The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 05, 1920, Image 1

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" .-
-m,fiATfmnAYt JUNK It, 1M
Wj' i s-rr Tfl
ill. MMHiiii Hu. - vww
, Ml." -3e5i!
Fourteenth Year No. 3939
, Price Five Cento
jsri ffijjg ifcitgttmg iigyitlalpHI
by cpna
CHICAGO, J ii no C L'linrMi'H of
Henator Muses, Unit thn Republican I
imtluitnt roinmltleii liuil used "steam
roller" method In ilnclillim catilculM, j
over seating of delegate wero denied
by soveral committeemen ut toiluy'n
Rem la in.
Neither Wooil nor Colonel W. C.
. Proctor, hi mroimlin manager
would support Momi' charge, ac
cording to tlm declaration of II. II,
McCoy, national committeeman from
the Philippine,
Thin U thn flrt tlmr steam roller
talk ha appeared In thn prelim
....- .i... l-.... ii. itn...v.n
contest, eight year's ago. There are'p.per , duo In no ...,M measure to
wrl win. rnnl rllmtn til
aeveral delegate wlio contrinuin in
the lupport of prediction that It '
mmnm in iim a mil ir ill mill. nil"
Many steadying Influence which
uldod tho prellinlimrle four year
ngo are nbeiii umi nmny new eie-
tnents whlrh make, for confusion nro
present, The nmjorlty or the ti-
gate unlnnlrucle.t mid nlthough,
I .....llu .1... .... :tnv ftf
. .. n.,....n.. -- ..
thum nro nnxlou to board soiihi band
wagon, there doe not appear to bn
any to hoard j ti, rplirt estimated that '.'..Hi.-
About tho only IhliiK eerybedy 00O.UO0.U00 feet of limber Is left If
seems agreed on I Hint no candidate tho fulled Hlntes and that there had
I going to be nominated on the first llM.n ,,,, mnrked chungu In the ron".
tiullnt. Iroutrntlon of timber ownership dur-
Till I the last day of the national K ,u, nlt t,. )(.srs.
comniltleu'N dellherntloiii on contest, j Hecretsry .Meredith Indorsed the
In disposing of the remulnlng Oeor- pIWitloii tnkeil hy thu forest service
gla ccnlests, the rommltlre sealed tliut thu fundamental need Is a nu
the Wood delegate from the seventh I tlonul policy of reforestation with
district und thu l.uwdun delegato jenlargeinent of tho national forests
from the tenth district Thn Texas jn a large scale and legislation
contest Involving 33 wile I to be which will rnablu the forest service
taken up uuxt.
l'IIII.AIi:i.l'lllA. June 6 Sen
ator llcle Penrose will not go to thn ,
Chicago convention This unnouncn
inent was jnndit today hy hi phyl
linns, following a conference
1'ndilldtloii lur
CIIICAOO. Juno f.. --Virgil (5 Hln
slinw, chairman of the 'prohibition
party's national committeemen, has
announced his Intention of obtaining
from every Republican candidate for
the presidency a statement concern
ing what stand thu party should take
on prohibition, lie said hu had dis
cussed the subject with General
Leonard Wood,
"(leaiural Wood told mo that pro
hibition had done more for thu army
than any other one thing, but seemed
Inclined to leave thn matter to tho
platform committee," said lllnshaw
lllnshuw haa drawn up two ques
tion for presentation to the Repub
lican presidential candidate, and
aid ho waa going to their hoadquar
Ura to ask an answer In person of
each candldato or hi representative.
The queitlom were:
"Do you believe In the eighteenth
amendment a, Interpreted by the Vol
stead act, which act, a you under
stand, Interprot Intoxicating liquor
to bo anything containing more than
ono-half of one nor cent of alcohol?"
