The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 04, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Brunswick Phonograph Model 110
kjuk or jmtnuguny;
Records (Your own selection, Brunswick,
ruine, Hjinerson or uxenj iu.uu
Pay $84.00 Down and the
mommy payments oi
Square Deal
I .-1 II I "
The cultivation of the u of the
lift timid il'V lupn certain orennn of
the brnln which otheralee He dor.
uinnt, according to nn l.'mtllnti meij.
I oil kclt-nllat
In the Circuit Court of Oregon, fur
Klamath County.
Jainri K. Ixiper, I'lalutlff,
Mada I.nper, Iefrnilnnt.
To Mada lrfjpvr, Dif nilimt
In the name of the Hlatii of Ore
Ron: You ara hereby required to ap
pear and amwer the complaint tiled
nralnut you In the above entitled
null on or befoto July S, 1!20, that
helnK the expiration of the lv
winkn 'publication of thu aumnioni , u, Arptrln prottd date by inllllonn
prrrlled by thn order fur publlca ullj prtn.rril.Kil by ph) ultima for over
lion thereof, made by the court find i 2o ycum A-cpt onl) an unbroken
If you fall to to nnnwur thn plaintiff . iiUyT pnckaRvt' which contain
will take a decree nKlnt )''pr:per dlr.-ctlona to relieve Utad
illMolvlnR the tiomln of matrimony CM,., Toithnche, Knrach". Neuralsla,
..titdtiir lutlwnrtl nlulllltrf lind VOII.I lt.M.H(l..i f1.l i.n.1 l.ln llnnilv
nnd thnt tbe custody And earn of thcn ,x, f i; luUet cot ftw entx 'dirrci eize one or t
two minor children, Harold and (V. ( )rnpK't, k,lt Rr lurcer "tla)ex,M,rop(irti()naIV prte.
ttnta .oper be awarded to plaintiff pnckHicn ' Anplrln l truili mark ,jB)- nnj ,n(,Ye In tomi
ini iiuiitirniiiin i iimuti i.j ' I
of the Hon. I. V Kukendall. UilKO,,,.Bi, r of Sallclliarld
of the atiove nnmeu rouri, uuiy nmiir
on Mav in IDSO
The date of the first publication
hereof May 51.-IM0.- ,
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address; Klamath Falls, Orecon
May 1H-2S
KiaMATII: lltltlt.'ATlOX UIKTItltT
l hcrcDf 1 M 2l.-J:0.. .
Nnllcn Is hereby cUen that a Bpo-t
clal Klertlon will I-, held In .-ach .il."" "" ' .r. ...-. ...
the. hereinafter named eWtcn Pre- "s n h occupation and
clncls of the Kliimnth Irrigation Ills- (but he had followed It since he win
trltt, In Klnmatli County, Oregon, on1 lnr, .ar 0( Ke,
the 22nd day of June. 1921) The, ' ,
polls shall he opened nt the hour of,
II o'clock In the morning nnd shnllj Mnet cents on the dollar i,t the
remain open until the hour of U Went Knd Orocery Ad
o'clock In the afternoon of snul duy m
Bald elictlon shall l.o l.elil tor lliu
purpose of determining whether or
not n certain supplemental contract
U to tm made by the Kl.uniith Irrita
tion District with the United States
(loertiinent In the inuXiin
.of for supplcm
stmctloi, purpoHvs. wblcl, propoml
hupp emenini r hi ti w ...-.. ..
.s . ....s .. .. 11... I ..1st.
"i0.'.'""" i'in'" ""."".. " "'"." C!
.l,l nf tllrerlfira of the
trlct for thn purpnun of submitting
the snmo to n vote of tho electors nt,
said election
entered upon
i.v a resolution duly
lh iMnute of ialil
the minutes of snld
' That ht said Klecllon.thu ballot
will rontntn thn werds:
"Supplemental Construction Con
tract with tho United Btntes YES."
"Supplemental Construction Con
tract with tho United States NO."
That tho polling places established
for tho purpose of snld cluctlon will
be a follow, to-wlt:
'Precinct No. 1. Klamutb Falls
Altumonl, Polling place. Allainont
Ranch house, situated on tho NW
corner of tho NE', of tho 8EU of
Hoc. 3, Tp. 39 South, Range 9 E.
