'CI? H7WB.4, IMS -"!& s '! IV" p B. J. MVIRAI riD BOCLI .OMf MHor . PaMltfaed dally, except 8unday, by sa Herald Publishing Company ot at Fells, at IIS Fourth Street. Mered at Ihe poatofflee Ml Vails, Ore., 'for transmit reaeyt dumber tra hls'aaablsb relative. When her deception threatens to shatter her own budding romance with the supposedly deaii husband's brother, the, alleged "widow" Is sore ly tried. Hut a delightful surprise straightens matter out. NlKel Har rle Is Miss Clark's leading man, anil a notable cast axlita In making "Widow by l'roay" a screen comedy POTPOURRI lly" MINN HTAII transmission thru Alia .as second-class matter. aaacrlptlon terms by mall to any tea In the United States: year .................. 15.00 month -.. .i.. .... .50 We see by the paper that England get six German battleships Mid 124' submarines. France gets two battle-' ships and 3S submarines. The United States lifts tvto old cutsets as her share of thVpoll of the European at Klam- of the rollicking type for which tht'icgtitlagratlon. Tbnt's a fine lay-out.' little star Is famous. And the funny part of It all Is that t li the English house of commons. WOMEN OF EGYPT (who has decided Just what share Uncle Bant Is to hare. Once more wo say (hut's some luy-out. j I sber of the Associated lYrsa. Tae Associated Tress Is exclusively titled to the use tor republication C kll news dispatches credited to It at not otherwise credited in this tr, and also local news published SLAVES OF MEN All rights ot republication of spe 1 dlspstches herein are also re- i FIUDAY. JUNK 4, IPSO AT THE THEATERS lly this time It's a well known furt lalthuogh John Dull won't admit It) that If Uncle Pain had not roim to the rescue when he did, there would LONDON, May IT. (lly Mall.)--The treatment of women In Egypt Is the darkest phase ot Kgyptllri life, snys 0. N. Uarues, Member of Parli ament, who has recently returned today be no such a country ns Ilrltuln. from a tour of thnt country. They were on their lust lees, and The men In Egpt, said ,Mr,'they were pretty weak lit the knees Hemes, so far as sex relations wero t tbat. when this country saved Ihe concern! d. thought themselves, the ,ay for them. And now John Hull Lords of creation. They could ill-1 bunds over to in two old broken vorce their wives at will, without ,owa cruljers. We Imagine we eun whim or reason, and It was not un-.. j0hn ijui nlcker!ni: un his O, common for a man to have three lve a. he passes the... outlawed wive. "i "In many houses," .1 obsolete wsscls over to us. There wa a time when the United States could have made ntly demamw continued .Mr. inntlior iirni.i-- urrra dm1 Dames. I bnve saw n woman and Wen transferred to the screen. ' Jou can take It from me that the po- nei.li.M K It... . .. kll. ..... .. altlnn nf tti tt-nmnli In Wvnl I4 slui . '.., .A.. .. ..... ..... i.ni,.t.ir .. ,.i. n'.t .in... she wanted to on England and had It UTUl'l fUIUtir TilIU .fW 1 Urk iuf -." - rvtawwus muu wv7J'X7..ii- t Atiw.rnrt. i thi. iniMi fnrrfnv vAJencr. They ftinit their IIvm In ml-1 Itrantcd too .... 0 ..-, ... ..,. ...,., '"n " -- - -- -- - i aide for Marguerite Clark, the daln-lerablc hovels; In working In the ad ty Paramount-Artcraft favorite, and i Joining fields, or In getting water, will be shown -at the' Star Theatre "They are the serfs of the men and as much beasts of burden as the Hut it's a horse of u different color now. The wurs owr. The Dutchmen are beaten. And John Hull, with characterise farslghtcd !, I feathering his own nest, and Catherine 'donkey and the camel. A people making his position doubly film version which uses women folk In that way I tor the next conflagration. i Clark wlh are d'ttlncd to be a subject race ewr get the Idea Into your h and do not deserve to govern.' Friday and Saturday, Originally -a. play by Ckteholm Cushlng. the t aaJd. to. furnish Miss ef the mo'it charming light