"Do you favor your party adopting
a plank In Its national platform en
dorsing tho eighteenth amendment
nnd It enforcement iih Interpreted hy
tho Volutoad net or some muasuro
equally effective?"
lllnshuw declared hu Intended to
toll tho wholn country what iiimwer
onch cnndldutu inudo to these que
Friends desiring to gazo for tho
last tluiu on tho fuco of ttlio Into
Guorgu T. Ilnldwln may liuvo that
opportunity tomorrow (Sunday)
morning during tho hour lxHweon 11
o'clock und noon wlion tho body wUl
Ho In Htato at Whltlock'a chapal,
Tho funeral servlcos.Nas announc
ed will tako plftco at 2:30 o'clock at
tho Pro.bytorlan church undnr tho
Kuaplces' of tho Masonic lodge. Tho
funornl .ermon will bo dollYorod by
the Rev. K. P, Lawrence.
Over 3,000 girls ,ln leading, cities
la France have Joined the Y. W,
0. A.
WASHINGTON, Juno r. - Tliu
nlxty-Hlxth emigres muled lis
seioiitl session tnilay. adjourn-
llIK Hltlll lllu lit 4 o'llolk. I'llll'S
grnvn uiiiorgeiii-y iirlm-it whlrh
make It uiicisiiry, special
suasion will not ini'i't attain until
Deteiuher B
WASHINGTON. June t,. -Tho .
iiirh r.i.i r th..i...r n.i nnu.,i,.i
. ., . .1 . .. . I
,0rlmutloii of tin forenti of tlm euM.
Meredith Inform"!' thn
k-iiiHk lii trunmnlttlng a report by
tho forem service. (
"Hcarclly of tlmher In ij vastuni
iai(.K is b no menu the inly nnna
of UirU irUl.a.. Hn)(j ,, .rfet.-iry
()ltur -, ln fct, remain Hut
!.. -... . . . . . ... ..
llilvo-nilliM in me origllin I i-iiier ni i
. ,
ij iniiea niuirn is Kon1; huh iii.ii
MII nr lu)nK umK.r tur ,,uu, j
,,,, ,, W(, aru Krowlng It" '
to co-operate effecthely with the
slate In sloping forctl hri'f und
growing timber on stuto and prlwite
MONTUi:AI,, June 5 An ndvance
In the export price of newsprint
paper from $90 u ton to 1110 for thn
three month beginning July 1, to
ho followed by all udvance to SI 30
for tho final three month of I '.CO,
I hon In tho schedule of the Can
adian Kxporl Paper company, Limit
ed, Issued Tuesday. Thu prlco will
lxt Incroused 1 cent a pound July 1,
from CH cunts it pound, mill, on Oc
tober 1 to C V4 rents a pound, mill.
Thu Canadian company controll a
large part of tho export papr out
put of ttvo of thu leading dominion
newsprint, producers, dolug un ex
port business of $26,000,000 yearly.
Telegraph Tabloid I
o- o
Clll(;-i.aO, June 6. PreIdent
Wilson. In a telegram to railroad
brotherhood official today, crltUUed
congro. for falling to tako action
with regard to the high cost of living.
The tolegrara waa In reply to a mes
aagv asking the president to prevent
the adjournment of congress today.
NKW YORK, Juno 6. Two rob
bur ontored Nassau street Jewelry
establishment In the heaviest busl
iiuhh district today, throw pepper In
thu eyes of ouo of thu proprietor,
mid fled with a wallet, mild to contain
$100,000 worth of diamond.
huurliiR thu ensu of 11. R. Green, of
Texns, son of thu Into Hotly Oroon,
thu Houiitu committee In vorttlca tinii
rampalmi uxpense, udjmirned until
July ninth.