W. M.
Precinct No. 2. Spring l.ako.
Polling place, McClellnn's Btnro, tiltu-
, nted on tho Southeast corner of tho
HKtt of tho BE",i of Sec. 1, Tp. 40
K. It. 9 12. W. M.
Precinct No. 3. Midland. Polling
plnco, Young's Storv
Precinct No. I, Poe Vnlloy-Olonn.
Pulllm: plaro, Corpciiliig's Storo.
Pieclnct No. C. Merrill. Polling
place, U. S. R. S. cottage, ono mllo
north of town of Merrill.
Precinct No. C, Mulln. Polling
place, Resldcnca oil whnt Ih known iih
tho Prchiinea place, located on tho
Southeast corner of tho North linlt of
tho NE'i of tho NE4 of Suction 16,
Tp. 41 South, Range 12, E. W, M..
being nbout cue mllo Northwett of
thu town of Mnlln, ,
Olvuii by order of tho noard of Dl
rectorH of the Kliimnth Irrigation
District,, at nn adjourned regular
meeting of tba-sald Board, hold Sat
urday tbe 15th day of May, 1920.
Secretary, Klamath Irrigation
District, Klamath County, Oregon,
May 21-28-4-11-18
MM. j
$160.00 ?
balance ill e.vy monthly
Drug Store
-- ' ' -
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Ilayer Taliletn of Anplrln" li Kin-
nayer .Miinuiarui'e ,ionoaiei:raci'
Nluct) cents on the tlullnr at tbe
Wei.1 Klid Urorery Adv.
A unlquH Industry In Fronte Is the
renting of wedding outfits. Not In
frequent!) the clothes of all the par
tlclpnnts In a wedding ure hired for
tbe occasion
A ltufxtnn nrrnlmpil In n Iximlon
. .,. ....- .,.- ....... ,i..., ...
sI'v.mons ron. pi'tiMfAiiov No. 1 1 till
In the rircult Court f the Stnto of
'" ' ori.-nn fur the Counlv of Klatlintll
uiimnioinit("r '". '"rJ"' ' MiSiff, "",,,,, a
mental con I '! rVA. "".V."'.,' .,""."-".. , ' i
"- ; "lIll:'"" ' "' I
IUIIKIU. I'UiV-llltHitl",
, lh , (lf lhn state of Oregon
.. I
To W C. Foster and L. M Lang
I)Ih-iIC'. Defendants
You nrv hurehy required to nppJar
und answer tho complaint filed
wwnst you In the iIiou enttlleil mill.
" " ,,rf"ro ,ul - ,920' ,hnl bolnK
, , , f , ,ir,.crbr, In
the order for publication of this sum
mon. And If you fall so to answer
or appear, for w.nnt thereof, tho
plulntiff will apply to tho Court for
thu relief prayed fcr In bis complaint
on file herein, to-wlt;
Thnt that curtain mortgogo ex
ecuted by the defendant, Emma G
Robinson, on the 31st day, of March,
1914, in favor of the plaintiff for
the sum of 12.800, payable one year
lifter date, with Interest at tho ruto
of 8 per cent, pur annum, covering
the following described real ustnte:
All of section 36, Township 39 South,
Range 10, East of Willamette Meri
dian, Klamath County, Stnto of Ore
gon, bo foreclosed by decree of this
Court; that tho sum of Jt70 ho al
lowed aB n reasonable utturiiey'H fuo
In said foreclosure proceeding, to
gether with rests of suit.
That tho defendants, W. C. Foster S
and L. M. L'iKly hn barred nnd
foreclosed of uvury right, title nnd. J
equity of redemption, or other tutor-
est in said mortgaged property, save,
mu mum.". ..Kin in ii'iiuiu.ii.uii, in
said piomlsex.
Thin RuiniiioiiH Is sorved by publi
cation thereof, In tho Evening Hornld.
a dally nowspapor, printed, published
and of genuru! circulation In Klam
ath County, Orogon, by order of
Honoiablo 1). V. Kuyhondnll, Judge
of tho above ontltled court, made
and filed May -27th, 1920, which said
ordor requires thtit this summons bo
published once a week ,for six con
secutive W6dks, beginning on the 28tli
day of May, 1920.
