by the entente, the newspaper Qcnnanlu says (lermnny cannot pay It. Tlin paper asserted there w.iit dancer that Herman delegates to tho conference at Hpn would li forced to nlgn .undertakings uhlch they knew could not lie carried out, Twenty championship yacht rncos. Including the Upton eup contest, lint scheduled to be sailed at Marble head, Muss,, this summer. each month. Jackson Is a diminutive city with a population of not quit .'inn, I'er- Lutheran. At 11 a. m. there will "al)g " otner section or th- United he divine serviced at Library ha!l.8tn" is bo far isolated from thn George E. Thoiss, pastor of Oraco ralroadi and from ell-ycir trnn .Lutheran church In Kugeno vrlll'Tho noarcst railway station lis 7S 4: SO on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. First Baptist Church, comer Wash ington and Elghta; Sanday school at 10 a. ra. Preaching at 11 a. m. Prayer Eur'f Vedn sday at 8 P. M. preach the sermon en: "The Hock of m"04 way and from N'ovemlior im fSg'vX" Salvation." A cordial welcome to all. " May tho highly to .Mat station work. I Is virtually Impassablo. Surrounded B. Y. P. U. Sunday evening nt by tho high mountning In tho ranijo :30 r a. I The little town of Werda, In the south of Yellowstono National Park. A cordial Invitation Is extended to1 klnetlom of.Dihomey, Is celebrated the resldonts of .Tiu'tfcon make llttlo ui iu nuvuu iiivoc Durviwvs Cfat Prie)ivloTlon Ptttivfth am ai Sixth and Pine streets, ncv. E. P upward of 1Q00 serpents of all sizes. Pho'nrr429?'D'8ter' ' " rd 8trCet'i To P"vent thieves from getting at Morning worship 11 a. m, Rev. the money vaults by the tunneling .Paul Daltx, a missionary from the 'method, tho foundation of Jho strong PhlllDDlne Island will sneak. rn of the Bank of England ex Evening service, 8 p. m. Union tenia lr "Ifty-alx feet below the errfe.4 Rer: Paul Dalt will give ai,ovel ot tne treet. terMBUeoB lecture on his work at MInor ,eaguo u player), oontnuo the Sllllmaa iawtltrte at Ouemagette, t0 Jump tor the nrurlal baseball FfclHaalae Jtlaadf. leagues. The player asy they rer celve more money from the shop league tban (bey do in organised IfeUodWt SBtacotal Caarek, Teatb , baseball. for Its templo of Bcrpcnts, a long or no attempt to tnvel during the i building in which tho priest keep winter nonths It wrs In JackjtiVc Hole that the bed men made "i:lr last stand Sunday seheel at 10 a. against the advancing wave c? clvlll- ration 30 or 40 yenrt ago. Thore they- flocked after stealing cattle or! 1 horses or other robberies or hold-ups and banded thprfelve ,togoth' fur i mutual prelection Today Jacksop. ifvi'f, tin surrend ered to .be femlal'sj.-movemont and md clean aweer ofevory nolo ocekol',er.'jJ'Th' only -explanation thus far given for tin overturn cornea 'from the editor of The Cour- f Moiidale Theatre -- where everybody coes SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 6TH AND 7TH The Picture you have been waiting to tee. The big event in pictures. WILLIAM FARNUM in REX BEACH'S greatest success ' ' THE SPOILERS " The greatest Story ever told on the screen. The Picture that made BILL FARNUM l Also Mack Sennett's Big Comedy " THE FOOLISH AGE " AND PANTAGES VAUDEVILLE SAMUELS & DAVIS in, a complete new act entitled "ME AND MAW" A sure cure for the bluet DORTHY FAY at the Piano in a big Surprise Musical Offering' Continuous Show Sunday Beginning 1 :30 P. M. till 11 P. M. PATRONIZE HOME THEATERS. KEEP KLAMATH MONEY IN ' KLAMATH COUNTY. t t t T r y & I