WASHINGTON, Juno 5.Atter it
hud buen amended to meet Presldunt
Wllmm'a objoctlona tho hill to outah
Huh u uatlonnl budget Hystom, July 1,
wan ropii88od today by tho liouso and
mint to tho sonuto, Tho presldunt
vutood tho uioaBuro last night.
designed to oxcludo dangerous alien
from tho Uultod Btateg waa pasaod
toduy by tho liouso and sent to the
prosldont. Undor Its terniB member
ship in organisations advocating tho
overthrow ot organised government
or, aabotage, would' be sufficient
ground for the deportatloa or exclu
sion ot alien. 4 '
Two car loiiil of gasoline Hen- re ! w H. Mnion, chairman of tho
ruhuil IiihI nlxlit liy tho Standard Oil civic durational slid social commit
station. J T. Mortell, local manager, 0f tho Klamath county chamber
Maid the supply would be conserved 'of commerce, announced that a pub
to tlm utmost and apportioned c meeting wilt be held at the chain
iimonK tlm essential Industrie. He bur of commerce roonii on Fifth
ilil that until the shortage leini street next Tuesday afternoon at 4
the outlook for gasoline for pleasuro o'clock to coniildor the matter of
cum U not bright and Indicated that 'children' playground,
u drattlc line would be drawn In re-J Members of the committee, cham-
'Kurd to classes of vehicle conitltut-
I1 lug pleasure tar and .other India-
ponslblo for cumuierclal purpose,
"Our tint can will be to upply
farmer and stockmen."
he aald.
"Many ranchers are operating gaso-
llu" -""iPlM Unu1 to roriit "frIOnirml school grounds might be
'" meir milt nu mc mu uu nuiainro uurinn luo suiuuici .-
. , ...,. , ..'. . ... j. Vn... ,
lH-,l LRiQ Ull WClli.tMtlWM Mu-
ii ii,r m.ini ilnnrlvlna the cuttle.
-"- ... -- -
ut water and lunneijuent severe iuf-
ferlnK- . -
"Next, we iiiimt look to the aappty
for farm tractor und for truck -
Mtitlat to lumber and other Indu
trlui. U'u will muke this supply go
us far as It can but there will he no
.... ...... ...... .... i ..,.,.
'IJIIU (if ',.m.m..j v.. . ....,
Industrial anil, commercial use is iup-
Mortell cald that he expected
moiti gnrollne In eight or ten das.( tI'd Modoc ball park has been sug
The two cars cecuhed last night will rested a an afternoon playground
not cover this period but consera-,(0r the boys of the neighborhood on
lion will stretch it us far as possible. . -..j; jayg, and other place are un
Tlm local manager said that aftr ,er consideration,
eight or ten day a more regular sup- j All altet nnd plans, however, aro
pi) waa expected. still In a nebulous itige and no defi
With two or three exception
where one vote tor several candidates
produced a lie, following I a full
list of Republican central committee
men chosen at the recent primary. '
Algoma, Ocorgo Harrisen: Hllde
brund, J. O, Wilgbt; Mt. Lakl. T. N.
Case; Lnngell Volley, W L. Kordney;
Odcll, J Howard; Orlndale, C H De-
Lap; Klamath Lake, Frank Cortade;
Lost Rler. F J Hcwden, Wood
Rlvur, Kd Leaver; Poo Valley, C. L.
Moore; Klamath Kails No. 1, A. L.
Lravlli; No. 6, C. K. Brandenburg;
No. 7, A. L. WIsbard; No. 9, Charlea
W. Thomas.
Many precinct made, no cholco ot
central committeemen. All names
had to be written In.
Democratic voters named commit
teemen in only three county pre
cincts : Wocd River. E. R. Card well;
F. Xumpfe, Malln, and H. P. Thomas,
Klamath Falls No. 6.
i "wiSl!a.VsfcN.
t,er of commerco anil all citizen in-
tereted In the Important subject of
(supplying recreational need for the
.kiddle of Klamath fall are urged
to be present
li ha been suggested that the
UU iUr VUV,fi;BIUUUf l.. M, .uu
nf ih titar tpriil with teeter.
" ,-.-- -..- ,
awing and other Inexpon-
I ve apparatu will be comldered
nn, the employment of a competent
director of the childish nctlvltle
'mut also be given consideration.