W. A. WEI8T.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
May 28-4-U-18-25-2-9
DEU'O LIGHT F.lectrlelty for evy
farm T I.. Farthing, Klanjstli
Falls, h presenting J. K. Harnett,
Dealer, Meilfard, Ore 4-4
POit HALE Farm Implement, and
ft (;i,m) of horses; 6 work horses
with hame's. Also IrActlon fofclnn'
Htid plows, CO h. p Kdguwood
Ranch, phone 11F11, lUhn. 4tf
Pasture tor 4400 bond of sheep
Edgnwood Stork Hunch. Water anil
feud In abundance. Ifi'Hi) of Kwan
Lnk Valley Hee Rutin pbone 1IF11
H). ) tank ti nil blow plw niadu nt
1023 Main HI 4-tf
, ,. ; : '
LOST One brown horse, four year
old branded II on left stifle. He-
until fur itif.irt.ioiif.n i! i. iinin.
1 '" 4.C
lBI.CO MOIIT Kli-ctrlclty for iery
fur. -ii T I. Farthing. Klamath
Fall, representing J E. Itarlletl,
llr. Mvdfonl, Ore 4-4
FOIl HAMI Mnxwell tourlna car.1
Iht claim iiieclumlcnl condition I SAN KHANCISCO, June 4. A
J,3'1" '"ken nt once. Inquire KKle minimum wage ayatem haa lcen e
'"0 ""pl" ' tubllnhed for oil women employed In
The OreKon Nursery Company de
elrei, tlf services of u arailo car, io nan.iie,c,lmn,M0I1 announced oday,
rittllilnf It tin if miHa nii.liinli ( w '
- --p.(-.t - (it vi iiim- nuuui.ia
throughout local and adjolnlnr ter
ritory A liberal contract Is offered
Comlltloi.H are unusually faorable
for a Intro and remunerative busi
ness. Write af onnce for details.
Orenco, OreRon,
'... . ...... T7!
A.STI.I Woman wants work as
cook on ranch, with Reed wigea.
Inquire. "0G Main Kt. 4-5
" . , . . . . ., . rr'l
lAtfT Watch fob, black ribbon,
thrie Kold I.s connected; stone In
earhc tst. reward l.ate at Uer-'
aid office L. It I.. 4-9
niMen t mui- t.tMiMiiw rn .u
Falls, representing J ' K 'n'ar.Wt. cu"lf" ,"rr,, ,hroUKh wh,ch "'
farm T I. Fnrthlng, Klamath I f ' luxury poured Into Germany
Denier, M'dfonl, Ore 4-4 letadlng the Import duties. Is now
1 'closed The Ilnter-Alllcd Rblneland
Tl.T not hh-S j eommlkslon hm agreed to enforce
... .... . 1 'the new German ordinance! Impos-
I will furnish all materliO and . .,, i.-,. ,, . ,
build you a tent house lOrfc wlth,,nK fln,H "', l"Ironment for la-
T-ft. walls boarded up 4 ft. matched ' fraction of the regulations on lm
floor and screen door, nil complete port"
ready to occupy for IDii, An) other
wo rooms nt a1
Order one to-
omorrow. Addresi
Inquiries to "Carpenter" care Ken-
ing lleruld
t 4-11
FOR SALE One 12x14 tenj. T
G floor, drop siding. T-A. wall.
. . ..., .... .....a., i... ..
r.iii iiniiiin.Iu'nrL.
(oimi iii.uuun
b.twern 8 a. m. and 3 p. nv' 4C
... . , . .
There will be a special communi-
cation of Klamath l-odge No. 77. A
r a a m . Minuav, June o, iviv. ni i i"i Mm ."" ,
1 00o-clockp.m..forthepurreof,O1j' facp brand
conducting the funeral senlces of n. on uft.jboulder. Heavy with I
our late Ilrother, Senator Geo T .foal. , I
Ilaldwin. I 1 ronn mare colt abou year eld:
All Master Mason, and Knights , J.'" 'colt, ; c u on Ief,
Tcmpkrs nro lequeitcd to aUenl. ntlfle. I
Gi:0. CHASTAIN. W. M And that Unless tho owner or own-
FRANK WARD. K. C ers of safd nnlnials, or other person
. j. or pertns having an Interest there-
'In shall, before tho time of sale stat-
" led below, claim possession of said
LU'MiRY UoltKC.ItK animals and pay all costs and
IRON TO Mi'Ml'id'OW" for the keeping nnd ndter
, ,. .. . ., v tlslng thereof, together with nil fees
I. Ktip. Mnv !.. Mlv tnt1 1 I . . ... ti -,.. .i...
HATH, Hug.. May !.' (Ily Mall.)