com- die In which. she has yet appeared.! m has the role of a wideawake' Joe Beckett, the English heavy jam bachelor girl masquerading weight champion. Is coming to .which we bad better recognlre, and ma a widow 'In order to collect a leg- America In quest ot bouts. With the recognlre at once. cy for a chum whose husband Is re-.exception of Jimmy Wilde, none of I secure Don't head that 'the slow stubborn Englishman Is a fool he Is not. There Is a shrewd- !nesa under his cloak ot slmpleness aerted missing In France and who Is John Bull's present crop of boxers kertlf too proud to 'secure the has shown much class on this side. ftp! its Helped Build Our Business Do you think if s right to save money? The, only thorn In the fleh of Eng land today Is Uncle Sam. We do not like t? b- a culkmlty howler, nor do we want to cry FIltE when there Is . . .... i.MU .. SO lire. OUI ai ine Fame uui- m i more money thts country can put Into t warship, and the quicker she can build them the safer we will be. ,There Is no greuler preventative of iwar. than to bo In such a position that any other power or powers wl.l think twice before they attack us. ss1SssSssxSsisVsVxlsts I West End Cash Grocery Look and Heed These Money Saving Bargains 90c ON THE Dollar flOc Beginning Monday, Juno 7, thu West End Groeeiy 00c J)0c will sell for two weeks or until Saturday night, 90c 90c June .19 our entire stock at 90 Cents On the Dollar 90c 90c with a few exceptions of contract goods. 90c 90c This is the greatest saving sale of groceries held in 90c 90c Klamath Falls. Do not miss this opportunity to 90c 90c reduce the High Cost of Living every ninety 90c 90c cents takes a dollars worth of food. . . 90c 90c Positively no goods charged at these cut prices. .90c MM J. V ,.JM J1 fit. .-' ' Swift & Company's business has been built up partly by selling capital stock for cash and partly by thrifty saving, putting some of .our earnings each year back into the business to increase facilities for production. Jhat is what most all of us seek .to do save part of our earnings for future usefulness, i It is the way American indus tries have been built up. It means -the least drain on the financial resources of the country. For the past twenty-iour years Swift & Company has .made an average profit from all sources of 11.3 per cent on investment (capi tri r.r?'i surplus), and 2.3 cents on each dollar of sales a fraction of a cent per pound. Out of this we have paid dividends and saved' something to help us keep pace with a growing country. Swift & Company, U. & A. Some time ajto. Lone Star was ermine over from Knelsnd, and was In conversation with an Englishman 'lof note In the smoklnK room of the vessel. The conersutlon turned to 'the altitude of England towards this I country. "Why." shouted this Eng lishman very Indignantly. "If occa slon ever demanded it, we would come oer to America and wipe you uy the map." I'erhaps the reply we .myutfrblri-was a llttlo caustic, but we J ius.t' simply couldn't help It. "What! again:" we naked blm. West End Cash Grocery WATCH FOR PRICES EACH MONTH rfSsWsakkSskSNsssSsSNstMMMNAs of the supposed alcohol Into his hand and lasted it. One taste was suffi cient. Undoubtedly there had been alcohol In that keg some time or other .but this stuff wouldn't eten burn. On taking the Btulf to the hospital and toting It cut. It' reg istered Juft exactly 1 per cent alco hol, and S9 per cent wuter. Ninety rents on the dollar ut the Wet End Grocery. Adv. lly u simple rule the length of thn dny and night, and time of the year I may be ascertained by simply i!:Ule ' ling the time of the sun's rising, which will give the length of the night, and doubling the time of net ting will g ve the ter.gth of the day. A Claulllrd Ad will sell It. " I . I . I r . We have no particular love for William Itanrinlnh Hearst, but at the "samo time to give honor where honor'"11 brains