Cummunlcatlon with tho stato cbam-
,er of commerce anil P. I.. Campbell,
. ... ... ..... ,,i-...i... r,.
rUSIUril I ill VtiV ii.1. -, w.-
Kon , hored to yelld Result in tho
v.B) oi rciuiiinieuuaiiuu y nu,.i.w
- .... . ...t.t.t
nite negotiation nave been entered
Into regarding any of the grounds or
apparatus arrived. The committee,
however, believe they have reached
a point where they will hare the out
lines .of a program to submit to
Tuesday's meeting and, tbey want all
parents and other Interested in se
curing playgrounds to be on hand to
offer helpful criticism and sugges
Ira Corhln of lrclla and Miss
Nlta Magnes of this, city were mar
ried last evening by Justice X. J.
PORTLAND, June S. Cattle, bogs
and sheep, steady and unchanged;
butter, weak; eggs, buying price, 3(
OREGON--Tonlght and Sunday,
fair In east, probably shower In
weit; cooler tonight.
H..I1U iiiViioaiau
hoard predicted
NBW VOItK, Juno C Joint
distribution cammlltt-e to ration
sucnr to confectioner through
out tho country wll bo formed
here within two weeks, accord
ing to announcement of Armln
Klley, special assistant to At
torney General Palmer.
o o
Coleman O'Loughlln returned last
evening from Uritlsh Columbia and
points In the oast, where he had been
on timber business.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson -left
this morning In their new franklin
car on a trans-continental tour.
which will Include a long visit with
relatives in South Carolina. Mr.
Johnson recently sold the Klamath
Creamery to a local corporation and
Is taking an earned vacation. Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson expect to be gone
for six month or a year.
Dr. C. P. Mason has been called
to Portland by tho sorlou Illness of
his father.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis have
gono to rortiana lor a visit wan
Mrs. Davis' parents. Mr. Davis will
return In about a week whllcMrs.
Davis will make a prolonged stay.
Mrs. F. X. Ashby and granddaugh
ter went to their homo In Weed to
day While in this city thoy wcro
the guests ot G. W. Hrookfleld.
Charles Terry and William Slav.
ens wero passengers on 'tho morning
train to Portland. .
Johnnie Crowley, who has been
visiting hero for tho past two week
returned to his homo In San Fran
cisco this morning.
Mrs. Ilertrude Kent wa a passen
ger on tne morning train io oan
A. L. Meacum returned to his
noma in Jiarsnncia touay.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Scbulx left this
morning to visit friends In Yreka for
about a month.
Mrs. Kd. taChance, who has been
visiting at the home of N. H. Uogue
for the last month, returned to her
home In Portland this morning.
Mrs. K. Kstclle Carrier left this
morning via San Francisco for points
In the, middle west, and to visit rela
tives at Hot Springs, South Dakota,
and Waterloo, lown. Mr. Carrier
intends to return In August via New
Mexico and Los Angeles.
William Smith, who has been vis
iting his brother, George Smith, ot
this city, returned to his homo In Ty
ro, Kansas, this morning.
Mrs. W. A. Clark left this morn
ing to Join her husband in Oak'and.
Mrs. Clark has been visiting her lis
ter. Mrs. E. L. Moore, at Poe Valley.
Mi and Mix. "W E. Venable ind
son, Alma, were passengers on the
morning train to Lodl, Calif., where
they expect to make their home.
Mrs. S. A. Anfenson and son. D. E.
Anfeson. wAo have been visiting
here for the past two weeks, return
ed to their homo In Medford this
Miss Francis Deatty. accompanied
by Miss Faye Hogue, went to Ah
land this afternoon to meet Miss
Doatty'a parents, who aro coming
here from Cottago Qrovo to spend
tho summer. Ed Martin drovo tno
rnrty ovor and will return with them
tomorrow. Mrs. Martin and Mrs.