' '
-To t 1 n.ii I to quicker work In n
II,,. i i. i.. i.l. .4.
'" ' , , "' " ' " " , 3. V.
...n.",.. ...v.. ......
"""'" " "'""", , "" ".the hour of 3 p,m. on the 5th day
out popular songs and dnnces vlil.o'of jutJfi J90.
tho girls scrub nnd Iron. A mnrktdj j'( s" WILSON, Poundmsster.
dlfferenco In tho amount of wotk paled nt Klamath Falls. Oregon.
dono Is said to bo noticeable, June 2nd, 1920. 4
During this
is the time to haye your Storage Battery taken care of.
Constant use of your Battery to start the motor usinir
t low grade oil soon absorbs its charge. Let us put
your Battery in first class condition.
Prompt Service Our Motto
Batteries Called for and Delivered
The Electric Shop
123 S. 6th St Phone 127
Philadelphia Diamond Grid Storage" Battery
Service Station
Electric Wiring, Supplies, Motors and Appliances
JflMlil.i iii
" I-.U
j Tclsjfraph Tabloids !
VPIIUAII r.lTH inn J. The
treaty of peace' v'lth Hungary wan
signed hr thin afternoon. Tbe
tnaty wltb Hungary waa tho first of
lb treaties framed 1y thrj peace con
ference, to be signed ahead of time.
WAHIIINOTON, June 4. Without
amendment tho donate Judiciary com
mitter today reported" out tbe bouse
joint resolution providing for the re
peal of all war legislation except the
Lever food control bill and tbe trad
lag with the enemy act.
! WAHIIINOTON, June 4. Presl-
lilffit Wilson today appointed a com-
,,.. .,, , , , .,,... ,,,
",l'",,"n of ,nr,,n tn"n ,0 wttl ,be
wage controversy between tbe an-
tbrmltn con) miners and operator!.
The (omrnlmilon'H award In
to. be
made within CO days If possible. Tbe
wiikc flftnrd In to bo retronctlre to
April 1.
iiKrlcultural occupations, Includlnc
"ii. plcklnr of fruit, vegetables and
berrlts. tho mute Industrial welfare
VEItA CKL'Z, June 4. Four new
ciifcn of bubonic plague were dls
rovcred today. Three of tbe victims
were yoldlers llulldlngs on tbe mu-
'nlclpal dock and nearby structures
fcr'' uurncd In an effort to eliminate
,,i i,.,.. ..,-. ... i,.
'"" "'",lbIt crD,,,r" of Inaction.
. . .i
HMIM.S, May 14. (lly Mall.)
"The bole In tho West." tbe popular
name for channels through tbe oc-
, r.,,.. ...., .., ,,, ,, ,.
" "'' -
NMTii'! m ihifmiu taTt.-itsi
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dcrslgned. Poundmaster of the City
" i'al"'n ? v'' . u,' "
the 22nd day of May, 1920, Impound
1 1n the pound of said City the follow-
MD" described animals:
j it: muTei about 3 year old;
co brand visible.
n.iiv -r.i ti,...i'linr(fi fnp the lceentnc nnd nder-l
I,l,.,,.i.i,i i.v 'niinnn,. nr ni,i rliv
prnviucii uy onumincu oi sum vuy
for such c,.'cs. said nnlmnls will be
m,l m auction for cash nt '
The City' Pound. South 2nd St.. f
. , ,,,,,., .. n nM iw Ih. r.,i nnv
FOR SALE- Real' Estate
FOR BALE New and modern four
room PIatered house, with stone
foundation And cabinet kitchen, ut s
special price or iz&oo; termi. In
mediate possession. Chllcote ' 41
Smith, 633 Main, pbone CC. 3-4
We would like to dhow you a lood
Is room boue with half acta of
Kroiind, fine orchard, rood rarden
tract and rood outbulldlnic. It baa
nearly 100 ft. of rlrer frontage, Is
protected from the wind and free
from front. Just the place to keep
down tbe high cott of living. Drive
up the river with tin and look It over.