trying to is due. we certainly take off our hat to him on his, stand of "keep your eyw.on IJrltaln.'" Hearst has every reas:n to bate the Itrltlsh empire His papers have been barred all oer I'Jit.Uut at the samo time It takes a man like that to show us a few things about the Ilritlsh empire, lie would leave no stone unturned to hand hack to IJrltaln a fw of the slaps they have handed blm, so Ufa pay atten tion to some of bis statements. There's some truth In them after all. We might get one of those old oCsoIete. German ships up on the Upper Lake' It would be quite an attraction. That is, of course, provided that tbey hoM together long enough to cross the herring pond. ' We notlfe that the Jew and the Arab are having a hard tussle for the 'Holy Land. The Arab might just as 'well hack down. It won't he long till the Jew v.-1 1 1 have It all anyhow. And now Mr. Koblnxm is racking find out Just a here the real dope went to, Tbe funny part of It all Is, that Itoblnson offered the v. hole keg to C'ull.iglinn, the'S. I', agent, who refused It, stat in c ttiat lie didn't want uny of the Junk at all, telling ItoMni- to throw It away. . Now, what puzzles tbe. Lone Ktnr Is how any man with a name like Cal lughan, tould refuse alcohol at any, Uclnd, even If it were only 1 per cent, i I Hut the Irish pull some funny ones' at that. For Instance three Irish-1 men and an Italian nere working to- gether digging n ditch. The fore-1 man walked up to Tat Murphy who was taking his tme about digging that dit'eh, and, pointing to the Ital ian said: "I'at, that Italian over there is doing twice as much work as you are." "Vis,"- replied Pat. "I've been telling tbe damned fool dugo that all day, and shtlll he won't (Ult It." K Can You Beat This? 20 PER CENT Off All of which reminds us of another Irish story we heurd not long ago, FrnnV Ft Ttnliln.nn nt I tin U'nrrrn Unil HO. to keen VCU all In ITOOll - - " -" " -- -j Hunt hospital pharmacy, ordered a humor, we push It on to you. A priest barrel of, alcohol last week. WIienw walking up the street whun ho in. cnlP'I Mr. 'OToolo coming out of a "Why: O'Toolo," said tho priest, "coming out of a saloon again?" "Why shiiro yor rlyorlnco," lepllvd OToolo, "I can't shtay in thlm all tho tolrno." the'. Iiooze arrived, Mr. Itoblnson, oniP'' teolni a holo nbsut a (juarter of an,f,a'"on Inch' In-diameter. In the1 top of tho iliariot, Immediately smellnd a rat. I Tty)ing up the keg, ho poured some Nlnuty cents on the dollar at the West' End Grocery. r Adv. HII'H WANTKW Ulds w'll be received until C p. m. Saturday, June t, 1020, for the cfra' crate' work for tbe foundation fo. tbe Sacred Heart Academy. IMans and specifications rony bo seen at the office of,,. P.JIelde. architect, Odd Fellow building. All nids should bo addressed to postoflic box 427. marked "Bids for Foundation." Bldi must be made on ba.U of price Mr yard. Right .Is rewved to re Jacr any or all bids. -or to accent nth- r'tnan tbe lowest bid submitfd. By order of (he tralldlnfe committee. M JOHN DREHH A story Is told of Wilson Wlloy, our deputy assistant district attorney. Not long ago Wiley wait arguing a case In tbe court of appeals with gieat earnestness. In his cause be stated a point which' the Judge ruled out. "Well," returned Wiley, "Jf It please the court, If I am wrong In this;' I hav naother point' that is equally as conclusive." ' . , This Is all for today. k t i A Claasl k k d" a (led Ad'wlll eJIJt., -ON MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE By KAHN TAILORING CO., of Indianapolis, or A. E. ANDERSON & CO., of Chicago kuu . JmP I rli JjliiL Tljl m EHRi sSSSar AND GUARANTEED CORRECT IN FIT, WORK MANSHIP AND STYLE,, AS WELL AS MATE RIAL. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH ME FOR THAT SUIT YOU WANT TO WEAR ON FOURTH OF JULY. HURRY IT WILL PAY YOU JOE P0SPIS1L i V 4 AT BRADLEY-EVANS SHOE STORE , 727 Main St :?.i ii