Caroy Ramsby, who aro onroute to
ABtorla to attend tho convention of
tho Relief Corps, went with tho par
ty to Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shepherd nnd
Mrs. Kalo Shepherd roturned today
from tho funornl ot tho lato Knlo
Shonherd at Ashland. They wcro ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Jnmos
Pelton ot Fort Klamath.
THE HAGUE. May 19, (l)y Mail).
Aa an example ot tho strict vigil
ance ot tho German customs officers
in order to save thoir country from
being drained ot valuablos, tho Han
delablad saya that 7,000,000 marks'
worth' ot diamonds and 600,000
marks have been confiscated at Ben
thelm, the Dutch frontier station,
within the last two weeks. The tra
vellers to Holland are submitted to a
vary dose search. Sometimes oven
tho solos aro ripped from shoos la
ardor to search far .dlsmoada aad
Klamath Falls and Klamath coun
ty Investors will be offered a rare
opportunity next Monday evening,
when the directors for 8choot Dis
trict No. 1 will offer tor sale $37,50
ot the bonds of the district. These
bond draw six per cent Interest and
are subject to the usual exemptions.
No better Investment can be found
than the bonds of this district, far
tbey are backed by money valae
that will always Imure their stabil
ity and safety, as well as the prompt
payment of the Interest. In addition
Is the great moral backing to an In
debtedness of this kind, which u
even of greater value than the finan
cial itrength of the district.
It Is seldom that this opportunity
comes to investors, as It Is the rns- '
torn for tho State Land Board to pur
chaso these bonds. Tho aehiwl
board however, has been advised
that tbo fund for tho purchase ot
bonds are exhausted and no definite
date could bo set when bond buying
would be resumed.
The directors are anxious t have
the construction work on tho Fair
view school start at the earllcit data
possible and Instead of waltlni; until
tho Stato Land Doard will be In a po
sition to buy the bonds, the7 are go
ing to place them at the disposal cm?
tho general public, and thm afford
local Investor a rare opportunity te
buy a security that Is glltedgedV On
account' ( the lack of time extensin
adrerlwiaTg cannot be indulged la
hut those who may he Interested cast"
secure full Information from any C
the directors, or from Miss Id B.
Monvyer, 'clerk of the school bear.
at .the Klamath State Dank.
'.AU-f PV ' ,
One of the most Important meet
ings to take place In Medford this
year will be that ot the executive
committee ot the Cattle and Hore
Raisers association whlrh meet hero
about September 10th:
There will be approximately forty
members ot the association at this '
meeting and they will come 'by auto
thru Klamath county and by way ot
Crater Lake.
In all there are seven hundred
members In the association an! this
meeting In September wilt b? tho
first to be held In Southern Oregon.
Welborn Deeson of Talent snd Ro
land D. Flaherty ot Medford an
members of the executive board ot
this association and U was thru thtlr
efforts that the Hraetilag wassocarosV
In this district.
The Farm Bureaaad tho Medfasd
Chamber ot CoraoMnca will manor
ate in eutertalntrig these cattleman,
and suggestions aro solicited front
the general public as to what shouM
be donn to make their visit here one
which will nlways be remembered hy
them. Medford Mall-Trlhun.
SPOKANE, Wash., Juno 5. Tho
retail price of sugar horo will ad
vnnco to 30 cents n pound within tho
next ten days, it was announced
Tuesday by II, L. Gordon,' u whole
salo grocor ot this city.
Now ndvnnces by tho rellners'arai
responslblo, he said.
While local stores wero still sell
ing sugar for 27 cents today from
old stock, it was announced that
there had been a raise of 13.05 a
hundred pounds and local stores will
be forced to Increase prices accord
lng'ly when the present small supply,
secured at the old price, la exhauaU.
WASHINGTON. Juno 5. Roar
Admiral Albert WlaterhalUr, toss.:'
bar ot tho general tKrd aad tanMr
commandor-la-ealat 'ot tho AalatW
tlost. dlod s4w!y today at Um
aval aoaoHal.Mfa.
Vwkss; 3i