mnxr, mm , im ijq THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rrr" PAQK MX fcAfcA'jfcJttJtT'innrnnri'i"--"ii-" Tr Tir " rriYrinrririrMVinAriAAAJ ju. Western Floral Shop SBHI 1 Iv-t, 1 III IAJVI-; I II KM Wo Know (hat. nnd w know that you will love our flow er too. They nro so ex quisitely beautiful In foYm nnd color, they havo such wonderful fragrance and daintiness, that they would win over tho hardest heart. Our flower shop Is n thing of loauty Just now coma and see It. I IMMAMAMMAMAAMAMMAMMAMMNMVMMMMWWMMMMMWMVVNWWWWWWMWWWMWM "TT-""-- ' I . Lj THIS IS TENTH rONVENTIDNFDR AUSTRIA RKTl'llNH WAK relic to svi:ii:x IT. WOMAN SHOE MUSHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS STwatSatJ?'"' ' tm r. r. DAixrr cokkmatioks ltd, wjalo.k.y. KLAMATH GENERAL HOSPITAL Is located on The Esplanade, sway irom ine nuisi:, sur rounded by one of the most beautiful views in the world. This Hospital is fully equip ped to handle the most diffi cult cases and has a staff of Ehysicians that insure the igh character and effi ciency of the institution. STAFF DR. E. D. JOHNSON ) DR. O. H. MERRYMAK I DR. T. C. CAMPBELL I DR. GEOROE I. WRIGHT . I DR. E. D. LAMB DR. H. D. LLOYD STEWART MOVIES WITH SERMON IV GERMAN CHURCH BERLIN, May 17. (Dy Mall.) Tho first dlrluo service with moving plstures In a German church has Jus; , taken place at the Zwlngll church here, Futures of the Passion were thrown on the screen, and music by Uach was rendered by the church i choir. IUIA7.IL PREPARING TO RECEIVE HKMUAN KING A Classified Aa will tell It. RIO DE JONEIRO, May 10. (Ry I Mall.)' Rrazlf Is making plans t,o entertain the king of the lletgtans I when he makes his projected visit to I this country later In the year. The steamer I'beraba. one of Brazil's bet merchant vessel, will be sent to Antwerp to bring him to Rio. Guanahara pnlice, where tho royal KU-st will he housed during their stjy here, hits been extensively re 1 decorate'd and re-fyrnlshcd. SCREEN DOORS MHWMAMIAMMMMWMAMMMMA Strictly clear Sugar and White Pine, with Genuine Rust-Proof Galvanized Wire, MADE BY THE Weed Lumber Co. These Screen Doors are made in Panel Bot tom for rear doors, and both Open Bottom and Bungalow style for front doors. We purchase the "Weed" Screen Doors in carload lots and can give an attractive price in consequence. At present we have over a carload in stock, and will not increase our price while these last, although there has been a 70 cent ad vance since we bought them. Another advance is expected soon. Big Basin Lumber Company Comer Main and Spring Streets TELEPHONE 107 If "I, wi. htr fi;V- KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. NEW YORK, Juno 4 Forty years ago Miss Helen Vurlek Hmwoll, law yer nnd otic of tho pioneer women Republicans of tho country, attended the Republican national convuntlou with n chaporouu. On June S, Miss Hosuoll, "ho Is vice chairman of the Now York ci unty Republican organ ization and well known ns u humor ous speaker, Mrs. Florence E. S. Knupp, of Syracuse, N V.. and 20 al lot nates iiono of whom havo chap crones, will iittend tho Republican natlounl gathering In Chicago as tho reprvsentatlws of tho women Repub licans of Now York slate. They will go. they say, to participate In he proceedings "In tho Independent spirit which shculd characterize every voter," "This is the tenth national Repub lican comi'iitlon I have attended," declared Miss Iloswell, "but It will be tho first time I have ever occupied "T n1ain ntt.f.nv It... ln, .. mm tt... .- ,..M.u -iub ,w uvjn v.. ,uu hull- ventlon floor. Womcn from all over the United States this time are going to be 'In' and not merely 'at the con vention. More than 25 of us aro delegates and fully 75 aro alter nates." Among tho more prominent women delegates from other nnrts of the country will be Dr, Helen 8. Peabojty. ol Hlnux rails. S. I)., n delegate-lit-Urge, well known as an educator and lawyer. Another delegate It .Mrs. Katherlno ! Edson, of Los Angeles, who was Instrumental In having passed the California welfuro laws protecting women and children. Shu has been a member of the state In dustrial commission of California and was tho first chairman of tho Repub lican women's stato committees In California after women wero enfran chised. Mrs. John Glover South, delegate- at-large from Kentucky. Is chairman of the woman's division of the Re publican national ccmmlttee. She U a cousin of Governor Morrow of Ken tucky and a daughter or the late Frunk O. Ilradley, the frist Repub lican governor Kentucky ever had. Kentucky In selecting Mrs. South as a delegate to the convention aet the pace for other southern states to fol low. Tennessee Immediately