Chllcote & Smith, C33 Main, phone
CC. 3-4
Knn a A t L- 4 .. uKM. KH 1,
corner of Cth and Orant. I0O8
cash. Call at C0C Orant street. !-&
KOIt BALE Three-roon bouse and
lot, two blocks from Main. Some
furniture! cheap. 1129 Walnut.
' 1-4
FOIl BAMv New modern four targe
room houie. Inquire 403 Michi
gan Ave. 1-C
Shlpplngton property, on pave
ment, Z lot 50x204, witn one nine
room bouse and two 2-room bouse.
Hents year round Fine rental pren-
crty or will make excellent borne.
Phone 45CW. ' 2-C
ALSO 2 lots r,0xl20, on pavement,
planted to potatoes; One building
site. Potatoea will pay price of Iota
this year. If you aro an Investor or
a borne seeker It will pay you to look
tbli property over; terms. Pbone
4 &CW. 2-0
.Lots 393, 394 and 395, block 113,
Mills Addition. Will trade for equity
In Fresno, Calif., Improved or unim
proved. Address J. M. Platts, 1125
T St., Fresno, Calif. . 25-tf
LOTS A few good lota In Hot Spingc
addition. A few left on Shipping
(on pavement bnt going fast. Lota
pf lot between tbe depot and Mill
addition. Prices right, terms 10 per
cent cash, hal. 36 payments. Pbone
W M. Mont'llns, 1303 Main st. 1-tf
FOR SALE MiKelianeoiu
We have Just received a full line
of Aulta typewriter and pencil car
bons; different size and colors but
only one grade tbe best. Also Peau
de Sole SILK tjpewrttcr ribbons for
tbe various machines; fast twice" as
long a tbe ordinary kind. Pioneer
Printing and Stationery Company.
126 Main St., telephone 22W. 3-5
DAY OLD C1I1X season will toon
close Special rates on White Ler
horn. lot of fifty or more, while
they last. Also liarred and White
Rocks. Reds, Huff Orpingtons, An
conas, Minorca. Duff ,and Drown
Leghorns'. 'Enoch Crews, Scabrlght,
Csl. y.,,. 3-i
FOR SALK-Oood team of young
mulcfwell matched and broke. C.
C. Ferris, Uonanxa. 2-6
FOR SALE Late, model Hayncs
fhe-passenger- "Six;" ' excellent
condition; been drlvon very little
and had line care. Can bardly be
told from nerf'cor." Will corry tho
whole family 1f not inert than ten.
Would consider Vmalclr car in trade.
Phono 45W.' - t 2-tf
FOR SALE 1 Ford touring car. 1
Ford truck. 1 Studebaker 5-pas-senger
touring1, t Hupmobile. 1 Chal
mers. Lewis Garage, 423 Sixth St.
, . 1-4
FOR SALE Motor boat' on Upier
lake or will trade for auto. Ad
dress S Herald office. 1-7
FOR SALE or trade, three work
horses. Enquire 917 Pine St.
FOR SALE 2 V, ton truck. Al con
dition. O. K. Blacksmith shop.
Sixth St. 28-tf
U. S. Government tents. Canvass
leather belting, ono blacksmith out
fit, two spark arresters, one com
plete lighting system. Max WeUs,
Cth St., near Ewauna Box Factory.
Special Salo on groceries and
flour. Spot Cnsli Baskot Grocery.
l). I 7s
LOST A check from tho Pelican
Bay Lumber Co., payable to J.
per, for 1132.65. Leavo at First
Statu and Savings Bank, 3-4
LOST On Conger avenue, large
knob from a brass bed. Reward
will be paid for Its return to tbe City
Transfer Co., 616 Main St. 8-tf
LOST About two weeks ago, be
tween Main and North Twelveth,
pair large spectacles. Finder please
call Number 16 Loomls building.
Phone .,4 4, - J-8
A Classified Ad wilt sell It.
, nUBAY," TOMB 4, W
WANTKDAl stenographer, Under
wood operator preferred. Mut k
fast. Apply H. U Shechan, Wkrto
Pelican Hotel. -4
WANT: Hy responsible client? to
rent a bouso of 6 of 8 rooms cloao
in: furnished or unfurnished. J. T.
iagulr. 71? Main Ht. , 3-S
WANTT:C Woman wants-' position
as cook in camp. Room 15 Nevada
Rooming house. , 3-4
WANTED Clean rags, 9 cents per
pound. Pioneer Printing and Sta
tionery Company, 12C Main street.
, 3-4
WANTBD Woman to do washing-.
Ironing and cleaning. Electrical
conveniences. Call 136. Mr. John
SOmca. J-5
4 HORSES WANTED for skidding
logs; good wages. Call Hall Bros.
Langell Valley. 3-G
WAX.TED 2 good live newsboys at
tho Herald oHlce. 2-U
WANTED Orocery salesman.
erts & Wbltmore.
WANTED Roy to deliver paper.
Harry Richardson, 232 Main.
YOUNrt LADY, experienced stenog.
rapher, desires position In Klam
ath Falls. Reference If desired.
Address H. M. W. Herald oflle.
WANTED Position as stationery
engineer In saw mill or lumbar
camp. C. W. Williams. KlamaU
Rooming house, th and Klamath.
lumberman as general superinten
dent or superintendent of yard and
shipping. Am thorough Inspector of
all grades of lumber. Open for July
1st. Address White Pine, Herald of
fice, city. z-10
WANTED A middle aged lady
wishes a position as cook on a
ranch. Enquire Con Curlln ranch.
Merrill route. !
WANTED All kind of scrap Iron.
old bones, rags, rubber nnd all
kinds of metals. Max WelssUttb St..
near Ewauna Box Factory. ' 24-U
WANTED Mas. to drive team o
ranch. Phono 253-J. 17-tf
only by ability and time devoted Is
selling onr tress. Complete, line alt
varieties backing you. writ lor
terms. Start Immediately. ,
427 ' Oregon 'Bldi., Salem,) Otecoa.
Snrlncs Mineral Baths at Dsts
Turner' .ranch, Langeir Valley
- i-u-
CITY GARBAGE When yon wast
garbage removed call 6 2 J.
,' ' i,
Printing, Stationery and stfles
suppliers. Pioneer Printing and Sta
tionery company. 114 Mala St S-tf
PHONR) PEYTON for wood. 1ST
I -
FOR RENT Nicely tarnished room,
pae.ior. two genussten. 72S le-
ond St. !-
World's greatest Clairvoyant and
"'almlst, Phrenologist and Medium.
Born with double veil. ,
Reads your entire life, past, pres-l
ent and future; advises un business
speculations, lovers' quarrels; re- ,
unites'" the separated; when and
whom you will marry; how to wis j
the one you lovo and 'also overcoats i
all enemies; gives secrets bow to coa-
trol or" influence niiy one you lovo or t
meet, Tells full namoa of any ons ,
you card to know. Her advice has ,
saved ml mada thansands. Why ,
not you? As a seer and Interpreter
of blihlen treasures she bos no equal.
See lior at onco. this God-given,
glftud lady. All business confidential.
Dally readings, Including Sunday.
Hours 10 a. r.i. to 8 p. ra. Perma
nently located I. O. O. F. building,
43 1 Mnln St., Klamath Falls. Ore.
havo secured the services of Mr.
Fred Trolson, direct from one of ths
largest shops In San Francisco. Mr.
Trolson Is an export tire vulcanlior
and bps mada a specialty of guaran
teed work. This conforms in every
way' with tho policy of the Klamath
Rubber ft Leather Co., as they hart
built up their repair business strictly
on (that basis. Satisfaction on alt '
work, nay of -tiur repair wrk lict
satisfactory, we do over, free of alt i
chanes. 112C Main at., Klar.u'.lv;
Fails, Ore. " ' J-J
A 'Classified Ad'wlll sell
ror Your thickens wzj!1
Murphey Feed & Seed Stw
u H