elected a delegate-at-large and two women as alternutes-at-large. Mrs. Mnnloy Fosscun, of Minneap olis, has the honor of having been unanimously elected a delegato-at-largo from Minnesota by tho Republi cans of that state. She is head of tho women's Republican organization of Minnesota and has been actively engaged In combating the Non partisan league. .Mrs. Arthur L. Llvermcre, chair man of the Republican women's ox- ccutlve committee of New York, Is an altcrnate-at-large from that state. Sho Is tho founder of the Women's University club of New York and Is the duughter of Senator Henry Wells who was tho treasurer of the Massa chusetts Republican committee for a quarter of a century. VIENNA. May 14. (Ily Mull) Tho's collar worn by (Ins- 'tavus Adulphus, King of S.u'don. when ho was kilted at tho b.ittlo of I .u I zo n In tliUS, has boon presented to tho vicamlanuvtun governments by ' the stato In recognition of charily to 'Austria, The Insignia was taken t from )ils body by milliters of tho Aus trian Guard .mil has been In the Mili tary Museum hero WILL STEAM BOLL NOTICE OF A MEETING Of THE OWNKHM OF LAND IN THE KLAMATH DRAINAGE IIUTTItlUT OI' KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, To the Owners of Land Bltuntn In (tin Klitmnlh Draluago District) of Klmmith County, Oregon; Notice li hereby given that a moot ing of the owners of land situate In tho Kl.imath Draluago District of Klamath County, Oregon, Is called for the purposo of submitting to said laud owners tho question whether or not bonds of tho Klamath Draluago District of Klamnth County, Oregon, to tho extent and In tho amount of $200,000.00 shall bo authorized tor I tlio purposo of constructing tho hoc- osHiirr reclamation works to reclaim. WORMS TO DEATH l,rnln nA llgto tho lands within run' iiuiinunrios ui sum iviamaiii Warren Hunt Hospital A thoroughly minfpped Institution affording unexcelled facilities for tho scientific! treatment by hospital meth ods of medical, surglral nnd obstet rical rases. Tho now and modern fireproof build ing contains private rooms for bod and ambulatory cases, completely equipped examination and treatmont rooms, Roonlgen Ray, clinical an research laboratories, NEW ORLEANS. June 4 The Drnlmigo District; said mooting to bo' staff knl,l 1.. ttin fMiit fnitt !.... I.. 1 held In tho Circuit Court Room In ttm I'finrl HnllflA nff Itlfiniatti f'mltttv. i Pink boll worm, more destruclho to Oregon. In tho City of Klamath FolM. I cotton than tho boll woell. Is to bo 'steamed. 1 Poisoning bm fulled to . kill the Oregon, at the hour of 3 o'clock In tho afternoon of Monday, tho 7th day of June, A D. 1110. tnhl tiinntlnv la rallatl bv nr,1r it pest but It Is expected that steaming Hhe' Hoard of Supervisors of tho will do tho Job and make It possible for oil mills to handle seed from 111' fected territory. The decision was the outcome of a conference here between superin tendents of cotton-seed mills In Louisiana and other places where seed has been purchased from areas known to bo Infected with the worm CUSS OF SUITS CI EJUS I Kluntath Dralnago District. O. II. 1)E LAI'. Secretary of Klamath Drnlnago District May 21-Juns 4 m NOTICE OP ELECTION OF A HOARD OF THREE HUPKHVIH. OHM OF THE MEADOWS DRAIN. AGE DISTRICT OF KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON. WARREN HUNT. M. D. L. L, TRUAX. M. D. GEO. A. MAHSCY. M. D. AND FINE HTtL, KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. TELEPHONE 497 AMBULANCE SERVICE u )our Hark hurts or nisdiler bothers )ou, drink lots of water CHINA TO EXPAND AERIAL SERVICE When your kidneys hurt and your hick feels soro, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach 'with a lot of drugs that excite tho kid neys nnd Irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kldners cloan like you keep your bowels clean, by flush ing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes tho body' urinous waste and stimulate thorn to their normal activity. Tho function of tho kidneys Is to (liter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It S00 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand tho vital Importance of keeping tho kidneys active. Drink tots of water yon can't drink too much; also gat from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each morn ing for a few days and your kldneya will act fine. This famous salts Is made from tho acid of grapos and lemon Juice, coblned with llthla, and has been used for generation to clean srid stimulate clogged kldnoya; also to neutralize the acids In urlno so It no longer Is a aource of Irrita tion, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts It Inexpensive; cannot Injuries; makes a delightful oiferves cont llthla-water drink which every ono should tako now and then to keep their kidneys clean and actlvo. Try this, also keep up tho water drinking, and no doubt you will won der what bocamu of your kidney tro'ublo and backache. TO THE OWNERS OF LAND SIT UATE IN THE MEADOWS DRAIN AGE DISTRICT or KLAMATH COUNTY, OREOON: Notice la hsroby given that n moot ing ot tha owners ot land situate In the Meadows Drainage District of Klamath Coanty, Oregon, Is called .for the rarposm ot electing n Hoard I of thre supervisors as and In the manner provided by law; 'said meet ting to be held In tho County Court room in ins Klamath county Court Houso la the City ot Klamath Falls. Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 8th day of Juno, A D. 1920, at tho hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon on said date. C. R. DE LAI. Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon May 24-Jnno 4 iianisn government scientists urH experimenting with a' view to pro ducing a satisfactory cattle food from soaweed ROBERT S. FRY General, Insurance lnrtmrnt Tel. 87H-J 707 WASHINGTON NT. Klamath Fall., On. For Sale 1 Ford Touring Car 1 Ford Truck 1 Dodge Touring Car Imperial Garage PHONE 130 r i it sv " uoss the word strike terror to your hoart, er Is your property protocted sufficiently by Insurance In a reliable company! In this day of high cost ot matrlal, scarcity of homes, no ono should leave their property un protected. us explain to you the special Insurance system under which we protect )our home In the leading Insurance companies of America James It Drlscoll, Room 4Loomls Ilulldlnc, I'hona 433. PAINTING Klamath-Bcnd Auto Stage A dally auto stage service Is now operating between Klamath rails and llend. Offices Rev cafe and Mat ropolllan Garage. O. I Reckard. I'hnno 276-W. 37-4t Practical I'slntlng, Gliding, llronzlng.l Enameling, Knlsomlning, Wall Paper Cleaning and General Contracting. II. ('. TLTIIILL I Bill HiMcSt. THE USB OF those column make money for you. ALL KINDS of tin anil sheet Iron wiirk, ven tilating Mi warn air keala done at tho HhaaMa Plumbing Shop. No. loaa Mala HL L. N. HAINES Phono MS M MMM MMMMMs 8HANHAI, May3. (By Mall.) General Ting Klnn, director of the Department of Aeronautics of the Chinese government, has outlined a big program of development In aero nautics In China. "Within the noxt year," he assert ed, "air mall routes will be estab lished between Shanghai and Peking and between Peking and Urga and the machines that will supply this service will carry both freight and passengers," Tho government of China last yoar contracted for tho purchaxo of 100 airplanes from a Ilrltlsh concern and 40 of th eso havo boon rocelved. Oth ers will be delivered through the summer. Genoral Ting said a largo number of Chlneso filers uro being trained at Poking and other Chlneso airmen who havo rccoived training abroad will enter tho service. MEDIUMS HAVE RUMANIA "GOING" IIUCHAREST. May X2, (I)yM"l), A wave ot spiritualistic seances Is sweeping over Rumania and soma of tho mediums claim to havo rocelved extraordinary "messages." One re ported that an atempt to comunlcate with the spirit of Julius Caesar had failed because ks was "commanding and governing la Mars and therefore out of'raach."' will What Good is a Dollar ? If largely up to you. It depend on how vou mm-uI it- Use Talue to you of what you get for it oa your ability to find wtMra Utat yaitte ta to be had. Of Morse, It's all right to shop aronnd a bit If yon like, but why not 1st tho other fellow make It oasler for you by doing a llttlo shopping after your dollar by showing you what yon want and whore you can .get tost ot It for your money? It's a groat Idea, onca you get tho hang of It, and hero's how! Right In this paper you'll find dozens ot advortlso'ments offering you merchandise Somo things you'll noed today; some tomorrow; Some next weok or noxt year but the point Is that these merebsnts ara coming to you, looking for your dollar and offering tho best they havo to get It. You'll find that by reading the advortlsomonts consistently today and ovory day, you can Incfoaso the valuo to yourself of ovory dollar you havo to spend. Tho things you sea advortlsod nro almost Invariably us roprcsontod. Tho advortlsors' statoinontH aro usually safer to trust than your own Judgmont. Advor tlsod misrepresentation Is business suicide. 'ki ,Mi READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS AND INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR DOLLAR! jFvvf? . VtWaT-i u-wn T-tw.,,r. A ' ,-t . ' . . . " I ,' , $ .iwwi' vfy.'U'i ., " imb ii -klili jMirf. jilM'J A Menetneeenniptinsiiltw i- . t J 4 j 4 V